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FSU Football | Spring Practice Observations | Kam Davis, Offensive/Defensive Line | Warchant TV #FSU

FSU Football | Spring Practice Observations | Kam Davis, Offensive/Defensive Line | Warchant TV #FSU

Jeff Cameron and Ira Schoffel share their spring practice observations

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others on the FSU beat have been saying
that Grady Kelly has been looking good
what do you guys think well I I’ve said
two things I’ve said one do not think
because he’s big and white from out west
or whatever that he’s Braden Fisk that
that is GNA be the uh the comparison
people want to make and I said he’s not
brayon Fisk and that’s not a knock on
Grady Kelly because Bradon Fisk has an
outside chance of going at the end of
the first round so let’s not it’s not
his fault um I doubt that he does but he
shot up the draft boards because of how
well he played at the end of the year
all of his individual workouts and all
the stuff he did at the Senior Bowl and
it it’s it he’s certainly going to go in
the second round so if Grady Kelly is
not a late first second round pick it’s
not that doesn’t mean he can’t play and
really contribute and I don’t think
he’ll be Braden Fisk he’s a huge body
he’s got a massive trunk he’s Gonna Fill
space and be in the rotation and that’s
important is he going to dominate games
no not in my
opinion yeah I I think he’s he’s a nice
player for sure um and I think he’s you
know he’s got some quickness about him
uh especially for a good-sized kid and
uh you know I like say he’s got a high
Jeff um on the field yeah but uh no I
like him a lot I think what’s cool is
Odell loves him uh I think it was Aon
interviewed Odell at the coach’s
luncheon and then we talked to Odell
again afterwards and I think he was
asking about him again but he loves him
I mean he just you know loves the way he
comes to work uh me I’ve spent a little
more time than usual because the way
they’ve done practices and and you know
this but I’m explaining to the audience
um the way they’ve because the
construction that’s going on in the
football facility they’re splitting up
practices to some of it’s inside and
some of it’s outside and I’ve spent a
lot more time inside than I have outside
where you guys have watched the the
one-on ones and all the stuff outside
and so I’ve gotten to see Odell work a
lot with the defensive lineman defensive
ends and tackles on some of their pass
rushing moves just you know running
through dummies and that kind of stuff
and Odell man it is a trip watching him
Coach cuz he uh first of all he he he
told one player the other day that uh he
doesn’t want to see him open his mouth
again because he he was tired of the kid
complaining about whatever it was that
Odell was telling him to do it’s like in
Florida State we don’t do that then he
also he’ll will make guys come back it’s
funny like one of the things in modern
coaching is so much of it is done
there’s very little teaching done at the
time so these days in college football a
lot of times the coaches will the
they’ve been taught the drill they’ve
been taught the skill before in a
walkthrough or in a meeting then they do
it in practice and if they make a
mistake a lot of the coaches teach it
off the film so they’ll go back in the
film room that night they’ll show them
hey this is what you did wrong and then
they need to apply it at the next
practice Odell is old school man if they
if they run a drill wrong he’s making
them go back and if they run it G again
he’s making them go back again and I
think he likes Grady Kelly because when
he’s telling him what to do Grady Kelly
picks it up really quickly and apply it
and uh so I think he’s he’s going to be
a big part of what they do but I agree
with you I don’t think I would not say
he’s going to be um the guy that changes
games I think you’re hoping that that’s
gonna be farmer and Daryl Jackson that
will be farmer and Daryl Jackson I don’t
see any reason why it wouldn’t be and if
Daryl Jackson’s gonna continue to play
like this and be as focused as he is now
and locked in he’s in great shape he’s
going to be a bear for people to Brock
blck I see a lot of comments about lions
uh in in the chat here and he’s been
good in this camp and I like him anyhow
I’ve always thought he was going to
emerge as a pretty good player and he’s
already done some things uh so I I I do
like him um I think Lions will continue
to progress they’ve got rotational
pieces you can never have enough of that
size and talent and experience at the
defensive line position I think that’s
why IR I are kind of saying like if a
guy’s out there and he’s done it and
he’s had a lot of experience and you
need one more guy and you can get him
and he you know he’s excited about maybe
coming to Florida State I think that
might be an area that they would pull
the trigger on I’m gonna I’m going to
guess that that it is but like you said
you know see you’re talking about Kelly
and durjay probably the second team
maybe KJ Samson D Daniel Lions is
probably third team or or KJ or Daniel
Lions second team and dur third so I
mean you got six guys so again I don’t
want to present it as there’s a concern
there but you know it I don’t think it
would be a bad thing if if one came
available H do you think that Cam Davis
could have a higher ceiling this year
than kaziah Holmes sure he could
uh you know I I won’t say that he will
but he could I you guys know when I saw
Cam Davis I don’t break down a lot of
high school tape it’s not my thing it’s
not my cup of tea I’ll let others do
that but the first time I ever saw his
film and he’s playing quarterback but
when you watched him you kind of going
oh I mean that is really really Elite
balance and he’s too big and strong to
be in high school that was criminal what
those poor kids had to try to tackle uh
I would have I would have been
frightened and he look good in Camp so I
said today on the show Ira let me see if
you agree with this since we’re talking
running back for a
second I I I’m very aware that when I
say that this might be a more productive
passing game people think I am taking
shots at Jordan and I’m not and when I
say it maybe a PO more productive
running game this year people think I’m
taking shots at Trey Benson and I’m not
what I am saying is that I think they
have a greater depth of talent at
running back this year than they had
last and they’re all different kind of
guys they’ve got Speeders they’ve got
size and bruisers and you know they got
pass catchers out of the back field
they’ve got everything that you could
want in terms of balance they can play
it any way you want to play it we got
between the tackle guys and guys that
catch the edge and are gone yeah so I
think that they have more versatility at
running back than Mike’s ever had and I
don’t really think it’s that
close yeah I I don’t I think you’re
right i’ have to you know I didn’t watch
a ton of Memphis all of his time as
Memphis and I know he had a bunch of
guys that turn into backs yeah in the
NFL but a lot of them didn’t even play
running back in in college like they
were receivers or whatever so I so I’m
I’m I’m inclined to believe you I I have
a hard time believing he had more depth
and versatility than he has right now
and talent than he has right now um this
group’s impressive and and I’ll tell you
what like the combination of this group
being very very good and this offensive
line being much better which I think man
everybody I talk to around the program
seems to be really confident this
offensive line going to be a lot better
it sounds like people are really excited
about what armella is doing at guard I
think there’s a lot of excitement about
the young tackles um and the health of
some guys who maybe weren’t healthy last
year so there’s a lot of excitement
about that offensive line in that
backfield is going to be really good so
and then you got a big armed quarterback
and speed receiver which maybe he’ll
back off some of the underneath coverage
so yeah man I think there there’s a
chance of running game could be really
good back to the question about Cam
Davis I I think there is a chance that
that’s accurate not in about him maybe
being a higher ceiling than than um K
kaziah Holmes just because and I like
kaziah he’s a solid back but Cam’s done
some stuff I didn’t know he had quite as
much wiggle as he has and I tweeted a
video I don’t know if Ben can find it he
may not be able to find it um we tweet I
tweeted a video from the warchant
account last week of Cam shake and Blake
Nicholson in in a drill it’s just one
drill and it happens man everybody gets
beat yeah on in practice but it’s pretty
impressive impressive man it’s it’s it
it is a sudden um horizontal jump it’s
it’s it’s impressive for a guy that size
because the size is what you know
obviously leaps out at you but he’s got
some really nice moves as well um yeah
I’m real high on Cam Davis I I didn’t
know what kind of role he would have
this year because of all the experience
they have and and talent but I think
he’s gonna be a real factor I do too and
I think that it’s also true that it’s
entirely possible you lose a couple of
guys at running back yeah I wonder it
it’s a crowded room but I really don’t
know I thought because I’ve thought
about that as a mental exercise I don’t
really know if
anybody if it makes sense for any of
them we we’ll see but I don’t know that
there’s an obvious there are times where
there’s an obvious okay that’s gonna be
the guy I think man it would be almost
weird for for just about anybody in that
room I mean we could go through them but
I just don’t I don’t know that there’s
an obvious answer for somebody to leave
really is buyers taking step with
regards to consistency or still
maddening at times I’ll let you go first
I’ll say this I mean I think that you
know Al I liked what Alex Atkins was
saying before the spring and basically
he was really confident that this would
be a big jump for him year two in the
system and the Comfort level and all
those things and Jeremiah Byers is
awesome in a lot of ways I mean he’s
very athletic very ath and he’s uh a
great teammate you see the video they
put out with Jaylen Lucas you see him
running on the field celebrating he’s
all in um I still sometimes in one-on
ones in some of the pass protection
stuff I’m still not like okay this guy
is a stud you know um so I think he’s
going to be challenged by some of those
younger guys and um you know we’ll see
how it plays out over these next couple
weeks but um I don’t I I haven’t seen
what I was hoping to see necessarily um
it’s not like he’s been bad I didn’t
think he was bad last year but he he is
not he’s not been dominant I that I’ve
seen uh I agree with you and by the way
if you’re want to get excited about a
couple guys on the offensive line would
you agree I agree that arela has had a
good camp right yeah and I’m excited
about arela sliding him inside at guard
I think he’s got a chance to continue to
grow and do some things there and then I
love Otto you know I love Otto I bring
him up he I love him that kid and that
you talked about Lucas having a frame ‘s
another one man those two guys may end
up being bookends for multiple years I
mean they’re studs and uh I like yeah I
like them a lot and uh and then you you
know again you’ve got some other options
so it it it’ll uh back to buyers I mean
I think it’s it’s he you you just want
to see him you’d like to see some
dominant reps you know and I and I
haven’t I just still haven’t seen a
whole lot of dominant


  1. i wanna see lucas simmons get in there with the rotation, but also it will be good to see johnathan daniels get there in the summer

  2. Why do some fans take it as because some things might work better this year it's a dig at anyone from last year? Jordan used to lock onto the big 2 (WR) at times and miss open guys. We have all seen it. I love the guy tho! And Tre used to run too upright or sideways instead of North and South sometimes. Improvement is ok.

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