Golf Players

The Worst Injuries You Can Get In The UFC!

In this episode of Bro Labs, I Attempt to recreate The Worlds Worst injuries seen In The UFC! Sadly YouTube doesn’t approve of this experiment but sometimes that’s the price I must pay for my hard hitting science.


This video is intended for educational purposes and is provided for informational and illustrative purposes only. The activities demonstrated in this video may involve practices that are beyond the scope of a typical home environment and may require specialized knowledge, equipment, and safety measures.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to replicate or carry out any of the activities shown in this video.



have you ever wondered how far someone
can go for the sake of science no I grew
up with Bill NY he went pretty far what
what you it’s like the safest child
friendly scientist of all time I’m
actually kind of offended you even
brought up his name Bill n the Science
Guy well I’ve decided to push the limits
to see how difficult it is to get
cauliflower here that horrifying your
deformity That season MMA fighters and
wrestlers often experience it sounds
crazy but I’m willing to permanently
deform one of my precious ears to bring
you this knowledge so sit tight grab
some butter and watch me embark on this
painful Journey but please do not try
this at home also if you like what you
see hit that like and share button so we
can spread this beautiful knowledge to
the rest of the world before we start
this experiment I want to point out that
Mark and J have both told me it’s a
terrible idea yes we have pretty much
everyone I’ve told about this idea said
it’s a bad idea but I think it’s a great
idea you want to know why cuz old H
bones was a wrestler it’s a good
wrestling stance
right Slide
by still slippery because of the butter
all right the point being I already had
cauliflower ear I had it on both my ears
it wasn’t very severe and it hardened
into some weird clumps so I generally
know how it feels but I don’t know how I
got it other than wrestling so this
experiment goal is to find out how
difficult it is to get and to document
the healing and injury process now how
do you get cauliflower ear Mark uh by
getting hit in the air multiple times
pretty much blunt trauma to your ears
all right that can come in multiple
forms how we’re going to do it is like
this I figure you can start with slaps
to my right ear multiple slaps after
that I want you to punch my ear with
these metal knuckled self-defense gloves
give me some swag
and if all that doesn’t work we’re going
to Pancake my ears between two steel
plates ears
squir sorry ear ear God good I only want
to do one cuz I got to sleep I like to
sleep on my left side so I’m going to do
my right
ear so you’re never going to be able to
wear airpods I already can’t oh that’s
right yeah yeah you can’t do it sad well
let’s get your smashing cooking color
flower cauliflower going yeah there’s no
good pza yeah there starting with the
ear slaps now I’ve thought of everything
in case Mark slap creates some kind of
vacuum seal that destroys my eardrum I’m
putting in this earplug to protect my
eardrum because I know I’m creating
cauliflower ear but I’m being safe about
it as safe as you can be creating
cauliflower ear exactly do boxers wear
air plugs definitely not that’s why they
caulif that was like good a concussion
you didn’t think about that yeah it
didn’t we’ll start with like some
lighter slabs okay that’s a good idea
yeah give me like a 30% power
slap now the idea here is get this
larger section of my ear let get the
yeah no you can hit with like the Palm
yeah that works just don’t want to hit
your eye yeah don’t don’t hit me eye
fall all right Mark on you all right
30 h
okay a little bit harder okay
40 looks so
DB all right let’s up it up up it a
bit oh God
okay yeah it’s uncomfortable my ears
getting smooshed on my own
head even my ear Dr drum itself kind of
was like H little ringy yeah not too
much ringing cuz I’ve been punched in
the head quite a bit and that’s like the
real like B punched in the head yeah
trained MMA fighters been kicked in the
head quite a few times too maybe that’s
the way I reason the way I am I also
crashed into that mountain that one time
that was funny I wish we got that on
tape how many concussions am I up to now
about four I think go seven when you die
I’m good then yeah all right Mark a bit
harder I like the slaps I’m feeling
something happened little
another did you even hit my ear I think
you hit the back of my head did I
did trying not to hit your face it’s
okay I’m closing my
eye all right a little bit harder let’s
nail that accuracy oh okay that was good
that was good yeah uh-huh my ears
feeling hot is it looking red oh yeah
yeah it’s red that’s what we want that’s
right that blood there cuz how do you
get it when you’re wrestling I think
it’s like cross faces right coming
across someone’s face cuz you kind of
hit that ear with your arm you know want
them to just cross face you for the next
10 minutes I actually thought about it I
thought about like getting in the
wrestling position and Mark cross facing
me but I’m like that’s a little
weird one more slap about that power I
think we got a good iing happening then
we can move on to the
punches oh God okay yeah uhhuh starting
to Fuster jeez yeah oh I like the slaps
however I think to really destroy my
cartilage don’t look at both my ears
they’re differently shaped my mom had to
tape one of my ears to my head as a kid
cuz one sticks out farther and one of
them was like that and then she’s like
taping my ear to my head to make it look
better what a loving Mo she was just
thinking of about me in the future you
know she always thinks about
me we’re going to move on to punches
uh these are very deadly as we’ve
learned in a previous video should we
try without these first yeah you know
that’s a good call yeah let’s we’ll move
on to those if I don’t feel satisfied
right smart but that’s my secret I’m
never satisfied you
aren’t that sounds weird okay nice light
punch here work me into it
H okay a little bit
harder okay yeah just say bone you
definitely hit my ear it hurt it
hurt all right a little bit
harder give me a double
tap oh behind
you I’m starting to think it’s not that
hard to get cauliflower here I think I
might already have it again again it’s
going to be real puffy in a couple days
it feels puffy it’s looking like
scrotum scrotum ears circumcised or
uncircumcised what do you think Mark
looks pretty taunt so uncircumcised
un I don’t
know I don’t think a circumcised one
would look taught just my opinion n it’s
more T circumcised yeah
yeah well I said it the other way didn’t
I yeah I’m with you
guys slightly harder punch
please a little bit
harder one more a little bit
harder not see any stars all good no not
yet yeah good all right put the glove on
that would be remissed if we didn’t use
the glove a few times we lower the power
level just a tad keep hitting that
thickness of the ear there whenever
you’re ready little bit harder a little
bit harder okay yep yeah that uh that
doesn’t feel well how’s it look scale 1
to 10 oh my
God I think I already have cauliflower
here it’s
bruised should we move on to the weights
or just let it be yeah maybe we could
just call it’s a it’s been a fun good
time so it’s about you know 5 to 10 hits
that gets in you saw yeah about 5 to 10
did you actually look that up oh no I
was I was trying to look it up I’m like
how much she have to get hit to get I
don’t think see there’s no set in stone
data on there isn’t like when I got it
in wrestling I I just think I got hit my
head on the mat and got cross faac and
one thing L another and I had
cauliflower ear I need to have a harder
punch with those gloves and we can move
to the plate
okay a
all right one more slightly harder H one
harder a little bit
harder all right we’re moving
on you know the saying stop hitting
yourself I’m not hitting myself why are
you hitting
yourself you might be wondering how I’ve
come to this very scientifically proven
method to create cauliflower here I’ll
give a shout out to the legend steo I
saw an Instagram reel of him smashing
his ears with some weights cuz he was
also on a mission to create cauliflower
ear you know great minds think alike
that’s what they say uh so I figured I
could do the same what’s the Worst That
Could Happen we’re going a nice gentle
slam I will position my ear as
such all right gentle Slam
please all H you go slightly harder slam
it was very uncomfortable
though just want the record to
show harder Slam
please did you get a loud ring from it
clashing right by your ear I think my
ear’s going
numb I think it’s starting to numb a bit
yeah you probably I think I’m losing
blood flow
that is turning white what what it’s
turning white oh God don’t scare me like
that I wish I could see my
ears can’t see your damage I can’t
inspect it myself all right we can up
the power of the slam about 20% I think
I think that’s a nice safe stopping
point before you start punching it we’re
punching it again I thought this was
punching the weight into my
ear I’m going to have to wear gloves we
can get bigger plates on don’t worry
about it okay please like the video
ahead that might be
it wow
okay oh I think we’re done yeah I think
we I think we did it actually no we did
we did I uh I see a bulge on my ear that
I haven’t seen before I I saw top five
dumbest top five dumbest video
ideas yeah I think we’re done here what
I didn’t have that there that that bulge
well I did say the punch thing let do
one punch just punch it in there once I
feel bad if I didn’t what’s the limit
this right here
eucalyptus you you guys can’t say
eucalyp two
three now give it a punch Mark a light
one more
please I’m happy you’re satisfied I’m
satisfied good you’re actually satisfi
finally I get to slap your year yeah I
guess just one good slap one good slap
for the road the honor the deal I kind
of feel guilty like this whole idea I
was like I already knew it was bad you
guys thought it was bad but I was like
man Mark’s going to have to take a one
hit to the year you know it’s it’s just
one hit just one hit can’t be that bad
right your
plugin yeah I’m good with
one oh that was weird isn’t it was look
my brain
G that was a good technique with the
Palms good thing we didn’t do both
your he is a little bit red off the bat
from like look at that one on that
outside part where I hit yeah well if
you do get some cauliflower you’ll know
pretty fast cuz it hurts and uh your ear
gets really puffy do you have a headache
no I don’t I think I’m just insane is
that a headache I don’t know is that
always a headache well I’ll do a picture
of my ear or video of my ear every day
for the next few days to see how it
progresses from this state here if I’m
not happy with that I’ll just start
punching my myself uh I’ll check back
when I’m
finished that’s what it looks like now
immediately after experiment it’s time
for the cauliflower ear data review as
you would expect one day after the
experiment my ear was extremely swollen
and bruised 3 days later my ear was
still significantly bruised however the
swelling and pain had come down
considerably at this point I was
questioning if we were successful in
creating cauliflower year so I did the
only logical thing and and for the next
2 days I spent time punching and hitting
my ear to cause further trauma to the
cartilage this was insanely painful
since my ear was already damaged But
ultimately 6 days later I believe we
were successful in creating minor CIF
flowering of my ear I can confidently
say this because parts of my ear seem to
have thickened and hardened and the pain
I’m still experiencing is very similar
to when I had cauliflower ear in
wrestling but what did we learn well
from the data I collect in further
research that I did it seems how easy
cauliflower your forms is entirely
individual in genetic dependent I
learned something from this experiment
so I am satisfied and I would love to
know what you all think down in the
comments also be sure to check out my
patreon by clicking the link down in the
description to see deleted scenes from
my videos thanks for watching and always
remember cauliflower isn’t just a
vegetable it can also be your ear if
you’re not careful almost sounds like a
nighttime worse to where you’ll
tell your kids better watch out son or
your ears were turn to cauliflower maybe
I’ll try that if I ever have
kids yeah no that probably isn’t


  1. Iv been watching your videos since 200k subs and this is one of the best videos you have ever made in my opinion

  2. Cauliflower is not caused heavily by blunt force. It is formed by rubbing and rough grinding of the ear. It is a separation of the cartilage from the skin and that space fills with fluid and solidifies. Blunt force CAN cause it but it is very very unlikely compared to rubbing or squishing the ear.

  3. This communist site stopped highlighting your videos man. These liberal turds are shadow banning you bro, I had to search to find these videos again.

  4. You’re way over 7😂😂 I’ve had 20-21, some times landed to hard on my feet (like dropping off a ledge) and my head will ring and I’ll get the light fuzzies in my view

  5. Brother.. im going to tell you right now you have had more than 20 concussions. i havnt done half of the dumb shit you do and i have near enough 40.. but im also a vigilante/stuntman actor

  6. Jiu jitsu fighters get it from rubbing their ears against the thick kimonos. Some grab their jiu jitsu belt wrap around the back of their heads going through both ears and aggressively rub it in order to create cauliflower ear… I think that's more effective than getting punched

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