Golf Players

Crossing Broadcast – April 11th, 2024

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YouTube Chapters
0:00 – Intro
5:00 – Show Rundown
9:00 – Captain asks for a Pagan update
11:00 – OJ Simpson’s passing/Legacy
16:00 – OJ was almost an Eagle
19:00 – Captain’s Wrestlemania weekend
27:00 – Russ joins Wrestling talk
30:00 – Are there too many fans?
31:00 – Captain isn’t for Dollar Dog Night
36:00 – Phillies City Connect
43:00 – Traffic in the Northeast
49:00 – Philly Accents
53:00 – Flyers expectations
65:00 – Eagles Draft Strategy
72:00 – Guess the A.I. pose
77:00 – Outro

what is up everybody Welcome in Crossing
broadcast on a Thursday afternoon Kevin
here with you Russ will be here whenever
he decides to show up it’s been about
12:30 the last couple weeks I think he
will be back with us at 12:30 I’m in a
great mood because I got off the damn
crutches Fin and I can walk like a
regular human human being again so that
with 70 degree weather outside will’ll
do wonders uh in the mental health
department Philadelphia Flyers not so
much for the mental health although the
Sixers are playing well we’re going to
talk about both of those teams we will
get it back to the Eagles in the show we
will talk about uh two draft strategies
that I have outlined that I will be
happy with if Howie Roseman decides to
Traverse either one of those Avenues uh
we have the Phillies of course scraped
back to 500 after a uh a series win
against the Cardinals and we have uh
some City connect uniforms that
everybody except me seems to hate I
think I’m the only person on the planet
that likes these uniforms so we will
talk about uh that as well we’ll get
into a couple of
other things maybe maybe we’ll talk
about the media nuggets column I did the
other day talk about the IR Mark strike
a little bit Russ will be here in a
little bit as I said but for now uh
co-hosting Today’s Show with me making
his Crossing uh broadcast debut I’m
gonna bring on my guy Corey furland from
the Keystone State alas as he drops off
the uh the panel right before I’m gonna
bring him on so we will get him back on
never mind let’s bring on today’s guest
instead let’s bring on the Philly
Captain where’s the captain let’s bring
captain on there he is here I am captain
always knows out to sale to ship I never
abandon a podcast once I’m in the
waiting room now we’re not going to have
any Wi-Fi issues today are we I feel
like the one time that we had you on WE
you like I lost you three times and then
we and then we got you back at the at
the very last minute I mean I’ve been
here I’ve been on hold for five minutes
jamming out to the hold music of
Crossing broad waiting in my Cube pretty
pretty good everything’s working well I
moved my studio uh from my basement into
my living room which is the same room
that has the router fingers cross
fingers cross it works but I live in a
house I live in a row home with 27
people so you know [ __ ] happens well
okay I got Corey back now Corey was was
supposed to be my backup for if your
Wi-Fi went to [ __ ] and ironically you
made it onto the show before he did but
uh welcome brother how are you man
what’s going on I’m good buddy listen
it’s not a matter of my Wi-Fi going to
[ __ ] it’s a matter of I’m helping you
out while I’m working here doing my damn
thing and I got kind of so I just was
like sitting here just blame me it’s
always Corey’s fault I get it I get it
it’s no big deal it’s all good it’s all
good Corey from the Keystone State alra
is a founding member of the sons of Ben
a guy that I have known
for uh 14 15 years now something like
that you’re a Philly sports degenerate
like me and cap so I feel like you’ll
just slide right slide right oh yeah
dude I’ve been I’ve been I grew up you
know as a little kid like old man we
didn’t have the union when I was a
little kid right and old man my dad was
like listen it’s the Phillies it’s the
Birds it’s the Sixers it’s the Flyers
it’s Villanova basketball that’s just me
because I’m you know a Suburban kid and
uh and then obviously the union became
like my thing probably about 15 years
ago but listen uh I’m a Philly sports
degenerate 100% I yeah you know you’ll
fit in man you’ll fit in man we got one
person representing Northeast Philly we
have one person representing Delo right
now and we have a Boyertown alumnus on
the show I I I object I object to
Northeast Philly I live in Bridesburg we
we are River Wards we are not Northeast
Philadelphia I forgot I was uh I was a
judge at a wing eatting contest it was
in Northeast Philadelphia and the
Bridesburg Pub was part of it and I
wanted to disqualify them because
they’re not not from the hood so oh wow
love they they um so Bridesburg I’m not
part of Northeast I don’t want to
associate with those people okay well I
thought but I thought we made didn’t we
make you on the last podcast when Pagan
uh was still hosting didn’t we make you
like the official Northeast Philadelphia
correspondent or did yeah I mean you
guys I you know it’s always good to get
air time I’m not going to argue with you
but yeah [ __ ] I just I just went along
with it I ask you about that what’s
going on with you and Kyle like he still
part of Crossing broad I feel like I’m
doing radio news right now like radio
you did a little thing with the Gambler
guys the other day and now you think
you’re a radio host you’re ask asking me
the questions on well I’m curious
because like no I actually care about
the the local media and the only two
guys I really care about are you and
Kyle honestly no no it’s all good you
know Kyle’s yeah doing his thing he’s
still doing the videos and everything I
just you know we we relaunched this show
like almost two years ago and um you
know booking guests and do and coming up
at the rundown and doing the show twice
a week or whatever he just had like a
lot of different things that he was
doing video and and blog posts and
whatever that were pulling him in a
bunch of different directions so he was
like I’m just gonna you know step back
from the show for a little bit okay but
you guys are still good he still part of
Crossing BR yeah yeah no I didn’t like
fire him or anything like no he was not
disciplined you know we’ve made a joke
about him hanging his wall art and
that’s why he’s gone but no he just he
just wanted to step back from the show
for a little bit because he just got
other [ __ ] he’s been working on he’s
been doing a lot of videos he’s got a
podcast that he launched he’s he’s doing
another podcast where they’re doing like
man on the street where they’re all kind
of sitting there at a table in random
spots and they’re doing that thing so
I’m basically running the show Rush
jumps on whenever he feels like jumping
on and then uh you know I grab a bunch
of random people and we keep doing that
way so no it’s all good though there’s
nothing uh we’re all good site traffic’s
good people are listening to the show
right out there I saw hit at wrestle
maner weekend he was out there every day
doing the something dumb yelling people
that you know you know trying to get the
Philly people a bad reputation like he
does um so he was out there every day
doing that and uh yeah know he’s out
there hustling it’s good all right so I
was worried I was worried like yeah you
got nothing to worry about no it’s funny
too I want mom and dad to break up I
love the family so much no we did not
have any kind of falling out or anything
like that it’s not like a a null
Gallagher and Liam Gallagher Oasis
situation or anything like that we’re
still cool uh no no issues I do think
it’s funny too because whenever he goes
and does a video I see you in the
background or whenever you do a video
you inevitably bump into him so that’s
like a a recurring theme um I do want to
get into the Wrestlemania thing because
I know you’re all over it down there but
first um I was not expecting to talk
about this on the show today but we do
have breaking news boys we have uh o
Simpson is no longer with us orthal
James Simpson pass Cory you look like
you’re hearing this for the first time
did you not see this that he died about
an hour ago or I don’t know if he died
ago but that’s when the announcement
went out bro no that’s news to me I was
literally like I’ve been inundated at
work all day so like I didn’t even get a
chance so this is like you just broke it
to me so you just saw my actual reaction
to hearing that the juice is no longer
loose dude yeah the juice is no longer
loose he’s uh yeah this was the tweet
that came out from his official Twitter
account on April 10th Our Father orthal
James Simpson succumbed to his battle
with cancer he was surrounded by his
children and his grandchildren during
his time of uh trans during this time of
transition the family asks that you
please respect their wishes for privacy
and Grace now Captain here’s the thing
man we’re not like great obituary
writers at Crossing AB broad it’s not
like really in our wheelhouse we try to
do a couple nice paragraphs and then
like say rest in peace and whatever I’m
I’m not sure it’s not really the time
for joking or whatever you know but when
I did when I open the the page to start
writing this one I was like oh [ __ ] you
know what do I do with OJ here because
like right very uh Infamous complicated
individual uh how much do I talk about
the murder trial how much do I talk
about him playing football um it was it
was just very like kind of strange so I
was very conservative with that one and
I was like here’s what he did in
football here’s what he did in acting he
was a Naked Gun and whatever and then oh
yeah he was on trial for murder and he
also went to jail for nine years for uh
armed Rob armed robbery as well um but
dude man I I just remember like so the
three of us are all old enough to
remember like the trial and we were
aling it and like so so you guys know
like this was the the craziest [ __ ] the
the the biggest thing that was happening
like on the planet at the time and I
it’s it’s one of those was like I
remember exactly where I was and exactly
what was going on when they were having
him try on the glove and all that and uh
so I was like 10 years old and it was
like the summer of 1995 and like my
we’re out out uh a school for the summer
you know my friend ‘s mom would take us
to the Boyertown pool in her van and we
get out and we go in or whatever and
she’s she’s carrying like a uh like an
old school radio like a boom like a
battery powered radio it was before
smartphones or whatever we went for like
five straight days we would run around
be jumping in and out of the pool she
would sit there with the radio on the
side of her like beach chair listening
to the OJ Simpson trial on the radio and
like she was not the only one there was
like 15 middle-aged white women who were
all doing the same thing at the board
Tamp but it was like it was everything
man it was like the big the biggest
thing ever and I I don’t remember like
quite honestly man I can’t remember
anything bigger than that since it
happened am I am I wrong to think that
cap I mean that was like the biggest
thing on the planet uh I dude I remember
like I lived in Port Richmond as a kid
and I remember we would like go into our
friends houses in between basball games
to get a glass of iced tea no matter
what house you went into the person in
that house Mom Dad no matter who it was
they were watching the OJ trial if they
weren’t watching the OJ trial they were
watching the newly formed Court TV Court
TV became a thing because of the OJ
trial yeah yeah and um I remember the
day of the OJ chase people were like
sitting on their steps they had TVs out
like it was like a party dude what a
what a CRA do you talk about the chase
that’s immediately where my head went
when you said as soon as he talked about
that I remember Bronco man yo bro I was
in sixth grade I was at a pool party in
Lansdale trying to mack and get my first
kiss from a girl while this was going on
and I just remember watching the OJ case
trying to put the little smooth like hey
come here we’re watching OJ in a white
Bronco dude it wasn’t at a Dairy Queen
but it was at a pool in the Lansdale
area dude it it just like um yeah I just
remember it being like like everywhere
man all those like little cultural
pieces like the glove and the Johnny
cochan jokes on Seinfeld and um the the
Chase and and all of this stuff and then
OJ saying that he was going to find the
killer after he was AC quitt like the
whole thing just like yeah okay he spent
he spent many years looking for him on
golf courses golf courses yeah so this
is funny Craig if you have that pull
this up I did not know this so I can’t
take credit for this but somebody on the
crossing broad page noted that OJ
Simpson should have been a Philadelphia
Eagle um so O.J was the number one draft
pick in
1969 the 196 the eagles picked third
that year um and the reason is because
this 1968 Eagles Craig if you want to
scroll down to the win wins and losses
there the the Eagles were like 0 and um
10 at some point or like 0 and N here or
whatever yeah there we go so they they
were 0 and 0 and 11 this was 1968 I
remember like it was yesterday this is
the Santa Claus snowball
year was it really yeah it really was oh
yeah oh yeah it was yeah it was that’s
wild yeah yeah so they went so they went
2 and 12 but they were 0 and 11 at one
point and so they would have had the
number one draft pick and then they
would have drafted OJ because he was
like I do remember he like people saying
he was a consensus number one back that
time but if they had not won these
meaningless games 12 nothing against the
Detroit Lions and uh 297 against the New
Orleans Saints then uh then yeah OJ
would have been an eagle can you imagine
that [ __ ] like as big as it was
nationally they would have been even
bigger here if he was uh I say if he get
drafted by the Eagles he’s not a
murderer probably all those Buffalo
Winters drove him mad and uh yeah he
just he just gets mad easily now because
of him playing in Buffalo he would have
been drafted by the Eagles we don’t have
a murder trial oh dude it’s just I yeah
I got to like four paragraphs that story
and I’m like all right I think I’ve
written enough here let’s just press
publish and we’ll call it a day for that
one think about his kids all right so
now his kids like their dad died their
mom’s dead and now the entire world is
going to be [ __ ] on your father as
he died like they they they have not
experienced a normal family member’s
death ever and that is tough man the
dude that is so tough and like I don’t
you know it’s funny because you know
when O.J got out of jail when he did the
armed robbery thing and that was like
2017 or whatever you know if you’re like
a kid in your 20s I mean do you know OJ
for anything more than like his goofy
like Twitter Persona and the golf cart
tweets and you know like objectively he
was he was pretty funny and he was
pretty interesting on social media and
like for if you’re a like 24 year old
kid you weren’t alive during the murder
trial and you don’t remember the armed
robbery thing I mean your perception of
OJ is one thing or if you’re older if
you’re like in your 70s or your 80s you
remember him being like the best fraking
football player now the hurt to Naked
Gun yeah thaty actor error yeah but he
but he I mean it was such a complicated
thing man there’s so many there’s so
many it’s like where the hell do I go
I’m a blogger right I’m not going to
write like an obituary that that matches
everything that has to be said here he
brutally murdered two people right he
brutally murdered two people he’s a
scumbag right um that’s it that’s all
you can say he was a good athlete who
killed people and and now I gotta worry
about how his kids feel about me talking
about him being a scumbag on a podcast
that’s his fault [ __ ]
him well that is a good that’s a good
transitional moment right there so we’ll
take that opportunity to uh to move it
on to something uh a little less serious
but they did very well this weekend cap
you were everywhere man for Wrestlemania
I mean like I I so there’s multiple
nights multiple things going on I see
you at blue mean’s wedding uh and he’s
slapping a guy across the chest after
afterwards I mean I I where do you even
start with with the Wrestlemania stuff
it was a huge success here I mean what’s
what’s what’s your like biggest like
main takeaways from the last couple days
so my week started on Wednesday I’m an
independent wrestling manager like I I
do legit shows one of the shows we had
like WWE star Paul London on there and
uh it was sold out so my week started
Wednesday so I had a show Wednesday a
show Thursday then Friday I go to
wrestle World which is like a Convention
Center full of all the wrestling stuff
and because of Q102 they get me to go
and I got to meet some of the wrestlers
and talk to some of them and then I go
to SmackDown on Friday night which is
five by the WWE Hall of Fame where Paul
hayon goes into the Hall of Fame with
one of the the greatest speeches in the
history of mankind then you go to
Saturday night one I’m excited I’m a big
rock fan the rock is back at
WrestleMania I only B one piece of merch
I love rock dude I got a Brahma Bull
tattoo on my leg I love I love the rock
so I was like stoked for night one and I
didn’t really care about night two
because all I wanted to see was the Rock
and night two was probably the most
incredible night of wrestling I’ve ever
seen in my life so um I I I thought I
was like you ever like overdose and
something that you love like you listen
to an album like five nights of
wrestling was a lot but that last night
was so goddamn good I I loved it I loved
it man God I love the rock yeah I mean
Pagan Pagan went down there and he was
bumping into people like he met some guy
who came from like Bangladesh yeah I met
that guy I met oh you met the bang
Bangladesh guy too yeah yeah I told him
he’s an idiot they have it on
pay-per-view for
$9.99 why would you travel 30 hours for
wrestling but he did well I mean maybe
he got to do some other things in Philly
you know yeah he got to have a cheese
steak lucky
him yeah I mean I’m not even a wrestling
like Guru right like I watched it when I
was younger right obviously with the
rock and stone cold and HBK and razor
rone was my all-time favorite like yeah
just my all time remember the ladder
match with Shawn Michaels like yes
SummerSlam like 94 or something like
that here’s Captain down I love it at
the link by the way yeah sorry to to
reiterate what you said Captain like I
tuned in on Sunday just because I’m like
a it’s in Philly like let me just kind
of tune in right I I got peacock because
I watch soccer so I can see it for free
I just turned it on and I’m watching and
like you said those last five minutes
were like I don’t even know like the
storyline behind it but like you see
Cena come out then you see the rock
comes out and then taker comes out and
like knowing me like they just I was
like wow that’s pretty cool like I had a
moment where I literally was sitting
like twiddling on my phone
wrestlemania’s on in the background and
I hear the Undertaker music and me as
like a kid like sits up like The
Undertaker out of his casket and I’m
like let’s go like I was like that’s
pretty cool but they hit on you know but
what you’re saying is like they hit on a
bunch of stuff from like the Attitude
Era you know like I’m I’m almost 40
right so like I you know I grew up in
like the Heyday of like ECW I I was too
young to I was still out in the BS and I
was like too young going to come down to
the ECW Arena but we watched it on
television that was like around the time
of like you know Degeneration X and the
New Age Outlaws and all that stuff and
obviously we knew meanie and the ECW
guys and Tommy Dreamer and Sabu and Taz
and all that so so not only Captain for
them to like to you know to honor the
ECW guys and and pay homage that you
know Paul Heyman comes out to the ECW
theme which I thought was cool to have
that in Philly but also then the cross
the multiple generations of like you
know what Cory saying you know kids who
may not know I don’t know who set
[ __ ] Rollins is but like it’s cool to
see yeah they like yeah they bridge
bridge the gap you know what I mean like
like I’m not gonna like it looks like
everybody out here had a hell of a time
and they like broke attendance records
or whatever I mean as far as I’m
concerned like from a withd drawn
perspective it looked like the thing was
amazing it it it it is like U I was
there when Taylor Swift was at the link
walking around and um this had um Taylor
Swift fies 200,000 people in three days
went to wrestling or four days went to
wrestling events in Philadelphia it it’s
I don’t know why they would pick
Philadelphia for early April but they
did I’m glad they did um it was it was
dude they they go all out and it was h a
good time and uh I wish I just wish they
would do it in May or June it was It was
kind the first night dude it was cold it
was real cold so that’s my question like
these guys are out there wrestling like
I understand you’re doing physical
activity and like me playing sports in
my life like it’s cold playing Sports
and the cold sucks like and like I’m
like dressed up like I had to imagine
like they had some sort of heaters under
that cover no no they they they did they
had a WrestleMania two or three years
ago actually a while ago in New Jersey
and they had heaters this one they
didn’t have heaters so there was one
match where there was a lad tag team
match so when there’s lad tag team
matches people usually fall to the side
of the ring and act like they’re knocked
out so they can’t get involved in the
match so those guys had to lay on the
ground when it’s 36 degrees and windy
the one guy The Miz said it was like it
was horrible um so you know they they
they had to suffer it the Rock at the
main event on night one he was in the
crowd just in the the wrestling trunks
punching PE punching Cody rhods and his
dumb blonde head and it was great but it
was so cold it was so cold um people
were judging the Philly fans that
wrestling dorks online they’re like oh
this crowd sucks and I I dare I dare
anybody to watch five hours of wrestling
in in 30 degree weather I dare you well
yeah I mean it was a marathon you know
it wasn’t of you know there’s a lot
going on right and multiple days of
things I have a wrestling take cap I
would you to tell me if it’s accurate or
not you know because like I probably
stopped watching around like 200 five or
six or whenever ECW did that like oneoff
pay-per-view up in New York where uh JBL
JBL was like yelling at everybody from
the balcony whatever maybe one night
stand he attacked my good friend the
blue meanie who got yeah he attacked the
meanie yeah JBL attacked the meanie that
night but I but I don’t I think like
wrestling fans are
more um educated now not not that they
weren’t educated before but I think
they’re more responsive to things that
are going on in the ring they they
understand more what takes skill and
effort and what doesn’t they know when a
guy’s kind of like dogging it or
bullshitting it out there and I think
it’s just a more I don’t know give me a
give me a synonym for educated there’s
just more of awareness of what goes into
like they’re smart they’re called smart
marks they’re smart fans um you know I’m
I’m a smart Mark but I’m in the industry
so but like like I’m kind of like a
magician and I know the tricks and I
know even more tricks because I’m behind
the scenes so now when I watch wrestling
what I how I watch it is like I watch I
watch for I try to guess what’s going to
happen I don’t really sit and enjoy the
match try to solve a puzzle and and I
hate the way I watch wrestling now but
um wrestling fans are really educated
they’re you know if you want to go into
a rabbit hole you can watch wrestling
shoot interviews and wrestlers they
expose the magic they expose what’s
behind the scenes and um it’s really
tough for the wrestling industry to keep
secrets um it’s it’s it’s tough for any
industry to keep secrets actually so um
yeah it’s yeah smart marks are uh but
there’re they’re they’re the guys who
will pay $400 two nights in a row to
watch wrestling yeah all right well
let’s tag tag in my other host for today
we’ve got Rush Joy oh I removed him
sorry add him back in there Craig I
shouldn’t do your job for you here’s
another wrestling uh fan Rush Joyce with
us Russ do you have a final uh wrestling
point before we move it on to the
here yeah aw tanked their business last
night okay so for people here who don’t
watch a no idea what the [ __ ] you’re
talking about can you please give us
like a layman’s terms explanation of
what happened I would tell people to go
over to the it’s justess wrestling
Channel and watch this morning’s episode
but I will tell you that last night they
uh see gate gets all upset uh trying to
get people to watch this show and just
keep watching this show send them to go
to another the we’re we’re all the face
that runs the place man like we’re we’re
it’s all about cross-pollination you
know if you if you get exclusive if if
you start firing shots and you just they
don’t have a payoff to them Kevin that’s
like that’s like what happened last
night aw showed some behind the scenes
footage from London and you know it’s
just not great not great not good for
the business I was just going to say
real quick we used to do this in
television all the time like we would do
a story and then they’d be like I want
you to tease the internet the website
because like oh the web is new right so
if you want more on this story go to CBS I’m like [ __ ] you’re
trying to get them to keep their eyes on
the television right now not trying to
get them to go to the internet and stop
watching what we’re doing let’s focus on
what we’re doing here but anyway aew I
see the CM Punk stuff so a aw decided
last night that they were going to show
the behind the scenes footage of CM Punk
getting into a little bit of fisticuffs
a little bit of a fracus behind the
scenes at Wembley Stadium at Allin last
summer they waited 8 months to show it
they tried to work it into storyline it
has backfired immensely and it proved
that what Punk said last week on the MMA
hour leading into WrestleMania with
Ariel Hawai was I mean barring there
being some other clip out there uh Punk
told people last week what happened and
aw tried to spin it and it did not it
did not go well did not go well for them
last night all right well that’s a good
summation thank you for that um cap
what’s uh what’s up with the Phils did
you give Eddie Perez a mouthful the
opening weekend how’s how’s the scene
been at the ball park so far uh the the
ballpark’s way too crowded um the uh
it’s it’s you know they’re sold out
almost every night now um even who do we
have in there Cincinnati Reds there was
like 30,000 people when it was like 20
degrees it’s horrible I hate it when the
ballpark crowed but the team’s the
team’s going to be good so it’s they’re
going to it’s going to be crowded all
season now you’re not one of those
people who’s like I’ve been here every
game for the last x amount of years then
you’re going to get grumpy when
everybody else starts showing up is that
what you’re doing here no I just I just
hate crowds I hate crowds um I just I I
I I much prefer it empty but you know I
do like the team being good so I you
know I’ll pay the I’ll pay the pent
penalty of uh the team being good I just
I just like it when there’s 19,000
people this sounds like the old Union
fans getting all pissy when uh when they
started winning and people started
showing up to games which is actually
kind of fitting with I’m I’m
leave like you said but the Messi game
last year like as great as that was that
was the biggest cluster [ __ ] of all time
like I just wanted to go watch the game
have a good time and there’s [ __ ]
people sitting on the goddamn Bridge
watching from Over the Top of the
stadium to see like I’m like I get it I
understand cap I feel your pain I
definitely like I mean there’s something
to be said about the B like the Phillies
like when they’re good and the
electricity and like I went to a bunch
of playoff games last year and it was un
[ __ ] believable but like going to
like see them play the Marlins or the
Reds in yeah there shouldn’t be more
than 25,000 people watching the
Nationals you know there shouldn’t be
that but but they do the but actually
they had to buy one get one dog night
but the weather was garbage and nobody
showed up um and they had to throw out
like 20,000 hot dogs or something crazy
like that because they over hot dogs did
you so what do you make of Pagan’s
efforts to do dollar dog night in the
parking d i I swear to God he has stack
he has stock in the Hatfield hot dog
company why does he care so much about
these goddamn hot dogs being sold I
don’t know I don’t know what his problem
is I I try to explain to him nobody who
works in that Stadium lik star dog
Knight nobody not the security guards
not the ushers not the vendors maybe the
guys who sell them like the beer
salesman because they make really good
tips that day but everybody else doesn’t
get it’s horri the hot dogs are garbage
I don’t know what what his I I he just
you know what it is it’s an easy way to
get the people to like you he wants he
wants the people to like him so that’s
what he’s trying to do I think aren you
supposed to be a man of the people
because that’s a very it’s a very
elitist take out of you I am a man of
people I used to work at the stadium
that doesn’t sound like a very man of
the people stadium and I I used to see
what these drunk college kids used to do
to my beloved ballp Park the baseball
game is a family event and these college
kids taken over with the beer and the
hot dogs and they throw it around like
Savages well guess what Savages no more
dollar dollar dog nights so happy yeah
make them make them pay close to full
price that’s right good I don’t want
billionaire class sympathizer what a
what a shame what a shame now wait I
will say that Pagan is doing a charity
angle to all of this money for DD that’s
not how much does he care about the
charity he canel it the game still
happened iess it resed it wait wait so
but here’s my take on on ddn first of
all it’s a great running bit for the
site uh by the way yes the update dollar
Dog Night tailgate has been rescheduled
to Tuesday April 16th at 5m Lot G next
to XFINITY Live all proceeds go to Phil
bunus we may get a double dip because
the Sixers may have a game that night
depending on how the seating works out
but yes it’s good it’s a good little
content bit that he’s doing but I think
Captain to to I’ll do like the Devil’s
Advocate kind of side with Captain here
a little bit I think pagan is more in
love with the idea of dollar dog Knight
than the actuality of dollar dog Knight
um right I mean like the thought of like
you know we’re all going to go enjoy it
but yes the college kids are screwing it
up people throwing hot dogs and [ __ ]
like that not his fault not our fault
people who blame Crossing broad for the
death of dollar dogna was one of the
most fugazy things I’ve ever heard of
because he was tossing him out of people
specifically and like picking him out in
the crowd and having fun he wasn’t the
dude just you know chucking on like
willy-nilly all over the place I don’t
think he deserves any blame for that the
Flyers did dollar dog Knight this season
with a packed house it was supposed to
be pretzel night but it ended up
becoming dollar dog night you know what
happened people didn’t throw hot dogs
they just ate the hot dogs nobody’s
going to a to a baseball game or to a
hockey game expecting a festar or a
Michelin star hot dog they want to get a
a dollar hot dog because yeah food is
expensive at games it’s a great
promotion I can’t I cannot fathom fath
them taking it up for the
middletons oh John Middleton’s my good
friend I don’t I’m sorry I I stick up
for my friends so uh yeah no it’s it’s
fine and I’m not also you know who else
are my friends the people the vendors in
the ballpark and nobody speaks up for
the little man like I I support the
rmark workers who were on strike because
they had to go through a dollar dog
night God bless them they earn every
penny I hope they should get a raise
yeah that’s that’s if you have to go
through a dollar dog night as a vendor
that’s worth help healthare alone I mean
come on now like they brought out the uh
they had the inflatable Fat Cat and they
had scabby the rat I guess out at the
Wells Fargo Center the other night these
people would never last a day working at
the JFK pool in Pottsville Pennsylvania
when the rain delay when when the rain
delay happens okay when the rain delay
happens and all of pottsville’s finest
flood the concession stand worked by a
bunch of 16-year-olds all right that’s
hard nothing fine about nothing fine
about poville take that
back poville fantastic place if you can
get past a lot of the not fantastic
someone got a speeding ticket I’ll never
forget it everybody where where’ you get
the speeding ticket at where’ you get
I’m not telling you I hope you I hope
deser because you deserved it they
probably should have thrown you into the
skookul county prison while there
peaceful before this would have spared
us from a [ __ ] take like dollar dog
Knight sucks would have spared us well
anyway let’s uh let’s shift to something
else that’s slightly less controversial
um am I the only one in Philadelphia who
likes the city connect jerseys I think
awesome the union
jerseys no don’t do the union Jersey
don’t do the union Jersey thing because
it’s they’re okay the hats are nice the
hats are nice I think when the hats came
out people who were anti- Jersey to
begin with said okay I can get with this
a little bit but let’s be honest like
everybody in Philadelphia hates anything
that’s new you know it’s not Philly’s
colors but it’s it’s city of
Philadelphia colors here’s Captain uh
for people listening on the podcast or
playing the video of him going down to
the team store when they uh released it
now I would say the only thing I don’t
like is like the spinal tap looking font
on the front that I that I don’t get but
I got no problem with with the color see
Corey you can you can chime in on this
because now originally the sons of Ben
colors were the city flag
colors but the union did not the union
did not have this
Motif uh so that wasn’t a union thing
that was an MLs thing but that’s a whole
different time conversation for another
time we wanted them to be baby blue and
yellow but like they had a couple teams
that weree baby blues at the time like
Kansas City and all that other stuff and
originally we wanted the team to be
called Philadelphia athletic instead of
the union and MLB poo pooed that because
you know that whole thing the filias
yeah so they owned the trademark and the
copyright top of that whatever so um the
and then the conversation started about
how we were going to pick the colors of
the team and it was between one group of
people wanted black and gold one group
of people wanted baby blue and yellow so
the compromise was navy blue and gold
that was kind of the compromise and
that’s how that came to be um as far as
the hats the hats are dope I love the
hats the jerseys bro as a guy that plays
old man softball reminded me of a Delo
bar league softball Jersey League yeah
you were the only person that said that
a lot of people have that observation
man like beer league softball but I I
don’t see see my thing cap is like Bas
we got enough basic boring [ __ ] in MLB
right I mean how many teams have like a
road gray with like red or or whatever
they’re only going to be wearing these
so many times right there’s a ton of
games so I don’t have any problem
infusing a little more personality in
the game give me victus bats that look
like this you know give me jerseys that
look like this give me some color give
me something different I know that every
I know that Baseball fans are parochial
and traditional and you Philly Philly is
slow to warm up to new things in general
but I don’t I got no problem with more
color with some with something different
they’re not replacing you know the
classic uniforms with this it’s a side
uniform it’s something different it’s
not going to kill anybody
you know that we know
of no I it’s it’s like I I agree with
you Kev like baseball it’s like you do
you have the the home whites and the
road Grays and that’s really it hot take
my favorite Phil’s Jersey of all time is
the cream jerseys I absolutely love them
sorry so I just something about it just
it’s it’s [ __ ] makes me makes me
smile I mean I get it’s the red
Pinstripes and all that stuff but I love
the creams so Sunday creams they’re some
of my favorites seven on the Phil e
Jersey you see I’m pointing it out in
the video right there that’s that’s the
worst part of the whole
jersey question it looks like too it’s
um and and I also I don’t like the P
like the p is something that we you know
if you go around the stadium you’ll see
they have different generations of the
PE all around I don’t I don’t see them
hanging that PE somewhere I don’t see
that getting um but the Jersey is not
made made for for a middle-aged man it’s
it’s it’s BR for a younger audience and
I think I think they’re going to like it
I I like it it’s not it’s not horrible
it’s made for the dollar dog Knight guys
the one that we uh the one that we saw
the sneak photo of earlier a few months
ago like the one that somebody somehow
got a copy of it didn’t look exactly
like this I like the way the color
Blends from dark to light um it’s all
right everything’s cool except the
number seven it’ll be fine we’ll get
used to it well the seven looks appropo
looks like a question mark because we
don’t really know what we’re going to
get out of Trey Turner maybe another
Standing Ovation this year is is
required we shall see but uh I I like
different stuff and I I was I’m like the
I’m like the only person on the planet
who also likes the Eagles playing in
Brazil so um that’s fine that’s fine you
know this is like on on par for me um
hey Craig Craig can you scrub can you
scrub really quick back to the the
design on the front because there’s
there’s a way to fix these pause that
for a sec hear me out you know how the
nuggets have that one Jersey where
they’ve got the skyline in the back you
know what I’m talking about it’s the
white and then it’s got like the yeah
like it’s like the classic jersey or
whatever that they they bring out for
some home games if they had done this
slightly different font but they had
done the city skyline that’s on the the
inside like where the tag is if they had
done a jersey like that I think this
would have worked cuz it’s the city
connect why wouldn’t all of the city
connect jerseys have the skyline of
every respective City City there’s
probably um well I one thing the skyline
changes every like year so I don’t
identify the skyline anymore like the
skyline of Philadelphia changes all the
time um and I don’t know how long
they’re going to keep this uniform you
know well it’s a money-making
opportunity though because if you change
the skyline then every year you need to
buy the New
Jersey yeah my good friend John
Middleton wouldn’t do that to
us well that’s that’s more of an MLS and
Premier League like Arenal comes out
with some [ __ ] that’s not even close to
looking like their colors or anything
like it but but I remember you know like
people threw a fit when like Boat House
row was on the Sixers jerseys a couple
years ago and I’m like it’s different I
don’t you know okay no it’s not the most
Blue Collar thing out there like a bunch
of like uh you know a yachting reference
necess yachting a rowing reference you
know what I mean so maybe that went hand
inand with Chris heck in the blue collar
comments that got him in hot water but I
like different stuff man I think it’s
cool I think people get used to like
they get used to everything in Philly
Captain Lei the Lehi Iron Pigs dropped a
mummer Jersey yeah a few months ago and
when I saw that I was really hopeful for
the Philly City connect because I’m like
they they got it because I thought that
m one was phenomenal and uh you know I’m
all right with it I just it’s I thought
they could have been a little bit more
daring I just it didn’t take enough risk
I got hate go back to gab Kepler and be
bold be bold here’s the Mummers one that
Cap’s talking about yeah this is really
creative I got a hate mail about this
actually because I wrote like they did a
t-shirt too and there was a picture of
Second Street in Philadelphia I wrote
Second Street in the story and not not
two Street yes the sign is Second Street
they call it two Street and then some
woman yelled at me for not calling it
two Street did she yell at you or did
she write that in the comment well no
she wrote it in an email she wrote me an
email and said why did you call it
Second Street and not two street I’m
like well the sign email right block
your email I hope hopefully I did I
don’t know I get a lot of them every
week so of them kind of kind of Fall by
the Fall by the the Wayside uh why
wouldn’t the Phillies do a Mummers one I
I don’t know I don’t know that’s a good
that’s a it’s a good question cap will
have to ask his friend John Middleton
why they didn’t do I see him at the
ballp park all the time I’ll ask him
next time I see him um listen man before
I get you out of here um did they figure
out the traffic in the Northeast I feel
like the last time we had you on you
couldn’t make a doctor’s appointment
because like all the roads were closed
in Bridesburg or something what is the
traffic situation up there now all right
so the other day a jerk off drove into a
bridge these truck drivers don’t know
how to drive anymore also I don’t know
if you noticed it seems to me a train
derail derail somewhere in this station
every other day uh so I don’t know
what’s going on with the infrastructure
but for some reason it’s all falling
apart around Bridesburg they’re doing
I95 construction they shut down that we
had this beautiful exit was exit 27 and
I didn’t know about this but it was my
favorite place on Earth they took it
away from me and now like I knew it
became my favorite place because I used
to get off 95 take a turn take a turn
and I was home now they I have to get
off Aramingo Avenue and and and now
everybody in the world has to get off
this exit and and every there Amazon is
everywhere in
Bridesburg um I pretty much I just I
just ride my scooter and walk everywhere
now it’s horrible where you live in
Jersey I see that lawn mower of yours
that’s Jersey right no no I’m up in
monco man yeah I got the ego out the
other day it was beautiful man yeah I’m
like w see I I have a weed whacker for
my backyard that’s it I pick up the dog
[ __ ] weed whack uh and I have I have a
big pile of astro turf once in a while
I’ll put some like shampoo on there and
I’ll hose it down that’s where the dogs
piss um but traffic dude the traffic in
the city is horrible just it’s just but
I went I went to Orlando I went to clear
waterer for a a spring training game and
I was like I was down there and I was
like oh I like this I could I could move
down here and then I drove in traffic
from Clearwater to Orlando and I almost
attempted suicide three or four times I
almost CH it was horrible ter traffic it
goes three miles per hour for two hours
you’re stuck in it I have ADHD I can’t
wait in line so traffic really drives me
like insane like whenever I go to the
stadium I only get the I only go to
places that have no line I’ve never had
any good food I always eat the vegan
[ __ ] you know because there’s never a
line there I just I can’t stand lines I
hate traffic night of mania did you go
to all of them every you went to both
you went to both yes how was your
experience getting out on night one I I
I don’t park in parking lots I park
outside a parking lot so I can flee okay
I was sitting in section M which is like
near 95 I actually left during the main
event like when um they were doing their
entrances and I got right behind the
exit so I could get the hell out of
there a
violation so I’ll I’ll tell you though I
didn’t watch Cody rhoder I don’t care
about Cody rhod I was there for the
Bull thank you but then you didn’t stay
to watch him pin the eventual world
champion it’s fine but that night it
it you said well you got out of your
stay to the very end and then I got the
hell out of there and then you got out
of there but you fled but you you fled
from your seat like you were in the
Middle East or something like trying to
you know Dodge okay those are dangerous
places people should flee from there it
makes sense not a violation I watch the
whole match you can watch my YouTube
channel get out of your seat so you can
kind of like you know Scurry away to and
I bought I bought merchandise I bought
merchandise too the lines all those
idiots waited in
line for uh you know t-shirts I did I
got my rock t-shirt I I went to the I
took a piss I bought a soda I I stood
there right at the entrance when they
walked in and walked out and that I
mentioned I didn’t pay for my ticket so
I don’t no violation whatsoever I pretty
much I’m living the best [ __ ] life
that’s how I see it no lines cap we’ll
have to get you on we’ll have to get
captain on KYW News Radio to do the
traffic report one of these days it’ll
just be Captain calling everybody a
[ __ ] 95 [ __ ] sucks because people
driving like jerk golfs people when you
get off of get on Gerard AB you have to
merge get to the [ __ ] far left that’s
KYW that’s the traffic on the twos you
hate that I hate that when they KYW it’s
like they do the traffic for four
minutes and then they’ll do like two
news stories and then they’ll do the
traffic it’s just it’s always traffic
it’s just traffic and I feel like
there’s more traffic and weather than
than anything that’s that’s why I tune
in traffic and weather on the twos for
the rare occasion that I go down to
the city tonight but we’ll we’ll get you
on news radio and you can do your not
tonight [ __ ] uh play of the game as
well so we’ll let you do some sports
sports too I think you would be a good
addition to uh I’m just I’m just
thinking about Bob Kelly when he’s ready
to retire from Fox 29 like what better
way to start the morning you know the
cap and Mike jerck in the morning
possibly go WR Bob Kelly doesn’t know
this but we have a major Feud going on
um I don’t I don’t like the way he talks
you don’t like I
know he talks like Rachel Ray he I call
a sandwich a Sammy and it just it just
drove me I said no no nobody I know
because I think he’s from my
neighborhood and nobody in my age group
ever called a sandwich a Sammy and he
and I just I just hate the way he talks
it drives me insane all right well
listen before we get you out of here
we’ll do a question from T he says uh
Captain who’s your tool bag of the
week that’s a great question
it’s a lot of good candidates this week
Simpson right because it’s the last week
he’s qualified for it technically
because he’s dead but earlier he was
alive so OJ Simpson is the tool bag of
the week Google Ron Goldman and see what
he did to his child it’s horrible he
killed him bringing it full cirle we
don’t have to Google it you [ __ ]
spoiled it didn’t you oh Google Ron
Goldman Jr then
well we’re getting out getting out of
here on a high note but thank you for
bringing a full circle to the uh
beginning of the conversation cap it’s
always a pleasure to have you on man
thank you watch out for the [ __ ] in
Bridesburg and uh all don’t be jerk offs
don’t be jerk offs we’ll see you next
time man don’t get a speeding ticket in
skookul County [ __ ] off bville yeah
right never a never a dull moment with
the Philly captain on the show
um yeah so anyway I’m just trying to get
over him saying he doesn’t like how Bob
talks because he talks like Rachel Ray
because he talk so much about Rachel
Philly Captain I I’ve have never PRI
previously met Philly Captain I don’t
know if I will ever again speak to
Philly Captain but I find I find the
whole concept Rich he sounds like
somebody from Delco trying to talk like
godfried there’s a lot of Gilbert in his
voice well for a little while we had
Delco representing Cory had to drop off
while thanks to Cory for jumping on we
had somebody from uh Delo we had
somebody from skookul County we had
somebody from Boyertown and we had
somebody from Bridesburg on the show so
I think the
uh white trash angle we had perfectly
covered on today’s show or Italian trash
in your case I’m sorry well I can’t I
can’t even like I wish I could do a
Delco accent I could do a lot of accents
that’s not one I could do a good work
Godfree voice but I can’t do it doing
Delco that’s going to be my new
assignment all right I don’t like
Pottsville why would I like Pottsville
they gave me a speeding ticket now if I
say wooder does that make me sound like
the Philly Captain if I say wooder and I
say Bridesburg and go check out my
YouTube by the way you gave me [ __ ]
because I said people should go listen
to It’s just wrestling for their for
their recap of pro wrestling stuff and
then you had Craig making
$450,000 behind the glass showing videos
ad nauseum of the captain’s YouTube
channel we’re effectively doing you
don’t get it you have no under concept
of what I’m talking about I’m trying to
get people to keep their eyes here and
their ears is here so playing stuff on
here it doesn’t divert them elsewhere
but if it’s like go listen to my
wrestling podcast now I don’t want
people clicking off the show now I want
people to listen they’re not gonna leave
they’re not gonna leave the show right
now they’re gonna have the seed is
planted in their CA and they’re gonna be
like oh look that I love CRA Craig go to
the YouTube the YouTube number is so
much more impressive the subscriber
number over there on YouTube is so much
better than than the uh the Twitter
that’s not even the most recent episode
you have to scroll down a little bit
there Craigs I love Craig Craig’s my
favorite what a guy what a guy we love
Craig love Craig oh all right take it
off the screen I don’t need K Kade
having a having a conniption all right
no no contion I like when the show goes
off the rails man I like when we’re just
kind of kind of winging it here uh this
is not you know sports radio where I’m
like you know banging the table to get
it back to the the Eagles or whatever
you know as long as I see a nice number
up there at the top then you know it’s
all good with me uh by the way this this
I’m glad Craig Craig that we were in
sync cuz I was about to ask to pull this
up Sean O’Neal says sco Peep’s got
different accents too do you want to
hear what a skook sounds like if you’re
skul County which is Northeast Delco can
I get okay so people people always have
like a dip of tobacco in the lip often
right they just got done like a bender
up at a bush party I everybody you’re
going down to hosy get yings and wings
okay so that’s like a little skism I
will tell you though Kev I think I’ve
said this before may not have been on
this show Delco I I hold Delco in a
really nice part of my heart because
Delco to me is is southeast Pennsylvania
skook you’re just as like likely to see
a pregnant woman taking a drag of a
Marboro or a camel outside of a Wawa in
Delco as you would be to see her do the
same thing outside of a Sheets in
Pottsville so there’s something we’re
unifying Delco and scoop yeah it’s a
little bit self-deprecating humor and a
backhanded compliment in there at the
same time you know um yep but I do the
same thing as well so I guess we’ll just
roll with it um so where do you want to
go from here like what’s uh I guess we
got to talk about the flyers being
cooked do we you well you know I was
watching STG I guess the PO was it the
postgame uh Montreal the other night and
you you kind of you and Anthony kind of
uh I I don’t disagree like his his take
from the beginning has been like the
Flyers weren’t ever supposed to be here
right um but your take differs from his
how so I guess it comes down to if you
believe in sliding scales or not right
gold yeah like
they should have been really bad the
expectation was that they’d be really
bad from ownership down the the message
was it’s a rebuild and torz did what he
does which is take a very bad group of
players and we we brought up the stats
on the show but you know if you look
back at his 20120 and 2021 Columbus Blue
Jackets teams and you look at last
year’s record and this year’s record the
the trend is there he pushes really hard
for the first two-thirds of the season
and then the the law of diminishing
returns inevitably kicks in and the
teams kind of fall apart down the
stretch and I think that if you’re being
honest about it you know I saw like wiip
was running polls about it 975 was
running polls about it
um is it is it fair to say that a team
that was supposed to be so bad is a
disappointment for falling apart down
the stretch I say yes because what you
did is you overperformed but you got
people believing that you could make the
playoffs and that you could make a run
and so I don’t think that the preseason
predictions and everything really matter
all that much once you’ve shown that
like Hey we’re actually better than
expected or we’re capable of you know
punching above our weight
class they they falling apart it it’s
not the same thing as watching the
Phillies fall apart the last couple of
years okay like choking in the
playoffs or watching the Sixers and
watching Joel embiid you know get hurt
or have gastroenteritis or whatever in
the playoffs and like watching them fall
apart this is different because it was
rebuild rebuild rebuild all year they
overperformed all they had to do Kev
after the gauntlet the seven game
stretch was play 500 hockey and you make
the playoffs that’s it play 500 hockey
and it’s not even against good player
like against good teams Buffalo Montreal
twice Chicago and they just [ __ ] the bed
they they’ve lost eight straight games
the joke had been hey at least the
Flyers aren’t going to lose 10 straight
this year they can they they can
actually lose 11 straight to close out
the year the funny thing is they’re
actually getting themselves even closer
to potentially getting a top 10 pick in
the draft that’s how bad the end of the
season has been for them so like I I I
do think that it’s fair to look at a
team that’s overperformed and then say
yo you didn’t even have to play well
down the stretch against these bad teams
you could put some passable games
together make the playoffs get people
excited and they puked all over
themselves I this is a horrific choke
job relative to what they had shown they
could do all season two points here
number one Ford is doing something in
the comments that I can’t stand I can’t
stand when people uh what did he say he
said I told you six months ago I’m
paraphrasing here because I lost it Ford
is saying that I said months ago that
they would miss the playoffs listen
Ford love you man you were great on the
show we had you on nobody gives a [ __ ]
who was the first or the last to say
that they this team would miss the
playoffs this coach should be fired like
the I Told You So thing is the most
annoying thing Phil kaid used to do this
to me all the time he’d be like I told
you Brett Brown was a fraud 17 years ago
I don’t care I’m GNA watch the games
maybe they win maybe they lose maybe
they fire the coach maybe they’re not
everybody wants to be the first first
and they want to remind you that they
were the first they want to say I knew
that the Sixers were not going to get
the seven seed I told you that four
months ago nobody cares thank you I
appreciate you anyway um the other thing
Russ that bothers me is this is another
like nebulous nothing kind of concept
and that is the idea of players quitting
on a coach okay let me ask you a
question do you think the Flyers busted
their ass and blocked shots and skated
their butts off for many many months for
torts just to make it to like the final
12 games of the year and then quit on
him no okay well why why so why do
people think that like yes you can say
that the Shan coutu think maybe that
made well that was stupid feel feel a
certain way but like like so you’re
gonna work your ass off for 80% of the
year and it’s like oh now I don’t want
to work hard for the coach and now I’m
gonna phone it in when the playoffs are
right there well there’s a thought that
maybe the players are playing scared and
they have since he scratched curon and I
always say this but like the smooth
brain koala fans you know you know
koalas have smooth brains did you know
that I do now the the part of your brain
that’s like the squiggly part right your
whole brain that’s the part that allows
you to think critically did you know the
koalas are so stupid that if you pick
the leaves off of the eucalyptus plant
they don’t know what to do with them
they won’t eat them they don’t know if
you put it on a dish right in front of
them they don’t know they can
watch they can I can watch you take the
Lea off the plant and put it in front of
him and he won know what to do with it
he’s got to eat it off of the plant yeah
so like it’s a beautiful smooth brain
there if you’re watching on the YouTube
and on Twitter and on Facebook zoology
lesson for everybody but anyway so like
I like to say smooth brain koala brains
because people are not capable of
critically thinking about the flyers and
about John
torella the problem
is there is a human element to this and
a lot of these people like to go well
Shan C is playing like a fourth liner
you know he’s getting paid 7even plus
million a year yeah he’s the captain why
does he suck so much he’s still one of
your best 12 forwards On Any Given night
he’s still better than Nick delore he’s
still better than oi
lixel he’s better than Cam
ainson and yet torz scratched the
captain I think that there was probably
a little bit in here that you say all
right maybe he’s trying to Galvanize the
team get them to to hate him and they’ll
they’ll work collectively together and
it hasn’t worked there were some initial
returns for like two games and then the
the bottom fell out and I think the
bigger issue that they ran into is
they’re just not a talented enough team
they had some serious injuries on the
blue line seeler was out for a while
Dale was out for a while they traded
away Shawn Walker at the deadline for a
first round pick which is a fantastic
move but all of those issues together
kind of compounded a lot of problems
they had and they just didn’t have
enough they didn’t they didn’t have the
horses that they needed down the stretch
to get them across the Finish Line I
don’t think they quit on the coach but I
do think that like scratching the
captain especially with a team that has
as much youth as this one you start
playing from a place of fear Bundy said
it on the show the all-time leader in uh
games played by a defenseman in Flyers
history if there’s somebody who would
know it’d probably be him and he said he
thinks that they played scared from that
on I don’t know how anybody could try to
refute it they haven’t been the same
team yeah and my my final point on that
concept too is like you know torts we
know has been a uh a a button
press the right buttons kind of guy
throughout the year you know like making
these like drastic kind of like I’m
going to bench this guy or you know one
week I’m gonna call the players [ __ ]
and the next week I’m gonna praise them
for their effort right and so you press
all these different buttons to get the
the desired effect for any particular
week but what that does Russ is it
results in mixed messaging right where
the players are like okay so are we
[ __ ] this week or do you appreciate
us you he didn’t he didn’t call them he
didn’t call them little kitty cats but
he did say last week last last week he
said he said soft soft yes and that was
the that was the retort and then after
the wheels really fell off and they
started getting their faces kicked in
the other night after after the game is
after the Montreal game where they got
embarrassed nine to3 like an absolutely
horrific he got their back on that one
but anything these are a lot of these
are a lot of great guys yeah it’s a good
locker room is it because you just
called them soft last week so which is
it are they sof or are they good guys
yeah are they are they up for this like
you said they weren’t a week ago or is
it that they aren’t talented enough or
they’re wiped out are they wiped out
like you said two weeks ago where is it
and this is the problem Kevin and this
is the problem that like again the koala
brain fans miss out on this because they
they’ve developed this blind loyalism
for this guy he to me is and I’ve said
this since the day he was hired he is
Doc Rivers in the NHL these guys like to
hold on to a championship they won to
decades ago in a very different league
with stacked rosters they have not found
the same success since they have an
Antiquated way of going about coaching
the game or about interacting with the
new version of player and if you don’t
like where the leagues are trending in
terms of how coaches talk to players and
players react tough [ __ ] it’s where it’s
going I just don’t think he’s the right
coach for this team at this point of
what their rebuild is and that’s been
the thing since he was hired right coach
wrong time the idea now and the report
came out a couple days ago the the idea
that he’ll be back next year and that
assistance will remain in place Shaw has
done a great job with the blue line
getting more out of them and more out of
that group than anyone expected him to
Rocky Thompson’s been overseeing the
worst power play in the leag a
historically bad power play and there
has been Nar a mention of moving on from
him and in any other year or with any
other head coach there’d be people
calling for for his head the media
post game you know post skate they
asking what like what the hell are we
doing here how haven’t you made a change
at assistant coach or on the power play
and a lot of the media won’t do it they
they saw what happened to Anthony and I
don’t know if that’s why I’m not saying
that they’re not credible human beings a
lot of them are great people they come
on the Press row show but I don’t think
anybody wants to have the coach you know
put the the Target on them like he has
with ant and he has with you know the
reporters in other markets before um
so the Flyers leading Point producer
this year is Travis concy I think he’s
got 65 he is tied for 58th in the
um the Flyers do not have a guy in the
top 55 for Point production you know and
W wow yes you’ve gotten 40 some odd
combined points out of like Garnet
Hathaway and Ryan paling of you know
getting fourth liners to play like third
liners and second liners the con Smite
it wins you not you know and when they
get into situations like the power play
or overtime where all of a sudden space
and speed and skill become exemplified
then you really see their shortcomings
and you’re like oh they don’t have any
high-end offensive Talent here I watched
the Oilers play the uh Knights last
night and I was like holy [ __ ] I feel
like I’m watching a different game here
you know uh Joe pavelski who’s like as
old as I am has more points than anybody
on the Flyers right now and yes if if
you know if uh of Flyers if Owen tippet
played with with that group of people in
Dallas then yes I’m sure he would have
more points than he does now but still
that was a thing that I used to prove a
point so yeah and I would just say too
Ford is like up my ass in the comments
because he’s saying I do the told you so
rtin no I’m not talking about I told you
so I’m talking about like being first
thing like oh I F I was the first to
tell you that like Brett Brown was a
fraud I want everybody to know that I
called Brett Brown a fraud like 10
months ago I don’t think we do that on
the show um anyway Russ I have one more
show before I go on vacation so we only
have two opportunities to talk about the
NFL draft here I’m gonna bring it back
to the Eagles we’re gonna mandate
getting it back to the Eagles on this
show Craig I unfortunately have to I
have to go bounce for a little can you
hold down the fort here for a few
minutes until I come back this is a
monologue for me yeah Craig if you can
pull up I will come back I will come
back to you Kev Reach Out reach out I I
wouldn’t leave you hanging all right no
it’s all right I can monologue my
stomach light needs your stomach light
we can all phone home together it’s a
great line from the movie goon thank you
okay all right thank you um Craig if you
have the uh Eagles column from yesterday
Wednesday I want to talk about that a
little bit because uh as we get closer
to the draft
now I I I’ve kind of settled on two
outcomes that I that I personally would
be um fine with that I would accept and
those are um well actually let me let me
set it up first
so they’ve got three picks in the first
the first two rounds they’ve got a first
round draft pick number 22 then they
pick I want to say 50 and 53 a couple of
picks apart in the second round so they
have a first and they have two seconds
you’ll just assume for the sake of the
exercise are going to use those and
they’re not going to trade I’m sure
they’ll make a trade they always make
some kind of trade whether packaging
picks later or moving up in the first
round the second round whatever um what
are your positions of need if you’re the
Eagles do you need a quarterback no do
you need a running back no do you need a
left tackle no do you need a left guard
no do you need a center no assuming that
cam Jurgens is going to go back over to
there and replace Jason Kelce do you
need a right tackle not right now you’re
gonna have to replace Lane Johnson
eventually so really the only spot that
you need on the offensive side is Right
Guard you know you got Tyler Steen there
they may use there you have Matt
Hennessy who’s in The Fold now as well
um you do need you do need depth behind
Dallas Gard you got nothing behind
Dallas Goddard at tight end you’ve got
nothing behind AJ Brown and Devonte
Smith at wide receiver three I know they
went out and got Paris Campbell and
Devonte Parker but I I don’t you know
again there’s a there’s a steep drop off
there and there’s going to be some
targets going to that GNA be 25 to 35
targets going to that person regardless
so you know my thought was like maybe
you use your later round draft picks on
on going depth on offense but originally
my thought was you use you can keep
scrolling down there Craig originally my
thought was you use your first three
picks round one 22 overall best
cornerback on the board round two number
50 overall best Edge rusher on the board
round two number 53 overall best
linebacker on the board because I mean
quite frankly I didn’t even go through
over the defense but you need you need
something at every level of the defense
you need help in the secondary you need
linebackers and you’re going to need a
need an edge rusher to replace Assan
reick I know they brought in Bryce Huff
but the only spot on the defense I feel
really really good about is the interior
with Jaylen Carter and Milton Williams
and and hopefully Jordan Davis turnning
a corner um you know and then so in
rounds so my thought was like let give
me one player at each level of the
defense and then rounds four five and
six okay that’s look for tight end depth
o line receiver you know not in any
particular order I mean they have
into decent enough players in the fourth
round vonte Maddox before his his injury
issues Matt Pryor was a dude that they
found in the sixth who who gave them at
least some decent starts for for a Time
and so that was originally what I was
thinking there
however you know as as you probably
agree it’s it’s it’s hard to dispute or
have any problem ever with the
Philadelphia Eagles drafting offensive
line in the first round or the second
round or the third
round and I know that uh you know yes
you do have a a Danny Watkins that comes
along every so often um you do have a
you know Andre Dillard every so often
but this is the paragraph I wrote about
I want to read it verbatim here I
started to think about it a little bit
more and came to the conclusion that I’d
have zero problem with the Eagles going
offensive line in the first or second
round sure they’ve got Tyler Steen
they’ve got Matt Hennessy in the mix of
Right Guard and even though uh cam
Jurgens is presumably moving inside to
replace Kelce you technically have 80%
of your offensive line returning are you
satisfied with that going into the year
most fans would probably say yes but we
know how the Eagles value the offensive
line and because of that I’m never going
to complain about a first or second
round offensive line draft selection not
now not ever uh like I said you get the
occasional Andre dard Danny Watkins but
more often than not you get Lane Johnson
Landon Dickerson Jurgens even then Isaac
sealo on the second third round Fringe
it’s a decent enough draft for interior
offensive lineman um danne buger you
guys probably know is the guy who does
like 300 Page draft breakdown every year
he has six guards grad at his first
through third round Talent um there’s a
guy up in Washington who first first
round Talent best guard on the board
they could go go for him you could go
you know guard uh cornerback linebacker
with with one two two you could go guard
cornerback Edge rusher and then use your
your fourth round pick um on on a
linebacker it is a it is a
stronger it’s a stronger draft draft
class um at at the top in the in the pre
in the Premier positions that they
already have which is strange you know
what are we had four or five
quarterbacks all with first round grades
that are probably going to go near the
very top there so you’ve got that the
Eagles don’t need a quarterback wide
receiver is has a ton of depth in this
draft and part of me is like well you
know I could see how he how he Rosman or
um you know go go that I mean if you
just think that that position group is
is strong strong enough then maybe you
dip into that just because you don’t
think that there’s going to be a draft
in the next five or six years with a
position group that’s that strong strong
so I write regardless of individual
player valuation the one thing the most
analysts seem to agree on is that this
class is particularly strong at
offensive tackle quarterback and
receiver three positions where the
Eagles already have highend talent
however Lane Johnson can’t play forever
and if the Eagles feel like he’s close
to retirement uh this would be the draft
in which to find his replacement but
that doesn’t answer the Right Guard
question and then on the defensive side
cornerback and Edge classes are better
than the linebacker class by far uh most
of the anal that I like Lance zerline
Dane bugler they grade out five to seven
corners and Edge rushers with first or
second round grades but the best
linebackers probably um Michigan’s
Junior Coulson or Texas A&M’s Edgar and
Cooper a couple like third roundish guys
that the Eagles may I hope slide into
the fourth but there’s no you know
there’s no consensus like first round
linebackers I think Lineback you can let
slide I feel like if they come out of it
with um like a cornerback at number 22
then maybe an edge rush or maybe an
offensive lineman or something I’m fine
with that um but you know yeah there’s
just there’s just been a little
less you know Intrigue I guess maybe on
the on the draft this year I think
people still burned out a little bit on
the Eagles following um you know the way
that last year ended and um you know
there’s been a lot going on with the the
Sixers and the and the Flyers and
whatnot so um you know but we’ll get you
know we’ll get some juice going again
for the Eagles as we go here I think I
think ho roseman’s done a good job with
the draft in recent years you know the
jury is still out on guys like Jordan
Davis and niobe Dean for sure but um you
know early Returns on the philosophy of
drafting the best players from the best
SEC teams Landon
Dickerson Devonte Smith you know that’s
that’s a strategy that has so far worked
more than it has not so hopefully they
uh they keep it there um two more things
I wanted to talk about depending on
whether or not Russ comes back Craig if
you have the uh the top of go to the top
of the
Sixers Twitter feed and pull the tweet
that they have there about the Statue
for Alan
Iverson they are putting
a AI statue on the walk at the training
complex in Camden where they have
Charles Barkley and Dr J and Will
Chamber and all those guys and so this
is actually this is a good tweet from
them where they say guess the pose that
we’re going to put on the sculpture
which I believe is being revealed
tomorrow Friday so the options here are
uh the hand to ear crossover dunk the
stepover AI holding the MVP trophy and
uh the iconic photo shoot where he’s
kind of sitting there with his hand on
chin excuse me there’s only one
answer for for what the pose should be
here and that’s hand to
ear that’s the most I I ionic uh look
that AI has and it fits the best on a
statue anyway um the MVP one is dumb
because you can’t have a statue of a guy
holding a statue right isn’t that like
Inception the the movie Inception layers
upon layers crossover is cool but unless
Michael Jordan’s also included in it
then it doesn’t mean much the dunk is
kind of like how many dunks do you even
remember AI having that were memorable
right um and the
stepover this will get Russ to jump back
on the show I think stepover is the most
one of the most overrated moments in
sports I do like I I just don’t I don’t
get it um in a in a vacuum I remember
watching that game game one against the
Lakers in the 2001 finals they were
underdogs nobody expected him to do
anything AI goes off he hits the shot
tyo falls down and he steps over him
boom iconic moment
um but then what happened after
that they went and lost
the next four games you know it was a it
was a it was a gentleman sweep right and
even though nobody expected the Sixers
to win that series to me whenever I look
at the stepover they only thing I can
think of is them losing that series the
way that they did and they were they
were competitive but they were just out
outmatched I mean that was an Underdog
Story for the longest time so in a
singular vacuum you know when you were
watching that game 23 years ago now I
mean that was massive it was like holy
[ __ ] what are we watching here this is
an iconic moment and in a in a in
Singularity yes it’s huge but I don’t I
don’t want to I don’t want to be pulling
up to the practice facility walking in
there to cover a practice or whatever
and you know I see a a a statue
representing a moment that was a
gentleman’s sweep for the Lakers I can’t
I can’t maybe you’re different I can’t
disassociate the stepover from the
entirety of that Series so that’s why I
think it’s overrated I think it came
back to
uh kind I don’t know I think like some
of the Hipster process fans like pulled
the the stepover back and said this is
like the greatest moment in Sixers
history or whatever and it is an iconic
I’m not trying to [ __ ] on the moment
itself I just I just think because of
entirety of that series and what
happened with the Lakers after that it
just it kind of puts
a blemish on the um on the whole thing
and Craig is digging up tweets from
several years ago that I don’t even
remember sending out uh I said I’ll be
honest I put the Jordan crossover above
the stepover I think any from that
Series rings Hollow since they at a
gentleman sweep Counterpoint uh I don’t
know what this is in response to
something from Brian hickey a lot of
people who love the step over were not
10 years old back then what did what did
I respond to here
Craig uh you’re unable to view this post
because the account okay so I don’t know
I don’t know what I was responding to
but uh let me read what I wrote there
hang on I think people forget that AI
was cooking Kobe in the first half of
this game so they put teron l on him and
he was grabbing oh yes yes I remember
this now right because they had they had
Kobe on AI I think start then they
brought Ty Off the Bench I want to say
and he was like grabbing and holding and
and being annoying um but teron the
funny thing about the step over too is
actually pretty good defense by tonl I
think he like tripped and fell and then
so AI steep stepped over him but yeah he
actually had a decent game and played uh
decent defense so
um yeah that’s my my my thoughts on that
I just I think the hand to ear is the
most iconic synonymous Allen Iver Allen
Iver thing that I can um remember so I
hope that that’s what they end up going
with um Russ Mayer may not come back it
doesn’t matter because I’m gonna end the
show now because it’s my show and I can
do that we went about an hour and 10
minutes hour and 12 minutes actually
thank you to Craig for pushing the
buttons thank you to Russ thank you to
Corey thank you to Philly Captain thank
you to Ford thank you to Rico thank you
to everybody in the uh chat who
participated today thank you for Connor
telling me it’s a nothing Burger on the
way out uh thanks to T from the
203 hope you appreciated my monologue
and we will see you well R will see you
Monday for his show and I’ll be back on
Thursday of next week

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