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Josh Allen: “Become A New Version of the Buffalo Bills” | Buffalo Bills

Quarterback Josh Allen addressed the media on Thursday April 18th topics include; moving on from WR Stefon Diggs, evolve as an offense, come together as team during the OTA’s, having new leadership on the team, his health this offseason, the talent at wide receiver in this years draft, his advice to GM Brandon Beane on draft day, and golfing with Tiger Woods in the offseason.

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so uh Brandon had told us that he had
spoken to you prior to trading stuff on
I think to alert you that it was a
possibility and then uh post making that
move um just what is your reaction to to
moving on from a guy that you’ve had a
lot of success with the last four years
yeah I mean it’s definitely definitely
hard to part ways with a guy that’s um
been very instrumental in our success
here over the last four years and again
I can’t thank him enough for when he
came in and how hard he worked and and
what he taught me along the years and um
obviously I I wish we can keep everybody
um you know we we’ve made a lot of
changes this offseason lost a lot of
Veteran leadership Steph being one of
them um I guess that’s the nature of the
business and going into year seven now
it’s just kind of is what it is you know
I don’t I don’t get paid
to um make changes on the team I get
paid to be the best quarterback that I
can be and try to lead the guys on this
team have you spoke with stuff since the
move was made yeah I shared a text with
him and and got one back and just
thanking him for everything that he did
for me and always uh have a spot in my
heart for him and I always love that guy
like a brother and um you know wished
him nothing but the best as you just
said there and really you’ve been
consistent throughout in being uh having
a lot of praise for for Stefan and what
he has meant to you and and to the
team that being said there’s there was a
sense that of maybe just outside
speculation is he happy is he is he
unhappy why do you think that seemed to
linger over the team team for for as
long as it did um I mean to be honest I
I I I couldn’t answer that question it’s
um you know it’s something you may have
to ask him at some point but um again I
think with this there is a lot of
opportunity for our guys that are in
that room right now and as an offense
and and really as a team to evolve and
grow and um become a new version of of
the Buffalo Bills and and um to come
together as a team over the course of
OTAs is what we’re doing right now and
you know get a lot time before we kick
off the first game so a lot to learn
from um you know even going back and
look at some of the the concepts that
we’re doing right now and and just
cleaning those up it feels obviously
it’s frustrating to look back and and
see some of the stuff that was on tape
especially for myself but excited to to
address those and and move forward and
get better level of this well what did
Josh mean to you over this four years
switch um and how much
more confident are you with your
abilities to be able to offset that type
of a loss yeah I mean I think uh again
he meant he meant a lot um you look at
the statistics you know they don’t they
don’t lie numbers don’t lie so um you
know but like I said a few minutes ago
it’s it’s an opportunity for those guys
that we have in our room bringing in
guys um like Curtis and Mack um and
having khil and Dalton and Dawson and
and guys that have been in the system
for a while that know how things go um
and within the system like anybody can
get the ball at any given time and these
guys are very excited for that they’re
working extremely hard it’s good to see
these guys here um again get to know
some of these these younger guys better
and uh looking forward to uh you know
getting to know them as best as I can so
we can you know use that on the field
Jos you mentioned losing the leader and
stuff as well what hold you know what do
you need to see from other offensive
guys to maybe step up Dr leadership to
you know so it’s not just all I when he
L you know a lot of other veter from M
moris too guys like that like how do you
look at younger guys to step up do you
talk to them about it more I talk about
leading by example but what do you how
do you do that yeah I think it’s an
opportunity for for myself to grow as a
leader um and to bring along some of
these young guys are new guys that we’ve
brought into our team and that’s an
opportunity frankly that I’m I’m very
excited about you know it’s something
that um is going to be very challenging
but I’m I’m very willing to do it you
know and having you know coach mcder um
having a second year with Joe Brady um
you know being in my seventh season now
being being here it’s kind of crazy to
think that I’m going into my seventh
season I feel like you know I haven’t
sat too many times up in front of you
guys um you know at the start of OTA so
um but again it’s just another
opportunity for me to go out there and
be the guy that I’m supposed to be and
the guy that I believe I am and um you
know I’m going to need guys along the
way but I think the most important thing
that I I need from this team is guys to
just continue to work hard and buy in
into what we’re doing here and Trust the
process as coach mcder always preaches
and you know us trusting in in in being
in what he’s doing and bringing the
right guys in and um just trying to
utilize those guys as as best as we can
in the history I’m sorry in the history
of the league when a quarterback stays
for a while with a team it almost as
like they play with almost a totally
second team and some guys even like a
third team there’s not that many guys
who’ve been around as long as you have
here does it almost feel like going into
this year
it’s like at that second stage of your
career with a bunch of new guys I guess
you can say that um you know I’ve I’ve
been here with mik and and and PO for
since I’ve been here right and to lose
those guys is going to hurt in terms of
the leadership aspect in terms of the
familiarity that I have with coming in
and being able to talk with them not
just about football but with you know
about life um so again finding somebody
you know is isn’t easy but trusting the
guys that we have in this room having a
new center you know not having Mitch um
you know Gabe was was so good for us for
the time that he was here and such a
presence in our locker room um but again
we still have some guys that have played
some really good football over the
course of their careers and having a guy
like Von Miller who’s been there and
done that and and and been to the
Pinnacle been to the top um bringing in
Mike who’s also done the same thing for
for two of the teams that he’s played
for and you know relying on some of
these guys that have seen what it takes
and going to be able to utilize their
knowledge for this team as well um you
know and I don’t think it’s a wrong
thing or a bad thing to get younger you
know I think that um as as a coaching
staff as a leader to be able to come and
and kind of mold these guys into the
team that you want to be I think is a
very exciting opportunity and again it
takes takes to to tangle you need to
have the right guys that are willing to
come in and work hard and do things the
right way which um I can confidently say
in this room right now you know we have
those guys how are you healthwise how
are you healthwise especially your
shoulder very good yeah really good um
obviously taking the last month and a
half to kind of relax let the body get
back to it um you know later in you know
the last half of the Season especially
last four or five games really felt like
got back to to what I felt like was um
you know close to 100% um and uh you
know started feeling like I was playing
like myself again and um
didn’t take too many hits towards the
end of the season so wining the
offseason you know relatively healthy
and then feel like I’ve gotten some PT
work you know throughout the last couple
months and making sure that I’m just
staying on top of that and U making sure
my body’s as as best shape it can be
about you talk about Josh be thankful
for the things that Stefan taught you
what would you say are some of the
things that you learned from his his
time here with you well again I think um
you know the concepts that we were able
to put in the concepts that we were able
to run with him um his mentality uh the
way that he attacked each and every
practice you know was very infectious
especially for the young guys seeing
that so that’s that’s what I would say
uh Brandon Bean said that uh he was
going to take a receiver in every round
in this draft um you playing with a
Stefon digs you playing with the John
Brown and Nicole Beasley you pretty much
got an idea of what type of receiver
that you’re looking to play with in the
future uh can you possibly tell us some
characteristics of that well I mean I
think it there’s a lot of talented guys
in this draft it’s it kind of goes
without saying um and you know I wish I
could tell you we’re we’re moving up or
moving back or staying put and who’s
going to be there I honestly don’t know
I’m I’m I’m doing my own evals right now
and trying to lean be one way or another
but um honestly it just kind of depends
on on the direction of what this offense
wants to be you know with Joe and myself
and understanding how we would utilize
certain guys if we did pick them and and
how we’re going to utilize the guys that
are here you know and I think again you
talk about having talent I think
bringing in Curtis Samuel um the the
different things that he can do pairing
him along with khil who’s you know came
along last year especially later half of
the Season him coming to his you know
third year and and um getting better as
time goes on having Dalton and Dawson
and seeing what they can go what what
they can do so bringing in somebody that
that pairs with those guys um but again
it depends on on really what we want to
be as an offense to see who’s going to
be the best fit um and right now I
couldn’t tell you that gosh Brandon said
that um you like the draft and he likes
that you like the draft and we know that
from years past what is your
communication you see like how does it
work do you see a guy do you hear the
guy’s name you look at him you call
Brandon and go hey what are you thinking
here how does all that work I mean I I
look at all the Highlight tapes on
YouTube so everyone’s a everyone’s a
baller you know on those on those
highlights um but you know going down
and actually watching all their targets
and and seeing their mannerisms and
obviously I’m not there in the the
personal meetings um but I get a lot of
Intel from the guys up in the bullpen
um I I will say this last year draft day
I sent being a text said Dalton concade
that’s all I said you know felt like a
that the draft day moment when Kevin is
it Kevin cner Kevin Coster opens his
thing and says vonte Mack no matter what
um that’s it was Dalton concade no
matter what last year so um I’d like to
think that I have some inut input in in
who we get to pick but honestly I really
don’t so
given the numbers that you and Steph did
put up what what regret might there be
in knowing that you rewrote the
offensive record but but couldn’t get to
the the holy land per se yeah I would
say that’s the regret is not not winning
one and uh obviously I played this game
um and the other 52 guys in in that
locker room played this game to win
Super Bowls and we want to bring one
very badly here to Western New York and
that’s that’s my number one goal um
that’s all I’m working for and and
working towards right now is figuring
out how how and what it takes to uh get
us over that hump and bring one back and
um we’re going to work tirelessly until
we do no step no gab No Mitch so
obviously the room looks different the
leaders look different who do you see in
that room outside of the ball that’s
ready to take a bigger step as a leader
moving forward yeah I mean I think you
talk about guys that are are working
extremely hard um you know I think last
year especially Dion and and Spence how
hard they worked and how well they
played obviously garnered a lot of
attention and guys respect that guys see
that you look at CLE and what he was
able to do in in a limited role and
stepping up late and again guys that
that play the the game the right way um
it’s kind of an unspoken rule you you
tend to follow those guys um guys that
follow the ball guys that make the extra
block guys that um don’t care if he
scores or he scores as long as we’re
winning football games and sometimes
it’s not your best player but sometimes
it’s your hardest worker that steps up
and and can say something and and guys
respect that so um you know there’s we
have a few of those guys on this team
right now and how it unfolds is how it
unfolds and um I’m anxious to see how it
does as you mentioned earlier that
getting younger doesn’t have to be a bad
thing we we’ve talked a lot about you
know the guys who aren’t here anymore
just for whatever reasons it’s been a a
pretty clear reset on the salary cap
necessarily by Brandon but what has that
done to your expectations for this
upcoming season if anything I mean I
don’t think it changes at all um you
know coach mcder and the steer that we
have here is playoff caliber you know
doing everything that we can do to to
make the playoffs and give ourselves a
chance at win the Super Bowl and um you
know the the best way to make the
playoffs is win your Division and that
starts with winning winning the first
game and and taking it one game at a
time and um you know that’s how we’re
going to approach it was like to
transition to Center uh especially from
someone that you have such a great
relationship with worked so long with
from Mitch yeah I mean I I I I
absolutely love Mitch um you know with
every ounce of my being he’s he’s one of
the the greatest dudes in the entire
world and I truly mean that I think if
you talk to anybody else they’d say the
same thing um a lot of wisdom that he
had um you know I wish him nothing but
the best in Jackson I got to spend a
little bit of time with him um in the
last couple weeks too and um going to
miss him for sure you know and it’s it’s
never going to be easy to replace
someone you’ve been playing so long uh
with um you know we kind of knew each
other like the back of our hands and you
know literally I kind of felt them on
the back of my hand almost every snap so
um you know it’s it’s it’s not easy but
at the same time you know it allows our
guys to to adapt and evolve and um you
know give opportunities to new guys and
to see what they can do job what’s that
physically like for you when you put
your hands under Conor for the first
time after having Mitch for so long and
like how you have to kind of adjust is
it the same thing as working with a wide
receiver and option routes and things I
again yeah I think it’s just finding I
know this is going to sound weird but
finding a comfortable position you know
and I’m serious like Mitch was a little
little left-sided and every time guys
would come in they’d kind of go middle
and I’d have to tell them like just put
your hands a little bit to the left and
it just takes a while to get to know
somebody and how they snap you know
where the laces are um in gun snaps
usually where where’s the miss you know
if I need to expect to get my right hand
up a little faster just in case if I
know he’s pulling to the left so it
takes time it takes repetition it’s like
throwing a route with the receiver I
think that’s a good good comparison
probably a hard question I know this
probably a hard question to answer in
this in this setting but what did you
learn about managing or navigating
relationships based on your experience
with step over those four years because
the perception was that there was
problems with you guys for the last few
years you turn on ESPN that seemed to be
like a continuing narrative what did you
learn about that now especially going
into your seventh year and maybe taking
even more of a leadership role um I mean
again I think this is you know uh as a
as a franchise quarterback guys that get
to their second contract right you’re
not getting paid just to be the
quarterback um you’re getting paid to be
the best leader that you can be the best
quarterback obviously comes comes with
that so leadership looks like a lot of
different things you wear many hats in
this building um you know and sometimes
you know it’s not the easiest thing you
especially when you know I feel like I’m
I’m one of the guys and sometimes after
remind myself that you know you’re
looked at a little bit differently you
know guys are rely on you a little bit
more and understanding that and uh again
but trusting coaching staff trusting
your teammates around you um and having
that type of humility where it’s like
you’re able to say when and where you’re
wrong and I think that’s you know what
we’ve learned over the last few years um
not just with him but with other
receivers and and with other players as
well it’s everybody’s got a different
type of relationships you know everybody
has something different that makes them
tick um and then again I think we’re
using this time right now to utilize and
find what does make these guys tick what
what is their reason for playing this
game um and just diving deep into that
relationship and finding to you know
getting to know them as on a deeper
level um to try to utilize that and to
to help push them become the best that
they can be how many how many uh times
did you look at second and nine and did
Tom Brady trow you or CR critique your
final possession versus Kansas
um did Tom say that again did Tom
critique or troll your last possession
oh you’re talking about peble Beach yeah
all right no no we didn’t we didn’t talk
about ball that much um I was too busy
beating him up on the golf course to to
care about that and you know I I I do
pay attention to that and and see that
um possession a lot and obviously
there’s some things I wish we can change
about that and whether it’s throwing a
downball to me I wanted to win that game
you know and um if I can go back with
the crystal ball and and change it I
would um but I can’t the only thing I
can do is learn from it and move on and
and try to utilize that going
forward pictures that we had of you of
of you and step being on your back for
the kids Sports Illustrated thing and um
you’re in celebrations on the sideline
and also the tough times when he was
yelling at you what will be your lasting
memory of stuff here in ball
my lasting memory of Seth will be um the
receiver that helped me become the
quarterback that I am today and you know
I’ll always thank him for that was it
like playing golf with tiger it was
pretty cool yeah it was uh you know they
they say don’t meet your Heroes unless
your hero is Tiger Woods it was it was
pretty cool we got to you know obviously
play golf and I felt like I played okay
and um you know I feel like I’ve played
in a couple of these tournaments where
there’s a lot of people around and you
know you’re shaking putting the ball
down there wasn’t too many people out
there but I mean my hand was shaking you
know and I’ve got so much admiration and
respect for him and what he’s been able
to do over the course of his career and
um the tenacity and the mentality that
he had and there were some you know good
conversations that we had about that on
the course and some things that I’ll
I’ll cherish forever and got to have my
brother on the bag uh so it was it was a
pretty surreal moment for us we got to
play golf with tiger one week and the
next week we had a charity flag football
event um you know for rx3 which is uh a
deal that’s ran by Aaron Rogers and you
know I was throwing touchdown me and my
brother were throwing touchdown passes
to Terrell Owens which we grew up big
Niners fans and obviously he was um a
fan favorite in our household so it’s
just kind of weird how life works
sometimes and um sometimes you got to
smell the roses basically admitted he
was jealous of you for playing for Tiger
has he admitted that to you oh yeah oh
yeah I won’t tell you what he said but
uh he wasn’t wasn’t very pleasant
speaking of um charitable things Michel
announced his softball game first of all
how cool is that that he’s still going
to do it despite not really knowing what
his future is and I mean to put you on
the spot but would you plan on being a
part of that again I plan on it yeah
what what are the dates there uh it’s
May 19th a
Sunday I should be here so yeah I’m I’m
looking forward to it for fans to see
you there and I know that Mike uh for
what he means this organization and you
guys and and everything how cool is that
for him to continue this on despite not
knowing what his future is I I will say
this same thing as I said about Mitch
mors M mikah Hyde is one of the Premier
humans on this planet um his heart is
always in the right place you know he’s
meant so much to me in my career here
just being someone I can lean on someone
I can talk to someone I can vent to and
um I hope he would say the same about me
uh and I cherish our our friendship um
as much as I cherish anybody’s
friendship and uh it’s very cool that he
still feels like he’s tied to Buffalo
and he can come and do this and I’m sure
the support that he’s going to
uh garnish there is it’s welld deserved
one but too it’s for the right reasons
and that’s why I love playing in in his
softball tournament Jos you have a
singular memory from your draft night
and what the experience was like when
you think back on that night is there
one thing you think of the pounding
headache that I had from doing all the
media stuff right after it was it was a
long day long night um getting on the
flight with taine in in his crew and um
taine’s big dude his his dad and uncle
are big dudes it was a tight flight
um that’s and then Kevin K that’s the
first time we met so never
forget Kevin Kerns Kevin Kerns Kevin
Kerns JH Joe Brady now entrenched as
offensive coordinator if you could what
gives you confidence that he’s the guy
to lead this offense especially with all
these new pieces that are kind of in
place well one how guys reacted to him
um last year when he took over and the
way that he talks to guys is so much
different um than I think anyone I’ve
been around um his willingness to listen
to guys you know when we sit in meetings
before the game he’s not saying this is
what we’re going to run he’s like he’s
saying what do you guys want to start
with what first run do you want Deon
Dawkins what first reception do you want
K Shakur so he’s trying to utilize the
strength of our team to the best of our
ability um and putting really the power
in our hands to go out there and do it
cuz ultimately his his big philosophy is
if you guys want it if that’s something
you want you’re going to make it work
and again he wants to call the plays
that work and when when guys are
convicted about a certain concept or a
certain play um it’s typically going to
work out in our favor so I think that’s
one thing that he does really well and
two this this offseason already just
going through different concepts and and
the the little tweaks here or there
starting my eyes here progressing
through here instead of maybe being it
starting like it’s a little technical
um you know talking to their
quarterbacks it’s like why weren’t we
doing this before you know even going
back to my my first years here is like
there’s certain Concepts where like you
know it’s I was I was so adamant on this
one guy and if it didn’t work out it was
like all right go make something happen
with your legs and um hopefully get to a
spot now where it’s like all right if
this guy’s not here that means he this
this backer’s taken away there should be
a window right behind him here for
something else coming in so little
things like that um I’m looking very
forward to it and um excited about it


  1. I wonder what could of been if bean didnt trade for diggs. And we could of had justin Jefferson. And i think that would of been magic between him and josh allen

  2. I still respect Diggs he gave us the spot to Face Patrick Mahomes in the AFC Championship in 2021 Sean Mcdermott needs to Improve the Offense and make it to the Super bowl by this year Right now in the moment of 2024 25 one game at a time

  3. Josh nicely saying that dorsey never tought him proper progressions and just told him to throw the deep ball every play.

  4. How many times does he have to move past the same dumb ass question…no one gives a damn this is pro football guys leave all the time aside from a qb to even keep a guy 3-4 years is impressive these days

  5. We are in a rebuild, fans need to understand this,
    Fixing the cap situation for this coming off-seasons free agency & injecting youth through the draft

  6. I think the two-headed TE monster will make a HUGE difference this year. Go draft a solid receiver and our offense is still scary. As long as this guy is under center we are always lethal.

  7. I have full faith Mcdermotts defense will not miss a beat even with all the turnover.. Aslong as they get an alpha wr in the draft or trade, this team will keep right on winning with a much younger roster and no locker room distractions.

  8. The bills need a number one and possibly a number two wide receiver. The bills version of Tyreek Hill and Jason waddle. And we need to use our tight ends a whole lot more than we do. Think Travis Kelce. Gronkowski. We have great tight ends use them.

  9. couldn't be prouder to have this guy as my team's QB. said all the right things in the most respectful way possible despite the fact that there were clearly issues between the two. Let that sh** die on the vine with Stefon's departure and instill faith and optimism moving forward.

    imagine if he had Aaron Rodgers' personality and aired all the dirty laundry every week on Pat McAfee. this guy is the truth.

  10. This is the most ive seen josh open up and actually say stuff and not just be politically correct. Dude is awesome. Bean get this dude a stud w.r. josh deserves it. Hell we all do. Just cause a few guys are gone dont mean this is a season were throwing away. Lets go buffalo!!

  11. I'm Josh will have another great season this year without the players he's lost that will playing with other teams in the NFL. I'm also sure that they will bring in great new players to replace the ones that have traded away to other teams. I'm looking to seeing Josh and the Buffalo Bills in action again come to the month of September because I'm literally part of the Bills mafia!

  12. Josh will never wear a ring with the Bills. The Bills will never win a Superbowl. There were a couple of opportunities but Norwood and Dorsey screwed them up.

  13. Josh is a real true gentleman giving Diggs all those accolades if it was me in the interview I would have said F him who cares next question.

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