How to Improve Your Single Plane Golf Swing with Proper Address Alignment

Learn how to correct your address alignment for a better golf swing. Discover the importance of proper hand position, shaft angle, and lean for optimal performance on the course. #GolfSwingTips #ProperAddressAlignment #ImproveYourGame #GolfTips #GolfLessons #GolfTraining #GolfSkills #GolfTechnique #GolfAlignment #GolfPerformance

that’s my tilt so that’s the very first
thing I’m feeling I feel slightly behind
the ball so I I feel slightly behind it
not not over top of it right slightly
behind it now here’s the biggest feeling
that I get when I’m at a dress is when
I’m looking down I see and perceive and
feel shaing I feel my hands being way
over here if I had to exaggerate that
for you it feel like it feel I feel like
this at a dress even though I know
that’s not what it looks like I feel
like my hands because I’m tilt
and because my hands are pointing
towards my lead side I see a nice angle
of shaft in other words it’s not
straight up and down I see this nice
lean the other thing I feel and perceive
is my lead arm is is just fully extended
it’s fully into owner deviation
extended and that gets the face Square
as a reference and then this this arm is
higher than this arm

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