Chiltern Forest Golf Club | 18 Holes

This course is a real hidden gem, such a stunning track. My golf was up and down but thoroughly enjoyed this round either way.

what of you and good morning and welcome
to CH Forest been Mei to play here for a
very very long time it’s always seem to
be booked up in the morning and
obviously now now in the summer we’ve
got a bit more time in the afternoon so
can get around about 1 2:00 so it’s a
very very hilly course Very looking
forward to actually it’s been nice
weather recently so it shouldn’t be as
boggy as last week think this CR can
play well I’m not going to be doing a
break 80 just
because I’ve been playing awfully
there’s no point I just want to enjoy
the round um and enjoy the course so
yeah I’m going to get down do some
practicing my passing and chipping for
the next hour or so before the round and
uh hopefully that fixes something
because yeah last week’s pting and
chipping was diabolical anyway don’t
forget to like comment and subscribe and
enjoy the
video all right lovely day for it nice
short par for downhill to start I think
I’m just going to get a
five cuz it seems pretty firm it’s been
pretty dry and it’s nice and sunny so
let’s try and have a good round
it’s a little bit up the right but I
think that’s going to be just
fine right good t- shot there pin High
good thing I didn’t swing hard and good
thing I didn’t to play four on it’s
definitely the right Club there quite a
thick rough now just need to get this up
and hit
56 sit
down bit too much but got a look at
right let’s try and roll this
one right to left at the start and then
up smash that a little
bit good par on the
first absolutely gorgeous par for now in
the sun this looks awesome it’s about
250 to where they are on The Fairway
there so should be a good good
three-wood hopefully leave a wedge on
don’t want to go left right it’s
okay A stay
right stay
right oh kicked out the trees that is
lucky we’ll take that okay 100 yards
exactly very lucky got kick off this
tree going to play 34 52 cuz a little
bit of wind try and get up and
go so
short that’s definitely bump and run
territory think you go slightly left to
right aim a couple feet out to the
left you’re going caught up in the rough
a little
boogy he nice little par three now 160
going eight bit of wind left to right
no wind it’s going to be on that
slope I can play that okay not the uh
most ideal shot now going to have to
play a
60 I just want to get on the green I’m
not going to try anything stupid just
get up and down for
par sit
down bit long
oh don’t hit the grass you
donkey what was that that is
awful mate the putting’s back the
back oh my
God okay forget about that one okay
loveely par five now quite a short one
450 think pretty sure it’s downhill and
down wind from left to right
so I’m going to assume there’s a bit of
room on the left foret about that last
hole just try and make birdie here to to
make up for
that oh that hit that terribly but
that’s going to be
fine should be in the Fairway okay so
224 left slightly downhill into wind
though four IR should be
good keep
coming don’t go in that
bunker oh I think it just rolled in so
glad this didn’t go in the bunker give
me a chance of Birdie going to bump and
run this with an eight cuz I don’t like
rough keep going keep going keep going
well knowing me I miss that so let’s try
to finally we needed that right uphill
into wind short Par Four but wind in the
slope and we’re going to make it tougher
just need to get to
Freewood all
right I think that’s going to be fun
this wasn’t too bad I do have a gap it’s
basically straight through the trees
there I think the 150 is back there so
it should be about
120 so I’m just going to play an easy P
wedge just knock it up there think get
it’s on great if not going be a wedge
on oh no sit down sit down it’s too far
left it’s fine left hand side I think I
will chip this one although the lies no
oh God this is horrible I think I might
actually just chip this up with there
with a hybrid should be better than a
nice could have done with a little bit
more more but it’s probably better than
the chip would have
been what is that I can’t part
man it’s
bogey W gorgeous Par Four now downhill
lovely trees and the back and the siid
is lovely going three-wood just CU
downhill is probably playing 250 so if I
do hit a good one could roll on I think
driver is just going to be too much
it’s going to go right don’t go in those
trees okay very lucky again with the
trees thank you very much should be a
simple pitch now does slope down though
so needs to be short if
anything nice
happy with
that nice birdie all right horrible hole
now downhill dog leg left luckily we got
a view of it as he walked up quite a
Savage slope that goes down and then up
to the green on the left so I think a
five on is good it’s wind behind just a
nice draw to the right of this tree
there are trees past it but we all know
they’re knes in there
so oh slip
I think that might actually be okay down
though that might be all right so I got
103 slightly
downhill should be a good
56 good drive I think I’ve got very
lucky with these trees try and get it
close oh slightly below my
feet don’t think it’s going to be
there get down there I think it pitched
short and then rolled on
not if you hit the
ground they literally just turned
left oh what a rubbish part well another
gorgeous par three another so many
pretty holes here saying 132 but there
is a bit of wind so I think a nine
should be good long is probably okay
because there is a back stop short is
not come right
somehow wow I mean I didn’t hear that
great but that’s very short okay that
t-shot was pretty rubbish thought I saw
where this went but don’t actually
know oh oh no
on oh you’re
ah never mind well long old hole hole
now to finish off the front line and
it’s uphill go slightly to the right
runs alongside the first hole so it’s
basically straight over that bunker if
you can see it just on the left hand
side of the trees on the right I’m going
three-wood all right now it’s going to
be that Gap up there
though yep just the right of the first
green okay so it’s not the world not end
of the world over here got 220 so I’m
going to hit four on it is into the
rough though so pretty much going to go
straight at the pin just clear these
trees probably leave a wedge on with a
on hit that really fat get over those
trees yeah I think it’s over should be a
wedge on quite a
short well I’m short side of by the
green now so I actually want to land
short cuz it will roll on it’s fairly
firm if I land it on it’s just going to
roll down so aim at out
sit it’s a bit long let’s give me a down
P yeah I’ll take that thank you what’s
up you that is B
that was a pretty average front nine not
my best not my worst hopefully better on
the back nine down Par Four to start
going to hit four just cuz it’ll run
hopefully leave about 180 in no
150ish come left kick left
somehow I think it’s over the trees
saying 17 which I don’t believe it’s
downhill downwind so I’m just going to
punch a nine cuz if it’s short it will
on and I don’t want to go go long so try
get a nine
there that’ll be good get down
there yep that was the correct Choice
still going to be long
good effort that’s a great birdie to
start that was going miles past that
didn’t go in guys a pretty severely
downhill Par Four now I think it goes to
the right a little bit so I’m just going
to aim at this big tree and hit a seven
just because it’s downhill and
downwind I just know everything’s going
to carry way further and just keep
rolling so just a nice easy
seven let it roll down there
Fairway nice what a hole this is this is
kind of like massive drop down I’m going
to have to play a
60 to get over this
tree it’s 100 yards probably 30 yards
downhill this is I’m probably in the
worst spot I’m tempted to just
R sake
so as I was saying I’m tempted to just
roll it down the hill but I might as
well try and get a 60 on
there oh Sher hit the tree
somehow wow thin the hell out that but
that’s actually okay that was lucky hit
the tree right I think I got saved by
the tree there quite a fluffy lie just
need to roll this up there the
56 that’s a good one
good pass sa from there ready par to
start oh gorgeous par five now kind of
in this only Little Valley we’re right
in the corner here of the whole course
into wind so definitely need hit
driver a stay
left should be fine up the right there
though yeah yeah it’s a three shter
anyway I think today there’s no point
going for this got a long long way in so
just a layout with a five I think into
Fairway oh that’s chunky as hell but
it’s up
there wow hasn’t even made the
path okay so 150 to the flag should be a
good nine little bit wi
behind go on come around be
there sure again I’m going to play an
eight hopefully this gets over this
mound as a bump and run goes right to
left so need to be aiming up
there it’s okay could be
better give bit of
run bogey
all right gorgeous path
four going to hit
four keep it
safe stay in the
Fairway it’s fine right hand side on the
rough okay 160 to the flag slightly
uphill Ball’s well above my
feet so an eight should be the right
I think that’s going to be
short wow nowhere near
it that was 160 what right let’s try and
get this up and
down should be next to it looked
good if I’d actually hit that probably
would in the right line
I’ll take a bogey so this is a nice Par
Four kind of goes up and then down so
I’m going to play 4 on try and get down
into the dip going just between the flag
the pole and that right hand tree I
think it like this bit slopes down to
the left a little bit as
well straight down the
middle right lovely t- shot
144 43 win behind I thinking easy
n ohing that is so bad after that
t-shot don’t go behind the
tree right going to have to try
and scoop this around the tree
here try and get it
on oh B move before I hit it what the
stop falling
apart well first double of the back nine
that’s disappointing a short path 310 52
should be a good number let’s trying to
cover off that D bogey
got underneath that
one okay let’s try and recover from that
awful t-
shot probably roll to the back of the
nice oh that’s really
Ah that’s not good
right a tricky but tight Par Four now
need to hit three wi into wind second
shot is
uphill I think that’s going to be right
down there on the
left go was a bit further in the middle
of it okay well this is
155 slightly
uphill it is into wind though so I’m
going to play
seven ah sit down down to on the right
somewhere didn’t draw at all need to get
up and down from here absolutely knacked
this is very
sit wow that’s a horrible kick and it’s
almost off the
turn boy boy a lengthly par three for an
ultimate hole going hit five or should
hit four maybe a 4 four is safer don’t
know what the wind is
doing it’s going out to the right don’t
think that’s going to be
there yeah sure and right pitch on there
right not an easy up and down now just
need to just carry this over don’t want
to go too far it’s 60
close it was close roll past
great well if you actually hit it you
love how it says nothing about not
teeing off if they’re down
there yeah like we’re right they’re in
between us why would it not say caution
don’t te off with on the green or
something right final hole it’s been a
very round going to try and play a cut
onto the right hand side which is a bit
flatter don’t want to be uh on the left
hand side at
four keep coming right keep coming right
get up there oh
no how is that not made it there so
we’ve got
110 uphill though quite a lot I don’t
know if 52 is going to be the right Club
cuz I just don’t want to be short so I
think I’m just going to go for a punched
wedge should be good that’s a great
strike take a par
though cheers mate right enjoyed that
yeah it’s good fun great fun lovely


  1. Well played.Great video 👍Will have to play there again sometime. If only I could afford it would love to be a member there quality course 👌👍😀

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