Golf Players

ACO Dalton PRO Series Skins – Opening and First Match!

Round 1 – Douglas Parker vs Stewart Graham – ACO-PRO Series Skins – ACO Dalton 19

Watch Douglas Parker and Stewart Graham battle during Round #1 of the ACO-PRO Series Skins tournament. Brought to you by the American Cornhole Organization (ACO) from Dalton, Georgia as a part of ACO Season 19.

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Topic: Round 1 – Douglas Parker vs Stewart Graham – ACO-PRO Series Skins – ACO Dalton 19

welcome back to Dalton Georgia here at
the Dalton Convention Center here where
we have officially decided to start
happy hour about 30 minutes early that’s
right Finn the loud mouth for the ACO
side by side with the Mississippi ninja
here at the American cornhole
organization season 19 major and Pro
Series skins competition which right in
front of us right now the final 16
competitors of nearly 60 Pros who
qualified earlier these final 16 are
receiving their final marching orders
and instructions on how the Skins game
works just as a reminder most of them I
do believe understand how it works
because they’ve been here before
absolutely and I’m going tell you what
get ready for a shootout if you saw if
you’ve seen the earlier Pro Series that
we’ve have get ready cuz this is some
fun stuff that we have going on and look
at this right out of the shoot Doug
Parker steuart Graham are going to be
firing the one versus the 16 seed Derek
Williams against Michael hang Chase
Pucket against Caleb hurt Dustin Aaron
versus Austin Douglas Mason Higgins
against brandley McLendon Brandon ears
who we just saw here as part of the
co-ed championship team with Kelsey
against James Hill this is the one I’m
looking forward to Isaac hurt versus
junior Williams SVC the youngster versus
the papa the mentor and how about this
Sebastian Barger versus Robert Booker
that is just round one and skins
cornhole is different than any other
cornhole that you’ve ever seen but
similar to any Skins game that you’ve
ever seen absolutely man it is rapid
fire 13 we’re playing to 13 basically
basically you make money yeah each skin
yeah first of SE first to win seven out
of 13 possible skins will not only win
the money associated with those seven
frames but they will also walk away with
all unclaimed skins money so the bottom
line is you can still lose and win but
there’s much more fun to win and then
just keep winning oh yeah so looking
forward to getting this game underway
here Stuart Graham and Douglas Parker
and uh this is this is u matchup that
I’m going to see if I want to get into
my paperwork here cuz I want to make
sure I get this exactly right they
qualified with an scr game that’s a
frame game for those who don’t know it’s
basically you against nobody it’s you
against you or the ghost uh you have 13
frames four bags per frame a potential
156 if you get them all in the hole now
the closest we’ve ever had to a
perfect6 was a 153 by Mr Doug Parker
absolutely absolutely Douglas Parker
who’s lining up here against Stuart
Graham and I got to give him credit he’s
the number one seed today with a 146
Stuart comes in with a 132 that was the
cut line and by virtue of a tiebreaker
he bounced a former king of cornhole
Gary Ferguson out of this bracket of top
16 yeah and I’m still kicking
myself two rounds two rounds I could be
I could be throwing here man but you
know what crazy we talk about that I
mean you had you’d have to have four
Baggers on all 13 frames to get to that
perfect 15 which means for Parker to
throw that 153 he made every bag except
one and we saw that we saw it it went
off to the right just missed a hole and
went off the B Panama City Beach Florida
we did now so that brings me back to
your game today you were throwing pretty
well but you had what two frames three
frames that were just kind of sketchy
just kind of sketchy I blocked I hit the
front of the board it got in my way I
couldn’t get over it without hitting it
and it cost me and then another one I
had I tried to push three bags up two
bags up and they went to the hole and
bunched up and I got a three in that
round cuz I had one off the back and you
will think about that and think about it
and think about it and think about it
but we’ve got 13 frames right now the
first one to win and capture seven
frames which you can push and that’s the
beauty of this as well it’s like any
Skins game you’re not looking for your
Net score necessarily as far as your PPR
and all of that all you have to do is
win the frame and you win the skin yeah
if you push if you get behind and you’re
able to push three or four frames and
then you win the next frame all those
cumulative skins and the cash that goes
with them comes with you so it’s a nice
way to uh to to play catchup if you will
we’ve seen some uh players come from
behind using that strategy yeah we saw
Chloe Arrington in Atlantic City with a
chance to knock Caleb hurt out and that
was a one and
16 that’s right absolutely a one and a
16 just like what we’re about to witness
right here so on the uh screen you will
see the
scorekeeping on the special score board
that we have developed for you and you
will be able to track not just the Skins
but also the Cash Money associated with
it and these guys are finishing some
early down and back pitches here to get
warmed up it’s been a minute since
they’ve been on um on Center Court so
looking forward to it and again this has
been a fun and this was something that
when we developed the idea and I say we
you know out of the out of the frontal
lob of Frank gears and Eric hinderman we
have uh decided you know what are other
ways that we can make this game more
exciting more fun particularly for our
Pros because it’s a free entry
tournament to get into this you’re not
buying a ticket you have earned your
opportunity to play in any one of these
that you want to play in by making
yourself eligible as an ACO Pro so um
the great news is the continued
evolution of the game and the ability
not just to win money but to find new
ways to compete and have some fun doing
so so uh glad to have you on board if
you’re checking us out on Facebook or
whether it is that or maybe it happens
to be on YouTube glad to have you along
for the ride and uh uh we’re going to
we’re going to have a fun night we’re
going to run through this entire bracket
so we have eight initial games top 16
that’s what everything works down to out
of 60 Pros nearly I think 58 Pros
competed today for one of those 16
spots and you are about to see it all
happen right in front of your very eyes
this is good stuff and Stuart Graham is
a good player he kind of es and flows
but it was nice to see him he came in
with a 132 out of a potential 156 Doug
Parker again uh the owner of the closest
to a perfect pitch we’ve ever seen came
in today with a 146 so missed it only by
10 points so we’re getting ready to get
these boys started I do believe a uh a
bring it is imminent so we’ll turn
things over to our
founder and president Frank gears the
dude get ready at
home that is the question are you ready
and all these front row seats sold out
very early around Center Court here we
go f here we go here we go all right so
frame number
Stewart tried to grab that bag but there
was no way but the bottom line is the
score itself did not matter that’s one
that’s a zero that’s 25 bucks in his
pocket and it just continues to progress
and again the first first one to win
seven skins not only wins those seven
and the cash that goes with him but all
unclaimed skins so if he if he were to
blank steuart seven nothing he would win
the money for all 13 frames do you think
that’s going to happen I don’t uh I’ll
tell you one thing Parker can go without
missing I can tell you that right now he
he we’ve seen it
yep Stuart running inside arm right now
Parker throwing outside in so far
perfect and hey how about is that you
think that’s a strategic block uh I
think it’s going to have to be right
there oh he’s going to go up and over
and try to grab him nice shot that’s
going to be a carry over that’s going to
be a watch show as you mentioned
carryover is exactly what the uh term is
typically when it’s associated with golf
for skin so right now we’re looking at
and if you’re watching Along on score
Holio you’re not really going to be able
to see a score per se because it’s not
scored that way but the bug that you are
seeing up on the screen will tally all
money and give you an idea of what it is
you’re looking
at you y you looking at facial SP and
watch watch oh and Parker went for the
big kill right there is he going to do
again uh he he can do
it flips a bag let’s go lays it low
smart play very smart
play watch Stewart’s mouth when he oh oh
that off the back Parker’s happy about
that though cuz Parker’s got one in the
in the backyard it’s uh Boogie likes to
say oh he’s going to make St Stu can
step out and bump it in for for skin I
think trying to take one yeah he’s going
to have to come in and play a little
two picks up two nicely done all right
so since there was a carryover steuart
Graham takes frame number three but
takes two skins as a result jumps out to
lead so again you can follow along with
the bracket as far as winds go but you
will not be able to track it unless
you’re watching live and so now we head
off into frame number three and as you
see there the first player to seven wins
and that’s a uh a bag he would love to
have back on a rubber band metalarc
lemon style as I typically like to say
for those who understand who benar
lemman was no probably not a whole lot
not a bunch well I tell you Parker uh
bag bunched up on him good bag right
there by Stewart to force Doug to step
outside and
again well he just made it more
interesting now didn’t he ste’s going to
go up kind of
pile them up up front air M so to Win It
Parker’s got a air ma drag get up there
and pull one up and over oh and it’s
just going to be a carryover all of that
all of that for a wash
that that is a
uh that is a bit of a nailbiter moment
right there to have to shoot that air M
I thought maybe he might be able to get
a hold and pull one with him and take
the take the skin but right now there
are two on the line as as you see on the
scoreboard 50 bucks available for the
winner of the next skin if it’s this
Frame 100 or uh I’m sorry 75 if it
carries over again he did make a really
good good shot that air M and just
didn’t drag for him look at this
Stewart’s got an opportunity oh he just
kind of laid a little bit further left
than he’d like Parker’s got to get it
sacrificed it all right so now Stewart
Graham has picked up two more now he’s
up four yeah four to one 100 bucks on
25 right
now moving on into frame number six and
again it’s the first one to score seven
skins wins and moves on the winner of
this match will take on the winner of
Derek Williams and Michael Hoang which
will be our next game here on Center
Court Dalton Georgia the Dalton
Convention Center Finn the loudmouth for
the ACO side by side with the
Mississippi ninja Philip
Barnett well I tell you what GR is not
messing around he is going for the kill
every chance he gets Parker trying to
set him up for another air
M he put He put Parker in a little bit
of a pickle right there now yeah Parker
doesn’t really have that roll back to
run up and over between those two does
he split the
bra up and over oh and he sets it up
grabs another one he’s going to pick up
another one all right so that puts him
five skins to one skin all he’s got to
do is capture two more and then he’ll
capture all of the unclaimed skins from
this point forward to 13 Parker needs to
get it in gear we talked about him not
missing but st’s made it tough on he’s
thr some pretty decent front blocks on
him he has he decided to run one up into
the hole there on the first bag of this
frame back to a one Skin Game right here
say d he didn’t waste a r uhoh oh that’s
going to cost him right there Doug
should have this one right up the middle
and he
does steuart’s going to sacrif I at one
skin but that doesn’t really hurt him
too badly against five one all right so
Parker takes one we go into frame eight
how about that frame number eight yes
sir 125 bucks to 50 bucks right
now no go ahead I’m sorry no I was going
to say there’s there’s no reason to
think Parker cannot come back from the
from a 5 to2 lead yeah John Hall thank
you very much for understanding the
globe trer
reference Cody Mia says Doug Parker’s
going to win it all that’s a big
prediction there Mr Cody mhm Douglas
versus hurt in the final says Zachary
Rush where’s Zachary Rush haven’t seen
him in about a minute he was in
Clarksville last week Clarksville was he
yeah Clarksville last week Clark I said
Clarksdale cuz there’s one right by my
house right so many vills Owensville I’m
making Knoxville I’m making all the
vills remember that’s right we need one
in Louisville yeah Oh I thought I
thought that was going to be short
got to get car it over all right so
that’s a couple zeros right there this
one carries over for two now if he wins
this one steart Graham he takes it yeah
Stewart Stewart could take this one and
this is where the pressure this is what
I love about it too cuz right now you
know you know Parker knows that he’s
doing the math in his
head and these games typically run
anywhere from 12 12 minutes to 15
minutes and that’s what allows us to
pull this whole bracket off on Center
Court for you now on the other hand if
Parker wins all of a sudden it’s 5 to
four yeah that’s a whole
different I would say ball game but Bean
game oh look at that oh and St is in the
driver seat right here
p no he’s not I’m sorry I was to say
yeah they even in the hole he’s got a uh
tough road to Ho there and he leaves it
down low Parker’s going to take a break
go down and see what’s going on down
there this is a big
R yeah you don’t want to go from number
one seed to sitting on the
sideline no we have not yeah we did see
as you mentioned in Atlantic City Chloe
with Chloe Arington very close to
eliminating Caleb
hurt with a one on 16 so right now as
you can see on the
scoreboard the current frame score is
5’4 the total skins one Stu has five
Doug has two and there are two on the
line right now for 50 but and DG is he’s
kind of like I don’t know what he should
do F I don’t know if that back bag of
Stew is going to fall uhoh now stew
slick side right down the middle for the
game how about that yep that’s what he’s
doing slick side when he knock Parker in
and Parker picks up the
two boy that was the worst case scenario
for for Ste boy and he rushed it he
didn’t think about that at all and so
now it’s five to four and this is a
whole new life the Skins game future
possibly here for Douglas Parker Parker
gets first bag back also as well what’s
he gonna do with it take it down Center
yeah might as well at this point still
he don’t waste no time so that
disappeared boom he’s gone that was his
problem in the last he should have taken
a little bit more time to think that one
through I think he threw that actually
on the on the sticky side and I thought
he should have thrown his slick side
right down the middle and here’s Parker
a chance to tie it up right down the
middle that’s going to do uh it for the
oh he tried to grab it he tried to grab
it but yeah that’s going to uh take it
now to five on five and we got a good
one going to first one Finn yes we do we
knew it would be fun yeah it just keeps
getting uh as they say funner 125 bucks
a piece in each pocket no matter what
one of these guys walks away with a
minimum of that amount of money $55,000
total purse no entry fee for the pros he
just opened the window for Parker right
there to advance to the next round yep
oh he’s moved it a little bit he should
be able to go there that yeah it’s going
to come
in he’s got a win too fin five five oh
true yeah we’re five on five aren’t we
not six on six all right there it is
Parker going to grab go to six on five
six On Five Oh and he he figured why not
try the air ma what the hell let’s take
a practice shot all right six to five he
went from a frame where he could have
won that whole game just with that two
two uh skins push to now being down by
one is Stuart gramp Stuart threw a 132
dug through a 146 out of a potential 156
in the qualifier scr game Parker takes
that first bag nice low whole block and
that should do it yeah he’s already
stepping out he knows he’s going to have
to get that bag 13 frames total we’re on
frame number 12 Eric hopp and John says
he’s Michael hanging for the pro oh
that’s a good bag nicely done
shades of Isaac hurt now if I’m Parker I
try to put one right behind it right
there perfectly perfectly placed two
bags left for stew up and over oh and he
drops one and leaves one up there in the
uh hey but Ste whoever loses walking
away with some good money
though oh oh Parker lets him off going
in for the tie go in for the tie and he
does it my chion we are down to the
final frame unless we carry over unless
carry over six on six each of them have
150 bucks I don’t have room on my paper
to go I’ll let cheat I’ll let you cheat
off my
paper you didn’t make an extra extra
call you didn’t think we’ be going into
extra we haven’t yet ever I think we did
one time one time and it only lasted one
extra sudden death Ed oh boy right there
Parker oh boy are you kidding Parker
going to try to move that with this bag
watch yes he is and that’s the chase fin
that’s the chasing stew I like this I
like stew slow down take your time
figure out what you want to do here this
is it right
here and the bottom line on this one is
slick side what he should have done a
minute ago yeah the winner of this Frame
advances takes 175 bucks no matter what
the loser takes at least
150 he he got it to move he got a little
bit oh and now he’s open to take the
game if he can get this one to take one
in he’s going to take
I think he steps out slick side and he
wins this game there he goes He steps
over a little bit little bit on the back
foot oh that’s going to do it who wins
that’s going to do it I think that’s one
off the back there I think steu takes it
doesn’t he yeah Ste he took that one off
the back Douglas Parker un not what he
was hoping to do there but how about
that seven skins on six that’s as tight
as it gets 175 to 150 and dou Parker the
number one seed Falls to steuart Graham
the number 16 hey as we approach March
March Madness that’s exactly what
everybody wants to see so
congratulations seven on six our next
match comes up it’s Derek Williams and
Michael HK sang but congratulations how
about that steuart

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