Golf Players

Michael Jordan’s and Charles Barkley’s friendship ENDED because of ONE SIMPLE thing

Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley were the best of friends since their early days in the NBA.

They may compete ferociously on the court but off it, they were the best buddies.

They were almost inseparable, especially during the 1992 Barcelona Olympics and you can see the chemistry and great friendship between the two of them.

But now, they were not talking to each other for more than a decade.

And it all started with this one, simple thing.

#michaeljordan #charlesbarkley #nba #chicagobulls

Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley were
the best of friends since their early
days in the
NBA they may be fierce competitors on
the court but they were best buddies off
it born three days apart and drafted in
the same year in 1984 Jordan and Barkley
were like brothers they were almost
Inseparable during the 1992 Barcelona
Olympics where they were teammates in
the dream team they were shown in
commercials and the love and respect
between the two were evident whenever
they were together
you two say you’re like brothers you
know I’m only what three days old he
says he’s my older brother but he’s only
three days older days old that’s what he
always says who’s the
wiser I know when to eat when not to
eat you are no I’m not Charles you are a
role model I’m out of here byebye hey
Mike I got my own shoes with my own
initials on it yeah well I have my own
shoes with my own name on it well can
you do this in your shoe Mr I don’t
anymore yeah but I don’t have to I’m re
tired I’m not and my shoes got this
strap laces flat white white wimy and
you can’t keep it clean size 13 16 o not
yeah mine’s got more I went ball first
did not now they weren’t talking with
each other for more than a decade I
think we’ve only been in the same room
like three times in the last 25 years
Barkley said in a recent interview and
it all started with Barkley’s criticisms
of Jordan about his per performance as
the Charlotte Hornets owner Jordan
became the majority owner of the
Charlotte Hornets after buying majority
shares from Bob Johnson back in
2010 he then reacquired the Hornets
moniker from New Orleans after the
latter decided to rename their team
Pelicans in
2013 Jordan was previously the president
of basketball operations of both the
then Bobcats and the Washington
Wizards unfortunately being the greatest
basketball player of all time doesn’t
Auto aut atically make you the greatest
GM or team owner Michael with all of his
accomplishments as a basketball player
has failed terribly in his foray as GM
and owner during the time of Jordan
being president of basketball of both
the Wizards and the Hornets both teams
suffered abysmal records on the court
because of bad front office
decisions they have also missed a lot of
opportunities to rebuild when they
missed great players in a given year’s
draft when they held lottery picks such
as the time that Jordan picked quami
Brown as the number one overall pick
over the likes of PW Gasol Tony Parker
Tyson Chandler Zack Randolph and Dilbert
Arenas or how he picked Kima Walker
although not a bad player over the likes
of future Hall of Famers kawi Leonard
Klay Thompson and Jimmy Butler in the
2011 Draft or how he picked Cody Zeller
over the likes of jannis anaono and Rudy
goar in the 2013 draft and Barkley
didn’t mince words criticizing ing his
former best Buddy’s performance both as
president and
owner what I said about Michael I said I
don’t know if he’s ever going to be
successful because of the people around
him I think he hires too many of his
friends uh and cuz your friends don’t
ever tell you no and we haven’t spoken
since that night and that was probably
close to 10 years ago for Barkley who
makes a living sharing his unvarnished
opinions as an analyst on the Emy
award-winning show inside the NBA
there’s no room for double standard
Barkley said that he would have zero
credibility if he criticized other
people but not his best friend and
Jordan being the greatest player ever
doesn’t give him the right to be a jerk
he said that if their relationship is
ever to be mended the first move should
come from Jordan Barkley’s proclivity
for sharing exactly what’s on his mind
began when he was still a young NBA
player drafted by the Philadelphia 76ers
in the 84 draft it didn’t take long long
for him to become as famous for his
quotable Words As for his ferocious
rebounding all the guy that you would be
playing there and I don’t know anything
about Angola but Angola’s in
trouble how did you feel in 1972 when
the Soviet Union beat the United States
in that wild gang well I had just flunk
my entrance exam into kindergarten so I
really that’s was the only thing guys
tell me you would cheat on the golf
course I just want to win I don’t care
about I don’t really care about if they
say I cheat or not the most important
thing is to win you should know that
hand well it depends on how much money
I’m playing for like if I’m playing with
the poppers I’m a legit 12 if I’m paying
with Michael Jordan those Rich guys I’m
a 15 or a 20 so how’s your political
career coming along are you just going
to go into politics or what I’m going to
see how the impeachment thing turn out
before cuz I know I got a lot of
skeletons in my closet so I got to see
how the impeachment thing
work I got I gotta slow my rooll I can
see what happened to Slick Willie hey
hey if Bill Clinton if he can get away
with it well then I’m running so what do
you think about what do you think about
Charles running for office what do you
think about and this outspokenness led
Charles to speak his mind about MJ’s
management performance on national TV
Barkley shared that upon hearing of his
criticisms Jordan called him and said
many unquotable words to him he went
ballistic and he called me
and that’s the last thing I heard
was supposed to be my boy and blah I
said man man I got to do my job and they
haven’t spoken to each other since that
night the crack in the tw’s once solid
friendship was very evident during the
NBA 75 anniversary celebration in
Cleveland when Jordan almost greeted
everybody else but
Barkley a lot of mediate and sports
personalities have differing opinions on
Whose at fault and who should apologize
first some said Barkley was in the wrong
others said it was MJ
of your criticism an opportunity to
somehow change it you know if if you
wrote something critical if there was a
story coming out in the publication
something critical about about somebody
and they sent it to them first you would
think well they’re going to get to proof
read it this is but the way I feel about
it because I have relationships with
people in the business that sometimes I
have to criticize is that if I call that
person cuz we’re close and I say look
this is what I’m going to say about you
hell no he should not do that and if you
do I will lose respect for him I would
lose respect for Barkley as Max just
point out that’s his job many many years
he’s absolutely right Charles Barkley
and I are friends and Shaq and I are
like brothers I’m very very tight with
everybody and I know
MJ and I’m not going to go into who I’ve
spoken to but y’all can imagine who I’ve
spoken to when I drop the details that
I’m about to drop to you lock out short
201122 the Charlotte Bobcats are 7 and
59 the following year they’re 21 and 61
right because it’s a lockout short
season that’s why they were 7 59 the
first go round they were God awful there
were decisions that Barkley felt he had
to speak on that MJ may have made
whether it was the drafting of Michael
Gil you know kid Gil Crest or you know
Gerald Henderson with bismar bio and
these boys being on the team etc
etc I know Michael Jordan Michael Jordan
is a big boy Michael Jordan can take
somebody being critical of him he
requires two things number one that you
know what you’re talking about when you
give details and number two if y’all are
tight pick up the phone and call me
first you have in access to me you have
inside information one of the things
that I did if you remember I went off
about Carmelo Anthony in the Olympics
and I said I don’t want to hear anything
about Olympic gold Med I want to chip
because of the reports that were out
there I had to come on the air will and
apologize you know why I had to
apologize because melow was saying that
the quotes misrepresented his position
but more importantly he was saying you
have access to me why didn’t you call me
the only reason I didn’t text him is cuz
he was in Rio and I thought I couldn’t
reach him he said why would you think
you couldn’t reach me that’s what of
course you can reach me so my point to
you is that Barkley love Barkley he does
have a job but at the same time in this
position you make decisions every day
people who I know that’s one of the
reasons it’s very very difficult for me
to say things about a lot of players
like it was very very difficult for me
to say something about Kobe you know why
I better know what the hell I’m talking
about because Kobe gonna call me or Kobe
gonna text me what the hell was that
because he’s giving you access to him
where you don’t have to give false
information or incomplete information
Barkley has a relationship or had a
relationship close enough with Michael
Jordan where Michael Jordan should not
have turned on the TV and found out what
you were going to say before you called
him and in that regard he’s right but
regardless of everything that’s been
said in the media and the public this
grade of a friendship should not simply
end this way not like this no matter how
much both of them were hurt at the time
yes Jordan and Barkley are two
hard-headed very competitive individuals
on and off the court but one simple
fight especially one that you cannot
even described as a friendship ending
event wastes years of friendship and
Brotherhood they never badmouthed each
other in the media the way Scotty Pippen
bmer merched MJ’s reputation
nowadays as Kenny Smith eloquently said
about the reason why Michael and Chuck
haven’t patched things up until now
boils down only to one thing well I
think the one thing that
uh Charles and both Michael have is a
lot of Pride and it shouldn’t be the
reason why Michael and Chuck wouldn’t be
able to repair their
friendship especially now that Michael
has already sold the
Hornets it’s probably a very touchy
subject to MJ because of how the Hornets
were losing at the time of his ownership
and he was not used to it and Chuck with
all his truthfulness and good intentions
should have had those conversations done
in private with his friend but as the
passing of Kobe Bryant taught many
people this time is never promised every
day is never
guaranteed and the two of them shouldn’t
let Pride continue to become a major
hindrance in repairing what once was a
very beautiful friendship no matter who
at fault and no matter how hard it is
for both of


  1. There was no reason for Barkley to say that about Jordan. He knows how Jordan is and that copout because it is my job was worse. They cover for others all the time. Barkley was wrong. He chose money over friendship, and he has wrong.

  2. Seems like MJ is thin skinned, and unforgiving person to think that Charles Barkley should just say nice things about him and he knows that Charles Barkley doesn't hold his tongue when speaking!

  3. Barkley had every right telling the truth, mj is best player ever the goat no doubt ! But mj is a horrible owner gm etc… he doesn’t know how to manage shit sorry , Jordan need to mend it by apologizing to charles

  4. I get Charles Barkley was trying to tell the truth on an NBA topic.

    But you have to admit if someone completely embarrasses you on live television, mind you a very close friend of yours, it’s very hurtful.

    Especially when this was blindsided, mj had no clue this would happen.

    MJ was trying his very best to be an owner, at the time loads of people were talking smack about his inability to be a great owner, to have his close friend also join in with this backlash made Jordan even angrier

    I get Jordan did not control his emotions well when he talked to Charles, but who would when you get embarrassed on live TV like that, especially an ultra competitive person like Jordan.

    This affects your image/ reputation man

    Charles needs to apologize first, before mj apologizes for his outburst, but there’s no way they’ll be friends again, the trust is broken

  5. Don't even have to watch this video. Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley were never truly friends, as they both have massive egos. They put people around them to serve their greed, drugs, other unhealthy habits, lust, and ego. They are both idiots with no will power/empathy to do the right things and be motivated by the right things to choose health, peace, fertility, and humility. Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan are the opposite of humble. They aren't tough enough to get in shape and be humble. They only get in shape when they can use their physical fitness for ego boosts, which is probably why they let themselves go once they didn't need their higher level of health anymore once their playing career ended.

  6. Michael j is not God.Fudge him…And yes,chuck talks to much and needs to learn to STFU before he gets put to sleep one day.

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