Golf Players

An Interview with PGA Tour Golfer, Robby Shelton. RBC Heritage Preview

Christian, Charles, and Matthew sit down with Former Alabama Golfer and current PGA Tour Golfer, Robby Shelton. to discuss his golf game, the PGA Tour, and his experience at Alabama as a member of the Golf Team. Additionally, the guys preview the RBC Heritage.

Mulligans & Milkshakes:
Christian Sykes:
Matthew Travis:
Charles Branch:
Crimson Crossover:

Song: Tokyo Music Walker – Way Home
License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)
Music powered by BreakingCopyright:

hey guys welcome back to the second
episode of The Mulligans and milkshakes
podcast uh presented by I guess you
would say crimson crossover as we are
Crimson crossover I’m joined as always
by by Matthew Travis and Charles Branch
how you guys doing today doing well we
have some some Masters to discuss we
have a good interview and a bunch of
stuff yeah we’re definitely full swing
into the golf season uh all the
Signature Events and the majors coming
up so uh very very exciting time for
golf fans including that the weather is
getting better so more people should be
able to get out and and play some rounds
now too yeah and we’ll we’ll dive into
maybe some weekend golf that some some
folks participated in and obviously the
the first major of the year the Masters
where you saw Scotty sheffler win his
second Masters in two years um we’ll
dive into that uh after the interview
with uh PGA golfer Robbie Shelton former
Alabama golfer um super thankful for
Robbie to be able to jump on here and
and just talk uh his golf game and maybe
his experience at Alabama and on the PGA
tour thus far so uh we’ll we’ll get back
right back with you guys after after
this interview
we’re pleased to be joined by former
Alabama golfer and current PGA
professional Robbie Shelton on the
podcast today Robie how you doing I’m
doing good I’m excited to be on
appreciate you guys we appreciate you
being our first official guest on the
the muggins and milkshakes podcast I
guess I really I should probably start
it off and say for please Robbie Shelton
step into the
mic heck yeah I’m excited I uh I’m
honored to be the first how’s your uh
how’s your your game right now uh what
how’s the season been for
you um it’s been good I I’ve been making
cuts um just haven’t really put the put
the weekend rounds together I uh you
know I’m three out of four rounds are
solid and I just have one round that’s
kind of getting away from me so um if I
can just capitalize on that and keep
continuing I my swing feels good I’ve
been rolling it great um just hit a few
more Fairways and I think it would be
it’ a great great
year yeah the last one you played in the
Valero looks like you had had a pretty
solid tournament but like you said three
out of the four and just couldn’t put it
together how are you trying to build on
that is um I believe you said you were
playing in the Zurich and have a couple
other tournaments coming up yeah for
sure uh yeah Valero that’s one of my
favorites I uh Saturday at blew hard
shot four over so um moved out of the
top I think I was top 15 or so but um
just moving forward just um having two
weeks off is nice you know I’m at home
right now and I’ve gotten to work on my
game which is tough to do on the road so
um just excited excited about the next
three events you know a team event to
start it off is always fun and um you
know I like that golf course as well so
um I’m very excited about the next three
events if I remember correctly
Bolero is where you currently have the
shot of the PGA Tour year I guess with
your Albatross is that right oh that was
valpar I was down in Tampa the V
tournaments got me confused tell tell us
about tell us about that shot and what
that was like oh man um honestly it was
on it was on Sunday and I was three over
into I guess that’s
14 yeah it’s 14 it’s a part five um you
know hit a good drive off the te and you
can’t really it’s really hard to go for
that hole um you know in two and um I
got one around the corner and the second
shot’s very blind and you know we picked
a Target on the uh on the grand stands
behind the green and um you know I
thought I hit a great shot and I
actually had to hit over some fans and
their reaction you know it kind of I
realized it went in you know just by
their reaction and um it was pretty cool
because you know my caddy high five me
and everything but after seeing the
replay um you know it banged the stick
pretty hard I didn’t I didn’t realize it
hit the you know hit the pin that hard
um but it was 258 it was a hybrid you
know downwind off the right and uh just
got very lucky for it to hit the
flag what shots like that how do you
kind of stay levelheaded and because we
saw Bryson finish off on uh what was it
Friday with or Saturday with the the
hole out from the middle of the Fairway
at Augusta but how do you stay
levelheaded after making an albatross
and kind of try and keep that momentum
as you go the rest of the round because
you still had five holes to go after
that shot yeah for sure I uh yeah it was
tough honestly I you know I made that to
get back to even and um I was pumped
because I you know I climb back up in
the top 20 and your next TOS a part
three and like you said it was tough to
stay calm and take my deep breaths but
um cuz the next door I went flag hunting
again and it cost me I shortsighted
myself and made bogey but um and you
know I try to learn every every single
week every single shot so just got to
learn from it and um you know just calm
down I guess after a shot like
that would you say that that was your uh
Best Shot or favorite shot of your
career so
far uh yeah for sure I mean just a to
actually flush one you know and it just
go right where you want it to go um it’s
pretty pretty cool because in golf you
know that never really
happens so uh you you’ve obviously
played a lot of PGA Tour events what
what’s your favorite course that you’ve
played thus far um and what maybe what’s
one that you haven’t been able to play
that you’re you’re really hoping to
either this season or coming
Seasons um I’d say my
favorite uh
you I love the Wells Fargo I know it’s
elevated now um but that’s one of my
favorite courses um but you know I’ve
just always wanted to play the Masters
that that’s my goal just to get into the
Masters um hopefully by next year um but
that’s that’s the end goal for me for
sure you mentioned the wells Christian
and I are both from Charlotte I’ve
played qu a couple times myself it’s one
of my favorite courses as well and I I’m
looking forward to the uh what is it the
US Open going back to Pinehurst which
will be uh pretty neat another one in
North Carolina but what does that do for
you when you go to your favorite events
like you mentioned the Wells Fargo the
you mention you like the Zurich every
year the team format how how do you how
does that maybe change your preparation
going into a course that either fits
your game more or that you just like in
general yeah I think it’s um it’s almost
just like a a calming thing you know
you’re going to an event that you like
and you know the course fits you um so
it’s kind of just you’re you free
yourself up I guess a little bit you
know um you know when I go to an event
that I don’t like it’s just it’s hard to
get in the right mindset um you know I
try to but it’s always you know just a
little more difficult so um yeah just
going to those those events I like you
know just really it hones on my ball
striking really and as long as I putt
well usually it’s good
week so we talked about last week um
with the Masters and obviously uh lwig I
think it’s auberg I think that’s how you
say his name um something like that
something like that I’m not I’m not very
good with pronunciation I’m gonna tell
you that right now so I try the best I
can but he finished his second at austa
at his first time playing my question to
you is for for you specifically like how
how many times do you have to play a
course to be comfortable enough to say
like okay I understand this course like
could you could you go out to a course
without knowing it or an event without
knowing it maybe not a gusta level but
just a course you haven’t played before
and feel like you’re com comfortable
enough with that course to be able to
you know shoot well or do you have to
play it in a couple of a couple of
events so like the Wells Fargo would you
have to play that two or three times to
feel comfortable or like is one
tournament good enough for you
um I think one is fine honestly um you
know when you show up and you you kind
of know the courses that fit your fit
your ey so when you show up you know um
if it’s a good one or not but it all
boils down to you know just how you’re
hitting it that that week or you know
how you’re how you’re swinging it
basically um even if you love a course
you can’t be scrapping it around you
know so um yeah that’s I played with
ludvig um at Tory this year and I think
he finished night I played with him on
Sunday but he was pretty impressive um
he’s definitely one of the better better
players out there as you can see um but
he he was fun to
watch and then um Nick Dunlap obviously
from Alabama as well he wins as an
amateur out on the PGA tour what what
are your general thoughts about that
obviously being another Alabama guy um
being able to just go out what what type
of preparation had again being from
Alabama has coach Sewell and the other
guys from the Alabama program really
like instilled in you guys to be able to
perform so successfully on PGA
Tour yeah um yeah I guess you can see it
through you know Davis Riley Wilson Furs
out there Lee Hodes Trey Trey monx um
you got me you got bud colie um Nick
Dunlap so you know there’s a lot of
studs coming out Alabama um for sure but
I think I’ve known Nick for for a few
years he lives or he plays a lot here at
Greystone in Birmingham and um he has
been very mature for his age you know he
he’s always played with older people you
know older guys and you know he’s always
been one of us and you don’t realize how
young he is so um to see him come out
and win was not not very shocking
honestly he just hits it too good and
puts it good but you know having um but
having been around you
know I guess the older guys and coach
seawell and everything um you know it
just made it that much easier for him
but he’s impressive kid honestly
um and I’ve seen him out there a few
times he’s already had a couple more top
10 I think and um he’s gonna have a a
long career for
sure going off that do you the practice
rounds do you play with any of the
Alabama guys or is there kind of some
maybe somewhat of a Brotherhood or
anything of that nature on the tour when
you guys are playing the same
events yeah we try to um it’s kind of
hard you know Tuesday is kind of the
only day we have to to play with each
other and you know a lot of times it
just doesn’t work out but we try to
stick together you know I play with uh I
play with Lee AES a good bit and Davis
Riley um I feel like that’s those are
the two guys I’ve played with the most
um if it works out we try to play
together and you know at least once a
week and then the last question I have
and I will send it back to Charles is um
again we’re Alabama grads ourselves um
and this podcast is focused on Alabama
obviously with the with the emphasis on
the PGA tour as well but Alabama’s
playing in the SEC Championship or SEC
tournament this week I don’t really know
what you call it Championship SEC
tournament I’m not really sure um ex go
through your your experience at Alabama
going through the SEC going through NCAA
um with the different type of match play
stroke play that they have um in both of
these tournaments um how do you guys
prepare or how did you prepare for that
and then um just overall how was that
entire experience just playing in the
SEC um for
Alabama um um yeah it was you know it
was the time of the year that we looked
forward to um sec’s for me was always I
mean it’s always it NC Island Georgia
and um you know it’s for for us it was a
four- day stroke play event um it
changed I guess a couple years later to
stroke and match um kind of like in
caa’s but uh for us it was a four- day
stroke play event and you know coach sea
would always take us down to ke Dunes um
in gol Shores and you know we play play
a few rounds there as a team just
because it kind of mimicked the you know
the Sea Island wind and um you know a
lot of water and stuff like that so um
you know Coach T did did his part that
way you he always made us prepare in the
the right way um
so taking us down there the week before
was huge and um you know just just
always loved going to se Island as well
um you know just to get to to play on
that golf course you know there’s a PJ
Tour event there so I was always excited
to play that event and my freshman year
I played really
well um I think I finished third but you
know after that you go straight to NCAA
and it’s a it’s a long week you know you
play a lot of golf um including practice
rounds and two days a stroke and then if
you make it through you have
you know two or three days of match play
so it’s a long week and you just have to
mentally prepare um but nothing really
nothing really changed you just have to
get into it mentally and you know just
hope you get your competitor down
early so I know your first Victory on
the corn fairy tour is also accompanied
by a great story of former Alabama
running back San Stacy being there to
support you I was wondering if you could
tell that story uh for us for those who
have never heard about that that story
from your first of corn fairy tour win
yeah it was um it was pretty cool you
know back in I guess it was
2019 um we’re in
Nashville and I believe I had a four
shot lead going into the final day um
and just you know I was nervous I uh I
started out I bogied my first four holes
and lost the lead uh and
then I believe it was
on five or six San Stacy shows up out of
nowhere um I didn’t really know he was
there I could I could feel his presence
and kind of see him you know from afar
but I didn’t you know I didn’t really
know who he was honestly I knew knew of
him but just for him to show up was so
odd and um you know after that that
rough start you know he was he’s very
religious and he was praying and you
know just doing everything he was
walking with my family praying with him
and um you know we get to I think he
stayed for maybe nine or 10 holes but um
as soon as he got there I don’t know why
but I just started making birdies and I
think I got it back to to even on the
day but I remember you know just
chipping in on nine and looking over and
he’s jumping up and down
screaming uh it was just so funny
because I didn’t even know the guy and
he was over there in my family just
jumping him down screaming and um he did
his part uh you know praying for me and
everything and he just hugged everybody
said all right I’ve done my part I’ll
see you later um and that was you know
he left on like 13 or 14 or something
like that and you know got it back to
even for the day and went into the
playoff with Scotty and got lucky enough
to beat him but uh yeah that was it was
a crazy first win because I’ve I’ve been
in that situation before and I think
having him there just feeling his
presence you know that it really did
help yeah I don’t I don’t want to
embellish the story on all at all but I
feel like I remember your family telling
me too that when whenever you got to
where you were chipping on the ninth
hole Saran actually said he’s about to
chip it in and then you go on and Chip
it in and that was just
awesome and you mentioned too you know
at the end beating Scotty sheffler in
the playoff to win that tournament you
know Scotty obviously had a a good week
last week winning the Masters again
what’s that like for you as somebody
who’s competed against you know and and
there’s other guys that have come up
through the corn fairy tour to that are
obviously in the PGA but just giving you
confidence that look you can beat these
guys on on any given day in any given
tournament when they’re also out there
Majors yeah uh for sure I you know I’ve
known Scotty since I we’ve been playing
junior golf together since we were
probably seven or eight and we’ve got my
mom has you know pictures of us together
just it’s so funny she sends them to me
all the time and tells me you can beat
this guy you’ve been playing with him
since you were seven or eight so um it’s
neat to see you know to see one of your
friends growing up uh become number one
in the world and be this dominant uh you
know I know I can play with them it’s
just a it’s a matter of you know just
getting comfortable enough out there um
and knowing I can you know compete on a
daily basis you know I I feel like I get
my hot streaks and you know I I play
well at certain times but just learning
throughout the years just learning how
to to be more consistent and you know
just try to try to stay up there with
them I guess for for a long long
time there’s a there was a story that I
saw I think either it was on Twitter or
uh PGA Channel had something where um on
the corn fairy tours Scotty needed an up
and down to um to I think get his status
or something to the PGA Tour or you know
keep it within a certain range I’m not
entirely I I can’t remember the exact
story but they were talking about how
thin the line is as far as the PGA is
concerned about whether or not like you
make it or you don’t make it how how
have you kind of experienced that and I
think for for you you’ve been kind of on
on the right side of the line at least
um as far as staying within the PGA Tour
but um how how thin is that line just as
a PGA Tour player um and and maybe what
what has your experience been with
that yeah it’s um you know it’s there’s
so many golfers nowadays it’s it’s so
hard to you know to compete at such a
high level with thousands of golfers
that are really good um but yeah Scotty
I think I saw that video where he
chipped it you had to get up and down
the last hole to keep or to get corn
fairy stack you know just to have some
events to get into and you saw his
reaction it was he was fist pumping and
you know his high five and his caddy
because that’s a big deal I mean just to
that jump from just getting corn fairy
starts um just
really let you know that you know you
have made it and you can you can go
after your dream uh
and but yeah I’ve been you know my first
year out I turned Pro and I missed I
missed C school for for corn fairy so I
had to go to Canada and play on the
Mackenzie tour for three months and you
I played well up there and got some corn
fairy starts but it took me two years
you know to get to feel comfortable
enough out there to play you know to
make it through and make it to the PJ
tour but um it’s always it’s a fine line
I have so many buddies that are so good
at golf and they can beat me any day of
the week but they just haven’t quite
made it and you’ve got to have people
helping you and um you know just have a
team I guess and that’s the hardest part
is just to have people who believe in
you and and and just you believeing in
yourself to make it um but I think that
the the mental part is probably what
separates a lot of the
guys so obviously I I don’t want to take
one of Charles’s questions but obviously
our podcast name is molans and
milkshakes for obvious reasons with uh
the tradition from JC well
so that being said what is your favorite
milkshake flavor and what what is the
tradition kind of blossomed
into um gosh I’d say cookies and cream
you know if they have it that’s my go-to
um that was always fun you
know coach El was always a you know you
have to reward yourself after after a
great day and um even on on the PJ tour
he’ll text me and say you won the day go
get you a milkshake so um you know it’s
cool to to have that kind of mentality
you know you got to reward yourself at
times I think it’s that’s a great great
way to wrap it up and you definitely
deserve a milkshake after having to deal
with the three of us but well I can’t
tell you enough how much we appreciate
you you joining us and sharing your
insights as far as you know your playing
and just the different tours we’re all
very excited for you we’ll be cheering
you on at dererk and other events the
rest of this year and hopefully getting
you back on after a championship or two
at some point this year as well so best
of luck to you and really appreciate
your time Robbie yeah I appreciate it
guys thanks for having me thank
you we want to thank uh Robbie for
joining us and good luck to him at the
zerk championship in a couple of weeks
um let’s let’s get into the the the news
of the week I guess is what you will
call it that the master Championship the
first uh the first the major of the year
um obviously again I think we said it
already Scotty Sheffer wins his second
green jacket in in three years um but I
think we I think the best place for us
to start is the Alabama golfers
which for those of you who keep track of
our uh our Twitter account and um where
we post daily updates um neither of the
or none of the three golfers that we had
in our fantasy lineups for Alabama ended
up making the cut uh notably the
I think the the biggest story out of all
of it um is Matthew Travis’s golfer
Justin Thomas who unfortunately went
from even par to plus seven in the
matter of four holes uh Matthew what
what are your thoughts on on your golfer
Thomas I mean thankfully none of us got
negative points for uh for our three
Alabama golfers missing the cut so it
didn’t negatively impact us but I mean
that was just
no offense to Justin but that was a
meltdown of historic proportions I mean
he he birdied 13 and then was even going
into 15 and then finished seven over I
hadn’t seen anything like that I thought
maybe he has a chance to get to uh get
to the top 20 get me some double points
in a h signature event and it went the
exact opposite way and didn’t get any
but just I mean I I haven’t seen
anything like that just nothing was
going his way and then it seemed like it
just unraveled and he was just couldn’t
get out of his own head and he makes one
of those putts he hits one of those a
one approach shot a little bit better
and he was one off the cut line all
three Alabama golfers were one off the
cut line but to go from even to seven
over in a stretch of four holes after
birdieing two holes earlier is just
that’s never going to be any good for
you and it just completely killed its
weekend after a decent round on a decent
round on Thursday and then it just all
unraveled from 15 to 18 on Friday and I
mean he was playing well before that
like I don’t know what flip what switch
flipped I I know I think he went in the
water um on 15 and then it kind of just
derailed from there he went in the water
on 15 and I think he went in the water
on 16 as well like backtack water balls
and after that it just derailed um and
then I remember on 18 because I was
watching I was like man I really hope he
makes the cut um he shanked a ball
directly into the woods and I’m like
what is happening right now I just he
just wanted to get out of there at that
point yeah yeah Charles what were your
thoughts on uh your Alabama golfer Nick
Dunlap who uh playing in his first
Masters and and we were talking a little
bit before the podcast like yes he
finished seven over through two days but
I personally don’t think that I know
while Justin finished seven over that’s
not the the same thing as Nick Dunlap
finishing seven over what are your
thoughts on uh Nick’s Nick’s round uh
Nick’s two rounds in the in Masters Nick
was 10 over with 11 holes to play with
in his second round and so him I think
batt battling back to to get to seven
over and he had a it’s a long putt but
he had a a putt for Birdie on 18 um he
he did doubled seven to put him at 10
over and I know seven was the toughest
hole on Friday but immediately follows
up with two birdies you know Birdie on
the par five eth and but then also
getting a birdie on the par five Par
Four ninth and and just trying to to
fight his way back and I thought he was
pretty good from from T to Green it was
just you know his short game which your
first time playing at the Masters you
know that’s that’s probably going to get
you at times it’s just not you know
fully understanding those those greens
and you know where to put balls when you
chip it and you know where to miss putts
and things like that that um I was I was
very nervous for him once he had hit 10
over that this might spiral out of
control um but uh but the way that he
fought back I at the end of the day I
was really impressed you know I think
they should have suspended the cut rules
and moved it to plus seven so all three
of these guys should have made it I mean
obviously for Alabama purposes um but
with the year that he’s had and just you
know you’re playing with John Ram the
former Masters winner too so and and I
believe Matthew Fitzpatrick was also in
in their group as well so you you’ve got
a lot of people that are that are
watching you and Rah didn’t play great
you know either during the tournament so
I just I think stuff like that you know
for a young golfer there’s so much to
learn from it um that’s just going to
continue to prepare him for future
majors and for for moments like that so
he while he also missed the cut like you
said his missing the cut is vastly
different than how Justin missed the cut
and just to talk about Justin real quick
there there’s got to be a little concern
you know each each Year’s a new year but
even last year when he missed the cut
and last year was incredibly difficult
circumstances with with all the rain but
this is back-to-back years where you’ve
missed the cut and You’ missed it kind
of collapsing towards the end I I
understand kind of falling apart two
years ago um with all the you know
weather and rain and how cold it was and
and in some instances this year where
how the wind was playing such a factor
those first two days but now you’ve got
it in your head of just falling apart
when you really needed to put it
together just to make the cut is
hopefully something that he can bounce
back in Future Masters because we know
he will continue to be playing in that
event for years to come just too much
too good of a golfer and is obviously
you know one of the top top golfers you
know in in the world so he’s going to
continue to play himself into that event
for for the future and you know want to
see him on Saturdays and Sundays and one
day ultimately hopefully wearing a green
jacket on a Sunday afternoon yeah I mean
you mentioned it there I thought it was
awesome that playing it’s his first
Masters and here he is playing with the
reigning Masters champion I thought a
couple years ago before they moved the
PGA Championship to May when it was in
August they used to have the three major
Champions playing in the same group and
I thought that was awesome but obviously
now that it’s in it’s the second major
and it’s gone away it kind of prevents
opportunities and not not only the PGA
Championship but other Majors where like
we saw Neil Shipley from uh Ohio State
playing with Tiger Woods and there was a
whole thing with the note that we can
get into if you guys want but um like
stuff like that it’s just an opportunity
to to learn and kind of pick up on what
they’re doing and I think stuff like
that is really this entire year but
especially in the four major since Nick
is in going to be playing in all four
majors this year and the next couple
years as well stuff like that getting to
learn from someone who’s won there
obviously now he’s with Liv so it’s a
little different but he’s won just about
everywhere you can on the PGA tour
getting to learn from someone like that
is so invaluable and I think like
experiences like that and Nick’s what 20
years old so he still has plenty of time
to to learn and as as he gets more
Majors more PJ tournaments under his
belt we’ll see him improve but missing
the cut by one in your first he that was
his first major start so missing the cut
by one in your first major start is
nothing to at at austa none nonetheless
is nothing to be nothing to hang your
head about out and he he had he had his
moments but he also had his moments of
learning and needing to bring that into
future events future Majors future
Masters so by by no means a bad
tournament for Nick as as opposed to
Justin who we looking at obviously in a
somewhat of a Different Light even
though they finish with the same two
score yeah and I want to say for for
Nick well first of all I have a question
so did Shipley get in because Nick
turned Pro
yes that’s just crazy like circumstance
to like oh the guy that I that beat me
in the US am you know so Shipley gets to
play in all three major or the three
Majors so he gets play the open the US
and the Masters I can look it up for you
but um I believe that’s the case OB what
Nick was that’s what Nick was gonna uh
Nick was going to be in the open the US
and the Masters because of he was the US
amiter uh shiple qualified for the
Masters by placing second so yeah yeah
um his earned him a spot in the US
Open and I’m not sure about the open but
yeah I’ll play in the US Open because
technically um technically Nick isn’t
qualified yet for the US Open um or not
the US Open the open the open Europe
yeah because he’s qualified for the PGA
but not the open that was the whole yeah
cuz he won yeah yeah um but yeah I think
the I think the light that you look at
these two those two guys is is is just
very V it’s vastly different um for a
guy that was supposed to be the amateur
coming in and you know he’s probably
playing in what this is his fifth or
sixth you know PGA event so far um to
come in and again I you saw it with lwig
who or ludig who finished second sorry
who finished second um where some of his
shots he just didn’t place them well and
you know they rolled off the green and I
think some of that has to do with
experience and I think Nick kind of got
you know part of that um and then the
wind was just killer I mean it was like
35 mph winds it’s just uh but then the
the last golfer which was my golfer
which was Lee Hodes finished two over
after the first round and I was like
okay like that’s fine um comes out in
the first like five or six holes gets it
back to even and I’m like okay like you
know this is gonna be good and then
proceeds to Bogey six of the next 11
holes um birdie 17 then par is 18 um if
he Bird’s 18 then he’s in the he makes
the cut probably um but
I I feel like Lee’s kind of the middle
of JT and in Dunlap where you know Lee’s
played golf he’s won tournament um he
he’s played in like I think I think it
was like 12 events or something like
that like it’s not like he’s not
experienced or whatever but you know you
you kind of hope that he makes the cut
but you know like we said I think before
the podcast is if Lee makes the cut
that’s a win for Lee right like that’s
that’s like okay austa yeah yeah yeah at
austa um in other events yeah you want
him to place top 20 top 15 or whatever
but at like a a place like Augusta
that’s just so difficult especially with
the wi conditions and how dried out it
got after Thursday like just getting to
the cut would have been a good great
week for him obviously that doesn’t
happen um and you know not too upset um
but I I just can’t I can’t I like still
think about that Justin Thomas meltdown
it’s just it’s like you firebone or not
bones you mutually part waves with bones
you’ve been working on your putting
you’ve been doing all of this and it it
just seems like his game is getting
progressively worse that was something
you mentioned bones there that was
something I was thinking about when he
was melting down if you have a caty
you’re comfortable with say bones or
whoever else it might be he just looked
like he wanted to get off the course and
he just started to unravel if you have
bones or caddy that you’re comfortable
with they can try and really you back in
and like we talked about he was one shot
off the cut and if you have a caddy that
you’re comfortable with it might help
you get that shot back get within that
cutline and we talked about it last week
of how important the caddies are and uh
we heard Robbie there talk about the
what experience does for you going to
courses you like and I think that was
kind of just the case with Lee and a
little with Nick too but especially Lee
of it’s his first Masters it’s really
just getting experience because he’ll be
in it next year he’ll be in it the
following year as well this year was
more so for Lee just getting experience
and applying that to next year where
this was kind of his first go around at
the course at obviously at the Masters
but I mean you mentioned there Thursday
the cutline was one over it the 50 and
ties were one over and all of a sudden
after Friday with how ridiculous the
wind was and everything of that nature
and the course obviously firmed out a
little bit after the rain on Thursday
morning it went to six over which I mean
that happens nobody there was what one
round in the 60s on Friday so for Lee I
think it was more so like I said just
using is using it as experience but I I
just wanted to chime in because I I
really do think if bones was there he
wouldn’t have he had what three doubles
in the last
four four holes I think that would have
helped him to reel back in calm down and
try and focus on the next shot as
opposed to I had in the water there and
just start to unravel like I’m sure all
three of us
do how about Tommy fleetwood’s CAD the
the local you know and he gets all the
way to finishing third you know def like
you said having a caddy that knows that
course can be a huge
benefit um I the one comment that I came
away that made me feels so relatable to
a PGA golfer for the first time was I
was watching the Thursday evening um
round Homa Woods I’m trying to remember
who else was in their their threesome uh
they were on whole 11 you know starting
a in corner I think H’s about to hit his
approach shot and I can’t remember what
commentator it was said you know if you
hit the green here it’s by accident it’s
like that I can play PJ Tour golf if I
hit the green it’s an accident so you
know look
out I texted this in the group chat but
I want to Pat all three of us on the
back because we know ball we we talked
about ludvig last week he played second
in his first Masters my guy was Tommy
Fleetwood as the underdog he plays third
and I said minus 12 was going to win it
and it was minus 11 so I think after
week one we got the stamp we know ball
well and I picked Scotty you forgot
about that well I mean you and everyone
else in the world he just benefited from
having the uh technically the one-1 in
the second round yeah I I like I said
there was no way I couldn’t pick Scotty
but even though I will say I almost
picked ludvig as because I really did
believe like I was like man I really
think that he could do something because
he’s had a good season this year and um
man credit to him and then um hom Max
hom man I I was I love I love Scotty um
but I really wanted hom to get it and I
love Max he’s the best he he’s just one
of those guy he’s like a guy like he’s
not like this you
know I I don’t really know how you would
phrase it but like not like a he’s above
not saying that any golfer is like
snoody or whatever but like sometimes
you put people on a pedestal but like H
just feels like this relatable guy that
like you can just you know go to a bar
you know chill out or yeah if you guys
ever follow his Twitter account he
always blames his wife for everything um
so and this week his wife isn’t with him
and he said he he went up uh on his
drive to Hilton Head he stopped at
Chick-Fil-A and uh someone bought his uh
bought his Chick-fil-A because they were
a fan but he was like when I got there I
I typically don’t eat pizza but my wife
isn’t here so he said screw it so he got
he got a whole pizza for himself but Max
is just hilarious and he said he was he
hadn’t drank alcohol in a while and he
saved it all for uh for Sunday night and
he was like well I was hoping it would
be happy but we’ll take it know one of
the things about the the final
leaderboard that kind of struck out to
me is how many guys that we just saw in
the Ryder Cup this fall too you know it
was obviously a lot of United States
guys with sheffler and H and shley and
Colin morawa but you got to think that
definitely played into how oberg played
so well too of just being on that stage
and being comfortable and all that that
that was something just struck out
struck me and then if I think going back
to um you know the 2021 Rider cup that’s
kind of I feel like when Scotty sheffler
really started coming on the scene and
you saw how he was able to Parlay that
into the success he had in 2022 when he
won the Masters for the the first time
so that again something that really
stuck out to me as far as how many
Ridder cup guys were Inc contention and
playing really really well down the
stretch on Sunday yeah hoard fell off on
Sunday but he was there for for a while
too but going off Scotty I mean we heard
Robbie talking about it there in the
corn fairy tour battling it out against
Scotty just a couple years ago and now
here Scotty is what three four years
later and he has two green jackets and
is people are talking about him is the
most dominant golfer since Prime Tiger
Woods and for good reason now that he
has a mallet in his hand and knows how
to putt I just don’t know we’ll get into
the RBC in in a minute but I just don’t
know how if he’s playing even B minus C+
golf I don’t know how you can beat
Scotty I I came away so impressed with
Scotty this week because one it’s the
Masters so you know it’s it’s a very
tough course as we all know and you got
to be you got to know your spots to hit
so the mental game going into the
Masters then you add in the conditions
the win that was there for the first two
gates how dry it was on Saturday where
the green just wasn’t receptive to
approach shots or really any shots
everything seemed to be rolling
through and then just the whole
Narrative of you know it’s not that he’s
he and his wife or having a kid it it’s
their first kid you know so you’re out
there doing all this and you got that in
the back of your mind you you can say
yeah it’s these guys were machines and
they can put that away I I don’t know
having your first kid and knowing that
anytime you could be caught off the golf
course to to to go home and see the
birth of your child I’m sure that was in
the back of his mind as well so to have
all of that going on very tough
conditions um you know things going on
outside of the golf course I just came
away super impressed with this Master’s
win for him and you know maybe don’t
have the history as some of a a lot of
the golf pundits out there but just
thinking about all the factors out you
know how impressive this win was for any
you know Masters golfer or any Masters
champion that would have had to go
through all these things this week I
don’t want keep stepping on your toes
Christian but I do have a question we
didn’t talk about it last week because
we recorded on Monday and it started to
come out after if you’re leading Sunday
at the Masters Green Jacket $3.6 million
on the line Charles you have two kids
are you leaving for the birth of your
first your first child depend I I would
say it depends on what hole you’re on I
mean and and again too like he’s one one
but I also you can hear Scotty his press
conferences like he loves his wife good
husband and I think having a family for
them like is is a big deal so um that’s
me not having inside knowledge or having
a personal relationship with with Scotty
Sheffer um I know for the birth of you
know our first son that was something
that I was going to be there you know no
matter what but Charles it’s the Masters
it is the Masters but you know F
family’s important um I talk about you
know family and stuff like that with
Alabama basketball all the time um I I
think it was some if you’re in that
situation you get into Sunday like if
you’re on whole 14 15 you know you you
go ahead and finish it out you know and
and there’s probably some trust factor
in that too with your team around you
that you get that phone call and you’re
playing Sunday at the Masters and they
don’t tell you whole lot of different
variables in I’m I’m gonna make the
right call on this and say with knowing
that I will never be leading on a Sunday
at masters with another kid on the way
that yeah I’ll I’ll pull out and go home
so your wife is watching this is one of
yeah I was going to say your wife’s
watching that’s why you’re saying that
well fortunately my wife doesn’t watch
in Matthew you took my question I was
gonna ask that uh I was gonna ask a
little bit differently I was gonna ask
at what point at what hole is it is the
deadline because we were talking about
it in a group chat um and I it really
depends on a couple of different things
from for me personally one well first of
all I’m like a 30 minute flight away
from Augusta in theory so if I’m a
professional golfer like 30 minutes away
because Augusta is only like three two
and a half hours from where I live um
but if I’ve never won a masters before
right and and I want I want you guys to
think about it from this point of view
not Scotty situation where he’s won a
masters if you’ve never won a masters
before and just the implications of that
which is you essentially become a a
member of Augusta you get to play the
Masters the rest of your life you know
you get um what is it like a three or
foure exemption for all the other like
you get $3.6 million so like let’s
say you’re Nick Dunlap and Nick dunlap’s
expecting a kid yeah right like like
think of it like that and you’re on
you’re on Sunday you have a three shot
at what point in your round is it go
time to leave and go time to
stay here’s my thing the kid kid would
grow up and be like Dad what the
heck why did you leave the m i I would I
would if I won I would put the $3.6
million in a trust fund that’s all there
is when they grow up sorry I wasn’t
there for your birth he’s not going to
remember but he’s going to remember his
dad was a Masters champion for the rest
of his life I’m playing the golf
on the same point your wife would also
remember that you she would also
remember that my son or daughter now has
$3.6 million in a trust fund which I Mi
I miss their birth for I think I think
it’ll all be okay yeah it just it just
depends obviously on the type of
relationship and not to get into
marriage counseling or marriage
relationship but I mean you can just
kind of tell even the first time that he
won and just you know some of the
interviews they’ve done together and I
think just how Scotty lives his life
that that was something that is
important to him and that he wants to be
a part of and that’s probably why you
know at the end of the day that he’s
playing in the RBC he’s when that call
comes in he’s gonna get CAU off the
course and he’s gonna get out of there
as fast as he can and get home yeah and
it’s not a it wasn’t like a supposed to
be like a marriage thing like no it
wasn’t I know it’s it’s so interesting
because like we’re all three in like
different stages as far as like
relationships are concerned Charles
obviously you have kids you know I’m
married we don’t have kids you know
Matthew you’re dating your lovely
girlfriend so um like it’s different
stages and so like Charles you’re
probably on the side of I’m not missing
the marriage or I’m not missing the the
birth Matthew you’re on the side of I’m
not missing the golf me I’m literally
torn where I’m
like I don’t like I I would I think it
would be for me 14 holes if I’m the on
the 14th hole with the three- shot lead
I’m not
leaving I’m I’m telling you what though
if you if you have a he had what a
two-stroke lead after eight if you get
the if you if you’re what Tim Scott is
his Caddy’s name if Tim Scott tells you
on eight hey she’s going into labor tell
her to hold on I got 10 more holes $3.6
million on the way and I’ll be
there I mean come like before the round
I can understand it but I think once the
round starts you’re in the M you have to
be in the mindset of nothing else is
going to stop me I have to win this golf
tournament and how weird would that have
been if he does leave now Kuma is just
playing by him by himself in the final
group at the Masters that would have
been the wildest because we we’ve
obviously seen people play by themselves
what was it Wesley Bryan set the set the
record for the quickest round ever a
couple years ago he was literally
running and they didn’t have the um the
TV cameras set up on the back nine
because they didn’t expect anyone to be
there an hour after you teed off but
that would have been some something that
obviously didn’t happen but someone in
the final Group by themselves would have
been the wildest sight ever I I I wonder
too you know obviously a discussion they
would have had but maybe it is not
necess getting called off the golf
course you may get called out of the
tournament but as soon as you start that
round because I I think if you get that
call when you’re on the eighth hole like
your your mental game is done from that
point you’re not going to be able to
focus on the golf like you need to be so
it may have been a situation where for
them it was yeah we’re gonna take this
day by day and if I get that call may
maybe in the early rounds like you do
have it where hey you’re on a hole and
okay I’m I’m pulling out I’m headed home
if you’re in contention like he was and
and obviously won you know and you’re in
the third round or fourth round maybe
that goes from I’m getting that call on
a hole to I’m getting that call either
before the round or after the round and
figuring it out from there Sam Burns was
in the same situation I think it’s
different for Sam Burns if he’s leading
he’s never won a major so Sam Burns I
think is it different for him since
Scotty’s already won it does Sam Burns
say I I don’t know because I think Scot
because Scotty said he was gone I think
Sam felt a little pressure to be like oh
I have to I have to do the same but
obviously for him it didn’t matter he
was not eight over on day one but um
just it would have been a wild visual if
whole eight Scotty shafair is a three I
think it was two or three Strokes I
think it was three after 11 because
that’s when or Max hit into the Bush on
12 something like that but I I I I just
can’t picture in my mind Scotty Sheffer
walking off the golf course with a three
stroke broke lead on Sunday at Augusta I
just can’t see it and you also you have
to that’s under the assumption that his
team is going to tell him that his
wife’s in labor right I think I I I
think it was a joint agreement that he
would have been pretty pissed if they if
they didn’t tell him yeah I don’t know
yeah um let’s get to the RBC uh that’s a
the what is this the third signature
event not including the major or the
Masters um of the Year an event
yet again we have three Alabama golfers
which is there a cut on this one this
this week or no for Signature Events
there’s not right no I think only on the
majors as they’re so we’re automatically
not or automatically I think getting
points for cuts right do we get points
for cuts for you don’t get points for
cuts you get uh five points for top 20
so okay but I mean shorten field so you
have a better chance of it and because
it’s a signature event we also get the
the 10-point bonus which you got for
which we all got but you got you
benefited the most of with uh Scotty
winning last week yeah nobody’s losing
points in any scenario this week well we
could if the four golfers that we
have no they don’t make the miss the cut
you’re right they don’t miss cut so if
there’s no cut there’s no possibility of
negative points you just can’t there’s a
possibility of just not getting points
yeah that makes sense which I I my only
golfer that got cut was JT who I was
forced to take one of one an Alabama
golfer ended up getting cut so going to
Pat myself on the back there I didn’t
pick a golfer by choice that got cut so
the only one who can say that I can’t
believe that
Rah and Hideki played so poor like
Hideki shocked me yeah Rah I think I I
would attribute Rah truthfully to live
and just kind of the different schedule
the Windham Clark comment was wild the
54 holes and Bryson melting down and
then wind didn’t even make the cut but I
truthfully I think Rah was more live and
not being in like the best shape golf
game wise as he was last year and
because last year him and Scotty it felt
like what they just alternated wins
every single week but I I I truthfully I
think Liv they’re not playing really as
difficult of course as the PGA is and
they’re only playing 54 and obviously a
different field where they’re not
getting cut so I I I I would kind of
attribute that to Liv And I think Brooks
keco was the same last year Liv came out
firing on all cylinders and this year it
didn’t other than Bryson who obviously
fell apart on Sunday after 54 holes that
uh he just kind of fell apart but didn’t
really feel like any live guys were
really In Contention down the stretch
tril Hatton had a had a decent
but R problem that he was on my team
because as much as I tried to put out
Good Vibes only when sep had the hole in
one on the par three and then Ricky
Fowler won the par three and ROM being
the previous winner you just knew I was
I was done for before it even started
yeah I I think I had what I had Kea I
had Hideki and then um uh
Scotty and Lee there was one more you
had Lee Scotty Dustin Johnson who was
horrible Victor hlin and Hideki yeah
that’s right that’s right I thought
Dustin Dustin always plays the Masters
well always I picked him in my Masters
Pool too and he just what was I think he
was 13 over yeah yeah he always play and
I and I was like man I’m gonna pick the
guys that are always good at the Masters
I’m just going to go with that and then
I hin was my I was between uh oberg and
havin for my like like tossup pick and I
was like oh jain’s been playing well but
I’m hey Christian right now you and I
are not in danger of eating a pimento
cheese sandwich so we’re we’re okay
there so that’s really the only win that
matters that’s right let’s uh let’s go
to the RBC though that’s in Hilton Head
Island um I’ve been to Hilton Head quite
a few times never played the course uh
but um Matthew you you have a little bit
more experience with Hilton Head with
your with your parents uh bu building a
house there what what do you got for us
for yeah my parents are moving out there
I’ve played a couple courses in Hilton
Head I’ve been to the to the course I
haven’t played it but I’ve been to the
course been to the been to the uh what’s
it called the uh the tower liouse yes I
I forgot the word lighthouse existed for
a second there pardon me but um it’s a
beautiful course I mean last year it was
a great tournament and I I think we’re
in line for another one maybe Scotty’s
wife will go into labor on Saturday and
we’ll have a we’ll have a good finish
down the stretch but I’m I’m hoping Rory
can figure something out really looked
like Xander Schley figured something out
going into Sunday last week so I think
he’s someone to look out for but Tom I
mean I’m just mentioning favorites for
the most part but Tommy Fleetwood he was
he was my Underdog to look at last last
week and I think he’s another guy to
keep an eye on this week I think he
really figured something out out and can
keep it going I would love to see Colin
morawa get back in the winter Circle and
kind of get something going another
American who obviously has success at
the highest level was on the Ryder Cup
team is won two majors and this that and
the other thing was in contention really
until I mean he was in the final group
Sunday but kind of similar to Bryson he
kind of just fell off I would love for
colum morawa to figure something out I
don’t know if Max is going to have his
best week I think he’s going to have
somewhat of a masters hangover after
last week is best major finish of his
career so I don’t know if he’s going to
be as good but seah seah the gala is
someone would be my sleeper pick I mean
it’s kind of hard to pick a sleeper per
se in a signature event because all the
best golfers in the world minus the live
guys are in these Signature Events so
everyone’s kind of a name to keep an eye
an eye on but those are the guys that I
really have my eye on I I don’t know if
Rory’s I don’t know what what’s going on
with Rory at he’s one of the top
favorites but I mean he was not good
last week he I don’t know I don’t know
what’s going on with Rory I would love
to see him do something but I don’t know
if it’s G to be this week yeah I think
what the issue with Rory is is um while
the year that Liv came out he played his
best golf ever the moment he started
taking a ton of responsibility for like
the PGA Tour getting on the board of
director all of these things getting the
tgl is the moment his game started
turning downhill because he’s not focus
not saying that Rory isn’t focusing on
golf but if you watched full swing this
year I think I think they had a Rory
episode he at Putter and Charlotte yeah
and they literally he was like I don’t
even really have time to even practice
golf Much Anymore he’s like I’m doing
interviews I’m doing shoots I’m doing
meetings all of these things it’s just
uh and I think that’s the issue is is
you know he’s just so focused on
everything but golf where it’s hurting
his game and so trying to get back to
that is kind of where he needs to be so
um Charles do you have any thoughts on
RBC I’m afraid to say anything because I
need some points right now so I’m not
letting yall take any of my picks here
in the next few minutes okay well then
let’s get into picks I think uh Matthew
you’re up first as far as fantasy I am
so I’m going to go well B first we have
so um for those who are Tuning In For
the First Time five rounds uh we’ll put
the points on the screen now same thing
it’s on our Twitter our Instagram as
well so you can look there five rounds
there are three Alabama golfers this
week same as last week so the first
round is all Alabama guys Charles had
the first pick last week I had the
second Christian had the third so now
everyone moves up one Charles moves to
the back so the order this week is me
Christian uh Charles and then it’s a
snake draft so then Charles will have
the first pick of the second round and
so on so that being said I have to pick
a Bama guy I mean the obvious choice is
Justin Thomas so I’ll go JT hopefully he
can figure something out and maybe get
me some uh some double points plus 10
for a signature event uh I just want to
say being the last pick is the best pick
yeah you get Scotty Sheffer you get the
unless his wife goes into labor yeah so
that’s that is something keep in keep in
mind if you’re if you’re making picks
let him slip to me I got to go to Nick
Dunlap um I almost want to pick Lee um
but I I and I love Lee Hodes I think
he’s a great golfer I think that Nick’s
gonna put it together this week Nick
talking to Jonathan Grizz trying to get
the uh Grizz is from Hilton Head he’s
trying to get all the pointers yeah I
gotta go I gotta go Nick with this one
and uh hopefully he pulls it off or at
least gets a top 20 that’s what I’m
hoping for I got no problems having Lee
Hodes especially since we had Robbie on
earlier and uh they play a lot of
practice rounds together when they’re
typically at the same tournament so I’m
more than happy to roll with Lee Hodes
this this weekend at the
RBC um and so for my first my next pick
uh I’m gonna go with Patrick kentley um
had he’s had five top 10 of the last six
times he’s played at the RBC so I I like
going with Patrick kentley this week I
already wrote Scotty Sheffer in for you
I I had to delete it I I know that’s
look I’m I’m gonna play the I’m not g
yall are more than happy to take Scotty
I’m not gonna take that risk because as
I said I I need points so I’m go Patrick
kley is gonna be my first selection what
do we do with
uh is it same as cut or is it same is it
just dnf yeah I think with the
tournament that definitely doesn’t that
does not have a cut shouldn’t have to
penalize so just big old Goose well
should we go with that throughout no
penalty or maybe because people get like
Thursday you can slide someone else in
who wasn’t drafted yeah but um you want
to just do no penalty no yeah that’s
what I would do okay it is Mulligans and
milkshakes so we’ll give a Mull on that
one if it’s a dnf or a wd and after this
week I’ll start um putting St I’ll do
the same as I did last week and then do
standings milkshake for first pimento
cheese sandwich for
um I’m I’m gonna go spicy I’m gonna go
Xander chofay for my second for my first
pick I wrot scottian for you too I don’t
I like Charles I’m not testing the the
baby the baby magic I’m I’m just not
doing it um I we need to catch you so I
think picking Scotty would be an issue
because his I think they said his wife
was due in a week or two last week so
I’m you’re trying to catch me but you’re
gifting me Scotty yeah yeah trust me in
a signature event trust me I Xander
played really well at the RBC he was on
team Travis last week so so I I’m going
to go Xander I think he played well last
week um finished the finished the final
round really strong and I think he
parlays it into a a good finish uh this
week in the uh in the RBC so I’m gonna
go Xander my my second pick well
obviously I’m going Scotty I don’t need
to tell you why I’m going Scotty that’s
easy then I’m going to go with the
reigning Champion I’m going to go Matt
Fitzpatrick and I can see Charles wanted
them so that was a good
pick I’m GNA go with sah the gala with
my next
pick I was thinking about seah in the
fourth round so I
think if you’ve looked at the last few
years sahit has played extremely well at
the RBC um and so I think again I I’m
trying to go with people that have
played well at the course um hopefully
that’ll help me with get some get some
additional points I it’s a course that I
think if you’ve played well in the past
you you typically set yourself up for
success so with that goodness y’all got
me off my game
now good job Christian yeah put a clock
on me
um I also already have my fantasy pcks
so I just have them on my phone right
here so I’m just going off what what is
uh what I’ve already done research on
I’ve got my top 12 but now I’m just
trying to pick around that um I’m going
to go I’m gonna go Colin
morawa I was hoping he might slide back
to me and and then after Colin I am
actually gonna go Brian Harmon
o Mega
Corp I’m gonna go Jordan
spe Jordan he has played the
RBC I mean look at the leaderboard the
last I think I checked the last three
years I think he’s finished top five all
three years so I’m going Jordan be with
my with my next pick is his wrist a
factor because I I know they mentioned
that La last week and then he just was
terrible at a Gua well if it is then I I
wanna I
wanna I wan to a what’s it called a
provisional pick if he doesn’t play
you’ll get a provisional
ball well I was between Fitzpatrick and
Tommy Fleetwood with my last pick Tommy
Fleetwood got around to me so I’m going
to go Tommy Fleetwood SEC the only
player that has been on Team Travis two
weeks in a row so maybe we’ll make him
uh regular um my last pick could go
Rory it’s going to take a lot in me to
not go to Rory did I don’t did Sam Burns
have his kid I don’t know I don’t want
to pick I don’t want to have two two D
two withdraws with uh with children or
you just go team baby or I could go
ludvig I’m gonna go ludvig oh my God I
was gonna pick him this is fun I’m I’m
taking everyone you guys want this is
great literally look I have my fantasy
like I don’t know if you can see that I
have my f can throw it out because he’s
mine fantasy lineup and I literally just
went down the list of my fantasy lineup
I got to figure out how to throw the uh
the two dots whatever you call them and
everything on the uh on the
graphic dang well you can have Rory if
you want him hold on I got to pull up I
got to pull up a leader board hold on do
you need to do you need me to name
everyone who’s been picked no I just
uh hold
uh I was like man I’m about to get all
the pcks I
wanted not so
fast you jinxed your S I
did there’s a there’s a sleeper I’m
staring at right now let me
go he looks like happy Gilmore’s caddy
if that rings a bell it
doesn’t I think I think it rang a bell
um it’s go with your boy
OE I do like o i do
um let let’s go
with Karen Bradley also or Karen Johnson
also known as
Zach I was thinking about Zack Johnson
but no not Zack
Johnson uh that was we didn’t mention
that but that was a wild story last
week yeah
um you know what
Let’s Go Crazy Shane Lowry oh my
gosh you have Rory with the last pick go
it no way I just stole Shane Lowry from
you just stole Shane Lowry from me Rory
and Shane are playing together next week
of the Zurich I’ll be following them
man I mean Rory Rory would be the smart
pick but Rory we’re just all on the
we’re all on the same wavelength huh I
guess so we might be looking at the same
sheet you still got Windam Clark there I
thought about that but I don’t think
he’s really played well by the way
Christian uh Happy Gilmore’s cadd is
Willie Z will zot torus that’s right
yeah he his hair so that’s that’s why it
doesn’t stand out for whatever reason I
was thinking of the um I was thinking of
the guy
the with the nail in his foot no not
that guy there was some guy that like
the caveman from Guy
is that the guy with a nail on his foot
no this a different guy this is a this
was his was this his first caddy it was
like a hobo off the street the kid oh
yeah yeah yeah I know who was uh like
taking stuff out washing it in the ball
yeah that’s who I was thinking of I was
like I don’t know who they’re talking
about but yes the the kid
yeah all right I’m this guy that I’m
about to pick I’m one making sure that
he’s in the he’s in the this week excuse
me you’re going with some out of the
boox picks with your last ones Tom Kim
is still there I was my pick was going
to be JT Poston yeah he’s in it um he’s
had he he’s high risk High reward you
know his five last times he’s been in at
three top 10 finishes but two
miscuts and if there’s not a
miscut maybe it to his Advantage but I
throw JT on the team this week all right
very nice all right so here are the
teams we’ll throw the graphic up just
like we did last week so my Alabama
golfer is Justin Thomas I have Scotty
Sheffer fingers crossed his wife doesn’t
go into labor you can hold out Meredith
I believe in you I’m going with the
reigning Champion Matt Fitzpatrick Tommy
Fleetwood is another on team Travis for
another week ludvig auberg we got to
learn how to pron pronounce his name
just me just me yeah we it’s going to be
on the show every single week so we’re
going to practice that in the mirror
together next week Christian um so
Christian’s team is Nick dlap for
Alabama uh Xander Schley coming off a
great week at the Masters sahit the gala
Jordan spe and Shane Lowry and then for
Charles he’s got Lee Hodges Patrick
kentley Colin morawa Brian Harmon and JT
Poston Charles is trying to get away
from eating a pimento cheese sandwich
I’m trying to stay at the top and keep
drinking my keep drinking my milkshakes
up here what what would the South
Carolina flavor be obviously last fun
yeah fun fact South Carolina produces
more peaches than Georgia but Georgia
politicizes it so I guess we’ll go with
the uh with the peach milkshake again
for the graphic this week when when I’m
sitting in first with the most points oh
well okay I’m just gonna let you know
that the Irishman Shane Lowry is going
to do do work and it’s going to win the
thing so so if he wins I’ll put a
shamrock shake next his name for yes
yes um but yeah that’s our that’s our uh
that’s our fantasy picks for this week
and super excited to you know get
another uh episode in with you guys and
be able to recap our first major of the
year um obviously again thank you to
Robbie Shelton for jumping on um best of
luck to him I think it’s next week that
the zerk classic is so best of luck with
him uh again he’s playing with Wilson
fur another Alabama guy so um hopefully
they can make a little bit of noise um
and they’ll be back-to-back years that
in Alabama grad won the zerk classic if
uh if Robbie and Wilson can pull it off
with Davis Riley winning last year so um
that we got a big week you know next
week we’ll be leading into the SEC
championships for the Alabama golf team
and uh be fun kind of previewing that
field with how good just golf is within
the SEC as a whole um look everybody’s
chasing Vanderbilt and and and Auburn as
far as the top teams but Alabama’s right
there as a top 10 team as well so
excited to see what those guys do out in
SE Island and we’re excited to to
preview it and hopefully get some good
information next week before they take
the course yeah and be on the look out
in uh next week we might have a special
guest from from that area that’s you
know very familiar with the course um
we’re s working out the the details with
that um and then you know the following
week we might go uh what is it called
Quint box is that is that five Quint box
is that something like that we’ll figure
it out before then five box we’ll go
five box potentially um with maybe some
some guys that have played uh played in
the SEC Championship so um we’re still
working out those details but um you
know stay tuned on our our Twitter page
it’s milk or Moore
milore golf um on Twitter so be sure to
follow that follow our Twitter accounts
um it’ll be linked in in the description
below um and you know do you guys have
anything else I think we’re I think
we’re good to end it Roll Tide it’s
going to be a great week hopefully I’m
drinking I didn’t get a milkshake I
meant to get one we’re recording later
so it would have made more would have
made more sense today but I guess
Christian and I both technically could
have but um yeah I enjoyed it great to
have Robbie on hear some stories from
him um great one there but yeah really
fun good to get our first interview
under our belt and only the beginning
for us from here yep and and we’ll talk
again soon guys roll TI real talk

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