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I Investigated the Fitness Industry’s Steroid Epidemic

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Topics: fitness inustry, dark side of bodybuilding, dark side of fitness industry, asking bodybuilders, sam sulek, jesse james west

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steroids are the most popular they’ve
ever been in the fitness industry and
just as the physiques have gotten bigger
so is the industry and the number of
impressionable fans so I wanted to see
if the industry and its enhanced
athletes are causing more harm than
good I’m here to find out the truth and
nothing but the
truth ta it I actually don’t know that
much about steroids but I think I know
might what’s your password uh
Tren that’s right man come on in okay Dr
Mike P cinamon Dr Mike Jesse my man
what’s up back for more steroid advice
no no no no no I’m natural mik yes so am
I okay um I have a few questions for
both of you and I feel like because you
guys are massive Men You’re the perfect
candidates my main goal to find out the
side effects of steroids but also talk
about its potential glorification in the
industry when shouldn’t somebody take
steroids almost always uh that’s when
they shouldn’t yeah most people
shouldn’t take steroids yes I think
because steroids have such a huge list
of negatives and the positives are very
curious and very specific that you would
need a high degree of justification for
the positive would you ever consider
hopping on it maybe okay we will see
what happens so would you ever take
steroid definitely I wouldn’t no what
would you say like there’s the kid that
looks up to someone and just wants to
hop on gear because they don’t have a
good physique and they just want to
quickly I want to look like seum what
steroids can get you is a more muscular
version of yourself very few people
thought this through a lot and really
just want to look like seum what they
want is to be like SE buum to be famous
to have a following to have a beautiful
physique that they’re proud of but
surely this is all speculation I mean
there was no way that these influencers
could unknowingly convince kids to take
steroids so that way they look like them
right that would just be CRA who’s your
favorite influencer time why I like the
physique I like the shoulders would you
ever take steroids probably I want to
get big I want to get big yeah you want
would you do you want to look like Sam
and that’s why he yes you would yeah
quite frankly statements like that are
very concerning so to further deter
people from using Peds I had Mike and
Jared break down the dark reality of
being enhanced they’re not fun to take
are they really not fun to take it
affects almost every single system you
can think about many of them get a super
physiological effect with they’re just
better many of them get a degraded
effect the steroids actually in high
doses especially for some individuals at
risk can cause psychosis for which you
can be hospitalized for delusional
psychosis there are incidents in the
literature I know of folks that have had
this and and their lives went very
downhill shortly thereafter I know
people who have gotten into physical
altercations with the police while on
steroids and were uh they did not
survive do you think you’re the are you
natural yeah are you going to stay
natural uh yeah why’ you hesitate on
that because it’s just so tempting they
just get huge it concerns me that these
young people are even considering taking
peeds but the reality is I don’t even
know where to get this stuff so I
decided to meet up with a former steroid
dealer Greg duet daddy Greg sense Greg
okay so you in your past were a former
steroid dealer yes why do you want to
even talk about this on the internet
well honestly I I want people to know
about the dangers of this and how common
it is and and being somebody that used
to it I people think it’s just
bodybuilders it’s everybody what was the
most dangerous part of selling them
honestly at the time I wasn’t really
worried about anything aside from
getting caught like there was nothing
that I was worried about and you’re
selling to your friends so I’m like
thinking well what’s going to happen is
just my friends I know everybody it’s
not like I’m having an online business
I’m selling the strangers so I mean it’s
like it’s your buddy hi hi buddy you
want I’m okay so other than just getting
caught I didn’t really have any worries
and then once you got caught were you
you like arrested yeah came in my room
5: in the morning Five Guys handcuffs
doors oh yeah it’s holy crap yeah
absolutely I lost my career as a school
teacher I’m lucky enough that I was able
to get famous on YouTube to be able to
do the coaching to keep going cuz for a
while I’m sitting on cardboard boxes
like literally I have nothing I owe
money I have huge fines I’m like what am
I going to do did anyone like under the
age of 18 ever try buying them from you
from me no I my friends were older what
I find happens is people get them from
people they know I find that when kids
try to get it they’re trying to get it
from their other kid friends so and I’m
assuming that’s where they’re they’re
buying either fake stuff the low quality
this happens all the time as it was with
any substance no matter what people are
cutting it to make it weaker one person
was just ask can I have your empty
bottles I’m like yeah what am I going to
do with this here he ends up just
filling it with oil and selling it
cooking oil boom here you go so what is
the current problem within the fitness
industry of influencing these kids to go
down the wrong route now we got such
famous guys we got Chris Bumstead and
Sam suck Who we all can tell are taking
something and so if you’re a kid you
want to look like that you know you’re
going to have to take something the
social media pressures to look good I
think that’s what’s causing everyone to
do this so do you think that the fitness
industry is glorifying steroids by a
chance I think that indirectly that they
are without even realizing it I think
that they absolutely are now that it was
obvious that the popularity of social
media has greatly increased the
temptation to take steroids I wanted to
ask the influencers themselves what they
think about peeds in the industry both
the openly enhanced and the ones who
claim natural we’ve got Daddy null in
the house how you feeling good are you
natural or not no I’m not natural Natty
or not Natty dog let’s go let me see the
let me feel them that’s questionable are
you natural or not no okay why are you
not natural cuz I’m a professional
bodybuilder you’re a professional
bodybuilder you’re not natural no you
are enhanced of course okay so why are
you enhanced uh to compete at that level
basically at that point it’s you’re
evening the playing field otherwise
you’re going to be at a disadvantage
Natty or not Natty what do you say if
someone’s calling you not natural it is
what it is it’s a compliment Natty or
not Natty okay what would you say if
someone says you’re not Natty I don’t
know I’d say thank you Natty or not oh
I’m not not natural you’re open about
that do you think that the fitness
industry is glorifying the Eds I could
say yeah I would see how that can be
viewed from a perspective that we
glorify PDS I can also see how it’s
being glorified that you’re open about
it and not you know that you’re doing it
so just being honest you know but what
is natural are these Flex Pro meals that
all these bodybuilders are missing out
on what do you say to a fan that comes
up to you and says bro I want to be big
like you what is your advice to them you
have to start somewhere and uh all the
juice don’t going to take the hard work
off from you so you can get 10 meals
cooked and delivered to your door for
5.94 her meal by using Code Jess I don’t
like romanticizing these sort of things
I’m open and transparent that about the
fact that I am enhanced but I’ve never
told anyone what I do listen we’ve all
suffered from diet burnout it is not
easy but luckily with flex for’s new
flavor verse they have you covered with
so much variety the menu changes weekly
so you will never be burnt out I wish I
would have started a little later in
life yeah I started bodybuild at a young
age and you know your body has a lot of
potential on its own and even though the
meals change they always have a certain
amount of Keto gluten-free dairyfree
high protein meals on the menu and
actually the large meals versus the
regular siiz meals have 50% more protein
little known fact they actually have the
highest protein per meal compared to
everybody else you’ll see a lot of gym
Bros is going to the gym Juiced up and
they look like so click that first link
in the description below and use code
Jesse to get 40% off your first
order honestly I am most shocked at the
fact that I went into this thinking that
people are going to be telling me Oh
yeah roids are great being enhanced is
great but that’s just not the case and
of course when I asked people who they
were here to see the most common name
was Sam so keep my dog Sam Sam pretty
much really wanted the Sam you kind of
look like Sam Sol would you take
steroids or do you have any plans of
going to the dark side mk67 7 and R 140
there there may be on the agenda and so
I was curious to hear what his message
would be to his fans and if he would
touch on the subject of steroid I’m
curious what is your motto for your fans
like something that you could leave with
them would you mind taking a guess on
what that could be it’s only two words I
I’m it’s either do your cardio that’s
more than two it’s get big get big if
you can consolidate everything down to
two words it’s just get big I mean let’s
be real is that your life motto I’d
probably agree with that any advice for
someone that like you know looks up to
you and comes up to you and says hey man
like I’m a little discouraged I’m not
getting as huge as I want to what’s your
advice to them I’d say first off more
than likely not counting their macros
more than likely not doing their cardio
not doing Progressive overload I mean
these are things which you can optimize
and make gains it’s not rocket science
either right on appreciate you brother
good to meet you all right yeah enjoy
your time man so we’ve established that
yes there are people who want to take
peeds to resemble the look or the
lifestyle of their Idols yet after
speaking to them the majority seemed
quite transparent about their use it
made me wonder if there was potentially
another reason why kids would be willing
to take peeds take that desperation to
like look like whoever to to be cool to
get a girl whatever what they want is to
have the tick tocker girls nod in your
direction when you’re at the gym ah yes
the lifelong pursuit of us men doing
everything we can to attract women well
let’s ask the ladies what they think of
enhanced physiques and if they even find
them more attractive do you find stered
out bodybuilder is attractive I think
more of like a like a mild bodybuilding
style I find more attractive I I don’t
like the big traps when it looks like
they have shoulders inside shoulders
yeah yeah I can’t do that okay makes
sense Michelin man look you just got to
be healthy you know everybody has their
own body type just be healthy if he
looks like he’s taking stuff and he says
he’s not natural I mean is it a turn off
no it’s not a make or break for me I
like the veins juicy veins girth very
juicy yes do you find it like odd if a
guy only took steroids to impress you
yes I think he needs to be himself he
doesn’t need to do steroids and he
doesn’t care much about himself I feel
like nobody should alter their body
chemistry for anybody else but
themselves when you hear that guys most
girls don’t even find enhanced physiques
attractive I honestly been shocked about
how these influencers have been so open
about the risk of peeds and I think the
message I’d want to share would be that
the biggest names in the industry didn’t
get their solely based on how they look
when we like started back in like the
first year or two we thought maybe like
a better physique would help now bro
there’s people who make a living off
this who don’t even have a good physique
like if you just have good content
that’s that’s all you need honestly if I
had to describe the one Creator who had
been transparent about their ped use but
hasn’t glorified being enhanced and has
built his brand off genuine positivity
it be no I personally I look up to you I
look up to the people that are positive
in the industry and leave a great mark
behind what final Legacy would you like
to leave on this Earth within your
audience within everybody and what was
your motivation you know to to be the
way you are two things very simple be
kind to others a large portion of what I
talk about is just just etiquette in the
gym and just being kind to others inside
and outside of the gym and the second
thing be kind to yourself there two
people that genuinely Inspire and
motivate me in this industry one of them
very sadly has passed away late Joe
Aesthetics an incredible human and his
work ethic his message your work ethic
your message these are just two people
that I resonate with very well and two
people I just consider very dear and
close friends to myself so you keep
doing what you’re doing keep changing
lives you’re entertaining but you’re so
motivating and I think not just the
fitness industry but the world needs
more of that so I hope your message
reaches as far and wide as possible
truly I do I mean I I would say the same
to you bro I really appreciate you bring
it in for real no that means a lot man
at the end of the day it’s not solely
about what you look like I don’t want
you guys feeling pressure from looking
at somebody online and comparing
yourself I don’t want you guys thinking
that the only way to achieve your goals
and achieve your dream physique is by
doing peeds as long as I look as shitty
as this I’m fing happy man I’m happy
with how I look right the goal of this
video was to explain the reality of
steroids and I want you guys to walk
away feeling confident by yourselves not
comparing yourself to other people
online but if you are going to go down
that route do it right got to know what
you’re doing take your health serious it
can affect your health it can affect
your seal Health your social function
your social relations your criminal
record focus on your nutrition focus on
your training one of the most dangerous
things with steroids is some of these
causes are permanent as in it’s there
forever once you’ve done it you can’t go
back in time it’s permanent damage
you’ve done forever there’s a right and
wrong way of doing everything and if you
guys aren’t getting on stage and making
a check from this fort I don’t think
it’s necessary if you enjoy the video
subscribe until the next investigation
stay Relentless


  1. There is too much emphasis on steroids. It has been around before this generation and it will be around for the next. Move on.

  2. Bro, when he said "I think I might know someone who knows a lot about steroids" I had Dr. Mike and Jared pop up in my head. Instant subscription as soon as I saw Jared head.

  3. Wasted my time with this vid 😂 i already know someone who wouldnt fold or be biased when asking questions 👍 kuddos tho

  4. It's so funny that the bald guy, who claims to be a whatever prof., said those kids who use steroids just try to attract girls and get TikTok attention. Who himself is obviously juiced to the extreme looks down upon the young ones who are also trying to get juiced like him. How do you know they don't have the same intention just like you do? Use the body to turn the number of views from those training videos into the commercial money. However, those so-called 'kids' represent millions of dollars business to you and the other 'influencers'. It is comical that you think you made a judgment that exempts you from the 'lower' juiced people in the bodybuilding industry. But in fact, you were also that one 'kid' who started to juice after seeing some obviously jacked people who claim steroids were bad in public..

  5. Anyone acting like they need sam to answer the question is being ignorant. Sam Sulek is a really nice guy and a super hard trainer. He also is 110% on so much gear it will likely give him a stroke or heart attack by 35.

  6. Made a whole episode about steroids, gets an interview with Sam Sulek, doesn’t bring up steroids at all. wth!?

    *Facepalm 🤦🏻‍♂️*

  7. Sam sure did give himself some bad acne and scars from roids…and who knows what other health problems

  8. I know a lot of young guys who look up to Sam Sulek because they are a similar age to him, they actually like the way he talks and how he puts himself across because he “seems” more grown up and wise, but they forget that wisdom doesn’t come until you have experienced the failures of your vice…

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