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Logan Paul vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens – Road to WrestleMania XL: WWE Playlist

Watch the rivalry between United States Champion Logan Paul, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens before they collide for the title at WrestleMania XL in Philadelphia.
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>> Your arm is protected.
You got a weapon on your hand, Kevin.
And the only reason that you were able to
knock me down is because of that cast.
But me, buddy, I knock people out clean.
In fact, all the guys you named earlier,
I knocked them all out,
one by one, dominoes, a, b, c, d.
So like I said, Kevin Owens,
it’s only gonna take me one
second to KO you, KO, okay?
>> Look, man,
as unimpressive as you think I might be,
here’s the thing.
All these people that have been watching
WWE for the last almost ten years,
they know that I could take more
punishment than anyone and get back up.
I have been slammed harder,
been punched better, and
fallen off higher stuff than anybody,
and I got back up every time.
So let me tell you this,
there isn’t a punch you can throw
that can keep me down for
three seconds, let alone knock me out.
>> And as far as this cast goes, look,
you wanna call it a weapon,
protection, whatever.
I heard you talking about a lawsuit or
something if I go into our match at
the Royal Rumble with this thing on.
So you know what, I’m giving you my word,
right here, right now,
I’m not gonna have this cast
on at the Royal Rumble.
In fact, you know what,
I’m gonna take it off right now,
if it makes you feel any better.
>> [NOISE]
>> Logan Paul with a sucker punch,
just flattened Owens.
>> Not him, nobody can survive that punch.
>> A cheap shot as Owens
was turning around.
>> Owens dragging himself
back to his feet.
KO won’t stay down.
>> Is that it?
>> Is that it?
>> The Prize Fighter taking Logan off his
>> And here we go,
a Royal Rumble preview.
Logan Paul hightailing it out of the ring.
>> KO rampant,
to the outside they go, and
there’s the right hand.
>> The exposed broken hand.
>> Kevin Owens removed the protective cast
from his hand a few moments ago and
will regret it,
courtesy of the United States Champion.
Hats off to the United States Champion.
Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa!
>> And from behind, Kevin Owens.
Kevin Owens is ticked off,
and I don’t blame him.
>> And now Owens returning the favor.
>> I mean, for all intents and
purposes, KO got screwed here tonight.
>> Did you see the look in his eyes, Cole?
>> I mean, I can understand why he is.
>> Owens has lost it.
>> I mean, that goof, Jeff,
and Theory, and Waller.
And Kevin Owens now, with Logan Paul
up and down and through the table.
>> And see, on Saturday,
I didn’t walk away with the title.
But I gotta tell you, Logan,
it was a moral victory,
because as great as being
United States Champion might be,
it feels even better than to
knock the hell out of you.
>> But now that I’ve done that a few
times, I am absolutely ready to restore
a certain level of prestige and
honor to that title.
And the first step is
taking it off of you and
getting it sanitized as soon as possible.
>> You see, Kevin,
the brass knuckles, that was a setup.
You took the bait, dummy.
You showed your true colors.
I was playing chess,
you were playing go fish, son.
[LAUGH] Face it, dude, I outsmarted you.
>> All these people have been
watching me for almost ten years now,
they all know that Kevin Owens is gonna
stop at nothing to win a match, okay?
Hit somebody from behind, sure.
Kick someone in the balls, yeah.
Hit somebody with brass knucks,
The thing is, look, I got caught, okay?
I got caught.
And I realize everyone was
pretty mad at the referee for
that, but let’s be honest,
great job on his part.
Referee, if you’re back there, fantastic
work, you should be proud of yourself.
I got caught and that was my bad.
But here’s the thing, Logan,
let me tell you something,
the next time we get in the ring
together for that title,
you’re gonna realize I don’t need
brass knucks to beat your dumb ass.
>> In tomorrow’s Elimination Chamber,
I am the only champion competing.
>> In tomorrow’s Elimination Chamber,
I am the youngest opponent by a decade.
>> What?
>> No offense, old men.
>> What?
>> It’s a new era.
>> What?
>> And y’all about to be washed out.
>> What?
>> So Perth, make no mistake.
>> What?
>> I’m only here cuz I have to be.
>> What?
>> I will win the Elimination Chamber.
>> What?
>> I will rematch Seth Rollins at
>> What?
>> And I will become double champ.
>> What?
>> So Perth.
>> What?
>> Consider yourself
Logan Paul’s stepping stone.
>> Randy, Randy, so while you were gone
with your back surgery, this idiot
weaseled his way into our industry.
>> [LAUGH]
>> And now we have to deal with him almost
every week, it’s pretty brutal.
But we can take care of him tomorrow
in the Chamber, what do you guys think?
>> And let me assure you, everyone, Logan,
wishes you were stranded in
the middle of the ocean and not here.
>> Me too, [LAUGH] me too.
Well, what’s the matter, Kevin?
You’re looking a little flushed.
It’s a little hot out here.
You want some Prime?
Look a little dehydrated, my guy.
There you go, take a sip.
Aah, get my bottle then.
Get my bottle then, get my bottle.
>> You can’t even wait till tomorrow?
Anger management cost you that last match.
>> [SOUND]
>> McIntyre completely glassy eyed
after that assault.
>> He destroyed the thing,
the SmackDown thing.
>> Whoa.
>> Focus on your match [INAUDIBLE].
>> Very difficult to focus on anything
with The Maverick, Logan Paul,
and KO at ringside.
And this one’s going into meltdown before
our eyes, it was only a matter of time.
>> Yeah, we should have seen this,
Wade, you and
I have been doing this long
enough to know better.
>> There you go.
>> Owens is gonna force
the disqualification.
>> Dear.
>> Logan Paul flattened in the process
by KO, brawls everywhere you look.
And four of our superstars
who will be competing in
the Elimination Chamber tomorrow morning-
>> Uh-oh,
uh-oh, BFT by Knight,
here comes The All Mighty.
>> Got injured earlier tonight.
>> Spear.
>> Aah!
>> Showing the wounds of
war on that right elbow!
>> Now, Logan Paul from behind, kicking
at the injured elbow of Lashley, Stunner.
>> Spear, this is madness.
>> Aah!
>> These five men will all step
inside of the Elimination Chamber,
we are going walking on a dream, my God.
>> Here’s the problem,
in a match like the Elimination Chamber,
you simply do not have
enough eyes to stay safe.
>> Perth, Australia, buckle up.
Tomorrow morning, 5AM Eastern, streaming,
wait a minute, RKO from out of nowhere.
>> He’s
got Orton right where he wants him,
RKO out of nowhere.
>> Or does he?
>> Logan Paul with the brass knuckles,
that damned Logan Paul just hitting
Orton with the damn knuckles.
>> Dallas, you’re not dreaming,
my company,
Prime Hydration,
has partnered with the WWE to be the first
ever center ring sponsor
of this great organization.
Starting at WrestleMania and
every PLE from now on.
>> I am
glad you guys are just as
excited about this as I am,
because now I’d like to
welcome to the Prime ring,
England’s finest, another social media
megastar, and my partner in Prime, KSI.
>> What a treat!
>> It is a star-studded
night here in Dallas.
>> Wow!
>> Perhaps a mind game here
from The Viper, Randy Orton.
>> Where is he?
>> Wait a minute,
from behind, look out, Logan.
>> Logan Paul escaped the wrath of
The Viper, but just barely.
>> The Viper got KO’d in the Elimination
Chamber by a brass knucks clad Logan Paul.
>> Logan may have forgotten about it,
but Randy Orton sure didn’t.
>> RKO to KSI.
>> That could product
[INAUDIBLE] bad news.
>> Wrong place, wrong time, KSI.
>> This is very good.
>> [LAUGH]
>> This would be a real
momentum makeup for this duo.
>> But look out for Owens on
the opposite side of the ring, Stunner.
>> Here comes Theory.
>> Pop-up RKO,
my God, you can count to 20.
>> Here are your winners, the team
of Kevin Owens and Randy Orton.
>> KO and
Orton simply two veterans who are so good,
they have immediate chemistry.
And Orton, always coiled,
always ready to strike!
>> Logan Paul from behind.
>> The United States Champion,
The Maverick, with a sneak attack,
dropping both Owens and Orton.
And, no, Logan Paul has the brass knuckle,
the same brass knuckles that potentially,
cost Randy Orton the Elimination Chamber.
>> Well, we may be about to
get ourselves an action replay
of what went down just over a week
ago in the Elimination Chamber.
>> Orton beat him to the punch,
Randy’s got the knucks.
>> Never seen Logan Paul move so fast.
>> Owens very,
very narrowly avoided disaster.
>> RKO.
>> Aah!
>> Logan,
The Viper making absolutely
sure you saw that.
>> Here is your winner, Randy Orton.
>> What a win by Randy Orton,
who at times had to feel like
he was in a Handicap match.
Here comes Theory from behind,
clipping the knee of The Viper.
>> Theory simply refusing to move on.
>> And it’s a thing for
the United States Champion.
>> You’re exactly right, Theory is
setting Orton up for The Maverick.
>> Logan gonna deliver that titanium
reinforced right hand right
on the chin of Orton.
Logan Paul knows exactly what that guitar
riff needs, Kevin Owens hits the scene.
>> Somebody he needs no excuses to go
after The Maverick, who perhaps wisely,
is hightailing it out of there with
the United States Championship.
>> Yeah, Owens certainly not
a fan of Logan Paul in any way,
shape, or form,
coming to the aid of, wait.
>> Stunner to Theory, RKO.
>> My God!
>> Owens and
Orton able to avoid
a little friendly fire.
>> So sorry to interrupt, I just wanted
to follow up on our meeting from earlier,
I’ve determined your opponent for
>> I’m so sorry,
I misspoke, I’ve determined your
opponents for WrestleMania.
>> You will defend
the United States Championship
against Kevin Owens.
>> And Randy Orton in
a Triple Threat match at WrestleMania.
>> Logan Paul is beside himself,
with good reason.
>> Careful what you wish for,
Triple Threat,
double the danger at WrestleMania for
the United States Champion, Logan Paul.


  1. Orton mérite de gagner et d'avoir une ceinture et ce venger de Logan Paul elimation chamber a WrestleMania sur la plus grande scène au monde💪🔥

  2. Even if the whole wide dang world knows now (I’m tired of hearing the hate) that it’s fake it’s entertaining! Especially at this moment yall watch movies right? I swear I thought they was scripted?

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