Golf Players

Reacting to Rory Mcilroy Changing his Stance on LIV Golf After $850 Million Offer | Le Batard Show

Greg Cote and Stugotz discuss the report that Rory McIlroy could potentially head to the LIV tour, and Greg wants to build a statue of himself. Then, Greg ALSO wants his own personal logo. So, if you’re keeping track, a statue and a logo for Greg Cote. Plus, Greg explains his Jimmy Buffet experience, Verne Lundquist will still your girl and make you feel the verne, and Billy shares a story about his machete. Wow. After writing the notes, I’ve realized this was a pretty chaotic hour.


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Greg Cody sits here saying that he is
astounded uh there are reports now all
over the place and I don’t know what’s
verified but somehow and I’m surprised
that you guys are surprised Rory mroy
possibly getting an $850 million deal
from Liv he can’t do that okay but you
say I I have reached the point in sports
where words mean nothing Jimmy Butler
before a series can say whatever he
wants the words don’t mean anything Rory
yeah you were about principles back then
that was then this is now and if all of
society caves on the Saudi money and
your sport caves on the Saudi money and
you’re standing alone on the other side
correct me if I’m wrong on this you’re
hanging on to a principal that nobody
else cares about well he’s not alone
other golfers care about it Tiger Woods
cares about it there are some golfers
Jordan spe Justin Thomas they care about
it what are you guys astounded by of
course the blood money is going to keep
buying as much as it can to whitewash
its money and golf was a good choice
because look at how the country club
splintered the moment you’ve got
Mickelson with a gambling problem over
here and these other guys Greg Norman
making an economy around his courses
because there’s so much blood Money
flowing in there’s two reasons I’m
astounded by it one is you can’t be the
guy who rails against it and he has been
the leader of the group of golfers
railing against it and then take a deal
with Liv and then the other thing is why
would Liv do this they’re going to get
their merger anyway why would they spend
$850 million on him especially for a guy
who hasn’t won a a major in a lot of
years I mean Rory if anything has been a
a career disappointment I think based on
his early part of his career but I agree
with st gots the reason I’m astounded is
that he was out front he was the face of
anti- live golf and now he’s joining
this is how they buy your sport This Is
How They this is how they wash the money
I just feel like some people need to be
above that Iger Woods is above that is
he going to go to live golf they’re
offering him money even at his age like
nobody else he hasn’t done it yet but
Rory came off I think feeling the
dumbest out of everyone that was
involved in the situation because he was
the most outspoken he was the loudest
defender of the PGA of not doing this
and I mean I don’t know him obviously
I’m not speaking for him but it very
much felt like a betrayal when there was
the announcement that the PGA and Liv
were entering some sort of partnership
necessarily A merger because I think
they’re still going to exist as separate
entities but there was almost like a
betrayal like why was I defending you if
everyone is still going if this money is
still out there I’d be stupid not to
take it if you’re just going to take it
from them anyways why wouldn’t I take
$850 million and from the live front I
mean why would they give it to him
because you win like you had the large
this is a PR move you you get the person
who was the largest person the the the
biggest name that was outspoken against
you and you proved he has a price too
and we can get that person so we’re not
that bad after all if the largest
criticizer of us is coming to us this is
a spite offer like in curb when he does
the spite coffee store this is just them
wanting to be able to say yeah we got
you you said you’d never do it and you
did for what it’s worth the reporting on
the offer came from cityam which is a
London Financial paper they said that
two different sources had told them that
there’s been an offer made by Liv it
quote unquote could happen and that it
was an 800 $50 million offer uh the
Irish independent got a quote from
Rory’s manager and the manager said fake
news zero truth so that’s as of about an
hour ago that that came in and so now
it’s just a matter of is it because that
got out there before Rory could get the
pr spin on on his own side of it or is
there truly zero truth to this report
well thank you for that and thank you to
all of you and you were Legion who wrote
in yesterday telling us that all of
Philadelphia’s statues are the size of
alen Iverson statue I thought someone
said that in the middle of the fry of us
Mo mocking the tiny we also said it in
the postgame show I I thought so but
regardless a lot of people came down on
me with great furor great rage because
uh they thought that we didn’t respect
enough that all Philadelphia statues are
tiny tiny embarrassing statues not just
Alan Iverson it also technically is that
their practice facility in Camden New
Jersey but other than that we nailed it
that’s statue has to be a little Larger
than Life okay you know I’m
commissioning a statue of myself really
it yeah it’s going to be about 6 in
bigger than than I am it’s going to be
my statue is going to be like 63 64 not
counting the
pedestal it demeans you to have a
smaller than life statue I mean I don’t
want a statue of me I look like a jockey
I’m four feet tall Greg has been talking
about this statue for a couple of months
now Chris were you aware of this I don’t
know where he intends to put it whether
it’s in your yard or his yard his
backyard’s yard you would honestly be
amazed how serious he is about this cuz
usually he says stuff and he’s dead
serious he sends me emails hey let’s not
forget about this he’s been talking
about it for months I’ve heard it and
look I don’t think you guys are going to
do anything with eBay because you guys
don’t know where money can be made but
you have talked about a statue long
enough to make me believe that at your
passing Chris Cody is going to have in
his yard in inherited from you maybe the
only thing in the will your statue a
slightly larger than you life-size
replica of you I want to have it done
you want to leave it for your son of
course it’s you know I want it to enjoy
it while I’m alive what is one of those
Liva yeah thank you what does one of
those set you back Greg you know what
they’re a little pricey are they yeah
they’re let’s get some detail so that
people understand that this is not a bit
crowdsource this I have seen you doing
the research during bre
you are crowdsource it yeah you want
Greg Cody you want our audence we
publicly funded a ballpark for multiple
teams why not publicly fund a statue
that the masses can enjoy I’m going to
write that down put it at a park you’re
going to beg our audience to build him a
statue but if you want to contribute
exactly we ask please we ask for money
for R Mill’s cars every week I just went
to big and I’m seeing it
starts at 5K yeah projects start at a
minimum 5K anything you can imagine can
create is it stone or is it bronze well
if it’s bronze then that’s where the the
price what have you been looking into
it’s Marble you know very expensive
marble is a little creepy you know
marble is like a mausoleum kind Vibe
yeah so I’m thinking uh I’m thinking
bronze uh Hollow bronze of course save a
few bucks you have a pose in mind uh you
know what it’s another good question for
you because you doing the Charleston
I’ve been thinking about no I’ve been
thinking about that a lot Dad wait I
think this is good you can you get up
and show everyone what you would do like
in hotel rooms when you would like be
your your pose your your muscular pose
what I mean like has a statue pose that
we would be traveling as a family and my
dad would like come out in his underwear
and he would just like huh who needs me
go ahead dad show the people baby all
right wait a minute wait please a lot
was said I me
what thank you I really don’t want to do
that pose is underwear yes because other
boxers they’re not tidy
okay with the button on the front or are
we risking it box of brief yeah box of
briefs you know like uh you guys are
making this more weird than it was it’s
just my dad hot day short boxers you
know Greg please get behind me right now
and recreate
baby there you go now recreate what what
take your shorts off I don’t know
whether the cameras are in the right
place or not uh I don’t believe that you
know what you’re doing here in terms of
lighting but he doesn’t even have to
like he’s got to move slightly to either
the right or the left all right there’s
bodybuilder all hold on a second all
right stay there earlier good statue
earlier in the show Greg just hold on a
second no please get behind me again if
you don’t mind just real quick yes
please baby yeah you can do it again cuz
you’re yeah you’re slightly over we want
to see his feet too so a little to the
anic would be a good option all right
excellent camera work by everybody in
involved excellent excellent directing
by everyone involved uh if I may Greg if
you would stop for just a moment
parading around you have me back here I
know but I’m headed somewhere with this
in the first hour of the show this is
something that I have witnessed with
Greg Cody I would say for the better
part of more than 30 years okay when
scared and spotlighted he will break
into a specific kind of dance it’s
always the same dance it would be my
statue for him Greg would you please now
give me that dance there is that Dan
whenever anything is on him yes there’s
uh that is what that is one of the
dances there’s also the one that where
you have your hand behind your back are
you forgetting your hand behind your
back yes this one I have seen for many
years uh that would also be the statue
classic yeah but Greg is saying there
should be another statue a different
statue bronze hollowed out are you
winded from those dances no but I want
to have a dignified statue of myself God
I don’t think I want to mock myself with
a dance move I think I want to stand
regally uh at attention you are winded
and um he is I’m just I you know I’m not
Napoleon I don’t want to have my hand in
my shirt but how about pen to paper or
something like that you know that’s not
a bad idea what age would you
highlight I would say a youthful middle
age okay yeah I I want to be a phel uh
I no no a lot goes into this a lot goes
into it into
exactly what kind of shirt are you
wearing what pattern a lot goes into it
a youthful middle age he says and then
it sounded like a mumming coughing like
just coughing dust the living artifact
thank you no stone can be left unturned
in the making of a statue it lives
forever if done right yeah it does and
it’ll uh it will be bequeathed to uh my
old the son probably um in L of money
we we’ll leave him a statue do you
realize how grotesk that is as an
inheritance in Li of money he’s leaving
you just from the Beyond a hollowed out
bronze him you think the Lincoln would
want money in exchange for the Lincoln
Memorial youthfully middleaged judging
you hard to see that in the moment
though from your lawn that’s in the
backyard Greg thinks long term gang yeah
I do
it’s Eternal I want to be Eternal that
kind of thing we were talking about
Statue gropers yesterday where would you
like people to rub your statue for luck
belly I would you’ve been waiting all
your life for that question to be asked
bellly I’m not kidding you when I say
that he went effortlessly from the belly
to the microphones go off and then Greg
Cody says hey
remember that personal logo I was
telling you about last week that I was
making I’ve made strides wowow oh
strides there’s an update to be made on
a personal logo he is about to rumage
through uh through a bag now and tell us
what he’s been working on this is the um
photo of myself uh you can see the tail
fin of uh a 19 late 1950s car you got to
hold it up so we could actually you’re
looking at well he’s trying to describe
the picture
yeah that’s back in the day when people
used to drive for fun we talked about
yesterday and if those of you for those
of you are just tuning in and missed it
this is as a response to Greg not liking
wem’s new logo Greg said he could make a
logo better than wem’s logo last and by
the way this is to set up this is
intentionally um a little off uh Center
not off center but but a little out of
focus and I want that is that 1440 yeah
it is oh wow wow can I see that and and
what we’re going to do is we’re going to
um look through it look onto the photo
in Kaleidoscope fashion oh love it and
and make it Round And across the cropped
round photo we’re going to have uh
words that convey a logo if uh let me
let me stop everyone for a second
because we’ve got a rare treat on our
hands right now it’s not quite an
eclipse but it’s Greg Cody in his late
hour pride of going a little bit
delusional after after a rare road rage
incident that brought him in all sorts
of hot so I just need everyone to
understand that Greg Cody was just
outside and one of the things he just
belched at the room is in general is
Does anything go cold faster than
scrambled eggs just shouts it at the
room put it on the pole please Juju Does
anything go cold faster than scrambled
eggs and then out of nowhere a burst in
which Greg Cody is in a room full of
people and he’s pantomiming an
aggressive bowling move he is
pantomiming aggressively bowling and Roy
says to him be careful Greg you’re gonna
throw your back out and Greg shouts
across the room I’m gonna throw my front
out just one of life’s mysteries Dan how
does coffee go cold but ice cream goes
hot and melts same temperature who
knows Chris what do you have back there
cuz your dad is derailing everything now
I have him in the last seg
uh we going to let that slide we going
to let that slide coffee and ice cream
are the same temperature yeah left out
in a room hot coffee will go cold and
cold ice cream goes hot how who
knows once’s warming up the room
temperature the other one
yeah that wasn’t me what do you mean
that wasn’t you that’s not me it is you
no that was Mike Tyson running I don’t
know what that sound
I want those side by side I
need what a picture man 1440 yeah you
developed this in a dark room I don’t
know I don’t know that’s a a banana bike
how blurry it is I mean anybody remember
the banana bike with a banana seat yeah
of course yeah classic Schwin so that’s
your logo not we couldn’t afford Awin
just that with words around it um I’m
develop I’m cropping I’m trying to crop
that take it through a round thing and
I’m I’m envisioning what I want but I
need to I don’t necessarily have the
technological knowhow to create what I
want but I definitely have have a so
your logo is your face the logo is you
like Wendy’s the logo is going to be me
at this age in front of 1440 cropped to
show just myself and the bicycle and
maybe the tail fin of that car maybe the
awning as well not sure where to crop it
remember those are good awnings that
that was back in the day of hurricane
shutter technology where you just kind
of remove the poles fold them down we
don’t need any of that cor windows that
are hurricane resistant just fold down
the awnings right and while while Bill
Cody by the way U made that wall really
in the in the left there you got to keep
part of that wall in the logo I think is
that rad era it is ratera yeah ratera
1440 yeah so this is a tribute to Greg
Cody’s just general Artful narcissism
he’s come back from Las Vegas he wants a
statue and a logo and the logo of course
is his face and his home and all the
things that are not interesting about
him and he that he finds wildly
interesting and let me make it some art
let me come get in closer on my face how
about more me you want a little more me
about my bicycle does my bicycle also
say me do you want more me the beauty is
you’ll never bring my face into Focus
mhm it will always be blurry and that’s
what I want like the NBA logo that’s
what I want yes I mean the dolphin logo
is a
dolphin excellent commentary by stug
really bringing it in his 50s improving
his game every day growing by the
sentence thank you stug gods for all the
effort you pour into this every day at
being great at being better than you
were the day before what would your logo
be you’re an adult man you’re an adult
human being you’re just farting out a
MCH I pointing something out I mean
Greg’s on to something the dolphin logo
is indeed a dolphin the Lion’s a lion
thank you st God excellent commentary as
always Greg logo a Greg
yeah are you
coughing you’ll all Marvel when my
official logo is
presented I can’t i’ be between that and
the statue I can’t wait a wheezing
threat it could barely get it out
because he’s not breathing well from the
two dances he did behind me right Greg
how was uh the trip to Los Angeles that
you just took instead of going to the
masters with your son it was great uh
the wife and I had a wonderful time it
was beyond magical uh the venue the
Hollywood Bowl is just terrific we’
never been there before the concert
itself the the bill was just I mean Paul
McCartney Eagles Kenny chzn uh Snoop Dog
Pitbull uh you know a bunch of guests
who who did video only including um
thank God somebody did sing lovely Cruz
or else I would have you nixed the
entire concert as a failure but I did
get to hear a lovely cruise by Dave
Matthews on a video so it was great I
saw the clip of Margaritaville where it
looked like pull did not know the words
to the song yeah right he was the uh
outlier on the bill I would say but he
played that one song of his that’s
absolutely terrific I didn’t know it but
uh I I have a set list here what was
Will Arnette doing on stage in the
middle yeah everybody wondered what was
Will Arnett doing on stage I have no
idea being a celebrity it felt a little
when I saw the clips it felt a little
weird like it was just like like the
music people should be up there why is
Woody harelson up there yeah well all of
them had a connection to Jimmy Buffett
uh but they like them no they they told
stories they vacationed with them they
they were friendly um it was meant to be
was it not a bit of his musician friends
throwing their funeral tribute for him
yeah and Pitbull by the way uh did Don’t
stop the party which I didn’t know by
name but it’s well you wrote down the
set list uh yeah you know it’s online he
does have the set list here stot but
Snoop Dog Did Jin and juice which is a
classic of his he didn’t write it down
but what Greg go Cody got to do is just
sort of rumage around in his old album
collection and while while I saw this on
the inter webs as well telling everybody
yeah I had a hook up here you should
have seen all the beer I drank for free
well I wanted I had a hook up somebody
recognized me from the show is why it’s
all going to my head have you heard of
heiw 3 maybe they’ll play for the next
Legend who dies yeah I wanted to thank
uh thank uh my benefactor what was their
name uh Jose Bal that us exactly what
did he give you uh well I didn’t I
didn’t take advantage of him he offered
to give me drinks and food throughout
the night uh I did let him you were you
were a genuine celebrity
well let’s not get how many times did
you hit him with the I’ll have one more
well he I ended up that’s my dad’s move
now you don’t want to get carried away
we got a couple of free we got a couple
free they didn’t have Miller Light got a
couple of free my wife you know they had
margarita in a can ran out early in the
evening Margarita that’s the parot heads
drink of choice so the wife had a couple
of Margarita cans which sounds awful
margarit and a can but I’m sure it was
good but he was nice Jose thank you
again for your hospitality but he
recognized you you were thrilled to be
spotted in the wild right we had great
seats thanks to my wife you know if if
if if if I’m buying the tickets we’ have
been about 150 yards from the stage way
up the hill but the this was one of the
greatest nights of your life yeah I
would say in a concert context it was
yeah um you know I i’ I’ve been on stage
with Elton John uh in Las vegasing well
you know on stage we had uh second row
seats which qualified US on stage for
the Ancor Encore um this was not that
but it was wonderful it was great I
cannot speak highly enough I I’ve heard
a rumor that I just started that there’s
going to be uh a continuation of Jimmy
Buffett tribute shows across the country
but none will be like this Paul
McCartney wow singing the song he sang
at Jimmy Buffett’s dying bedside in
September um it was it was an emotional
night because everybody had a great
story Brandy Carlile is one of my
favorites and and she told a story about
her relationship with Jimmy and uh
actually one of the few artists and this
was a very disappointment to me big
disappointment one of the artists that
that was cold up there and didn’t really
acknowledge Jimmy or sing any of his
songs was eagles which was a big
disappointment because they were the all
the eagles like Don Henley what what
were they there for if they didn’t
acknowledge Jimmy or sing his song who
are you accusing of what the Eagles Jaws
well you don’t know so you don’t you
didn’t do them the courtesy you’re going
to call them out now publicly right you
want me to recite every member of the
band well but who was there it wasn’t
going to be was it all the eagles except
for Glenn Fry who died a couple of years
ago it was all the eagles yeah Jason
Kelce uh
Seth jiner no and and Taylor Swift was
not there either um I mean really Kelsey
was good enough he limps in with that
you follow it up with more you got to
throw a Taylor swi Jason Kelsey was fine
you guys couldn’t let his joke be the
best joke you had to limp in with
shittier jokes why would Taylor be with
Jason that’s a good point yeah I heard
family I asked you you don’t even know
if it’s the Eagles Eagles that was the
weirdest part my D like eagles you don’t
okay the Eagles don’t use the the okay
they should I’m not making it’s the name
of the group is Eagles if you look at
any of their albums it does not say how
many of them but how many of them were
there it’s the original look Joe Walsh
is part of the what are you accusing
them of I’m accusing them of not uh
bending the knee to Jimmy Buffett
everybody else was telling a Jimmy
Buffett story a personal story eag being
Eagles either that are singing one of
his songs they were the only group that
did three songs and none of them was a
Buffett song disrespectful to the memory
of Jimmy buffer I heard
it I did I heard it as disrespect so did
my wife without uh uh solicitation she
volunteered how weird it was that Eagles
not said nothing about Jimmy right did
not perform a song did there three song
impr Show with the STS gamble on by
Kings you guys were laughing about a
Vern lanquist photo it appears that
Chris Cody just learned that it was not
a tree shaking the hand of Tiger Woods
in a seismic legendary moment at the
Masters it was not a tree with a flabby
white arm that was old and said the
Masters it was Vern Lundquist was behind
a tree after 40 Years of broadcasting
the Masters he did not want to take the
shine away from Tiger Woods who was
finishing again in last place what shine
are you taking away taking away he
wanted Tiger Woods and the Masters to
get the moment not him so all you see
there is a single arm of an old white
Master a legend Vern lanquist gave his
arm to Tiger Woods and it was an iconic
photograph taken at the
Masters I want to though go to some
Holly Anderson reporting some people are
saying uh Mark Nei is saying this is
some of the finest reporting he has ever
seen done and Mark ngi is saying that
you should never forget that Vern
lanquist is Mr steal youro girl it’s the
story of how Vern lanquist met his third
and current wife are you ready m in the
words of Vern lanquist who looks like a
soap bubble and is a legend and deserves
his sendoff as just an arm in Tiger
life we met in a bar and I hasten to add
it was an upscale bar in Dallas it was a
a place called Arthurs now you got to
keep in mind burn lanquist is of a time
and he’s a poet and he’s a voice for our
times I’m not going to lie you kind of
sounded like I’m there I’m going to
close my eyes channeling I walked in
after I did the 10:00 news with wfaatv
in Dallas and I just didn’t want to go
home Nancy and her date were at the bar
and her date recognized me from local
television and invited me over to have a
drink he introduced me to his date and
and her name was Nancy Miller it was
their first date a blind date so we sat
and chatted and her date Raymond Willie
said to me listen I know you’re single
I’m going to fix you up with a friend of
mine and we can all go to dinner he
looked at Nancy and asked her dinner he
looked at Nancy and asked her what are
you doing Thursday night she said
nothing he said good you’ll be my date
and we’ll fix Vern up with his school
teacher friend of mine and we’ll go to
dinner meanwhile I’m looking at Nancy
thinking she’s the prettiest thing I’ve
ever seen in my life so Raymond finally
left to take care of his business and I
asked Nancy so how involved are you with
Raymond she said oh this is our first
date and it’s a blind date so I said
well forget what he’s talking about on
Thursday night what are you doing on
Saturday night and she said I think I’m
doing whatever you’re doing wow my man
wow burn so how involved are you with
Raymond that’s right ver making it
happen with a growl it’s not quite Tyson
it’s a little more Greg Cody coughing
and wheezing but he will maybe
maybe ver got the
burn wow yeah he got it going on got the
burn damn right burn got the burn put
that on a logo yes thank you those will
be flying off the levard merch store
shelves Vern got the burn and he’ll give
it to you yeah great or or a photo of
Vern as a tree shaking someone’s hand
shaking Nancy Miller’s hand in black and
white his future wife’s hand as a
tree that’ be great that’d be great for
t-shirt ver lanquist as a tree shaking
the hand of a woman nobody knows
Mrs tree future Mrs tree that’s a
t-shirt right there give me somebody the
burn might not be too positive there you
know what I mean you’re right acoss the
top Vern got the burn feel the Vern we
don’t want to imply that we’re burning
down trees Smokey the Bear would be out
there around a big PA prot feel the ver
mhm that is as polite as that could be
done right how involved are you like if
you’re going to just steal someone’s
datee you’re very polite so so your
saying his signature line in an action
movie would be some form of lothario
feel the vert that’s what you are that’s
what you guys are saying the burn is the
movie poster is he slides in you’re on
your date I have him saying it you’re
unsuspecting you’re on your date you let
your guard down for a second who’s going
to slide into your life and steal your
girl and say feel the Vern would she
like to feel the Vern not on Thursday
night how about Saturday night I’m doing
whatever you done I’m feeling the
Vern I’m doing whatever you’re doing
Goosebumps Vern lqu telling his own
story at least he was classy enough to
ask how involved you know it’s a
question oh a gentleman a gentl
gentleman and a scholar a gentleman and
a thief a thief for sure you think his
move is any different if she says very
involved yeah you know trying to pay
respect bur backs off I don’t know but
we can only be left to guess because he
did it the most efficient way possible
the gentleman’s Grace he’s the gentleman
Thief you can ask all your hyp IAL
questions but with his third wife he did
it correctly play your second guest as
much as you like do as much as you like
trying to tell us how you would have
done it better but he got the girl did
it politely and were marveling at the
way that he did it first guy would have
been down to
what feel burn it was was his name it
would have been funnier I wish I had
remember cuz he remembered the name cuz
burn in the retelling of the story this
is one first and last name it well wait
a minute Nancy’s the prettiest thing
he’s ever seen and he remembers that
fool’s name and he would like everyone
to know it how many times Raymond Willie
is his name Raymond Raymond Willie how
many times you think Vern used that line
you’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever SE
with his first two wives I’m guessing
hey I mean come on third wife yeah Vern
got the burn burn burn that kind of
thing that kind of thing that kind of
thing yeah feel the Willie is a little
different you really mailed that in
there the feel like can you do me the
courtesy of some of your
signature go ahead what were you
saying your signature lines can you
deliver them with some enthusiasm
instead of just farting them out of the
side of your mouth they don’t all
warrant enthusiasm how about it back in
my day you got one of those today you
know what I don’t it’s a veteran rest
day WNBA
draft veteran rest play in week yeah
play about to start you Billy you
mentioned something earlier uh you said
that you got and I don’t know how often
this happens to anyone else here in this
group I suspect it might happen to Tony
I doubt it happens to Jeremy but you
mentioned stumbling on the television
into the Spanish feed Oh yeah and when I
do that I will stay on uh many of the
movies that are in the Spanish feed I
will stay on them for a while I know why
uh well there yes different movie there
are there are many there are there are
many there are many reasons to listen to
the Spanish feed the number of times
that I’ve been watching a movie that’s
like 14 seconds of action silence there
are no words and then all of a sudden
the rock is speaking in
Spanish yeah I’m I’m in the middle of a
Disney like we put on uh the Spanish
version of Disney movies for my daughter
now and it’s a totally different
experience not that we’ve ever discussed
or anyone cares I wonder if anyone else
does this because we want her to be
bilingual and speak English and Spanish
so like I know a lot of the famous
Disney songs but the version in Spanish
right now throws me off but it’s not a
fight worth having with my wife but this
is the easiest time before six years old
is when you and how you learn a new
language the easiest and so if you want
your child to be bilingual that is a
shortcut yes Dan I had an experience
yesterday that that we haven’t discussed
that I wanted to share with you because
I thought that you would appreciate it
is this is this what you texted me last
night it is what I texted you can I set
it up please for the audience because
okay thank you because I don’t think in
20 years doing this Billy has ever
unsolicited volunteered a story like
this that comes at his expense yeah uh
Chris Cody do you have for me because I
think he usually tries to find yours
that’s correct but Billy Billy offered
me in the middle of the night just
something he knew would Delight me of
both his Frailty and his uh you know his
neighbors must think that he’s at least
a little bit terrifying for no in that
area it’s it’s Common Place what I was
doing okay but when I explain this to
the audience they will understand why
it’s not commonplace so Billy has told
you before he may have introduced
America to L
aord El aord comes around your
neighborhood and he will sharpen your
knives he will sharpen the things that
you need to cook properly but the sound
that he makes is horror movie horrifying
that is the truck in the neighborhood
telling the people hey come on out do
you want your knives
sharpened you want your hearing
shattered horri a horrifying ice cream
truck that is more terrifying than Tyson
and and and and Billy so Billy called by
his siren song yeah wanders out into his
front yard well because this is what
happened is that I heard that sound but
I heard it off in the distance and I
could I surmised that it was was driving
in the block behind me but was going to
make a turn around and come down my
block and my machetta right now is very
dull so I needed a good sharpening so as
soon as I heard it I I ran into the
house and I’m like I need the keys I
need the keys to get them shedding from
the shed and I was asking I was like
come quickly quickly I need it I need it
I can’t miss this guy he’s coming around
we never know what because that’s the
thing there’s no schedule you just hear
the sound and you never know when it’s
going to happen again that is so true
Billy there is no schedule it’s not an
appointed time but but Jeremy is looking
at you the right way yes somewhere in
South Florida last night as night fell
yeah a billy Gill was running into and
out of his home with a dull machete that
he that that he was yelling he needed to
have sharpened immediately absolutely
what is the price of that by the way how
much does that cost you know prices vary
so I was going in there because I had a
number of things my wife was also saying
you know our kitchen knives are a little
dull but why don’t we experiment cuz you
never know it’s never the same person
and prices vary so it’s like well let’s
go out and let’s get the machete
sharpened first then we’ll get a sense
for the pricing and the work and then
we’ll decide do we want our kitchen
knife’s also sharpened so I got it I ran
out there I got it I’m running out there
with it it’s in as I pointed out it’s
Scabbard so for safety purposes it’s in
there and then I’m I’m standing kind of
like right on the grass on the edge of
the sidewalk waiting for it with this
you know this Giant Knife just kind of
hold I’m also kind of holding it so it
can be seen so if you know the person
tries by they know I’m mean business I’m
there to get this sharpened and I had it
I had it out I was out there a good 5 6
minutes and then I just didn’t hear the
sound anymore and I had a zoom meeting
that I had to do about this thing that’s
going to come up next week so I had to
kind of go in because there was a lot of
people on it and I was you know I play a
role in that meeting so I had to be part
of it so then I had to kind of just walk
back with my tail between my legs back
into my house with this dull knife and
then I also had to figure out where do I
put this CU I have to have it nearby in
case they come by again because again
you never know when they’re going to
come by but not in a place that my
daughters could grab it and kill each
other if I ran out there with a Mercedes
like that I would be shot


  1. You guys look/sound stupid not seeing this coming = EVERYONE already knew these idiots were going to "flip-flop" at some point in the near future, once they saw how real the money was

  2. Rory McIlroy tells @ToddLewisGC (Golf Central) that LIV Golf rumors are false and, "I will play the PGA Tour for the rest of my career."

  3. Let me see. Judging by the LIV contingent at the 2024 Masters here’s my observation:

    LIV is just a 54 hole exhibition tour complete with shorts to ensure comfort ahead of competition for its Billionaires while competing against a small field of Millionaires.

    Token purses and small desperate fields, of less than 60 golfers each tournament, are void of any competitive drama which will ensure these soft rich guys do not win any more Majors.

    The LIV Tour is made up of guys easily corrupted by tainted 911 Saudi money who lack the character of golf's greats.

    I say to these guys who have shown their character, to have a price bought and paid for, should just enjoy their retirement on the Pre-Senior’s Tour. These same players aren’t chasing golf immortality but easy street. In LIV, they found it.

    I hold up the illustrious Dustin Gretzky, who is more easily kept track of, by Paulina for his previous relational indiscretions and wandering eye.

    Hey guys! Isn't retirement great!

    So young though.

  4. Saudi money is blood money everytime and Brettany Griner is praised smuggling and Russian money. Russia is killing Ukraine and freedom every day

  5. The best hours of this show are when Dan's just annoyed at everyone around him. Thanks for the show and the laughs.

  6. Dan criticizing blood money, yet still no comments on Palestine. Looks like we know what blood money he's getting

  7. They would rub Greg’s protruding belly button hernia or big toe nail on his statue.

  8. Lmao so what’s USA Golf money? The double standards of this show is hilarious so Saudi is blood money what’s Israeli money?? Oooo no Zionist talk on this show? Don’t bite the tyrant that feeds you. Dan loves talking but won’t speak about Gaza but can’t stfu about Cuba and Fidel

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