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Draft Needs for Every NFC Team | NFL Draft Show | Ringer NFL

Going division by division, the guys debate what the NFC teams should do with their respective first-round draft picks to address their most pressing team needs according to The Ringer’s 2024 NFL Draft Guide.


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welcome to the re NFL draft show my name
is Danny hit I I’m joined by Danny Kelly
bck and Craig horlbeck we are going
through what every team in the NFC needs
in the NFL draft this year before we
dive in remember we’re doing a live show
baby two weeks out in Detroit if you’re
going to be in Detroit for the NFL draft
or just near Detroit I mean if you drive
to see the eclipse come drive to see us
uh tickets in the episode description
with the link Craig doesn’t like when I
read the URL or come witness the
totality of the ringer NFL draft show
yeah what were you guys talking about
Oblivion that we’ll get to that right
okay we we were wrong about the eclipse
everyone says it’s really cool we were
wrong we’ll get to that I would like to
be known that I was on the side of it
being cool I I also was Pro natural
phenomenon if you remember me too
rolling back we’ll discuss at the end I
I love natural phenomenon all right and
email for Fantasy footall we
can just Dive Right In Here honestly
we’re going to go division by division
and we’re going to start with the teams
we’re favored to win and we’ll go to
teams that are favored to um you know
come and last and we’re just going to go
through and just see what each team
needs in the draft and we’ll fix the
teams and some teams are unfixable but
yeah Craig lead us off here just take us
on a little tour the NFC all right we’re
going to start with the NFC east and we
are going to start with the Dallas
Cowboys they have the 21 24th if I could
speak overall pick in the draft they’re
they’re over under win total projection
for 2024 is 10 and a half wins so just
to look back a little bit at what the
Cowboys have done the Cowboys have won
12 games in each of the last three years
no other team has done that in the NFL
they have the second best record in the
NFL in the last three years behind the
Kansas City Chiefs really and and yet if
you look back at those three years the
last three years the other top seven
teams by record have either made it to
the Super Bowl won the Super Bowl or
have gone to a conference Championship
I’m cheating a little bit because the
bills Conference Championship was four
years ago but still Dallas has made it
out of the Wild Card Wild Card round
once uh in the last three years not to
mention the fact that their three best
players deck PR Scott CD lamb and
Michael Parsons are all nearing the end
of their contracts meaning that you know
come next year they could be probably uh
employing the most expensive quarterback
wide receiver and linebacker in the NFL
hi Fitz break out that Jerry Jones legal
pad what to the Cowboy should oh yeah
wait here I got I actually have a legal
what do your scribbl say incredible here
I’ll just start scribbling while I go
here no I mean dude I think Jerry’s
losing it man as if the four pages of
just was you know I maybe that’s not a
hot tick any took 148 years he’s finally
losing it you didn’t even mention that
each of the last three Cowboys exits
have been more embarrassing than the
last but dude Dallas like they lost so
many things Dan Quinn took half the
defensive line rotation of Washington
and then also took uh the center whose
name I can never Pronounce Tyler beades
Tyron Smith the left tackle B I was
never gonna get that one it was I don’t
know whatever this is easy yeah whatever
Tyron Smith left to the Jets Tony per
left to the Titans and you look at this
team and I to the running backs the
Cowboys might have right after the
season started today C have Rico D at
running back who’s never started a game
Who 5 foot6 they have cidi lame and
Brandon Cooks a receiver but the third
receiver starting would be Jaylen tolber
who’s basically been a special teamer
their Center for next season right now
would be a special teamer last year
their left guard for next season would
be a special teamer right now like the
theme is a third of the Cowboys offense
is like going to be what special teamers
and then all right they need a running
back in the draft it’s not a good
running back class they need a left
tackle in the draft unless they want to
move to hler Smith there they’re going
to get what like the eighth offensive
tackle in the first round and and that
doesn’t even go into whether Dak
Prescott could just leave in free agency
next year so honestly team’s kind of a
mess well when you put it that way uh
it’s kind of tough It’s kind of tough I
I keep putting when when I do the Myck
drafts I keep putting receiver to the
Cowboys just because like you mentioned
I mean Jaylen tolber I think has been a
guy that people have or think has a lot
of promise but he just hasn’t really
done anything yet Brandon Cooks is not
getting any younger and then past that
Martavis Bryant is on the Cowboys right
now which is a thing that’s real is that
right yes dude I mean really didn’t know
that yeah he came out he came out of
retirement last year and was like on the
practice squad or whatever so he hasn’t
caught a pass since 2018
more but they got nobody they got nobody
after essentially cidi and Brandon Cooks
that is established and I think
especially with an offense that is
probably going to be pretty pass heavy
going forward right because they’re or
at least I think so BAS based on the
fact that they didn’t resign par they
don’t really have an answer at running
back right now I to me that is like wow
they’re they’re just going to go into
the season with cidi and and Brandon
Cooks it’s not the worst thing in the
world like cidi Lamb’s obviously a great
one I think Brandon Cooks is a solid too
like they’re bad for depth I like them
for offensive line more just because you
lose Tyrant Smith and tler botes in the
same offseason Zack Martin ain’t getting
any younger right tackles been a
rotation for them which like you know
they they feel better than they have in
the past but still like you got to add
bodies bodies right now to to to that
group and you can add them on the
interior or at tackle because Tyler
Smith you drafted to be a left tackle
out of Tulsa two years ago has played
excellent left guard for the last couple
of years so you can kind of let the
board fall to you I like them for the
line I’m holding that hope duvon is like
gonna get a 100 plus touches this year
yeah for The Vibes yeah just because
he’s tiny and it’s fun all right
speaking of Vibes Philadelphia Eagles go
Birds 22nd pick in the draft this year
win total 10 and a half second best odds
to win the NC
East kind of a weird vibe to end the
Year Jason Kel’s gone hitz what do the
Eagles need Ben first what do the Eagles
need oh wow I like how you toss it to
him just to take it away from him that
was fake like a Golden Retriever with
the ball he went flying past the theop
they went running uh yeah like corner I
think is is the spot that in which they
have the biggest needs they have a lot
of dice rolls at the spot they took key
Ringo in the fourth round last year here
they have Eli rxs who was a udfa for
them who who who like they’re interested
in uh do you guys remember the Colts uh
uh Corner who got suspended for betting
on on games he the on the Eagles now
Isaiah Rogers yeah yeah excited about
him yeah nice um and so like they have a
bunch of like dice rolls at outside
corner um but like Darius Slay is old
James R is old not playing Super well
like they very clearly need out of
talent there and so I think corner is
the biggest position of need the
question becomes is how Roseman willing
to spend a first round pick on Corner we
have not seen him do that and he’s
tended to just go for for veteran
players and for veteran stop caps at the
position I think I think that’s more
been circumstance anything else I think
he’s he would be willing to does the guy
fall to them do they like the guy how do
they have a great or whatever because
they have needs elsewhere they can add
to the offensive line where obviously
you have the retirement of Jason Kelce
they’re projected to have two new
starters at Center and at Right Guard
between cam cam Jurgens and Tyler Steen
they need a right tackle ER parents Lane
Johnson who’s getting up there so like
that’s potential they had the Hassan
reic trade they always adding Edge
rushers they could go there they go a
lot of different ways but I do think
corner is the biggest position of need
on the
roster I I agree with you about Corner
select I also think the Eagles are in
perfect position to screw over the
Dallas because we’re talking about
Dallas if Brian Thomas was there for
Dallas that’d be incredible for the
Cowboys and I keep thinking about the
Eagles as this perfect team who can
trade back with like the bills who could
like basically trade that pick Eagles
could move back to somewhere late in the
first round and still get a cornerback
anyway uh that just seems like a classic
Eagles thing but I also I Craig no one’s
soak you do a lot of great work on the
Eagles in the Philly Philly pod but I
don’t know if anyone nailed the Eagles
season like Craig did last year when he
said that the Eagles starting 10 and one
and finishing one and six was like a
Super Bowl hangover where you wake up
and you think you’re not hung over but
you’re actually still drunk and The
Hangover sits in at 1 pm and it’s the
worst hangover ever yeah you’re like I
feel great let’s let’s keep the gravy
rolling you’re
like saquon’s just trying to like get
drunk to like it’s like hair of the dog
just like I hope that this goes
away uh yeah I mean look I’ve had many
times waking up in high school Sunday
morning feel
great maybe think about driving home and
I’m like you know what maybe I shouldn’t
in high
school you’re Rebel uh look that was a
long time ago yeah not that long I was a
man I’m actually not I’m kind of the
same man um okay
New York Giants here sixth overall pick
in the draft win total over under six
and a half third best odds to win the
NFC East next year I can’t believe
Daniel Jones is still on this team
really I can’t believe this is year six
of Daniel Jones it feels like they broke
up it’s like when a couple breaks up but
they have to finish living together yeah
it’s like well we got nine more months
on the lease so like I I think once he
got hurt last year and it was the whole
Devo thing I kind of like moved on
mentally from Daniel Jones and I was
like it’s done this is year three of D
ball and Shane and I was like I can’t
believe this guy’s gonna be starting for
the team next year maybe he won’t hit
you tell me the lease is the perfect
that’s exactly what it is it’s like they
were still in the lease but he but we’re
we’re going to break up at the end of
that and honestly the problem the Giants
the whole season is like that Meme of
like me reaping and it’s like yeah this
mewing me reaping and then Me sewing he
like oh no this sucks it’s like the
Giants they beat the Cardinals they beat
the Patriots and they beat Washington
twice now all those teams are picking
ahead of them and can get quarterbacks I
remember during the season last year
hyphens you were just loving it too you
were all in you’re like it’s so much fun
I can’t turn it
off so good I love winning so good we’re
going to live forever tonight will never
end never gonna die [ __ ] so now the
Giant’s like damn probably could have
used one of those top three picks that
would have been cool tanking good thing
I totally forgot about the DeVito thing
Craig thank you for the reminder of that
that was quite a whole thing that was a
he had a moment so yeah the Giants they
just have to get a receiver now I don’t
think they should trade it for
quarterbacks you get Malik Neighbors at
LSU you get Roman dun at Washington I
won’t even entertain the thought
entertain getting Marvin Harrison Jr it
will get me too excited even they got a
tackle it’d be fine I would love to see
it though it would it I mean I won’t I
literally haven’t thought about it for
five seconds that’s the first time I’ve
even put it out into the world because I
would be too happy it would be too
exciting but the giant they need a
receiver and and they need a tackle they
need everything that’s in that
spot hiitz right now if you could snap
your fingers and JJ m karthy is
available at six for the Giants would
you want that no I don’t think he’s big
enough upgrade over Daniel Jones like
it’s just also can what would you guys
say if the Giants took McCarthy you guys
would make fun of me play mcarthy like
see that from a mile away we’d make fun
ofj is I think I think JJ’s better than
Jones how much better not meaningfully
but enough enough where I’d be like it’s
better that’s exciting isn’t it he
doesn’t have multiple neck injuries so
there’s that that’s the thing with d
Jones is it’s like you know what has he
been totally mediocre in most games he’s
ever played yeah but hey what about the
two neck injuries plus the ACL
tear yeah is there any question that
he’s not going to be a starter after
this year in the NFL so we all backup
right honestly they’re gonna Russell
Wilson you know how Russell Wilson got
benched because the Broncos were afraid
if he got hurt they would have to pay
him even more money but Russ Wilson
never gets hurt Daniel Jones is has a
huge injury guarantee but he gets hurt
all the time so the Giants are going to
play him to begin the year but if they
can cut him but if he gets hurt it’s
it’s a problem so I think the Giants
probably bench him for I think that’s
what the Drew lock thing was about they
under reported Drew Lock’s compensation
never seen that before I think that’s
because they’re gonna play they they
told Drew lock they’d play him in the
second half of the season and they were
like shut the [ __ ] up about it though H
I don’t know if I asked you about this
so did you see and this is maybe just
GM’s playing the media or whatever but
John Schneider Seahawks GM when he was
talking about I think it was the Sam
Howell trade I can’t remember the exact
timeline but he basically let it slip
that the Giants had told Drew lock that
he was going to have a chance to compete
to be the starter and then Drew lock
like played like downplayed it when they
when the New York media asked him about
it they’re like no no no Daniel Jones is
the starter but like it it was I think
John Schneider kind of let it slip that
the Giants told Drew luck he could be he
could maybe be the starter they’re gonna
wait they’re G to for the time they’re
going to bench Daniel Jones and they’re
going to play him and they’re going to
cut him next year and yeah nice but
Malik neighbors will be their baby
at least we’re not
Washington speaking of good motto yeah I
don’t know who’d rather be I guess you’d
rather be the Giants okay Washington
second overall pick in the draft they
also have two early round uh early
second round picks their over under win
total is six and a half just like the
Giants uh and they have the same odds to
win the division nine to1 High Fitz Dan
Quinn’s there Cliff Kingsbury offensive
coordinator what do the commanders need
I mean obviously they need a quarterback
and a star like it’s I think it’s weird
that I mean select de you guys have made
the comp that Jayden Daniels is probably
the closest thing we’ve seen since
Robert Griffin I third and it’s weird
that Washington just has the second pick
in the draft for both those years and I
think it’s jayen Daniels still I don’t
know if you guys like it I know you guys
both would pick Drake May if you were
running it but what do you think
actually happens right now jayen Daniels
Drake man because I think it’s Jaden
Daniels I think it’s jayen Daniels I
cannot stress enough how willing I am to
change my opinion um like I that not in
like the sense of like hey Ben I think
it’s Drake May
and it could and it is and I’m happy
about that here we go um but no that is
to say that like all the Jay and Daniels
stuff that I have is like from reading
the same ESPN articles and the same
tweets everybody else’s like I I I’ve
had nothing like in my own talking to
people or like you know oh the history
of Adam Peters like it’s just like oh
people think it’s Daniel so it is so
like if we get if if we get some like
you know big Sports B movement towards
Drake May or some good reporting towards
JJ McCarthy like I will take that
seriously like I I I the commander man
they’ve done a really good job of
keeping it tight in first year in the
building keeping it inside the room like
I I I there are not a lot of leaks right
now as to who they like it too kudos to
them the uh the one thing I have heard
that is interesting at the very least is
that on Adam scher’s podcast he was
basically saying and I can’t remember
exactly what he said but it was like you
know the NFL doesn’t really want us to
tip picks or or giveway picks but yeah
we can go ahead and kind of assume this
is going to be Jane Daniels like when
Adam SE when Adam Sher is saying
something like that it’s you kind of
assume he’s not just throwing against
the wall 100% DK he’s he hold he’s held
news he held the Aaron Rogers stuff till
Draft Day right because W in the NBA has
this like war with the NBA and ESPN
where he like won’t say the pick he’ll
just say like the Grizzlies are
intrigued by John Mor because he’s not
like shefer plays nicer um now that
being said schfer was very famously
completely wrong about the M Jones
versus Trey lance thing so there’s a
track record there of Adam schfer
getting this big thing very wrong that
said he is probably the most connected
person in in you know reporting and so I
don’t know I lean Jane danels right now
I think there’s a a thought that it
could be a smoke screen but yeah I think
it’s Jaden Daniels right now I had
everything else about Washington is just
they’re the fantasy football guy in the
league who hasn’t watched football in
five years and just takes the all the
best players from 2018 because they have
Marcus marot at quarterback they have
Austin Eckler running back they signed
Zack hers at tight end Bobby Wagner at
linebacker and it’s just
that an unbelievable Murderers Row from
2018 of all Pros there yeah that’s
culture they’re bringing in
leadership teach young guys who are the
young guys we don’t know we’re gonna go
get them they we’re draing them that’s
yeah yeah they they sign a fre agan so
they don’t need anything but they
actually need everything like everything
it’s a very old Team all right let’s go
to the NFC South let’s start with
Atlanta they have the eighth overall
pick over under win total next year is
N9 and a half they are the favorites to
win the NFC South which is not saying
much hi Fitz what does Achilles Kirk
need dude Kirk doesn’t need anything I I
actually I don’t think any team in the
NFL has invested more to offense than
the Falcons like Kirk Cousins $45
million a year Darnell Mooney got like
12 million a year they have a first
round running back gross yeah dude very
DK never gave up on Darnell no so like
kept the candle every time I learn about
another mid receiver that you guys have
talked yourself into I’m just a little
bit more I’m like ah gross DK’s favorite
players Maris Brown nope Josh Palmer
Darnell Mooney oh yeah by the way I
listened to last episode Ben the Josh
Palmer hey it will not stand go go look
at his box score you you were wrong he
he puts up very average numbers it’s not
all over the place oh my bad I forgot
about his very average numb yeah he puts
up you know like a four catch for 58
weekend every weekend so he’s solid
what’s your answer to oh okay you put
that all together you got yourself a
stoo you got a stoo by the way most of
these are bits let’s be honest most of
them are bits but and just things to
make me mad yeah but the Falcons yeah uh
they have a first- round running back
bejan Robinson first- round tight end
Kyle pittz a first- round receiver Drake
London they have three first rounders on
their offensive line all those are like
top 10 picks yeah and so I look at the
Falcons I’m like I think this is the
most invested offense literally in the
entire league plus 45 million cousins
meanwhile Falcons are dead last in sacks
in the last 3 years also like the last
10 years like the whole Falcons collaps
like Falcons blow who dog is that whose
dog is like howling at the is there a
mail man trying to gauge Ben’s reaction
he was just like you know there there’s
a people dying inside there’s like I
don’t know I’m going I’m gonna I’m gonna
do the I’m gonna do the the thing I’m
gonna do the Hest thing please send me
emails please send email bring fantasy
football over the last two or
three months nugget has decided to go
from being a dog that just doesn’t bark
at Windows to sitting at windows and
barking 24/7 I’ve no she’s 5 years old I
have no idea what like she upset at she
mad at me like I don’t know what’s going
on but she like people walk on our
sidewalk and she goes ballistic and she
hates strollers which is a problem for
me all right so I’m bad I was gonna say
my guess was going to be like maybe she
can sense that you’re gonna have a baby
soon and that the protection instincts
are kicking in that’s actually I have no
idea but like she doesn’t do any like
going up to may and like acting like all
different around her and stuff like
people like oh your dog will know like
nugget has no no evidence of her knowing
besides becoming the biggest a-hole in
the world excuse me at the couch it’s so
frustrating that was like a cartoon howl
was PS of wild dogs controlling I
watched the person walk on the on the
street I just watched them get past her
house she’s dead silent I guarantee you
she’s asleep on the
couch just stay
there dogs my dog goes ape [ __ ] whenever
anyone walks by two so also if there was
one team that could be interrupted by
like multiple re interruptions is it any
team could be funnier than the Falcons
we just never finish it whatever’s going
on with them should we just move on they
can’t finish games Edge they need Edge
yeah they get a pass rusher they can’t
finish games because they have no pass
rush so yeah go get a pass rush yeah
sorry the the conversation between Edge
and corner for them is very interesting
to me because I agree that they need
Edge and it’s a bigger need than corner
I personally like the corner class way
more in the top 10 The Edge class A and
B they do need Corner they have no
outside starter opposite AJ trell he
only has one one year left on his deal
and so they’re a very interesting spot
right now where if they are good at
knowing other teams needs and playing
the board well they can trade back from
eight get really good return and
potentially draft the guy they would
have just stayed there and taken anyway
big day for Terry F it’s a it the
Falcons are a real IQ test on trading
back because the Falcons could very
easily trade back and get the first
Defender off the board anyway and I also
think they could take Byron Murphy from
Texas defensive tackle but all right
next up here the Bucks 26th overall pick
win total projection s and a half they
have the second best odds to win the
division like they did last year high
fits are the Bucks like actually in no
man’s land but they’re kind of
camouflaged as a returning division went
champ that should just run it back when
in reality there’s really not a lot
there and they won nine games running
back the division dude the Bucks are
still running back the Super Bowl team
with Tom Brady like they still have five
Defenders from that team that started
the game they have like Mike Evans and
they resign Godwin like they have wors
like they still have the Super Bowl team
Devonte David whose phone is who has a
landline gosh we are we are all right
we’re old are you the are you in a FedEx
what is
this FedEx so where are you recording
from I’m recording from a house okay not
an apartment a house owned by people in
their 60s who have a landline answer the
Fone I’m so I seriously want to know
who’s calling 99.9% chance it’s a
telemarketer okay pick it up put him on
the let’s talk to the telemarketer on
it’s already gone it stopped ringing yo
hasn’t been a real human being on the
other line of that phone in 5 years that
noise the noise that phone made like
brought me back to the email that was
that was a very old sound email us at
ringer fantasy fo if you also
like your parents have a landline but
they only get calls now from
telemarketers we’re like an old school
radio show like that has sound drops
except they’re actually just happening
in real time we have the dog how we have
the phone ring I’m I’m curious to see
what’s next I’m Ser though like the the
phone the phone noise that you just had
it’s almost like PTSD for me of like
waiting in line at [ __ ] like store
you know what I mean like I’m like oh
God I hate waiting in line so much and
that noise is just playing in the
background constantly every time I hear
a beeping noise like a a really
high-pitch beeping noise I I take myself
back to waiting in line at McDonald’s
have you guys ever experienced this do
you know what I’m talking about I feel
like some of the ghosts are going to
know exactly what I’m talking about
whenever like it’s like pavo’s dog
whenever I hear a beeping noise my moue
starts watering because I’m like o I
want McDonald’s you a griddle yeah
anyway we can continue that’s what were
we talking about and next time you go to
McDonald’s just constant
beeping just a a cacophony of beeping
noises yeah email us about that too oh
the Bucks the Bucks they just they can’t
run the ball they’re dead last in
rushing yards last year they were dead
last in rushing yards the year before
and not to like total like also dead
last and yards per attempt this year and
also the year before like the Bucs
cannot run they have Tristan Worth’s at
left tackle and then what Cody mock the
um Shrek looking guy but they just need
they need to run the ball whatever you
got to do he looks like Shrek I mean he
looks like he he just he’s missing some
teethes dude ogre esque is a tough is
that mean a nice man all right does that
mean it’s a shre we love you’re saying
that on microphone he looks like the
Hamish guy from Braveheart yeah like big
red he looks like he’d be an extra in
braveart it’s a lineman all lineman are
kind of ogrey to be honest was Shrek
missing teeth I I in my head Shrek had a
full set of chompers Shrek actually got
like the shre got a full head of teeth I
think got Rex Ryan teeth I think Shrek
got 32 pearly white ones in in my
imagination but maybe I’m wrong yeah
Shrek’s got veneers Shrek’s got full
teeth yeah Shrek had teeth I don’t know
what you’re talking about oh yeah well
once once again a great moment for ring
our NFL draft show out of context where
I’m just positive one of the four Images
going be a picture of Shrek smiling I
wouldn’t say his teeth are great like he
has the teeth well you know you know I
wouldn’t say that they’re great teeth
I’m just looking at a picture of them
right now I believe there is a scene
where he brushes his teeth in the
original movie but I yeah and there’s
like weird gross stuff coming out of
it oh really I know he pulls the ear wax
out and makes a candle out of
it Shrek is a good movie The Animation
has really held up it’s great soundtrack
did you know I had no idea that they
Prince of Egypt was like the big movie
they were making at Dreamworks at the
time and it was like the supposed to be
the A1 and the punish if anyone like
acted out or wasn’t being a good
employee they were like Shrek was the
threat they were like we we’ll send you
to Shrek you’ll have to work on that and
DreamWorks and then Prince of Egypt was
fine and the Shrek is like one of the
highest grossing properties that’s ever
been made and you know they originally
started filming the movie or or you know
making the movie with Chris Farley as
the voice of Shrek and then he passed
away and then they had to move to Mike
Myers and then Mike Myers did the whole
thing and then at the end of he’s like
you know that would have been way better
if I did like a Scottish accent and then
he did the whole thing
again no way don’t man yeah I was a lot
more known Shrek in this podcast than I
anti nobody nobody anything there that
was off the Dome with Shrek Shrek fax is
replacing Kenny picket fax I love it
that they’re just cooking what else we
got about Shrek what what position is
Shrek for sh o line guard does he have
the arm length think like gr Barton it’d
be a guard or a center it’s a guard I
what about nose tackle I can see that
yeah all right Google’s got Shrek at
eight feet tall weighing 450 PBS he’s V
vea get him in the middle I’m not uh I’m
not getting an exact arm length
here when you’re 8T tall the arm length
is like I am now on a tumblr post titled
I might have found a discrepancy in the
Shrek universe and it’s using the
relative size of Shrek as well as like
that giant gingerbread man to like
figure out if like everybody’s actually
proportionate to the size they should be
there’s calculations in here man Victor
wiama he’s got he’s got really long arms
they go down to like his kneecaps who
Shrek he’s built he is built to be an
offens defensive linean or defensive Lin
wow all right well we’ll see we’ll see
if DK mocks him where he where he goes
in DK’s mock mock Cody mock full circle
it all comes back okay moving on the New
Orleans Saints 14th overall pick seven
and a half is their win total third best
odds to win the division highit no I
can’t stress this that I cannot stress
this enough nobody cares about the
Saints well I you you should because the
Saints are like a Ponzi scheme that’s
winding down they’re like the final 40
It’s a Good Fellas like it’s just like
they had this good thing going but like
The Jig Is up and it’s not going to end
well what is the Ponzi scheme in Good
Fellas the mafia just the entire well I
guess that’s not a p yeah I don’t know
just like they had like a Crim they had
a good thing going Wolf of Wall Street
whatever like they were just like lying
about money and the the Saints as a team
I do think are like a money laundering
or I probably shouldn’t say that get
sued but like they I don’t know what
they’re doing but they honestly do I’m
not kidding the offensive line is going
to bring them down because they they are
locked into every player every player’s
contracts like a credit card they’ve
maxed out and they’re out of people and
so now they’re stuck with Trevor Penning
left tackle is a disaster probably the
worst one of the worst picks other than
Kenny picket in 2022 and then right
tackle Ryan rams’s been great but he has
like this tough knee issue in his career
in Jeopardy andr Pete’s been their other
reliable lineman and he’s going to be
gone he’s a free agent so the Saints
have a terrible line with Derek Carr who
very famously does not take pressure
well does not take hits and so the only
thing more annoying to the receivers
than Derek Carr it’s gon to be Derek
Carr throwing away every pass when he
can’t block so the Saints have to go get
a lineman or the whole thing they’re
going to jail they’re going to jail uh
hey you be nice to Derek Carr somebody
said something mean to him on Instagram
live and he got upset with them I Derek
Carr is my least favorite athlete that
hasn’t done nothing crime great great
take top one take that hasn’t committed
a crime yeah it’s like we need a
different category just like it’s not
like you did anything it’s just like oh
you are who would you rather hang out
with Derek Carr or Russell
Wilson Russell Wilson by 100 because
well no none of his entage can be there
I’m just still fascinated by as a person
Derek Carr would be boring Russell
Wilson would be so weird yeah Russ has
story like Russ H Russ has probably like
spoken to future I have a sick curiosity
in like who Russ is as a person I I I
have no interest in Derek sick curiosity
a morbid Fascination Russ yeah he’s from
Richmond I went to school there and so
we talked about like lasagna places in
Richmond and I was like wow I feel like
you would never admit you ate cheese or
whatever I don’t know it’s just I don’t
anyway yeah what do we give Saints do
you know the Saints are locked like the
Giants can get rid of Daniel Jones the
Saints are locked into 70 million for
Derek car over the next two years cannot
get rid of he yeah you know are the
Saints so that like I said they have the
uh uh what pick was it 14th 14th pick in
the draft the Saints outside of Chris
alve have Rasheed Shahed Cedric Wilson
and at Perry do we think that they’re
reason able wide receiver team here at
14 I do think they could be a receiver
team yes um I mean this team quietly has
no offensive I mean they have an aging
Alvin chimra and that’s kind of and and
Chris Al obviously and then that’s it
Joan Johnson at tight end there’s not a
lot going on Tamm Hill this team is old
or in inexperienced nothing in the
middle on the offensive side of the ball
I’ll be slack jawed stunned if they
don’t take a tackle unless like four
tackles agreed they’re yeah they’re a
trenches they’re typically like a build
From The Trenches draft team I think
yeah position that I would say is they
did talk about Marshon Latimore trades
this year and so I do think that like
more corners is possible but they’ve
been drafting day two and day three
corners really successfully or excuse me
just day two corners over the last
couple of years and so I do think that
they’re a tackle team for sure the ramch
health thing is just terrifying the the
the Trevor Penning early returns are
abysmal like you can’t just be walking
into next year and just have multiple
tackle spots missing starters like that
it’s a recipe for
disaster all right let’s finish up here
with Carolina uh they have no first
rounders they traded that to Chicago in
the Bryce young deal uh they have the
first pick of the second the third and
the fourth however five and a half is
their win total they’re 10 to one to win
their division their new head coach is
Dave Canales who is the is he the
quarterback Whisperer he he revitalized
Gino Smith he revitalized Baker Mayfield
can he make Bryce young good they need
offensive line help preferably short
offensive lineman High Fitz what do the
Panthers need well first at some point
we’re going to have to have the Dave
Canales conversation but that’ll be
later this summer but there’s a whole
lot could not employ shre at guard
D big problem shre they gave Robert hunt
$60 million Shrek should have get what
Shrek can ask for you know what I mean
the Panthers they’re in the five stages
of grief because they took Bryce young
over CJ strad and then they also in that
trade gave away Caleb Williams just
brutal which when you unb turn of events
here they gave away CJ stown Caleb
Williams to take Bryce young so Step One
is denial which is blame Frank R can
fire him earlier than any coach in 40
years step to his anger throw your drink
at a jaguars fan who’s you know at Mt at
yelling at David terer now the Panthers
are in stage three which is bargaining
which is give a 100 million guaranteed
to Robert hunt and Damen Lewis to play
guard and now they’re gonna have bad
bargaining right there and then Draft
receivers like I really think they’re in
the bargaining like we can fix this
offense but they trade it for dantey
Johnson who’s smaller gets open quick
and I think that they in the draft
second round they get big bodies and
like build the offense from scratch and
then that won’t work depression get
another big pick next year and then
stage five acceptance has draft another
2026 tough tough I do like uh kits you
have here on the ringer draft guide lad
makoni as one of your friendly
suggestions for the Panthers I think
that makes a lot of sense I like that
one a lot another guy that can kind of
just get open quickly give Bryce young
an option early on um so he can get the
ball out quickly start to get into
Rhythm I think he I think a guy like
makoni fits really well
because he’s the type of receiver where
you can start to rebuild like the
confidence rebuild like like like like I
said get him into a rhythm get him going
way can anyone name m Deontay lad makon
Deontay Johnson and Adam Thiel every
every pass going for 13 yards yeah gonna
be every single rep going for nine to 13
yards that’s the world that we’re living
in can anybody name the starting tight
end for the
Panthers yes
tremble Tommy Tommy
tremble so so there’s thing please for
NRE Dame guy right Thomas tremble was my
father call me Tommy TR Tommy all right
uh let’s move to the NFC North start
with the Lions here the Lions have the
29th overall pick in the draft uh their
win total is set at 10 and a half they
have the best odds to win the NFC North
High Fitz where are we at with with the
knee biters first off your allons F
remember live show in Detroit baby yeah
tickets in the episode description come
come see us come see us but yeah the
Lions they need defense like they lost
the champ L 17-point halftime lead and
but they’re a Super Bowl Contender now
every Super Bowl Contender needs
quarterbacks and pass rushers and the
Lions added some they lost some but they
still need more like they had they had
they lost cam Sutton and they lost CJ
Gardner Johnson they traded for Carlton
Davis they still need a quarterback they
added Marcus Davenport but the Lions
still need pass rushers and I just think
maybe defensive tackle but on that’s
what they need a defense and then
offense they have literally everything
kind of like set except they just the an
outside receiver Josh Reynolds went to
Denver to I don’t know why you’d want to
work for Shawn pyton but he went to
Denver and the lons just need like that
big body on the outside because they
have like one guy over 6′ one a receiver
well they got J Jameson Williams I think
is in theory gonna be the guy Donovan
peoples Jones 65 yeah I love they are
kind of they are kind of big on people’s
Jones It’s funny because like Josh
Reynolds did one thing for them and was
run the Dig and the one route that Jer
golf wants to throw more than any is the
Dig and right now they got no receivers
who could run the
Dig G get if it’s doin people’s Jones
they have a very important role they
need this route the D forever knows if
you grew up playing flag it’s like an in
it’s just like a nice 90° angle I feel
like he could do that this is another
one of the mid receivers that we like
no I don’t understand how it has I love
Donovan peoples Jones and he literally
was like he couldn’t get playing time on
the Browns who had nobody yeah he had
like a decent amount of yards a couple
years ago didn’t he I how do you yeah
how do you guys land on your guys
uh fantasy F yeah the fantasy waiver
wire is you look at players who are bad
and you’re like but what if they were
good if somebody wins you a week after a
waiver wire pickup they are kind of like
you aded them for years yeah uh he had
840 yards two years ago that’s like
pretty good that’s not [ __ ] bad 840
yards sorry how many total career games
does Donovan peoples Jones have of at
least 100 receiving yards any
guesses it’s an arbitrary number I
object he has two even better than you
guys thought
double double bubble stock up for dpj
trade it for a six I resend my
objection I’m a little worried good
player good good little player L are fun
I’m also a little worried about the
Lions High fits um they feel like they
need to add a star Talent right they
need like a legit lock down I want them
corner I I also kind of want them get
lay out to latu I kind of want him or
like I was going to say legit like
outside R and right now when when you
pick a late 20s you’re going to get like
maybe a guy who’s helpful in year one
and develops into something they kind of
need a big splash and so lions are on my
list as a trade-up team man when we
start getting into the team they did
this with Jameson Williams and kind of
nobody nobody knew it was coming as the
guy who had the loins tweet I had no
idea that the loins were going to do
this um so I I I would not be surprised
if there were another aggressive
trade-up team once we start to get into
the teens all right perhaps a reason why
everybody’s a little bit nervous about
the Lions this year is because of the
Green Bay Packers who have the 25th
overall pick nine and a half is their
win total second best odds two to one
odds to win the NFC North this is I this
is everyone’s favorite team this is
their darling heading to this year
everyone’s going to be picking a all the
hipsters Packers Texans Super Bowl
pencil and now uh High fits do the
Packers need anything I they don’t they
don’t need anything this year they’re
good at developing stuff and I think
that stuff well players I guess I think
they they need a tack they have nine
offensive linemen on the roster eight of
their linemen are free agents either
after this season or next so they have
basically no long-term play on offensive
line and I think that a tackle makes
sense but again they might be the eighth
or ninth team to take one so they could
do a developmental guy but then on
defense it’s like they need linebacker
and safety and it’s not a great year for
those things but even then they still
sign Xavier mckin in free agency so the
Packers are just frankly like once again
like the most well-run organization and
maybe the only one with adults in the
room they’re just like the they’re like
the guy who just like stays home like
I’ll just cook at home I I’m not going
to order in I’ll just cook at home yeah
you know that Josh Jacobs I saw this
stat Josh Jacobs is the only Packers
offensive starter that isn’t a Packers
draft pick from The Last Five Years
draft and develop yeah remarkable that’s
like your friend who’s do you guys have
a friend who’s like like you know if you
just save $27 a day that’s $10,000 every
year like that’s green day if you just
Brew your coffee at home yeah 3,000
they’re the millennial who bruise coffee
at home and then they have a house I
have I have a comment about this I I
like to go to a coffee shop I like to
purchase latte I like I spend too much
money on it it’s not good I bought
myself in apress machine I get nice
beans I’ve been working on learning how
to make the lattes I make tasty lattes I
still can’t do
the like the design on the top yeah yeah
but uh but they taste good every morning
I wake up I make myself a latte by 3 pm
I’m out of a coffee shop the second I
this has not removed the problem for me
whatsoever I I like doing that and I
also like now doing this new thing thing
and then I just do both of them that’s
fair yeah yeah and I also consume too
caffeine impossible just kidding I don’t
drink coffee um all right moving on
Chicago first overall pick I don’t know
if you guys knew that they also have the
ninth they have no second rounders their
overunderish like even that like they’re
three four to one odds to win the
division coming in with a rookie
quarterback um High Fitz uh what do you
think they should do at nine here you
know lineman romad dun what else do the
Bears need I the simplest way to put it
is Caleb Williams I think is the closest
thing we’ve seen to Aaron Rogers and I
mean we literally saw Aaron Rogers own
the Bears he literally said I own you to
the Bears and if we’re all comping romad
dun to Devonte Adams I’m like just Roman
dun Caleb Williams get Chicago its own
Aaron Rogers Devonte Adams thing like I
I can’t think of something more
cathartic than for Bears fans to see
something like that like finally having
one of their own cuz the Bears have
never had a good quarterback
ever God by the same token think about
how damaging it would be to be promised
that and then both Caleb and Rome are
Bet theot destroy metropolitan Chicago
while like Jordan loves thring to Davian
Wicks no problem there go the Panthers
would be like thank you thank you for
doing that we’re like underrating how
the St of this draft for Chicago the
Bears like 100 years old they’ve never
had a good quarterback I’m not being
exagger like Jay Cutler was 500 as a
starter Jim Harbaugh was better on the
Colts than he was for the Bears like he
went to the Colts they gave him comeback
player of the year he didn’t even get
hurt he just was on the Bears he got
come re grman Super Bowl
eraser please Jim McMahon won this the
85 Super Bowl Jim McMahon said Chicago
is where quarterbacks go to die like
that’s a quote from the best Bears
quarterback in Bears history the Bears
have never had a 4,000 yard passer the
franchise record for passing is 38 100
yards Caleb Williams can so easily set
the single season passing record for the
Bears as a rookie but also to Sol point
if he’s like if he’s good Caleb will be
the biggest Chicago athlete since
Michael Jordan if Caleb’s bad I think
people will stop being Bears
fans it’s funny to me that like the most
embarrassing teams in the NFL right now
are like the New York Giants the Chicago
Bear like these big great like historic
cities uh I don’t know why Jets New York
Jets and the New York Giants what’s
going on with that and then we got the
Green Bay Packers over here and until
this season City Chiefs CH in Eastern
Missouri Buffalo
Cincinnati like that’s where people are
like NFL rigged I’m like okay they sent
Trevor Lawrence to the Jacksonville
Jaguars and you think this thing’s
rigged instead of the Jets right okay
they’re really bad at it then it really
has been a great run for like the non
you know a tier cities in sports we said
this before last season like I I last
season was the Bizarro season because
we’re talking about Cincinnati and
buffalo Super Bowl contenders the
Jaguars were supposed to be really good
and yeah it’s like it it all these teams
we grew up with they’re terrible which
city’s fan base are we about to get 19
mentions from because we were like oh
you think Jacksonville is not a major
city like yeah largest city in America
by largest city in America by geography
by is is what Jacksonville by square
mileage yeah really yeah how big is it I
I it’s bigger than
La well it depends how you count cuz La
it’s like La is massive yeah la is
massive but Jacksonville is large but
also what you think of as La is like I’m
doing cities I’m doing largest United
States cities by area and the four the
top four are all in Alaska which is
cheating they’re like oh this is all the
city all this over this is the city no
that shouldn’t count I need a better
list in this Wikipedia list Fred’s cabin
out there that that counts 500
after the four after the four Alaskan
cities of SIA Juno Wrangle and Anchorage
there’s a fifth City Tribune cansas and
then the sixth one is Jacksonville so of
cities I deem Real by my objective
measures Jacksonville is number one
really that’s
bizarre what the hell’s going on in
Kansas they got room baby that’s right
out I’ve never even heard of rangle
Alaska I dude Alaska it’s like you’re
seeing the maps of Alaska on America and
it’s is like larger than Texas by a lot
not even close they’re the last state
that would ever get a professional
sports team right yeah this yeah well
probably yeah yeah right be very
inconvenient I mean I guess you could
say like Hawaii but that’s not South
Dakota at least the weather is
predictable after the
flight like let’s go play on the let’s
go play I don’t even know what the
capital of South Dakota is up top head
uh bismar
no bismar is North Dakota South Dakota
yeah Pierre oh Pierre oh I said St
Pierre dude I’m so good at state
capitals is it Pierre or St Pierre I
just added to touch a class on it you
know oh no if
it’s it is it’s just right up here I
used to know all of the capitals of all
the countries in the world and by used
to what I mean to say is in had no
friends all the countries in the world
all the countries oh wow I would just
memorize things because no one would
talk to me at lunch uh
and I had sitting over here like he’s
stepen [ __ ] Glansberg that’s because
anytime somebody came up to steber Ben
was just sitting to himself going like
it was
Bean B kab what’s what’s uh Georgia to
blissy what’s uh what’s usbekistan dude
that was so fast USC is um I don’t know
usbekistan it’s like ashaba or something
like that New Zealand New Zealand is is
Wellington I think nice heck yeah go
search is the city in New in New Zealand
though oh really okay yeah isn’t it yeah
I also did pie up to like 720 digits man
I was vibing 720 digits of P yeah at the
Peak at the peak I couldn’t possibly do
that now
wow that is astonishing I gotta say we
might make you do that at the live show
so sorry I’ll get I’ll get i’ll get back
to practicing okay all right let’s let’s
get on back on on track here Minnesota
Vikings they have the 11th pick and the
23rd pick they have nothing else until
the fourth round six and a half is their
win total H they have the worst odds in
the division seven to one high fits what
do the Vikings need obviously a
quarterback yeah the the cards are on
the table like you know you ever play
like poker with someone and you’re like
hey you’re bleeding like you could just
see their cards like the Vikings just
have two first and they want a
quarterback and so I I me we could talk
about other stuff but they’re going to
trade a bunch of picks for quarterback
and I wanted to ask you guys I feel like
this is like I I was like what’s the
best landing spot for a rookie
quarterback to succeed in the last like
10 15 years because I was looking
Russell Wilson go to the legion of boom
Seahawks Loki Kirk Cousins going to
Washington not for the players but for
like seven head coaches on that staff
Mahomes uh M yeah Mahomes to the Andy re
Chiefs that had already won the division
and they had Kelsey and Tyreek Hill you
have Dak going to Dallas with the best
offensive line of the league and then I
would say Brock pie uh a couple years
ago with Debo Brandon auk Christian
mcaffrey Trent Williams left tackle and
Kyle shanan it’s hard to say like things
like Brock py because like every last
pick in the draft is likely going like a
lot of these like later on guys are
going to good teams so it’s like there’s
a million quarterbacks who have gone to
tan mck ended up in a crazy good spot
when the Eagles drafted him fair but I I
guess but the Vikings are on that list
right like Jus Round Guys yeah but
Justin Jefferson at receiver Jordan
Addison receiver T.J hackinson another
thir first round pick he’s coming off in
ACL and then they have Christian darol
was a first-run pick at left tackle
Brian Neil was a second round pick at
right tackle like this is an incredible
team and I’m like I I think that this is
probably the spot for rookie quarterback
since Patrick Mahomes in 2018 I don’t
like this is an unbelievable situation
for whoever goes there like if you could
just be like take a job and not be
drafted if you’re gonna work if you had
offers from all these places for equal
money you’d go to the
Vikings let me um I I agree let me
Devil’s Advocate real quick I think that
like the Addison hackinson Jefferson
thing is pretty impeachable right they
got a really nice Trio pass got Daron
O’Neal those are some great great
tackles there’s a big difference between
like calling an offense for an
established quarterback and like
developing a a young guy I think you you
you saw some of that in the back half of
the season for the Vikings just when
they had jiren Hall out there do dobs
obviously was a veteran Molen was a
veteran but still when they had that
that Carousel of guys which is that they
were they run a pretty complex offense
in terms of of the passing game what
they ask Kirk to do like Kirk is as vet
As It Gets In This offense he knows
every single check in the book he’ll
make he’s willing to make every single
throw he trusts the offense completely
like you know it’s it’s not
that it’s not so easy as saying like oh
we have a rookie let’s take like our you
know 25 simplest plays start there and
just kind of scale it up like like you
know it takes some coaxing like
developing a guy not that easy so it’s a
big deal for Kevin oconnell who just
like obviously I I I like Kevin okell a
lot I I if you made me bet I would bet
that he he’s got a great plan to develop
him in place I think he’s a really good
and sharp coach but it is a challenge
right like like as good as the
environment is there also is the you
know how do we teach and work with a
young guy when we’ve been literally like
having the Paragon of NFL veteran back
and Kirk Cousins just the most like I do
what I’m told in this offense possible
like that that is a big substantial
change for for the coaching staff there
Minnesota all right let’s let’s go to
the NFC West San Francisco this poor
team uh they they have the 31st pick in
the draft they’re over under win total
is 11 and a half they have the best odds
to win the
division I this team is returning all 11
offensive starters I believe um and
yet you know right now on the
rewatchables we’re doing something
called Rock Bottom month where we’re
kind of like every movie you know is
somewhat about like a person or a
situation that is kind of at the Rock
Bottom obviously the Niners were in the
Super Bowl that is not Rock Bottom
however mentally the state of this team
the state of the fan base the state of
Kyle Shanahan might be at at at Rock
Bottom compared to any other winning
franchise in the history of sports this
team if anything they just need to draft
like like a team therapy session more
than they do any more players where are
you at with the ners I I first I totally
think you’re right like I’m looking at
the arizota Cardinals 11 to1 win this
division because I’m like we have to
account for the fact that the Niners are
just going to explode and like come
apart this season I was a Niner or is
are going to explode believer this past
offseason so I think I’ll probably be
win this offseason again just because
like you have to be saying it at the
before the Super Bowl like they were
admitting yeah no if we don’t win this
one we we got to win like and then they
didn’t win and they all like so but to
your point like they right Colton
mckivitz is a right tackle John fiano
they brought back at Right Guard both
those guys like got longer contracts but
not like a commitment they got gave him
money that in case we can’t do better
than you we will keep you here but both
I think if the Niners can improve the
right side of their line which honestly
did lose them the game kind of uh the
Niners will do that but again 31st
pick probably the most offensive tackles
in the history of the draft are going to
be taken in the first 30 picks so I feel
like they’re going Niners is going to
have to take a second rounder with that
pick and then the question’s like do
they take a Brandon auk replacement but
I I don’t know if this team drafts with
the the the patience like Kyle Shannon’s
just tilting you fired Steve um Steve
wils the defensive coordinator I don’t
think Steve wils has lost in the Super
Bowl like I think frankly like the
organization is like
tilting I think they’ll be
fine DK the Seahawks fan being like you
I’ve seen this you can’t kill this team
you guys well you can it just happens at
the end of the season just after they
beaten the entire NFC first um they play
he offensive line I there the two spots
interest me defensively they lose Eric
Armstead and replace him with Malik
Collins Jord nelli as well in fre agency
like I I do think that as always with
with with the the 49ers more ads to
their defensive line is possible because
they tend to be like you know a platoon
guy they’re going to have a ton of snaps
available they believe in their ability
to like develop these explosive players
I do think the line is possible and then
uh the real issue they had coming into
that game that that that that Super Bowl
going through like all their film and
all their data it didn’t manifest itself
too much but it’s still there is that
they have two good Corners in travarus W
in the outsides All Pro Caliber guys
excellent and dor Lenor was a good young
player for them when they have to go
nickel which is a lot in the NFL you
mean I do this quite often they bumped
Lenor to the inside and put Amry Thomas
out there as their new outside corner
and Amry was getting picked on all the
end of the season and into the
postseason they were going after Amry
Thomas and so I do also think end of the
first round is a good spot for Corner in
this particular class it tends to be a
good spot in every class but I really do
like the guys this year uh I could see
them going for a dude who’s able to be
their third Corner whether a slot player
or an outside player uh and replacing a
Thomas yeah it certainly makes sense for
them to address the defensive side all
right let’s go to the Rams here they
have the 19th pick they they have a pick
the Rams have a first- round pick which
exciting for now that’s an eclipse first
one since Jared gof dude and Jared G’s
like 60 65 how old is J golf he’s up
there like that’s unbelievable where
were you in in April 2016 that is the
last time the I was at that draft as a
fan because that was the Carson Wentz
draft I was in college yeah I I was at I
was in college at Chicago the draft was
in Chicago I had church that evening day
one but I wanted to go down and and see
everything and like be an Eagles fan
because they were G to draft W so I had
on my suit my shirt and tie and I had an
eagles hoodie on over it and I was
deathly sick and I was freezing and I
camped out for like five hours and I saw
Carson Wentz in a car and I waved at him
and he waved at me and that was the peak
of Ben at the time since then man we’ve
moved on but that I remember that draft
day like it was yesterday dude so the
Rams their win total is eight and a half
the Rams are a real fun story because I
feel like you know last year a lot of
people picked them to have the to be the
worst team in the league and then they
team in yeah know I did I thought they
they were gonna totally suck yeah they
almost beat the Lions probably maybe
should have beaten the lions in the
playoffs and you know have have managed
to develop a lot of these late draft
picks I mean [ __ ] they’re like the guy
who’s like always finds discounts on
things and you’re like annoyed about it
you know oh I got this at a farmers oh
no it was actually on sale I got this
for $20 it’s like Kobe Turner pukaa so
hiitz Ken Williams kyen Williams hitz
what do the Rams need obviously Aaron
Donald retired what do the Rams need
honestly it’s they spend a free agency
and guard they’re so they’re good on
offense honestly like which is kind of
weird to say they like they need they
need a pass rusher where they get it
from who cares like if they get a
defensive tackle or an edge rusher I
think the rams look at it like the Aaron
Donald experience like having the
greatest defensive tackle ever of the
generation changed how they look at
stuff and so I don’t think they’ll care
where they get it from as long as they
get a pass rusher I I do wonder if they
get again latu latu at a UCL the combo
of him being in LA and the combo of him
just having this like super Advanced
arsenal of P DEA you’ve talked about it
I wonder if just Aaron Donald and all
the knife fighting like the rams look at
that they’re like yeah that’s super
valuable isn’t it so I don’t know yeah
see transition just give Leu latu the
knives yeah give him the knives pass
down it’s like passing the the torch or
whatever the Baton Pass him the knives
and he’ll just take over um I like that
a lot for him uh for Le I think that’d
be a perfect fit for them they’ve got a
couple of young passers like Byron young
last year was really good for them kind
of uh third third round guy super
athletic but a little bit older so he
fell a little bit and he was decent for
them I think just continuing to add to
that I like the defensive tackles too
for for this team so um but latu I think
would be kind of the dream for the Rams
all right let’s go to Seattle here uh
16th overall pick they have no second
rounder they traded that to the Giants
in the Leonard deal uh they win total
projection seven and a half the Seahawks
will be starting Gino Smith and they
also have Sam Howell as their backup
quarterback now nine to one odds to win
the division they have a new head coach
hiitz DK ah what do the Seahawks need
they need they need a basketball hoop
get it back oh yeah there’s a big hubub
in Seahawks land right now because Pete
Carol for the long for the entire time
he was there had like a basketball hoop
in the area where they do all the press
conferences and stuff man Pete the best
I love that guy the easiest way to get
the media to like you is just let all
the reporters shoot basketballs before
and after the Press go he’s the best
anyway Mike McDonald got rid of it it’s
like to me this is a little bit of a bad
Omen because people were asking about it
I think all the last couple of months
don’t get rid of basketball Seattle
hired but also McDonald’s like this is
my team now this is like Pete the Pete
era is over you know I got to be my own
man you know you know the head of PR in
Seattle was sitting down in his office
he was like I have to go explain to Mike
McDonald why taking this basketball hoop
down is a bad
idea was my job man come on what is this
I think all the time about those people
for Washington and all what everything
they had to tell Josh Harris once he
bought Washington they’re like all right
here’s what you need to
know um my one of my buddies one of my
buddies tweeted this like back way back
in the day and it was it’s something
that has really stuck with me it’s like
and he tweeted a picture of Pete Carol
dribbling the foot the basketball and he
was like there’s just something about
the way that Pete dribbles that makes me
him he’s got a steady handle he it’s
like he this guy just knows ball kind of
deal uh and so I don’t know this is very
different it’s like a stark it’s a
reminder of the Pete Carol era is
officially dead so I get it I get it if
you’re Mike McDonald like you need you
need to come in and clean house and set
a new standard like you can’t be using
somebody body else’s like old traditions
that built their own culture you need
you need to clean slate even if it’s
feels sterile and no you absolutely you
have to do it and and you have to know
that you’re going to be taking your
lumps when you do it people are going to
complain about it and then two months
from now there’s going to be ping pong
in the locker room at OTAs and they’re
gonna be like oh so Mike McDonald does
like games and you just have to be like
haha and just try to get to August so
we’re saying we gota we got to see Mike
McDonald dribble a basketball so we see
if we can before we know if we someone
toss him a chess pass when he comes up
for a podium one day I see what he does
with it I also you know it’s like how
someone’s just like like idly dribbling
and sort of like ball handling it just
you get that uh by the way they need an
offensive Leman I don’t know that’s it
that’s I’m actually I am actually
legitimately interested in this because
I I really struggle to mock for the
Seahawks right I’ve given them a tackle
and people get mad at me because
obviously they have Lucas and they have
cross they have the 16 pick as well so
yeah I think the interior is absolutely
a spot linebacker is very weird to me
they had the whole secondary benching
rot going on last year like you you
think it’s for interior offensive line
where else could you see him go yeah I
think um interior offensive line Andor
just any offensive line because they had
like multiple injuries at the offensive
line last year they were tuning guys
that right tackle um so I think it would
make it s of sense even though they did
sign George Fant as like a swing tackle
um linebacker is a big one I still think
they need just pass rushers in general
they don’t have any like Star Pass
rushers you know Bo MAF kind of came on
strong last year um Daryl Taylor’s still
around but he’s more of just uh you know
he’s closer to just a guy than a star
and so I don’t know I think they could
use any of those an interior pass rusher
I think would be fine would be good I
just any pretty much anything on defense
would be perfectly fine with me safety
still pretty shallow they’re solid at
corner which is good but I mean I
wouldn’t even be surprised if they took
a corner too it really anything on
defense all right let’s finish up here
with Arizona Arizona has the fourth pick
in the draft the 27th as well as the
35th if the most picks in the draft
their win total projection is six and a
half 11 to1 odds to win the division
hitz they have the fourth pick in the
draft here I still I I I refuse to
believe that if they’re sitting there at
four and Marvin Harrison is there
considering the fact that their wide
receiving room is comprised of Michael
Wilson Greg dorch Chris Moore Zack
Pascal that they would let Marvin
Harrison Jr go and trade out that spot I
don’t believe it I agree when I say that
I’m only saying it’s basically like a
fancy threeway trade where they would
get him anyway but either way it doesn’t
matter like I think the Cardinals get
Marvin Harrison Jr and I I I think that
when it’s all said and done we’re going
to say the Cardinals won the draft which
again how much does that matter the
Eagles won the draft last year and they
were super embarrassed at the end of the
season and so whatever the C but I do
think we’re GNA saying on Sunday that
the Cardinals won the draft because the
Cardinals desperately need a receiver
they lost Hollywood Brown as you like
again dorch is like what D number two
receiver for them yeah uh they’re gonna
get Marvin Jr they desperately need
cornerback but then you have the
Cardinals they don’t just pick at four
they also pick a 27 from Houston they
have the 35th pick they have six picks
in the top 90 they have 11 overall like
notal they have 11 picks of in the whole
draft and I just they’re going to be
able to get cornerback and they’re going
to be able to get a pass rusher and I
think they’ll get kind of everything
they need like wow they got everything
they need the Cardinals and Jonathan gon
fire in your
gut pew pew it’s actually I watched
again it’s actually SHO
oh I can’t that’s even weirder that
tried to watch it again it it was much
too painful I had to turn it off
immediately I was like it really is
Micha can’t do
it it’s it’s kind of like if Michael
Scott was really inspiring it’s like
Michael Scott Kendall Roy
combo we we saw him in the airport he’s
pretty he’s pretty buff oh yeah we did
yeah John Ganon yeah yeah he’s like he
looks like he works out a lot all the
the the unified theory of Defense
coordinators never
fails Jacked are old and he went John
Gana was jacked and the defense was good
and then he leaned down and their
defense got worse and now he is more
buff than he was because he gets it
right you can only get older one year at
a time but you can you can get buff you
can get big that’s your top one take
soak is that that’s so every defense SC
has to be older buff that’s if you’re
gonna be good at coach your defense got
one or two things holder jacked quite
quite the athlete Jonathan Ganon you
know he won a state championship in
basketball District champ as a hurdler
and W a state championship as a wide
receiver and defensive back I didn’t
know that wow they also they also have a
great completely Chang my opinion of him
there was also there was a good story
about him on ESPN and they’re talking
about how like all these coaches have
really exp like Mike McDaniel’s really
expensive stuff like Mike McDaniel’s
have $50,000 watches and all the
Shanahan guys who are buddies have
really expensive watches Jonathan Ganon
has a $20 Casio Casio Casio I’m gonna
get yelled at that for now Casio I’ve
only seen it written $20 Casio watch he
bought 20 years ago and he wears it
every day John Ganon is the exact sort
of guy and story that I would fall for
and did when he was hired and I now just
universally don’t like him because he
was lost the Super Bowl like everything
about him I’m like great dude it was
kind of his fault too because he like
took the job and didn’t tell him he was
interviewing little yeast L is a whole
lot man I ruined my Super Bowl 308
points Patrick Mahomes I’m done out on
Jonathan Ganon for the rest of
time uh he suffered apparently he
suffered a career- ending injury at
Louisville which is what stopped his
sports playing
career the yeah I think it was they’re
going to get everything they want all
right well that’s the
NFC uh also really quick I want to hit
the Colts because we literally just
talked about the Jaguars yesterday
during the Colts but yeah Colts defense
cornerbacks get a Defender they’re in a
good spot big strong fast sorry sorry
the Colts fans who were mad at us
because we took wait we skipped
Indianapolis we got on a tangent that
was probably my fault are you sure
little bit can you prove that with
science Richardson Anthony there’s a lot
of hype around Anthony Richardson and I
think it’s legit I think Anthony
Richardson is going to be oh I cannot
I think outside corner for sure I also
man would not be too wor go get you a
top receiver at top top 15 would not
bother me all right like listen Pitman
good contract Josh n’s good when you
have the Young quarterback that CJ
stride with the Texans you load up so I
think there’s room for more pass
catchers also tight end Brock
bow you remember off the top of their
top of your head like how much they were
passing early on when Richardson was
starting because it was a short short
pass yeah like was it were they super it
wasn’t it was it wasn’t like up there up
there but it was up there it wasn’t like
they were like you know running the
Dorian Thompson Robinson off like no
they were throwing it yeah so thank you
to the Colts fans who emailed us in uh
also speaking of emails we talked the
last episode about the eclipse yeah and
um wow everyone agrees we were wrong and
here’s why so apparently I learned how
eclipses work way too late so every
Chris Dustin the 10,000 people who
contacted us couple people summed it up
well Chris uh Chris Dustin my NFL comp
for because I was talking about how I
saw 93% totality in DC and I was like
what’s up with this they were like 93%
totality it versus full totality is like
the people who saw full totality are
like watching Patrick Mahomes the Travis
Kelce play football and they’re like wow
the cheat football’s great and then I’m
watching 93% like Daniel Jones and I’m
like wow why do people talk about this
so much they’re like it’s the same thing
it’s the two to three minutes when the
sun is blacked out is entirely is
mind-blowing and then we got another
email from astrophysicist Adam damn wow
Adam Adam astrophysicist Adam points out
that before we talked about the eclipse
at some point I had quoted Ricky Bobby
saying if you ain’t first you’re last he
says that’s the eclipse the phone again
the phone pick it up pick it up answer
it the most disrupted put on speaker put
him who is it put him on
speaker hello speaker there’s no one on
the other it’s a fact you can’t put he’s
getting a fact right now I oh man it was
nobody respect for answering it I think
it was a Colts fan calling
yeah it was an eclipse of a c that that
sound email s r fantasy foot
their sound I it’s a good uh the
totality thing is funny because I guess
if you imagine like going to bed at
night and you had a blackout blind how
dark your room would be but if you left
the blind 7% open and the Sun is behind
how into your room someone sent us a how
light works right okay someone sent us a
graph that was basically it’s like 99%
totality is not it’s your first or last
and basically everyone’s like yeah if
there’s any amount of sunlight it’s like
a weird Oddity you went to your roof to
see but everyone who was there in
totality basically is including Riley
Mac who helps us with the NFL draft guy
he’s DK’s editor like Riley’s like oh he
wouldn’t saw it they’re like yeah saying
it’s if you’re in the path of totality
or what I like our tur better path what
the Oblivion thing you guys were talking
about just confused called the Umbra
okay there’s a technical term for as
Umbra and it’s sick and then the
nonperfect area is called the pen Umbra
and it’s beautiful Latin one
of everyone’s saying basically it’s like
a it’s you’re on an alien planet and a
lot of people like more than one person
were saying it’s like
a life perspective shifting thing where
you feel connected to everyone maybe
that’s just the mushrooms people did
during the ecse didn’t you tell me you
told me one time to never yuck someone’s
yum I was surprised that you were anti I
I feel bad because I want to issue like
a formal apology to everyone who
apologize to the moon to the Moon
iix it it is really cool and I’m sorry I
think that I just was shocked that like
I just had no idea like when I saw that
prisoners had sued to go outside but now
again I don’t understand how that works
like like how did they gain legal
counsel I just don’t understand that but
I was focused on the wrong thing it is
really cool I do love stuff like that
it’s crazy uh see you handled this
poorly you either have to go all in or
all out like you it was funny you did
the Larry David thing you’re like hey
the eclipse who cares and then everybody
emailed you and you should have doubled
down and said all you guys are losers
stop staring at the sun and go about
your life I think that’s no if you’re in
the path of totality it’s like go and
have your like connected to the Oneness
of the universe thing but if it I was
not in the path of totality and I kind
of just wish I hadn’t wasted all the
time did you guys did you guys see the
Tweet there somebody tweeted the stats
of Odell Beckham before he looked out
his window and stared at an eclipse my
go and after he stared at the eclipse
and they’re like he’s like Hall of Fame
level stats and then he stared at the
eclipse and everything has just been
[ __ ] downhill since then dude it’s
everyone’s like don’t stare at the
eclipse and it’s like you know kind of
want to stare at the eclipse though oh
100% the Odell
the that picture is incredible that’s
that’s me looking at Donovan people’s JS
yeah yeah we should have we should have
like our Eclipse player like that don’t
stare at it but we can’t stare at them
directly yeah I’m like Jos don’t look at
him it’s no it’s hn it’s Devon hen don’t
stare at hn directly you can’t look
him blind you Devon H is like the nudes
in BIO guy down go it’s just the rep I’m
a lot more tempted to look at the
eclipse directly than I to like on the
nudes and bio guy for being honest
Eclipse way more interesting to me all
right so yeah I genuinely like all the
people did the eclipse it sounds cool
and I’m not gonna lie I kind of got
jealous later uh okay so we asked
everyone to email us in other natural
phenomenon that are cool uh Sean I mean
this was obvious but Sean emailed in to
Sean the northern lights are properly
rated pretty short and I got I got a
pretty short and fairly weak sighting of
the Northern Lights during a trip to
rovic in Iceland and it was the most
incredible and spellbinding rovic all
right that’s literally Icelandic that’s
you’re fine you’re fine I I wasn’t being
mean about it I I know I’m just getting
defensive though because I’m on edge I’m
just totally fine I probably said it
wrong anyway he says it was short and
fairly weak but it was the most
incredible and spell Bing thing I’ve
ever seen I can only imagine what a full
scale Northern Lights would look like
it’s kind of like that he was a little
bit underwhelmed I I I find it to be
hilarious I love when people go on fancy
trips or go places with high
expectations and in the moment it’s a
little bit of a let down and then kind
of watching how they handle that and how
they decide to communicate their trip
and wrap up their trip to like all their
friends and family I’ve suffered from it
where you’re like am I really going to
say that I went to Africa for two weeks
and come home and be like it was fine
like I I just love people being like
actually it was incredible and you talk
to like one of their friends and like
they didn’t have a good
time uh I was screaming when you guys
were talking about the natural
phenomenon that would be fun to witness
uh assuming every everyone is safe and
no one gets killed I was screaming the
whole time it would be [ __ ] rad to
watch a volcano explode like from a
somewhat reasonable distance like that
well somewhere where you’re not going to
get incinerated you know that’s a
separate conversation that’s like what
thing that would kill you would you want
to see up close if you could um all
animals geez a volcano’s a good one how
about how about
uh the meteor
killing all the dinos that’s actually
that’s a good one too I mean yes that
would be quite something to see
yeah volcano dude volcanoes explode all
the time I would like to be within a
vicinity to watch a volcano explode
where I’m not getting incinerated it’s
different than a [ __ ] meteor in the
earth causing like Global Extinction do
you know the dinosaurs died out way
slower I always thought the dinosaurs
died really quickly it took like years
and years it took a long time for that
to happen they like starved yeah not
great I don’t know is that right
yeah because I think all the vegetation
died on Earth all that they were there
were a lot of dinosaurs and like the
meteor wasn’t that big so some of them
didn’t get it was [ __ ]
big continent big land in the Gulf of
Mexico don’t there’s a incredible New
Yorker article about this that just
describes like what it’s like like
they’re talking about glass rain from
the sky glass formed like Vapor that’s
not other stuff yeah that’s oh one day
other other phenomenon um Preston press
Preston PR says I grew up in the
mountain I grew up in the mountains of
East Tennessee in the foothills of the
Smokies there’s no phenomenon in this
country like the synchronous
fireflies which I did not know what that
was so I clicked on it I I sent you guys
the link it’s right here and uh I I had
never heard of this but honestly just
Google it and it’s it’s kind of insane
but I guess there’s like an absurd
amount of fireflies that all do they for
whatever reason yeah whatever reason
they’ve developed like I think I don’t
think it’s genetically I think it’s
socially that they all turn on and off
at like the same time
they’re synchronous literally it’s
pretty sick cig have you ever
experienced fireflies West Coast kid yes
my my extended family lives in
Pittsburgh and I remember seeing them as
a kid is it just these Coast that yeah I
didn’t know that either I just thought
everybody had fireflies I do not know if
they’re on the west coast I I’ve never
seen one on the west coast I know
because I grew up I grew up for at least
a few years in Nebraska dude fireflies
are sick they’re not on the they’re not
in California yeah I know that fireflies
they’re not Washington either as far as
I know anybody anybody calling them
lightning bugs oh yeah yeah they used to
catch them in uh in jars catch them in
jars yeah yeah dude I there were certain
kinds of kids the same when you did [ __ ]
you know the kind of kids that would
tabletop you or like kick you the balls
would also be the kids that would kill
the fireflies and rub the sco and I’m
like why would you murder the fireflies
[ __ ] up God brutal are you guys Bug
Killers like what what is the line of
like bugs you would kill versus not kill
flies and spite well one’s in my house
versus out really is the line if it’s
out my house it’s not my business is my
rule but like I flies in spiders yeah
what if there’s a spider on your outdoor
table at a restaurant how big is it
little guy just just go like flick it
away honestly spiders are good to have
around because spiders capture way more
butt one spider it’s like a cat with
mice one spider is GNA like Roi on the
bug kill yeah but are you sleeping in a
room with a giant spider right above you
no if you could eradicate one bug and it
wouldn’t mess up the world’s ecosystem
what bug would you God
by [ __ ] [ __ ] moso oh that would help
a lot of people but outside of that the
spiny Little Cricket things the cricket
the big [ __ ] no not the cic the sex C
cic you saw the zombie cicas sex the sex
adult the zombie STD bearing SAS yeah
they have the zombie gar or whatever and
that they dude this is wait now we got
to pull it up the garia cicas or
whatever God like what the [ __ ] time are
we living
I was at a wedding in in outside of
Philly last October dude a cicada landed
on my
back I love to see that reaction and Liz
was like Craig the largest bug I have
ever seen is attached to your back right
now she had to grab an empty wine glass
and like SWAT it off me that’s insane I
here I’m also in case you don’t know
what I’m talking about and you think
this is fake I’m reading from CBS news
right now fake news hypersexual zombie
cicas that are infected with sexually
transmitted fungus are expected to
emerge this year trillions of cicas will
emerge across several US states this
spring in an event one expert and
they’re all going to Lake
havu cicada genon yeah that’s good jet
ski so
this so the cicas people know cicas are
they emerge in the ground every 13 17
years whatever so the bizarre which one
is it
bug but so what’s crazy is this F they
all have this STD fungus and the fungus
the cic it it the fungus causes is the
backside of their abdomen to open up a
chalky white plug erupts out taking over
their B bodies making their genitals
fall off and then they continue to mate
think you got problem the bottom the
back onethird of their body
becomes cicada what is it I don’t even
know not a tomato tomata this is cicada
for sure S I like that you’re saying it
like I would imagine hit would say
it i’ like been around hit too long no
no this one’s on you everything Ellen
mus Takata is as bad as anything I’ve
mispronounced that’s false but
okay it’s just funnier when hits
mispronouncing something I I I I can’t I
have no justification or no explanation
just when DK gets it wrong I’m like I
think that’s wrong when you get it wrong
I’m like let’s make this the whole top
has preent like five times in an episode
no one bats an eye I let it go yeah it’s
press oh I didn’t know that yeah
in Ben’s defense I think preent and prei
are are very interchangeable
colloquially it’s English though Fiasco
and Fiasco are not English how many
times we have this discussion but like
look people people say comfortable even
though it’s comfortable like there are
ways people speak that you know are just
that’s stuff that veers into an accent
like my my parents call it draw instead
of a drawer and I’m like is that a
speech impediment or what’s up no that’s
that’s a heavy that’s an accent anyway I
would get rid of cockroaches in a second
oh yeah no that’s that’s the answer
that’s got to be the answer
no mosquitoes would
like wor not even like the fact they
spread disease I [ __ ] ate mosquitoes
really so not saving the people just
because I no I who cares about them like
no obviously I do care about that but
like they’re the most annoying creature
on earth the second best Tri question
the second best trivia question we ever
got was how many mosquitoes would have
to simultaneously suck your blood until
you died Jesus I uh I don’t get bitten
by mosquitoes and they been bit by one
what man dud I got that sweet blood
they’re all over me like white on rice
you’ve never been bit by mosquito and
wait nope what dude there are my S my
sister would get bit by them constantly
growing up and I would never get bit by
them it’s air a even the mosquitoes
wouldn’t hang out with you that’s why
you memorized the capital that was a
tough VI dude it was harsh I was looking
for friends insect or man this is why he
learned pie to 700 characters the
[ __ ] mosquitoes didn’t even want to
hang out I get I do get bit by horse
flies and a lot when you’re fishing like
those are the ones that come up to me
was like horse flies man I can’t stand
those suckers you know I’m going to
Africa for a couple weeks in May and I
have to take malaria pills yeah yeah
where you going done that before I’m
going to Kenya and
Tanzania Safari yes that’s sick Super
Rad but uh yeah you got to load up I got
to get all my vaccines like yellow fever
Denay uh malaria pills apparently I got
to get the polio vaccine I think that’s
popped up a little bit in Africa so
that’s back yeah I’m gonna get I’m gonna
get fully loaded CRA we we had Polio in
the first
half what’ you say we had Polio in the
first half not gonna lie but right we
really did it was kind of a 273 comeback
situation that’s real L we kind of
screwed that one up Shanahan was
administering That vaccine I
think all right thank you DK thank you
Craig thank you solak thank you Kai for
producing this episode thank you uh
Tucker thank you K thank you Jack for
help the scen thank you everyone for
listening emails for your fantasy fo about what do we got here um
can’t keep track everything we talk
about this episode whatever buy tickets
to our Detroit show yeah buy TI to our
Detroit show few tickets left they’re
cheap 200 bucks Craig
Craig I think they’re 25 to be to be
clear yeah NFL eight
installments of
$25 look we got to pay the bills thank
you Lord Lord Lord thank you Toto iess
rain I knew you were going there do they
have another song yeah they have a
couple songs they have a couple big
songs yeah do they yes I Bless The Rains
Down in Africa they they have um the
other ones Hold the Line isn’t that a
song by Toto uh that sounds very
familiar Hold the
Line isn’t always on
um whoa whoa whoa I think that’s them I
think the members of Toto are a little
bit upset that that is the song that
took off and I think in their minds
they’re like we have a lot of other
better songs than Africa but they’re
wrong and we’re right it’s tough for
them yeah really lost in the marketplace
of ideas what’s up what’s up I’m looking
at I’ve never looked at these people
what they look like is this guy what’s
what this guy’s wearing the Hat the top
hat is Toto Australian are they
Australian no where are they from
they’re they’re American they they were
that used to play with a lot of the yach
rock groups in like the 8S like they
would play with like Steely Dan and a
lot of those like they were like kind of
like uh travel musicians that would plan
a lot of other
albums oh yeah
nice anyway yeah would you would you
have I guess this is probably an obvious
question would you rather have like a
oneit be a one- hit wonder and just be
able to live off that song and travel
and do like the casino circuit and make
or just like have a rabid a small but
rabid fan base that loves your entire
collection but you don’t make as much
ladder I think you don’t make nearly as
much money and you’re not as
commercially famous but I want to feel
fulfilled creatively and I want to know
that people like appreciate all my music
I’m in it for your music sucks well my
fans I don’t think it sucks my my small
Niche fans don’t think it sucks yeah
yeah D I feel like you like a lot of
Niche fans
yeah but I’m trying to decide if uh I’m
trying to decide basically how I would
feel if we like we had one good podcast
everyone loves this P like this like one
episode and then the rest of the
episodes are like terrible but the one
epode isn’t that true isn’t it just take
Purge and people off for the next for
six months yeah I guess we’ll listen to
the rest of this if we have to how sick
of playing uh Africa are you like by the
year 10 you know yeah or do you just get
a kick out of it every time you start
playing the crowd just goes absolutely
[ __ ] I think about that with Stevie
Nicks where Stevie Nicks is now like
it’s amazing to me that like she still
has to sing about breaking up with
Lindsay buckham I’m like this was like
60 years ago yeah but I bet you she
still likes it to stick it to him yeah
that’s true they’ve been on and off but
you know what I mean like isn’t it weird
that Taylor Swift will be singing about
how she felt when she was 14 when she’s
like 90 she’s still G to be doing this
it is weird that every song is like a
time capsule to a particular moment in
your life that you have to keep
revisiting over and
over is the same is true with podcasts
much smaller scale but much lower Stakes
but still go back and listen to us three
years ago crazy opinions we didn’t like
the eclipse back then man don’t do that
don’t do that yeah bye everyone bye


  1. Like little boys playing with tonka trucks.except now it's the NFL. OH LITTLE BOYS, the NFL toy is a Crime syndicate mommy's calling you to go do something else with your time. Stop supporting THE LAS VEGAS MAFIA…AND wake the F UP !

  2. One of these days, someone is gonna have to explain to me why not one analyst can discuss play-calling. Mike McCarthy's play-calling went to sewage in the playoffs. Again. As it does every year. The Eagles ended 1-6 while Sirianni watched it all melt down all year. How the Ravens & 49ers lost in the playoffs. How Daboll makes Dan Jones look good while Sean McDermott throws victory after victory away.
    The Eagles can win despite Sirianni. But the Cowboys can't unless they either ignore McCarthy or have him taken out. Sean McVay just hired an assistant to help him because he's at least aware enough to realize that sometimes he can't call great plays in the clutch.
    When will you 'analysts' stop denying it?

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