Today we take the channel down to Austin Texas to play one of the most popular courses in the area at Grey Rock Golf Club!

what is up B golfers welcome back to the
channel Welcome to Austin Texas we are
out playing Gray Rock Golf Club today um
it feels good to be out it’s nice and
it’s beautiful day it’s like mid 80s
little overcast not too sunny not too
windy although the wind has been picking
up in a little bit so we’ll see if we
have any issues with that again we’re
kind of still nursing the back just a
touch but hopefully we’ll be fine we’re
playing the back T box 6,800 yards and
we’ve got uh one of the assistant Pros
here with us so hopefully he can get us
around the corse we can put together a
pretty decent number let’s get at it
yeah that’s
better first up 423 yd par 4 little
small dog leg to the left but looks like
everything’s pretty much dead straight
away there’s a water tower out in the
distance looks like that’s going to be
our Target aing line unless Reed tells
us otherwise water tower good perfect
water tower is perfect he says so there
we go first swing there we
go oh point of draw today you should be
fine over
there I have a little you know if the
group in front all right we’re in play
but we’re not in a great spot we got to
get over these trees and we got to a
long way to go so we’re just going to
take 58° and get it up and over these
trees put it back into the Fairway play
a little course management been
yep oh no chunk
got all right not bad considering the
flub from the middle of the Fairway
those 70 yard shots are shots that we
need to practice again after being out
for a while wind is directly with us
here 59 yard par five te High let fly
here wind Peri it see what we get driver
that might be
yeah yeah
thanks all I got about 162 left again
the wind is crazy right now so we got a
little easy nine iron little 80% swing
Haun in two it’ be great should
be nice and B hopefully the win
nice good
Miss oh it’s got to hit
it let’s go all right good birdie there
definitely feels bad to leave a eagle PT
short but such is life got 198 playing
188 right now wind take a little easy 6
iron it’s kind of swirly but I think
mostly it’s kind of helping so well
right now it’s hurting it’s swirly it’s
off the left how about that six
iron oh little
pull that’s one of the funnest spots in
the court right oh yeah yeah love that a
little short little lift and hopefully
up and down it got a little Ridge we got
to got to cover a little bit we got
plenty of green to play with just need
to put a good swing on this nice
stroke didn’t really get much check kind
of ran a little
long need to hit the
ball than it all right not a terrible
approach to that part three just a
little bit not a great six iron off the
T box got a part four 44 46 little dog
leg to the right there’s a bunker on the
right side of the dog leg that we’re
going to try to go kind of over maybe
with a little cut if we can manage it
otherwise straight over it is fine here
go oh got that little
sweet I got about 180 yards left but
it’s a tucked pin over there so I’m just
going to go seven iron With the Wind
nice smooth swing kind of for the middle
of the green for a little short and
okay middle of the green it is
it all right we got 380 y or four little
dog like left right into the wind going
take three wood going right in between
these two bunkers kind of off the left
side of the right one here something low
would be
uh-oh nothing good over there eh you
might be able to punch out might be able
to punch out there thing all right all
right we fine we got about 128 Ys a
little into the wind should be able to
get up over these trees no problem I got
50° nice smooth swing get it up
high oh just pushed it a little
bit it’s fine up and
down I’ll take
that oh oh too much
speed on the now okay missed a chance to
the sand up and down right there but not
the end of the world got a 445 par4 dead
straightaway not much to talk about just
driver just driver
thanks hi
oh I haven’t done that in a long time
Little Drop Kick hook driver got about
17 live left got seven iron here a
little under the wind a little With the
Wind should be
fine thank you
wow can you get fall to the hole these
putty lines are fine they just
short okay we’ve got ourselves part five
542 dead into the wind going to try to
just te the ball a little bit lower here
see if we can kind of play it a little
bit more off the heel side of the clubs
get a little little Runner a little low
bullet Runner is what we’re looking for
here get that big duck hook out of the
right little space behind that bunker a
little bit okay right shot shape wrong
starting line all right wind is crazy
right now uh we are not getting anywhere
near this screen so taking five iron out
of the bunker get us a fairway shot
hopefully on in three
all right that five arm went about 100
yards just too much sand got about 205
left into the wind again nice easy for
iron a little low piercer
hopefully it’ll be fine it’s not good
contact all right we did make it into
the tree line so we’re dropping forhead
and five about 65 yd
58° need something good
fight oh it
did thank
you oh I pushed it
shoot ah
okay got a par three here right into the
wind again this stretch of holes has
been pretty brutal not what you want is
a double on a par five had a chance to
say bogey just didn’t make a good stroke
got 6 here for about a 170 shot nice and
low nice penetrating half swing
about take it
turn all right it’s lock in driver here
we got a driveable par 4 through 17
although it is right into the wind so
it’s probably not going to be driveable
today still got driver out it’s dead
straight so time to figure out the swing
figure out the flight finished off this
front here we
go oh that was such a good shot
too and it just died in the freaking
tree Ah that’s super unfortunate the
wind was right into tried to fly it
lower otherwise that would have been
easy to clear just went right into the
tree about 205 210 is got four iron
again see if we can get a good full
swing on this this time
oh wow now we fade it
okay all right that’s
fine little B about the right Club just
got a weird fade out of that after that
weird duck hook we had from a couple
holes ago just a little little curious
with the four iron got to get up down
for par here don’t want to have a bogey
on a 3155 yd par 4 um a little bit of a
ridge here though right to the pins on
so it’s a little tricky shot about 5050
that’s pretty
good on front plus four lots of good
saves including a couple of testy second
putt got to get driver going we’ll find
ways to score 400 yds dead straight away
little dog L to the right over the trees
and a little into the win so here we go
just got to get a good swing on it
what is with these little drop
hooks I don’t understand how I’m doing
that never do that all right we stayed
up just barely on this little outskirts
in the leaves got about 195 200 yards
into the wind F five iron just playing
it up the left this pin is like really
tucked not really approachable so we’re
just playing for the front left of green
see what
happens slick
should have figured my back foot was not
planted on anything but leaves
whoops it’s so heavy
go it’s actually not that
bad it’s not the line we
wanted not even the that is just so high
and so wow wow that green suck wow
nope all right first three of the
day also this ball is broken pting all
right bad display a puting 459 par 4 dog
leg left driver need it have to have it
want to find
it into the wind
still that’s better
shot that’s better still not great
better I got my 185 here great Drive
little Fairway going to sof five iron
right into the wind
again just trust the swing
here oh nice push Al that’s
sick no no no
all right we are live man I hit that
like pretty center of the face just
pushed got to get up and down
here sit on
it is so much
roll almost saved one
all right let’s see if we can get this
driver to continue to go straight then
we can work on our long range approach
shots we got 430 here I think for this
par 4 pretty de a little dog look to the
right eventually on the turn come on
need a good driver
swing just like this big
toe nonsense
Alan might have been the wrong Club
probably could have gone eight iron
there but it still just not a good line
yeah I just need to figure out what the
wind is doing back there it felt like it
hurting maybe it’s how we were set up in
kind of near the trees but up here it
definitely helping this is just the
wrong Club up and down see if we can
save one here we can take our time not
going to lie we felt like how felt like
we were getting a little bit rushed
people behind us were kind of pushing us
a little bit we hadn’t seen a group in
front of us in a while we’re getting
back on bar Here track timing wise so
let’s take our time 54 degre here just
going to play a little bump and Runner
right into the
sit oh
no so fast
a it doesn’t
Wiggle all right beautiful part three
here 175 from the back box into the wind
back pin and it looks like there’s a
ridge kind of in front of the Pence so
we’re going to go a six iron here should
be full swing not trying to rip it too
hard nice and smooth will’ll get us
there need to get one good golf ho
actually two good golf here go two good
golf holes in a row would be nice this
get back on on
track oh just a little FY I Like to
though beautiful
strike little Fade All right we got a
lot of this Fringe to get through and
it’s not really stable so we’re just
going to play a little uh little bump
and run
54° roll
roll right
idea a
hole all right need that all right great
part right there great up and down save
uh we’ve got a part five it’s a big one
591 and it’s a long second shot by the
look of it got to kind of take on this
dog leg right turn with driver um so you
know what that means got to hit a
straight ball let’s see we’d love to
make a four here get this thing kind of
back to where we had started
honestly is that good you might be it’s
going to be close but you very the well
I got a lot of it you did get a lot of
it so that’s I didn’t quite clear the
corner here so we got six iron just
chipping it out put in the Fairway still
going to be a long third shot in
okay all right we got about 182 here but
we’re straight down wind and the whole
Fairway kind of slopes down so we’re
taking eight iron here the wind is super
helpful so clean a iron trust
nice it’s not hit particularly
well but oh it squeaked on oh it’s long
we’ll take that consider it hit it
well do it come
on all right that’s a hell of a four
chance to put three in the card here
hopefully 323 right with the wind but it
is not driver it’s just too tight of a
window try to get to the green so we’re
playing the smart play here with Hing wi
we’re going five iron down the middle
Fairway not much talk
about I love the way it hit
oh caught just a little heavy
what a blow away all right part three
here lazy should have just read that
putt threw away a stroke there without
question 210 here little help off the
right got five iron just trying to play
a nice little gentle draw right off of
the guy in the light blue shirt I think
well when he clear
draw gentle oh that’s not
gentle all right uh the memory car was
doing some weird stuff but I was in the
bunker got it out we got this for par
need it have to have it
what how does
that shouldn’t have took the step
shouldn’t have took the step you did all
right we got a 493 par 497 something
like that part five dog leg left little
under the wind that was a criminal putt
but we’re going to forget about it hit
driver make it up right here party
finish let’s do it
perfect drive all day pretty
close oh here it
is oh be so good ah it’s just too much
again but we got an eagle
putt too oh I don’t know do we putt this
we chip it
I think we have to putt this boys I
would putt
it oh just one
time okay really
good take the time do it right that’s
all you okay boys and girls we have
salvaged this round into a pretty
manageable one we need a birdie here to
get to 80 water on the right we’re going
to go straight towards the bunker on the
left though leaves us about 130 in with
7 W little helping wind up there first
time we’ve hit it today what could go
wrong I would say four turn not
four good is it good yep yeah it’s up
the middle of Fairway sweet okay we got
about 80 call it 90 yards to this
pin got 58° it’s going to be about a 75
yard shot which we have been really poor
at all day so time to
convert got to
go oh we need to work on that yardage
go in It Go in oh stop
turning all right they’re perfect Lage
golfers 81 on the cards 40 in the front
41 on the back and uh well we know where
we missed our shots 70 yards and in we
need to work on pretty badly uh driver
was also really wild today but we still
ended up putting together a good score
so hey we take that a lot of fun uh
we’ll be maybe doing one more round
we’ll see here in Austin otherwise we’ll
be back in Charlotte we’ll catch you
guys till next time bye-bye


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