You’ve Been Using The Wrong Throwing Putter. It doesn’t have the biggest throwing putter “market share”, but it’s the @mintdiscs Bullet or bust, as far as I’m concerned. There are plenty of great throwing putters in disc golf and discs like the Envy, Proxy, Pure, Luna, and Watt can make claims to be the best… but I’m planting my flag here.

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Armory disc golfers welcome back to
another video today I’m throwing the
best throwing putter in the game and
no I will say ironically I don’t really
like these for
putting and on second thought not so bad
we’ve got nine holes or eight more holes
today with the mint dis bullet here at
research park and if you’ve been around
the channel for a while you’ve no doubt
heard me talk about this disc you’ve
seen me throw this disc maybe even on
this hole because I think that this is
the best throwing putter in disc golf
and it’s somehow still really
underrated this hole is
315 and is that not just a bullet just
absolutely so straight the entire flight
I realized I set that on a bit of Heiser
the whole way but as someone who likes
throwing with a bit of Hiser works out
pretty well the Flight of the bullet is
obviously great but you don’t call
something the best in the game based on
its flight alone because so many discs
fly so similarly something that I love
about the bullet is that it’s low
profile it fits my hand really well
especially since I like power gripping
just about every shot and it can handle
just about every shot we got a backhand
turnover like 24ish
shredding and Beyond just the feel of
the profile itself the plastic is really
nice this in particular is a nocturnal
bullet which is mint glow
plastic I’ve obviously modified mine a
little bit to be more accomodating of
the bag aesthetic but it is nocturnal
plastic this is typically what nocturnal
plastic looks like but this will look
more like this other bullet that I’m
throwing around whenever it’s time to
put this one in the bag and this one is
coming to the bag because nocturnal
bullets in particular I really like
because when they start out they have a
decent tick of stability to them which
is nice for holes like this when you
really need to trust
them I had no plans of leaving this
short I don’t care if I’m 50 ft long I’m
not about to throw a bullet into the
stinking Pond and speaking of the
stability that was another 300 plus foot
shot and you can tell the difference
between that and the shot on hole one
over here my second hole with how it
held that stability and still had enough
to fade in at the end so I think these
are awesome if you want to cycle through
and have two of the same or three of the
same throwing putter for different slots
this is normally OB over here but go
ahead and ask me if I care my channel my
rules my layups because I’m putting
downhill towards the
pond let’s freaking go man and since I’m
talking about the plastic of the disc
mint is made by MVP so this is Eclipse
plastic I don’t know if it’s 2.0 or if
it’s just 1.0 I don’t know all the super
fine details about that I do know that
mvp makes really high quality stuff
therefore mint makes really high quality
stuff it flies great uh and it feels
what you would expect from an MVP
caliber product this is hole six here at
Research Park it is a par 4 and so we’re
going to do a little segment I like to
call Par fours with Putters where I
throw a par 4 with the new sine pd2 from
dis Mania that drops this
week oh yeah she’s
beefy and what the heck while I’m at it
I guess I’ll throw a putt or
two hold over the entire
way that’s honestly a great spot to be
in I say that it’s a great spot to be in
I guess it would actually be a great
spot to be in If This Grass wasn’t 15 ft
High uh I want to throw a forehand with
it no what the heck I use the beat in
one I’m not
scared oh what a perfect tree just like
I drew it up and this has been par fours
with Putters I hope you’ve enjoyed your
stay I am five for five right now and
that makes me a little nervous and this
double Mando also makes me nervous it is
215 ft I think so it shouldn’t be that
big of an issue but now that I’m saying
all these things we’ll see how it goes
it shouldn’t be that big of an issue
no oh and so it ends the baseball
players in the chat are not surprised at
all about that cuz I just talked about
my no hitter and uh I’ll put with the
nocturnal one try to save my par from
the drop
zone drop down in there
dude I said something stupid earlier
about these not being good Putters I’m
going to start putting a nocturnal
bullet for obvious
reasons let’s
go so my more clutch for hitting the
Drop Zone putt or am I more of a choker
for bringing up the fact that I had a
perfect round going and then immediately
screwing that up uh I know that I
mentioned the Envy earlier in the video
and I said that the bullet is the best
throwing putter of all time so i’ just
like to take this moment and apologize
to absolutely nobody
and I’ll give you bonus content let’s
throw an
Envy horrible just horrible I mean look
at it look how far away it is from the
basket bullets all day baby I actually
do have a little bit more comparison to
the envy that I want to do because the
bullet is actually legitimately very
close to an envy and by similar I mean
like very similar in profile and the
numbers I’ll throw the specs up on the
screen and you would think that based on
those numbers that the bullet would be a
little deeper or something than the Envy
but it’s actually listed as a two-speed
instead of a three-speed with a
shallower feel than the Envy which is
just kind of interesting I think of
these as like three-speed Putters
because it just feels something about
the shallow feel in the hand they just
feel Zippy almost midrangey this is a
tricky shot I think it’s like 260 I need
to pull it from left to right the entire
way without dunking into the water that
surrounds the
basket ah I got a little scared of it
that’s just going to be
a that’s going to be actually a really
awkward go at it but I’m going to give
it a go I’m going to be flick putt
running it downhill at a body of water
cuz why
oh chickened out so I’ve mentioned the
Envy a couple of times but I actually
think the bullet fli
more like a proxy the proxy has always
felt kind of thin rim to me whereas the
bullet feels dartier like a mid-range
almost I know that some people will
probably bring up the proxy or mention
the proxy and for a good reason that’s
also a great throwing putter but we’re
talking about the best of the best give
me the bullet final hole this one is
just over 300 ft little downhill if you
haven’t already let me know why you
disagree with
this I will hopefully just continue
doing things like that Ace
it woo that actually might be too long
okay it technically was too long but
this is the kind of to long that we like
to see this was an absolute heater of a
N9 hole stretch for me I think that I
finished at like seven or something uh
this disc is awesome I also still think
that it’s somehow underrated by the
community so if you haven’t thrown a
mint bullet do yourself a favor grab one
give it a toss because they are great
great throwing Putters if you aren’t
throwing a bullet for whatever reason
let me know what you are throwing in
this slot instead if you got to this
point of the video don’t forget to leave
a like down below subscribe so you can
catch more action and I’ll see you in
the next one


  1. But I've been using the Mason Ford Bullet… The Apex plastic is a little slick though.

  2. So triggered by the intro cause I literally said envy aloud as I read in all caps "ITS NOT AN ENVY."

  3. I need to try that Nocturnal Bullet, for now my 2-speed throwing putter would be the Royal Grand Hope.
    Although, I do love the Eternal Lasso from Mint, it kicked out my supposedly stable Envy from the bag

  4. Gotta love the bullet! Mint has built a great lineup of putters, soft ufo glow bullet and glow lasso could be the best 3 disc challenge lineup

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