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Preteens | 2024 WNL Tier 2 Championships

The World Ninja League is the Premier Obstacle League for elite ninja competitions around the globe. Start your ninja journey today by finding a facility in your area:


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Monkey Bar Monkey Bar Monkey Bar Monkey
Bar Monkey Bar
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and gets the Rope has about 30 I’m sorry
53 seconds left into the aerial
Barrel we just saw uh our previous
Runner Dante go down here let’s see how
Nolan will be able to handle this
building up some nice momentum and gets
the grab
wow looks like he’s going for the
dismount on the Cliffhanger oh no he
Nolan Nolan Lam peels off of the
Cliffhanger I thought for sure sure he
was going to get that but Nolan should
be able to finish out the course strong
uh still going with forward grip right
here uh going from the second to last oh
he looks like he’s
gassed still a great run by
Nolan and I we even though he didn’t get
that Dismount that might be a beta break
right there on the Cliffhanger uh just
not even bothering with that 90 degree
uh for those of you just tuning in uh
welcome back to the tier 2 uh World
ninja League championships I am Evan Mel
and I’m joined by Philip Scott as we
start our with our next athlete we have
Goldstein uh Shay comes out of Empire
ninja Empire ninja uh their Regional
championships uh have been coming out
strong Mrs the grab to that first
ring saves it right there uh looks like
he’s going to try and use the spider
walls to get up there but he is spinning
around in no man’s land goes to reset uh
very smart move right
there come on Shay yes there we are now
going through the rest of these rings
holds should be able to get a clear no
problem right here and and he does a
wobble balance
beam makes it
through and then slack line into the
rope swing making quick work on the
slack line uses the pad support and
makes the leap to the Rope now the
aerial barrel uh definitely been a
highlight of this course so far um big
shout outs to Nick Forney and the Austin
ninjas and shout outs to the aerial
and makes the
jump he looks like he’ll have to build
up some more momentum as he makes his
way to the Cliffhanger only has about 13
seconds left so let’s see if he could
just get through this obstacle before
the time expires still a great run by
Shay makes a nice grab over to that
Cliffhanger but just peels right
off is he GNA do the double steps uh he
is not uh I look forward to Shay in the
course up next looks like we are going
get we don’t have anyone at the starting
platform just
yet looks like aoi Jaso I believe
um Liam Laro should be next yep okay uh
thank you for the correction um I’ve
just received word that Liam Laro should
be running next uh Liam comes out
of comes out of Austin
ninjas uh coach Lulu uh coaching his uh
athlete along providing chalk if need be
shout outs to coach Lulu and the other
coaches at Austin ninjas skips uh one of
the shrinking steps going with a bit of
a lockoff technique um might be a bit of
a strategy that the other athletes
should take advantage of Skips that last
hold I looked like he might have missed
the landing platform but he’s still
along Liam Laro
having a great run right here obviously
coach Lulu has been teaching his
athletes very well and makes a great
leap to the Rope now on to the aerial
this sorry um yeah he has a good amount
of time left he’s getting that good
momentum it’s the pop no
problem now the Cliffhangers we saw Noah
try to um
make it to that disount from that first
Cliff Hanger but not doesn’t look like
any of our other athletes are going to
try that uh Liam laru going for the
clear right there now he’s only got 20
seconds left up the double
steps making his way up let’s see where
he tries to go for the
UFO he’s going from the very top with uh
a forward grip let’s see how his hand
placement is and comes up short looked
like his left hand was right there he’s
getting that good momentum it’s the
pop um definitely any of our other
athletes are going to try that uh
Liam and nice Dismount from the
Cliffhanger we have our next athlete up
next uh Cole Jackson uh
Cole comes out
of Empire Ninja in the New England
region uh Empire ninja shout outs to
them for giving us a lot of these
athletes and Cole is getting started
Cole using his uh longer wingspan to
reach that ring up
there I believe he qualif I believe he
qualified out of Empire he’s from one of
the USA ninja challenge gyms as I can
see from his shirt and also his coach’s
so yeah oh he
just he just steps off but he’s going to
keep going
absolutely just because you doesn’t me
just because you miss one obstacle on
the full flow course uh does not mean
you can’t try the other
obstacles um definitely gets a feel for
the other obstacles and maybe some
sometimes when you fail an obstacle
maybe your confidence goes a little bit
down but clearing all these other
obstacles can get that right back up and
obviously uh it’s nice to see our ninjas
having as much fun as they do and
absolutely and another thing is
experience just getting even clear fail
every obstacle you do is experience and
that’s a very important thing here in
tier two and it’s a great
thing absolutely uh true wordss could
not have been said Phil and now we have
the uh UFOs right here let’s see if
he’ll be able to nail this leche right
here definitely proven to be a bit of a
Point yes the timing on that drop is
tough um so yeah UFOs are tricky like
we’ve said so that’s another thing that
ties into
experience yeah so Phil what do you
think about uh some of our athletes
going for like more of a forward grip uh
on the devil Subs trying to Lee over to
UFOs uh or do you prefer like the
reverse grab into the
UFOs I would personally prefer the
reverse grab that way I can just kind of
flip my hands over and I don’t have to
I’m like flicking my wrists back on the
back side of the devil step um that’s
kind of just a technique thing and
that’s just part of you know tier two um
some athletes uh do figure it out but I
I think the more these athletes study
the more they’ll uh more they’ll learn
that and uh
I could see more of our athletes coming
up doing that yeah I agree uh just for a
different reason because I feel like
you’re you can’t get as much of a back
swing because obviously the other double
steps are there yeah and we have Elijah
another one of our Austin ninjas
athletes with Coach Lulu on the deck
right now running not on Deck he is
currently on the course and he’s making
short work of it just under a minute
left yep uh we saw Noah have a great run
uh Noah his brother make a great run on
the course uh a few runs ago building up
a lot of momentum uh to try and grab
ring and gets
it let’s see how he’ll handle the
Cliffhanger doesn’t even bother with
that uh top R uses the pole to help him
out um now still using that pull trying
to get his hands up there and makes the
Dismount about 15 seconds left uh up the
steps making his way
up shout outs to coach Lulu and out our
Austin ninja uh over here at the tier 2
world ninja League championships today
misses the grab on the UFOs but still a
great run by Elijah and I look forward
to seeing and try grab R The Bu gets it
makes the nice grab right
there very smartly I was going to
mention it it was a really smart move
there just minimizing the amount of grip
that you had to
use up next we have
Rico uh Rico qualified from Austin
ninjas as well yep he’s from move sport
a gym not too far away from here
absolutely um something I mentioned
earlier is that some of our Texas ninjas
uh they don’t have to travel as far what
a great way to get some swing right
there um oh yeah he’s got a lot of Swing
absolutely uh definitely putting the
rest of the competition on
notice and onto the balance
beam not even using the little uh safety
he’s moving very very smoothly uh great
run by Nico so far as he moves on to our
fifth obstacle the aerial
Barrel going a little bit sideways oh
good those those straps on there are
pretty wide so you can really reenter
yourself pretty quickly and
he’s now he’s gotten enough swing he
should be able to get the jump here he
just has to time it pop up there he goes
work all right and then Rico makes his
way to the Cliffhangers going for the
Dismount we saw Nolan leam fail that
earlier wow but he gets
it definitely saves up a lot of time um
because he only has about uh 10 seconds
left to try and get through the
UFOs going from that top uh top step
right there with the reverse grab and he
comes up just short um looks like his
hand placement was a little too far
forward but still great run by Rico and
definitely wants definitely is going to
be someone to watch out for in the full
course y definitely and that last
obstacle as I mentioned earlier is the
Crux point of this course uh it’s a lot
of Speedy obstacles leading up into it
and then that climb up the devil steps
then the drop down down is just a uh
those three UFOs are really tough these
athletes are giving it a really good
shot so
far absolutely um up next we have Logan
POC another one of our Austin another
one some another athlete who uh
qualified out of Austin ninjas uh their
Regional Championship yep he’s from Rise
as you can see his coach as well uh rise
is out of Houston so another ex ninja
MH making his way through the ring holds
with absolute ease uh doesn’t have a ton
of momentum but using his wingspan to
his Advantage yeah he looks really calm
here that’s the nice thing is when he
was swinging he was looking pretty calm
that keeps the heart rate down he’s
moving through really nice he’s got oh
he just passed a minute left so he has a
lot of time left to spare get through
this course oh what a save oh what a
save and reaches for that Cliffhanger
right away so really staing his way and
pushes off of the support to help his
Dismount uh that is a very smart
technique uh out of Logan um he’s got
about 30 seconds left he has plenty of
time uh to get through these UFOs just
goes down but he’s smiling he had a
great run there what a run by Logan he
was looking really nice and smooth just
SP and this save right here oh what a
save oh what a save um obviously smile
on our faces is something that we always
love to see a Ninja
because what’s ninja without having some
fun absolutely we yep uh we have Ian
Stewart on the course now um he’s got a
he’s got a Lucas reality shirt on so he
must be from the New
area yep uh uh shout outs to Lucas real
um definitely a very popular ninja great
coach too definitely
absolutely yep uh he out of the New
England area uh Empire
ninja yeah be qualified out of there
that’s where our regional were held he’s
moving through these bounce beams nice
and calm can that that red wall is in
play good awareness
there now we have the aerial
Barrel this obstacle has been very very
fun to watch we saw two incredible saves
one of which uh happened with our most
recent competitor uh Logan makes a great
jump right there and reaches toward
towards the ring making way through the
Cliffhanger going for a little bit of a
Dismount and makes
it devil steps are up
next going going from the second to
highest uh step
uh oh doesn’t get a lot of momentum
there onto the UFO but still makes it
through slamming that buzzer it’s fun to
hit the
buzzer absolutely I I know it was fun
when I hit the buzzer uh when I finally
hit the buzzer when I did my tier 2
qualifier back at mlab Ohio so shout
outs to movement lab Ohio for hosting
the Midwest uh tier 2 qualifiers and
yep next up next we have we have Nathan
wo uh out of Austin ninjas again coach
Lulu always on the sidelines for his
ninjas absolutely Co coach Lulu has a
very busy weekend ahead of him we have a
lot of Austin ninjas here for
sure making quick work of those ring
nice drop oh what a save wow wow that’s
incredible oh he’s still fighting what a
absolutely now on to the aerial Barrel
let’s see if Nathan can ride the
momentum right here great fight out of
him so far here he goes now lots of
Swing can reach right up to the
ring absolutely moves right into the
using using the uh
support help out his
transfer now for a little sideways leche
absolutely and nice Dismount right there
has about 20 seconds
left uh double STS proven to not be oh
and just slips off SL right off let’s
take a look again at that save yes
absolutely um right here on the Rope
nice what a save wow just enough that’s
incredible oh he’s still fighting what a
save great awareness too to just know
not to just he didn’t touch his feet at
all you could see right there he didn’t
but next up we have Steven Maul out of
dexterity Depot uh as you can see Tim
Dexter on his sidelines right there Tim
Dexter a shout out to dexterity Depot
they’re one of the teams Tim and his
team are going to be at the world Chase
tag World Championships in two weeks all
the way in France so they he’s got a
great program with ninja parkour all
that and
absolutely shout out to theity Depot
shout out to Tim Dexter and shout out to
another dter uh dexterity Depot
athlete uh Matt Bradley oh yeah of
course and uh yeah lots of like I said
lot great crew over there he’s going
through the balance beams now he moving
over to slack
line uh looks looks like he cleared it
uh a little bit of technical
difficulties Ariel barrel uh
see how the ring how he’s going to mount
to the
ring gets it with
ease nice and
absolutely now he’s going to reverse
gets the stack he can use the
post oh tries to make a leap for it I
think I think he just wanted to do just
want to do the Cliffhanger you know
coach Matt Bradley is all about
Cliffhangers so oh absolutely abolutely
uh Matt Bradley absolutely insane skill
Cliffhangers going from that top OH
Close hand placement was there didn’t
just got to get those arms bent a little
bit but still nice run out of Steven and
we’ve got a few Runners left we have
five Runners left in this division uh
let’s pull that
up see we got Lucas Brandon C
Kyle and Luke to wrap up retain male
division in the flow course and then
they’re going to pop over
to the full course after a little brief
Break um and of course as we know and
we’ll go over the format again once we
run go through the last five just to
quick summary um before we head into our
last five Runners uh all athletes run
through four events two courses two
and then the combined result combined
placements lowest combined placement out
of wins so if say somebody gets first in
all four events they get fourth play or
they get four points and that that would
mean they’d get first place and so on so
uh four opportunities for all of our
athletes to show their stuff have fun at
it and yeah I tier 2 has tier 2 Worlds
last year were great and this year it’s
already looking to be a lot of fun and I
can’t wait for the full
course um I also want to give a shout
out to a former tier 2 uh athlete who
has made his way over to tier one uh
definitely has grown in skill a lot over
the past year and that is Kane Casas yes
um yeah Kane uh he got second place here
last year and now he’s moved into tier
one we’ve also had some other athletes
move up pretty quickly through uh tier
two um tier 2 is just a great starting
spot for ninja and uh for example AJ
Merchant uh out of Stamford she started
in uh tier two last year and uh now then
she competed in at tier one worlds and
then Premier Series so tier two is just
such a great spot to learn how the ins
and outs of competing especially when
you when you get to like this level
where it’s the Championships and
you know you got to learn how to adapt
to you know being nervous and you know
you got the crowd around you and stuff
it’s just such a great uh great learning
experience for all these
ninjas true words can not have been said
Phil and I can already tell it looks
like a fantastic atmosphere over at
Austin ninjas once again shout outs to
Austin Ninjas for hosting this amazing
event shout outs to Nick Forney and the
Austin team for Designing all these
and of course uh shout outs to the state
of Texas for even having one of these
gyms in the first place but yeah
um absolutely incred this this has to be
like an incredible time for everyone
involved like Absolut like it’s it’s so
nice to see everyone support each other
as much as they do regardless if it’s in
tier 2 tier one or Premier series for
sure and that that’s one of the building
blocks of ninj something that’s stayed
in the community for Ninja’s been around
uh here in the United States in
particular for about 15 years but it’s
uh over the past uh 10 years or so it’s
slowly uh grown uh in the competitive
scene and uh it’s so nice to see even
with tier 2 that sportsmanship that was
still there at the very beginning of the
sport still be here um let’s take a
quick look at the format graphic as I
briefly summarized earlier um as you can
see athletes compete in four events two
courses flow course and full course flow
course uh your scoring stops after your
first fall but full course all obstacles
count um so so if so let’s say you fail
an obstacle in the middle of the course
but beat an obstacle later on in the
course you’ll still get the points for
beating the obstacles later on the
course so two different kind of formats
full course is a little bit longer than
the flow course um and the flow course
is a little more Speedy as you can we as
seen anyway um then we also have two
skills which we’ve kind of seen in the
backgrounds uh two min mini courses that
are more Tech and power Focus but all of
them add up kind of like a gymnastics
allaround sort of um as you can see
combined placement as if you if an
athlete gets first and three and second
and a fourth then they get five points
that means they and and the lowest
number wins so it’s kind of like golf in
that sense also kind of like Motocross
if you’ve seen of that sport before and
as you can see we also have medals for
athletes that get individual events pop
placements and individual events not
just the combined and then also overall
categories so both courses combined and
then both skills combined also get
medals but through and through main
point all athletes get to run on four
awesome courses this
weekend absolutely like even if you have
a r of a rough run in one of them you
can still make up the points on every
course and that that is that that is the
joy of strongest ninja and the joy of
ninja in general just having fun doing
as many forces as you can and of course
staying active and staying
fit yeah ninja is um yeah ninja a lot of
these athletes although some of them
come from other sports like started with
other sports and things like that or do
multiple Sports um for example I know uh
our pre-teen tier one Champion Charlie
Ball has done football too um
I a lot of a lot of athletes actually
start with Ninja for example I started
with Ninja as my first sport um and it
it’s just such a great sport for your
whole just all your coordination and it
would help you with any other sport just
uh the amount of upper body and lower
body coordination that you have to have
in this sport um it’s pretty
unparalleled but right now we have our
up it is Brandon I
believe Lucas Pine Lucas
Pine uh Lucas Pine uh qualified in the
Northeast uh region at uh brookl Ninja
Academy going with a for drip uh looks
like uh rocking the series one uh shout
outs to series one and uh has an urban
playground shirt on as well shout outs
to them as well yep Urban playground is
one of our newer gyms and they hosted a
tier 2 competition I believe earlier
this season there in
Pennsylvania moving smoothly onto the
absolutely building up some nice
momentum right here
taking a few extra
swings oh doesn’t have a lot of time
left but makes the
leap we’ll see if he can get through
this Cliffhanger Before Time
expires looks like going for going for
the Dismount
maybe oh he’s wow makes a Le lies a 90
degree leche not easy at
all but time runs up but still that was
an awesome move on the Cliffhanger right
there uh 90 degree Leets are not easy
especially on a cliffhanger for sure it
it takes a lot of core and just timing
with your arms um and legs a lot of
people think that upper body obstacles
are just upper body because of the you
know the name and you’re hanging and
stuff but so much more it every obstacle
is full body you need to um what all
these athletes at the start of their
ninja Journey um they’re learning and
they’re doing a great job at learning
how to control their lower body as well
getting that swing going like flow and
um moving your upper and lower body to
control yourself to get to that next bar
um because I one thing that I I’ve seen
sometimes is um a lot of especially like
um older athletes uh like adults that
get into it they kind of try to muscle
through it but these these kids have
been learning for a bit now like how to
coordinate themselves upper and lower
body swinging through obstacles flowing
and uh yeah they’re all these athletes
have been doing a great job uh we got
Brandon up next he’s out of axos um
there’s coach AEL Gonzalez another Texas
another Texas
gym absolutely uh also wearing the we
are all able shirt so once again shout
outs to Able Gonzalez as we again uh
Brandon bernaldez
uh bit of a stutter there uh on the last
name but um yeah so something to
something else to keep in mind as well
like um obviously ninja has evolved so
much since our humble beginnings and I
cannot wait to see what the sport what
the future of the sport uh has in store
and the way it looks right now it’s
looking very very
bright for sure and
uh something that’s amazing is how many
kids have been getting into it
um I so many of our newest athletes have
been starting from the youngest age
group so they’ve been building
themselves up through the ranks through
the years and it’s just really cool to
see all this interest in the sport and
these kids really motivated to keep keep
going and it’s great to have coaches
like AEL cheering them on the whole
way absolutely uh onto the aerial Barrel
which uh this obstacle has been very
very fun to watch um definitely the
Cliffhanger has also been pretty tough
uh so shout outs to Cliffhanger um also
shout outs to Nick Forney and the Austin
team oh just misses it yeah that the
barrel it it’s tough to jump off of it
unless you get a perfect swing and can
like reach out sometimes if you m time
the jump put a little too much weight on
the bottom then you kind of Miss but oh
look at that he gets that grab the first
UFO look at makes the second one
too and now we have the third and final
one there we are he just has the
Dismount left
look at that
absolutely uh definitely a great way to
end the Run even though May came up just
short on that aerial Barrel at this
watch look at that oh look at that he
gets grab the first UFO he gets that
timing down and kind of like Kips back
and flows Mak the second one too and
that’s smart too because he keeps some
of his momentum going for sure next next
we have Cameron vgel I hope I pronounced
that right Danel I
believe yeah so Cameron uh
comes uh qualified through Empire ninj
so once again shout out to Empire ninja
uh New England uh region has a lot of
athletes here today and these athletes
like this is tough like for them specic
especially for like uh our regions that
travel really far because you have to
deal with a lot of variables oh bangs
his knee but he gets the he gets to
reset gets those legs
up just needs to take a breather reset
and reach up y it’s a good kick off
there we go there we are good
fight absolutely uh using the SP walls
to help him
out making quick work of the ring
holds the wobble balance beam which is
deceptively difficult like I’ve I’ve
tried uh wobbly balance it it it’s tough
very very
tough with Ninja being all swings and
stuff and I’ve mentioned how Ninja’s
upper and lower body and obviously we
need to mention balance obstacles
balance obstacles can be forgotten by a
lot of athletes but the athletes today
have been making good work of it it’s
good that they’ve been learning oh just
missed the timing
there he’s going to keep moving see if
he can get through absolutely get
through this UFO section here we just
saw Brandon bernaldez actually get
through the UFOs let’s see if Cameron
can do the same building up some
momentum oh just under shoots it yeah
looks like he B his face on the UFO I
hope he’s okay but he he looks just
fine but uh still great run by Cameron
um might have Miss might have missed a
few grabs but still a lot to be proud
of next up we’ve got Kyle
Becker another team reality
shirt so out of New England he’s takes a
reset gets the little kick going
nice grab up to the
ring moving on through the
holds yeah making quick work uh now we
have our two balance obstacles back to
back using the safety
nets and gets
through oh go going off side to side oh
yes just yeah tough to save that one but
it’s going to keep moving on
through yeah that’s another thing about
slack line once your momentum starts
going off to the side very very
difficult to
recover building up a lot of Swing right
here trying to get to the this ring it
gets it
he goes now moving on
through ABS matches and now
he’s now he’s getting that sideways
swing going gets up to
the oh just misses but good idea moving
up to that top one now he’s moving on up
through the devil
steps Kyle Becker putting in amazing
effort on each of these
obstacles no quit in him
now we have the
UFOs he had a good idea they’re kind of
going for that kind of back HP where you
kind of sets himself back and reaches
out like we saw Brandon
do but yeah the UFOs you have to be
right in the middle of each one of them
but now we have our last athlete up uh
another one of the USA ninja challenge
Squad out new New England we have Luke
duza he is our last Runner before we uh
take a short break and switch over to
our second course of the day for our
boys yes indeed uh Luke uh looking ready
to go uh very determined uh just trying
to get a few questions from uh the ref
and looks like Nick Forney right there
uh shout outs to Nick Forney uh design
uh course designer
looks like we’re having
a quick little timer reset there gotcha
and uh looks like uh the ref and Nick
Fortney uh were trying to figure a few
things out before our final Runner and
let’s see how Luke
does and we are
off having a lot of momentum right
here the wobble balance
beam not using the safety nets
either now we have our slack
line nice high grab on over a minute
left this point he been nice and calm
here has to get the momentum here on the
barrel oh good
save what a save good
save that that’s that might be the sa
the save of the
course the amount of grip strength you
have to hang onto those straps is
incredible and he keeps it moving he
beats that obstacle now onto the
Cliffhanger move here just needs to get
himself lined up it’s a little bit of a
diagonal and back move and he makes it
now he’s onto the devil steps chalks up
a little bit uh he run a little short on
time but can he make it through these
UFOs goes for a step lower
yep trying to build up some momentum oh
he hangs
on let’s see if Luke Thea can finish
strong time expires but oh oh no he
peels off still very nice run by Luke
Thea and what
Barr what a save good save the thing and
the best part is he didn’t even look
faced like the amount of the amount of
time like you have to like stay under
control the entire time like I know if
it’s kind of hard for me to like not be
phased by an amazing save like I’d be
like did I just do that but no uh Luke
Theo uh just absolutely THS it off and
makes it all the way over to the dev
makes it all the way to double suck and
grabs that first UFO
and as you can see now we have
our leader board for the three team male
division so far on theor course after
the Flor course can see
Logan flying through just miss the last
op but great job by all these athletes
and nobody quite finished the whole
course but we’ll see if that changes
going into the next course they they’ve
gotten some of the they’ve gotten some
Jitters out warmed up a little bit to
see how they can attack
um what do you think our should be our
competitors mindset um sorry our
athletes mindsets uh going into uh the
course um just just remember like even
though the obstacles are different for
the full course just remembering that um
just remembering kind of just how it was
on the course what movements they what
kind of similar movements they may have
struggled with or did good at in the
flow course and um also just visualize
look at the full course um they of
course did the uh saw the rules video uh
earlier so I’m sure their coaches and
parents have been uh helping them out
with uh kind of making a game plan
making a game plan for for themselves
and uh yeah visualizing is just
imagining yourself on the course
sometimes a lot of ninjas if you go to
any uh big Pro ninja comp you’ll see
rules if there’s on inperson rules you
will see just a line of ninjas just like
moving their arms around um as they’re
just visualizing just trying to imagine
just like each grab and that’s
definitely an important skill to learn
you see that in not just ninja but all
sorts of sports like this so like
climbing you’ll see it and things like
that um so yep they this is just another
one of those great learning experiences
here um just getting ready you’ve
already done your first course and now
you’re just getting ready for the second
one and yeah it it’s got to stay
warm uh know what you got to work on and
uh and also another great thing of
course with the full course is um every
obstacle counts um it’s not just the
tradition flow is tra for those that are
unaware flow is uh the traditional ninja
format where you you fall and your run
is run ends like where your run gets
stops throwing after your first fall and
then full is every obstacle counts and
then uh it’s kind of it’s kind of a very
fancy mathematical formula um that
calculates the rest based off of um
based off of how ask do it and how many
other people beat certain obstacle uh
but this long story short it’s uh eat as
many obstacles as he can and do them you
know as efficiently as possible and uh
best best at at the course will uh will
get the highest
Place absolutely uh obviously stay warm
but obviously do not uh drain too much
of your strength while warming up
because there is still an entire course
ahead of you guys and when I was uh
doing the when I was commenting the kids
female division uh with Billy Dixon
shout outs to Billy Dixon um I noticed
that a lot of the athletes uh were
starting to get really tired towards the
back half of that course so like
obviously not only do you have to find a
way to fight through you also got to
find a way to like conserve your energy
as much as possible which goes back to
every trying to do all these obstacles
as efficiently as possible yeah for sure
Evan and we will be taking a quick
little break here I’ll pull up what our
schedule is for the weekend of course we
have two courses running at the same
time this is our first time at the tier
2 running two courses at the same time
we got so many athletes we have to run
two at the same time um and uh so we
will be right back in a few minutes and
here is a schedule thanks for tuning in
guys this is the tier 2 world ninja
League championships in
e e
e e
hello everybody and welcome back to the
tier 2 world ninja League championships
I’m Philip Scott alongside Evan Mel and
so far far in the pre-team male division
we’ve seen a lot of great
action lots of athletes getting to the
very last Obstacle of the flow course
but just coming up short on that really
tough UFO obstacle but now they got a
chance to redeem themselves on this
second course the full
course and we’re getting underway really
shortly and we have a 2 minute and 30
second time limit for these athletes on
this course where every obstacle counts
clear or fail you get to do every single
one and it is scored so let’s see how
this goes Evan what’ you
think Al righty uh let’s get into it uh
we’re experiencing some technical
difficulties on our end uh but looks
like Shane Martin is starting off the
course and it’s making quick work of
that first obstacle now looks like we
have a little bit of a hold into our
obstacle second obstacle is our
Cliffhanger with a kind of big Dismount
to the end we got a variety of different
Cliffhanger holds for these
athletes uh got some rounded ones some
ones absolutely down the Pyramid of
Cliff holds and now got to swing his way
over to that blue pad all the way on the
side it’s tough to get a sideways swing
going but he monkey bars it and gets it
absolutely uh great Dismount by Shane
um we have a lot of ninjas from the New
England region here today uh so shout
outs to New England region um and shout
outs to Empire Ninja for hosting the
Regional Championship over there and uh
definitely a lot of athletes coming uh
from very from that area of the United
States um do you uh obviously like know
two obstacles uh two same obstacles from
different gyms are the same um maybe a
maybe a cliffhanger is different maybe a
UFO is different um many many obstacles
just comes up but he short right there
really good run still that obstacle is
really tough on the core and keeping
yourself centered look at this fidget
spinner that’s on two straps this is
another example of just how tough this
full course is but these athletes have
been making
it all weekend look strong he’s keeping
it moving remember every obstacle counts
here so he can keep moving and keeps
scoring points now he’s up absolutely
now he’s up through
into through into this uh ring toss here
yep uh yeah uh moving the Rings by uh in
your other hand definitely not easy and
the fidget Spinners on bungee cords also
not very easy uh experiencing a little
bit of technical
difficulties uh and time runs out right
on what looks like to be a Kos scope uh
Shane Martin put up a great run um
definitely the Highlight was that
one-handed Monkey Bar dismount on the
Cliffhanger and uh now we are going to
move on to I believe uh Jack
going it’s like still a little bit of
technical difficulties over
here um yeah so I actually absolutely
want to give a shout out to Austin
ninjas in Austin Texas uh shout outs to
Nick for and the Austin ninas team for
Designing uh for Designing uh both the
FL flow and the full course uh we are in
the FL uh full course right now um and
we are on to our second runner uh Jack
Queen so
from the from also the New England
region uh over at Empire Ninja
um looks like uh might be making his way
over to the starting
platform or do we have a zo yes oh we’re
off now he’s
off just Jack out of grit ninja moving
on through these FS
making absolutely quick work of them as
well yeah um definitely something that a
lot of our
uh competitors that had I’m sorry our
athletes have
more have a lot more traic miles on them
might some might be dealing with a
little bit of jet lag if they came here
by plane
oh balancing on the slack lines but
slides right off but that’s okay you
still got he still got plenty more
obstacles to make up points on and one
of them is the one that he is attempting
right now spinning around uh doesn’t
even bother with leche which very very
smart uh lee to like a pumpkin Hole uh
not very easy to do
and spinning around trying to fix his
hand placement
yeah Jack Swing is in a lot of trouble
right now he’s continuing to spin but
absolutely yeah those bearings the issue
with the bear issue with these bearings
is they’re so smooth that once they get
going it’s really hard to step but he’s
controlling it he’s going to go for that
l oh but good fight stopping it um
stopping that swing and he’s going to
move on through to the next
and looks like he’s getting a little bit
of chalk uh sizing up this next obstacle
here yeah he’s probably a little little
fatigu to from fighting that his grip
and cores probably little taxed right
now but he’s moving
through look at how that thing
swing swings in all directions and he
makes it that’s going to be some good
points there for Jack yep for sure and
then we have um these ring placements uh
on these little
holds we saw Shane Martin struggle with
them a little bit but Jack SW is making
quick work of them and looks like time
has just ran out time just expired but
still nice run out of Jack absolutely uh
definitely the fidget spinner grab and
the fact that he was able to save uh on
that spinning hold uh those were the
highlights of that run like the fact
that you were able to he was able to
stop himself uh definitely a bright
future for JA over here and uh up next
we have Connor PR przi I believe is how
it’s pronounced Conor PR I
believe uh thanks for the correction
Phil I assume um yeah wait now here he
goes though onto flew through the steps
as you can see just came flying into
view moving on into the
Cliffhanger absolutely uh making quick
work of the Cliffhanger as well uh
Cliffhangers uh obviously a staple of
any ninja competition and Nails the
Dismount now he’s moving on over through
balance looked good at first but just
bounces off but that’s
okay now we just saw our previous two
athletes fall on this obstacle let’s see
if Connor will be the first he leet to
it now he’s now he’s in the same
situation as Jack before him but good
control he’s just got to commit to that
jump oh so close
that’s a hard leche too oh yeah like
that nothing nothing is easy about this
course nothing is easy about ninja in
general keeps That Swing centered here
he going to go for this dismount on that
that crazy gyroscopic fidget spinner
that Nick fordney’s come up with yes uh
shout outs to Nick Forney and shout outs
to Austin
ninjas absolutely
looking uh little bit gets through it um
now on to what looks like to be yeah yes
one of our dgs obstacles the
Kaleidoscope uh shout outs to dgs which
we’ve seen at Premier Series Finals
and uh year one championships last year
uh yeah nice work there he goes now he
hits the button
yep a great run by Conor um definitely
was able to like with uh Jack before him
um was able to get that uh little UFO
like that spin spinning around he was
able to get under control uh which of
course is not easy and Conor should be
very proud of himself for
sure and our next Runner looks to be
luke Thornton yes Luke Thor
and uh Luke came out
of again the New England region uh shout
outs to the New England region uh having
a lot of athletes come out
today as uh as our course designers
looking to reset each of these obstacles
um shout outs to Austin ninjas once
um Phil what do you think the difference
uh will be for a lot of these uh
athletes here today um there’s a lot
more upper body and swing control in
this second
um so I think it’ll just come down I
think if you can beat that the UFOs that
spin around and then like with that
Lee at the end to grab that we’ve seen
some athletes already kind of have
trouble with I think if you beat that
you’ll be in really good shape for the
overall standings because uh if not a
lot of people get through that then the
that means the uh that point will be
that much more important to
absolutely and
then we have also like and obviously the
New England region coming out strong um
do you do you think that maybe uh jet
lag might be playing a role with these
New England uh athletes here
today I of Jack they’ve probably already
been here for a day or two um they’ve
probably um been to a gym nearby um or
something to kind of just get warmed up
um and so I don’t think that’ll be an
issue but traveling is definitely
tough you never feel perfect at a
competition because you nerves and
everything and traveling does make it
kind of tough but that just makes it
more impressive how good these athletes
are that are able to go somewhere
they’re unfamiliar with and do so well
as we see Luke who is from uh the New
England area moving on through now
absolutely like it’s absolutely
incredible what these uh athletes can do
so like shout outs to all of these
athletes here at Austin ninjas competing
regardless of
division um ultimately
like slides off slides off the
Cliffhanger I think he was moving a
little too quick and might have slipped
but good good idea once he slipped off
to run over and start uh next obstacle
oh he almost got it he’s he’s been going
at a pretty fast pace so far
absolutely has to reach up here that’s a
hard grab too it
is and then oh yeah have to monkey on
through between that’s just such a tough
um such a tough grip and momentum based
obstacle like just really controlling oh
what a
save yeah just caught that and now but
now because of the way it freely spins
in all directions he’s going to have to
really get it but it looks like he
should be able to get the Dismount here
and he does good sa look at that thing
absolutely now let’s see how he’ll
handle uh this a little bit of ring
Tech trying to get the ring right out
and sticks it right back into the next
Luke thoron uh really pick really uh
making up for some uh lost points on
those first few obstacles and now we
have this uh kios scope get this little
hop in yeah that is so tough it that
last obstacle is so tough
because you have to just be so precise
with that little jump into that bar
there just that little like inch inch
and a half slot that’s
nice ending to a tough
absolutely uh next we have Noah Bamford
uh one of two bamfords competing uh the
other one is his brother Elijah who will
be running
later um we have Coach Lulu shout outs
to coach Lulu oh there he is hi W waves
to waves to the
camera here he goes he’s getting ready
now take on this
course has definitely proven to be
pretty tricky so
far yes especially once uh you get
towards the later off schools like Kos
scope not easy uh the little UFO spin uh
not easy slack lines not easy
Cliffhanger not easy this course is just
not easy nothing in ninja is easy it is
the second course of this
um of the two courses of the four events
these athletes have to do later on these
pre teen boys will be taking on the
skills later on off you and kind of see
some of the skills
off yeah there they have to do with some
other obstacles and things set up for
those skills those smaller coures
oh oh just slips off there but yeah yeah
it just just kind of
swung quite ey up the Dismount but now
he’s moving on nice and calm through the
hangers yep yep he’s not letting that
uh that uh
fall oh wow oh yeah what a
save yep the pole is allowed in play so
he was able to use that look at that
fly look through the slack
ladder yeah even though Noah might have
fell on the second obstacle he is
definitely making up for lost time here
oh that was a good plan though going for
the both sides that way he didn’t have
to control the
spin and even if he falls he’s still
moving oh yeah for sure yep full course
every obstacle counts every Point
counts and that SL that point he got on
the slack line actually was a big one
because many of our athletes so far have
had trouble with that so that will help
him in the point
standings coach Lulu uh teaching his
athletes very well all these there he
goes in nice L shade right
there got get the Dismount taking a few
extra swings got
it now on to our a little bit of ring
Tech going to have to build up a bit
more swing here
then reach up he get oh stays on and he
gets it stays yep no quit out of Noah
Bamford and he clears it nice work okay
he has enough time for this last
obstacle oh look out go run hit the
buzzer nice work Noah you really stayed
in even with that early fall he still
just made sure keep going with it
allow so he was able to use that look at
that get saves it stays on and he gets
grab nice
work of course and then next up we’re on
to I believe Dante
baboni uh who is about to who is on the
starting line right now yep Dante out of
ninja yep shout outs to Empire ninja uh
so many of our athletes are from the New
region let’s see how Dante will be able
to uh handle the full course he’s
ready and he’s
off absolutely no waste of time onto uh
our second obstacle hold
swing making quick work of it we just
saw Noah Bamford uh missed the disount
but Dante gets
it uh he’s slipping off of the
Cliffhangers oh yeah it is hangers are
such such a tough obstacle you don’t
know just how thin they are until you’ve
tried it for the first
time absolutely he’s going to keep
absolutely um slides off of the slack
slack lines but we are now
onto an obstacle that has proven to be a
Crux point for our athletes so far so
shout outs to uh this obstacle right
here obstacle five um CR point and shout
out to Nick foron for uh for Designing
this course
hanging on for dear life on that pump on
that pumpkin hold
but obviously your grip isn’t going to
have nearly as much wiggle room on that
but now on to the fidget
spinner doing a little bit of a sideways
swing over here kind of like a wing nut
oh looks like he just peeled off right
there yeah it kind of cuz it’s on strep
so it’s not predictable like a straight
line like a bearing so he kind of a
little sideways there but now he’s
moving on with the ring
toss yep building up a lot of momentum
here and looks like he’ll have about 30
seconds as he attempts this final
obstacle to ccope which uh no one has
beaten just yet um Dante with a great
run as like how he did in the in the
flow course
um definitely uh kept fighting uh no
matter what obstacles were thrown in his
way yep and he’s going to uh he’s
definitely going to have more fun later
today on the
skills next up we got Nolan out of
axos yes and uh Nolan um if you remember
from the flow course uh he tried to he
basically beta break the Cliffhanger and
was going to make the Dismount but
peeled right off let’s see how he’ll do
right here on the full
course making absolutely quick work of
all of these
obstacles oh he slides right
off that’s okay cuz he’s got plenty of
more obstacles to go Yep this regroup
and keep moving on through getting this
pull up up up to that round one it
should be a bit of a rest of the grip
for that one and then under the downward
section he’s going to have to make that
tricky sideways jump over to that blue
box his Mo uh the his he’s got to really
focus on body control right here because
his swing is going all over the place
and he just decides to drop try to get
uh save a little bit of time remaining
obstacles to get points
on going on the slack line right
balancing looks like it looks like it
cut out right there yeah one of our one
of our cameras um we’re getting that
sorted out so thanks for being patient
with us
absolutely now he’s eyeing up getting
some Chu getting ready
for the toughest obstacle skips the ring
so far for these athletes this and the
Kaleidoscope have been very have been
zero for zero oh he tries to static it
that was a good idea there but just
slipped off but now time for theget
spinner oh that that’s a oh he decides
to static it good reach there nice sing
span uses it
it makes the
dis he has 30 seconds left but if he can
get this ring toss that would help him a
lot with the
points go for a big reach here gets it
one more and then right to the
Dismount if he wants to get points on
the K scope he’s got to go oh yeah he
just slipped off there run to the buzzer
absolutely great run by Nolan um
definitely trying to Beta break some of
these obstacles so I hope the other
athletes have been paying attention um
great run out of Nolan um he’s got a
really bright future in the sport um has
a lot of skills and a lot of talent and
I I hope to see more of him uh
throughout uh later down the line
up next we have Shay
Goldstein uh Shay qualified
through the Empire ninja tier 2 Regional
Championship out of New England uh
another one of our New England
competitor uh athletes and is off um
onto the hold swing right
here makes a nice transfer to the
ring keeps on going and sticks
it now we have the
Cliffhanger he’s out of I believe he’s
out of ninja
Mania looking at that
Jersey yep definitely uh making way
through the Cliffhanger uh making a lot
of progress on the obstacle let’s see
how he’ll be able to handle the dismount
CU that that’s a that’s a pretty tough
Mount oh doesn’t look like he got
it but still a great effort on that
obstacle now he’s onto these uh slack
lines and he gets it a lot of our
athletes have been struggling on that
obstacle but Shay was one of the few
that cleared it oh he tried to stack
over to the pumpkin hold but drops now
he’s on to the fidget
Spinners on
through oh good gra good commitment
yeah that but however he’s going
sideways right now he is in no man’s
land but looks like he got um his
momentum back going
forward and he’s got the dismount
and gets
it great great save by Shay right here
Goldstein moving on to uh the ring
Tech that one but he’s going to keep
moving see if he can be the first one to
beat this
kaleidoscope and obviously this uh moved
to the Cliffhanger very very
tough doesn’t doesn’t quite get it but
excellent run out of
Shay for sure
and let’s take a look at our current
leaderboard that puts him in fifth so
far Noah Bamford is in
first right uh looks like uh Shane
Martin’s run is currently under
review so that is definitely going to be
something to keep an eye
on but our next Runner right now is uh
Liam laru and he is off and
running pops right up
into the Rings moving on through making
short work of
it and excellent Dismount right there um
we have Coach Lulu uh coaching his
Athlete on shout outs to coach Lulu and
definitely uh proven to be an amazing
coach right here because Liam is making
short work of this Cliffhanger and he’s
just got the Dismount and gets it we’ve
seen a lot of our more recent athletes
struggle on the Cliffhanger so that’ll
be something to keep in mind for
Liam and now onto our slack
lines sizing them up gets it makes it to
the second one and he’s got it
amazing job by Liam right here look at
that big jump up that big
reach he’s an all
absolutely oh but now he’s spinning the
round but now but notice how when he
goes to the backside it kind of tilts
downward just way the weight works so
that helped him and now he gets it right
side now will he be the first to beat
this leche he’s got it oh he’s got it
great work to clear that
obstacle and now moving on to these
fidget Spinners pulls right through into
it Liam Liam Laro is putting up an
amazing run right here he has
a he has a good amount of time
left yeah so he’s got he’s like like
Bill said he’s got plenty of time so
could we see a full clear right here
he’s just got a he’s going hopping right
up into his Cliffhanger ledge he gets it
come on Liam he’s got the F he’s got the
first one last jump of the no he
SL so
close but what a run he was looking
smooth and quick he’s disappointed but
he should be proud that was a really
nice will he be the first to beat this
absolutely he got it oh he’s got it jump
that’s SP stumping everyone so
far and if we Tak we take a look at our
leaderboard yep that puts them in first
place so far by a decent
margin yeah Leo Maru uh puts puts up a
run right there like an amazing run
like we’ll see if uh our next Runner
Paul Jackson can uh match Liam’s
performance right there Liam laru with a
again a fantastic run um then we have
Elijah Bamford uh Noah bamford’s brother
Rio Rico
TZ and many more along the
way but first we have cole Jackson I’m
sure a lot of the athletes that are
coming up will have watched Liams run
because he put on such a great
just if there was one thing might have
helped him to get that chalk but he was
it was the end of the end of the course
so he was probably little gasing he was
running low on time but still great
effort now Cole
absolutely and Cole
making quick work of these obstacles
here for those of you who just tuning in
uh welcome to the tier 2 world ninja
League championships this is the pre
male division uh I am Evan Mel and I am
joined by Philip Scott and we are live
at Austin ninjas in Texas so shout outs
to Austin
ninjas yep Austin ninjas are host of
this event for the second year in a row
put on a great great
event and as now we see Cole Jackson
taking on this course this is our
second of our two courses out of four
total events for these athletes and he
makes the slack lines no problem now
he’s moving on
through now this has been if you’re just
joining us this has been the toughest
part of the course so far he
twisty oh he slides off yet these
spinning bearings the spinny bearing
holds have been the toughest part of the
course so far only one athlete I believe
has gotten through so
far yep and that was our previous Runner
Liam Laro
yes it was but now he’s making this
Dismount he’s got
it excellent Dismount there by Cole
um Cole is out of
the New England division another one of
our New England uh athletes here today
uh qualified out of Empire ninja now
let’s see how handle the Kos scope uh
doesn’t make transfer but he’ll hit the
buzzer anyways uh great run by Cole and
definitely the Highlight was on the
funky fidget Spinners that little grab
uh with the static and just recovering
his technique just recovering his
momentum to make it all the way to the
Dismount so up next we have Elijah
Bamford um his brother Noah ran the of
course uh few Runners ago and let’s see
how Elijah will be able to
do uh also coached by coach Lulu uh big
shout outs to coach Lulu um we all love
coach Lulu here and Elijah is off
starting with the little quad steps now
onto the
holds making quick work of
those and na Dismount uh Cliffhangers uh
shout outs to the Cliffhanger uh being
an absolute staple of any ninja
competition and shout outs to Nick
Forney and the rest of the Austin ninjas
team for uh course designer for course
designing and of course hosting this
competition oh and
whoa he saves what a safe right there sa
it ref holds it safe
he’s rushing through oh yeah that’s a
feet only obstacle so yeah once he
touched he knew that it was done but now
he’s moving on through speeding through
oh just misses that pop but he moves
he’s hurrying on through knowing that
speed is also a factor in your points
so going to keep
moving let’s see how we able to handle
the fidget spinner and gets it but yeah
if you get it’s going every direction
here yeah it this thing
it’s the gyro it it’s um I believe it’s
swinging off of the bgs’s
uh think he might have twisted his ankle
a little bit but he’s going to keep
moving yep no quit in Elijah banford
just like his brother absolutely no quit
been now
making quick
work even with an injured ankle yep I
think he might have just think he just
uh and twist a little bit on the mat but
he’s going to keep oh oh he reset he
reset he’s good
reset make the oh just slips he’s going
to go for that
button nice
absolutely yeah I hope Elijah’s okay uh
because that look like a nasty fall on
the fidget
Spinners yeah I think he might have just
tweaked his ankle a little bit that does
happen from time to time it’s happened
to me before um hopefully he’s all right
um nice
run yep um next up we have Rico TZ uh
Rico is out another one of one of our
other Texas ninjas he’s out of move
sport which is not too far from here
he put up a very good run on the um L
course and let’s see how he’ll be able
to handle the full
course definitely making quick work so
far it’s called a Dismount it’s called
the full course because every obstacle
is scored unlike the slow course which
is just keep going until
um your first fall is where your run
stuffs but in full course is the full
course so every how long you take on
each obstacle and if you beat it or
don’t beat it matters and how and it
also factors in what how the other
athletes did too so points always change
but pretty much long story short do the
best he
can and keep on moving
through R Rico falls on the slack lines
however he doesn’t look phased at all as
he moves on to this Crux point right
here Liu was be able to and he Nails a
leche got to get that other hand around
a little bit there he goes readjust so
he gets a little let’s see how he be
able to handle
this going a little bit sideways in his
swing but looks and he gets
it second ricz does yes uh joining Liam
laru uh in beating that obstacle and
great how we handle the funky fidget
Spinners um that F that first fidget
spinner has the bungee cord so you can’t
get as much swing the second one right
uh on a little bit of a weight balance
uh which also can get a little bit off
center uh but now we move on to a little
bit more of a simpler obstacle um we
have the we have this ring Tech right
right here this is the
first oh he’s he’s trying to recover
yeah’s Hanging On by one hand there he
goes there he goes nice fight big swing
there just needs to get this one he has
he still has the time but he has to go
right away 10 seconds he pops right into
it oh just slipped oh he slides right
off nice work good slide uh AB abely
let’s take a look at the leaderboard
that puts him in second
place absolutely and uh Shane Martin’s
run is still under review right now uh
definitely something to keep an eye on
um but up next we should have Logan poek
um yeah Logan Logan of Rise Logan got
first in our flow course he was the
farthest fastest he was the fastest to
get to that last UFO obstacle that
uh that most of our athletes had a had
difficulty with but let’s see if he can
get through this one he was really
almond smooth through that flow course
so that should suit him well on this
absolutely like C and collected is the
name of the game when it comes to Logan
right here and
absolutely awesome Tech right here on
the cliffhanger
up that and now he’s just got that
Dismount no problem get doesn’t even
need the
pull now he’s highing up slack
line and it the second slack line there
goes now he’s got uh this Crux point we
only Liam Laro and our previous Runner
um made it through this OB made it
through this obstacle right
here oh oh looks like he tried to Monkey
Bar it yeah just slipped it but it’s all
right it’s going to keep moving this
course has been tough down the
chalk oh good
save and now the
Dismount over a minute
left yeah absolutely good idea everyone
in the gym is watching him his coach
from ryen
Houston yep and now it looks like he’s
about to begin yep there he goes uh
apologies for the technical
difficulties looking a bit stuck on
that there we
are yeah and now he going to make it
through now will Logan be the first one
through this
Kaleidoscope wow he links it right into
uh the cliff oh but he slides right off
still a great run by Logan
paek um definitely a lot of nice saves
uh especially on the fidget spinners
and as we move on to our next athlete
our next athlete is Ian
Stewart Ian is qualified
through the regional competitions
through I
believe out of once again another New
uh I looks like we’re experiencing some
more technical difficulties
um don’t know
how his run is turning out right now um
but for those of you who are just tuning
in uh welcome to the tier 2 world ninja
League championships uh over in Austin
ninjas uh I am Evan Mel and I am joined
by Philip Scott yeah you were um we will
be right back really quick uh just
getting the video restarted
yep and we are back let me P this
up Y and as you can see apologies for
that Ian’s looking very good here he’s
got he’s got the R Lucas R shirt on
Lucas sh to Lucas R just open up a new
and here he goes moving on through whoa
that that was a little close there on
the Dismount but Ian does not look
phased at
all going through uh the ring Tech as
efficiently as possible and he’s got 40
seconds left onto the Kos scope goes
right into it makes that uh leche to the
Cliffhanger now he’s got a special get
this bar oh that’s the closest we’ve
seen so far that was just
close slams that buzzer he should be
proud though that was a that was a very
nice effort
there yes and it looks like um when the
the stream uh came back into play it
looked like he cleared that point at
fifth obstacle spot yeah that was really
nice let’s just take it really quick
before Nathan’s run let’s take a quick
look and that put him in third so that
was a very nice run
there next up we have Nathan N
Go coached by coach Lulu uh Al big shout
outs to coach Lulu uh once
again making
Nathan making quick work of this course
so far onto the
Cliffhanger moving at a pretty efficient
Pace now he’s just got to get this
Dismount and he gets
it now he’s moving on through nice and
quick through the bounce very good
technique Nathan
wo moving on through up
into the spinny first is the spinny
oh try to Le to it oh no oh peels right
off yeah he jumped he jumped to The Far
Side which makes it kind of tough
but yeah he’s going to keep moving a
hard fall too I hope he’s okay but he
looks okay as he is yep shook it off and
we got those NS there moving on
through but now the nice thing is he has
plenty of time to try to figure
out this Kaleidoscope he chalks
up looks like can he nailed the oh he
almost got it but just peels off with
his left hand but Nathan to go uh put up
a really good run too um definitely had
some hard fails uh looks like he’s okay
and I’m excited to see what he has uh in
the future when it comes to ninja and of
course coach Lulu has to be so proud of
him for sure we’re getting into our last
few athletes of the pre-teen
males the first wave um I should say and
got uh then after this we’ll have
another group uh start with the flow but
we got Steven Maul out of
Depot shout outs to dexterity Depot uh
shout outs to Tim Dexter who is his
coach and shout outs to uh another dity
Depot athlete Matt
Bradley one of the uh Premier names in
the sport of ninja but Stephen mole
right now is making quick work of this
course nailing the Cliffhanger obviously
Cliffhangers and Matt Bradley go hand in
hand but now Stephen slides right off of
the slack line but he’s still making
really good time on this
course so he’s got plenty of time
statick his way through the
pumpkin now let’s see how we’ll be able
to handle the spinning
UFO we saw a lot of our athletes
struggle with this
earlier was stepen is going a little bit
side to side decides to drop uh going
into our funky F fidget spits uh
definitely a tricky obstacle oh he
barely misses the leche with his right
hand but now going onto the ring Tech uh
moving through oh misses that but he
recovers doesn’t look
fa oh can he get it
oh oh he he he decides to drop but now
he has about 55 seconds left to get
through the colas coope let’s see how
he’ll be able to handle this tricky
obstacle Nails the first
leche let’s see how it oh and he slides
off but step Maul uh great run by him at
at just like in the full uh flow course
uh but the Highlight for me was
definitely on the Cliffhanger like very
very smooth there um obviously dexterity
Depot ninjas are very good at
Cliffhangers thanks to Matt Bradley but
still absolutely incredible but now we
have Lucas
Lucas comes out
urban it looks like with his uh Urban
playground shirt that’s in
Pennsylvania and he qualified in the
Northeast uh region where uh he
qualified through Brooklyn Ninja Academy
so shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja Academy
and shout outs to Urban playground and
he is off and
running making nice work of these
holds got a series one shoes on shout
outs to series one and now we’re on to
the Cliffhanger we just saw St Maul uh
have great technique on this obstacle
let’s see if Lucas can uh match that but
he’s making his way
through stretches up to that top Cliff
Hanger and now on the way
down and now makes it to the end but
let’s see if he can nail that
Dismount and he gets it oh no oh just
looks like he got it initially but then
slides right off here he goes now for
the slack
line gets a slack line now onto our Crux
point of the course along with the ccope
Lee doesn’t even bother with the ring
and he’s looking a little
bit spin definitely spinning around
here but maners were covered to the
pumpkin but slides right off now we have
our funky fidget
Spinners looking to
reset building up a lot of Swing let’s
see if he can get this
leche and looks like it just didn’t have
the momentum but now we have our ring
Tech right here
struggling to get that ring out but he
gets it oh just drop
yeah L Lucas Pine
definitely continuing to fight on this
course definitely a hard course Lucas
should be very very proud of
himself uh definitely fought his way
through this course uh throughout the
first few obstacles and even on later
obstacles even though he didn’t even
though he didn’t clear them still took
away a lot to learn and now we move on
to Brandon bernaldez now if you remember
from the flow course
Brandon uh was the only person to
complete those uh UFOs however he fell
earlier in the flow course so his so
unfortunately that didn’t count but
still definitely gets a feel for a lot
of these obstacles coached by AEL
Gonzalez shout outs to AEL Gonzalez and
wearing the able Gonzalez shirt uh we
are all
able looks like we’re getting ready to
begin very very
shortly looks like they’re adjusting a
few things I think able Gonzalez is
asking a few questions about the course
they can
uh what’s in play and what’s
not uh for those of you who just tuning
in welcome to the tier 2 world ninja
League championships I am Evan Mel and I
am joined by Philip Scott over here at
Austin ninjas in Austin Texas so shout
outs to Austin ninjas and shout outs to
Nick Fortney and the Austin team for
Designing these challenging
courses yeah for sure this uh this whole
course has been
tough but these athletes have put on
some strong performances these um these
full course obstacles
happen uh like I said pretty tough and
uh nobody’s gotten through the last one
yet see if any of our last four athletes
in this wave can get through it as now
we’re moving on to Brandon’s
run and he’s off
now we have the holds right
having excellent momentum shifting as he
Dismounts onto the Cliffhanger obviously
a very iconic obstacle in the world of
ninja and look at that making short work
of it now let’s see how he’ll handled
the Dismount this Dismount has been
deceptively tricky but looks like
Brandon gets it now we have the slack
another very deceptively tricky
obstacle well looks like Brandon’s going
to get through it just
fine Brandon bernaldez uh onto our big
Crux Point earlier in the
course get all the way to the pump gets
to try another UFO here gets it
now going for that LE no
problem making excellent work of this
course and gets the leche easily he’s
got plenty of
time he’s going to Dismount with about a
minute left uh with only two obstacles
left on this full
course oh look at that momentum right
there so smooth and so
efficient he’s look very Al collected
here but he has to Hops right into this
Cliffhanger now for the bar can he make
it oh he
just what a run from Brandon
that will
absolutely that will put him in first
place ABS just ahead of
Liam yep uh Liam laru is the only other
athlete uh so far to have
completed uh seven obstacles seven out
of the eight obstacles on this full
course and we only have a few Runners
left uh first we have Cameron then we
have K and then L are our last three
yes so Cameron is looking to get started
here I believe Cameron is the New
England region like many of our athletes
today uh yes uh the New England division
I’m sorry the New England
region and now he’s on to the cliff
hangers making quick work of them too
now onto the descending part of this
Cliffhanger period uh pyramid and has to
make the Dismount right here which has
been pretty tricky we have seen a lot of
our athletes uh fall right
here building up some
swing oh oh he doesn’t look like he got
it but now we have the black line um
this has also been a deceptively tricky
obstacle oh he got
it makes a leap for the platform and
gets it crosses the plane and now we’re
on to our Crux point he is staing his
way through it showing off insane grip
strength but now he’s just spinning
around on that UFO he’s GNA have to fix
his hand placement or is he going to try
and do like a sideways
Le let’s see he’s he needs to get that
hand wrapped around a little more but he
got himself centered so he could go for
it right here he gets it and he gets it
absolutely and that’s definitely going
to help him on the leader board as well
because that has been a Trux point for
all of our athletes here today
now the fidget
Spinners Nails the
Dismount looking to
reset he’s only got about 15 seconds
left he can get this this point would be
big if he can just get
this off 7 Seconds go right to the there
he goes now just go for it a tries goes
to link it but doesn’t get the grab but
Cameron puts up a great run right here
and the Highlight for me was definitely
fixing his momentum on the truck Point
obstacle that little UFO and was able to
save it with that insane leche so great
work Cameron you should be very proud
next we have Kyle Becker we have two two
left and one of them is right here Kyle
Becker making quick work of the course
far Kyle is uh out of the New
England New England region like many
like many of our athletes here
looks looks like he covers uh struggling
a little bit on that
uh on those holds but now he’s making up
for lost time on the Cliffhanger going
through very
efficiently just has the Dismount right
very yeah looks like our athletes are uh
starting to really get that Dismount now
um definitely been a struggle for some
of our earlier athletes same with uh
this topso right here the slack line but
gets through
it oh looks to
reset and onto that little pumpkin
hold his hands are not centered on it
but looks looks makes those a little
Shay right here oh he tried going for
the right for the disc now
uh hopefully Luke theusa uh paid
attention to that cuz we’ll see if he
could try that on this on that on that
obstacle right there because that lche
has been very very
tough crosses the plane on the this
Mount now onto our ring
TCH it’s moving on through these
rings has about 30 seconds left to do
Kaleidoscope CH taking some time to
chalk up now none of our athletes have
gotten through this obstacle yet we’ll
see if Kyle can be the first
yes but still a great run by Kyle Becker
um I really like how he tried to skip
that LE on that on the Crux Point
uh try to do a little bit of bay
breaking but finally we are on our final
Runner and this is Luke duza Luke dusza
if you remember from the flow course had
an amazing save on the aerial Barrel so
we’ll see if uh he’ll have any amazing
saves here on the full course so let’s
see how he’ll be able to handle it but
looks like he’s ready to go um for our
final Runner I just want to shout out
Austin ninjas in Austin Texas once again
for hosting this amazing event along
with Nick Fortney and the Austin ninja
team team for once again designing the
course and really going all out this
weekend for sure this course is been
very welld
designed absolutely and it looks like
Luke is ready to
roll making quick work of these first
few obstacles right
here been on through to the
Cliffhanger making making really good
work of it um that’s like one one of our
that’s one of the obstacles that oh you
need this mount right there the uh
Cliffhanger has
definitely been beaten by a lot of our
later athletes as opposed to our
athletes that ran early earlier on but
now we are on to the Crux point and Luke
theusa staing his way through the
through the entire obstacle right here
but it looks like he might try to Lee
right here and he gets it oh nice little
pop there
absolutely and now he’s got plenty of
time left for these final three
obstacles including these fidget
Spinners uh designed by dgs shout outs
dgs and makes the
Dismount you just got a few holds left
here trying to he has plenty of time so
it makes sense to yeah regroup and go
back up there he
goes one more and then he’ll have 50
seconds left to take on this
it Nails it now no one has clear oh he
has so
close oh what a run though absolutely oh
he just I
I actually thought he was going to get
that final
special po there absolutely uh Luke Thea
was a great run to end off this wave of
nails that put him in third
yep and we we have a lot of
really really solid comp uh athletes
here still to come uh definitely want to
keep your eyes out um we have another
wave of our B male athletes coming up
very very
soon thanks for tuning in uh we will be
back in a few minutes but until I uh be
sure to check out the schedule
for today
here there we go yep be back in a few
thanks so much for tuning everyone
he n
oh a
he n
o oh
hello everybody and welcome back
to the tier 2 world ninja League
championships I’m Philip Scott alongside
Evan Mel and Evan we’ve seen some very
good run so far it’s been a tough course
tough two courses nobody’s gotten a full
clear on either yet do you think any
what he can do in the second half of
today I absolutely think there is uh we
still got a lot of talent uh coming up
in our second wave of our pre-team males
uh they’ve seen uh the first wave take
on both courses and bu develop some
strategies maybe our going to start
taking advantage of some baa breaks and
we’ll see how uh the rest of the
competition goes for our pre-team
males for sure and yeah if you if we
want to look at our format just very
briefly all athletes compete in four
events two courses flow and full and two
skills Tech and dash
and all those events combined your
placements in each of those uh combined
for your best whatever
your each placement adds up so first
first first second would be a three ones
and a two would be a five lowest number
wins then we also have medals for each
individual event uh so each one of the
courses and each one of the skills and
then also of
course uh overall category so both
courses combined results from that and
both skills combin from that so lots of
medals to go around today and lots of
athletes absolutely and shout outs to
Austin ninjas and Austin Texas for
hosting this amazing event and shout out
to course designers uh Nick fordney and
the rest of the Austin ninjas team as uh
we look to get underway fairly fairly
shortly um something that uh I have
noticed throughout the entire
competition is
we have a lot of New England region uh
athletes showing up uh here at Austin
ninjas today which travel traveling that
far um for a competition is can
definitely be pretty hardore sometimes
but uh they’re doing a great job right
now and I look forward to seeing how
some of the rest of our athletes uh take
on the
course of course and this is tier 2 is
the stepping stone to bigger things in
ninja this is tier 2 is athletes first
steps into ninja and this is kind of
their first taste of major
competitions um throughout the season
they’ve competed in local qualifiers
then went to a reg Regional competitions
and now they’re here in Austin Texas for
the world ninja League year 2
championships and so this like I said
for a lot of these athletes it is their
first taste at
some very
uh very nerve-wracking moments but also
some very rewarding moments too it’s it
is very you can’t have even the best of
the best I saw Daniel Gil uh he’s here
uh doing meet and greets so you’re in
the area come stop by but of course the
ninja Legend Daniel Gil I’m sure he and
everybody that has ever stepped foot on
ninja course no matter how good can say
they get nervous every time so
it’s it’s just a little taste and
everybody’s in it together and the
community’s uh and the community is so
supportive and it’ll it’ll just be a
great experience for all these athletes
to get their first you know this kind of
experience with this kind of
event and I don’t think it’s just for
the athletes either like I feel like the
coaches uh get nervous for their
athletes and oh yeah absolutely it’s
very rewarding when you see one of your
athletes do well we’ve seen a ton of
coaches uh running alongside their
athletes today um some of the big
standouts include coach Lulu uh big
shout outs to coach Lulu and of course
Abel Gonzalez uh big shout out to him as
well along with all the other coaches
that flown in or drove long hours to get
uh to Austin Ninja is here
today we’re just getting things uh ready
go you can see our first athletes on the
blocks yep uh our first athlete today uh
is Joey bank so Joey uh first made his
first qualified through worlds at the
Brooklyn Ninja Academy in the Northeast
region so shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja
Academy um defin like with the uh New
England uh region back uh in our first
wave uh definitely not easy to travel uh
that sort of distance to compete uh in
the competition like
this for sure but uh they’re making the
most of it I I’ve SE athletes from all
over have been putting on some very
strong performances so once you get on
the course and you’re warmed up it’s a
little easier but definitely the
traveling and stuff like that and the
whole you know anticipation of competing
does but that does make you a little
nervous but like I said that’s just
experience and these athletes are
definitely going to get some experience
today for sure uh true or words have not
been said Phil but um we are getting
ready to go underway um for those of you
who have not seen the first wave of the
cre team male uh males we are currently
on the flow course so the flow course uh
if you fill an obstacle uh your run ends
however uh you’ll what you’ll see very
often is the athletes uh try the other
obstacles in the course as well to not
only keep their blood flowing
uh maybe gain a little bit of confidence
back after the fall or um or to like
really get a feel for some of these
obstacles um something uh regarding
ninja uh different ninja gems is each
two obstacles are like the same obstacle
in a different gym is a completely
different obstacle like um for I’ll use
myself as an example um I am a grips
ninja uh
over in Southfield Michigan uh our slack
line is different from the movement lab
Ohio slack line and it’s probably
different from the one here at Austin
ninjas that’s just one example like
every single obstacle is different at
every uh Ninja gym
here so uh definitely getting a feel for
those obstacles as well could lend you
better to uh your later runs on the
course whether it be on flow course full
course or any of our two
skills looking to still get underway
here while we’re still waiting let’s
take a look at what the results are so
far for the pre-teen males before we
head into the second half of the
division so of course they’ve done two
courses and so the first one is the flow
course which is a little quicker that’s
the one we’ll be seeing coming up here
in ad just a little bit and leaderboards
look like this um nobody has completed
it so far fully but we’ve had six runs
get to the last obstacle uh
Logan uh Logan’s uh been uh in the lead
and with 24 seconds over the next place
um yeah he was looking really smooth
there lots of really close runs um yeah
everybody looking pretty strong there
and yeah that last obstacle is just got
dropped down from the Del steps to the
UFOs and that’s been uh it’s been
catching some people off um but that’s
the thing it’s the Championships you
know so there are going to be those Crux
points as we call them those tough T
sections and uh yeah as we go into let’s
check our whole course leaderboard that
is the longer one Luke
duza ran bernaldez and Liam laru all
beat the first seven of eight obstacles
and so they are in the first second and
third places uh full course counts every
obstacle you do and how fast you do them
and we have the leaderboard or we have
the Run order up I should
say as you can see we got Joey Bank up
first and you can see we have quite a
few athletes it’s not just 11 where it’s
going to keep on showing the more most
recent upto bat Runners and uh yeah
Joy’s up first for our second wave and
we’ll see how he does it’ll be very
interesting to see also how the full not
just the flow but the full leaderboard
how that will uh play out as more
athletes run because the score is
affected by how other athletes do too
like how difficult an obstacle is how
fast they get through um all those
points are calculated and so just is
long long story short
just do your best and uh and then the
score will be you know whatever reflects
your run how your run was um but yeah
it’ll be very interesting to see if any
of our top finishers from the first half
of the division how they will uh hang on
uh when we get into these this second
half absolutely Phil and keep and
neither of these courses are easy like
as Phil said we have incredible Crux
points at on both courses um the UFOs on
the flow force uh which no one was able
to take down and on the full force we
have um a lot of different holds a lot
of spinning
holds um including like a UFO and then
of course there’s the ccope at the end
of the full course uh which no one was
able to
beat yeah that that Kaleidoscope was a
was a tricky one um we saw a couple
athletes just touched the uh the first
uh just touched the first
um of
the that bar I mean touch that bar that
you have to catch it’s like this narrow
bar um but we’ve got uh our first runner
up here
Joey he’s excited he’s ready to roll he
out a grit
ninja uh as we’ve mentioned grit Ninja’s
brought a has brought a lot of athletes
into this sport you see Coach Henry his
very distinctive voice and
um and he’s going to be coaching Joey
through this
course he’s getting ready to
roll yep uh
he he’s got he’s got a smile on his face
he’s ready to go and obviously the most
important part of ninja is just having
fun could if you’re not having fun
you’re doing something wrong but
obviously all all of these athletes are
looking to have very very fun times here
as we
begin Joey Bank on the starting line
uh we have a lot of athletes watching um
Joey Bank getting ready to go uh Coach
Henry co uh giving him some rundown on
the course and of course uh mentally
preparing his athlete as well so big
shout outs to Coach Henry right there
over at grit
ninja so it looks like we will be
underway fairly soon y we are switch
from unknown athlete to Joey Bank um I
just saw the Run order
um pop up there we go as you can see
Joey bank is first
up saw he’s getting some advice from
some of his teammates always great team
teams that’s that’s the nice thing about
teams you know even though ninja is can
be you know an individual sport their
teammates are always there to support
even even uh athletes from other teams
also are always there to support as well
well that’s very important for you know
when you’re just starting out in tier
two you
absolutely there is his name Joey Bank
we’re getting ready to roll there’s the
referee ref telling him to scooch out of
the way give him some room to do the St
you know do the course
yeah yep minute 30 time limit this is a
course but it does slow down a little
bit at the end um first half of the
stage we’ve seen most athletes get
through in about 30 seconds but then the
second half is a little bit uh a a lot a
little bit more upper body intensive and
core intensive so just got to be
efficient and smooth through this whole
run and this is a flow course so that
means your run is end the score is uh
stopped once you get your first fall but
you can keep going get some back up some
experience absolutely uh skips that last
hold on the second obstacle right there
and making way through all the balance
very very
nicely very nice then hopping right up
onto now this obstacle was a ABS was a
massive highlight from the first wave
Luke’s save on it hanging on to uh one
of those support straps for dear life
but we see Joey Bank building up a lot
of momentum right here and gets to the
ring onto the Cliffhangers um he is not
going to try and Dismount from uh that
little Cliffhanger ledge and you can use
that little for uh opts not to oh just
touches down back foot there yeah that’s
a kind of tricky Dismount it’s diagonal
and sort of back Landing onto that map
and so now he’s just going to uh his
last obstacle here a
try going from the third to highest uh
quite get the distance but
still nice run from by Joey Bang
I really liked his momentum shifting on
uh the holds and but in the middle of
the SP walk and he didn’t even bother
using uh that last hold right there so
up next we have Landon right Landon is
from the Midwest uh Midwest region uh
qualified through uh MLB Ohio so big
shout outs to MLB
Ohio ninja nin Nation sir gym Nation
that’s a gym out in uh it’s gym out in
Ohio so you can see his teammates also
there yeah gym nation is one of our
Midwest gyms that is hosted tier
teams yep and we are off
building up some swing onto this
ring decides to use the SP wall to help
him get his uh feet up
there though he is spinning around right
now he can reset if you want there he
goes just get that momentum
going big lesson to learn here is
obviously not to rush it don’t don’t
struggle too much just
regroup a lesson absolutely lesson that
learn when you starting out but he’s
he’s fighting
on absolutely no quit and Landing right
still got the momentum here there he
goes now he’s got the
grab swinging sideways taking a lot of
swings here there he goes he get gets it
to the next uh ring see if he can get to
the end of
this got one more hold to
go and he’s got it he got it great fight
out of
Landon now he heads onto the balance
beams oh time just expires but what a
fight great effort out of Landon
absolutely nice job no quit in landing
right uh especially
on that first
ring let’s take a look at some
of our next
Runners uh Samuel Morland is up
next so
Sam is
from again uh the Midwest region so two
Midwest ninjas in a
row so we’ll we’ll see how um we just
saw Lan in right uh let’s see how Sam
will uh be able to take on this
course another one of his teammates
now ref’s telling him as him some
questions now he’s good ready to
roll and he is starting
off gets that
grab Sam
Morin going through with absolute
ease oh he’s hanging on by one
hand but he gets that
hold see if he’s going to go for the
Dismount right here It’s tricky to keep
your momentum going as straight line but
he gets it he skips the last
one keep it moving oh oh he just trips
on that slack line but he’s going to
keep moving now two absolutely
barrel his coach giving him advice uh I
believe that is Bradley Collins as his
coach so shout outs to
him G to make going to go for this jump
here doesn’t quite commit to it but he’s
just going to run along and then hit the
buzzer a great run out of Sam Morland
and I look forward to see how he’ll do
the on the full
course yep is
now another quick look at the
leaderboard as you can see best run so
far in the pre male division is getting
to the last obstacle in a minute
flat we’ll see if anybody could full
clear it’s a tough it’s a tough last
obstacle absolutely
next up we have we have Mason uh being
coached by Lulu from Austin ninjas he
must be from around here yep shout outs
to coach Lulu and shout outs to Austin
ninjas as we begin Mason’s
run and we’re
off nice work through the shrinking
steps using the SP wall to help him
reach that second
ring using the SPID walls to like keep
his momentum going forward uh definitely
want to keep in mind on that big leap
but oh he just just misses that balance
beam and move on over
now look like he tried to do uh the same
the same thing that uh Sam Morin tried
to do uh from what it looked like in the
camera angle um it looked like they were
trying to like skip uh like B like jump
leap off of the like that little safety
oh that’s a hard fall right
there but Mason is still going uh up the
steps absolutely no quitting Mason
and he is turning around to go ahead and
face the
UFOs going to build up some
momentum switching over to a backwards
grab tries to Kip doesn’t quite get it
but still a great run out of Mason um
and despite some hard Falls he’s got a
lot to be proud of and I cannot wait to
see him take on the full force up next
we have Theodore Ker
um he from the he’s from
uh the New York ninja acmy Brooklyn
ninja so shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja
Academy as Theodore color is building up
momentum on the uh ring holds using the
Spire walls
to help get his legs
up and does just that
now we got uh oh misses the
hold but manages to
recover D Colo taking a little bit more
of a methodic approach but it’s proven
to be working out just well for
him oh it looks like
uh looks like uh they went for the
safety nets uh that
that are put uh by the balance obstacles
and just leap from them bit of a beta
break here so I hope these other
athletes are paying attention and now we
are on to the aerial barrel uh lot of
Swing being built up right
here let’s see Theodore go for this ring
and comes up just short but still get a
little bit more uh he’s going for the
Cliffhanger and now he’s moving onto the
the double steps uh making his way
up theor caller with a great run uh here
so far going up to that top devil step
and going to try and get to the UFO only
one person was able to clear the UFO but
unfortunately Theodore will not join him
but still a great run and I look forward
to him on the full
course but up next now uh we have
Sinclair uh Ley also from the Brooklyn
Ninja Academy uh shout shout outs to him
and shout outs to them uh once
again and Sinclair is ready to
roll moving
now up onto the ring
holds doesn’t even need the uh Spider
walls for
him going looks like they’re going looks
like we’re going to see a lot of
athletes go for the Dismount early here
not bother with that last
hold yeah um looks like our first few
obstacles might have gotten beta break
because uh on that third obstacle that
wobbly balance beam those little foot
Place holds uh to help our tier 2
athletes um a lot of our athletes are
just jumping on those to clear the
obstacle but onto the aerial
Barrel let’s
see let’s hope that Sinclair can reach
that ring right there taking a lot of
extra swings but gets
it onto those clip hangers um you can
use that little uh support pole right
there doesn’t look like he’ll need
it and let’s see this Dismount building
up a bit of Swing 10 seconds
oh just came up short
and oh oh that’s a hard fall I hope he’s
okay looks like it as he strolls his way
over to the buzzer uh great run out of
sing Flair uh lots lots of good things
to take away from that run uh especially
uh utilizing the beta breaks set by the
uh previous compe previous athletes but
now we are on to Lucas walls also out of
Nation out of Ohio uh in the Midwest
region so Lucas is now taking on the
course through the shrinking
steps over to the ring
holds misses that grab but almost gets
it on his second try still building up
swing you
can using the Spire walls
might be looking to reset right here and
does building up a lot of swing and then
gets that
ring now using the uh SP walls to like
shift his momentum
forward and looks like about 38 seconds
left onto the SL play and now has a jump
for the rope and gets it Lucas walls
might not have a lot of time left but he
is definitely doing very very well on
this flow course goes ahead and resets
on the aerial Barrel
okay doesn’t quite get the grab but we
might have another bear break on our
hands right here um Lucas
walls pulling that little uh balance
beam back to help get him some more
momentum but uh Lucas walls going to the
top of the devil steps see if he can get
this UFO just short but a great run by
walls on the hopefully uh we will see
him back on the full
course we have Eli up next and we have
plenty of Runners to
go Eli out of action Athletics in the
Boston area but being coached today by
Henry from grit a lot of these gyms they
like um if they’re nearby and stuff if
someone needs a coach they’ll be happy
to step in that’s the great thing about
this ninja
absolutely and now um Eli Miller going
right through all of these rings making
absolutely short work of them um makes
Dismount uh going through the wobble
balance beam as
well now we just saw our previous Runner
uh Lucas walls pull back the uh swing on
the aerial Barrel but Eli does not OP
for that approach going to build up
momentum uh this way
just got to jump for the ring and gets
it the
time going for a bit of a safer Dismount
right here on the flipping and sticks
it now Eli
Miller has to climb up these devil steps
it looks like he’s going with the UFOs
here ah hand placement was a little bit
too far forward but still a great run at
Eli Miller and he should be very proud
as he moves on to the full course yeah
and that looking at our leader board
that puts him in second
place absolutely uh very good run
especially since uh this wave just did
uh skills not too long ago
so they’re they definitely might they
these athletes probably have some built
up so that’s definitely something they
got to keep in mind on these uh flow and
forces up next is Nathaniel
fedan AEL is out of the Northeast
region as he makes his way through these
ring holes oh drops a little bit uses SP
wall to
recover to save it
here like too much there you
go and makes the this now
makes it through that balance
beam going through the slack
line it makes the leap to the
Rope now Nathan fan pulling back the uh
aial aial Bell balance beam uh That
Swing to have some momentum just like
what Lucas walls
did and make the leap to the ring and
there’s the F
hang it’s not often to use the pull you
are allowed
to let’s see how he handles this this
Mount he gets it doesn’t have a lot of
time left but Nathan fedan put up a
fantastic run making it all the way to
the to the double stops
making it past the fliff hanger as
well great run
Nathan for sure and next up he has
Ian Ian
Humphrey I is out
of RIT
ninja New England
area yep another one of our New England
athletes uh making the long trip here
over to Austin Texas uh for this amazing
competition going through the ring holds
oh bats the bats the
hold trying to get a nice grab on it and
does just
that the wobbly bouns team is up
next oh look like he fell for a little
bit the referee was in the way but he
looks completely fine as he moves onto
the slack line to rope
swing and looks like he got through it
onto the aerial
barrel uh might be having a bit of
technical difficulties over
here uh got about oh there we are back
on the aerial Barrel we have about 25
seconds left
makes the nice transfer
over it’s the Cliffhanger
transition just got to make that
Dismount in order to reach double
steps doesn’t have a lot of time left
but still Ian Humphrey putting up an
awesome run and that
is he was doing a reverse on the devil
steps definitely an interesting
technique I wonder if our athletes are
going to pick that
up yeah be interesting to
see for now we are moving on to Ryan
caner Ryan is out of
the out of the South Central uh region
here through Austin Texas shout outs to
Texas Ryan k 2 is getting ready to rock
and roll on this
course and he’s
off as a la of momentum from the
shrinking steps into our ring
swings and gets it with
ease doesn’t even bother with the safety
oh safety platforms that wobbly Bal
sport has and Ryan kantu is making
excellent time right here onto the
Barrel obviously big shout outs to um
ninas for hosting this amazing event as
Ryan gets through the
cliff op for a bit of a safer disount
and na he has about 40 seconds rough to
beat both of these obstacles Dev steps
and the
UFOs uh looks like he was climbing up
double steps uh very very easily going
from the second he gets the first
UFO and he oh he comes so close getting
the just a little bit off but still one
run from Ryan
and I canot wait to see how he will
handle the absolutely that was a very
close run
there now let’s see if uh Rowan Moore
can uh match that performance Rowan is
out of
the out of the New England division
another one of our New England uh
athletes looks like he’s wearing the
Lucas R shirt shout outs to Lucas
real one of the greats of the sport of
ninja and also a really really good
coach makes it through onto the wobble
balance B
looks like he got it about a minute left
uh onto our second balance obstacle we
have the slack for
ROP makes the leap for
it arel barel pulls back the little
swing and let’s see gets the jump to the
ring uh uses the uh handles swing as a
safety going for the dismount on the
Cliffhanger and gets
it Rowan Moore is flying up the double
steps and now just has one obstacle left
from a full course
clear oh no so close up just
short still a great
kid a should be my only people in the
war area if you are
inid are not in the
warm not in the
warm next up we have Joseph
oconnell out of the grit
ninja Henry on his sidelines
he gets ready to take on the
force a bit of a slower approach the
steps and
get uh makes the this Mount doesn’t
bother with the uh last hold right there
this is the little safy n on the Bobble
and a little a little bit of a scare
right there but he makes it
through makes the nice jump to the rope
swing uh for those of you who just
tuning in uh welcome to the uh tier 2
world ninja League uh Championship I am
Evan Mel and I am joined by pH Scott and
we are current
watching Joseph oconnell take on the
full uh flow course for uh the pr team
males uh an makes a Dismount over to the
double steps skips that second step
there going up to the second to highest
step let’s see H placement just a little
bit off a little bit too close to the
edge but Joseph panell with a great run
um makes it through uh six
obstacles as he Advance as he makes it
over to get ready for the full
course is
from the Northeast division uh so shout
outs to the Northeast region as well
as as well as Brooklyn Ninja Academy for
hosting that Regional uh they had to a
little bit of research right
there but makes making his way through
really quickly
and leaves for the Rope gets a bit of a
low grab but manages to save it uh Ariel
Barrel is up
next getting a lot of momentum right
here goes for the ring and gets
it we see if he’ll do with this here
where is going to uses the pull to his
Advantage this swing is going all over
the place but he manages to make the
Dismount double STS her up next he’s got
about 20 seconds left see he’s going to
go to that top step right there into the
UFOs looks like he rushed it a little
bit but completely understandable
considering how much time he had left
still a great run by aen baros um
definitely getting a lot of Swing on
that aerial Barrel right
there up next is Grant
Goodson um Grant is from
the Southeast region um so shout outs to
the South east
region and he is
off through the second obstacle with
ease and it looks like he’s going to go
straight for the Dismount oh oh that was
that was a little close right there
um definitely the spall supports uh
helped them out quite a lot right there
but now we are on to the slash line the
rope swing
has to put that shaky Dismount uh back
into the back of his head as he moves
onto the aerial
Barrel getting a lot of Swing right
here and he’s going
to take one more
swing taking a lot of swings right here
uh making sure he gets to that ring and
manages to get through just that
now he’s about he’s going to go straight
for the dismount on the Cliffhanger and
gets it he’s got 20 seconds left as he
starts up the double
step oh so
close absolutely
uh still a great run by Grant um I
cannot wait to see him on the full
course um even though had a little bit
of a scary fall on the second obstacle
he looks okay and he and he still up a
run up next we have Wesley
Tasco Wesley is
from in the Northeast
region so shout outs to the Northeast
region and once again shout outs to
Austin ninjas uh for hosting this
event and shout out to Nick fordney and
the rest of the Austin ninjas team for
Designing both the flow and full courses
that we will be seeing
today we have another dexterity Depot
ninja um we saw one we had another one
of those uh ninjas out in the first wave
I believe was Steven Maul who is from
Depot as we get ready to
begin asking a few questions to the ref
before begins but and he looks like he’s
nice push off there off of the uh
mounting platform of
the second obstacle oh manages to save
it making his way through the wobbly
balance beam doesn’t use the safety
nets moving very efficiently through the
slack line still got about 55 seconds
left as he moves on to the aerial Barrel
this this is where the this is where the
course can get really really
tough has a ton of momentum going into
ring and gets it with ease and swings
all the way over to the clip
hangers don’t see a lot of people using
that pull
anymore and get manages to land the uh
Dismount right there as uh lesle moves
on to the double
steps going up to that is he going to
try a 180 or oh okay
okay and then he going to make
a just got to hit that oh just
short um hands placement a little too
far forward it’s still a great one
tomasco um we’ll see him in the full
um as he makes it way all the way to the
final Obstacle of the flow
course up next we have miles St uh
staler uh sorry for suing right there uh
miles is from the south central uh
region so this is uh of Austin
uh he’s a rise
mover with his coach on the
sidelines making his way through the
first few obstacles very very
easily and onto the aerial Barrel he’s
got over a minute left onto this back
half of the P half of the floor
course he’s just got high up that
ring oh he gets it tries
to go quickly into the Cliffhanger has
to take a few extra
swings and looks could be going for the
Dismount gets it and we have about 35
seconds left as miles chalks up for the
final two
obstacles now just remember in the in in
the first wave uh we did not have a
single uh full clear on this low course
let’s see if miles will be the first one
he’s got about 15 seconds
left Miss misses uh with his right hand
as he hits the buzzer um still a great
run out of Miles uh definitely showed a
lot of power early on and definitely got
through those early obstacles very very
absolutely and uh we’re coming up on our
last Runners of this course still
haven’t gotten our full finisher we’ve
had some close runs though so we’ll
see um we have have four runners
left and Seth is
off Seth out of level up in the
Southeast region so shout outs to uh
level up for Hing that Regional to
and Seth makes it through the first is
making it very easily through the first
few obstacles that was just as fast as
our previous run mil
Statler misses his feet placement was
able to
recover swinging
over looks like Seth is also going to go
that tried to go right for that leche
yeah looks like Seth did get the
Dismount and now let’s see how he’s
handling uh UFOs
oh a very very quick run right here yeah
that he was flying so much uh let’s just
check the
leaderboard that puts him in first place
by 3
seconds also something to keep an eye on
is Ryan K to run is under review so that
is something to definitely pay attention
to but Seth Hughes moves into first
place with only three runners
left and looks like we got a lapr rat’s
Jersey on MLB
Ohio shout out
Tob and shout outs to coach Lulu for uh
dancing in the background for a little
looks like
uh his coach is sizing up the course as
we wait for the referee to get
back and I gotta say um Seth Hugh’s run
was very very impressive because not
only what is it the first place time so
far it is also after all of the skills
which doing essentially four courses in
one day is not
easy like oh yeah for sure I’m someone
who geted very easily so
like like I couldn’t even imagine doing
this so like it’s amazing what these
athletes can
do now onto the slack line into the ROP
swing noticing a lot of our athletes
aren’t really having any trouble with
that slack line which shows just the
growth that these athletes have um slack
lines are not easy obstacles I know I’ve
struggled with them a lot I know every
single beginner ninja uh can struggle
with them and even still struggle with
them but that’s but our athletes here
today showing absolutely no problem with
that tricky obstacle which is absolutely
amazing to see how much this sport has
invol oh yeah for sure and he is oh just
doing the Dismount but he’s going to
move on
now through to the double
steps let’s see how he’ll be able to
handle the UFOs right
here oh so
close very very close but SL as s
Barlo and we move on to our final two
Runners Mason and
Timmy Mason Manley uh coach Lulu uh
getting him prepped shout outs to coach
Lulu obviously very very busy uh this
entire event with so many athletes uh to
coach along the
ways look like he’s asking a question to
the referee
for those of you who just tuning in uh
welcome to the tier 2 world ninja League
championships I am Evan Mel and I am
joined by Philip Scott and we are live
in Austin ninjas in Austin Texas so
shout outs to Austin ninjas and shout
outs to our course designer Nick fordney
and the rest of the Austin ninjas team
as Mason Manley is off and running on
these first few obstacles uh very
efficiently through these ring holds uh
Co coach Lulu uh definitely taught him
very very
well runs across the slack
line you see a lot of these athletes
take a bit of a slow approach on that
obstacle Mason’s like nope I’m go I’m
going for it has a ton of momentum right
here gets that grab and right over to
the Cliffhanger now you’re seeing all of
these athletes skip that
uh make it straight to the disount from
the flip hanger are in way the fastest
time so
far absolutely let’s see how he’ll be
able to handle the UFOs remember we have
never seen
a so close oh actually no that wasn’t
the fastest time I thought it was um as
you can check the leaderboard yeah that
puts him in second but the first place
is under review so we will have to see
usually if it’s under review that means
like there was a close call for example
on the uh balance if fo was close to the
ground things like that can be placed
under review and then video review the
referees wearing a camera they’ll check
it the go go or if run ended there but
yeah still great
run next up our last runner for the flow
course is
Kimmy he goes out of us
challenge some I think in the Boston
area uh yes uh from the New England
region so shout out to once again to the
New England region which has had a ton
of athletes come out here
today and has a another great time to
this point um we seeing a lot of these
athletes really going to distance
here and Gregory doesn’t even have to
leap off of that balance in order to get
to the
wow we might have we Timmy Gregory is
putting on an absolute clinic right here
yeah it’s
UFOs another 58 second r
but still a great run and we have
another sub minute run uh up to that
point as you can see here’s our
leaderboard going into the pro course or
the full course IAM remember that all
these athletes do four events uh each
one two
courses two skills and the combined
results from each uh determine the
champion Championship results
here yes and for th for those who are
not familiar with the uh format it’s a
strongest ninja Championship result um
so your com your every placement you get
you get a point so first place you get
one point second place you get two
points third place you get three points
Etc it’s across four events like Phil
said uh through the FL flow course the
of course the tech skill and the dash
skill and the lowest number wins uh so
it’s kind of like golf uh you want a low
score so like for example right here it
says first first first second so one
plus 1 plus 1 plus 2 is five so the
lower the score the better
and plenty of medals will also be given
out to our athletes uh for each of those
uh four events and across the entire
competition with that uh stay tuned for
more World ninja League tier 2
championships action as we take our
second wave of our PR teen males and put
them on the full course yep stand
uh thanks for tuning in I’ll pull up the
schedule for
everybody uh be back in a
few e
he oh
e e
hello everybody and welcome back
to tier 2 world ninja League
championships I’m Phil Scott alongside
and we are wrapping up our
pre team Mals division right now uh
we’ve had a lot of runs first half went
through their two courses now it’s time
for their second
half very interesting to see how this
goes we haven’t had any full clears to
get uh here’s what the leaderboard looks
like so far for the full course we’ve
seen seven of eight obstacles beaten
every obstacle score
counts in this format and let’s take a
quick look at that format
uh as you can see all athletes compete
in four events two courses and then
those are the ones that we have been
broadcasting then we also have two
skills you can kind of see the Lee one
and the dash one in the
background and uh you’re combined result
from those determines the uh
Championship Standings so lowest number
wins so if somebody gets first first
first second that’s two ones and a two
that means Five Points that’s and the
best lowest
score uh and we also got medals for all
the all of our uh events individually as
well as our course combined and skills
combined so uh lots of Hardware to go
around absolutely couldn’t put it better
myself Phil and we are moving on to the
full course and we have our first
athlete uh coming up fairly soon uh this
is is Joey
bank so Joey Bank uh comes from the
Northeast region um qualified at
Brooklyn Ninja Academy uh so shout outs
to Brooklyn Ninja Academy um as for uh
where we are host getting hosted at uh
it is Austin ninjas over in Austin Texas
so big shout outs to them and shout outs
to Nick Forney and the Austin ninja team
for Designing these very very
challenging courses uh as Phil said uh
we have not had a full clear on either
the flow course or the full course uh
let’s see if that will change in the
full course right here with um our next
wave of athletes uh starting with Joey
bank now something else to keep in mind
is that uh in this particular uh wave of
comp of athletes right here um they
already did skills and the flow course
so they are tired so they’re going to
have to find a way to fight through uh
these eight challenging obstacles in
order to get their points needed uh for
the end result of the strongest ninja
and therefore becoming the tier 2 uh
Champion now something else to keep in
mind is that uh the top three uh tier 2
athletes uh overall uh rather in every
age division um will qualify for the
tier one world championship being held
in Greensboro North
Carolina so definitely want to keep an
eye on that and it’s something to keep
keep in mind as the competition
uh continues under way looks like we’re
our final touchups on the full course
and if you want to check the uh the
overall result the final the overall
results the you know the best of four
events go ahead and go to world ninja
then uh should be able to see
those yep uh Phil’s is 100% correct uh
if you go to World ninjal
tier2 World Championship uh you should
be able to come over
to our website where we talk about
location the
competition and everything like location
um and also has the Run order uh ready
as well
so Phil you’ve competed for a while now
um when you take on a lot of these
courses back to back to back like what
do you do to prepare like for when like
you’re obviously feeling the fatigue
like anything you do a little
differently that maybe some of these
young athletes can learn from usually
it’s not the fatigue for from the
courses because the courses only take a
few minutes and you got plenty of time
to rest between but it’s more of the
mental fatigue um that’s a that’s uh one
of the nice things about tier 2 is this
is like a really good starting
experience for a lot of these very
strong alled uh athletes that are just
starting out and yeah I think um you
know this will really give them a good
base and a lot of things to learn from
it you’re not going to feel completely
100% perfect when you step up there
you’re going to be a little nervous so
it’s very good that you know like I said
we getting that experience and they’ve
been really showing that they’ve been
all of these athletes have been having
some really strong
runs absolutely um looks like Joey bank
is up to the starting platform of the
full of the full
course uh we see a lot of the gymnation
team uh right behind him also getting
ready to
run and obviously you see the Warped
walls in the background one of the
aspects of every ninja gym is you got to
have a w wall somewhere one of the most
iconic ninja obstacles period and looks
like we are about to get under
way and for those of you who are just
tuning in uh welcome to the tier tier 2
world ninja League championships I am
Evan Mel and I am joined by Philip Scott
and we are live from Austin ninjas in
Austin Texas with the courses decided by
Nick fory and the rest of the Austin
team and we’re about to get underway
with the full course with Joey
bank and he’s
off going through the uh quad steps
pretty easily
building up some
momentum on
nice now we have one of the most iconic
ninja obstacles ever it’s the
Cliffhanger and it’s in a pyramid shape
um one thing to keep in mind of is the
Dismount you are allowed to use that
support uh as you can see on the right
hand side of your
and unfortunately Joey Bank does not get
to this now but that’s okay because
there are still plenty of obstacles to
make up uh in
points and looks like uh he’s still up
on the slack lines right
there and gets it so easily made up for
uh the loss in the
Cliffhanger now we have uh an obstacle
that took out so many of our athletes in
uh our first wave and this is the point
of the course makes the small Kip leet
all the way over but now he is spinning
around looks like he’s going to fix his
momentum Joey Bank gets the
leche and our first runner of this wave
clears a very very tough obstacle and we
move on to these fidget Spinners right
here now this first spinner has some
bungee courts that uh restrict your
swing and now this one is on an axis
where you could go all over the place
and looks like we’re having a bit of
technical difficulties over
uh Joey looks to be on the little ring
Tech obstacles we have
here and he is spinning around right now
look looking to recover gains his
momentum back puts uh uses his other
hand to grab onto the ring uh and the
other ring is now down on his
shoulder oh and he peels right off still
great fight out of Joey bank and now
onto the ccope and that is an obstacle
that no one has beaten in the first wave
and we’ll see if someone beats it in the
second wave great run by Joey Bank um
definely the high for me was him
clearing that Crux point an obstacle
very very difficult and up next we have
Landon right out of the Midwest Midwest
region uh qualified here through mlab
Ohio’s uh tier 2 Regional Championship
uh out of jimm nation over in Ohio shout
outs to gymnation and he is coached by I
believe that is Bradley Collins
uh so shout outs to Bradley Collins as
well uh shout outs to coach Lulu who is
also in the
background and looks like Landon is
underway oh nope not
yet that was the skills in the
background oh uh never mind uh my
so um looks like we’re getting a few
things figured out
oh it’s like uh just went
along so one thing that’s going to be
very important for each of these
athletes to know is just how much how
much left in the tank they have not only
physically but also mentally just like
what Phil said you’ve been here you’ve
been at Austin Ninjas for quite a while
now so like obviously the mental fatigue
is coming
in and looks
like not
quite seeing a little bit of the skills
in the
background I believe that is the dash
skill if uh
if uh correct Phil okay I thought
so and now Phil what do you think uh
what obstacle do you think is on this
full course do you think is going to
play the biggest role in the uh athlete
standings oh it looks like land is off
this one that you can see right here and
Landon Wright is running um so I think
that one where with the spinning uh
square and the spinning uh Circle I
think that’s that’s been a tough one all
day I think that’s going to be big
points getter and then also obviously if
anybody can figure out the last Ops
which is a cliffhanger throw to this
little uh little like male slot that you
have to catch and uh nobody’s gotten it
quite yet but we’ll see if this second
half of the team boys can do
it absolutely uh that ccope is
definitely going to be very hard on
these athletes today and Landon Wright
uh fortunately goes down on the
Cliffhanger but still has plenty of
obstacles to make up for the Lost points
and gets through the slack line putting
up a pretty good run right now
um oh drops drops down a little drops
off on that fifth obstacle now onto the
fidget Spinners uh these were made by uh
dgs shout out
dgs and Landon looks like he’s trying to
reach up to
that looks like he got a hand on it but
wasn’t enough to just hang on and now we
have these uh ring ring T right
here goes back in reset on that first
hold definitely a hard transition
definitely a lot harder than the
athletes make it look tries to reach up
still hanging
on he’s only got 30 seconds left but
he’s continuing to fight on carry on no
F no quit and uh Landing right putting
up a great run still absolutely not
giving up on any of these obstacles even
if he ends up falling on them and now we
have the Kos scope tries to make the
jump doesn’t look like he got it cut out
a little bit but still great run from
Landon right you should be very very
proud of
himself still have a little bit of
skills in the background
now uh also once again big shout outs to
Nick Forney and the rest of the Austin
ninjas team um for putting on uh this
course that we have today and shout outs
to ausome ninjas as well for hosting
this wonderful
event uh they also hosted last year and
we are getting ready for Sam morins
uh let’s see how Sam will be able to uh
do on this full course right
here and looks like he’s off to the uh
steps now these early obstacles have
proven to be absolutely no trouble for
these athletes here today but once we
get to the Cliffhanger this is where
things are going to get a little bit
tricky but Sam
Morland uh
is putting on a clinic a now but he
decides to drop off of the
Cliffhanger so now he’s moving onto our
slack ladder I’m sorry our slack
line uh misses the uh this is that as
well but he still got plenty of
obstacles to make up points here
especially this one right here that so
many of our athletes have went out on
tries to a shade to it but doesn’t have
the height for it
now on to the fidget spinner we just saw
Landon right uh struggle on this one Sam
Morland uh what a onehanded Save Right
There goes back to
reset Lees for the second part of that
or pidet spinner and makes to
Le pulling up a nice
swing and goes to the this with about 70
seconds left now we have ring Tech right
here now this is also something that is
deceptively difficult
um you got to have enough back string to
get the ring out and where you want it
and look at that and Bradley Collins is
absolutely loving that from Sam Morin uh
now onto our kosc which no athlete has
beaten let’s see if Sam Morin could be
the first he gets the first gets the
little shade to the Cliffhanger oh but
he slides off on his back swing still a
great run from Sam Morin and he should
be very proud and I know Bradley PS is
very proud as
well what a run by Sam
Morland great effort out of
Sam taking off
course and next we have uh Mason
uh Buddha I believe that’s how it’s
pronounced uh we have Coach Lulu on uh
getting ready to uh cheer and help his
Athlete on uh shout outs to coach
Lulu um someone who’s been extremely
busy this entire
competition um and he’ll be even busier
tomorrow but here he here goes Mason
onto our second obstacle these
holds like with many of athletes having
absolutely no problems with it now onto
the Cliffhanger now we have seen our
past few athletes struggle on it and he
just drops off
immediately um but that’s okay he’s
still got plenty of time to make up
those points including on the slack line
right here which he
clears and then we have uh this Crux
Point very very difficult obstacle tried
to Lee up to that uh Second hold but but
didn’t have the height for it uh Mason
Bud uh resetting on the
SPS Building up some nice momentum here
let’s see if he can nail this
leche and he does however his momentum
is going in a few different directions
looks like he’s trying to
recover uh let’s see how he’ll handle
this Mount right
here and he gets it
very nice Dismount by Mason right
here now onto our ring Tech right
here nice placement of the Ring right
there Mason having a great run this
competition as he Dismounts from The
Ring Tech and now onto the Kaleidoscope
which no no athlete has beaten so far
let’s see if Mason will be the first to
it let’s see if he gets his Lee to the
Cliffhanger his fingers were there but
he just didn’t hang on but still a great
run from
Mason and Coach Lulu has to be very
proud of him and I would be proud of him
well looking at the leaderboard we still
have Luke theusa over in first place um
followed by Brandon
and next up we have Theodore poer uh
Theodore uh came is from I believe
Brooklyn Ninja Academy uh
yep uh so big shout out to Brooklyn
Ninja Academy and shout outs to the
Northeast uh region uh also has a lot of
athletes coming from their as
well let’s see how Theodore will do on
the course to uh on the full
course makes it through the first
obstacle very very easily now we have
these holds right
here our athletes having no trouble with
this obstacle so
far and Theodore looks to be
oh unfortunately goes down but he still
got plenty of obstacles to uh make up
for those lost points especially this
one right here the Cliffhanger which not
a lot of our athletes have beaten uh so
definitely going to be a awesome
obstacle for him to regain some points
on and now he’s onto that downward
makes it all the way to the end let’s
see if he can nail the Dismount remember
oh he just peels right off and now he’s
moving on to the slack lines uh he just
faced one of these in the in the uh flow
course and looks like he’ll be able to
handle it just oh SL loses his balance
uh trying to transfer over to that next
to that
second uh slack line right there and now
we have our
pre up to that uh spinning square hole
uh Square hold but didn’t have the
height for
it see a lot of our athletes have static
that first move so I hope our n hope our
athletes are paying
attention so that they could possibly be
a break any of these
obstacles the Ador building up some
swing on the fidget spinner going to
have to make the nice leche over to the
one going a little bit back and
forth oh and he decides to drop um so we
have another obstacle here I can get him
points he has only got about 17 seconds
left as he takes on the little ring Tech
right here
uh looks like we’re having a bit of
uh oh he’s still on the ring Tech and he
lost a
ring oh no nope uh it was around his
shoulder uh still a great run by
Theodore as we move on to our next
athlete which is Sinclair Ley Sinclair L
with Theodore is out of Brooklyn Ninja
Academy so shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja
and we should be underway very very soon
for those of you just tuning in welcome
to the tier 2 world ninja League
championships this is the pre-teen male
division on the full course I am Evan
Mel and I joined by Philip Scott and
sing player Ley is underway
makes the transfer on these
holds had a bit of a some strange
momentum but manages to save it onto the
Dismount and Sinclair Ley is pushing it
on the cliffhanger
definitely going to have to be very
careful with some of his hand placements
here um now on to the very last ledge
he’s going to have to nail the this
oh the support saves saves him as he
moves on to the slack line as about a
minute 25 seconds
left balances
through and gets this obstacle as well
so Sinclair Ley jumps doesn’t even
bother with the first ring trying to get
to that pumpkin hold manages to get get
a hand on
it tries to get over to uh that spinning
UFO doesn’t quite get there now we are
on to the fidget Spinners and has some
excellent momentum right here makes that
sh and just has to make the Dismount
before our second to last option which
is some ring
oh I don’t know that counts as a clear
uh Phil can you uh confirm
that um I’m not sure
yet yeah that one might have to be under
review um but Sinclair Ley went for the
Qui scope tried to link it doesn’t quite
get it but s Ley with a great
run def definitely uh what was a highly
for me is definitely that insane
Dismount save on the Cliffhanger right
there absolutely
incredible but our next competitor is
coming up to coming up to the starting
platform and we have Lucas
walls uh Lucas
uh is another one of our gym
Nation yes uh yes gym Nation uh athletes
out of Ohio so shout outs to gym
Nation now getting some chalk ready from
coach as we get ready to go underway
with Lucas
walls we should be off very very soon
and he is off uh making his way through
the quad
steps Lucas walls
uh bounding through these
holds very very easily now we have the
Cliffhangers makes it to the top of that
Cliffhanger pyramid now it’s starting to
down gotta make that Dismount right here
oh oh looks like his uh left foot did
not cross the plane right there and oh
that’s that’s a hard fall right right
there I he looks okay but now we’re on
to this massive Trux point right here
shout outs to Nick Forney for the uh
Crux point right here uh Nick Fortney uh
is the course designer behind these
courses and the rest of the Austin
ninjas team um Lucas Wells onto that
spinning UFO looking to try and fix his
hand placement to not be spinning around
much we’ll see if he’ll be able B to
nail this
Lee doesn’t quite have the momentum but
still a great effort
nonetheless now we’re on to the fidget
Spinners and this leche can be pretty
tricky it looked like he had it but he
was just
short but he still got two more
obstacles to go and remember on full
course every obstacle
counts uh a little bit stuck here trying
to uh
fix there we
are got use that back swing get up there
and does just that oh he left he left
the ring behind manages to grab
it and about 20 seconds left with the
scope think this will sh for the
Cliffhanger has the hand placements but
just couldn’t hang on but Lucas walls a
very very very solid run um definitely
the fight on that Crux Point making it
all the way to that UFO was definitely
the highlight of that run and still a
great job out of Lucas
walls and up next we have uh Eli
Miller Eli is
from uh the New England region uh one of
our many New England uh
ninjas which is definitely quite the
journey from like that Massachusetts
area all the way over to Austin Texas
where Austin ninjas as held that so big
shout out to Eli Miller uh for making
the journey all the way over to uh tier
2 championships but Eli Miller is off
and he is coming so he’s
got through the
holds and
Dismounts onto the
Cliffhanger definitely uh pulling
hisself pulling himself up on those uh
upper transitions got to got to get this
Mount right
here and with absolute ease gets it uh
line is up next balancing oh that’s
that’s the one thing about slack lines
uh if your momentum is going one way
it’s very very hard to recover still but
Eli Miller on this little truck point
right here uh manages to get to the
pumpkin hold let’s see if he can make it
to this uh UFO oh he makes the little
Kip there hand placements good
but he is facing the opposite way from
where the leche bar
is faces it and he gets the
grab that’s going to be a great moment
for him as he makes it to the fidget
spinner with only three obstacles left
fidget spinner the ring Tech and of
course the Kaa
scope gets the fidget
spinner has a lot of momentum and goes
to dismount
and then we have our ring
tech oh he’s he’s going through it
easily and now we have the Kos
scope we have not seen someone beat this
obstacle but he grabs that that first
Cliffhanger oh and he slides right off
trying to get to that little special
delivery great run from Eli Miller and
that fa it and he gets the grab that was
an insane
grab so great job to Eli Miller and
going over to our leader board that puts
Eli Miller in fourth place behind Liam
laru Randon bernaldez and Luke cusa so
he was the fastest of all the athletes
that compl completed six out of the
obstacles and then next we have
Nathaniel fan uh Nathaniel is out
of the Northeast region so like the
qualified through uh Brooklyn Ninja
Academy so shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja
Academy uh shout outs to our other uh
gyms that hosted Regional Regional
so MLB Ohio level up uh and of course
Austin ninjas right
here and makes the Dismount right
there and has great lockoff to start off
the Cliffhanger and is keeping them Nath
Nathaniel F uh Fedigan is doing very
very well well on this Cliffhanger just
got to get the Dismount right
here and gets it uh uses
the little uh support beam to uh stop
momentum keeps his balance a little
scary right
there and makes it through now on to
this Crux point this Crux point we just
saw Eli Miller
not too long
ago so let’s see if Nathaniel Fedigan
can do the same uh he’s got to the UFO
but he is spinning around right
now yeah he has to get those oh he tried
to go for the Dismount right
there absolutely and um we are on to the
fidget Spinners just got to make this
leet right
here o
looks like he just peeled off right
there definitely no quit in theel said
again as he takes on uh our ring
Tech goes to uh goes to
reset rested up his arms a little bit
still got plenty of time left only 36
seconds left on the
clock almost makes up there looking to
try and save it but he decides to just
drop and move onto the Kia scope and we
have still not seen anyone clear this K
scope goes to try and static
it but looks like he’s going to have to
make a leet right here and he gets it to
the Cliffhanger now it is just the
special delivery and he just peels off
still a great run at Nathaniel F
again that um was
great absolutely um my favorite was
definitely on the Cliffhanger showing
off those lock offs for sure
yeah and looking at our leader board we
still have Luke Pusa in first place with
Brandon bernaldez and Liam laru uh in
second and third place
respectively so our next Runner is Ian
Humphrey who is already off and
running out of the grit
ninja shout outs to grit
ninja uh
oh saves
it goes for the Dismount and now onto
the Cliffhanger now we’re starting to
see our athletes in this wave really
starting to get a hang on the
just has that
thism oh but he drops but he still has
plenty of obstacles to make up for the
points oh
just I hope he’s okay because that
looked like a hard fall looked like his
uh like where his rip cage would be fell
onto the slack line but he looks okay
and he’s on to the big Crux point now
Lee is very very tough spinning
around trying to fix his
momentum obviously not an easy obstacle
do just got to get that will
shake oh but he
drops he had a good Slinger I
got it but he knows
oh Ian had the distance right there but
he just could not hang on to that second
spinner and now we have the ring
Tech another deceptively tricky obstacle
you got to use your back swing to help
uh KP your your back ring uh for you to
swing into to uh the next little hold
let’s see can beat off he gets the first
jump oh just something yeah the back
swing is the toughest part about that
and that’s what we’ve seen all
day just that swing back got to had that
grip such a tough forward thing because
it’s a flat ledge so when you swing back
your hand naturally wants to slip off
it’s so much grip strength that’s
something I think a lot of these
athletes are going to be
practicing after the
come absolutely and not just these
athletes but I feel like everyone should
be practicing back swings on
Cliffhangers because those can be really
really tough and next we have Ryan
kantu um I remember right he almost
uh Road
for I think so too
I know uh Seth Hughes who will be
running later
um also almost cleared the flow
course now Ryan is making short work of
these first few obstacles and goes
straight into the
Cliffhanger just those two dropping
left line up that this nice throw no
problem now on to the SL
one Ryan is also making really good time
here CU about a minute 50 seconds left
um onto this Crux Point obstacle makes
the transfer over to that uh first
spinning uh Square hold right there onto
the pumpkin Kips onto that
UFO and he’s looking really good for
this this for this leche and he gets it
problem very fast pace so far
yes uh Phil you’ve been right uh that
Crux Point fifth obstacle has proven to
be a killer and a huge difference maker
on this full
course and this and the fidget Spinners
are down as well 70 seconds left uh into
some ring Tech plenty of time I him I
would after this obstacle because nobody
has beaten the last obstacle might as
well take all your time chalk up and
breathe cuz you got a minute
left and this obstacle only takes maybe
10 seconds top so you just got
to that’s exactly what he’s doing
strategizing all right get this first
grab he’s got the first grab
nice th this is going to be so
almost that grab is so tough it’s just
this tiny little this bar it’s it’s
really tough to grab on to and let’s
just take a look at our leaderboard that
puts him in first place so
far and yes and unlike his flow course
uh this is currently not under review
so that so Ryan kantu definitely uh put
on an absolute show on the full course
as we move on to our next Runner which
is rowand
Moore yes already up enough
um he’s moving along now onto the second
obstacle no
problem makes the Dismount right here um
we’re in the Lucas real shirt uh shout
outs to Lucas
real going through the Cliffhanger with
absolute e just got nail this Dismount
right here and gets it now the slack
line has been pretty tricky for our
athletes today let’s see if Rowan will
fall victim to it doesn’t look like it
and he will not fall victim to the slack
lines now we just saw uh Ryan kantu
absolutely dominate this course and
Rowan Moore is like is saying what about
me guys I’m here to play as well
he’s just got to nail this will sh gets
it Rowan Moore also putting on a show
here we go for that pop right
here nice hand over hand technique
little crooked but he’s gotten it
corrected here there he goes good
this just over a minute left cruising
through the ring to that t grab up there
now now Rowan should do the same thing
that uh Ryan did and that is rest out
maybe chalk up and then go for it oh but
he’s going straight for it yeah this
is a good back swing
here oh oh my goodness he gets it one
handed grab row and Moore is your first
C of the full course pre team as well
wow he just got to nail this will sh
there someone
finally style look at that save oh oh my
good back again just oh oh my
goodness one handed grab row Mo it’s
your first on the lead into the first
place spot in our first athlete to
complete eight obstacles as yeah and you
can see with that little green uh that
green over the difficulty score he
cleared that was a full
absolutely and now we’re moved on to
okell so Joseph is
from I believe uh the Northeast region
Brooklyn Ninja Academy uh hosted their
Regional so shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja
Academy and he is ready to get underway
asking the referee a few questions
beginning uh look like we’re having a
bit of technical difficulties but we are
still moving right underway
and he’s
off now Joseph okono just witnessed uh
Rowan Moore uh clear all eight obstacles
right in front of him uh let’s see how
he’ll respond like will he be able to
join Rowan Moore and complete all eight
obstacles making short work at the
Cliffhanger so far
and makes the
Dismount now this SL line has been
pretty tricky for our athletes
today gets through the first one and
just has the second one and makes it to
the ending platform of that obstacle and
it’s on the Crux point right now having
a bit of technical
difficulties makes it all the way to the
UFO let’s
see oh he’s spinning around right now
he’s going to have to good correction
absolutely yeah so that Crux Point uh
has just been beaten by three
competitors in a row I’m sorry three
athletes in a row and now we’re on to
the fidget Spinners right
here looks like going to reset
uh Joseph oconnell is rocking uh series
one sh of series one and uh these fidget
SPS were designed by dgs shout outs to
dgs and Joseph aano uh building up a few
extra swings and goes for the
Dismount I’m starting to run little but
it shouldn’t be an issue at this point
in the Run he got one more obstacle
this yep and we got
another obstacle down only has about 25
seconds left to clear this K scope and
we just saw Rowan Moore not only clear
this obstacle but made a onand save on
that special delivery makes to transfer
over to the
Cliffhanger lot of back swing and he
gets it another one Joseph ell also
clears the full
course wow full clear
makes the transfer over to the
Cliffhanger lot of backwing and he gets
it another one Joseph o keep in mind
that special delivery grab is not easy
like in fact it’s been proven to be very
very difficult for our athletes and that
puts Joseph ell in second place so
far yep with Rowan was just a little bit
faster so he get the lead for that but
still only two finishers should be very
proud of that run that was fantastic
absolutely very very good run from
Joseph okell and now we have Aiden
aramas uh up to
the up to the S platform
now Aiden is located in the New England
region uh one of
one of the N ninja Labs I know that
there’s the Saratoga and Albany ones uh
they’re up there and Upstate New
York recogniz that neon green
logo and we are ready to get underway um
with aen baram’s run uh but I wonder how
he’s thinking right now he just saw not
one but two full course clears back to
back so he’s definitely has his work cut
out for him if he wants to get onto that
Podium and I am confident that he can do
it he’s a very aen is a very talented
ninja and he showed that on the flow
course earlier
today looks like we’re waiting on the
for those of you just tuning in uh thank
you for tuning in to the tier 2 world
ninja League championships I am Evan Mel
and I am with Philip Scott and we are at
Austin ninjas in Austin Texas with the
course designed by Nick Forney and the
rest of the Austin ninjas team um we are
just now about to get into Aden barel
run as we prepare to get underway
you can see finishers so
far yes and those were our previous two
Runners right there uh Rowan Moore was
the first to breakr on that tough
Kaleidoscope um especially with that
small special delivery grab and then
Joseph okono comes and takes it down
just like that so we but we still got
plenty of Runners to come um aan barle
Moss is one of them and he is on the
starting line right
now all right the ref is there should be
ready to roll right now
focusing up real here real quick here
and he is
off very quick for these uh first few
obstacles right
here moving on up now we have these
hangers reaches the top Point makes his
way down
just got that Dismount right
there and gets it about on the same Pace
as um previous Ro Joseph Vol
Carell oh looks
like OD they’ll have to review it it was
tough to tell that’s that is going to be
under review but looks like our Crux
point right here um these uh this UFO uh
leet right here with that pump with that
pumpkin hold uh is starting to get
out but a baramas is spinning around
right now oh just misses
the yeah was just tough after getting
spun around KY a little bit busy
too absolutely what is making up for it
on the fidget
Spinners yep no problem he’s going to
Big disount here
there we
go onto our ring
te what’s very important here is your
back swing uh you can use that to help
get that ring out of that little hold
right there and we see just that with
aan Aiden
barlas and he goes straight into the Kos
scope we’re not seeing a ton of our
athletes take their time to size up this
obstacle and really rest oh he almost
almost gets it though nice he almost
gets it too but still a great run by aan
barl moth his mom is super proud of him
and I would be too great run by Aiden
baramas though one thing to keep in mind
is uh on that slack line we don’t know
if he touched so it’s possible his run
could be under review but for now we
move on to Grant Goodson
Grant is out of ATC ninja so that’s the
southeast North Carolina so he must have
qualified out of uh level up yep so
shout outs level up and shout outs to
ninja and Grant Goodson is already on
the course founding through these first
couple of
obstacles uh looks like something that
we’re noticing on that final hold right
there is a lot of our athletes Tred to
grab the back half of that
hold oh incredible lock offs right here
on the Cliffhanger he started swinging
around a little bit sideways but then he
pulled up and got himself
stable just has a
Dismount oh just
off that’s a I hope he’s okay cuz that
looked like a very hard fall but he
looks just fine as he goes onto the
lines halfway
through he’s got
it yep that’s that’s been tricky for our
athletes here today um of course shout
out to Nick Forney and the rest of the
Austin ninjas uh Team for Designing this
course uh definitely proven to be a very
challenging course for our athletes here
today um we only have two full finishers
on the full course and we had none on
the flow course so definitely
challenging Grant Goodson putting up a
great fight on the r Crux point but
didn’t have the uh didn’t have the grip
strength we needed to get through the
rest of the obstacle but now onto the
fidget s has to make a Lea right here
and does just
that Grant Goodson
almost yeah the rules are you know you
have to clear the front face of the
obstacle and almost did with that back
hand that back hand
touched he’s keeping on moving look at
that got enough time left to try this
and then the next
obstacle yeah 15 seconds left goes
straight into the KA scope right here
still a great run by Grant
Goodson um definitely had some nasty
Falls uh especially on the clipping
right there um but still a fantastic run
um Now we move on to our leaderboard uh
we have Rowan mois still in first place
with Joseph oconnell in second and Ryan
kantu in
third up next we have a dexterity Depot
Ninja and that is Wesley
tomasco so shout outs to dexterity Depot
as Wesley begins to take on the
course like
uh getting his hands all warmed up looks
like he’s off uh little technical
difficulties and now we have our holds
right here as our second
obstacle making quick work of them grabs
onto the front half you see a lot of our
athletes grabbing onto the back half
maybe to give them a little bit more
room for error but Leslie Tasco
going very very good on the Cliffhanger
right now uh just got to make that
Dismount and does just that
sh I want to give a massive shout out to
all of our athletes and coaches out here
at the tier 2 real ninja League
championships today uh some of them had
to come a very very long way just to not
only compete but also coach their coach
their athletes and especially to the
parents out there who also had to travel
very very long hours uh to go and
support their young athlete as leslee
tomasco is certainly making everyone
proud on this Crux Point obstacle right
here onto our spinning UFO let’s see if
he’ll be able to get the
Le looks like he got it great job by
tomasco as we move on to the pget
Spinners makes a shay over to
the second one and is going for the
Dismount taking the exra swing and gets
it Wesley tomasco uh has not failed an
obstacle on this
but gets the ring out and now he is
moving very very smoothly now he only
has about 20 seconds to get through goas
scope he starts to go right now makes it
all the way to the Cliffhanger ledge now
let’s see to the special delivery has
the back swing oh he peels right
off well done though yes very well
done um definitely had to rush that
final part of the obstacle because um
due to the time but still throughout
those first few obstacles uh all the way
up until the Kos scope clearing every
single one of them um Wesley tomasco
should be very very
proud and we have miles spell on the
course now out of Rise ninjas so shout
outs to rise ninja also qualified for
the tier 2 uh championships uh through
Austin ninjas so he should be very
familiar with Austin Ninja’s
obstacles and it’s looking like that as
well uh through the
Cliffhangers and makes the easy Dismount
there now he’s got the slack
oh took took a bit of a faster approach
there but manages to make it
through now use
oh that incredible grip strength having
both of your hands that close to each
other on to the
UFO good there
absolutely now let’s see how he’ll be
able to handle um the fidget
Spinners makes the jump to that uh
second part of the fidget spinner for a
little closer leche
and gets
it just got a nail a Dismount right here
and does as uh over a minute left still
uh onto the ring Tech right
here making nice work of the Ring
Tech miles has one obstacle left from a
full clear and it’s the very tricky Kos
scope only two athletes have been able
to clear this
both uh Rowan Moore and Joseph aor who
stand at the top of our leader board as
miles Sandler gets the leche over to the
Cliffhanger ledge now let see how he
hand that’s a good kit back that was a
good kit back there absolutely a lot of
really good stuff to take away from my
stabler’s run um great run and of course
uh goes right onto our leaderboard over
in fifth place uh knocking down Brandon
bernaldez to sixth
and we also have Luca Luke theusa at
Fourth mil Sadler goes into fifth Wesley
tomasco is in seventh Liam Ruru is in
eighth and then Eli Miller at Ninth and
we have four runners left we have Seth
Hughes Sam Barlo Mason Manley and Timmy
Gregory and after these four runners
I’ll give a I’ll give a quick little
rundown of all of our athletes how
they’re stacking up in the strongest
ninja competition so far half of the
first half that we saw earlier this
morning uh all of those athletes have
also done skills but these athletes will
be doing skills um they will be doing
skills when the preing girls are running
in a little bit so I’ll definitely keep
you posted throughout the
evening oh good save there on the post
good save there and thanks for the
correction Phil I thought they already
skills but now Seth Hughes is currently
on to the slack lines um if memory
serves me correct uh Seth is first place
in the pr team Naes for um on the flow
course got to uh the UFOs with the
fastest time
is and a nice Kip off of that
pumpkin now he’s got to turn back around
and Swinging makes
the just only has three more obstacles
from a full course clear uh currently on
the fidget
Spinners takes a little bit looks like a
bit of time to
rest throw right into
it death Hughes uh showcasing his
talents on the biggest stage for all of
our tier 2
athletes 42 seconds
left nice Kickbacks right here and a
Dismount Just One op away from another
full course clear makes
just yes still a great run from Seth
uh gets a big hug after hitting the
buzzer and that again is what Ninja is
about as he moves seventh into our
leaderboard uh only just ahead of Wesley
damasco and Liam
Maru and but we have three runners left
to go Sam Barlo um we have an MLB
Ohio athlete right here so shout out to
Ohio and looks like and Sam Barlo is
ready to go he’s making quick work of
these obstacles so
far makes the
Dismount and incredible lock offs in the
Cliffhanger nice pull-ups
there and let’s see how he’ll handle
this Dismount he gets
it that’s a that’s a very tricky
Dismount that’s not as close as it
looks and it forc the slack
lines oh and Sam goes down on the slack
lines but still got plenty of obstacles
to make up
ground as a bit of a
oh oh wow now even yeah um slid right
off but s Barlo is still coming
in not letting anything phas him as he
goes for the dismount on theid spinners
now s Barlo can still get pretty high up
on the rankings especially if he clears
the Kos scope which remember only two
athletes were able to
do makes a nice stretch
over Ching up because he’s got about 50
seconds left before he goes into the
get a bit of a breath here and now he’s
off makes the transfer over to the
Cliffhanger but now here’s the really
really hard part that transfer oh and
comes up just short didn’t have enough
momentum but still a great run from SAR
well still um having an amazing
technique especially on the
Cliffhanger for
sure now we’re down to our last two
Runners and that means that Rowan Moore
has guaranteed himself s a spot on the
podium for the full
course let’s see how Mason Manley and
Timmy Gregory will H will uh see if they
can join him on that podium
and here goes Mason right now starting
off Strong coach Lulu cheering him on
big shout out to coach
Lulu making absolutely quick work of
these first few obstacles now into the
Cliffhanger it’s to the top starts to
sent and F up his momentum for the
Dismount and gets it moving through the
full course with a great time just under
minutes and gets to the slack line now
this obstacle has been very very tough
this especially this pumpkin hold right
here that Mason is making his way over
see if he’s going to Le to it mostly we
see people sta it but he gets to
Lee and he gets the kip over to the UFO
but he is spinning around right now
going to have to control his get some
body control back and go for this lche
right here and gets
it next we have the fidget sers uh Mason
Manley has yet to fall on an obstacle on
this SCH
course three obstacles away from a full
clear and reminder that only two of of
our athletes here today have gotten a
full course clear now Mason Manley onto
the ring Tech is making it look
easy now he has about 45 seconds left
for this final obstacle taking some
Shock from his coach begins a Qui
scope and we’ve seen a lot more athletes
make it to that Cliffhanger ledge what
and he links right to it now this is the
tricky part oh and he slides right off
the Cliffhanger
ledge still a great run by Mason Manley
uh great time and great run out of Mason
Manley um definitely put on a clinic uh
this entire this entire
competition especially on that truck’s
Point fth obstacle where he decided to
Le to that pumpkin f instead of staging
to it like a lot of our other athletes
here today and they managed to get
through the obstacle and clear and last
but certainly not least we have Timmy
Gregory is our final runner for PR te
male getting some advice from coach Lulu
uh shout out to coach
Lulu looks like Timmy Gregory will be
underway fairly fairly shortly
mcgregory then readyy and set and he’s
off making quick work of that first
obstacle right
there through the hold very very
easily Tim mcgregory uh Tim mcgregory is
of the New England region uh again
another one of our New England uh
athletes here today and obviously uh
during our final Runner want to give a
big shout out to everyone involved in
this amazing event uh Chris weski the
owner and founder of world ninja League
uh my co my co- commentator here Philip
Scott uh
we have obviously everyone at Austin
ninjas including Nick Courtney and the
in the Austin ninjas team for Designing
this course uh all of our coaches here
today um the likes of Coach Lulu
Jonathan B AEL gonzalas uh Bradley
Collins and many many more um and of
course the athletes and their parents
here today to cheer each other on and
look how much time he has left
yes and as as I’m shouting out everyone
uh timy mcgregory is has over a minute
left onto the ccope let’s see if he’s
able to
nail follow out yep there you
go that jump oh so
close that would have been an insane
absolutely that put him into third yeah
that was the fastest
uh to that point he was so close but
what a run that still would do him
really well in the in the
standings absolutely and that will give
him a spot on the podium for this
event uh joining him on the podium are
two full clears Joseph okono and Rowan
Moore yep so they’ll be going home with
Hardware um and then of course the other
individual horse event that we
had Timmy will get another medal there
too um because he got second so he’s
looking really good for
um for an overall once we get word on
how skills goes later this evening then
Mason and Logan also picking up some
Hardware great runs by all of our
athletes of course and next up we taking
a short break we’ll be uh some cameras
move around and then we’ll be moving on
to the pre-team girls divisions they’ve
already run skills so I’ll be so we’ll
give a quick rundown of how that’s
going so right now uh yeah Al Magnus uh
swept both of the skills first and a
first and then second place so far is
Arisa deag Garza he’s gotten a fourth
and a second and Ash Meyer has gotten a
third and a fourth Everly camps second
GIC uh eight eight and three and then
Jordan morouse six and five so as so
yeah Ella is looking really good
position right now um second place or
not second two points two first places
we have 27 girls running up uh on these
two courses
uh but yeah this has been great great
competition so far thanks everybody for
watching and thank you to Evan for
commentating alongside me as I’m running
this stream and um thanks for sticking
us through everything and uh yeah we
will be back shortly with the girls
hello everybody and welcome back to the
world ninja League champion here 2
championships in Austin Texas hosted
here at the awesome Austin ninjas
facility I’m Philip Scott alongside EV
now we’ve been having the action all day
pre teen males just went now it’s time
for the pre teen
girls they’ve already done their skills
as you can check the format right here
we have two courses two skills we we’ll
be broadcasting the courses will keep
you updated on the
skills uh but in the skills so far Ella
Magnuson is a name to watch out for she
got first place in both of them which as
you can see will do very well in the
championship because of how the format
Works lowest lowest number wins combined
plac so the first that’s going to set
her up really well
and Medals of course are also awarded
for individual skills so all the
athletes that have done the two skills
um attack and Power Attack and dash I
should say and then
course combine and then skills combin
also have their own medal so lots of
Hardware to go around today lots of
strong runs we’ve seen so far to see how
these young ladies
do all righty uh so our first uh athlete
here today uh for the pre-team female
division is St Saadi seinberg uh s uh is
out of the Brooklyn Ninja Academy uh
they’re here to championships their
championships um big shout outs to
Brooklyn nja Academy uh out in the
Northeast division uh there’s Co Lulu uh
who’ve been around here all day uh big
shout out to him definitely had to put
in a lot of time and
effort today and we have to do Sam and
that applies to all of these coaches
here today uh way too many
thees but uh for
sure and then uh s seinberg uh getting
ready to get started and we are
off so s looking to build up some
momentum up to that ring up there and
does just
that decides to use the spiral
walls oh that ring
yes and now we have two more holds on
this obstacle to
go using the SP walk to get through the
obstacle not even bothering with the
olds right there gets to that final hold
and is looking to make the Dismount and
does just that now on to our wobbly
beam this is a very tricky
obstacle and we can see her
uh definitely taking some time on it
good looks uh looks like she left to
that little second safety net over there
what makes it through she has enough
time to beat
through has to get through the slack
ladder I’m sorry the slack line gets to
the end of
it just makes that transfer over
the good eff good fight for
very very good job out of s um I really
like how she decided to go for the I
think for the SP walls as opposed to the
fs so I wonder if
our uh the rest of our athletes are
going to
uh are they they should pay attention
maybe like if you could just get through
all of those holds maybe you could just
B break the obstacle but shout
out but for now um shout outs to Nick
for the uh for design uh definitely had
to put in a lot of hard work himself but
up next we have Libby Campell uh Libby
is out of the Northeast region as well
qualified uh through the Brooklyn ninja
Academy’s here two regionals uh so
Regional Championship
so big shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja
again taking a big big deep
breath as liy gets ready to begin and
she’s off through the shrinking
steps opting to use the uh SP walls
rather pretty
quickly that ring There She
Goes still using the SP
walls makes the nice grab
over just got to reach that blue hold
right there and dismount
now onto this wobbly balance beam
oh completely skips it just going for
those little foot Place
holds as liy moves onto the slack line
moving very quickly through it just has
to make that jump to the rope and does
that now liby is Ping back to swing on
the aial barrel here um looking to get
some momentum early momentum just has to
make that jump to that
ring it doesn’t quite get
there but now Libby has about 10 seconds
left to try out the double steps and the
UFOs now one change from the pre-team
male course to the pre-team female
course is that um they only have to
worry about the first two UFOs as
opposed to all three y you definitely
going to be something to keep in mind
yes that blue mat is the uh new uh the
new learning platform for our pre-team
females and a great run at Libby
Campbell um as well making it definitely
uh moved at a pretty quick Pace as well
um but up next we move on
to yep Tempe coffee is up next uh also
out of the Brooklyn Ninja Academy uh so
shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja
Academy and is off and
running makes a nice grab onto that
ring is she going to skip that lasto no
she won’t won’t but she’ll still clear
regardless I think we might see a bit of
a beta break on this balance beam right
here uh those little safety
platforms you’re going to see probably
going to see a lot of these athletes
just skip the balance beam and just go
off of
that but now onto the slack
line and through the
Rope now we just have um aerial Barrel
definitely an an obstacle worth watching
here on this flow course uh shout outs
to ni Courtney for Designing the
obstacle and building up a lot of Swing
right here and gets to the
ring onto the
Cliffhanger now you can use the uh metal
supports but Tempe doesn’t need them
just got to make that Dismount right
there off the
Cliffhanger she’s going
absolutely tempy coffee doing a very
nice job on the
hor and then up next uh we have a
dexterity Depot Ninja
suo ban I believe is how you pronounce
it yes
and so many we have another one of our
dexterity Depot ninjas uh definitely a
good trink of them have come out uh to
Austin ninjas today as sundell begins uh
going onto that first ring building up a
lot of momentum to reach that second one
and does just
that using the SP walls to her
Advantage for those of you just tuning
in welcome back to the tier 2 world
ninja League championships I am Evan Mel
and I am joined by Philip Scott um and
we are live over in Austin ninjas and
Austin Texas uh so shout out to ausome
ninjas and as well as Nick Fortney and
the Austin ninj team who design all the
courses that you are
seeing as we see sundel Bon on the slack
line right now and now is going to have
to make that leap to the
rope and does just
that now onto the aerial Barrel we just
saw uh tempy coffee uh absolutely nail
this obstacle not too long ago let see
if sunell can do the same
makes the leap but doesn’t quite grab
onto the ring but she still has some
time to try out the double
steps and is making really good work up
then double steps are not an easy
obstacle at all so sell should be very
proud that she got to the top and now is
looking to go on the
UFOs doesn’t quite grab it had the hand
placements right just couldn’t hang on
but sundell clear uh sundell hits the
buzzer as we move on to Alison Holmes uh
Allison is
out and uh the New England region so
many New England ninjas have come out to
the world ninja League uh tier 2
championships today uh which is very
nice to see especially since it is a
very very long journey uh all the way
from that area all the way over to
Austin Texas for for this weekend’s
competition but Allison hes uh start
starting off on the string steps in the
queue and is
off Alison
Holmes building up some momentum
grabs the first the second of that Rings
grabs the thir now has the two
holds you’re seeing a lot of these
athletes uh grabbing those little t- bar
holds uh towards like the back half of
them that way provide a little bit of a
safety net if they were to
miss and it gets them a place to hang on
to their uh hang on to their other hand
if they decide to go uh both
hands so Alison Holmes uh still on the
course look like we might have a bit
difficulties but she is on the aerial
Barrel now and manages to grab onto the
ring very very nice job of Allison
Holmes uh just has to get through the
Cliffhanger and then all she has left of
the double steps and the UFOs and using
that uh 14 to her renge and gets through
it Al
Holmes making her way up those double
UF taking
out still a great run Have Allison
Holmes uh
definitely conquered each op
with absolute
ease especially uh on the second
obstacle the Rings in the the spider
walls in the Rings a very very good job
uh from for her as we move on to Sarah
M Sarah uh is
out of a out of the South Central
Division so pretty local uh well
relatively local compared to some of our
other athletes
here uh from Rise Ninja Warrior shisen
Warrior another uh Texas based
gym getting ready take on the
course and is off and
running gets the shrinking steps
down really got to extend out and does
just that
using the uh SP walls to her Advantage
making her way through grabs that final
hole and makes the
Dismount she is not going to entirely SK
skip the balance being right here she’s
going to try and give it a
go you saw some of our previous athletes
uh skip
that uh skip the balance beam entirely
due to a few of the oh it looks like she
stepped down very
unfortunate but she still got plenty
plenty of time to try out all the other
oples and keep her blood going uh for
the full course
and make a jump for the
rope and now we have uh the aerial
Barrel oh
whoa good save very good
save trying to grab onto that uh
Second uh handle on the
S now this is another obstacle that uh
does not look as easy as it
looks oh it makes makes the
grab hanging on for dear life as Sarah
mlin makes really great right here oh
but time expires
yep time expir oh like she’s getting a
little bit of chalk going to try the
double steps
going up them pretty easily you just got
oh and there
yeah and we’ll definitely see Sarah mlin
on the full course uh coming up very
very soon and now we move on to Katie
is there she is um ktie Fitzpatrick uh
of out of the Northeast division
Northeast uh region uh qualifying at
Brooklyn Ninja Academy so shout outs to
Brooklyn Ninja Academy and wearing a
labat shirt so shout outs to the
Labs making her way through these uh
holds very very easily drops down to mix
to this
smell like with many of our female
athletes they’re just skipping the
wobbling balance theme I don’t blame
them that thing looks very very
scary now through the slack line just
got to make that jump to the rope and
it K Fitzpatrick uh building up some
momentum right
here swinging back and
forth it makes the leap to the ring and
stacks all the way over to the
Cliffhanger now just have has a few more
moves to make before she clears this
and moves on to double
steps getting pretty high up on that
Cliffhanger too making that this Mount
just a little bit
easier and gets it very very smart
decision there for Katie uh to go a
little bit further on that Cliffhanger
though starts devil steps as time just
runs out but still a great run out of
ktie Fitzpatrick she should be very
proud of herself and we I look forward
to seeing her run on the full
course for sure
and take a look at our current leader
board seven
Runners yes and Allison Holmes is
currently in first place uh clearing the
first seven obstacles the next up we
have Riley Moss uh Riley Moss shout outs
to level up and shout outs to Chad home
who is coaching
her and and shout outs to North Carolina
because that is where our tier one n
World ninja League championships are
going to take place uh over in the
Greensboro Coliseum uh you can check
that out on our website uh World ninja
and just remember that the top three
athletes in each age division uh for
their full results will qualify for this
year One World Championship so
definitely something to keep in mind but
Riley Moss is making her way through the
course really really
easily has about 30 seconds left
chalking up a little bit before uh that
ring in the Cliffhangers
building up some swing it’s tough to get
this momentum going it always feels like
you have to like swing back and forth
but it’s all about timing and just like
wait it’s a kind of a funny
but hard sometimes to get
it makes the jump As Time expires
doesn’t quite grab the ring but still a
great run out of Riley Moss
as she’s looks to start the double steps
but realizes that time just runs out and
Chad Hol is super proud of his athlete
and he very much well should
be so our next Runner is coming up to
the starting
line and I
believe this is sainger
yes Savannah linger and then Savannah is
Austin Austin ninjas um they’re South
Central hold on I think this is we
sorry no it’s Savannah that’s right it
just kind of
gotcha oh okay the wrong person was up I
was yep I was confused oh okay yeah yeah
I was I was about to say I was like
that’s a Brooklyn Ninja Academy shirt
there but right now we have Savannah
lillinger uh
making yes linger uh my
apologies now on
swinging her way
through misses that first grab but
manages to get it a second time
around got get to that final hold and
does just
oh oh doesn’t get too far in the wobbly
balance beam however she still has
plenty ofst to go uh oh and slides right
off of the slack line uh still putting
up a really solid run still got plenty
of obstacles to take
on see how she’ll handle the aerial
Barrel this is proving to be a bit of a
Crux point for our uh female
athletes so let’s see how Savannah will
be able to handle
it makes the jump comes up just a little
short but she is moving on to try to
double steps
out making very nice work on the double
steps now just has to go for the UFOs
but looks like time just ran out still a
great run from Savannah
linger as she hits the buzzer
and then up next is Lucia
Lucia is out of f Ninja Academy uh shout
outs ninja acad I
think aventado sorry about that aventado
yes uh thank you for the correction Phil
and using uh her feet on the SP walls
very easily
nice work on the wobbly balance beam as
well little bit scary on that slack line
but manages to save it uh making great
time too uh bit over 50 seconds left
onto the back half of this
horse Lucia makes the
grab and makes it all the way to the
hanger uses the uh support beam to her
Advantage taking some advice from her
coach see if she’s going to use that
support theme to help her disount and
she does very smart decision
and second
get get up double step really really
quickly have to turn around as time
expires to but she does get the touch
point on the UFOs though as you can see
by the leaderboard yep she’s one of two
to get there so far so that was just in
the nick of time quarter of a second
abely AB absolutely very smart decision
as well cuz uh that could easily be the
difference between a medal and even in a
pretty high up
placement and then we move on to Dillan
post Dylan is out
of the New England region again one of
our many New England athletes here
as going is buing up some swing right
here going try and make the grab over to
that ring using the SP walls to her
Advantage for those of you just tuning
in uh welcome to the two tier 2 will
ninja League championships I am Evan Mel
and I am joined by Philip Scott and we
are live over at Austin ninjas in Austin
Texas uh and shout outs to Nick Forney
and the rest of the Austin ninjas team
for Designing these
courses uh that have proven to be very
very challenging so far um especially uh
to these pre-teen female uh athletes
today um we have yet see a full clear on
this full course Dylan makes a great
save right on that
rope now we just have that B that will
swing over to the ring on the aerial
Barrel going build up some swing here
time running
out and time runs out while on the swing
goes for the jump doesn’t quite get it
yes absolutely great fight
out so after Dylan post we have Caroline
Caroline is out of the South Central
Region uh qualified through Austin
ninjas definitely familiar with a lot of
these obstacles uh something about the
uh Austin something about the south
central uh Regional region uh athletes
is that because their regional qualifier
was at the Austin newes as well uh they
get are they know how these obstacles
work so and just remember no two
obstacle no two same obstacles are the
are fully the same like one ninja gy SP
walls can be different from another
ninja gems for example
exle but as Caroline shuer is making
quick work on the course right now uh
definitely want to give a big shout out
to all of the Ninjas who have traveled
here uh whether it be coaches athletes
or family and friends out to World ninja
League tier 2 championships as Caroline
shuffler is making quick work of these
balance obstacles uh has about 50
seconds left going into uh this
rope has about 40 seconds left uh for
the back half of this blow
course nson
swing definely can be pretty tricky a
deceptively tricky obstacle and Caroline
Falls right here comes up just short of
that uh ring what is making great work
on the devil steps even Skips a step as
well now just has the two
UFOs goes for the leap hand placement
looked a little good just didn’t hang on
but still a great run at Caroline
sheppler lot of fight and obviously that
double step technique is second to n
now we
havea D believe that’s how you pronounce
it the
men uh she is out of again the new
Eng region many of many many New England
ninjas coming out uh definitely a very a
hot spot for so a lot of ninja talent
and skips that final uh hold on that
obstacle is moving at a very quick Pace
excellent Dismount right there to the
Barrel Gathering up a few
swings go for it and stacks all the way
to it grabs that cliffhanger
and now is she going to use the pull
right here uh she will not uh looking to
go for the Dismount decides to push off
of the pole I just saw uh one of our
earlier athletes uh push
off and now we’re on the double steps uh
looking like a really good time right
here I see how uh she’ll handle the UFOs
goes for it again hand placement look
really really good just couldn’t hang on
but still a great run for kiala
demen as we move on to Cameron
Heatherton uh I hope I pronounce that
right heatherington yes thank you for
the correction and then we we have a
Northeast region ninja uh qualified
through uh Brooklyn Ninja Academy so
shout outs to Brooklyn uh Ninja
uh looks like uh we’re just waiting for
Cameron to get to the starting platform
oh looks like she’s there right
now another one of our BR Ninja Academy
team shirts so shout outs as well
getting some uh little bit of Play
byplay From The Ref get sure everything
is all set for this run right
here we still got plenty of uh runs to
go not just on this uh flow course but
also on the full course coming
soon as Cameron Heather heatherington is
about to start her run on the flow
course and uh want to give another big
shout out to Austin ninjas and ausome
Texas for hosting this amazing event uh
shout outs to all the coaches you see
coach Lulu right here uh been running
around the entire gym all day uh we have
other we have other coaches here uh like
AEL Gonzalez Jonathan B and many many
many more and of course Nick Forney and
the a Austin ninj team for Designing all
the courses that you will see during
this weekend and uh keep in mind that
the top three uh per age division uh in
total amount of points in the strongest
ninja format will will qualify for the
tier one World Championships being held
in North
Carolina so looks like uh Cameron
heatherington is about to begin
look like the ref is about to get her
going making sure she doesn’t have any
questions and she is
off quick work out of the shrinking
steps building up some swing onto that
first ring right there again using the
SP walls to her advantage
making her way through very very
easily yeah we’re going to see a lot of
the these athletes uh just skip that
be um now we have the Rope gets it and
with about 50 seconds left of this back
half of the course so Cameron has a lot
of time left to definitely get make some
progress onto the course if not get a
full clear building up a lot of momentum
right here
uh doesn’t quite reach ring yet still
building up momentum and gets it Stacks
it all the way to
it on to a flip hanger uh going for the
oh going straight onto the support
beam now let’s see if Cameron can make
this Dismount uh the time is ticking
right here he’s going to have to
Dismount pretty
quickly and she does it so Cameron hea
Cameron heatherington makes it all the
way to the devil steps before the clock
hits zero and realizing coach told her
but still very very good run out of
Cameron heatherington especially
grab it with that nice grab on the
barrel and up next we have Dakota
Harley uh Dakota is currently on the
starting platform Dakota is from the New
England region
uh qualified there from Empire ninja so
shout out to Empire ninja and she is off
and running
very very nice buildup right
here going through uh these all these
obstacles at a very efficient Pace
too as
about a minute five seconds left as she
moves onto the slack
line and he’s going to leap for the rope
and sticks it
going for that uh first side leaps for
the swing but holds it back to make sure
she gets some extra momentum very smart
decision to reset right there oh she’s
got to go for that ring and gets
it very efficiently throughout all of
these obstacles is she going for the
dismount on the
Cliffhanger H doesn’t look like she got
it but still I hope our athletes have
paid attention to that because that
might be a beta break right there we did
see that quite a bit with our male
athletes you might start seeing that
with our female athletes uh makes the
jump to the UFO uh placement uh was
there just did not have the grip and I
bet you Dakota is definitely exhausted
from all the skills and waiting
happening around earlier on but still a
fantastic run and I cannot wait to see
her in the full course and another
dexterity Depot ninja is up right now
and that is Harper
chapon so shout out to dexterity dep um
and all of their team and especially
Matt Bradley who uh was a huge dexterity
dep uh Ninja one one of the best ninjas
in the sport right now
as Harper
tonus going for the Dismount right
here going on that wobbly balance beam
not opting to just skip it with the sa
with the safety
nets making a bit of a slower approach
but just wants to clear the obstacle and
does just that now onto the slack line
uh I’ve said this before with the three
team Naes but it’s black lines are not
easy and you’re seeing a lot of these
athletes uh clear it with absolutely no
problem so it really shows just how much
the talent in this sport has
gr building up a lot of Swing right here
goes for the jump but just misses with
her her right
hand but now she has uh the Double steps
to go
uh try to get these this and the UFOs uh
out of the uh cleared to not only build
up a bit of confidence back but get used
to the obstacles because the full course
coming and that course is very tough uh
once again the hand placement was there
but the drip ring just could not hang on
still a great run out of Harper shapon
and now we move on to Noah Wald
uh who just made it to the starting
platform Noah uh competed competes in
the South Central Region so relatively
um so big shout outs to uh Austin ninjas
who hosted that Regional Championship uh
getting coached up by one of the coaches
at Brooklyn Ninja Academy so very nice
of them to to hop over and Co coach an
athlete that maybe doesn’t have a
coach uh with them at the competition so
very nice to see uh that support between
uh different ninja gyms and coaches
helping out the other kids truly shows
what the sport is all about and Noah
aald having some insane momentum shifts
on those rings and those holds and
Dismounts looks like she gets through
the wobbly balance beam without using
the saf right there
and it’s a bit of a low grab on the Rope
but that didn’t face her at all as she
moves onto the aerial Barrel which has
proven to be a bit of a Cross Point for
our female
athletes has a lot of Swing Swing there
oh yeah nice work he hasn’t he has a
good amount of time left should be able
to make it over
here can get this
here H looks like she got
it definitely keep an eye on that um
that could be under view uh but as for
now uh Noah ewal
is there she goes hitting the
buzzer great work by Noah Ewald um
definitely getting to that insanely hard
cor point of those UFOs and as we take a
look at our leaderboard uh she goes into
place definitely some great runs uh
going on right now
and Phil we are back in business with um
dagara I believe that
orisa is another winner of our F yes uh
another one of our South Central ninjas
uh qualified for the regional
championships here at Austin ninjas so
she knows how these OB how these
obstacles are
uh like grip holds uh how deep they
are um something that maybe uh are
more uh
Trev what’s the word I’m looking for
like are
more travel based ninjas like ones from
like the northeast or the New England
area might not be accustomed
to so like
our referee might be taking a bit of a
break right now uh maybe going one to
use the bathroom oh there he
is looking to get
underway asking a question real quick
uh we see Abel Gonzalez uh coaching her
on so big shout outs to
him uh definitely someone who’s been
here pretty much all day uh coaching
along his fellow athletes and also
recording her as well uh obviously
probably for whether it be like her
parents her friends um or even memories
cuz every single ninja event is a memory
that every one of these athletes will
as Arisa dagara is making excellent work
through this
course Ariel she’s got a lot of time
left as to up this
momentum oh yeah she’s right
there just makes that grab and right to
Cliffhanger using the support beam to
her advantage
oh she goes right for the this now yeah
she does the kickoff and it
works yes it does and she should be
climbing up double
steps right about
now they have a bit of technical
difficulties there we
go and makes the jump gets
it just one more leche and we might have
a clear she’s got it orisa car to go for
nail go go go
go did she get it she got it L’s than a
second left less than a second
left he’s got it terissa
deara Miss go go go
go she get it abely and I know Abel
Gonzalez is very proud of her and as we
all are and as you can see everybody was
cheering for
that’s just how ninja is exactly and I
bet you that’s going to be it I was
talking about memories earlier uh that
is going to be a memory orisa will have
for the rest of her life
absolutely and meley Dylan is up next uh
mey is I
believe oh again another one of our
South Central lunches uh
qualified through our regional
championships here at Austin mches and
she’s off and running let’s see if meley
can match uh orisa’s performance on the
flow course here let’s see if we can get
another full
clear making great work right here makes
the dismount
going through the balance beam step uh
steps down one of the safety
nets and going through the slack line
jump out to the ROP now he’s got no
problem good amount of time left almost
as much as
uh almost as much as orisa right here
yeah as much as orisa
and she has to get this momentum
up I go for that grab and gets
it mainly putting up a great run of her
own nice and smooth here technique on
the cliffer oh nope she’s going for a
little bit of a safer
Dismount um pretty smart that angle jump
there we go absolutely oh she just
misses it oh off to the side I think
just a little bit bit of a bit of a
bummer right there but still meley has
plenty of time to try out uh the double
steps and the
UFOs and Coach Lulu uh helping her with
some chalk big shout outs to him and uh
NY Dyan with a great
run especially uh throughout the entire
uh course es like in the first half
honestly pretty
Flawless yeah that was a really nice
run here’s our top and so far that puts
her in
yes and we have
two eight left okay good to
know and we have Sophia kaval uh up on
the course great swing out for that ring
very good swings there yes very very
quick work right here
let’s see if Sophia will be able to F
oh absolutely goes for that rope minute
left yeah uh she is definitely on Pace
to join orisa as a full clear on
this get the swing there kind of far
apart gets
it got that big kick off for a lot of
momentum right to the ring
now see if she’ll do orisa’s technique
quite uh still might use the support
beam to push off the Dismount and gets
it nice
Dismount 30 seconds
left oh oh she went for the touch point
though that
was that was smart but I feel like she
had a decent chance with the time yeah
still a very nice run though absolutely
take a look yeah that put her in
second by a pretty decent margin
too 4 seconds y next we got Everly out
of rise in
houon shout outs to uh Rise
um as evly Begins the
course now you just saw so uh take up a
take didn’t take up a lot of time on the
first half of this course uh I feel like
all of our other ninjas need to be
watching try to get through those first
few obstacles as quick as
possible now Phil something that a lot
of these uh athletes are doing on this
third obstacle right here this wobbly
balance game is that they just skipped
the game and just do those little safety
yeah little parkour strides y yes so uh
do you do you think that’s uh a good
move from either a from a speed and a
safety uh safety perspective I feel like
if you’re comfortable with balance I’ve
mentioned earlier that you know not
every nja likes balance but if you’re
comfortable with balance I’d say go for
it absolutely I would I would
agree and looking to
yes indeed has about 20 seconds left
makes a
Dismount going up the devil steps
um see if she’ll uh make do the touch
point or is she just going to try and
attempt the
obacle oh almost got the catch there
just a little
over still a great run at Eberly
camps um very strong run especially in
the first half of the course uh going up
on the leader board we have she is now
in sixth place uh with one two six left
six Runners
left Annabelle frsky is coming
up uh out of Brooklyn Ninja Academy
shout out to Brookland Ninja Academy
I believe right there is one of our
pre-team male athletes uh
yeah that’s uh believe that is Sinclair
yep coach Daran Bennett course on the
sidelines y shout outs to Daren Bennett
uh definitely had a very busy day for
himself uh along with everyone else here
at the2 World ninja League Championship
uh taking a bit of a slower approach
uh wall momentum don’t
absolutely even though use even though
the SP walls are definitely safer they
can be a little bit on the slower side
but Annabelle goes through at a pretty
rate oh just oh just slides off the
slack slack line but slack lines are not
easy especially if you got a leap to a
rope right
after so our pre teen athletes uh have a
lot of talent in have a lot of talent
and have a lot of difficult obstacles
ahead of
them nice reach
absolutely ell goes for the
pole and makes her way through the rest
of the
Cliffhanger gets that Dismount that
Dismount now let’s see how she’s
handling the double steps doing very
well so
far see how she’ll handle
uh uh
tries the forward grip right here still
a great run from uh Annabelle
Pinsky might look oh she looks a little
bit upset but still a great run out of
her regardless uh she should still be
very proud of all of her accomplishments
up to this point and she will be back on
the full
course and then we
have uh Alexi coming up to uh the
line uh there she is out of Rise ninja
shout outs to rise
ninja looking to get ready on the course
and starting off with shrinking
steps building up some nice swing here
very very efficiently for Alexi right
here onto the slack line right now and
going for excellent balance right
here looking to make the jump over to
that rope and does does just
that getting some uh momentum off the
platform for the uh aerial
Barrel just got to make that grab to
ring and gets it oh with one hand
wow goes straight to the
Cliffhanger uh doesn’t use the at first
but ends up using it see if she’ll need
it for the
Dismount and looks like she got it
time’s just going to run
out nice run though
absolutely looks like she’s still
climbing the double
steps but for now uh still great Pace uh
out of Alexi especially on those first
two obstacles as about smooth as anyone
can get and we have Sophia
Rosman coming up and our next and then
after her we have three more
Runners Sophia out of Empire
ninja shout outs to Empire ninja uh for
also hosting uh the regional
championships uh for tier 2 uh in the
New England
region making quick work of these first
few obstacles right
here we are now going for the going for
the little skip on the wobbly
B has about a minute 5 seconds left onto
the slack
line the jump to the
Rope now
bar and makes a nice grab doesn’t even
take a lot of swings either she’s still
got 40 seconds left uh onto that support
game for the
clang still making great progress right
here goes for look at her
time absolutely she’s got plenty of time
to join Arisa
dagara as our next
career going for that
jump oh
just great run great run nice and
smooth very very smooth especially again
on that first half of the course and
that aerial Barrel didn’t even take a
lot of swings to get to that get to that
ring and then right over to the
Cliffhanger and next we have Jordan
uh one of the Ninja Labs from the state
York so shout outs to um shout outs to
those ninja
Labs as she is off
and going at a very nice Pace uh Jordan
is from the New England region uh we had
we have so many New England region uh
athletes just shows the amount of growth
and talent over in that region
specifically which is absolutely amazing
to see and we are we are looking at the
future of ninja right here with some of
these athletes and Jordan morouse is
looking to be one of the future one of
the future Premier athletes of the
sport makes a nice grab over to the ring
still has a ton of time let’s see if
Jordan warhouse can join uh Arisa DEA
Garza as our first as a second clear on
the flow
course makes the Dismount right
there up the devil steps with about 20
seconds left almost to the
top she get that grab over yep and the
these are very very
tough left hit just a little bit off but
a great run from Jordan Mouse we have
now Runners
left first up Ella Magnus who went first
and first in the
skills let’s see how she does
here yeah Ella has been putting on a
show this
competition and we have the all we are
all able uh uh sh shout outs to AEL
Gonzalez who is currently at Austin
ninjas coaching on all of his athletes
obviously super super busy guy to uh
this weekend but I bet you he wouldn’t
change it for uh change it for the
world as Ella Magnuson making quick work
now through that wobbly
balance able Gonzalez also uh like with
uh Orissa deara before uh is filming his
athletes uh maybe they like preserve a
memory maybe something they can always
look back on to uh obviously I like how
strong his athletes
yes his athletes are very
nice Ella is making great time right now
and going very very smoothly through the
steps now the
UFOs nice the first
one and remember orisa cleared with less
than a second left and Ella
Magnus is about to make the Dismount and
clear what a
clear over 10 seconds
left and that will put her right into
first place if uh if I’m not Aken
because our only other clear
Wasa another
athletes who may have with less than a
second left and look at
that smooth the UFOs and UFOs are super
difficult and our final Runner uh
currently on the starting platform is
Ash Meyer
uh looks like we may have a bit of te
technical difficulties over here um but
while this while we are about to start
our final Runner uh big shout outs to
Austin inas in Austin Texas for hosting
this wonderful event uh shout outs to
all of our coaches and athletes here
today friends and family coming out to
support their athletes uh Nick Forney
and the rest of the Austin ninja teams
for Designing these courses shout outs
to my co- commentator Philip Scott and
everyone in the world ninja League uh
making all behind the scenes to make
this event a
reality looks like we’re still at a bit
of a standstill right now uh Phil is
currently working on fixing the Stream
but still an absolutely amazing event uh
so far at the tier 2 world ninja League
championships and keep in mind today is
only the first day we got more events
tomorrow uh we got plenty
happening oh looks
like still still dealing with some
difficulties uh Ash Meyer is still on
the course but time is running
low I will let you know let’s check the
leader sorry so much guys about
um SRT complet being the stream was
completely down
um she just ran out of time there but
still great
effort yes I have ashme we’ll get
everything sorted out and fixed for
the full course all these athletes will
go again at the second course so please
stand by thank you so much for tuning in
and we’ll see you in a little
e e
all righty guys thank you so much for
tuning in uh we are
just getting ready for our last course
of the day uh before we do that let’s go
over some of the leaderboards so first
off here are here is the top 10 boys the
final standings for each
one of those courses and skills first
two numbers are the courses flow and
full and last two are the skills so um
as you can see Ryan kantu with an
overall placement of 10 points
wins it for the pre- te boys with Timmy
Gregory and Mason Manley second and
third and you can also see the rest of
the top 10 congrats to everybody who
competed today that is been a great
event and then for our girls that are in
the middle of running this is what the
standings look like with one horse left
to go can get a good idea of where
everybody is Ella Magnuson has swept it
so far will she’s been doing an
absolutely amazing job but so have all
of these girls second and third place
also um you’ve had two finishers so far
believe of the flow
course yep two finishers of the flow
course it was all and
Arisa both from axos keep strong out of
that gym in
Texas so yeah this is this is what it’s
looking like going into the full course
and the full course is a longer tougher
course it’s about um two and a half
minute time limit I believe and let’s
take a look at the format just to remind
ourselves so with float in full courses
so all athletes can be for events these
girls have already done three of the
four the last one left is the full
course and then uh we will will be uh
calling up their overall placements as I
just showed you and we’ll be handing out
some Hardware at the end of the night it
is very
exciting almost there um these athletes
have done an amazing job all day both on
this course and then also on the kids
course and we’re going to be back at it
again tomorrow with the 9 to 10 year
olds and also the 13 plus so thank you
so much for tuning in in and we should
be getting started
with the full course
shortly and uh something else to keep in
mind uh the top three placements at each
of the uh each of the standings uh for
total uh they will qualify for the tier
one World Championships being held in
Greensboro North
Carolina so that is something to keep in
mind as well so ran canu Timmy Gregory
and Mason Manley have all qualified for
the tier one uh World ninja League
championships happening in
June definitely something to keep an eye
out uh for when that time comes for
sure so you can see there those be the
three qualifiers for the
teams and here at the
preliminary but still one event to go so
anything can
happen and definitely keep you updated
on that as you progress through this
round for the three teams of
vision thanks so much for team we should
be ready to go
shortly look at the schedule while we’re
while we’re still getting everything
ready to roll and then we’ll be back at
oh let
in first place we have r
Ming overall in third place we have
in second
wey Awesome Con we are now going to
announce our strongest Ninjas the tolet
in the preion haveif forb
con everyone awesome to all our athletes
who competed today
we are Curr finishing up with
our on and’ll our FES on in few
minutes every
e for
e e
e e
looks like we have S seinberg I believe
that is on the fifth obstacle which is
been a huge Trux point for our male
uh misses the grab but goes to reset
makes a second
attempt oh still hanging on oh but
besides to
drop uh sad is uh again s uh again uh s
is out of BR ninja out of the Northeast
uh division uh Brooklyn Ninja Academy is
where her Regional CH uh championship
ship was so shout outs to them uh she HS
from the grit ninja which is again uh
also in the Northeast division uh
Northeast region so shout outs to them
well going to try and reach up there
decides to drop and
now we have the Kaleidoscope right here
now this is an obstacle that none of our
that only two of our BT males were able
to to conquer but right there uh
sad has a great run didn’t really get to
see a whole lot of it but now we are on
to Libby
cample now uh for Libby’s run uh want to
give a big shout out to Austin ninjas
once again for hosting uh this amazing
event uh along with Nick Forney and the
Austin ninjas team for Designing all of
the that you will see not just today but
tomorrow as well while the mature kids
and the 13 and up age divisions uh go
ahead and uh take on their courses as we
see uh Daren Bennett and Coach Lulu uh
dancing off on the camera shout outs to
them uh having a great time uh not just
by themselves but also with their
athletes so definitely very nice to see
uh over here at uh Austin ninjas
and uh some things to keep in mind uh LR
magnesen uh is currently sweeping the uh
PR teen female division uh so far in the
competition she just needs one first
place here on the full course and she
will NAB uh the state and she’ll NAB uh
the Clean Sweep uh for now uh Libby
cample is up next uh liby cample uh is I
believe out of the
Northeast uh
region yes Northeast division uh tier 2
Regional Championship was held at
Brooklyn Ninja Academy so shout outs to
them um chalking up a little bit before
uh taking on the course right
here now uh Phil we we have had uh a lot
of runs come down to the biggest part of
the course which was that fifth obstacle
CR Crux Point uh do you think that um
that will play a similar role here for
our pre-team
females looks like uh looks like Phil is
away from the mic for the time being but
for now uh Libby Campbell is through the
first two obstacles easily
now onto uh the Cliffhanger uh obviously
one of the most iconic obstacles in
ninja history um going back years and
ago uh gets to the top of that
Cliffhanger pyramid and is making her
way down but we have
a ooh slides off right there but that’s
okay because this is a full course every
single obstacle matters
here and that is starting uh with each
and every obstacle obviously the
Cliffhanger doesn’t quite get through
the slack line but definitely a great
nonetheless going to swing her way up to
this Crux point this obstacle played a
massive role in the standings uh when it
came to our male athletes that ran not
too long
ago going up for the swing doesn’t quite
grab it and drops now we move on to the
fidget uh fidget
Spinners these are deceptively tricky uh
that first fidget spinner is on bunge
cord so you cannot get as much of a
swing as you would like and now has to
make this tricky leet over to this other
fidget spinner that spins around makes
the makes the grab gots to keep swinging
around liby Campell uh making made a
nice grab there and make that Dismount
now onto some ring
Tech has to use her back swing to try
and get the oh she got it out pretty
easily but doesn’t have a ton of
momentum uh to try and get that ring up
into the next
hold building up some more
momentum only has and T time is about to
run out as she is going to attempt the
scope great fight
effort absolutely now Phil uh we’ve seen
how much of an impact uh that fifth
obstacle made uh for our pre-team males
do you think this obstacle is going to
play a similar role
here yeah definitely um it’s definitely
going to
be I think all the same points
um yeah we’ll just wait and see how it
plays out very interested
see our later on
it our first
two course
earlier see if they can again
here absolutely uh and those will be
running a lot later into uh this heat
those are Arisa D Garza and Ella
magnusen uh the lad of which uh is
looking to complete the Clean Sweep at
the uh World ninja championships for the
pre teen female division but for now uh
Tempe coffee is currently on the
Cliffhanger and making absolutely short
work of it now these pre-team female
competitors they’ve already done skills
and they’ve done the flow course they
must be completely gassed out from the
day’s events and it looks like tempy
coffee is still as alert as she has ever
been and look at that grab right there
onto that spinning Square going to have
to make her way over to the pumpkin and
does just
that touches the uh UFO doesn’t grab
bomb but still a great effort onto that
obstacle that obstacle took out so many
of our pre-team males so there is
absolutely no shame in falling down to
that tricky obstacle as Tempe coffee
looking to get a nice swing on the
Spinners and that’s one side of
it see if she can recover
her momentum here uh her feet very close
to touching the mat as
well um out of Brooklyn Ninja Academy
with Daren Bennett as her coach shout
out to Brooklyn Ninja Academy and Daren
Bennett and keeps on swinging looking
for that Dismount and comes up just
short still a great fight over in Tempe
coffee and we still have two obstacles
left uh going for the Rings comes up
just short see if she reaches it and
it last move and Dismounts so that’ll
net her some points
and lastly we have the Kos scope makes
the leay over to the Cliffhanger let’s
see if she can act get this special
delivery and comes up just short as time
expires still hits the buzzer and she
should be very proud of herself because
that was a fantastic
run and then next up we have sundell
bton coming up uh yes sundell Bogden uh
is from the Northeast region again uh
Brooklyn Ninja Academy shout outs to
them but is a dexterity Depot athlete um
dexterity Depot is Def is a great ninja
gym uh home to many talented ninjas
including uh one the only Matt
Bradley uh so big shout outs to Matt
Bradley and make her way through these
first few
obstacles now dexterity Depot ninjas
definitely know they
Cliffhangers so and sundell is proven to
be no
exception makes it all the way to that
top portion of the Cliffhanger now has
to come down and this is where it gets
really taxing and then we have that
Dismount which is very very tough
and gets it sundell is to at least to my
knowledge the first athlete of our
pre-team female division to clear that
the Cliffhanger and now onto the slack
lines she’s looking to be the first to
clear that as
well making her way over and gets it now
for this very very tough Trux point if
she can clear this she is going to be in
very good
shape makes the nice spin over to the
pumpkin and saves it with one hand on
the uh spinning UFL but she is still
spinning around she is going to have to
get her body control centered and get
ready for that leet of that
bar she’s fighting too
definitely no quit in this athlete right
here but she’s still
spinning but she drop but she drops down
is looking to uh make up some ground on
these final few obstacles makes the leap
over to the fidget
Spinners got nailed this Lee right
here oh it comes up just short uh Phil I
think she might be pretty gassed after
the days events and it’s definitely
coming out but still a fantastic run out
of sundell Bogden and is definitely
going to get some good points over on
the Cliffhanger uh clear clearing that
also she really did have a lot of
endurance she was really fighting on all
those obstacles that was really good to
absolutely very nice to see and sundell
has a very bright future in the sport
ninja and next up We Have Allison Holmes
who put up a really solid run uh in the
flow course so definitely someone I want
to keep an eye on for uh our NE for
someone to keep an eye on for the full
course and for those of you just tuning
in uh welcome to the tier 2 world
League championships I am Evan Mel and I
am joined by Phil Scott and uh we are
live over at Austin ninjas in Austin
Texas uh shout outs to them as well as
Nick ferney Nick fordney and the rest of
the Austin ninjas
team over here uh they were the ones who
designed this course very busy weekend
for everyone involved in this
competition so definitely big shout outs
to all of them um and although it’s
definitely some hard work it’s
definitely very rewarding to see an
event as awesome as this one
And We Have Allison Holmes coming up to
the starting platform pretty
soon see Daren Bennett um one of the
coaches over at Brooklyn Ninja Academy
shout outs to him and Allison Holmes
taking a nice deep breath with our
coach getting ready to take on the
course getting all focused up and now in
the referee counting her down
making a quick work of that first
obstacle right there now we have the
holds none of our female athletes have
been struggling with those first two
obstacles and Allison Holmes is no
different onto the Cliffhanger which we
just saw sundell bton clear uh in the
run let’s see how Alis Alison Holmes
here makes it to the end just has to
make that
Dismount making a few extra
swings looking to regroup right here try
uh yeah that is also a sideways Dismount
which are not easy especially since you
have to worry about that pole and looks
like she ends up a little bit too far to
the left but she still got plenty of
time to make up ground especially on
these few obstacles the slack line right
there and
onto the spinning square with the
pumpkin hold and then the spinning UFO
makes her way over to the
pumpkin amazing grip strength Have
Allison Holmes right here uh looking to
F uh get her body under control uh but
she is still spinning but still no quit
in this athlete lifting her legs up uh
to try and stop her momentum now we’ll
see if she Nails this Lee she’s got a
really good swing going come on
Allison oh it came just short of not
only the Lee bar but also the landing
platform still a great fight out of
Allison Holmes on that Crux
point oh
hopefully she’s okay because that was a
fall coach trying to help her
out almost there hang on
oh still a great run to have Allison
moles uh definitely showcased a lot of
fight and grit on that F on that fifth
obstacle right
there it’s a big hug from her coach uh
he should he’s very proud of her and we
are all very proud of Allison Holmes
after that
run and up next we have Katie
Fitzpatrick uh who should be making her
way over
believe this is going to be Katie
Fitzpatrick just looking for um our
referee definitely all of our athletes
are very exhausted after the days events
uh we have the entire gym right at the
entrance uh cheering on these pre-teen
athletes coach Lulu in the background
big shout outs to
him and looks like Katie Fitzpatrick is
up to the starting platform uh Dari and
Bennett uh coming over to help coach uh
which is something that we all love to
see over here at uh in ninja is coaches
helping out each other athletes helping
out each other everyone just helping out
everybody that’s what Ninja is all about
and Katie Fitzpatrick currently on the
course right
now grabbing a hold of the of those
holds and makes the
Dismount and up and going on that
Cliffhanger uh KY Fitzpatrick wearing a
Lab Rats Jersey shout outs to all of the
movement Labs all across the country uh
whether it be in New Jersey Ohio and uh
some of the other locations are escaping
me at the moment but those are those are
the main two that I think of so big
shout out to all of you guys over at the
movement labs and now unfor an
unfortunate Miss on the Cliffhanger and
now just now on the slack line but now
we have a huge obstacle right here if
Katie oh tips her way
up and hanging on for dear life on that
pumpkin makes the makes the tiip over to
that flying UFO will Katie F Patrick be
our first to clear um this insanely
difficult obstacle um none of our female
athletes have cleared this obstacle oh
but she’s still spinning around might
have to fix and she just drops right
there going to try and see how she could
do the other obstacles and get some more
points makes the
leche um those fidget Spinners are
pretty tricky especially that first one
with the bungee cords you can’t you
might not have a ton of momentum right
there uh this Mount just was just short
but still great fight out of Katy
Fitzpatrick on the full course and doing
four events in one day along with just
being in a gym with everyone else is
very very tough like you regardless of
result from these oh no and there goes
ring but yeah so gets theet right there
let’s see if she can get that special
deliver y comes up just short but ktie
Fitzpatrick with a great run and she
should be very proud of herself in fact
all of these athletes should be very
very proud of themselves because they’re
doing something very very difficult here
uh not only just one run not just one
run in a day but four and you’ve
basically been here the entire day so
it’s not like Bam Bam Bam Bam like it
could be a while before your next run so
that physical and mental fatigue is
really starting to set in on the full
course for our athletes and we have
Savannah lillinger uh on the starting
platform right now making her way
through uh all of these obstacles
here now has all of these
holds making nice work of
them uh un fortunate
drop but she still got plenty more
obstacles to
go onto the
Cliffhanger and great fight out of
Savannah right here definitely giving it
her all on these obstacles she’s got a
very bright future in the
sport and getting ready to start the
slack lines makes the first
one and comes just short of the second
but now we have this very tough Crux
Point here this is going to be a huge
difference maker in the full course and
how it standings are going to play
out uh Daren Bennett giving her some
tips not quite just there yet going to
again see and get
grab let’s see Savannah’s spinning
around right now let’s see if she can
wrap onto that pumpkin
hold misses and drops but she’s still
got three more obstacles to try out in
the 50 seconds left on the
clock going for big swings right here
go unfortunate fall right there but we
are she’s got two more obstacles to try
out and especially this ccope right here
going to be very very tough uh for any
of our athletes to get here um
Savannah trying to get that ring right
up into that third hole doesn’t quite
there now going to try the Kos scope
which only two of our pre-team males
were able to
clear and as time runs up she goes and
hits the buzzer uh Savannah very very
proud of everyone is very proud of
Savannah and she she’s got a great
future in this Sport and then next we
have Lucia Avent J uh I got that right
right right pH
anyways uh looks like
Phil’s out off the mic for a little
bit um Lucia uh another athlete being
coached by Daren Bennett a big shout out
to him um as she’s making her way
through these first few obstacles out of
Brooklyn Ninja Academy big shout outs to
excellent grab right there oh doesn’t
quite this Mount yet oh oh hang on
a and that’s going to take away a
attempt at the
Cliffhanger but she’s still got plenty
more obstacles to make up ground
on it makes it all the way to that fifth
obstacle now let’s see how she’ll be
able to handle this fifth obstacle she’s
doing good so
far just got to hang on to that pumpkin
hold gets it insane grip strength out of
Lucia now she’s got one she’s got a nail
this Lee right
here building up a nice swing too just
that one was sh oh
has a chance at Redemption at Le with
the fidget
Spinners uh tries to static it um
doesn’t quite have the wingspan for
that but this will be another obstacle
she should
handle absolutely and nails that
dismount out uh to try the cly the
sculpt do really take a rest that leche
looked really good just did not have the
grip strength again that physical
fatigue is really starting to set in
with all these athletes with a great
warm by luciao who also is going to have
a great future in this
Sport and up at the starting line right
now uh should be Dylan
post if uh if I am
correct looks like we’re getting a few
things up and here’s the run order we
still got Caroline shler uh right after
Dylan Post run and she is ready to go
very very
determined and she is off
going through uh these holds very very
easily oh misses the grab on that final
hold let’s see if she’s able to
recover and she
does goes for that Dismount and sticks
it Dylan is from the New England region
uh out of which is where the which uh
that is where Empire ninja uh hosted
their hosted the regional championships
for tier two which is where Dylan
qualified uh made it to the end of the
Cliffhanger see if she can get this
Dismount right here which is a very
tricky Dismount doesn’t look like she
got it but she still got plenty of
obstacles to make up points especially
this F
oh she did oh I saw the I saw the I saw
the Lights Went red so I wasn’t so I
didn’t think so but that might be under
review uh be on the lookout for that um
but this fifth obstacle is incredibly
tricky and if Dylan can clear this
she’ll be in very very good
shape try but unfortunately does not
make it up to that first uh first hold
right there now onto the fidget
Spinners got to nail this leche right
here uh the fidget Spinners uh proven to
be a little bit of a Crux point for our
athletes um
theame has taken out some of our
athletes including Dylan just right
there but also that Dismount is pretty
insane too um Dylan is from grit from
the grit ninja gym uh shout outs to them
over in the New England
region uh looks like look she looks
absolutely gassp and I would be too
after a day like
this got one more obstacle to try gives
it a great try runs over hits the buzzer
and that will be an awesome run by Dylan
po uh hopefully we’ll see her uh more in
the future um I know she’s got a great
future in the sport and we have Caroline
sheer up
next uh we got everyone over here at uh
ninjas including uh Chris wilchesky who
you just saw on camera not too long ago
um coach Lulu is uh also in in the crowd
big shout out to him and he is he’s
coming over to coach Caroline
sheer Caroline sheer uh from the South
Central South Central Region uh
qualified through Austin
ninjas making a nice quick way through
these first few obstacles now we have
quite a bit of Crux points uh for our
athletes here uh including the
Cliffhanger that fifth obstacle with the
pumpkin hold and the spinning and the
spinning UFO and square uh the fidget
Spinners have proven to be a bit of a
Crux Point as well and of course the Kos
scope which only two of our male
athletes were able to
complete Caroline shuer drops at the
final Cliffhanger ledge but she still
got plenty of obstacles to make up for
the Lost
points and makes it through the slack
lines and makes a nice grab over to that
square and then on to the pumpkin
showing off incredible grip strength
let’s see if carine oh she she had the
distance and she had the hand placement
just did not have the grip strength but
she’s got a Redemption at leche right
here and comes up just
short but she’s still got two more
obstacles including that Kos scope which
could easily turn the tides of the
standings try to get that
up yeah um this course has proven to be
absolutely brutal for our female
athletes uh big shout outs so once again
Nick Fortney for um designing this
course and all the other courses that
you will see this weekend at the tier 2
world ninja League
championships uh doesn’t get the leade
of the Cliffhanger right there but
carollyn Carolyn sheppler uh should be
very proud of her accomplishments here
at the world ninja League tier 2
championships and looking at the Leer
board that moves her into sixth place uh
sundell bton is currently in first as
the only one of our athletes who has
cleared four obstacles thus far let’s
see if anyone will be able to match
that yeah yes we do and kiala um I
believe is also from the grit ninja yes
uh the same shirt that um Dylan post had
on not too long
ago uh she is looking ready to go and
her coach is ready to get her
going looking for the chalk
bag giving her some chalk right before
runs now Phil I am definitely interested
uh in that fifth obstacle in particular
because we’ve seen a lot of close
attempts on that obstacle so far but no
one has beaten it yet let’s see
if hiala will be the
first making quick work through this
first obstacle right
here makes the not uh that’s not the
first obstacle that’s the second
obstacle but onto the Cliffhangers right
now and making great work
very very calm and Collective very
efficient just got to make that Dismount
here and makes it uh one of our only few
athletes who were able to clear that
obstacle struggle a little stumble on
the slack line uh take some time to
regroup and now kiala is the second of
our athletes in the three team female
division to clear at at least four
obstacles and she is not stopping she is
currently on that fifth obstacle that
hard fifth
obstacle uh going to have to she is
fixing her hand placements right
now still but still spinning around
going to have to bring up her knees try
and stop her from
spinning the issue with this
is there she goes now she get
and that looks like a good swing there
and gets
it that fifth obstacle has finally been
taken down by kiala
demen um now she’s on to the fidget
and goes it back and resets that’s
leche kiala is putting on a show right
here for all these athletes and I hope
all the rest of these athletes take know
this because um hiala is going to be in
first place by a wide
margin trying to get that ring right in
there looking to
reset going to try and see if she can
clear this seventh
obstacle gets it in get this and go for
the Dismount and going straight into the
K scope honestly if you if she had more
time I think she could have made a
Ella that is Ella Magnus not uh not
kiala uh dementi right there
um Cameron heatherington is up
next and that is a Brooklyn Ninja
Academy ninja uh on the starry platform
right now I thought I I thought I marked
replay absolutely and let’s see if
Cameron Cameron heatherington can match
that performance and it’s looking really
good so
far just got to make that grab to that
ring and swinging
over what a great event this has been
for everyone involved hasn’t it
Phil oh yeah it’s been a action
day of these first experience with a big
competition like this having a
blast absolutely and we’ve said it
before and we’ll say it again what’s the
point of doing ninja if you’re not
having fun which I hope all these
athletes are having fun here today and
we’re going to see even more fun
tomorrow oh what a save right
there great save on that Cliffhanger now
onto the slack
line gets through
it makes a nice grab onto that spinning
Square staing all the way over to that
pumpkin showing off great grip strength
just couldn’t hang
on but she’s still got three more
obstacles ahead of her and this is one
of them the fidget Spinners just got to
make the leche right here and does just
that but now her momentum is going in a
diagonal let’s see if she’ll be able to
fix it looks like she
is now this lount has proven to be
pretty tricky for our athletes
still going a bit side to side oh come
short Cameron heatherington uh still
putting up a really solid run especially
with that great save on the Cliffhanger
Dismount and gets through the ring Tech
very easily and going straight into the
Kos scope let’s see oh almost gets that
leche to that Cliffhanger but still a
great run by C Cameron heatherington um
definitely going to be someone that will
need to look out for in a few years and
she has gotten older and she has gotten
even more
experience and up next is Dakota
Harley uh Dakota Harley uh taking a
taken a big breath with her coach uh is
of the New England
region uh wearing the same shirt as
um one of our
earlier I believe it was Sarah mlin who
is also at the same
gym but making great work on this uh
Force right now onto the cliffhanger
making quick
work and then we have that Dismount
right here that Dismount is very very
tricky and uses the pull to our
advantage onto the slack line we’ve
started to see our athletes really get
the hang of this
obstacle balancing her way through and
makes it all the way through now only
doen has uh cleared this
obstacle let’s see if Dakota Harley can
do the
same and awesome awesome job now has to
get her hand placements right to make
leche let’s see how thear Harley will do
here going have to spin around face the
leg let’s see building up some nice
swing doesn’t quite get it but still
great effort and a great fight out of
the Coro Harley on that fifth obstacle
that very very tough fifth
obstacle and now going a bit side to
size on the fidget spinner is she going
to try and reset looks like it
showing a lot of fight here is Dakota
Harley um on this obstacle and on the
previous one it just slides right off
but she’s she’s got two obstacles to go
with about 20 seconds
left goes for the
grab goes for that grab uh placing as
well and makes that Dismount going
straight into the KA scope right as time
expires hangs on let’s see if she’ll be
able to clear even though time has
expired decides to drop down and goes
over doesn’t quite hit the buzzer still
a great run out of theota Harley and
she’s got a bright future in this
Sport and up next we have Harper
chaponis um another one of our dexterity
Depot ninjas shout outs to dexterity
um along with uh Sundale Bogdan who uh
has ran earlier and is currently in I
believe second
uh we’ll have to take a look at the
leader board in a little bit um but
Harper is up on the course now oh and
looks like uh sundell bton has been
bumped down to Fourth for now Dakota
Harley and C heatherington uh in the
second in the third and second place
spots regardless well kiala demen is
still in first place uh clearing all but
ccope Harper talking to her coach um
definitely uh dexterity Depot is a very
very far gy away from Austin ninja so
it’s incredible that even some of these
athletes were able to come out for the
competition and test their scale test
their skills on the biggest stage and
it’s just been incredible to watch the
entire event and keep in mind this is
only today we still got more going on
tomorrow and let’s see how Harper will
do looks like uh get everything all
squired away
and she’s
off arper
chaponis right here going
through the holds with ease and of
course dexterity Depot ninjas and
Cliffhangers obviously Matt Bradley uh
trains there
her hat falls off and her coach puts it
on for at a great sign of support as
well um as Harper shabon is makes it all
the way to the end of the cliff and just
has to make that Dismount right
here and gets
it now we have the slack lines right
here definitely some of some of our
earlier athletes have struggled here and
part herper unfortunately goes down here
but this is the this could be the
Difference Maker for her in the
standings this fifth
obstacle going to
reset use a bit of a lockoff strategy to
get up to that spinning square that
pumpkin hold showcasing a lot of grip
strength great hand placement uh just
could not hang on but still great fight
out of Harper
chapon big swings right
here a little bit too far off to the
left but still again uh great distance
on her
Le and now uh get that back
swing uh pop that ring out and place it
right into the next
one excellent ring Tech by Harper now
she has about 30 seconds left she should
chalk up as much as possible and take on
the Kos scope which none of our three te
female athletes have popped down today
but oh she looks like she tried to
static it but did not have the wings
span and just drop down but un but an
unfortunate end to an otherwise great
run uh Harper shipon uh should be very
proud and all of her dexterity Depot
team members are definitely very proud
of her as
well and we have Nola Ewald coming up
next uh Nola is uh from the South
Central Region so that
is in relatively uh close by uh compared
to some of our other
um going through the holds with very
very quick ease um has some chalk around
her waist uh doesn’t have to rely on a
coach but she does have she does have
Daren Bennett uh coaching her along uh
which is very nice to see uh Daren
Bennett has uh proven to be an
absolutely phenomenal coach to all of
these young athletes uh in their ninja
Journeys uh he should be very proud oh
he she gets that Dismount as well
um the slack lines makes it to the
one it gets
through now only
hiala dich was able to clear this
obstacle so far let’s see if Noah Ewald
could be the
second staing her way over to the
pumpkin now we’ve seen some tread static
over to this UFO
we’ve seen others try to Le let’s see
what Nola tries to
do looks like she does a mixture of both
but is hanging on and has really good
swing that’s looking really good and she
clears it but she overshoots her
Dismount and that will cost her a try on
the fidget Spinners but still has a
great run and is definitely going to
help her out in the standings
as she gets through all the Rings now
she has about 35 seconds left if I were
her I would stop and chalk
up looks like she’s not doing that at
all makes that first transfer to that
first Cliffhanger and peels right off of
the second one uh Phil you and I talked
about this earlier um back swing on
Cliffhangers is very very difficult
because your hands just want to peel
right off yep it’s a bar where it’s
rounded around and you have kind of some
grip to fall back
on yeah so still a great job at Nola
ewal and now we have a runner that I am
that I know everyone is very very
looking forward to uh especially after
her full clear in the flow course and
this is Arisa deag Garza and we have AEL
Gonzalez coming over to once again film
her run as she takes on the course
uh orisa has been doing very well in the
competition I believe she is currently
second overall yes uh
yes and she’s making quick work so
far and of course she is trained by AEL
Gonzalez so like of course AEL Gonzalez
is going to have like top
ninjas everyone has top ninjas
and looking to try to build up a swing
here and gets
it makes it over to that second slack
line for those of you who just tuning in
welcome to the tier 2 world ninja League
championships I am Evan Mel and I am
joined by Philip Scott as um we are
currently live in Austin ninjas and
Austin Texas um by Nick and of course
designed by Nick Courtney and the rest
of the Austin n j team and we are seeing
orisa de de Garza absolutely dominate
that fifth obstacle has about 70 seconds
left for these final three obstacles
chalking up before she takes on the
fidget Spinners which is proving to be
pretty tough for our female athletes so
far makes that
now this Dismount has also proven to be
very very
tough and gets
it orisa DEA
Garza making awesome work here just
needs that back
swing and up and
in makes that other drop down and she
has 30 seconds left uh taking the time
to chalk up before attemp the
Kaleidoscope uh none of our female
athletes have taken down this obstacle
will orisa be the first she gets that
one she makes it she’s got it orisa de
Garza we have a full clear and she is as
static as everyone is in this
gy remember orisa with less
what a
performance and her mom I believe that’s
oh no that’s another one of the uh axess
coaches coming over to give her a
massive hug all of her fellow
competitors congratulating her look at
the community we got here absolutely
like this is incredible that we’re
seeing out of all of these
athletes and as you can see that puts
her in first place for the course what a
absolutely and keep in mind uh only two
of our pre-teen male
uh athletes were able to complete this
full course so and we already got one of
the pre-teen females let’s see if
another one can join her and on the
course right now is melee Dylan uh being
coached by coach Lulu big shout outs to
coach Lulu we all love coach Lulu here
at the world ninja League uh go
unfortunately comes just short on that
Cliffhanger but still has plenty of
obstacles to go especially that tricky
fifth obstacle and of course the CIO
scope which only two only one athlete
was able to beat both of them and hiala
D menes was able to clear this fifth
obstacle but melee is looking absolutely
exhausting from the day’s events uh
looking to Chu off trying to regroup on
the fidget Spinners right
here building up a lot of Swing as
well goes for the leap doesn’t quite get
it but still has two obstacles to
go building up a lot of back swing right
there and absolutely nails that first uh
ring Tech right here let’s see and she
gets the
second has about 50 seconds left uh to
try out the Kos scope but goes straight
into it doesn’t even bother
chut tries leet to that first uh
Cliffhanger unfortunately doesn’t get it
coach Lulu is dancing he’s happy we’re
all happy and we’re all happy for meley
Dylan right now as she moves into eighth
on our leaderboard
and we have Sophia Koval coming up next
Sophia is I
believe yes uh out of the Northeast
region um so Empire ninja was where the
Regional Championship was held in that
division shout outs to them and Sophia
is making quick work on this course
now moving at a very efficient Pace as
well and excellent lock offs on the
Cliffhanger she’s she is definitely
coming for that top time that orisa
delagarza has put
up so via Koval uh threw the first three
obstacles very quickly and unfortunately
steps down
on the slack ladder but still has three
obstacles uh that could definitely get
her a lot of points here and she is
currently on one of them and that is
this insane oh makes the nice Kip over
to that UFO uh now just has to make that
one last leche to that leche bar and
gets it sopia Koval is going to rack up
quite a bit of points right here and
she’s still going makes it over to the
fidget spinner now this Dismount has
proven to be very very
tricky it looks like she got
it Sophia having a lot of the support
from her fellow athletes here today and
makes the nice move right
over uh she has a minute left to take on
the fos scope uh taking some time to
chalk up and shake out her
hands he has lockoff ninja in the back
and cons on the back of her shirt and
considering how she did the Cliffhanger
uh you can definitely see why
unfortunately she slides right off as
she goes over hits the buzzer still put
up a amazing run uh definitely being
someone the competition is going to be
unnoticed for especially since she was
able to clear that fifth obstacle which
has proven to be a massive Crux point
for all of these athletes here
today and up next we have E le
camps Eberly uh out of Rise ninja over
in Texas shout outs to them um qualified
for the regional champ qualify for the
World Championships here uh for tier 2
uh the uh Austin ninjas where we are
currently hosting right now uh sovia
sovia uh so coall already ran um but
this is Eberly camps at the starting
platform right
now uh yes and after after Eberly we’ll
have seven more Runners uh Annabelle
prinsley Riley Moss Alexi Bop Sophia
roszman Jordan Morehouse ellm mag
Magnuson and
ashme so we eight Runners left and
here’s one of them right
here Eberly camps ready to get started
on the
course and she is off and
running making a quick work through
these obstacles right here and hits the
touch point now onto the Cliffhanger and
we just saw Sophia kovall go crazy on
this Cliffhanger right here showing why
uh they call her the lockoff ninja and
facing the platform I don’t know why
none of our other athletes have tried
that yet might be a bit of a be break
here uh over in over in our final runs
over on the full course here at the tier
2 world ninja champ World ninja League
championships I think it just comes down
to experience more than anything else
she’s just comfortable with cers and
it’s she’s
absolutely and something else to keep in
mind uh when it comes
to Eberly
camps is that she only competed in two
competitions uh racking up a total of 18
points throughout the tier 2 season and
looks like she got through uh the that
tricky fifth obstacle we’re seeing more
and more of our athletes get through it
which obviously was a very tricky
obstacle for both our males and our
female age uh three
teens but Eberly camps is putting on a
clinic right now and she still has
plenty of time
to get through this obstacle rest up a
little bit and then get through the
Kaleidoscope which only we’ve only seen
three athletes get through the entire
day the
am shocking up right before she
begins makes that little shade to that
cff oh just short but still a great run
by Eberly C
and I believe that will put her in the
second yes it does that puts her in the
um we are moving on to our next Runner
am Annabel pinski I believe it is or
pinsley uh my
apologies priny yes Pinsky yes
Annabelle out of the Brooklyn Ninja
Academy uh shout outs to them along also
shout outs to coach Darien Bennett who
has been all over the place today uh so
have many of our coaches here at uh at
Austin ninjas right now and Annabelle is
off and running
building up some swing right
here um she has competed in three
competitions uh and has a grand total of
18 points from them uh uses the uh Pole
to get up to the Cliffhanger let’s see
see how she’ll be able to handle this
and she’s moving
pretty pretty efficiently through the
obstacle just gota go for that downward
transfer she’s definitely hanging out
for dear life right here let’s see how
she’ll H get this
um yeah and that’s gonna drain a lot of
her strength as well uh as she moves on
to the slack
lines gets through the first one and
gets through the
second checking her hand make sure
there’s uh no rips there uh rips
definitely uh one of the worst things to
get in ninja uh I I remember my first
rip uh that was not fun
yep it’s kind of a required thing for
ninja yes indeed and
oh excellent fight out of annal priny uh
she looks okay though that did look like
a pretty hard
fall we’re continuing on
moving just got to make this transfer
right here going going around decides to
drop oh she looks absolutely Gass but
still putting in great effort all around
especi on the flow course and on the
course got make that jump right
yep and she’s been looking at her hand
quite a bit but still not giving
up oh maybe she did a
rip I hope she’s okay still a great run
uh from all of these athletes including
Annabelle psky and if that TR if that is
a rip uh I have to give her even more
props because uh doing upper body
obstacles on rips is not fun uh because
hurt and then up next we have Riley Moss
out of Team level up uh shout outs to
level up and shout outs to her coach
Hol making her way through the first
obstacle building up some momentum here
gets to that
ring and then onto
that hold right there just gots the nail
the dismount
now onto the
Cliffhanger Cliffhanger is proven to be
very very tough for our female athletes
today but she is going along really
nicely oh comes up just
short slack line is
up taking a little bit of time to get
herself centered oh
missed the foot placement and bit of a
bummer that she uh touched down but
still her run is still going and she is
looking to be another one of these
athletes to beat this tough fifth
obstacle just slipped off
yeah and that also looked like a pretty
hard fall uh a lot of hard Falls today
um thankfully everyone seen seems okay
as Riley Moss goes for this leche right
here to that fidget spinner and gets
it she’s just going to have to nail the
Dismount right here and this is proven
to be a tough Dismount for all of our
athletes she get the swing going right a
little diagonal let’s see if she can get
it there we go he gets
it and only two obstacles left with
about 35 5
Seconds oh goes up to reach we go uh
coach trying to tell her to
reset does just that building up some
momentum trying to get up there looks
like she’s just absolutely spent after
the days of EV going to try the kios
scope again a very tough obstacle but
still a great run by Riley
Moss um as we move on to the leaderboard
we still see Arisa de Garza over in
first place uh getting a full course
clear Eberly camps in second place and
kiala dementes in third with only five
Runners left including Ella Magnuson who
is current sweeping the age division
right now and we have another one of our
rise ninjas Alexi
Bop going through that first part of the
course very
easily now onto the
holds makes a nice grab right there
up the cliff
hangers going to reset on that top one
has a little bit of a lip as uh Phil
said going for the Dismount right
here oh it doesn’t look like she got
it and now looks like all of our
athletes are starting to figure out the
slack lines right
here and uh Alexi is no different but
now this fifth obstacle been very very
challenging all day not only just for
our female athletes but our male ones
too gets that grab onto that
pumpkin now just got has to make that
either static or leche to that goes for
the static going to have to fix her hand
placement cuz she is spinning
around with 55 seconds
left got has to make the lche over to
bar oh looks like she tried to skip it
came just short and looks like she just
shook out her ankle a little bit I hope
she’s okay
um definitely could be a very nasty fall
but gets the leche right
there now let’s see how she handles the
Dismount right
here and she gets
it has about 17 seconds left to complete
these two
obstacles gets that first one gets that
second one
and makes it all the way to the Qui
scope with three seconds left just keep
going Alexi oh tries to make the Lee to
the Cliffhanger doesn’t quite get it but
still a great run out of Alexi Bach as
we move on to our next
Runner and Sophia Rosman is up next and
Sophia is out in the new Eng
region um qualified for the World
Championships over at um Empire ninja so
shout outs to them and sopia is making
quick work of the course right
now makes that Dismount right there onto
Cliffhanger um that Dismount has proven
to be very very tricky for all of our
athletes here
down just has that
Dismount and she gets
it uh experiencing a little bit of
technical difficulties here
uh he’s likely on the slack ladder right
looks like oh we got some little bit
more technical difficulties but here
Sophia is on that fifth obstacle and she
did end up clearing the slack
lines got has to have insane grip
strength on that
pumpkin makes the transfer over to that
UFO it just has a leche
bar oh and she’s she’s starting to spin
might have to fix her hand placements
are a little bit too close to uh where
her head would
be and looks like she’s doing just
that she got to nail this
leche a doesn’t look like she got
it very very much of a bummer right
there but we still got three obstacles
to go and she’s currently on the fidget
spars doesn’t look like she got that
either but two obstacles left especially
that ccope which can get you a net you a
ton of points upon completion and look
at that absolutely smooth through those
rings as about 12 seconds left to get
through the Kos scope makes the transfer
over to the Cliffhanger now just that
special delivery that only orisa de
Garza got doesn’t quite get it still
goes to hit the buzzer and a great run
by Sophia
roszman on the entire
course and with three runners left we
have Jordan Morehouse
Ella Magnuson and Ash
Meyer for those of you just tuning in a
welcome to the tier two World ninja
League championships I am Evan melon I
am joined by Philip Scott uh we are live
at Austin ninjas in Austin Texas and
with a course designed by Nick Fortney
and the rest of the Austin ninjas
team and we’ve had many coaches and
athletes today um including coach Lulu
Darien Bennett Abel Gonzalez Jonathan
ban all big shout outs to them a big
shout outs to all of our athletes along
with their families and friends over
here today as Jordan morouse begins a
run very very
shortly she’s our third to last runner
on the full course for the pre-team
division going through the course very
easily wasting absolutely no
time clear’s that first two obstacles in
less than 15 seconds Jordan Morehouse is
definitely coming for that top spot on
the leader
board held by Arisa deag Garza who has a
full horse
clear she was the only one to clear that
kios scope which is that final Crux
point at the end
and looks like we’re having a bit of
technical difficulties oh we’re back and
she is on the slack lines right now
makes it through a great run as a whole
by Jordan
warhouse let’s see how she’ll be able to
do the only goes but with one hand on
that on that square and Statics all the
way to that
UFO just gu has to make that leche right
here and gets it Jordan Morehouse is yet
another one of our athletes to clear
that tricky fifth obstacle in the middle
of our full course now we we have the
fidget Spinners which has proven to be
quite a Crux point for our athletes not
a lot of them have cleared it let’s see
if Jordan morouse can join them looks
like she’s trying to
reset and does just
that sizing up the obstacle once
again just has to make that leche and
does just that now this Dismount not a
given definitely not
easy has to and gets
it Jordan Morehouse uh has yet to fall
on an obstacle on this full
course however something to keep in mind
is that she only has 20 seconds left to
get through the Kos scope but she’s
going and is not chocking up makes the
leche to that
first Cliffhanger ledge oh no she peels
off it looked like she was she was
great absolutely could not have said it
better myself and that puts her right
into second place only by orisa
delagarza um and speaking of orisa
delagarza uh one of her AIS ninja
teammates is about to run and let’s see
how she’ll do and this is Ella magazen
Ella has been absolutely on fire this
entire competition going going first
place in the tech skill first place in
the dash skill and first place on the
flow course let’s see if she let’s see
if she will complete the full sweep on
the full
course we in the we are all
absolutely and Arisa deag Garza should
be guaranteed on the podium for this
event and Ella is making quick work of
these first obstacles Abel Gonzalez her
coach just like with Arisa shout outs to
him and shout outs to the we are all
able sht as
well I want to take this opportunity to
sh uh thank Austin Ninjas for hosting
this amazing event uh thank you to Nick
Forney and the rest of the Austin NES
team for Designing these courses thank
you to my co-host Philip Scott uh thank
you to the world ninja league for
providing us Ninja fans such a fun
competition for all of all of these
absolutely and uh tomorrow we are back
at it with uh the mature kids divisions
and the 13 and up
divisions gets a Lee up to that uh out
to that square and to the pumpkin let’s
see if she’ll Kip her way over to the
UFO and does just that now Ella
magnes gets that leche as well is making
great time on this
course makes the leap
forward building up some nice momentum
and gets a leche very quick
quickly and goes for that Dismount has
50 seconds
left and this obstacle proven to be
absolutely no problem for Ella Magnuson
has a very very bright future in ninja
definitely someone you want to look out
definitely someone you want to look out
for especially if she gets top three and
qualifies for the tier one World ninja
League championships over in Greensboro
South Carolina makes that transfer
no so close just slips out Ella Magnus
still with a great run and that should
still get her a very very nice placing
into third
place only behind uh her teammate
uh Jord uh orisa deara and Jord and
Jordan morouse and you have our final
final Runner of the pre-team female
division over on the full course and
this is Ash Meer out of Brooklyn Ninja
Academy shout outs to Brooklyn Ninja
Academy and we have Darien Bennett as
her coach shout outs to him as
well and Phil I got to be honest with
you this has been an absolutely
fantastic event for everyone everyone’s
had so much fun I know a lot of these
athletes have made such great memories
on this course and with their friends
and family um over here at Austin ninjas
uh definitely impacting the lives of
everyone in the sport
and I know these coaches very rewarding
experience for them as well
and I I cannot wait to see what the
future of this sport holds especially
for these young athletes right here
because we’ve seen a lot of talent here
and one of these talented athletes is on
the course right now and that is Ash
Meer next up we have this fifth obstacle
here goes for the static oh we just saw
El magnusen go for the uh Kipping
technique let’s see if Ash Meyer will be
to get through this obstacle as
well picks the bar nice
grab very nice
grab now on to the fidget Spinners which
has proven to be pretty tough for our
athletes but not for ash Meer so far
just has to nail that
Dismount taking a few extra swings just
to be sure and gets it she has about 35
seconds left for the final two
obstacles all right and 25 seconds left
for the K scope let’s see if she’s going
to chalk up doesn’t look like it taking
a bit of a 5sec rest right into the Kos
scope gets that first leche now it’s
this tough leche to the
no great Ash Meer with an insane run and
she should be very happy with herself as
she moves into the leader board with at
fifth place with a full course uh and
that will wrap up the competition uh
orisa Dela Garza gets first place in the
full course with a full clear one of
three full clears on this full course uh
in second place we have Jordan moous and
in third place we have Ella Magnuson and
Ella Magnuson uh absolutely put on a
show uh getting first place in all of
the other events and getting third
here she should be very proud and I know
her coaches and her friends and family
are definitely proud of her as well and
look at that first Place overall orisa
deag Garza comes in second and then
Jordan morous comes in third what an
absolutely fantastic competition for
here man that was getting really close
there in the top three to places three
to six that’s really tight competition
all these athletes really Cushing each
other keep on keep on
and wow yeah what what an event and
thank you so much everybody for joining
and definitely one heck of a show and
thank you so much to everybody like I
said great Saturday all of ninja this
pre teens Division and tomorrow we get
to do it all over again so thank you so
much uh World ninja league and everybody
I’m Philip Scott Adam Mel thank you for
sticking with us all
day and hope to see you soon see you

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