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LIV Golf

Championship Sunday has come to an end
and what a day Legion 13 two out of five
live golf league tournaments with the
incredible Team Championship win Team
Championship today and that is Greg
Norman that just grabbed the mic from me
as you can see we are excited d ber also
taking the individual Championship
thanks Greg for that Cameo uh Dean berer
had an outstanding playoff win we’re
here to talk about it all welcome to
Club 54 post round show I’m your host
Christian Crosby and there was a
champagne flowing uh suan hang joining
me Don Boule going all day long and wow
what did we just watch Dean burster
getting that individual Championship win
you got to follow uh Sergio Garcia as
sorry guys I’m a little hyped right now
that was incredible what we just watched
let’s talk about
it well I’ll go ahead you know Dean
played so well all week this week he
drove the ball beautifully and honestly
that was a huge Advantage for him uh
going into today with his length and how
good he is with his wedges he’s due he’s
been due he came so close in Bedminster
he’s played some great golf obviously
won twice in the off season he he
deserves it and not to say that Sergio
didn’t but that was that was a close
close match you know we see throughout
so many guys in their careers you know
the he’s he’s on that upward trajectory
and he’s won a lot but the wins the two
wins he had just before Christmas you
could just feel this was coming you know
and on this golf course you got to
really play some golf to win and it was
fully deserved let’s take a look at some
Dean bster highlights from his
incredible day here in Miami
Dom take us through this insane day for
Dean berson well you know he said in his
press conference yesterday he has the
tendency to rise above the nerves and I
think that’s exactly what he did today
this part of his game to thrived all day
today you followed him so he buried the
first two hoes he did he was up to a
great start both him and Lou actually
were off to a really good start and
there birie here on the
six he was just hitting some clutch
shots and making those putts we always
say this you you hit those great shots
on a Sunday but you have to make those
Sunday Championship putts yeah it comes
down to putting on a Sunday you’ve got
to convert don’t you and he surely
did this one this was a big big winning
putt not easy with all that pressure on
him he probably wish herio hadn’t made
his putt for that five because it made
that that but a lot
harder and it was Wonder a great moment
for Dean you know with his family there
the kid came running on to the green it
was magnificent and you know I’m sure
his mom and dad his dad Mark’s a lovely
guy well his brother’s here too his
brother’s here but his mom and dad are
watching in South Africa I’m sure and
they apparently they’re going to go to
adelay oh they should by the way the way
he’s playing I was going to say d i I
watched the interview at the end there
he got a little emotional when you asked
him about his family yeah and you know
he had aot lot of support out here too
you a bunch of South Africans they were
here all week I heard them chanting I
think it was on the 16th Hall did what
what were they chanting what was that o
o o I think but a fun fact about I that
was the Sergio no no that was that was
the South Africans but fun fact about
that though he met them last night and
gave all of them a bunch of tickets to
come out here today to enjoy Sunday golf
that’s the kind of guy he is wa minute I
thought David was joking when he said
that he actually just met them the night
before yes and he passed them a whole
bunch of tickets for them to come out
and enjoy Championship Sunday he’s a top
man that’s incredible let’s talk a
little Sergio Garcia I mean where do we
begin with his day another playoff for
him unfortunately he did not get that
done uh where do we start with his day
what do you say d you know what Sergio
is he’s an iconic play he’s a legend of
the game he’s been one of the best ball
Strikers the last 25 years Greg Norman
set out on course he may be some of the
best one of the best drivers of the ball
in the last 25 years it’s just you know
in a playoff it’s potluck he just he
just maybe chose the wrong Club on that
second shot on the second ho playoff and
it got caught in the win but uh you know
we he’ll he’ll win it’s no question he
could win next week at the Masters he’s
got some confidence thanks that’s Sergio
hey Sergio good luck brother uh speaking
of the guy there there he goes right
there and seemed to be in great spirits
which just says so much about his
character and his game uh let’s take a
look at some of his highlights here talk
us through it guys I I love to hear you
guys give us the yeah well I was
following Sergio you know he didn’t
manage to Birdie the first hole which is
a par five but this was his putt on Two
And I thought well you know what the
stroke looks good he looks pretty
confident he was never in any rush and
two great shots a fivewood for his
second shot on the eighth and you know
with the water on the left that’s a
scary second shot and I thought his long
putting was great today you know he’s
laying it up a lot of them Stone
dead and this was a huge putt this got
him at the time to within one because
burer just got it to 12 under and then
here on 17 well look at this this is
what a good 40 ft left to right break
Greg Norman I were standing on the side
of the green it was in the moment it
left the Potter Face you know when I
heard that Roar on the the 18th I
thought he was going to close it out on
18th and that was it that was to win
this event this big Championship that’s
it was probably the the only bad stroke
he made all day how how difficult is it
um once you reach that point you’re in
the playoffs you’re fatigued not only
physically but mentally um a guy like
Sergio you know do you foresee him uh in
future tournaments going all the way and
and and how what is it going to take for
him to just really break through well
you know like I said t green is great
one day he’s going to catch catch hot
with his Putter and he’ll win by five or
six I truly believe it’s it’s in him and
I I honestly think with the confidence
he’s gained he’s going to take a lot of
positives out of this next week he is a
contender because that’s about ball
striking yeah it’s also about putting
but he knows those greens really well
he’s won there before I think he’s a
legitimate Contender next week it would
be an understatement to call today a
crazy day it’s been a roller coaster all
day let’s take a look at the individual
score warm here we go and uh Su you this
is my favorite this is a Tetris this is
a Tetris chart I mean look at that I
mean from most of the days Sergio really
had control over the round and right up
till the
end Dean was trying to catch
up ah it was just an exciting day Dom I
mean between you and I listening to the
broadcast it’s so much fun you know what
this this course creates drama and with
with the crowds we had the last couple
of days you could hear the draws and it
it it’s exhilarating it really was out
there it was it was a ton of fun social
media was screaming here are some tweets
supporting our guy Dean burster uh come
on Dean you got to love this rooting
them on I have work tomorrow and I can’t
stop watching there Monday morning let’s
go Burmy South Africa back in you all
the way got to love that one here’s
another one I got this month’s rent on
Dean well that worked out for that
congratulations some free rent there
nearly 12:00 a.m. in Ireland uh this is
riving golf go on Dino got to love that
uh as we always love to to get the
social media post from you guys people
were ruing on Dean man that was fun to
watch it’s Club 54 post round show and
we got plenty more to talk about here in
Miami the Sun is setting it’s
beautiful all right today kind of
reminded me of another day the first uh
tournament in Maya COA where Sergio
Garcia went head-to-head with Waco
Neeman in that playoff matchup let’s
take a look back in
myoba 57 holes down and they still can’t
be separated and now it’s decision time
we we asked the players you hey come
back tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. and
finish this yeah it was getting dark and
I was like I we got to finish this
today definitely a lot of energy there
on on the 18th green there myoba
probably encouraging them to maybe give
them a little more sir you’re look at me
saying I’m good if you’re good if we
want to play one
more here we go we
go and we go again for a fourth fire
pole he had a great drive and and that
that put him in great position we had a
good idea but you couldn’t you couldn’t
really see the
flag unfortunately didn’t hit a um
didn’t hit a good second shot miles
right I would have been so much better
off in the sand it was pretty dark but
the good thing that you were able to see
the green because of the the screen that
had he hit a great shot
shot yeah it looked like he might have
had a chance of hitting the flag and
maybe ended up Stone dead or something
like that I knew I had to make this part
I didn’t wanted to wait and see if he
was going to make his or miss
it a stunning show of character from
wacky nean and obviously he he made a
great burd you know I felt that pressure
of being fighting for the tournament
which I was missing it for a while this
time went my way which was sweet I’m
going to enjoy it it was great it was
great got to love it the Sun is setting
here at Trump National dur as you can
see it’s absolutely beautiful so many
fans still around and joining suan and I
Jerry fultz thanks for joining us here
um what a day we just talked about it a
little bit but would love to get your
overall perspective of this incredible
day ending in an incredible playoff well
you know one at one point we had five
players tied for the individual lead all
five great players that came down to
Sergio having a 6 and 1/2 foot putt a
roughly six and a half foot putt to uh
to win outright he didn’t make it but
the reason he even was in that position
is because he made nearly a 50-footer on
17 uh ultimately it was just a mishit
iron shot in the second playoff hole
that cost him but what a great week for
Sergio what a great week for for Dean
burm though everybody knows he’s a world
class player he has the respect of all
of his peers out here um and to get it
done for the first time um it was it was
really really cool well as expected on a
course like this a lot of uh changes
might happen on the team leaderboard
Legion 13 started with a three-day uh
three shot lead and then at one point
they had a nine shot lead and it came
all the way down to the wire some
impressive Golf and clutch golf from Rah
as well as Kieran on the first at one
point they had a
96% chance of winning mathematically my
and it came down to and Vincent needing
to Shake in a three-footer on the final
hole but the neat part to me was John
ROM he when he made his putt on too to
what he thought would seal a deal the
reaction he knew he was out of it
individually but the reaction from him
team golf does matter and this is only
his fifth event as a captain it’s really
cool seeing John get excited for his
team playing for his team let’s take a
look at some Legion 13 highlights from
our final day here on Sunday here’s
Legion Caleb SRA
this for Birdie on the eighth I full
terot all day his driver gave him some
issues he walked this one in though
didn’t think he was going to make it had
a nice chuckle after that John what a
solid week he’s had three rounds on par
I’m sure he’s going to go into the
masters with some confidence yeah and
this putt was just enormous cuz if he
doesn’t make this it I mean before
Kieran even try get up and down at
one he thought that was to seal the deal
but Karen made us the same mess of one
that John rad made just moments earlier
but was able to shake that a little more
than 3 feet and probably the most
nervous he’s ever been on a golf course
cuz by that point he knew that putt was
for the team title here’s a question uh
the newest team to live golf obviously
Legion 13 for them to win two out of
five tournaments this early in how
special is that would you say well and
and like Su I’ll tell you they have two
world class players on that team and
Terell Hatton and John rum obviously rum
in the short conversation for best
player in the game but they have two
guys who are completely green behind the
ears and they have been MVPs now Kieran
played poorly today no make no mistake
about it but you can only you can only
count on count on a team with two
rookies to be so competitive and those
guys especially Caleb serat and K and
Vincent have been just sucking it up
when ever required and by the way John
Rah and Terell they don’t only have to
play golf now they have to be mentors
they have to be role models to the two
younger guys and I know rah’s been
spending a lot of time with Caleb trying
to Mentor him trying to guide him he’s
still a young player a lot to learn but
what an advantage to learn from a guy
like John as well as Terell Hatton I
mean that’s the best school you can go
to huge huge advantage and and and John
Ras even had listed the help of fil
Mickelson to help Mentor another team’s
player in Caleb SRA and Patrick Reed as
well by the way that’s some pretty good
mentors right there especially when
you’re talk game Sorry Jerry let’s take
a look at the uh team score worm here
and suan since this is your favorite
thing still made me do it christian come
on Jerry take this one my
tetm no I love the worm I take my Tetris
chart I did the worm come on Jerry that
looks like an eter sketch from my old
days as a kid but yeah no it was it was
up and down up and down coming into the
day between range goats and Legion but
Legion just did enough today to hold him
off well let’s take a look back at that
Maya Koba win from Legion 13 take a
look haen was assess the penalty right
so that took us from five back to three
back okay we can actually truly do this
right we can make that up on the first
hole now then Karen Vincent y we didn’t
really have a game plan it wasn’t like
Jal you do this Caleb you do this it was
more of just go play golf and see what
happen happens this is far from done
R Legion 13 on MAR it was so clean you
know I was I was just cruising Legion 13
are 12 under for the day they’re easily
the best in class on Championship Sunday
and they lead by
seven I struggled on whole 17 all
week no he knew it and I just I hit
another bad one oh oh oh no no no I had
the triple and then I literally look up
at the leaderboard and as I’m walking to
the next te we go from a four shot lead
to one one shot lead Caleb satat seven I
mean I didn’t even talk to my caddy on
the way in I just told him on AT&T that
we’re going to get it back Caleb San for
a bounce back birdie after that triple
bogey well played young man I just kept
telling myself one more just one more
one more okay lookat for another birdie
zat pulled up next to me the light i’
had have to wonder how he got a driver’s
license so young looking well Legion 13
are going to win their debut competition
in LIF golf what a start for them one
thing we spoke about a little bit is how
cool it was to be able to do that
without Rah playing his best in the
final round oh I was SI I was having the
roughest day it truly was a team effort
right if you could describe team work as
a feeling you you you could feel it
there I didn’t even hold the champagne I
I’m the designated trophy holder for the
next couple years at
least love to see that team and as you
can see we’re tossing it over to Rachel
Drummond you’re going to show us some of
the chps that these guys will face in
Augusta this week coming up right the
beauty of tech I can see you on my left
I can see you down here us to that the
Sun is setting I’m in absolute heaven
right now and what a champion Dean burm
if you’re watching what a man but there
was so many tricky chip shots this week
here at Dural and Masters next week
there’s certainly going to be some more
so we’re going to have a little look at
some of the shots the players faced this
week so here’s Sergio tight lie he
actually used quite a lot of wrist hinge
in this shot I’m going to teach you a
slightly different one in a
minute leaving a little bit of work
there we’ve got Matthew wolf again an
exceptionally tight light keeping the
club outside his hands missing the
landing area slightly but such demanding
shots and they’re definitely going to
have these tight lies at
austa and Dean burm when he needed it
got his landing area left a tap in I bet
he was
absolutely buzzing when he hit it that
close for a tap in now I’m going to
teach you how to play a Chip Shot off an
extremely tight lie now I’ve spoken to
the crew here and they have anxiety like
me when I get this shot so I’m hopefully
going to give you something going to
simplify it and make it very simple so
the best way to do this is Chip as if
you’re putting you’re going to set up
technically wise like it’s a putt so
I’ve got my 50°
wedge I’m going to get the toe into the
ground and I’m going to stand really
close to the golf ball and then going to
get a little bit of pressure on my lead
leg I’m also going to get my thumbs
pointing down so when I do that it gets
my wrists in a certain position so
there’s not going to be as much wrist
hinge so I’m literally setting up for
the shot I want to play typically you’d
see people standing a little further
away a little more wrist angle but I
want you close right so I’ve got my 50
I’m standing close and it’s just a rock
of the shoulders and a turn so toe in
the ground really close to the golf
ball Rock of the shoulders and a
turn so it’s keeping it really really
simple Justin Rose says he always sets
up for the shot that he wants to hit so
if this was on a slightly fluffier eye
he’d probably standing a little bit
further away opening the club face but
again cuz it’s a tight L we’re going to
close I’m pretty buzzing about that one
I’m just going to give myself a that on
the back so we’re close again thumbs
down turn back and turn through and it
is the simplest way to play the shot now
you can also do this with less Loft same
technique and I’m going to give give you
one more tip that I want you to try at
home so every Green will have this cut
here and it’s about a stride onto the
green there is another cut it’s quite
hard to see but you can just about see
it here if you zoom
in so this becomes your landing area on
every chip so if I was chipping to this
flag I’d hit my 60 land it here release
because I’ve got a flag further away I’m
going to chip it here and allow it to
roll the whole way down so I have my a
iron I’m going to get it Landing in this
landing spot and then allow it to
release down to the
pin so you’ve got a few different ways
you can play this you’ve got the toe
down it’s a little bit steamy toe down
stand really close thumbs down rock back
and rock through and then you’ve got a
little strategy that you can try with
this landing area chipping is
exceptionally difficult at every stage
of the game so if you’ve got a
consistent landing area and you just
change your Club you’re going to give
yourself a lot more chance to hit some
good chips give this one a go and
hopefully the anxiety will
go got to get rid of that anxiety right
yeah well I didn’t see those chips when
I put with her on Tuesday those are some
great dispersions there what are you
saying listen Dom and I beat her and
Gareth Lord on Tuesday so I’m sure we’re
gonna have a rematch in Australia and
speaking of Australia that’s a shot that
you’re going to need in Australia some
really tight lies at the gra and so that
shot’s going to come in handy well when
I first came here obviously I’m new here
to live when I first came here I asked
everyone favorite stop favorite stop
everyone kept saying adelade I asked
them why and they said the fans take a
look at
this rys the Shambo leading the crushes
and Ripper absolute bed look Al to
Beauty with the
ace bad light see you on the watering
hole right
there Champions D this is the future of
golf are you
ready cannot wait for Australia uh Dean
burm just literally walked by us with
the trophy in hand uh couldn’t be more
excited about our next stop let’s talk
about it what can we look forward to
seeing at this next one and concl oh
crazy crowds going to be double the size
of last year yeah look forward to the
watering hole the watering hole is where
you need to be that’s where I’ll be most
of the off hours actually even if
there’s nobody there but no it’s a great
great Golf Course way different in style
to this it’s old style you have to
control the ball but you don’t need a
lot of length to play well there but
it’s just going to be it’s going to be
absolutely nuts uh last question we got
about 30 seconds left in this show who
are you most excited to watch and
Adelaide after what happened today
anyone oh my goodness cam Smith cam
Smith any of the Rippers are going to be
treated as rockar down there but cam
Smith he could be elected prime minister
all right you heard it well I can’t wait
to see you guys there thank you for
watching Club 54 post round show I’m
your host Christian Crosby until next


  1. Easy mistakes but caddy should have told Sergio " give yourself a putt" !! Even 30 footer is a chance water no chance !

  2. The 4 Aces suck big time,they have turned into FATCATS AND NOT WORTH THE PRICE OF ADMISSION,DJ is my fave but man he stinks all over the place,Pat and Harold you guys need to put in some serious time with DJ and get your game out of KORNFERRY TOUR.AT LEAST SHOW UP BEING HUNGRY BUT LEAVE YOUR BULLSHLT HOME.

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