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Cam Smith forgets to pay his debts after golf ‘pantsing’: In the Sheds | NRL on Nine

Cameron Smith enters the Melbourne Storm sheds after their Round 7 win over the Sydney Roosters. Subscribe 👉 NRL News👉

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well here I am in the winning sheds guys
the winning Melbourne storm sheds I’ve
got Alec McDonald and Joey Chan boys let
me get in the middle here let me get in
middle tell us about that one MAA how is
that for a victory uh yeah not bad a bit
messy um the lungs are hurting but uh
all right good playing in the rock with
the room roomies
y there we go boys uh
Joey been very good this year mate
coming off the bench most part but um
provided some impact tonight a pretty
formidable forward pack yeah it was um
it was good a lot of help with the room
as well like he was telling me where to
go it was good to have like big NS with
me heaps of confidence on that um but
yeah they’ll just they tough man like as
you saw they’ll crack they cracked the
last minute so it was it was good you
you boys are you’re making a bit of a
knack this year about fighting back and
winning these close victories what is it
about your training that get you ready
for games like these I think someone
asked me this earlier in the week it’s
it’s like we don’t for say like Practice
coming back but like I guess if you’re
relentless on every play as You’ know at
the end of the game’s just as important
as the first place so there’s not no no
pressure and having guys like camer J
Hughes I no pressure so yeah just do
what we always do what about moner
though how many times do you want to get
Sid seriously now tell us about tell us
about that 10 minutes when moner was off
the field and what it was like trying to
get through that and and you kept the
rooster scorers in that period D I don’t
I don’t really remember I was too cooked
I was I was hands on the knees trying to
find some coins on the ground somewhere
but now it was good um Josh King really
stepped up and spoke spoke to us like
you know let let’s ear it um and big one
is Chase the feeling I think we chased
it you know and yeah it was good it was
good all right roomies um enjoy the
night who makes the who makes the cup of
tea tonight when you get back to hotel
not tonight
sa all right good luck boys thanks all
right uh let’s make our way over here
Welsh welshi weli I got to grab you mate
sorry excuse me excuse me everyone got
the uh the big big front rower the uh
the man that’s famously called the
Jong uh man tell us tell see the people
need to know us White Front rowers we’re
a Dying Breed MH you know those big
Pacific Islanders have taking all our
jobs you know if I was born 10 years
later I won’t have a job so me you
grateful but um yeah the right a not too
gone always grateful mate tell us about
that Clash tonight always uh big one
coming up against the likes of Lindsay
Collins and and Jared yeah I um yeah
lindsy Collins is probably the best
front run in the game and then uh you
look at har Graves and Jesse
bromage they they’re in my experience my
10 years in the NRL they’re the
generational front rowers they’re The
Pick of the bunch and it’s a real I love
playing against him not when he fogs me
off the ball like that but he’s a really
nice guy after the game and um he’s one
of those guys you’d love to play with
but um it’s always a good contest going
against and it was a great win what is
it about the contest between storm and
roosters obviously played in some big
games over the years but you’ve got the
wood over him now I think I think that
maybe 5 years in a row that you’ve been
able to have a victory in Sydney yeah I
don’t know to be honest um we’ve lost
also lost some Grand finals to him
though so yeah
we one arm Cooper
Jesus but yeah no they’re they’re a
classy club and they got quality all
over so um yeah really really stug to
get that one
a little bit scrubby with the foot here
but he’s working really hard defensively
you did I thought you did a great job
tonight on particularly Joseph Manu
Teddy had plenty of touches but didn’t
threaten you as much as he’s done in in
the past would have done plenty of work
on him this week yeah like you just look
at manu’s game last week incredible so
we know he likes coming back in through
the rock there and challenging the
middle and we um yeah I thought we did a
pretty good job on their back five they
pretty star started you know backline
for the roers so um yeah pretty that and
just a quick one you you love your golf
how’s your golf going at the moment very
good um I don’t know how the Smiths deal
with debts as we discussed you owe me a
carton from golf you and thirston you
know you’re on one point whatever me and
monster take your cash and origin and
you don’t pay up we gave in absolute
paning and that’s the last origin care
I’ve been a part of I reckon you say wel
out yeah get rid of him get rid of him
be back this year cuz I’m not there well
you might get your spot back cuz I’m not
there this year oh I don’t know about
that righto back to you
guys thanks cam thanks Christian good
chat stay with us more to come K
Thursday night knockoff right after the
break this year NRL on9 is your One-Stop
shop for all footage that’s right Freddy
not about the highlights Action 7 days a
week billing G podcast get them on your
drive on the way home IM moral Behavior
grab a sit on the couch for that and of
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  1. Sydneysiders truly are a weird bunch. Bellamy rolling with the punches, while Robinson always crying about the refereeing.

    Cam Smith back in the Storm change room. Simply awesome. Compare him to the square head Paul Gallen and the old c*nt Phil Gould and there is no comparison.

    Kinda reminds me of the relationship between Springfield (Melbourne) vs Shelbyville ($hitney). 😂🤣

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