Golf Players

Srixon Tour Tech Van Visit | Martin Chuck | Tour Striker Golf Academy

I had a great time at the Genesis at Riviera. I’m sponsored by Srixon now and I had a chance to talk w Rob in the Srixon Tech Van. Great fun and I hope you enjoy the video.

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let’s go inside the Srixon tour Tech van
and interview Rob who’s in charge of
program Robert yes sir Martin Chuck good
to see great to be with you pleasure
tourist St your nation I’m in the
strickson equipment Tech van yes yeah
it’s on tour we are right beside the
11th hole at Riviera right now on a
Tuesday no uh no people out here just
tour players yeah I mean they’re not
even having Spectators for the proam
this week believe that or not
unbelievable yeah so it’s very quiet
very quain 70 players super cut to 50
amazing $20 million purse I know
cha-ching yes what did we do wrong I
don’t know I didn’t see this in career
day you know when I talked to my
counselor but I did say I wanted to be a
professional golfer and I did play
professional golf for a few years I just
wasn’t this good right but I had a good
time but tour Nation I’m super excited I
just signed on with strickson for two
years two years super pumped here’s the
funny thing I’ve already played their
irons I’m on my second set of strion
irons anyway I wore out a s a set of
747s like literally warm out loved them
they’re fantastic and now we got the 7
x7s um so just kind of talk me through a
day in the life of a tour Tech guy so I
mean we’ll we’ll get here on Monday and
look at the field list right and then
figure out who what players we have in
the field we stock up the players with
balls hats and gloves right and then
kind of wait for emergencies after that
so just whatever they need we’re here to
take care of anything that can be built
in the office we can do here on site we
bet this trailer’s fully stocked with
irons wedges drivers Fairway woods and
hybrids and utility irons and every
shaft known to man so what’s the give me
a panic give me a panic situation um hii
no hii Panda takes care of hii so we’re
kind of out of that Loop Panda get over
here bud come here so come here come on
in so come here the biggest Panic that
we get takes care of Hideki this guy
right here Master’s Champion takes care
of his equipment thank you
buddy so a panic situation would be when
we get a phone call on Monday morning
that their luggage didn’t show up in
their golf clubs so we have everything
in the computer with their specs yeah
and we just start building another set
and have everything ready for them from
Iron wedges to whatever’s in the bag and
have them ready to go and probably an
hour and a half that’s unbelievable
that’s fantastic so give me um okay your
most uh I know Mike we’s a good buddy
mine right super anal about his specs
what’s your most uh guy who gets in here
and checks specs every week Keegan
Bradley Keegan every week I’ll get a
text message that says hey
Rob and where are you what’s up you know
and then I’ll come in if I’m if I’m in
the I’ll say hey I’m in the trailer or
I’m on the Range and I come in and his
clubs are lined up perfectly okay and
that’s just part of his maintenance to
just know that everything is set right
um and in his prep for the week
just he just says hey I know my seven
iron this is my loft I feel good I can
hear it’s normally I mean I’ll check him
I surprised I hadn’t heard from him this
morning yeah yeah um just come in run Li
and lofu and then give him peace of mind
that everything’s set and ready to go
and that’s just part of his prep for the
week and we do we’re we’re pretty good
about I’ve got with the players in the
caddies over the years and every two to
three weeks everybody brings stuff in as
many balls as these guys hit Turf
conditions change every week right we
just want to make sure that’s one
variable that they don’t have to worry
about you don’t want to have a seven
iron into the last hole to make the cut
win the tournament it’ be off a half a
degree and a half a degree to these guys
is a big deal yeah yeah if it’s you know
more Loft it’s not going to go as far A
little too high a little too SP a little
too strong they send it yes exactly and
we just want to make sure everything is
set for these guys how about tour suger
Nation how often should uh the amiter
change his grips I would say before
every golf season how about your buddy
slap how should he he he doesn’t he he
changes his grips more than he should
does he yeah he’s got a good buddy part
of the tourist organ slap you know you
change your grips a lot apparently
you’re a little bit of a psychotic
golfer but I love you you’re my people
and that’s why the tourist organ Nation
we have a good time at the golf school
cuz golfers are fun man oh yeah no doubt
we’re all little nuts I always say put
your hand up if you suck at golf
everybody does because we all do whether
you’re a scratch you’re a tour player
and you can ask these guys out here and
they’ll probably raise their hand too
amen that’s the beauty of the game so a
couple technical questions this is um
walk me through this so
to okay um so we’ll put some rack glue
in there and change the weight in the
bottom of the sole yeah to match the
weight that he has this is for Ryan Fox
we’ll match the weight that’s in his
head okay and then we’ll weight it up to
um 202 G using the rat glue machine over
in the back corner so Ryan Fox if you
haven’t T your nation if you haven’t
seen this dude go follow him I love how
unique his golf swing is he’s got this I
couldn’t coach that swing by the way if
he came up and said Martin I want to
take a l he’s from New Zealand right y
you know I’d be like because it’s like
one of those unique events that gets
back to impact amazing and the guy’s a
bear and I’m amaz these faces don’t cave
in because I’ve seen it happens a lot
with him you know I mean we he has
tremendous ball speed just hits the
center of the face every time it’s it’s
beautiful I mean you can say what you
want about his go it’s very unorthodox
to the tour standard or whatever but the
guy doesn’t miss it a shot and even
better he’s just a great guy yeah no I
I’ve never met him but it’s like I
watched this G like that’s uh so there’s
ways obviously tourist oration a lot of
you come to golf you learn you know
maybe at some time your kids are out of
the house you want to play some golf I
get my hands on you we teach you to get
good hands set up with a you know basic
fundamentals now there’s a lot of
latitude like this dude’s got a grip on
there that I call it the motorcycle grip
but man he gets the club face on the
ball like a boss and Thunders it well
I’m thinking he’s good
for I’m going to go one win and uh a
playoff loss and a close second in a
major my call this would not surprise me
that’s my call this year I’m going one
that’s what I’m saying he’s going to be
in the hunt in a
major maybe doesn’t pull it off we’ll
see hopefully he gets a little good
bounce when we get some good luck so
you’re going you’re getting a little
in-depth adding some weight to this club
head so talk to me about like a three
like a three-wood seems like one of
those clubs of Tour player in a hybrid
kind of you know at my level it’s a
little bit man it’s hard to get that
three-wood with the right spin spin and
launch are key I mean you can find it’s
it’s funny you always find the wood
that’s a heater or you find once you
find one you’re it’s in the bag that’s
usually the longest club that we see
that keep people stay that stays in the
bag and I mean they’ll beat it up until
it caves in or breaks or whatever but I
mean Andrew putam who’s in the field
this week he played one of our Cleveland
Classics and he still does it’s a
Cleveland Classic DST and I think it was
from like 12 or 13 years ago we got in
the trailer one day and got on eBay and
started we found a couple ordered them
both isn’t that crazy CU he just that’s
his three-wood and I mean like you’re
saying once you find one you’re sticking
with it I know and it’s it’s uh and for
the tour oration out there that’s why
you know Life’s too short to play golf
with clubs that don’t suit you and so
take the time you know like at my range
the r and we have the true spec guys and
they fit you and they they’re big fans
of all the strickson gear and then
obviously strickson reps are nationwide
now you got to get take time okay take a
good afternoon go meet your local rep
you don’t have to make a purchas
decision right away but get in some hits
see what kind of feels nice listen for
the sound ask what the spin numbers are
for your physicality I’m not very fast
anymore my record for the 100 met Dash
80 M I almost made it no but seriously
like if your speed like I’m like a in my
Heyday maybe 115 now I’m like 104 105
guy and so I can’t I can’t spin it the
way I used to and nor but on the driver
you know what I mean too much spin can
rob you a distance and on 3-wood and the
hybrids as well so it’s like you want a
good fit somebody who’s got some
experience ston people are amazing at it
you’ll get some insights on how to best
manage every part of your game I mean
it’s I mean the irons obviously speak
for themselves now I know there’s a lot
of excitement about this driver right
now everybody’s telling me you know you
got the low spins this isn’t the ls
model he doesn’t play the ls he doesn’t
need it he’s very spin deficient exactly
he’s got yeah so spin for those of you
that are if you’re wondering about it so
some if a golfer if a golf club travels
in here he got 10° Al on here if it’s
traveling level at the strike that 10°
based on the spe is going to provide a
spin on the ball based on where impact
happens let’s call it dead center now if
you’re exacerbating spin by hitting down
on the ball that adds additional
friction and that’s something that with
your coach maybe you can mitigate some
of that downward strike now if you have
somebody that’s level or I’m going to
say like Ryan’s probably up a few
degrees that up event actually takes
would create Top Spin if all things
being equal if this was flat but it’s
not flat it’s got 10° of Loft on it so
that hit up and then you add the Loft
you start to get this spin Loft
situation where you’re actually taking
spin off so in Ryan Fox’s case you know
he doesn’t need a low spin driver some
of your low handicappers might and I’m a
I’m a guy I’m not I’m not able to kind
of get into that position maybe it’s my
back here’s a hockey who knows what but
I need like a low spin driver to
optimize for me right you know so and
most I mean the average player truth be
told they need something that spends
more right keep keep it in the air get
their distance I mean but everybody
wants everybody thinks they’re Tour
player and they’re not fortunately no
and here’s what I love about CX on irons
is that you’re not when I send people to
get a fitting I say please don’t buy the
iron that goes the absolute farthest go
buy the set of irons that give you you
the best carry numbers that are reliable
absolutely you know what I mean like no
100% I hate one somebody shows up on my
on my l t I won’t mention the
manufacturers and the eight iron’s a
cannon and the seven iron is like not
playable for them and the six and five
they may as well leave in the garage
because they don’t have the right launch
and spin through the set and then I got
to give you guys credit like you guys
have created irons that people can
whether it’s a tour player or just
Saturday afternoon guy can go play and
get the right launch the right spin
obviously you got to get a shaft match
up for your physicality but you know and
that I mean that’s key and that’s that’s
where you want to make sure you go to a
good fitter somebody that is very
reputable that’s going to be honest with
you and take the time to do it the right
way yeah so quick history on Srixon give
me the when was it
founded golly give me the general
probably I mean I want to say probably
looking around 30 at least 30 years sum
Toma rber company right originally
originally okay so tires and just
massive manufacturing Somebody Loved
golf obviously to make the investment in
a golf made a slian golf balls over the
years for a bunch of different people
you guys got a great golf ball trust by
tour players and then so how did the
whole um Cleveland brick on Union come
to pass that was probably I’m going to I
should know this but I think it’s 16
years ago 16 years ago good enough for
the nation they just want to rough there
we’re not playing Tri Pursuit we merged
the Cleveland ston brand and then you
know been doing it doing it every since
I mean you’ll see more of the focus on
Cleveland side on the wedges and the
putters and the short game area Srixon
is the premium brand for the irons and
the driver and the Fairway Woods awesome
awesome and then the other piece is Zio
Zio so Zio I fit some I you know some of
my some of my clients that are a little
bit older lighter gear super hot face
the stuff almost swings itself it’s
beautiful stuff it is a huge Advantage
for guys like my age that lose H loss
spin I mean and you’re I’m not but I
mean I’m I’m I’m getting there where I’m
about ready to order a whole set of ziio
but it just the average player guys in
their 50s and 60s and 70s that have lost
speed that are still good players I mean
I’ve seen cases where in demo days that
we’ve changed guys life it’s like God I
can hit seven or 55 yards again now I’m
hitting 125 so if it does launch the
ball up in the air it spins it more and
it carries further that’s funny the trp
guys have a big bag of zxo stuff right
there at the range you know what I mean
so it’s really nice see just a really
bad I’m like come here for a second I
pop this thing in their hands hit when
they’re like yeah you know what I mean
lighter see I see it all the time at
home at the club yeah that’s fantastic
so obviously I like this this is cool
this is cute I like how you got the
drill press with the golf balls on it of
course Rick’s on branded golf balls
absolutely um what’s so walking through
the equipment line Loft machine this is
for when Keegan Bradley gives you a hard
time I guess no that’s for stamping
wedges so okay that’s fine um obviously
you’re going to cut some shafts in here
you’re going to rough up some rough up
some shafts with the epoxy sticks what
other little goodies in here that uh the
nation needs to know about this the
basics right just the basics I mean our
ruler we’ve got set right here measure
everything what’s the stock length right
now most guys play um pretty much
standard we got some guy on the driver
45 pretty much our standard on tour I
mean guys go shorter Ryan’s shorter and
some guys go a quarter inch longer yeah
I mean the usj set a Max that’s just
right 48 right yeah no it’s less than
that is it really yeah it’s under 46 oh
it is yes oh I didn’t know that I should
get get with the program so um but most
of our guys are you know nothing is
funny nothing that the general public
can’t get right the tour players get too
so I mean it’s not nothing is special
out here it’s just how it’s built and
how it’s prepped for that person yeah
yeah yeah no totally get it totally get
it well I’ll tell you what I’ve uh nice
spending some time with you thanks for
having me in here I know the tourer
nation we’re going to enjoy just kind of
a little walk inside of a tourtech van
because they don’t get to do this this
pretty cool and we’re at Riviera by the
way pretty special place a lot of great
golf has been played here Hogan’s alley
I call it Mike Weir’s alley so tourist
tion Martin Chuck signing off from the
Srixon tour Tech band hope you guys have
a great day


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