Golf Players

Is Scottie Scheffler The New Face Of Golf? | Costa & Jansen with Heather

Why is Scottie Scheffler different from Rory or Jordan Spieth? Is Scottie the new face of the PGA Tour? #golf #pgatour

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short simple sweet JY Nance on the call
with Scotty sheffler locking up his
second Masters in three years dominant
on Sunday seven birdies gu just in
complete control the betting favorite
not quite wire to wire but never really
a doubt Scotty’s the best golfer in the
world my question to golf guy out there
I’m not golf guy I need your
help is he good enough to be the face of
golf for an extended period of time like
tiger because we’ve had flavors of the
month Rory for a hot SE hasn’t sustained
SP all got excited hasn’t sustained keus
had some some injuries he’s won some
Majors is Scotty does he have the
staying power to grab the sport and be
the guy every tournament that go damn it
not this guy again because that’s what
tiger was he would run away with this he
was so dominant he’d be the heavy
favorite and then he’d back it up and
he’d win and Scotty’s winning the non-
majors and he’s winning some of the
majors now
and we had the texture point out the
putting and he’s becoming the most
dominant player in the sport my question
is is he different different than these
other guys who briefly occupied the top
spot but someone who can go the distance
nine wins in two
years and a guy that okay if if he’s
able to win multiple majors in the same
Year everybody wants to oh can he be a
grand slam guy well I don’t know that
that’s possible but you know he’s he’s a
a guy that is amazingly consistent and
and I had a a golf buddy of mine cuz you
and I have both mentioned that golf’s
not our top game uh and and Nate text me
he said watching Scotty play is like
watching paint dry there’s no there is
zero cool Factor Zero Energy he’s the
best in the world and it’s not even
close and when you’re starting to talk
about and the point I was making about
the multiple majors in one year I think
the last time that happened was actually
kka in 18 but
when you’re you’re talking about
emotions getting involved he’s not a guy
that really allows emotions to affect
his game and winning the Masters and
it’s okay to show some emotion when you
win but you know like on every hole and
that’s kind of the difference between
there’s a lot of differences but one of
the difference between everybody else
and what Tiger Woods did Tiger Woods was
exciting to watch every time every every
hole every swing yeah there’s a Swagger
I mean he won’t be as cool as as tiger
he won’t have that that off the course
appeal of tiger the question is can he
be a golfer that is the best since tiger
248 539 9797 we got some good ticket
techs like golf guys are up this morning
I want to get to the phones because if
you call in you’re first up let’s go to
Joe and gr seel Joe good
morning hey good morning guys Jim Nance
nailed it stardom confirmed Sheffer has
no holes in his game he’s on unfappable
he’s the right age he absolutely should
win five or more Majors within the next
three or four years and it’s an awful
hard thing to do though I mean it’s been
Rory it’s been speed it’s been Kea and
then something always happens where they
just can’t hang in there for that
lengthy period of time but if anybody
has a chance it’s this guy I like his
game yeah he’s very consistent um and
very measured feels like he’s very
measured every time he takes the court
absolutely and especially his short game
he just never gets rattled uh I I think
the guy ends up winning between seven
and 10 Majors before it’s all said and
done got the Run way to do it to stay
healthy well yeah and that’s and that’s
the thing right is you would think we
talk about you got it best abilities
availability in all these Sports we
think about you know football and it’s
violent we think about you know hockey
Collision a guy gets all banged up and
busted up golfers oddly enough though
injuries have played a big role I I know
I know you’re making a face these aren’t
the toughest guys in all the sports but
it does play a factor well toughness
comes in a lot of forms and to
be mentally tough when when you go out
there and and who knows what’s going on
with them and we talk about like a
pitcher gets a blister on their on their
finger like oh they’re on you know the
IR for 10 days like we don’t know what’s
going on because if they have something
wrong with their hand with with their
back with their foot with their knee
with like anything can throw off their
swing which then affects what they’re
doing on any given course any given
day Tiger’s a guy that’s been gutting it
out for years he’s had the you know the
back issues and his knees and everything
the car wreck car wreck and kind of a
life wck too there for a
while he made the cut again and then he
finished with his worst performance at
the Masters of his
career is this not MSU hoops you get in
the tournament for 20 plus years he’s
made 20 plus cuts at the Masters but
you’re really not living up to what you
once were like how did you view tiger
this weekend and where he’s at it’s not
it’s not it’s not MSU hoops no is it’s
he’s he’s got five Masters championships
he’s got oh no I don’t mean I mean you
know you’re talking about one title in
in 24 years no it is not
comparable and so I was excited to know
that Tiger Woods was able to make the
cut and the question was going to be
would he have to withdraw at some point
and obviously
endurance and being able to
golf this course
specifically four days in a row it took
its toll on him and you saw it happen on
Saturday he’s still one of the best
golfers in the world because he was able
to make the cut at the Masters he
finished last and those that did make
make the cut but I I don’t care I was I
I was just glad to be able to see him
make the cut and to be able to see what
he could possibly do but that’s the part
I compare to MSU Hoops not they doesn’t
have MSU does not have 15 championships
the way or major titles the way tiger
does but what you just said MSU fans
like well I just want to see him get in
and then see what happens I want to see
tiger play at at Augusta with the aelas
I want to see him make the cut and see
what happens that that’s the comparison
that’s all I was saying well I mean if
if people want tiger out then somebody
needs to beat him right so it’s it’s
it’s and and if he missed the cut I I
wouldn’t have had an issue it would have
bombed but and and I’m not I’m not a
huge Tiger fan I don’t really care but I
thought it was when you have somebody
with the greatness that he has had
throughout the course of his career if
he’s still able to be good enough in the
first two days to make the cut then
let’s see and and what happened over the
last few years right we saw him trying
to make these comebacks and he would
withdraw or we’d see him limping around
he is better this year than he was last
year and and I just want to see a guy be
able to to to get better and to be able
to improve and to be able to compete
Tiger’s last major was the Masters
2019 yeah I believe so yeah is those
last final four was
2019 interesting ticket texture says
going to get me on that one no I know
tiger is the 25-year playoff Run for the
Red Wings the last five or seven years
where you’re in but you’re not a threat
Tom in Flat Rock we’ve got tiger we’ve
got Scotty in the shadow that he casts
on the game Mark in Farmington Hills
good morning you’re on
971 yeah listen you guys uh shefford can
do whatever he wants to do on this this
tour is diluted the live live tour has
made this uh golf a little boring and
tiger to be able to come back and do
what he did finish a 72 holes after all
those injuries he’s he’s setting himself
up for something Grand it takes it’s a
process but sheffler the all the guys
are on the other tour so he can do what
he wants and that’s why Tiger has a
chance himself if they keep the two
separated he can win another
major well a couple things I you’re
saying Liv kind of waters down what
Scotty’s done on the non- majors because
the majors he’s still going up against
all the Liv
guys you didn’t see them though none of
them them were around and that that’s
because they’ve diluted the two is
changed they don’t play the same format
so they’re not in comp in competitive uh
shape and uh with with that going on he
he’s got a chance and again I’ll say the
same thing so does
tiger I I kind of feel like Tiger’s days
are winning or over I mean I would love
to be wrong because it was such a great
story in 2019 but 2019 was five years
ago and he was old then that was kind of
a heroic like last harah moment he’s
still golfing and good on him I mean
it’s better golf’s better when tigers in
it but that and that was before the car
accident like it looked like he might be
able to grind out a couple more maybe
but then the car accident happened and
it just I don’t know I I’m getting to a
point where yesterday reminded me of
Gary Player playing in the Masters for
his final time watching tiger you know
plus 16 is horrendous you know so I
guess I would never I wouldn’t I’m not
going to bet against s like Jim you
don’t think he’ll win another one I I I
want praise for it it’s not a bold
stance he’s I I uh I I would not dismiss
him yet I the things I saw him do he’s
just one of those guys like Tom Brady
just not goingon to bet against him yeah
I I I agree until until he is
retired and is no longer competing he’s
just a guy that can always has that
ability to go out there and win one and
just a thing with sheffler quick you
said he’s 27 mhm he not that young you
got to start stockpiling Majors you’ve
basically got 50 Majors until you’re 40
years old he needs to win a few in
bunches get to where keco was not get
hurt and then can he get above six six
is falo and Mickelson that’s why I said
flirt with double digits is if he’s the
world number one and he’s his dominant
he’s got the runway and he’s got
probably a good 10 years I mean that’s
the question 248 539 9797 and we’ve done
this before we’ve asked this of guys
before that’s why I said if you’re a
golf guy I need you today I don’t want
to get too carried away you tell me 248
539 9797 we’re talking some Mass ERS
will get to jav Bay as he weighed in on
the booze hit the Home Run let everybody
know it’s 971

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