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MAGA Lady Comes SO CLOSE To Getting It… Then Drops A Whopper

TYT’s Michael Shure interviews a number of Trump supporters outside of a MAGA rally… and their loyalty to the former President proved to be concerning. Comedian and Rebel HQ’s own Ben Gleib breaks it down.

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#BenGleib #TYT #Politics

can you think of anything he could do to
lose your
support no I think I trust him more than
I trust any other person in power and
what is it about him like how can you
define that um I just feel
like if every all these everyone in
power everyone on TV hates him so much
like there’s a reason for it the reason
for it could be because he is to be
hated for legitimate reasons because he
is a grifter and a criminal and a
traitor against the country is that
possible that people hate him for
reasons to hate somebody and it’s not
just some vast conspiracy that not only
everyone else in power with a reasonable
brain hates him for but also anybody in
the country with reasonable brain do you
think we’ve got 170 million people in
this country that are in on a conspiracy
to hate Donald Trump because he’s so
great because he’s so wonderful you
can’t think of anything that would make
you question your support for him no
what if he shot somebody that would be
okay what if he came out on TV and said
this has all been a joke and a lie you
would still support him then of course
you would because you’ve lost it you’re
too far gone but go a little further if
you can they’re scared of what he’s
going to bring up and what’s going to be
exposed could they be right possibly
though no they loved him until he ran
for president no one loved him before he
ran for president Donald Trump’s been
hated for a very long time he pushed the
racist berther conspiracy theory against
President Obama our first black
president and made him literally pull
out his birth certificate he was hated
pretty much forever he was always seen
as a joke yeah yeah he had a TV show but
lots of jokes have TV shows that’s why
he was in the reality TV realm that
doesn’t affect your brain on whatsoever
not one bit what about these indictments
what if he’s convicted in court and he
has to go to jail and it’s too much of a
distraction is there anything that would
lose your support there no and I believe
he’ll be president again I think like
there’s no doubt and I think God’s
protecting him you think God’s
protecting him God chose bloated orange
man with absurd hair as his messenger
you think God is protecting the man who
constantly cheats on his wife wives and
has been married multiple times and
commits crimes all the time and steals
classified documents and hides them and
refuses to give them back and then tries
to take away your vote not stify an
election and tries to coers State
officials to find fraudulent votes and
send fake electors and is currently
facing trial for all those things and
was recently found guilty in a Civil
Trial of sexual assault that’s God’s guy
there’s no doubt but this person is not
alone take a look at this guy is there
anything that he could do in your
estimation that would lose your support
for him no
no no just like that I’m being honest
with you and I and I and I’m laughing
because I know some people I know the
trolls and and and and the haters who
see this they’re going to say all
Terence is in a cult I care about this
country okay I do not care what he is
doing in his personal life I don’t care
about any of that I care about this C
this I care about this country being
saved so there’s literally nothing he
can do for me the listen nothing at all
nothing at all there’s nothing I can’t
think of one thing Trump can go into
Walgreens right now and steal some stuff
and I’ll still vote for him because one
thing he’s going to do is save this
country okay now I would ask him to
return what he stole from Walgreens and
after you do that get back to saving
this country that’s nice at least you
would ask him to return the stuff he
stole from Walgreens before returning to
saving the country and what’s very
difficult and sad and hard to swallow is
that both these people I think clearly
do care about the country think they do
want what’s best for the country theyve
been hypnotized they have been gullibly
sucker punched by the lies of a man only
in it for himself for power for self
aggrandizement for financial gain and
taking down the whole country with him
and brainwashing hordes of people by the
millions to support him when clearly no
one has cared less about the country is
one of the greatest sad occurrences in
US history and hopefully we can see the
light the truth through that a little
bit better come November I’m not holding
my breath cuz it’s a long time to hold
your breath for cuz November is many
months away but I do hope that he does
not Prevail until then and probably
after I’m Ben Glee forel HQ you can
follow me at Ben Glee on Instagram


  1. When will they realize that Trump was using them to make money selling stuff with his name and goofy campaign slogan on it. America was only good for one race of people back in the time he is talking about.

  2. It is a simple formula actually. These Deplorables support Trump and Republican anti-Christers like him since they get away with the same Crimes and Bigotries they themselves want to get away with. (With an emphasis on Bigotries of course.)

  3. Steal from Walgreens?? Wait until you hear how he wants to use the military to deal with protesters!!!

  4. I thought Trump was pretty neat until after he bankrupted the USFL. Still have the $3 check Don? But I digress. Then I looked into him more and found out what a peice of garbage he was… He's only gotten progressively worse.

  5. Ask Terrence about the Mango Mussolini calling for the death penalty for 5 black men. Oops, correction, INNOCENT black men.!

  6. What can he expose? More lies? His little hands? His full diapers? Where the rest of missing docs are? Check out his exwives grave.

  7. Be us he committed treason against America he’s racist homophobic he betrayed America and us patriots do not support hitler

  8. If a person states I really care about this country, that means they support whoever is president because the country comes first but no I guarantee the last person hates Biden

  9. The irony it saying “lots of jokes have TV shows” ad THIS TYT joke has a TV show

    How has “no one cared less about the county” when Trump did so much better for the people of the country than this moron in office?

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