Golf Players

NLU Podcast, Episode 812: Houston Recap

Scottie Scheffler’s win streak is no more as Stephen Jaeger wins in Houston by a shot over Scheffler and four others for his first PGA Tour win. KVV, Randy and Cody make sense of Jaeger’s win, Scheffler’s putting down the stretch and the comps to Tiger.

We also talk Alejandro Tosti and Memorial Park before we shift gears to the LPGA Tour (39:00) where Nelly Korda won for the third time this year. We look at the dominant start to the year for Nelly, Lexi’s close call, and some other news and notes from Phoenix.

We also touch on Chris DiMarco and Bryson making news this week(1:06:30), and wrap the pod with a fun exercise from the mind of KVV (1:21:00) – constructing our own golfer hoops squads based on personalities and athletic abilities.

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the
noling podcast it’s kbv here I am
substitute teaching once again but I got
a great crew tonight I got my man big
Randy is here big Randy how are you
tonight I’m great it’s fun to have a
substitute teacher in here you know I
think we might watch a movie in class
today you know see see who can sneak off
to the bathroom during class it’s it’s
wonderful to be here though kbv uh thank
you for having me on your program I it’s
NCAA tournament time so it’s like they’d
always Slide the television into the
room big and let people watch some
tournament games probably young kids
don’t know all somebody’s excited here
people are watching on the video podcast
kbb’s got fireworks and everything going
on The Voice you hear there’s Cody Cody
is also here tonight M BR McBride how
are you doing very good thank you Kevin
I appreciate uh you stepping in as as
lead substitute teacher here it’s I I
made a joke before we got fired up that
you never know which direction
substitute teachers go some come in and
follow the exact lesson plan that was
left for them but you told us no we’re
going to have fun so I’m excited buddy
no we’re not gonna talk about bunch of s
already saw but not gonna talk about
this bunch of Strokes game data stuff
we’re just this is a holy Vibes uh
podcast tonight but perfect so that’s
we’re going to turn our attentions this
is going to be your live Miami preview
show I’m so excited Kevin kidding
kidding of course I’m sure we gotta pay
some bills yeah we do gotta pay some
bills guys tonight’s uh show is brought
to you by Titus uh specifically the new
vogi design sm10 wedges guys that we all
got fit for sm10 wedges and uh I gotta
say I’ve been uh I’m slowly coming
around hitting some good shots with them
I’m really feeling pretty good you know
we we went out there earlier this year
and uh we learned kind of everything
about went into creating the best wedges
in the game and making the each new
generation better than the last uh you
often hear Bob vogi say that he has the
best R&D Department in the world PJ tour
I got a lesson from bobi by the way when
we were out there pretty pretty helpful
uh this week in Houston 50% of the sand
lob and GAP wedges in play were a vogi
design winners of the last five events
on tour have also played vois it’s that
constant feedback loop with so many of
the best wedge players in the world that
directly leads to all the improved
performance you’ll experience with the
sm10 one example lower ball flight Cody
you probably speak to this right yeah I
love it I I I didn’t realize this
because when you’re talking about wedges
you’re always like I you’d think that
like you got to had height to the ball
because for some reason that’s going to
Maxim spin but really you’re thinking
about like this is going to land softer
I’m going to be able to control it but
no man you want to be able to get that
ball down low yeah the new sm10 wedges
produce that controlled lower ball
flight that tour Pros love from a wedge
lower ball flight translates into better
control tighter dispersion and shorter
birdie putts big I know you’re making a
lot of Birdie putts this year just going
sh ton of birdies I love I’ve made so
many birdies down under yeah I won’t
spoil much but we are we are tracking
way ahead of our 2023 schedule hell yeah
well that’s a critical card of of
hitting it close is keeping it close go
to to learn more and a fitter
near you and who can help you dial in
your flighting your gapping and your
grinds with the new vogi
sm10 guys we have a Texas Children’s
Houston Open winner Cody I know this is
down home and in your state uh Stephen
joerger is the winner uh and his first
win in 135 starts on tour pretty like
strong year for Jagger so far this year
he actually finished T3 at the Farmers
Insurance open this year uh but
struggled a little bit let that one slip
away uh I’m struggling a little bit to
decide whether joerger is the story here
or whether Scotty Sheffer is the story
it was uh Sheffer was looking to win
three straight starts uh it would have
been the first guy on PJ tour to do that
since Dustin Johnson did so in
2017 but uh if you didn’t watch Scotty
just missed out on getting into a
playoff with
a pretty gross looking putt uh down the
stretch uh just to recap the action in
case you missed it joerger made four
birdies and a bogey on the front nine to
get to 12 under through nine and then he
kind of was I don’t want to say put it
in total neutral because he was clearly
trying to to make some birdies but he
made nine straight pars on the back nine
back nine was uh playing I think about
two three Strokes tougher than the front
nine so clearly like you had to kind of
uh they had to hang on for dear life a
little bit sheffler never really had his
aame uh this week particularly with the
putter but uh he did have a chance to
getting the playoff he came to the 18th
Fairway needing to make a birdie because
he was at 11 under and he hit an
absolute dart at the pin shotlink had it
at 6 feet 11 inches and then he stood
over the Putt and just completely desell
and uh sort of pulled it way low but
like me can be having that let’s speak
to the Dell uh action here I know that
uh that that you commented you you
basically told on yourself in the slack
uh what does it feel like to to
completely uh come under a putt like
that the big moment I’ve never had
definitely not that big of a moment for
me ever I couldn’t imagine doing that on
the 72 hole when you know you got to
make that putt to get into the playoff
but first of all like even if you’re
going to desell obviously a sign of some
nerves there you just got to get it to
the hole he he didn’t even get it there
so you know Dells are tough it’s one of
the the first things that jumps out when
you are nervy I am the king of this
there’s there’s videos after videos
after videos If you go to our YouTube
page of just delling on every single
five-footer I think I’ve ever looked at
it was actually DJ last summer we’re
playing golf and you like I was playing
awesome hitting the ball amazing at one
of the best golf courses I’ve ever been
to and I just like could not make a putt
and DJ literally came over and grabbed
me by the shoulders just like I hope Ted
Scott does to Scotty and it’s just like
dude like you are delling your putter so
bad like just just like stop thinking
about it and just get the putterhead
through the ball and since then I’ve
been like it it’s been huge for me and I
I hope Teddy’s doing that to Scotty
because he he definitely couldn’t he
didn’t roll the Rock today which is
surprising because it’s Easter Sunday
and that’s kind of what this day is
for before we get to Scotty I think
it’ll be worth discussing a little bit I
just want to pause on jger a little bit
born in Germany moved to the United
States when he was 17 never really been
a particularly great uh Tour player kind
of lost his card a couple times but in
the last couple years who whoa whoa whoa
what are you talking about buddy just
cuz he’s not out there winning on the PJ
tour doesn’t mean that he’s a not a
great Tour player well listen only 125
guys in the world who get a claim that
they have a PGA Tour which I didn’t say
he was a great wasn’t a great golfer
Cody I said he wasn’t a great Tour
player please don’t interrupt The
Substitute Teacher when he’s trying to
make a point about the I’m trying to
hold some standards here for TC and Su
there’s no way that if they were here
they wouldn’t refer to him as a complete
mule so well I agree with you on that he
definitely is but he was a like you want
to talk about I think he’s second or
third or something like that on like the
all time corn fairy
Nationwide Nike whatever tour we want to
call it by it it’s been truly phenomenal
I know he’s come up a couple times and
been sent down but uh you talked about
him coming over from Germany when he was
17 years old he actually came over as a
foreign exchange student oh that’s yeah
he came over to Chattanooga Tennessee
that’s where
situation where his host family was out
of he ended up going to I think it was
called like Baylor private school or
something like that I don’t know if it
was a all boy school or anything like
that but they ended up winning a state
championship with him on the team like
he grew up clearly playing golf was
really into it came over as this foreign
exchange student rolled that into the
state championship into a a scholarship
at University of Tennessee at
Chattanooga a Chattanooga Choo Choo man
KBB we used to go there all the time
when the Grizz playing the national
championship game that’s right fond
memories of chattan stumbling around
there after a few too many bruskies he
is a mule though but he’s one of those
guys that we’ve always said like you
know once he gets up there hopefully he
figures it out and he’s put on a ton of
speed this year well that’s I gonna say
he you know to give him credit this is
you know partially I’m gonna give Adam
shac some credit here because he kind of
pointed this out but you know he hired
Mike Carroll fit for golf you see Mike a
lot on Twitter and stuff talking about
how hey like you’re getting older you
can get faster there’s no reason why you
shouldn’t sort of be able to pick up
speed you usually think that’s like kind
of for amateurs and like for golf
Twitter people like myself I I did the
app and it did help but like a tour
player and Stephen jger picked up 13
yards off the te which is a [ __ ] ton uh
so he’s you know he’s really kind of
decided I’m taking whatever left at my
you know Prime very seriously also hired
the sports psychologist Julia ilon who
has worked with wam Clark and maxom uh
you know he’s clearly just made a leap
which you know you got to admire big
what do we feel about the you know
talked a little about the mules Uprising
they’re just tired of being uh you know
dismissed you know this stuff are the
mules having a
moment I for sure they’re having a
moment you know I played public defender
to the mules last week I’m I’m Pro mule
right more tournaments like this guys
you never know when it’s their week
could be a lifechanging week which it
was for Stephen I I wanted to backtrack
real quick and for points one foreign
exchange students are awesome I was
never one myself but my family had one
we had a uh
really yeah when I was in fourth grade a
girl from Switzerland came over stayed
with us for the year and we’re still in
touch with her we we still communicate
we’ve seen them she’s come back over to
visit with her family now it’s it’s a
wonderful thing it’s it’s a great
cultural thing kbv I was gonna ask you
you know I have met Stephen Jagger and I
don’t know if you remember at DJ’s
birthday party back at sween’s Cove uh
May the first time you and I play golf
together very famous case of of your
Shanks stay tuned you he gave us a ride
back to uh Stephen was arriv to the
Airbnb one night I don’t know if you
were in that car or not yeah why was he
there because he knew DJ or like what
was how did he end up yeah he knew DJ he
knew some of those tour guys you know I
didn’t really even know who it was at
the time uh but he gave us a ride back
to the Airbnb so I’m not you might have
been in that car too probably I was
clear I didn’t know who it was he might
have all these years been like oh yeah
remember that time I WR with KBB and I’m
just been like oh yeah this whatever I
know well so I guess that’s all yeah
that’s that’s all neither here nor there
yeah the mules I I don’t know I I don’t
have anything new or exciting to add to
the to the mule debate I guess um but
but it is you know it’s it’s a good
thing for Stephen it was it was fun
seeing his wife and young son there on
the green I I want to ask you guys if I
may if you’re Scotty Sheffer or if you
put yourself in Scotty sheffler’s shoes
you know that there was a a conversation
going around is he better off not
winning this week so he’s not carrying
the burden of a of a three tournament
win streak into austa how do you guys
it’s a little bit superstitious you know
do you like going into a big event on on
a very long winning streak or is it nice
to kind of get that disappointment out
of the way and he can
I think honestly it would have been
better I I get the like Superstition
argument but it would better if he like
just completely drilled that putt right
in the middle and he was like yeah my
putting woes are fixed I feel like now
he gets to think about a whole week of
like whoa wait a minute like I I thought
that this whole like putter Mallet thing
situation was fixed I thought we were
good and now the doubt has to sort of
creep into his mind I don’t think it
would have been super great to be like
oh man I gotta win yet again for the
fourth time uh the just the kind of
emotional burden of that would be a
little bit heavy but man all of a sudden
missing especially looked on Saturday
when he three putted from about six feet
on the 15th hole there I think or 18th
hole and then he just he kind of made a
mess of a bunch of short putts this week
and I don’t I don’t think that’s really
good vibes going into some of the
slickest greens in the whole schedule
this year yeah I agree with you KBB I I
I just
don’t that would the streak would have
been something I guess I didn’t think
about that I think overall he’s going to
walk away from this week being like man
I I probably you know I missed some
putts that I probably should have made I
don’t really think he he’s thinking at
all about like oh I could have got this
other you know win and keep this streak
alive I think it would have been if he
was playing uh this coming up week in
San Antonio would have been a completely
different story but now I think he takes
this week off he’s not playing in San
Antonio he goes and fine tunes his his
putter again which it even with those
short misses that we saw specifically
that stood out yesterday and then and
then today on 18 he gave himself like it
just really wasn’t the complete like
ball striking tournament that we’ve seen
of Scotty Sheffer like he was definitely
loose out there and when you shoot like
he’s opening around 65 and like oh okay
here we go he’s gonna do it uh I I would
say from like where he started the week
till now disappointment but overall like
I think he’s firmly on to Augusta he’s
comfortable at Augusta and like you know
him going back up up here to Dallas and
like hanging out with Rick and fine
tuneing this stuff I think is the best
thing that he’s going to do I I I truly
don’t think it matters it’s somebody
like Scotty now having said that we do
need to put like probably jump up and
down and be like all the people who out
there who are trying to compare him to
Tiger like tiger Clos close not have
missed that put on the low side desing
like looking yeah he that’s the iron
kind of iron shot that tiger would hit
but also he would close the deal to at
least like get into a playoff in that
moment so I look the tiger stuff is hard
because like statistically yes like
Scotty is the best iron player since
Tiger but it’s just silly but like to
even mention that they’re a similar
player because they’re just not close to
a similar player because of so much of
golf is rolling the putts in like if you
can’t do that you can never be like a
truly truly like top five player of all
time and so like is Scotty GNA be that
no I think that’s for it’s fair to say
like he’s never going to all of a sudden
Putt in ulate for the rest of his career
but he’s still like truly the best ball
Striker that we’ve seen in 15 years or
so I think that’s a fair thing to say
it’s just when you start putting the
statistics next to each other people
lose their minds and be like oh there’s
this dude is no tiger well yeah of
course but like statistically he kind of
does but I said we weren’t gon to talk
about statistics that’s we’re just you
know big as as the king of feels and
Vibes and he’s said that he just didn’t
pass the eye test so this is another uh
win for the eye test I feel like you
know this big this moment didn’t didn’t
hold up to
well yeah listen I’m I’m I’m having a
bit of a of a personal Revolution on
Scotty or an evolution I should say I I
think it was clear
today he looked like he had I don’t know
what his C game like like he didn’t he
didn’t look even if he would have snuck
into a playoff and somehow ended up
winning the thing like it wasn’t a a
dominant dominating performance some
whiff of even a crowning down the
stretch um I was Rune I found myself
rune for though because I I I I craving
a true standard Setter standard Bearer
on on the PGA tour somebody that the
guys have to go chase down right
unequivocally I think it’s a good thing
for the sport for Scotty Sheffer to be
the dominant best player in the world
and to go collect a ton of tournaments
because I want to see how guys you know
like JT and spe and and some of these
guys We complain that you know what are
they doing they’re not win enough like I
want to see them react to that and like
hey you guys have one of your peers a
fellow Texan and spe case he’s out here
playing you know perhaps I made a point
several weeks ago you know if if Scotty
were to get to like six or more
victories on the PGA tour I think that’s
the most non- tiger win SE season
outside of of course vj’s unbelievable
season what was that 20 years ago or so
so I kind of want that just because I
want to see what does and and and what
it forces some other guys to do and so I
I guess from that standpoint I was
disappointed he didn’t collect twin
today um but I I think it is still
impressive that he can show up and you
know not not have his best game not have
his aame and and still be right there uh
In Contention coming down the stretch
it’s it’s very impressive um yeah I you
know as we look to Augusta he he’s
certainly going to be a strong favorite
I’m I’m curious how I don’t think that
putt will have really any effect on him
um it might just be his putting overall
but uh yeah I’m coming around on Scotty
I guess that’s the big headline news
like I I I think he’s he’s good and he’s
and he and he makes him being dominant I
think makes the game more interesting
and and I guess I find myself rooting
for that well you hear it here on Easter
big has said that got Scotty has risen
in his
eyes yeah yeah guys speaking of down the
stretch uh I feel like you know
Alejandra tosy was certainly a super fun
and compelling character in in this uh
you know toy is someone who I’m only
kind of familiar with but listen to
start this is sort of my first real
exposure to him as a true character uh
he is you know if you’re not watching
and he was he’s about 56 and he hits it
a freaking mile I mean he’s like
probably the littlest guy to be able to
pack a [ __ ] ton of power since Ian woo
him uh he’s just like in a in a sport
where everybody kind of looks like a
vice principal in midwestern like town
all hro is like a lot of fun to watch
like he’s constantly apparently like
getting into you know shouting matches
with rules officials he and Tony fow had
sort of a very icy incident uh earlier
this week where they you know would
barely speak to each other because they
were kind of annoyed and arguing over
who was away on a putt uh you know he he
made a bunch of [ __ ] ton of birdies was
right in it he he made it incredible up
and down and gave like the full like
professional wrestler fist pump uh like
this this week and he’s tied for the
lead going into 18 and then he just just
bails way right on on his drive and has
to kind of hit a blind shot way up over
the trees and kind of over the corner of
the grand stand and it finds kind of the
edge of the green but he hits kind of a
sloppy chip and can’t make it and falls
back I I would have really with Scotty
not going to make it I would have loved
to see like a toasty Jagger uh which
sounds like a nice drink a toasty Jagger
playoff but we didn’t get that uh it
would have been fun to see I doubt Toy’s
in the Masters I haven’t looked but it
would have been fun to see toy the
Masters I hope he’s like kind of a you
know a dude who’s hanging around for a
while because he’s he’s super fun I he’s
he’s had an interesting life he is from
the same town as Lionel Messi in
Argentina he grew up kind of riding the
bus from the time he was eight years old
just you know across town to the golf
course I’m trying to imagine like
putting my 12-year-old on a Baltimore
city bus and telling her like yeah go go
practice at the town and then come back
uh later tonight that’s uh you that
takes a little bit of Courage for a kid
to do so uh a lot of fun I just you know
he’s the shotgun stst kind of detailed
some of these I don’t want to steal too
much from them but like the these toasty
Tales things they had a great anecdote
earli this year about how when he got
his card at the corn faery tour finals
he chugged an entire bottle of champagne
during the ceremony uh while Jay was
like walking around then he chucked the
empty bottle of champagne into the
middle of the lake uh so that’s just a
an awesome character we need more
characters guys in in this game I guess
characters welcome for sure I’m I’m
right there with you he was the probably
my favorite thing of of the weekend just
watching a golf this weekend I’m I’m all
for somebody that’s not out there to
make friends and I I think that’s
totally apparent not only with his
actions with with phenow and ball was
away on H Saturday it was a whole not
really a Kur fluffle but I I think it
instructive the golf Central guys did a
good job of breaking it down you know
toasty’s a rookie on tour Fen now a very
established liked veteran and tosy kind
of did not back down at all and and kind
of challenged him and um for anybody to
do that is not a small small thing I
guess listen this is by far his best
result of the year so I I’m not sure how
much we’re going to see of him week to
week I it would be great if if he got on
a heater and really played well over the
next couple months but we need more guys
like him it just makes it just makes
watching golf more fun the the the
passion the emotions the UPS the Downs
uh he’s got a very checkered p and I I
think they were saying his his college
coach at the University of Florida was
like he’s definitely not out there to
make any friends like he he comes from
humble beginnings he wants to be the
best player he can be and that’s it and
I kind of respect that you know it’s a
little bit of a bid I’m always asking
for guys to be more competitors out
there we can leave the friendships off
the course but I really do think there
is a little bit to that right if if I’m
just a fan watching the gulf I want to
see competition I want to see guys who
don’t particularly like each other who
bring out you know these emotions and
these passions in their fellow
competitors like I think that makes the
the entertainment product quote unquote
a lot better so I love what toasty was
about this week and and I hope we see
more of
it guys hold on I got a couple things
for you and I think you’re gonna enjoy
this on toasty
um this is where I I Love Alejandro
toasty uh I’m going to get to a story
about him at the end of this but this is
one of those things where I think for
the PJ tour if you had Scotty sheffler
going out there and playing Scotty
Sheffer Golf and being the ball striking
machine and making the putts that he
needed to make and you have a character
like Alejandra tosy nipping out his
heels yapping him up everywhere he goes
just like we saw yesterday with with
feno like that is exactly where people
fall in love with it and my thing with
with Alejandro today is that he didn’t
you know he he’s a good villain and he’s
always kind of been that because he’s
been uh down on his you know he just
he’s not cut from the same cloth and
it’s not because he’s from South America
or anything else like that he’s just
kind of always been the outsider and
from toasty tales and I give credit to
Brennan and Andy for highlighting some
of this but I’ve actually played with
toasty uh and I I kind of have my own
more I have my own toasty tail so so
going back and this is where it’s kind
of tied back into the Masters and
Augustin naal handed up he was a runner
up I think in 2014 or 2015 at the Latin
Latin America Amer championship
in which he should have won he was
winning that event ended up losing in
fashion uh I can’t I think to a
Dominican player but that year the Latin
America amateur Championship was hosted
in Argentina and I remember it it was
devastating to him the next year it was
at Kasa de compo and I you know used to
go down to Kasa compo and the Dr all the
time and uh with Drake even yeah yeah
spent time with Drake there and MJ by
the way
but Alejandro came and he was playing a
practice round at Costa compo on teeth
of the tee of the dog for the Latin
American amateur championship and this
was like either right after his freshman
or sophomore season at University of
Florida and he’s just a little guy and
he’s kind of you know put on a little
bit of weight now probably from drinking
beers and bottles of champagne but then
he was like you know he he was like a
little Bulldog he’s he’s a fit dude and
he absolutely bombs the golf ball and he
did it then that’s something that stuck
out with me uh so much but we get to the
to the 15th hole on teeth of the dog and
it’s like a 370 yard par 4 but you can
go there’s a route where if you hit it
you can drive the green and there’s
runoff Behind the Green but you
basically have to carry it all the way
up to the green all the over ocean and
nobody ever takes it on because you have
to have like a 320 carry and Alejandro
gets up there and of course this is a
practice around and and he he like just
doesn’t care he he would take driver
everywhere and all day and he was like
probably like six or seven under if like
if he was counting so far in this round
like truly some of the best golf that
I’ve ever seen in my life and he goes up
there you know tees the ball super low
and just pounds this strive and it is
dead in line with the pin going straight
towards the green and there’s like this
big rock wall directly in front of the
green that’s protecting it from Ocean
scrip and the ball lands and hits one of
those rocks it bounces probably 50 yards
directly right into the ocean it’s a
practice round and toasty sees like as
soon as the ball hit the rock and he
sees that it’s going into the ocean
literally takes his driver and just
tomahawks it straight out into the ocean
he’s starting the Latin americ Amer
Championship like the next day and just
chucked his driver as as there’s no way
you could go out there and get it no way
at all and I’m like oh my goodness up
until that point he had been like you
know he didn’t get really too chippy or
anything else like that but there’s like
you know there’s a lot of a lot of the
Spanish speakers don’t realize like they
miss a putt you know one of us will miss
a putt we like ah you know we might let
a you know a bad word a cuss word go or
something like that but we usually say
it under our breath the Spanish speakers
have this habit of like thinking that
like oh none of these people speak
Spanish so we can just rip out whatever
we want and my the rest of the
tournament I remember because it it was
broadcast like part of these rounds are
broadcasting on ESPN yeah he was he was
cussing in Spanish so loud so loud I was
shocked anyway he ended up finding a
driver from somewhere and I remember
always being likeing thinking back on it
he did not win that year uh he was the
favor going in and he I don’t even think
he was in like like the top 10 but
following him a little bit through the
rest of his college and amateur days and
I think like he made it to the very
either to the finals or semifinals of
the Amer one year like he’s a very very
established amateur player um won a ton
in college and somebody that like if
there was PJ tour you then when he was
coming out of college he would have been
in PGA Tour now he’s 27 years old yeah
he’s like he’s not a young kid MH and
it’s it’s taken him a long time to get
here he’s played PJ tour Latin America
he came up and you know played multiple
seasons on corn Fair tour just to get to
this rookie year and a lot of it is
because his his fire this passion that
is a good thing also is his biggest
detriment at times yeah uh that was
lovely I think this has got to be the
only pod that has both a personal
Stephen Jagger anecdote and an aland
toasty anecdote today so uh we’re we’re
just breaking news all over big I I I I
got uh well Cody I looked up while you
were telling that story so it was 2015
where he lost by a stroke to Matias
Dominguez of Chile and that was the
inaugural year so to Dao on that uh I I
was thinking of this while I was
watching him today are e are either of
you guys uh hockey guys by chance I I
wish I was a hockey guy but I have just
never been able to to do okay well
there’s a guy uh named Pat ver beak who
had like one of my favorite nicknames of
all time he was called the little ball
of hate and I I would love for toasty to
be relevant enough where we can dub him
the little ball of hate out there uh
some strong Cody as you’re saying that
some strong like Spencer LaVine Vibes
I’m I’m picking up from from our guy
yeah there’s a lot of Spencer I could
see that but also I think the easiest
one and I I’ve thought about this every
single time I think about aleandro is he
reminds me so much of Patrick Reed and
it’s just it’s just like that you know
Doge eat dog like kind of the underdog
you know we’re fighting for everything
we got down here they have hell of a
short games they can absolutely pound
the ball and like Patrick’s always kind
of had that like you know I’m not part
of the cool kid Club so I’m gonna do
this but there there’s also both like
accusations out there of like yeah dying
cheating stealing like all this stuff
yeah and it just kind of myths that are
going to continue to be there for for
Patrick and Alejandro like they’re just
going to continue to to grow with them
over time well I hope he continues to be
relevant on the scene because I I never
really imagined how much I would miss
the villains and the the malc contents
who went to live but I I do realize that
that is an essential part of my sports
fandom is wanting people to contrast
against the perfect gentleman and so
that you know when I think about getting
the players back together again it’s
mostly because I want to see like some
conflict I want to see some some tension
guys what did we think about Memorial
Park uh I want to sort of pivot to that
um I you know TC was saying obviously
last week that this place slaps uh there
was some sort of criticism among SAR
crew about what it was you know a little
bit too green a little bit too overseed
but I really liked it I you know I I
thought a place that can be a public
course that can test the pros and have
like a [ __ ] ton of am rounds I’m all in
on that kind of thing what are your
thoughts Cody have you ever played
Memorial Park I’ve played Memorial Park
twice Kev I absolutely love it and I
don’t want to dump all over your takes
here but I I think this is one of those
things where we got in this conversation
during the players as well is that here
in Texas right now we’re we’re right at
this weird part of the Season where you
know I have Bermuda grass the majority
of golf courses that I play have Bermuda
grass the issue is is that it is coming
out of dorcy right now yeah so if
Memorial Park was not overseed it it was
it is not the brown dormant Bermuda that
everybody is envisioning that it could
possibly be it it would be the the
patchester would be uh bare spots all
over the place just because we’re not
quite hot enough yet for that Bermuda to
truly take root and and fire up again so
I I love the grass I thought it it
played and looked awesome uh we could
talk about maybe please feel free to
dump over my I’m not an Agronomy person
I don’t give a [ __ ] at all about any of
that stuff like you can tell me that
it’s good or bad I whatever I’m I’m just
throwing it out there because our guy TC
was talking about little yeah I think
it’s just a weird and I know they’re
happy to be like back in this time
period but it’s it’s very it’s just a
weird calendar wise and that’s just when
you talk about like grass and and people
in the north you know will probably
think of this and be like man I like if
you got Bluegrass and Rye it’s not an
issue because as soon as snow’s gone and
it starts to warm up a little bit it
takes fire and you’re right back in it
but when you got Bermuda and it’s just
sitting there dormant like it takes
quite a bit of heat in order to get it
to fire again so I’m happy that it is
overseed I will say this is that it
played a lot firmer than I thought it
was going to be and I’ve been lucky
enough to play it in the fall uh when it
wasn’t overseed so this is two years ago
you know when it was still a fall event
so it was just normal Bermuda and when
it was a fall event they played as berm
um and it was before it got went
completely dormant and I got the
opportunity to play it when it’s been
overseed and I’m shocked both times like
How firm they can get an overseed course
there uh it’s such an awesome layout
like do and don’t everybody forgets this
but Brooks kepka also gets you know some
Kudos there as well which I don’t
understand how Brooks ended up being the
co-designer that like did he like what
was it that made do like partner with
him Ian talking about a Florida guy
through and through what’s he doing
designing a Houston Golf Course or I
don’t know I I I have no clue what it
was but you know there’s a lot of weird
backro deals that the tour does all the
time to get people certain uh you know
sponsorship deals or anything else like
that maybe this would maybe Brooks stood
up one day in a in a pack meeting or
something like that and it’s like and
I’m gonna get into course design and
they they went with Houston who knows I
personally I would love to see do uh I
don’t know if this could ever host a
major maybe it could maybe know he could
bring PJ here something no it just
doesn’t have the infrastructure or what
yeah it truly is uh so Memorial Park is
a a big park in downtown Houston and
it’s right the golf course is right next
door and like the driving range is you
know it’s so cool because you talked
about like it’s open to the public and
it truly is like houstonians can go and
probably not tomorrow because they’re
still trying to charge a lot of money
but you know in a couple weeks they’ll
probably go and you know locals can play
it for under 50 bucks you know Outsiders
can play it for a 100 bucks or something
like that and this is a a a tour course
that is it’s phenomenal it has some of
the best green complexes I’ve ever seen
uh but the driving range is is sick
because it’s a double decker driving
range because it’s like it’s you it’s
built for like locals to go out there in
like pound balls you know hell yeah love
to see the I would love to see tour Pros
lined up on a double decker driving
range Hitting off mats give me more of
that please come on but everything
around is not enough to to host you know
something big like that and that’s part
reason why like the Chevron Championship
on the LPGA side you know Memorial Park
is Houston’s like it’s it’s their you
know not only their mun but it’s like
their gem and they have Champions and
they have all these other like you know
very nice private clubs but everybody in
Houston is very prideful of that and
that’s part of the reason why the
Chevron couldn’t go there is they just
they didn’t have the the space available
even for a women’s major yeah well I
mean big ask you this question I’m all
yanic listener has this question why
shouldn’t Houston be then an elevated
event like it’s the same spot in the
schedule as the match play great course
big Market can we can we at least get an
this an elevated
event listen you’re asking the wrong guy
uh to to break down why things are or
are not elevated events but yeah wise it
would be a
fantastic aren’t they called Signature
Events now is that’s part of my whole
beef is like well literally nobody knows
what they’re called like Rory doesn’t
exactly know what they’re called anymore
um but but that’s part of the problem I
I think as a golf course it’s certainly
upper echelon for PGA Tour tracks in my
opinion so from from that standpoint I I
think it would be very deserving but I’m
sure you know Texas Children’s Hospital
is is probably maxing out their their
advertising as
is this is the first year of of having
them on board though we could go back
and the Astros foundations’s got all the
money in the world let alone that family
yeah I think to like get around the
question I guess is that I think they’re
just happy to be in the spring now and
we didn’t have this event last year like
Tony fena was the defending Champion
that was an event that was played two
years ago in the fall I think they’re
lucky that they got the spot that they
did in the spring which who who knows
but I’m sure part of killing Austin and
the match play event had to do with
Houston W to come back to
and then you know I think what what they
probably want is that I don’t know if
you guys remember this but I always
thought the coolest thing in the world
was this event Le like the week prior to
the Masters and I remember like right
Phil would everybody be like why is Phil
playing in Houston man he’s like I I
love playing the week before the Masters
and it was at a different golf course at
the time and they moved it to Memorial
Park but there’s a there’s a ton of
similarities between you know the the
green complexes themselves in Houston
and Augusta National not so much the
rest of the course because you can you
can basically bomb a wherever you want
but it has some of the the coolest part
3es I think I’ve ever seen like I
actually want to bring the nlu crew I
think it would be a really fun place to
hold and shoot one of our videos because
15 is so sweet I’ve played it when it
was back left and when it was like right
up in that front which gave everybody
fits yesterday it’s such a severe false
like a runoff on that left hand side
down to the water and this is the first
time that I’ve ever seen like that that
thick of a strip of grass there
protecting it because every other time
I’ve been there it’s like oh if it’s
running down there to the left it’s
going in the water there’s nothing
saving it yeah uh that was super fun I
love seeing 120 some yard whole torment
Tor proos just see them like a gast and
like upset at how dare a wedge not stop
and spit and then get tight to the hole
so the same thing the changes that they
made on 17 and and moving that t boox
back up because they want people to try
to go for it now kind of Shame on the PJ
tour for they put I don’t know there’s
backboards and Grand stands like
completely encompassing it and I
understand you want to have people there
they can watch these cool big bombing
drives and stuff come in but yeah it’s a
cool place man and it’s like it’s so
special the fact that that anybody can
go out there it reminds me a lot big of
like you know when we were playing
woking and there was like a public park
kind of interwoven because you see
and it’s exact what you would kind of
from and want from Municipal and the
fact that the city of Houston has this
and like do went out there and like
brought everything he possibly can to
maximize this property is like so cool
well guys the uh television networks may
not have given this co- billing but I
feel like this uh the Ford Championship
presented by KCC sort of deserves
coiling at least on this podcast uh
Nelly Corda wins her third straight LPGA
uh that is the first time that’s
happened on the LPG since 2016 when
Ariana jutan Garden did it shot 65 today
to finish at 20 under uh Bird’s on the
front on five and six and nine and then
turned and birdie 12 13 16 and 18 almost
dunked it on 16 from the Fairway with
just an incredible iron shot um we
didn’t get a lot of coverage of this on
the main network but you could click
over to the [ __ ] and check it out uh
with a win today not really not really
not too much grainy cameras it did look
like watching golf in like 1992 from the
with between the rain and the sort of
two cameras set up or whatever but at
least we could sort of see it uh somehow
or less uh the with the win today she
became the first American player to win
three times before the first of April
since Joanne Carter did it in
1980 uh guys uh we’re buying a massive
historic season from Nelly Cody what do
you think I I I comment on
slack it’s uh some really interesting
parallels between Scotty and Nelly
especially today as each was going for
their third straight tournament Victory
um I I think there are larger
comparisons you could draw between their
two careers it was a really fun not just
position but a really fun kind of mirror
of of both of them today Nelly gets it
done Cody it’s it’s I mean it’s
certified a big year uh I mean three
wins in a calendar year is a is a Very
Good Year we we haven’t hit April 1 yet
I think I I was I actually went out on a
walk before we sat down to record and I
was just kind of thinking you know this
time last year I
was I thought Nelly had a real
opportunity at the Chevron to hunt down
Lil AV Vu and and to really make a
statement that listen I’m I’m only the
best American golfer I’m the best golfer
in the world like this is it it it
starts with me and she obviously didn’t
get it done last year and and Lily went
on and had a fantastic year of her own
she won two majors she won four times
and I was really curious like okay what
you know again back to the Scot
conversation like what’s what is that
what does that do to lilia’s competitors
Nelly being top of mind like I want to
see how she reacts Lilia took the top
spot in the world she was Bonafide the
best American female golfer and Nelly’s
come out this year and just put the the
the pedal down and it’s awesome to see I
of course you know majors are the thing
and and will Nelly win a major this year
can she win a couple Majors that that
will take some precedent over the week
to week stuff but coming out of the
gates and and winning three straight
times and three times in her first four
starts like she’s done it’s it’s very
impressive to me and I love seeing it
from Nelly she said last week in her
post round interview you know at Palos
veres wind was really up on the weekend
and she talked about how it made her hit
golf shots more in like a creative
artistic way rather than a robotic you
know kind of grooved swing sort of way
and I thought for her to come out in in
bad conditions rainy sloppy in the
desert and shoot a 65 and come from
behind and go win that tournament it’s
just another big step for her to take
that that shows me like hey she’s now
learning and she’s now capable to win a
lot of different ways it doesn’t just
have to be perfect conditions and
runaway victories and if that’s the case
and and she’s really you know elevating
her game and and even taking it the next
level oh the rest of the tour better be
on better be on notice this could be a
monster here for Nelly I think Cody what
what do you think yeah I think they they
definitely are already on notice big and
I just want to note if people go back
and listen to our LPGA specific episodes
uh Randy tried to press me on this at
the beginning of the year everybody was
was doubting my take I said this was
going to be the year of Nelly uh and
they kind of laughed at me and I you
know we took that
personal we have receipts I can’t wait
to listen to the receipts now we’re in
this with three wins already this year
we’re GNA wait and see as we got a
couple weeks away before the first major
championship of the Year whatever if we
want to consider it that or we just want
to consider it a elevated event who
knows what the Chevron is but you know I
think the number one thing that that
Nelly struggled with last year was her
putting and she went through like six
different Putters uh it it wasn’t good
and at the end of the year she finally
went and and hired a different short
game inst structure and since then it is
like a completely new Nelly because she
has all the confidence in the world and
why wouldn’t you when like you hit every
single shot to inside 10t
and I can only imagine how easy that is
and then when you like tie in the fact
of the conditions that she’s been
playing in like this week yesterday and
today was was crazy how that’s not
Arizona weather and that was kind of the
same thing that happened last Sunday out
in Palace ver she played in very similar
very windy wet damp you know today was
obviously raining a lot harder than it
was uh out in California but you know
she was wearing the same exact rain gear
again maybe Nike can hook her up with
something besides those same like
burgundy pants and that that black vest
but maybe it’s like a is it a wine color
yeah yeah I don’t know maybe it’s uh uh
you know I don’t know maybe she’s like
no these are bringing me Good Luck now I
was gonna say I was just gonna say that
they could be the good luck
fans yeah I don’t know you can get some
other colors do you know actually uh
guys do you know who has like a ton of
colors and everything else available you
can change stuff up in I don’t who’s
that Cody that’s roback we all know
roback best fit best feel and guess what
guys roback’s aelia collection is back
and better than ever the designs are
Next Level the products are amazing as
always it’s safe to say we’re just fired
up for those really big events in golf
they go into the spring after seeing
this collection the performance polos or
moisture wicking have that great stretch
while the colar are so crisp it doesn’t
lose its shape they fit so much better
than those old boxy polos simply put the
best designs paired with the best
feeling polos we all know about their
performance hoodies Big’s got one on
right now legit the only hoodies that we
wear the fabric is so soft we can’t take
it off we wear them on the course or
just in our everyday life that’s they’re
just that good and I want to give a
quick shout out too to their new Looper
shorts I warn this week they’re
absolutely fantastic they finally got
belt loops on shorts they can be wor
worn both on and off the course you can
dress them up dress them down they’re
incredibly comfortable their signature
free stride fabric ures the short stay
exactly where you need them to be you
can move in them keep them up with every
single swing you guys haven’t already
it’s time to load up on that rowback for
both you yourself significant others
your buddies whoever it is you can use
code nlu at for a generous
20% off your first order through the end
of the week that’s spelled r h o b a 20% off all bottoms C H Zips
hoodies and even more with code nlu
Spring Golf just isn’t the same without
rowack big when you’re talking about
Nelly hitting like golf shots I was
thinking about that river runs through
it when like Paul becomes an artist when
he learns to shadow cast yeah if we
could get Nelly to just absolutely like
embody her inner artist oh my God give
me all of that that would
be let me ask you this because hearing
Cody talking about Nelly’s putting woes
right back half of 20 23 and again
another parallel with
Scotty do you think I I just find it
fascinating that that Scotty’s in a
position now um that is pretty unique in
that there aren’t many people in the
world that can relate to like
being probably the best ball Striker but
struggling with the Putter and Nelly
Corda is is somebody that can relate to
that exactly I I wonder
I I don’t know this is stupid but I I
wonder if like having conversation with
Nelly would be at all instructive or
insightful for him because I I’m just
trying to think like if I’m Scotty the
way I operate is like I would love to
find somebody who who who has had that
same exact experience that I could pick
their brain like hey what what are the
lows like how did you you know what did
you change what H how did you go about
trying to shift you know how you think
about it and eventually you know the
Ping itself like I said though
fascinating parallels between the two of
them I would be really interested to
know if like when they’re away from the
media when they’re having conversations
with like their peers if they’re willing
to be open up and be a little more
vulnerable than they are with the Press
because neither one of them are
particularly like forthcoming when it
comes to like their personal doubts like
they kind of have that Sheen of like
yeah I’m fine like I’m good like I’m
just working on what I’m working on they
don’t really like to
offer up that crack of vulnerability uh
I understand it because that’s like what
you want as a professional athlete you
want to be feel like you’re Invincible
but amongst their peers I bet it’s
probably a little different so maybe
next time when they’re one of those
Santa toy making ads or whatever for
that other golf company they could kind
of you know just pull each other aside a
little bit and talk about uh how how one
overcame certain things and one did so I
don’t know I that’s a that’s a great
question Randy I’ll say this at least we
have a little bit of we have some
examples of Scotty doing this not
necessarily like Reaching Across the
aisle to an LPGA player but like we have
him and like tiger and the the divots
video there’s another video that’s out
there of like tiger teaching or watching
Scotty hit like bunker shots and stuff
like that so you know I think when
they’re at these shoots they like talk
through all this stuff I’m just it would
be seemingly the perfect person to ask
because they they’re it’s cra crazy the
similarities of where both their games
are last year and then you know Nelly
obviously appearing to take that step
forward yeah because there are tons of
people that like struggle with their
putting right but but I think what’s
unique about a Scotty and Nelly
conversation is like how freaking
frustrating is it to finish let’s say
tied for eth when you know you hit the
ball way better than anybody else in the
field that week you know and and on the
surface yeah you know top 10 it’s it’s a
good week I should be somewhat happy and
and just being able to be kbv like you
said open and vulnerable about like this
is driving me
crazy like that’s God that’s that’s
where I would you
know that’s why I think there’s been a
bit of a rise of like athletes talking
to athletes podcasts whatever like you
see like Ryan Clark and gets like a lot
of really good guests and stuff it’s
like I think athletes are just they’re
willing to feel that way in front of
other athletes they don’t feel like
something they’re going to say is be
going to be taken out of cont Texas much
or JJ and LeBron yeah and you know I I
get that I think it’s it’s hard
sometimes to make yourself vulnerable in
that way speaking of athletes who were
great ball Strikers and who’ve struggled
with their putting Lexi Thompson with a
uh pretty good finish this week guys uh
you know we’ve talked a lot about Lexi
uh the last year or so whether she’s
sort of a part-time lpj player or
whether she’s really wants to play
professional golf anymore um what were
we buying or selling Lexi after this
performance pretty pretty good
performance except for you know
completely rinsed a drive uh when she
was uh In Contention there I mean that
thing probably ended up 30 yards right
into the lake uh R big Cody what do you
think yeah I uh Lexi’s completely turned
around and she turned you know started
this turnaround really at the beginning
of August last year I’ve talked about it
again she she signed up and and started
going to the de sweeper Academy which I
also am a uh you know a former member of
but I think what they got working is
like her Basics and she put that into
work last fall she had a an amazing
runup to the solheim cup she absolutely
balled out at the solheim cup did things
that nobody expected her to do she
barely missed the cut in a damn PJ Tour
event which I think still like doesn’t
get the run that it deserves and then
really this year has had like a pretty
decent year for not playing really a ton
of golf which she’s known to like she
the their season is just getting started
and that’s kind of how she Paces herself
out here but her T3 here getting it to
17 under being in contention it started
out you know around today just making a
ton of birdies and it’s just one of
those things where we always know
there’s going to be some sort of mental
lapse with Lexi when you’re coming down
the stretch and it just sucks for her
that it was a complete block you know
Drive outright but really I think
outside of that it was how she played 17
you know the whole falling that and and
bogeying like pretty easy par par three
there because that’s really where I was
like okay well we got a ways to go here
still but I’m a firm believer like Lexi
is gonna win this year uh she’s too damn
good she’s back completely invested in
the game she has the right people around
her and it seems like you know
performance-wise everything is is
getting there the issue always with Lexi
is that like she needs like a four you
know a four shot margin in order to win
coming into the back nine because she’s
gonna give some
away I would love it if the Capper to
Lexi’s career was like you know winning
a US Open right like finish with two
majors like you know get a sort of a Tom
Kite esque like late US Open career in
her you know late 30s whatever mid-30s I
think that would be awesome I think that
would be sort of a fun I’ve never been
like the hugest fan just of the golf
swing and sometimes like she can be a
little bit prickly but I also feel for
her because I know like how hard it must
have been to grow up like truly in the
spotlight all the time from the age of
you know 14 or whatever when she first
she but she played in the US hope when
she was 12 it’s just crazy to think
about and I think seeing her and feeling
her pain like over several of those
collapses has just been tough and I hope
I hope there’s a happy ending that comes
along for her before it’s all said and
done here real quick just on Lexi to
underscore the
drought coming up in June will be five
years she’s won the LPGA Tour which is
hard to believe um this summer will be
10 years since her lone major on the
LPGA Tour so some significant droughts
Cody it’s you said it it’s fascinating
you know she has the game to win but can
she close it and I just look at her week
this week you know she had made two
birdies um in her first round or excuse
me two Bogies in her first round had not
no Bogies up until literally the
tournament is is in the balance her and
Nelly and and he steps up to the to the
short par 46th and rinses the drive and
then three putts the 17th for a sloppy
bogey on the next toll and it’s just
like oh man I I I don’t know I
it’s it’s not really gonna show up
because of the margin of Victory you
know Nelly winning by two and Lexi being
three shots back but but tournament was
it could have gone any way there the 15
16 toll with with Lexi and Nellie and so
I just continue to think she’s a
fascinating fascinating person to watch
golf and try to close a golf tournament
and I I literally don’t know what to
expect you me she’s gonna win three
times in a major this year and I could
see that and you could tell me no she’s
not gonna win at all and I’d be like
yeah I could see that too
so no no prognostication there but but
it is just whenever she’s in contention
it’s must SE television solid finish
from here in nid LPG to rookie shot 6566
over the weekend to finished solo second
uh my Stark kind of faded a little bit
during that back nine with the kind of
costly bogey but solid finish for her T3
and our friend Lauren Coughlin uh shot
the round of the day on Sunday shot to
64 to finish uh T8 was all the way up
there towards T3 and then uh had a
couple people sneak past her at the end
but uh awesome job Lauren if you’re out
there listening awesome work Lauren do
you know what okay so number one
certified mutter LC gets that badge all
right I think we need to re we need to
readjust the logo placement and I think
we need to we need to put uh like one of
those gold star uh things on the middle
of the Wayward drive and because she is
now uh certified mutter uh phenomenal
phenomenal showing from her she’s like
13th on the solheim Cup list right now
this T this T8 is is going to just
continue to Skyrocket her up these
rankings that’s what we like to see
young hitter making that solheim Cup
team you talked about Maya she struggled
so far this year we highlighted her play
on the last LPGA podcast of like what
the hell’s going on well we figured out
what’s going on and thanks to Grant Boon
for highlighting this uh for us is that
her putter has been completely jacked up
all summer oh right The Loft was crazy
right when she when she went back uh she
spent her her winter back in Sweden at
home and you know hitting a ton of
playing a ton of simulator Golf and
hitting off of uh of mats out into
snowfields and and putting indoors on on
astr turf at the Academy and something
happened with all of her travel where
the Loft on her putter just got
completely jacked and she finally had it
checked this week because she went
turned to her cat he was like something
something crazy is going on she finally
got them to look at her putter line LOF
completely jacked up which makes you
think of like the amount of travel that
professional golfers do and they’re
putting their clubs and travel cases the
exact same way that we are and it
doesn’t matter like obviously the
baggage handlers for like Net Jets or
wheels up probably are handling it a
little bit better than you know Delta or
United or or heaven forbid American
Airlines but I don’t understand how is
this not routine for every single player
to be like show up to an event be like I
don’t know what happened I left the
tools of my trade in somebody else’s
hand for the last 12 hours please check
to make sure that these are precise the
way that I think that they should be
like I don’t understand how that isn’t
part of like their standard operating
procedure because that’s literally their
livelihood it’s like a construction
worker showing up and the the handle of
his hammer being broken or or somebody
else going and like you know the guy who
came this week to fix my garage door
shows up and like all the batteries for
his cordless drills are dead I’m like
you can’t do that like how how is like
it seems like such a big mental like
error to do seems like everybody’s got a
track man maybe they ought to have a l
and Loft machine that kind of scratch
that we’re not a trackman family right
we’re a gc’s quad family right excuse
how we’re a foresight family kvb how
dare you do that everybody has a
foresight they carry with them or or gy
quad whoever and carries around why
don’t they have like a lion Loft thing
with they can I don’t know I don’t again
I’m speaking out no idea what it would
take to uh teacher
teacher we have a guy in class he’s not
here today his name is trong Carter and
sometimes lik to go down the leaderboard
uh do you mind if I just do that real
quick for uh we’re a pro go down the
leader board lecture here okay all right
uh well I just want to highlight you
know Cody said Lauren is a mutter I I
think carlat saganda and Hugh juk Kim
maybe not mutters they they they
struggle today out of that final group
uh not not their best golf I don’t know
car is car is slow playing everybody she
could be the slowest golfer men or women
I’ve ever seen in my life it is painful
painful painful thank God they weren’t
on TV because it it would have extended
like then lbga tour would have had to go
back and buy extra hours because of
that’s how slow she
is Allison Lee continuing to play pretty
good golf a top 10 tied for eight uh
Jennifer cup show shows up on the
leaderboard she had not had a good start
to the year so a good week for her uh
Sarah schells that’s one that that we’ve
highlighted on our LPGA podcast she now
has four consecutive top 10 um and is
somebody that’s really putting herself
in a Darkhorse position for the solheim
cup later this fall so name to keep an
eye out there uh Gabby Ruffles follows
up a very good week last week at palis
veres with a tide for 13 she’s leading
the LPGA Rookie of the Year race so far
she’s off to a great start in uh in 2024
and then Lydia Co you know had had been
flirting just needs that one point for
induction into the LPGA Hall of Fame uh
thought she might be making a weekend
charge to get it she fell off a little
today finished for 15th but she’s
continuing to put herself in spots and
and she’s playing really good golf so
those were the big ones uh a very you
know civil Country Club Cody you have
some experience there did not put up
much of a fight the the the cut line was
uh four through two rounds you were you
were going home packing a lot of people
thought there might be a 59 even a 58
this week but the weather got a little
nasty uh it’ll be interesting I’m not
sure you know talking to some folks
seems like Seville might be a oneoff
this year and they might try to get this
event back to Superstition Mountain next
year so something to keep an eye on I’m
happy uh thanks to Ford for for
presenting and sponsoring an lpj event
we need more you know companies stepping
out there I actually heard this week big
that you you know they got rid of the
Dallas event uh volunteers Texas you
know Volunteers of America Texas event
up at the colony that’s gone it’s not on
the schedule this year but I guess
they’re close to uh a big new sponsor uh
coming in for a Dallas event at a
different Club it’s not going to be up
at the colony I think they’re trying to
get it at one of our Fancy Pants
expensive private clubs which would be
sweet so yeah we we’ll be on the lookout
for that but I’ll say this when they
first this and Ford came on board it was
prior to the Thunderbirds being involved
and that’s the charity component and
they did an awesome job this week
There’s free admission out there I think
for two days of course military got in
free I think every day or something like
that um Seville is just you know okay
kbv I know you don’t listen to the LPGA
podcast but um it’s a it’s a member club
and like e even i h during college I had
to teach Junior golf uh Clinic B
basically back out there and it was
right at the transition CU I think they
built this in 2000 or 2001 and it
actually didn’t go private because they
didn’t get the neighborhood built around
it to like 2004 2005 so it was still
public but it was very beginnings of
like hey basically the neighborhood kids
would come down uh here’s a a bunch of
dumb kids from uh Arizona state they’re
going to teach you how to play golf and
get back out of here but I remember
going there and like shooting even par I
knew the girls were going to have
absolutely tear this place up I just
didn’t think that uh like if you shot
even par or two under any day this week
like you were so far behind it was nuts
to see like how good they actually are
on a course that I’m very very familiar
with and I I know that’s like how good
they are but it was just it was striking
and crazy to see I think the
Thunderbirds because big you brought up
Superstition Mountain which is hosted
you know it was called to drive on two
years ago and and they’ve always kind of
struggled once they moved the founders
out of Arizona to like find a permanent
home find the permanent sponsor somebody
actually told me that because the
Thunderbirds were coming on board that
there was a massive amount of pressure
on that that they were putting on TPC
sass to try to get this event there
which I think number one could be like
one of the most natural fitting things
for it I think it would be absolutely
amazing uh for this event to go there
and I understand that they usually they
try lpj tour likes having Community
courses and and clubs like that that’ll
come out and that’s easy with not just
like volunteers but Spectators and
player housing and everything else like
that but again we go back to this of
like how many L’s do the LPGA Tour need
to take with this great partnership that
they have with the PGA Tour before they
like gives the give the dog the tiniest
bit of bone I know we’re not like going
to go to a complete Hamsterdam session
here but they had bad weather they knew
they were going to have better bad
weather today they had to move tea times
up there was split te out in three sums
and the fact that I’m sitting here while
Golf Channel again is showing the the
dudes I don’t know I have yet to meet
anybody who watches Champions Tour golf
and this isn’t about ratings or or
anything else like that but it’s also
like you know isn’t it supposed to be
like women’s women’s month like what
what are we doing here why why is the
LPGA treated this way where even with
peacock they couldn’t move peacock up
far enough to like you know Nelly was
already like on the 12th hole when she’s
making this like truly historic run to
get her third win of the year like what
needs to happen and why are we still in
this place where the [ __ ] excuse my
language but where the champions tour is
getting priority over the LPGA Tour like
why is this still
happening it’s a great question and I
think is a good pivot here to the only
time we will talk about the champions
tour I think on this podcast which is
that Christa Marco went on the subpar
podcast with coln this week and uh kind
of stepped in it a little bit although
he didn’t really walk back these
comments I give him credit for that uh
he didn’t really say much after him but
he said I said in sort of discussing the
the money in golf this year said we’re
kind of hoping that the Liv uh that Liv
tour buys the champions tour this part
it seemed like he was mostly joking but
then he kind of pivoted and seemed
pretty serious he said let’s play for
some real money out here I mean this is
kind of a joke when we’re getting two
million they’re like seven guys last
week from TPC who made more than our
purses uh Cody I know you did some
investigative work and watched this
video of him to make sure we were joking
I just saw the quotes originally when I
was kind of annoyed by the whole thing
but what we think of uh of Chris DeMarco
basically saying like hey where where’s
our money on the grandpa tour yeah I
would just say look around for a second
and and realize where you’re at because
I think Chris DeMarco has been like
compens compensated very well for where
he’s at and kind of what he is not only
provided to the game but continues to
provide to this game and I I’m at this
point now where I’m sick of saying like
the game of golf that like everybody
thinks that specifically men’s
professional golf for some reason is
like the Lynch pin of golf as a whole
and that’s just not what I see every
time like I go play golf and I watch a
ton of golf and I watch this podcast and
I know Colt you know chir back at a
couple people of being like Oh yeah
people people couldn’t tell that this
was a joke like if it was a joke why did
he continue on with like very specific
details like Des describing not only the
purses but like the events of it and
then continued later on in the podcast
and said oh yeah if Liv came around in
like 2003 2004 I definitely would have
gone over well that’s fine like I’m not
here to say that like anybody going to
live based off personal decisions or
anything like that’s their decision
that’s that’s not the conversation like
that we need to have right now there’s
hundreds of other podcasts where you can
go back and listen to those takes of
those decisions but like he was pretty
serious when he was talking about this
specifically and I would say like dude
the fact that there is a Champions Tour
when the main tour is like you know been
in Dire Straits the last couple years I
is good enough re it should be good
enough for you anyway like the champions
tour was all started because the guys
from back in the day got together and
like hey we you know guys on the main
tour are making a ton of money now and
we need to figure out a way to be
recouped but we’re so so far past that
now of like what what are they actually
doing who is watching this who who is
going to these events because I know I
go to every professional golf event
that’s in like where I’m living at and
I’m not going up to watch Dallas and no
offense to flasky because I know that’s
his event but like I’m not gonna go
watch those dudes yeah so who is you
don’t usually say when you’re joking you
don’t usually say it’s kind of a joke
like if you’re inserting that word into
it you’re probably there’s some serious
need your take like I I’m always torn in
these kind of things because I admire
when uh professional athletes uh speak
their mind and I think it’s sort of
sometimes unfair when we then [ __ ] on
them as soon as they say something sort
of interesting uh so I don’t want to go
too far over this but I so much of
professional golf I think has kind of
like lost the plot in terms of how they
understand they’re coming across to
every day people who play golf and you
know might get to play twice a month or
once a month and and they’re desperate
to kind of get out there and they’re
playing with discount balls and they’re
having a few beers and they don’t really
want to hear any more like 55y olds
bitching about how like man $2 million
purse is pretty shitty like we need some
more money that so if it was a joke it
wasn’t told particularly well as a joke
uh say that uh the hero Indian open was
took place on the DP World Tour uh this
weekend and uh a sort of but familiar
name k Nakajima blew everyone kind of
away uh ended up winning by four despite
shooting 40 on the back nine uh Nakajima
spent 87 weeks it’s a tough back nine at
course pictur I can’t say that I watched
it maybe he bounced it off the face of
some of those foam bunkers shout out to
my guy’s still one by4 though yeah shout
out to my guy Gary Player uh for one of
the world’s most iconic designs um
Nakajima spent 87 weeks as the world’s
number one ranked Amer in the world you
know I don’t know a ton about uh ke I
don’t I mean uh I know that certainly
was like dominated the amateur ranks for
a while um are we seeing any promise of
this come of age you know he’s now 23
years old he’s got his DP World Tour
membership and it’s got some corn Fairy
status like uh could we be seeing the
next you know Hideki who was certainly
like the next Phenom to come along kind
of after Hideki in this time man shots
fired at at uh Tumi but yeah he’s
definitely in that that lineage uh goes
back I think this is just one of those
things of like Japanese Golf and it’s
kind of just behind development of every
other big country uh I know we shout out
the Asian Pacific am and you know uh K
won that in the past and has had a
Phenom like was how many weeks was it
kvv that he was number one amateur in
the world 87 he was the number one
amateur in the world and that’s like the
most all time I think he like clipped
ROM uh who ROM’s like number two on that
list now I think it just takes people
like I couldn’t imagine being like some
of these foreign born players where they
have to travel like so far away from
their home their comfort in order to
choose the profession that they want to
do and I think some people it just takes
time uh and hopefully that’s it because
it’s you want to talk about like good
things for golf like having another
Rockstar Japanese player is really good
for golf uh and and you know he is right
up there it’s it’s taking time I don’t
think people expected it to take this
long but it’s been a ton of change in
the Asian tour and everything else like
that I think it’s awesome that finally
got his DP World Tour first Victory
there and then you know he’s gonna be on
the PGA tour it just it’s just only
going to be like a matter of time but he
wins so much it’s crazy I’d be remissed
if I didn’t mention that Liv is back uh
next week they’re playing in Miami so
their Master’s prep will be at Trump
National Dural watch out for the bed
bugs that’s all I got all right you know
I I once got bed bugs at uh at Trump
Dalal I just hope if people were staying
I think it was the player we so again
shout out to keep your podcast keep your
politics out of my podcast this is a a
health and safety message if I have to
put a banner on this or something like
that watch out for the bed bucks uh kind
of a slow news week but uh Bryson made
some news this week uh on golf Twitter
by going out and on his own website you
know was something that wasn’t like he
was entrapped to do this played with a
uh golf ball from sort of the I guess
we’ll eventually call the rollback era
but I think it was a like a 2007 Nike uh
golf ball uh and sort of decided he was
going to play nine holes with this just
to sort of show what rollback golf ball
would like and and spoiler he did not
like it uh he did not really appreciate
it when uh hitting it off the heel made
it only go 305 yards as opposed to 340 I
don’t know if you guys caught any of
this but it did put put a smile on my
face it wasn’t Bryson wasn’t entirely
negative he did sort of have some Nuance
takes but mostly he was sort of pouting
and saying that you know was sort of
it’s really stinky that uh he can’t just
absolutely Mash on the golf ball and hit
a 350 uh which you know gave me hope I
some people maybe would see this and be
like you know what maybe I am Pro
rollback big did you get a chance to
catch any of
this this is I say teacher I did not do
this portion of the homework watch no
I’ll take over for don’t worry I watched
the video and I thought it was
fascinating kbv I was right there with
you um it I think the thing that he was
mostly shocked by was how the guidance
that was put out by the USGA about
potential roll back ball which he wasn’t
using like what is nobody knows propos
rollback ball is going to be this is
just the best guess that whoever gave
him the data uh something that could
match that but he thought you know the
usja says it’s going to be like a 5 to
10% reduction in overall distance and
Bryson of course
out there mashing in a Dallas National
where it’s like they’re on perfect zoa
grass like everything’s teed up for him
he’s seeing like a 10 to 15% uh
reduction so he of course didn’t like
that but what I thought was most
fascinating is not so much the driver
stuff but when he was hitting like his
irons and then really his wedges he was
complaining a lot through it uh about
different spins different spin rates and
and he had his juicy quad out there with
him the whole time and like a couple
times he’s hitting his normal left Dash
versus uh what the you know the ball
that he was playing with that Nike one
and just kind of showcasing the numbers
of it so I thought it was fascinating I
think that’s you know he obviously
doesn’t like it because he wants the
ball to go further and and and do cool
[ __ ] with it but I was like yeah that’s
actually like exactly what we’re looking
for uh outside of like you hit it
offline I actually kind of wanted to to
spin more man like you’re saying that it
was too much I actually think you can
turn it up a little bit more because if
you’re hitting it that like bad not at
all close to the center of the GL like
you shouldn’t be rewarded for that and
just to be clear with the Nike one tour
he this is uh will Knights uh documented
this from Friday he was hitting the ball
with like 187 mile ball speed and it was
going 315 yards so like all this crying
about how you know we’re not going to
see the ball go you know it’s going to
be 260 yard drives it is not going to be
that like they’re still going to be able
to hit it over 300 it’s just that the
amount of people who are going to be
able to do that are going to be fewer
and so the honestly like Bry ought to
lean into this and be like yo I’m going
to be one of the only like seven guys on
the thing who can still hit this 100 310
yards carry I’m sign me up for that
because I you know I would like to live
in a world where Bryson was winning more
majors and I kind of do think that it it
would increase the talent Gap uh between
guys like Bryson and Rory and guys who
are not as good because I do think
Bryson will probably figure out how to
hit it in the middle of the face more
often but he doesn’t have to do that
right now he can just absolutely wail on
it and hit it anywhere over the face and
it will go forever yeah I 100% agree
with you I I I think I think with time
like he’ll realize that this is actually
a benefit to him specifically like and
that’s not because like you know he’s
just a dude out there wailing on it like
he he hits the vast majority of his
drives like Bryson’s catching them out
of the center of the club face it’s
those squirly ones when he actually
tries to like gear down on it and like
absolutely swing out of his shorts that
get all you know they end up going all
over the place um because he should be
rewarded for the skill that he has and
that’s like through both working on his
swing but also like mastering his
numbers and getting like his butt in the
gym and like bulking season and then
non-b walking season and figuring out
his gut health and I love the fact that
there was an ag1 commercial like
sprinkled in there as well and him like
being like yeah I used to take horrible
care of my body but now I’m getting
these greens in my life and we’re we’re
on the straight narrow but it is a it’s
this is a benefit to Bryson first and
foremost and he will realize that over
time and these guys are like they’re the
best golfers in in the world give them a
couple days and with the technology that
we have from monitors and everything
else they’re gonna get it figured out
one last news item here this week the uh
the USGA announced the US National
Junior Team uh which mostly like these
are names who might be big deals someday
but right now are just kind of sort of
anonymous but I I love that we are
coming into the era now where kids who
have like sweet names of like people who
grew up uh in the 90s are now come so
there’s a kid named blades on the US
Junior national team there’s another
there’s a j JP’s Jordan’s gonna be so
upset at you that you don’t know who
blades Brown is that’s actually criminal
I’ve heard of blades Brown there’s a
girl named asri Asis uh there’s a
there’s a
Riley Asis just she just won a massive
massive amateur tournament like the the
precursor to anat last weekend these are
great I’m sure that Jordan is gonna
write some amazing stuff and fill me in
on all of this uh I’m sure she’s smiling
behind the scenes right now listening to
me uh talk about Emory schz uh who e m r
i uh as a parent do you know hold on
hold on do you know we we she is a
cousin of friend of the program Lane
charts I did not know that at all W hand
of God yeah shout out lane that’s his
second cousin yeah well okay uh I know
GI Clemente is great uh Shila Brown I
think I’ve heard of so some big name on
here some people who are I’m sure going
to be uh studs of the future uh there
they’re studs now especially on the
women’s team this is awesome for the
USGA I think we’re we’ve been waiting
and saying we need a development team
for a long long time it’s it’s you know
we’re trying to match other nations that
are around us when you talk about like
specifically on the women’s and we could
even go to the men’s team like the
Swedish national team is is the example
for the rest of the world and if the if
America and the usj could ever get close
to that and that’s what the US USA
development team’s going to be like
we’re going to be sitting in a really
really good spot Jordan is saying in the
chat that I’m canceled I’m not sure if
you can cancel the teacher but uh
perhaps you can uh all right guys I want
to close here I give you some homework
this weekend uh inanta tournament time
always one of our favorite times of the
year it got me thinking like uh watching
some of these these squads gel both on
the men’s and women’s sides if you were
going to throw grow together a
basketball team made up of golfers now
I’m not talking about like whether the
golfers are good at basketball but just
you know kind of based on Vibes based on
personality what would you do who would
make your squad who would coach your
squad this would be a very fun exercise
to sort of to talk about uh who you’d
want fill and buck buckets taking
charges for you uh since this was my
idea I’m happy to go first or I can go
last if someone would like to go uh here
but we’re GNA basically put together our
own squads of who we would uh take on
the world with I think our designated
basketball guy big the coach come on
Landis well I know I I think we kind of
go position by position okay don’t yeah
so let’s start at I I assume we all kind
of follow the traditional five spots in
basketball kbv why don’t your point
guard yeah yeah uh yeah I went with Kurt
kyama that’s I need a dog running my
squad Randy I mean I need someone who’s
going to just slap the floor get the
crowd into it pop his jersey with the
student section when he takes a charge
uh this guy you know Kurt actually did
used to hoop way back in Chico uh he
went by the name Quadzilla because he
had you know those big ass legs that’s
awesome you know look he’s only 5 S so
he we might we might get hurt on some
switches uh some people might be
shooting over us but I feel like I want
a scrappy guy who’s gonna lead us uh and
push the ball up the floor kvb that’s
that’s such a good opening pick I kind
of went the a lot of the same attributes
that I want too somebody who AB
abolutely holds her own but but seems to
have a a good eye on everything that’s
going on doesn’t care what really is
going on around her is just solely
focused uh I already said her and that’s
going to be my you know I would say my
point guard my number one guard on the
court controlling my offense and defense
just Scrappy you name it she’s all over
the place Charlie Hall sure I like that
okay like some attitude like some big Fu
to people you% maybe pushing people
after a jump ball situation
yeah wonderful big who who you got who
got running
Point why mine’s reason he bias but I I
was I was looking for that you know the
the hatable Duke point guard mold and
give me Alejandra toasty I mean you
talking about guy that will get under
the opposing team’s skin uh will not be
afraid of of playing in the big gyms all
across America I I think it’s Alejandra
would love would love to put the ball in
his hands I thought about that late this
afternoon Sunday and I really kind of
just felt like I couldn’t quite go there
just yet but I’m glad that you did
because I I really want to see him like
throw a punch here and there like uh and
and maybe like reverse Jam because the
Dude if he can hit at 380 he could get
up there and like absolutely just dunk
over the T of someone like John Starks
used to do Cody how about you start us
off on this one who’s your shooting
guard yeah my shooting guard I just
needed somebody that was clutch and
today you know watching Scotty I know he
used to hoop back in this day at
whatever private Jesuit school he went
to in the the Northlands of uh of Dallas
Texas he just wasn’t it he wasn’t clutch
I need somebody who’s going to line up
and you we were thinking about these
comparables all the time to the big cat
and you know I just need a guy that
you’re gonna pass it to and he’s gonna
he’s gonna drain that rock man and
that’s Tiger Woods o like it okay maybe
some knee trouble probably not going to
be able to give you 40 minutes but uh
we’re pushing
you said this man come on I can take
tiger in his prime okay well even then
like the dude probably ran 25 miles in
the marathon in army boots before the
game so you just need to keep that in
mind as your factor I mean that you know
this is your squad so I don’t want to
Big who you got at to shooting guard I
like I like veteran leadership of tiger
there that’s I don’t want to [ __ ] onody
I’m sorry uh well I got to see this
guy’s shot up close and personal several
years back um smooth
jumper uh a little bit of a diva you
know as as your star kind of two guards
somewhat tend to be I guess um but isn’t
afraid of the big moment is not afraid
of the big moment has missed as many
times as he’s made when the game’s on
the line and that’s Mr Phil Mickelson
we’re we’re we’re gonna gonna get him
the ball at his spots and we’re gonna
we’re gonna have that sweet righty
jumper just lacing the net
okay just watch out for Point shaving
that’s all I’m saying
uh I I went with uh with minwu Lee here
as my shooting guard here I’m looking
for a guy who’s just gonna fill up the
stat sheet I mean somebody I want him to
get 25 shots a game I don’t care if he’s
going 10 for 25 some nights because
there gonna be some nights where it’s
yeah for sure but some nights he’s gonna
get me 30 and 10 uh so I’m thinking like
kind of Klay Thompson before the
injuries just like firing up shots no
conscious like absolutely just taunting
the crowd y yo minwoo stop taking half
quarters dog no look on our Squad he’s
allowed he’s got the green light from
anywhere Min minwoo strikes me minwoo as
a basketball player strikes me is
exactly the type of guy that uh can can
can shoot you into games and can shoot
you out of games oh 100% and those are
sometimes my favorite players exactly I
want I want the squad to be entertaining
big so that’s why I decided to go there
uh big you got a small forward for us
I do this this is a Hooper I I I went
with true basketball skill here 61 out
of Kansas played a little college ball
Gary Woodland I think he’s prototypical
small forward you know he he can
probably guard four
positions um we can post him against
some smaller guards if if we get the
correct matchup I I like Gary’s game and
I think he’s a great small forward for
me love that uh all right Cody I his is
we’re here I went with Nelly Corda uh
I’m a big anti- analytics guy but I want
so I want like a catch and shoot
mid-range player I’m I’m bringing back
the mid-range game I’m tired of this
like layups or threes I think Nelly
would be like a porzingis type you know
I don’t need her to bang down low I need
her to like elegantly like just spot up
and catch and and splash and shots I
don’t even need double digits and
rebounds okay that’s not what I’m
expecting for I want like a graceful
fade away maybe like a baby hook that
she catches down low like I think she I
think she could get me 19 20 points uh
between her and minwoo like she’s going
to be the anti- minwoo she’s going to
shoot 60% from the field and just be a
very elegant up and down the court kind
of player well you brought up tiger and
injury concerns I just worry that Nelly
up there you know in that high post she
might get beat up a little bit she might
look that’s why as I’ll tell you my next
pick here in a second uh after you get
say k better have some beef here at at
the four five
spots I I some mouses in the house K I
know I know listen there’s some small
ball here I went uh you know my my small
forward somebody who’s used to to being
in the blocks doing the hard work he’s
he’s kind of left out of a lot of teams
but he’s always he’s got the heart of a
line he’s always working it’s absolute
tail off and you know he might be the
only person who’s played in like pickup
back basketball games with MJ Brady he’s
a proud proud Nike guy he’s just rocking
his dunks all over the place and that’s
Eric Keegan man oh yeah that’s a good
pick that’s a good pick for there I I
feel like don’t hate that pick truly
work hard he would he would want he
would have a lot of Pride lot of Team
yeah and that’s why you know I don’t
know if we’re we’re picking five or if
we have somebody coming off the bench
but I also have this caddy Pepsi on the
bench just in case something happens and
he needs to go out and [ __ ] somebody up
God like an inner Squad game where
Keegan like just dunked over Justin
Thomas and like G it an extra long stare
would be absolutely my Pepsi would be in
the arena for
sure all right I I I heard the criticism
about my lack of beef down low so I’m
gonna I’m gonna tell you right now I’m
putting Shane Lowry in the block down
here this is he’s gonna be my guy who
just I don’t even need double digion
points here I need him to bang to throw
some elbows he’s gonna get me 12
rebounds and use all six fouls uh
throughout the day I thought about maybe
kokra here but I just don’t feel like
he’d work as hard as Lowry uh Bryson was
also a contender but you know chemistry
issues and I I love the idea of Shane
here just absolutely knocking heads over
and maybe getting a few bloody cuts on
on his face here and there just
intimidating the [ __ ] out of people
Shane we just need you setting screens
on offense don’t don’t worry about
anything else just go hit some people
he’ll get some garbage points he’ll get
some putbacks here and there but that’s
not what I need all right so I need an
enforcer I need someone to keep him keep
the the thugs off of Nelly so she can do
down all right Cody who you got at
powerful oh perfect thank you Kev uh I
kind of again very similar I think I
went down uh and was thinking really
hard like who do I who do I need in that
position I need somebody that can get
their elbows out there they can still be
light on their feet definitely hold
their own but also you know I like my
guys if we gota play dirty we’re gonna
play dirty all right and if we’re if
we’re gonna need to throw some elbows do
some hip checking stuff like that we’re
not afraid of skirting the rules all
right and that’s why I brought in the
Big Fan VJ is going to be down there for
me that’s I like that
yeah what would he be kind of a scorer
would he just be kind of a
whatever he whatever we need of him that
night all right if there if there’s
potential allegations going on we need
him to take somebody out we need him to
play hard D we got that all right he’s
just he’s just kind of that guy he’s our
big dude down there I love that big who
you got a power
forward I have uh I have three Scotty
Sheffer you know I I think he’s athletic
there there’s footwork there I I think
there’s a solid base listen he’s going
to be an undersized power forward we
know know that but but I think we can
get him in the block we can isolate him
uh we can count on that footwork and
athleticism to hopefully get us some
buckets around the rim um I like his
body I I I think he can I think he can
rebound on the defensive end um I think
he can guard the four
position um I feel good about
Scotty I like that I actually had Scotty
as my pick uh at Center so I’m going to
go ahead and switch up and take my
backup pick here and I’m I’m gonna put
Dustin Johnson at Center I think yeah
big laconic guy don’t need to like you
know get a lot of uh effort like full
out going all the court but I just need
him to kind of score in his spots I need
him to be like kind of a lot of centers
in the league today they’re not like the
scream in yourf face like dunk all over
you they’re kind of more the chill dudes
the yics and such and and emids so I I
did I will say this about Scotty uh have
you ever seen that video of Scotty
playing pickle ball it’s unbelievable
like how good his hand ey coordination
is but like if you think about like why
doesn’t that translate to putting like
Shaq was the same way like Shaq is like
a truly gifted athlete right remember
there’d be like occasional bouts where
Shaq would like he’d make like nine of
11 free throws in a game and everybody
like oh Shaq’s got this free throw thing
figured out that’s to me like feels like
Scotty right now it’s like everyone’s
like oh yeah he’s the Mallet he’s like
totally fine he’s he’s a great player
he’s he’s totally gonna be putting now
no man like it’s that kind of stuff just
like stays with you forever so like
there’s a little bit of a parallel to
that so I’ll a nod to sheer but I’ll put
DJ in as a nod to the live gang to sort
have a fully realized Squad there all
right who got at Center there uh
big uh my Center listen he’s raw and and
candidly I have no idea if he plays
basketball um but he’s somewhat young
and you you can’t teach height so I’m
going with my my my man from Georgia
Tech the rambling wreck of Georgia Tech
Christo lampre
uh listen he’s 68 he’s 220 I think he’s
got a frame to put on another 20 to 30
pounds easily uh if we can teach him an
outside shot I I think he’s a nightmare
spacing ball on offense uh good size to
guard the ball on defense and and
honestly you know we want him we want
him away from the basket to give Scotty
an opportunity to get down there and and
use his footwork and creativity in the
post so I’m going with my guy Christo
love that Cody who do you got in the the
five yeah it was uh man there’s a lot of
a lot of uh directions that I was going
to go here I thought about DJ I thought
that would have been too obvious though
but we know you know he’s Hoops he he
can get it done um there kind of a
different direction I was going to at at
for a second I thought I was going to go
with the big swed Anna norquist but you
know she kind of has Yips every once in
a while played uh you know definitely
free throw percentages would have been a
concern there
uh I think see her like one of those
like foreign centers that used to play
in the league in the 90s like kind of
not quite fully formed basketball was
still catching up but they had some game
like that was for sure for sure you know
height was a concern I thought about
putting the big golfer in there but
Bryson you know he would again heart
would have been there we just height
just didn’t have it and that’s where I
ended up uh going my next one we’re
still kind of on the shest side for a
center uh but we’re coming at like 63
close to 6’4 weighing 15 stones and
that’s Ernie El I think that he would
control he’d be a rebound machine he’d
be able to ditch it out he’s a big team
guy you know there’s all these stories
of him and his jet flying around
everywhere just pounding beers with the
boys he would have looked out for them
the biggest defender of golf in South
Africa uh you know I think he would have
just rounded out that squad for me
that’s great Ernie DJ is a formidable
frog Court Cody that’s that’s no joke
yeah I mean I’m glad that we put a
timeline on this because otherwise you’d
have some kind of old old Squad but if
these are all back in their Prime then I
think you’re you’re golden you’re maybe
thought you
know my my point guard at the beginning
was Lee trino uh you know I thought he
was gonna be he’ kind of slick he’d be
able to get it out there be fast talking
the king of [ __ ] talking you know we
would have destroyed everybody just like
mentally that’s true Cody’s team is
built to play uh the NBA court but the
short courts that run across the the
main courts that’s that’s what Cody’s
team is built
for Tiger VA we don’t we don’t need to
be getting up and down much guys for
coaching I couldn’t resist going with
with Phil Mickelson here uh you know and
I think the current Phil Mickelson that
you know as we’re ring to choose eras
like he could totally pull off the pat
rally thing with the slickback gelled
Hair Master tactician would be able to
kind of work both the media and the refs
uh you know Mike get suspended from the
league for various like things here and
there but he’s he’s going to have these
guys ready to play he’s going to get the
best out of uh some of them I think he
listen he’s going to be working like you
know Shane every night to tell him like
look I I don’t need points from you big
guy I just need like I just need be
rebounds all right he’s gonna get the
best out of Nelly so Phil’s my Phil’s my
coach that’s a good pick that’s that’s a
good pick I uh my coach I went with a
guy you know we’re we’re I think in the
Coach position we’re looking to set the
tone right we’re we’re day after day
who’s showing up who who’s got I I like
coaches with discipline in their own
lives I I I think you know it it allows
them to come from a place of
authenticity let’s guys buy in men and
women um so I’m going with Scott
Stallings because listen where
basketball is is an ultra physical sport
you got to be in in Peak Peak shape and
nobody has displayed the amount of
discipline and work ethic that Scott
sings has has shown over the last
several years not only to transform his
own body his own figure his own mindset
but that’s what I’m looking for uh for
him to give to my team shout out to hard
work pays off I love that’s such a good
pick there you know where I was going I
was looking at somebody who’s gonna like
you know I got some characters on this
squad so I need somebody who’s like been
in these back door meetings if you say
like Ben Hogan I’m gonna just Revolt no
no no and like can Pro provide cover for
everybody I think you know somebody
who’s like been there but hasn’t been
like the guy yet but has been in charge
of developing a lot of things you know
my coach he he’s basically just going to
provide top cover to make sure that the
guys can and gals they can do what they
want whatever we got to do to get them
you know the best performance that we
that we possibly can out there and
that’s a gentleman by the name of Ty
Vota right and if people don’t know who
Ty V Tai is he used to be at one point
in time commissioner of the lpj tour and
then it kind of got run into the ground
maybe that could be under his Direction
but he looked out for everybody around
him after that he came over to the PGA
Tour and I think he probably is the
person who holds all of the secrets for
everything that finchum and you know
anybody anything that’s happened there
he has where the bodies are buried yeah
but ultimately he’s looking out for
everybody he’s like hey as long as I’m
still getting my pay check we’re good
guys and we just got to keep this thing
going so hopefully he brings that same
thing to to the squad that we’ve
assembled we actually had drinks with
tyot that one night gr mcdow’s Place uh
and he and I talked about Jason iswell
apparently D Vota big Jason Isbell fans
so uh we got to sort of break bread over
that uh any any honorable mentions you
want to throw out any six uh six men six
gals that uh were you know helpful just
I had one Cody you want to go or you
want me to go no you go ahead
biggy listen I I I think six
man what’s the most important job right
you’re looking for a boost of energy
when that person enters the game okay
and I saw something last year out of
this woman the most heart the most
tenacity somebody that will absolutely
run through a brick wall and that’s
headwall she
is she is my six man and I could not be
happier with that decision I honestly
I’m building my team around Caroline
know she’s not in the starting lineup
but I’m building it around Carolina
she’s the hard soul of the team love
that yes okay Cody any uh any six person
or uh or honorable mention you want to
throw yeah I I guess I had mentioned
already that Bryson potentially could
could be vying for a spot of course the
big sweet Anna she she’s in there
looking for something um but
ultimately I I got a lot of uh elderly
Statesmen and I knew when I was talking
about my bigs they might get banged up
and I think that’s why
I you know I I’m thinking about sep
straa you know if I need some extra beef
down there I think he’s going to be able
to to come in be a great sub when the
other bigs get you know banged up he he
could be my guy I love that uh I’m gonna
throw out I want uh Suzanne pson on my
squad uh gonna come in and throw some
elbows gonna you know get me 10 15
points Off the Bench start a fight uh
use up her fouls like she’s she’s not
she’s gonna be taken off in a Stretcher
if she’s coming off uh in a Do or Die
game so absolutely ready to go to war
with her I’ll say this her Phil
Mickelson would either be an Unstoppable
combination of like player coach yes or
it would be the most
toxic team environment get suspended or
fired or whatever if I need to go a
different direction Suzanne can sort of
step into that player coach that uh that
R so I feel like we’re good there did
you guys know that James har d is 6’1 I
had no idea European Tour player so I
thought about him at Center but I feel
like I didn’t really know enough about
him to to come on him for big minutes
yeah did I did I Google tall golfers
yeah I did I I did run across
him well I this was a very fun exercise
uh perhaps as the uh tournament goes on
maybe we’ll we’ll punt it to the boys
next week if they want to try to put
together their own squads because I very
much enjoyed this and uh very much
enjoyed this Sunday evening with you
boys so thank you very much for uh for
watching the golf with me and thank you
guys uh at home for tuning in and
listening for us uh Cody any parting
words there yeah we got a big week
coming up kvv I’m finally you know I’m
excited for like these big tournaments
to actually start and it feels like this
is the week where we’re finally getting
ready for doing that uh people be on the
lookout this week this podcast right
here I know you and suly did an awesome
historical Masters Deep dive Randy I and
our own Jordan Perez we’re going to do a
little anwa anwa we’ll get into that
later and lpj match plays on their way
back to Shadow Creek which I think could
be like probably the second best event
that the lpj tour puts on every year
outside of Founders and a new place in
the calendar new format new format too
uh we we’re gonna get all into that we
talked about it uh on the last podcast
though but so we got Masters historical
we got anoah match play preview all
leading up uh
into a big anah week we’re gonna have a
written piece what did what did Jordan
write for us uh Jordan did a really good
profile of Amari Avery uh who you know
some people might know if they follow
the amateur game from how much he’s
played great at uh USC and uh and in
some of the Curtis cups and she finished
fourth at Ana two years ago but also you
might know her from her time way back
when Netflix was doing a documentary
called the short game which is like the
best honestly the best way to get your
kids into golf is to plop them down in
front of watched like kids their own age
like play golf so a lot of times dads
ask me like how did you get your
daughter into golf I’m like yeah dude we
just watched the short game like five
times and now she watches it all the
time on herself still so uh I’m really
proud of Jordan for this profile it’s
going to be pretty awesome I think that
we’ll get that out uh you know on uh on
Tuesday so look forward to that I did a
really fun perfect club uh that’s coming
up uh about Tin Cup and I had do two
very fun guests uh with me three very
fun guests actually uh but the so the
most uh interesting ones were Adam and
Jessica hadwin joined us to talk about
Tin Cup uh which I thought was really
great Jessica was nice enough I I
reached out to her on Twitter because I
thought you know what it be one thing
it’d be really cool to have a a tour pro
talk about what they like about Tin Cup
but to have a a tour wife who talks a
lot about like being a tour wife talk
about the r Renee Russo character would
be really fun and they were great Adam
was so insightful Jessica was awesome
and then uh my friend Kyle banduo who
wrote a book uh that’s coming out called
sports with balls uh he he joined us for
the podcast too he has it’s all about um
movies with balls excuse me I messed
that that up uh it’s all about like
sports movies uh so if you’ve ever
wanted to know the backstory for uh you
know Bull Durham or Tin Cup or Happy
Gilmore and stuff all those things are
covered so he had some really great
insights into Tin Cup so big week for us
and then uh spilling to to Masters
so uh we we did a a real cool Nest uh
our monthly Nest podcast last week two
and we actually was the first time that
we did live trivia thank Casey for
coming on and kind of arranging that
while uh sweet baby Neil is of course uh
out of office with his sweet baby um and
we’re just trying to to make sure
everything continues well the dads are
are seemingly away in Scotland living
their best life so uh that and for
everybody who continues to ask about
so’s performance at the gaspera this
year that film room I have uh I have the
final copy of it we’re going through
final reviews right now we’re going to
get it posted prior to the Masters so um
be on the lookout for that but that’s
everything we got if you missed it DJ
also played 10 of Wisconsin’s top public
courses in about 36 hours czy did a a
video with that and so you can check
that out on our YouTube channel uh and
expect lots of more of that to come we
have some some fun stuff in the tank
that’s coming out soon so thank you all
appreciate you boys always for uh
spending this time with me and we’ll
guys see you all next week
cheers C on


  1. Have you guys looked at the putting stats? Scotty is SECOND in putts per green and first in girs… a lot more length in putts I could only assume. What is the BEEF

  2. FYI – Fast forwarded through all of Cody yelling his takes and there was only 6 minutes left of Randy and KVV sharing their wisdom.

  3. I think Cody does a great job producing but when you put him in front of the mic he tends to bloviate and talk over other hosts. Just an opinion, but he lacks on screen chemistry with the rest of the NLU guys and overcompensates by droning on with tangentially relevant personal anecdotes.

  4. Not sure if it's too much to ask or how much time it would take but would love to see timestamps on these. Great content as always regardless

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