Callaway Edge vs Lazrus Golf

#golf #golfer #noob #golfequipment #beginners

what’s up golf noobs welcome back to the
channel guys and happy Masters week to
each and every one of you out there in
YouTube land yeah that’s right the 2024
Masters is finally upon
us um really excited first major of the
year on the men’s side of the game
getting underway this week um lots of
great stuff coming and to celebrate
we’re having a giveaway that’s right
guys for the second year in a row we’re
having a pretty big giveaway here on GF
new for the MCH ERS all right um stick
around to the end of the video we’re
going to get into the details of what
we’re giving away and how you can win it
all right so make sure you watch to the
end but alas most of you are not here
watching this video because it’s
week most of you clicked on this video
because you saw the thumbnail or you did
a Google search Callaway Edge versus
Lazarus golf yeah that’s right guys we
have been really fortunate here at golf
Noob to be testing both sets of clubs
for an extended period of time now so I
wanted to make a
video let me rewind just a little
okay one of my good friends a subscriber
Joe here’s looking at you buddy asked a
question none of the rest of you asked I
was shock nobody asked me this sooner
which set the Callaway Edge or the
Golf and I was dumbfounded I’m like man
that’s a really tough question because
both are absolutely Stellar choices so I
dove into my research I dove into my
testing I watched some film I did some
studying I looked up some stats I did
some more deep diving into the
background of both of these clubs and my
experience with these clubs to try to
help you guys choose the best set for
you and your game all right so let’s
dive in shall we so I’m gonna start with
forgive me for referring to my notes
there’s a lot of information here and I
want to make sure I get it all covered
for you guys um so the the
we’re going to break this down in two
different ways so first we’re g to
review both clubes based on Aesthetics
forgiveness distance and
sound and that may or may not give you
persuade you one way or the other okay
so I also have a who’s it for category
so hopefully between those two sections
you guys can pick which set of clubs is
right for you so let’s dive in shall
we all right so first
up since I like order in the
universe we’re going to start with the
first letter in the alphabet the
Callaway Edge okay this is the seven
iron from the Callaway Edge 2024 golf
set um again this is the 2024 model so
that’s why you see the kind of the baby
blue uh and the updated Aesthetics and
the cavity
there all right goodlooking Club
absolutely stunning really well done uh
nice and refined cavity um very
appealing to the
eye soul is super forgiving I cannot
believe how forgiving this club is
considering how narrow the soul is
generally when you’re looking for
forgiving golf clubs you’re looking for
a thicker wider Soul um the sole on the
callaways is really not thick at all
it’s rather thin it does have a pretty
curve okay here on this backs side and
to put that in further perspective we’re
going to bring in Lazarus iron for
comparison so this is the Lazarus 6
iron okay pretty appealing cavity back
definitely easy on the eyes but not
quite as well refined as the Callaway
Edge in my
opinion now here’s where we’re going to
start see some
differences okay the toe on the on the
Lazarus is a little fatter a little more
rounded they’re pushing more of the
weight out toward the toe side of the
golf club which you’re seeing all the
major manufacturers do um a lot of the
companies are adding tungsten weights to
the toe area of the club to try to move
more of that mass out toward the toe
also as I alluded to earlier the
curvature of the sole is a lot more
severe and a lot more noticeable get
almost an arch with the Callaway Edge
seven iron uh whereas it’s a little that
Arch is quite a bit less
pronounced on the Lazarus 6 iron that
being said you’ll notice the Soul’s also
a little wider on Lazarus 6
iron okay
but all in all guys you can’t really go
wrong from an aesthetic standpoint I
think both of these are very goodlooking
golf clubs um we’re going to get into
the Top Line that’ll be our final point
to cover on the Aesthetics as you can
notice the Callaway on the right has a
little offset a little more offset face
points a little more left and that Top
is pretty chunky guys so it’s not a
shovel by any stretch to the imagination
but it’s definitely a thicker Top Line
um and that’s going to to a lot of you
that’s going to be confidence inspiring
for a lot of beginners a lot of newer
golfers are going to feel like they got
a lot of Club to hit the ball with um
with that thicker Top Line that being
said player like me I prefer something
with a much thinner Top Line sorry guys
I forgot to clean the clubs yes I know
they’re dirty I told you extensive
testing extensive quite a bit of grass
in there but um getting back on topic
here the Topline of the Lazarus is much
more appealing while not butter knife
thin I think it’s just the right amount
of thickness um thick enough to look
like it has some forgiveness but um thin
enough to look like more like a player’s
cavity back uh than a super game
improvement club which I really love so
guys in Aesthetics ding ding ding the
winner is for me it’s going to be the
Lazarus um I really think the only way
the Callaway beats the Lazarus and the
Aesthetics department is that that
cavity is much more well
refined um in the back and so’s a little
thinner I did like both of those from an
aesthetic standpoint the Callaway Edge
uh but everything else to me really
speaks on at least from an aesthetic
standpoint the Lazarus gets the win this
is a really goodlooking Golf Club um
especially for the amount of money that
they’re asking all
right so that’s one win for Lazarus in
the Aesthetics department so now moving
on let’s get into forgiveness now guys
in forgiveness I’m I want to say
draw but if I’m being perfectly honest I
probably give a 0 five advantage to the
Lazarus and again I suspect that’s
because they’ve moved so much of the
mass toward the toe that bigger fatter
rounder toe moving some of that weight
back out to the perimeter of the face of
the club getting that weight out toward
the toe side did in fact Pro provide a
little more forgiveness on Miss hits at
least to my game is it substantial no
not by any means both sets of these
clubs are super duper forgiving and
really as far as forgiveness goes
probably a draw maybe a half a point
advantage to the Lazarus but
again both clubs very
forgiving the distance and forgiveness
between the two is minimal at
best um distance so guys for distance
when I’m looking at distance in golf
clubs it doesn’t matter if one goes
three yards further that doesn’t matter
I need to see a full Club length of
difference in order to give the distance
advantage to any club okay I didn’t see
that um the six iron from the Calaway
set is going as far as the six iron from
the Lazarus set within one clubing
they’re going within five to seven yards
of each other and for a golfer a my
skill level or lack thereof and my
handicap um that’s really what I’m
looking for as long as it’s 10 yards or
less that’s an in acceptable range to me
if a club goes 10 yards further than
another club then that’s a clear
distance winner in my book and I did not
see that with either of these two clubs
uh both of them were within five to
seven yards of each other every swing
every time uh especially on properly
struck golf shots so no clear winner
there again a
draw um that takes us into our last
cator category and this is where the
Callaway won
um in a pretty big way so this is sound
um don’t get me wrong the Lazarus clubs
they sound great especially when you hit
it in The Sweet Spot but the worse the
Mish hit the worse the sound so if you
hit a little on the toe or a little on
the heel the sound of the Lazarus is
still great but if you hit one really
thin or you hit one way out on the toe
or you hit one way out on the heel the
sound gets really
Hollow uh in the Lazarus and I did not
like that at all it was a really big
turnoff but it did provide positive
feedback I needed to hit it better and
once I started hitting it better the
sound got a lot better okay so take that
for what it’s worth um just a little
thing I noticed especially last round
out my ball striking wasn’t quite as
good uh as it kind of has been um with
with the Lazarus 6 iron so I definitely
kind of noticed that sound a little more
than I have in previous attempts uh that
being said in the other four or five
outings that I’ve tested the Lazarus 6
iron in I didn’t have any bad experience
with sound at all so that tells me that
most of the time the sound in the
Lazarus is going to be great okay but
granted if you start hitting really bad
shots you’re G to get a hollow sound um
that I found quite a turn off um whereas
with Callaway Edge it didn’t matter how
bad I hit it The Sound was still pretty
good um but unfortunately that’s the
only spot I can really give the Callaway
the the massive wind is in the sound
everything else it’s either neck and
neck or the lazer had a slight super
Advantage okay so you’re asking yourself
well great I’m still no closer to making
the right decision well let me get into
section two and hopefully that’ll help
so who are they for so guys I’d have to
say the Callaway Edge set is best for an
absolute beginner if you don’t own any
golf clubs any golf equipment at all I
really think the Callaway Edge set is
the best way to go you’re going to get a
driver you’re going to get a three-wood
you’re going to get a five hybrid you’re
going to get a six iron through all the
way down to a sand wedge and then you’re
going to get an odyssey white hot aner
style blade putter with a $30 super
stroke custom grip on it and you’re G to
get all that out the door for just under
600 bucks depending on what your taxes
are where you buy them okay you’re going
to be out the door for 600 bucks with
everything you need to play golf except
a bag balls and teas okay so if you’re
brand new you don’t own any equipment at
all I really think the Callaway Ed set’s
probably the way to go for most players
um obviously you also need to have a
Costco either near you or you need to
have a Costco membership so that you can
order or purchase and store the set okay
if you don’t have access to a Costco
because you don’t have a membership or
you don’t have store anywhere near you
you don’t want to fool with trying to
order one online well then again the
Lazarus kind of the advantage although
you have to order those online
too um
so that’s kind of a
that would be the biggest thing I would
say um is probably if you’re an absolute
beginner or maybe you’re looking for a
full upgrade you want to upgrade every
single Club in your bag then I really
think the Callaway Edge is is another
good way to go especially if you’ve got
an old hand-me-down set that’s 10 15 20
years old uh maybe it was a hand-me-down
from a family member maybe it’s
something you bought used at a at a
garage sale or a thrift store that was
kind of old and you didn’t really know
what you were buying at the time
um Callaway Edge that’s probably the way
to go now that being
said if you are in that category you
could still get the Lazarus set because
Lazarus will sell you everything out of
cart you can buy the entire set driver
Fairway Woods hybrids irons wedges
Putter and bag for around I think
$800 seven $800 I think it was when I
looked at it on their on their site a
couple days ago and that’s only
marginally more expensive than the
Callaway Edge set um when you include
the bag you have to buy the bag
separately so say you want buy $150 bag
on top of the
$570 you got to spend on the edge set
you’re getting pretty close as far as
dollars to dollars go now one of the
massive advantages Lazarus golf gives
you is like I said it’s Al ofar if you
want to buy a one iron you can just buy
a one iron if you want to buy a whole
set of hybrids you can do that at larus
golf you can’t do that with Callaway
Edge there’s one hybrid and that’s it no
other options exist
okay um if you want to mix and match
build kind of a combo set with
traditional irons and hybrids Lazarus
golf can do that for you if you want to
buy the whole set and get a bag Lazarus
golf can do that if you’re just looking
to upgrade your irons and nothing else
Lazarus golf probably the way to go you
get anything you want one iron all the
way through pitching wedge four iron
through pitching wedge now the four iron
through pitching wedge is $257 on am
Amazon uh at the date of this
filming um and that is an absolutely
incredible deal if you go straight
through the company uh at Lazarus golf
which I’ll leave a link in the
description uh if you want to go that
route you’re going to get that legendary
customer service that I experienced I
mean best customer service I’ve
experienced not only in golf but in
anything in business period my 42 years
of existence I have never seen customer
service that I have seen from Lazarus
Golf and I’ve heard other testimonials
that say the same thing so if you go
through the company and you click go
straight through the company click on my
link uh in the description I’m an
affiliate so if you click on the
description and you do buy something
from La Lazarus golf you’re helping
support me in the channel thank you if
you decide to go that route that’s a
huge help uh especially since we’re not
monetized by YouTube just
yet um so yeah great way to go about
doing it or if you want to save a few
more bucks and and go through Amazon
that’s cool too $ 57 to save a little
bit more money um but again I didn’t
order mine through Lazarus golf so I
don’t know how fast the shipping is I
don’t know how good the packaging is and
all those things so um if you go back
and you watch the Lazarus golf review I
did all those things I show you in that
video we’re ordering straight through
Lazarus Gulf so just wanted to put that
there um but again obviously I mean if
you just want a set of irons for through
pitching wedge there’s no reason to go
out and spend almost $600 on the
Callaway Edge set has all these extra
clubs that you don’t really need okay so
if you’re just looking to upgrade your
irons or something laar golf is probably
the way to go if you’re trying to build
a combo set or something really custom
to your customize your load out Lazarus
golf is probably the way to
go um so guys I’m sorry I know that
doesn’t again even after this more
in-depth review in this final thoughts
video you may still be kind of on the
fence for both models and that’s okay
because both of these models are clear
winners you really can’t go wrong with
either set but I hope that diving into
this video a little deeper and diving
into some more of the information I hope
that kind of helped you a little bit
make the most informed decision for you
in your game all
um so yeah guys that about does it for
the video um at least as far as the
Callaway Edge versus Lazarus I hope that
helped you make a decision and remember
guys it’s master week all right so stick
around make sure you like subscribe
comment turn on those notifications
because in the next video not this video
not this video in the next video we’re
going to show you how to win what we’re
giving away for Master’s week and that’s
this awesome Bag Boy
T10 combination hard toop soft side
wheel travel cover that’s right guys
maybe you and your golf buddies are
planning a big golf trip
okay well you can win a golf travel bag
right here all right it’s burst proof
nylon on the bottom and a hard plastic
top on
top words are hard and then the top
portion is a hard plastic top to really
protect those Club heads and the shafts
uh it’s a great travel bag it’s one it’s
the exact same model I have um and golf
Noob Senor big shout out to you thanks
for donating that brand new in the box
he never got around to using it he’s got
a different travel case that somebody
gifted him uh so he provided this for
the giveaway for this week at the
Masters all right so guys if you’re
planning a golf trip this year make sure
you uh get those notifications turned on
in that next video we’re going to tell
you how to win that golf travel bag now
if you can’t wait and you need a new
golf bag or you need a new golf travel
bag from Bag Boy well guys I got you
covered there too so I’m an affiliate
with Dynamic brands that is the uh
parent company to Bad Boy dayre some
other great golf Brands uh so I’m going
to leave a link in the description for
dynamic Brands that’ll take you to their
website where you can order this Travel
cover or many like it from Bag Boy all
right so if you’re looking for a new
golf bag stand bag cart bag
um push cart you know maybe you’re
walking or you’re looking for a travel
cover for that golf trip you’re taking
with the fellas soon and you don’t have
time to wait to win this one all right
click on that link in the in the
description and that’ll help support
this channel whether you click on the
back on the the dynamic Brands link or
the Lazarus Golf Link if you do buy
something through those links you are
supporting this channel as well as two
awesome companies who are trying to do
right by you guys all right well hope
you guys enjoyed this video best of luck
and happy Master’s week till next time
golf Noob


  1. I picked up golf during COVID. I went on and off because I couldn't get the swing down. But I've resumed and gotten a little bit better this year. I'm glad I stumbled on this video because I was debating on the Callaway Edge or the Lazarus. The deciding factor was to get the Callaways at Costco because I just got my rewards in the mail. Can't wait to try them out at the range and hit a couple of slices😂.

  2. This is the second video I've watched of yours and I just loved this review. I could smell the grass on the iron.. I will watch your next video but won't try for the Travel Bag as shipping costs to UK will screw things for you. Tommy Fleetwood for the Masters⛳

  3. Here's another question for you. For a beginner golfer to pick up a GI set or a set of blades? Back in the day blades were very common to learn on and from personal experience I think blades actually make you a better ball striker/golfer where GIs are more of a bandaid. Thoughts?

  4. About a year ago I bought the 2 and 3 iron just to see who good they are plus they were cheap. Took them out of the wrapper and the back of the 3 iron fell off.. the so called cavity back has a sticker in it. Once that sticker came off it looked just like all the other irons from different offerings in the same price range. Huge cavity back that is smooth. I guess I could take them out and hit them. But since that happened they have resided in one of my golf bags. I just kind of worry about that sticker flying off. So I have no reference as to how good they feel but as they say you get what you pay for.

  5. To me this is the most wonderful time of the year, Masters Week. I have been 3 times to the Masters and I got to go the ladies amateur final day a couple years ago.

  6. those callaway edges are identical (besides branding) to my old x2 hot irons.. great clubs i learnt the game with them only recently went to takomo 101s but sometimes i miss the callaways

  7. Masters week! Just found you, great content looking forward to more reviews! I just bought my first membership so folding is officially life!

  8. Appreciate the review. Earned a sub. A suggestion for future videos would be to suggest what type of player this would be good for (i.e., slow swingers, fast swingers, normal, etc.). I know the callaways have a graphite option, which (from my understanding) is ideal for older players or slower swingers.

  9. I just picked up the callaway edge clubs yesterday can’t wait to use them and I watched all your videos about them before I decided to pick them up 😅

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