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Who Should Win the NBA MVP and Rookie of the Year?

On today’s episode of ‘Run It Back’ on FanDuel TV, Ryen Russillo talks about end of season NBA awards and MORE!

Full episode:

00:00 INTRO
01:42 76ERS
15:50 LAKERS
21:02 NBA MVP

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well I haven’t seen this dude in Forever
you just did his podcast Lou have you
met Ryan rillo yet I have not well good
then we’re an introduction right now
from the Ryan rillo podcast and a
thousand other things who are we kidding
rillo is here what’s up buddy good to
see you again this has been a minute I
know it’s the last time I saw you we
were at ESPN and I remember you came on
to Sports Nation and they were like he
doesn’t have enough energy I’m like
that’s who he he’s just a dry dude like
Let Him Live that’s what you said about
him no I didn’t say it and then he and I
talked about it mocked everybody that
said it true or false Ryan villo has
been to my house in Malibu for a party
true uh well kind of F I think I got
there after the party been going on for
48 hours oh my God that checks out that
yeah Chandler it was so bad Chandler
left his own house yeah so I remember I
I brought a a friend shall we say and I
was like this house is sick great dude a
lot of cool people it’s gonna be amazing
and Chandler and I’s Mutual buddy was
like talking it up and she was like all
right this is gonna be great big car
service SUV black oh wow obviously dirty
yeah so I was like I’m doing this up
huge and it looked like a bomb went off
and then Chandler
left friends with these guys I don’t
don’t know do you trust people in your I
would steal something if I knew you yeah
I trust it Go by the way for the record
Chandler was fine it was just like
everything else going on it was over if
it was if it’s a week it’s a 3 party
it’s comeing to go as you please have
you been to one of these parties I have
not I have not either cuz now I’m
working man I’m the father yeah yeah
yeah whatever we sticking tired of you
uh all right so let’s get to some hoops
talk here because embiid made the big
return last night which is still
shocking to everyone on this panel that
he’s already back but he had 24 points
they make it out of the plan they’re
getting Boston or
Milwaukee can we be hyped for this what
kind of a chance are you giving it well
it’s a lot more fun than watching what
they’ve been uh since he was gone
because they’ve just been terrible uh I
think they tried to it together as much
as they possibly can but last night was
interesting for a few different reasons
right because they were subbing him in
and out with that game mattering you
know they could have just said all right
fine he got back he got his run um it’s
it’s clear I don’t care what Nick Nur
said about his conditioning I mean it’s
just it’s just not realistic that he
would be back and close to Peak
conditioning for him because he’s a big
guy he hasn’t like playing in a real
basketball game is completely different
than all the work that you would do
leading up to it so uh he had a couple
big shots uh I actually thought was a
little passive which is understandable
but going up against Boston or Milwaukee
this late in the game like Boston has a
lot of things they can throw at him I I
think Boston with the history of those
two teams would welcome it so the name
brand part of that being the first round
matchup you’re like wait this isn’t
what’s supposed to happen you’re getting
back the NBA’s MVP in the first round
but I just don’t know if those two teams
would be afraid of what we saw last
night unless it gets a lot better in the
next two weeks yeah I think just that as
a teammate of Joel’s I think I think
that does give us that boost that
confidence that okay any given night we
have Joel embiid we can feed him we can
dominate him the seven games is that
enough for him to get in good good shape
that I don’t know but I said Ryan I’ve
torn my miniscus four times the fact
that he’s back playing 30 minutes doing
what he did last night after just
missing nine weeks was the most
impressive thing to me and yeah his
cardio is going to come he’s going to
turn the ball over he’s going to be a
little passive like you said but the
fact that he’s on the floor to me gives
them at least that The Season’s not just
a waste you know what I mean like now at
least we have a team we can go to war
with in the postseason no matter who we
play if it’s the Celtics so it’s a it’s
a big mountain decline but at least now
we have the confidence with Joel MV
going but on the on the flip side of
that think about what you’re if you’re
the Boston Celtics what are you thinking
you’re like well damn you think I put
this I put this team in a position to be
one of the best in the League this year
only to be rewarded with Joel embiid and
Tyrese Maxi for the first round of this
of the playoffs like you CH he’s
changing the whole dynamic of the
playoff look yeah Ryan if you’re the
Celtics would you rather the Miami Heat
or the Philadelphia 76ers because
they’re probably gonna get one of those
two after having a hell of a season yeah
I know I mean you would think and and
you guys can answer this a lot better
than I can but I’d always like to think
like if you think anything of yourself
if you have any kind of personal Pride
knowing that you blew that series to
Miami because I still like I think that
Eastern Conference Finals outcome is
still one of the most surprising playoff
series I’ve ever seen because Miami just
punked him for three straight games it’s
like Boston you’re like you really going
to let this happen then Boston wakes up
they get it to seven Tatum turns the
ankle so you would think like yeah no
actually we want those guys again
because we want to prove what happened
last year the difficult thing about um
I’m getting emotional about it oh my
God play it cool stay cool deep breaths
all right all right I watch the Heat for
what five six months and then it’s like
okay none of that mattered like the team
I watched last night against New York
where most of their guys are back and
Butler’s defending Brunson and now kayin
Martin’s back in there and yic who I
have a sneaky love for uh like I watched
that game against New York who’s missing
all their other guys you like wait would
this be a four seed if they had played
like this the entire time so I still
think Miami would be the more
challenging basketball team than
Philadelphia because I don’t know why
it’s going to look so much better in two
weeks uh but you would think there’d be
some lingering personal Pride from
athletes after what happened last year
to Boston losing in the Easter Compass
finals yeah and anytime like a banged up
Team all year and you just know Miami at
some point they’re going to get Tyler
herro back now they got Martin back you
know they’re getting Jimmy Butler back
so it’s like at some point this team’s
going to be full strength and I don’t
want to play them in the first round but
given as a competitor of you know what
happened in the past yeah I’m a little
more Juiced up than playing you know a
banged up Philly well for but also I
want to survive in advance too and just
play Orlando in the second round so
whatever is the easiest path also would
be kind of nice we give Miami a lot of
credit because they usually usually turn
it on at the end of the season and they
become one of those teams that you don’t
want to run into but pre Joel embiid
injury Philadelphia was a top three team
in the Eastern Conference so to run into
them with Joel embiid back for the first
round of the playoffs I think in my
personal opinion that’s a scarier match
up just selfishly as a fan and people
that we’re all going to be watching I I
love everything about what’s happening
right now I’ll tell you this whoever
Philly plays the first round if Joel
embiid wasn’t playing I probably
wouldn’t watch that series at all then
get now it’s you and be at least it’s
spicy it changes everything let’s talk
Celtics for a second because they are
it’s just a crazy team and I I’d love to
be a fly on the wall when they’re
watching Joella come back and they’re
like damn it but they got the best
record and then Jason Tatum takes a lot
of heat uh predominantly clutch time
critiquing where are you on on what he’s
done what he can do what are his
limitations if any just a real quick
thing I think with the history of the
playoffs andb Boston’s like whatever
really seriously yeah I think they think
mb’s easier to guard in the playoffs
than the other top guys in the league
than Miami so yeah uh I just I just
think it’s harder for a traditional
Center to to destroy you in those late
possessions um but as we’re talking late
possessions traditional about Joel
embiid I I feel you but Joel embiid is
like that’s not traditional to me you
know what I mean look I mean if we’re
going to George mikin you got me no not
that tradition we won’t go that back we
won’t go that far yeah but also who onon
the Celtics Ryan who onon the Celtics
Ryan porzingis ain’t guarding Joel in
the half court offense Horford so going
be double teaming so these guys like UB
Harris are going to get a lot of more
open shots than they have the last nine
weeks Horford does and I can’t believe
he’s still doing this okay but he does
an incredible job of like just making
every all the work before the catch and
the setup he just does a better job
against embid than other people have
done I think that’s why the Sixers were
motivated to sign him as a free agent
years ago and here we are like five six
years later and he’s he’s still giving
them good minutes um you’re right
porzingis one-onone like nobody’s a
handle embiid oneon-one I would just say
I’ve noticed stuff I feel like late with
him in some of those big possessions
where he needs to be set up to get into
position or he needs to be set up to get
that catch of the free throw line which
is a layup for him um but there there’s
it’s just a little bit harder for him
than say like a list of two or three
other perimeter guys that can kind of
get the ball and just go Um at least
that’s the way I you know look we may
just disagree about it but I don’t think
Boston’s going to go oh no we have to
play him again when they’ve had a pretty
good track record against them in the
playoffs see and to me the Celtics their
isue who’s stopping Boston well their
weakness was their depth to but the fact
that they went through a whole regular
season they’re 59 and 16 with Pritchard
and Hower and Horford as their only
three real rotational bench players is
nuts so everyone knows getting into the
postseason shortens anyway so now I
think that’s almost an advantage to them
because now guys are really teams are
just going to go S8 deep anyway so now I
think that that weakness turns into a
strength because those guys are proven
those guys are ready they’ve gotten all
the Reps all year long and they’re
healthy and they’ve been healthy which
helps a lot who’s stopping you want me
go ahead um like look the the late game
stuff though Michelle you’re asking me
about like I see it too because you know
if you dig into all the numbers and we
did this with Bill on Sunday there’s not
really like this number that jumps out
like oh in 2020 they did this but then
the late game they did this or their
playoff efficiency in offense went down
a hill and you’re like you know it’s all
kind of pretty steady like 22 was
probably more about defense um but I’ve
looked at all the clutch numbers I think
it’s more of an eye thing than something
that’s looked at in the number because
they only have like after the All-Star
break eight games that qualify as clutch
but I do think they get a little
isolation jab step Triple Threat happy
where Tatum and Jaylen are so good at
making absurd shots that they kind of
default to that but the byproduct of
that becomes that everybody’s just
standing around watching to see if the
shot is going to go in and then make
themselves easier to defend so this is
an historically accomplished statistical
regular season team but I think some of
that lingering stuff that those of us
that have watched them a lot were like
hey is that going to be enough not just
to get out of the East but to beat say a
Denver in the finals because I thought
that was a very clear difference between
the execution of those two teams when
they played twice this year but right so
right now would you take the Celtics or
would you take the field just to get out
of the East I take the Celtics over the
field but I wouldn’t take them over
Denver yeah me neither sounds it sounds
sound fair right I mean the fact they’re
32 and three at home D which is they’re
then like you said sometimes we see
Tatum take these like it’s like LCA when
you see him take this 35 foot step back
three at the end and he misses it it’s
like what the what kind especially
when teams are going on runs yeah it’s
like why are you taking the shot so when
you see Tatum and brown they get to
their mid-range they do that’s a low
efficient shot right that’s a low
percent shot so but when he makes it
it’s a hero what a crazy shot but most
of the time that’s not a high it’s not a
good shot live by It Die by it they are
jump shooting basketball team they like
they like shooting jump shots and they
like shooting three-pointers they’re
going to live and die by it even when
teams go on a six to eighto run you
would think they’ll come down get
something flowing where the ball will
move side to side no this team plays ISO
basketball and they’re going to live by
it and die by it and that’s what we wait
to see in the postseason I can’t wait to
hear your take on Draymond Green because
the fourth ejection of the Season just
happened um it was so egregious that I
think he finally lost Lou as a staunch
Defender at least this week it is the
first time it has happened so where are
you are you reading Kerr and Curry as
just like they gotta be over it but they
gotta also stand by their dude yeah I
think that’s what it is I think it’s
standing by him I think it’s uh you know
sometimes you do everything as a parent
I don’t know what that’s like but you
you know your kid just sucks you know
you just go like we tried we did a lot
of stuff we bought him stuff we deprived
him of stuff we tried all these
different angles we read books and you
know he’s just he’s not going to listen
to us just you know so I think the stuff
that’s really frustrating about Draymond
is I think his personality is really
important to this entire run um I’ve
always felt like every team needs one
guy that’s going to kind of live in the
gray area and and fight for you
emotionally because the rest of the
Golden State Warriors over these years
have been kind of passive personalities
I mean they’re great there’s a bnch
bunch of my favorite players I’ve ever
watched but they needed Draymond to be
this kind of emotional fuel for them
throughout a lot of this stuff so I
think that was kind of the agreement
where they all understood hey we need to
let him go a little bit further because
this is just who he is I remember I
interviewed him after the 16 finals in
person in Toronto at the All-Star events
and I was like is there any part of you
that regrets you know what happened in
16 and really the finals turning on that
he was like
nope he like I wouldn’t have 70 million
if I acted like you or something like
that and I mean he wasn’t actually being
a jerk about it to me but he was
basically saying like I am wired this
this is what you get and that’s why I
have all this money in the bank and I’ve
got so I don’t think that he’s ever
really felt like he has to be more
accountable like all of us wanted to be
more accountable I think he I think he
finally said it on on his own podcast
though he said I might have cost us a
championship in in 2016 I I believe
that’s what he said on his podcast so
what does he believe because he says one
thing he says another thing absolutely
what is what what’s up my thing is it’s
all fun in games he is the emotional
leader he’s he is that heartbeat he is
that toughness but when you’re not on
the floor for your team all that
goes out the window so if you yes you
are that emotional leader and you are
the tough guy in locker room and clay
and Steph as great as they are they are
kind of passive and they’re super nice
guys but they’re not going to be the
guys to jump you in practice they’re not
going to be the guys to check coach you
know Steve Curry yeah they’re they’re
not that but when it comes to this level
where now he’s missing games and as
Steph Curry as Steve Curry you realize
that we are a much better team when he’s
is on the floor that’s where then I’m
pissed off that’s when Steph Curry is
literally cring on the court cuz we’re
there’s 23 and 11 since he’s back that’s
a huge difference than the bad product
they were putting without him so his
value is more important than his his
attitude and his toughness what that
that that doesn’t matter to me if he’s
not able to play cuz he’s suspended
doing dumb agreen end of the day
Jordan P was not the only player that
got punched this year last year trust me
he was the only one that somebody leaked
the tape trust me you mean punched by
Draymond or there’s a hot take is like a
Serial puncher
left hold on
punch in the face you know what’s crazy
the crazy I saw omy casby and Garrett
Temple beat each other and there was no
video of that’s what I’m saying the
problem is the video getting leaked it’s
not the problem somebody gets punched oh
you’re not saying draymond’s punch like
30 last year not cuz that would have
been a story not yeah that’s what I was
like can I go well there is probably 25
other altercations that with Draymond
with anyone else that if it was on tape
we would we would really be mind blown I
know what are we not seeing but side
note this the omry caspy Garett Temple
that’s the weirdest Duo I’ve ever heard
why would they be mad at was like the
nicest guy in the world and omy Cat it’s
it was crazy after like a loss we were
in Memphis it was after a loss and I’m
talking like blows punching each other
in the face to where like we were so
caught up we didn’t even break it up we
were just like watching and then finally
like hockey but it was a crazy fight it
was literally a hockey fight I kind of
love that you let if that video came out
it would have been so viral people get
punched every day be
what is wrong with you Lou Lou is the
casby wasn’t a big rebounder right
casby can’t even break it up oh let me
ask you this Warriors Lakers we got the
whole playin situation either one of
those in your opinion a viable option to
to make a Deep Run both I don’t know
this is the most clueless I think I’ve
ever been Anar West seriously like I
like so many of these teams and I’m like
all right I can find the argument right
I can the argument against him like I
got asked the other day I was like okay
after Denver because I think Denver it
makes sense to default to
Denver um and that’s with Murray back
because they have a really hard time
with guys on the ball creating on their
own there’s just not a lot of those guys
and when joic comes out now you know you
can just see that the offense has
struggled a little bit so anyway when I
look at the matchup part of it like I
think Minnesota with the way they’ve
handled the Clippers with the way they
can have goar cover Gordon the dunker
spot and then Denver tries to have
Gordon and bring go away and they just
ignore it and they’re like fine you want
to shoot Corner thre Aaron do it that
means yic isn’t shooting the basketball
like I like Minnesota as as another
option but I know you could come back at
me and kill me on the late offense what
is the thing that you trust what does it
look like with cat coming back if he’s
coming back late and all that kind of
stuff so when you start factoring Golden
State LA into it like Golden State’s
been I mean actually both these teams
have been really good since you look at
these record points but I think it’s an
awful match up for Golden State like
last year in playoffs you’re just went
this is this is
impossible we’re talking which of those
teams make a run one of those teams
aren’t getting out of the play in yeah
you know I mean one of the which is
weird to yeah like I don’t think they’re
catching Phoenix and Phoenix is gonna
you know Phoenix Sacramento and then one
of those teams are out so it’s do you
guys like Phoenix dude I’m so scared of
Phoenix I I love Phoenix I thought
they’ve been so I thought they were so
you know underperforming but I’ve said
it all year long I think they have it
all I think the pickup of like a Roy is
great nurkic he constantly have 15 and
15 nobody talks about that Beal’s been a
little bit of a roller coaster
inconsistent but when you have that much
offensive Firepower and you have Grayson
Allen now having a career year shoo
world we live in they have so many
weapons offensively where to me that’s
scary Minnesota had a great year OKC had
a great year but I’m not scared to play
them in the posting because I haven’t
seen them do it before I haven’t so KD
is why you I’ve seen those I’ve seen
Devin Booker do it I’ve seen Kevin
Durant do it so those guys had their
resume scares me more than care about
the regular do it together that’s that’s
and they’ve been super inconsistent I
just know what they’re capable of there
we go well wait Ryan why did you ask cuz
are you are you not buying
them I had a really hard time and I know
it’s one game but the rematch against
the Spurs where they lost you mean the
three of the four they lost to love it
so much yeah or that um I they were a
team where I was like I don’t really
care what the record is I don’t care
what the seed is I don’t care what all
the numbers are like those guys haven’t
played enough games together like once
they roll it out like I love Booker he
is one of my favorite players of the
last few years it wasn’t immediate with
him but just the way he is and he goes
about his business like I wish more
basketball players just as soon as they
stepped on the court were like that guy
I I think he has that thing that you
need to to just raise your game to
another level and we’ve at least seen
with the the run in 21 you’re like okay
there’s something there as opposed to
some of these other that I love that you
know I think there’s always a moment of
oh is that guy comfortable right now
like I remember Shay gild Alexander in
that run with the Thunder where they
went to the Rockets with seven games and
it was Chris Paul and it was schruder
like sgaa granted he was younger he
wasn’t the first option you’re like I
don’t know if he’s entirely comfortable
out there and now I would never even
think that of him um going you because
the team is his and all these different
things so with Phoenix they check all
these boxes but I I I feel like I gave
up in the last week and they’re close
schedule is absurd when you look at
everybody they’re going to play the
reg it’s unbelievable how bad it is yeah
somebody somebody was mad yeah I’m I’m
Ry on this one like you just they they
haven’t had that that Firepower that you
would expect from from the talent that
they have on paper I hadn’t seen put one
of those runs together where I’m like yo
this is going to be a dangerous
basketball team come postseason it’s
just so many so many inconsistencies in
how they play and how they defend it
just worries me sometimes Minnesota 52
and 23 Phoenix 44 and 31 if they played
in the playoffs I think I’m taking the
Suns when you put it like that it is an
interesting you I mean like I don’t care
about their regular season record I I I
really don’t the numbers are the numbers
I’m just I’m I’m A vibe guy I ain’t
feeling the vibe yeah I’m not feeling
Vibes yeah we got Vibes and Visions sons
and four we’re GNA get that we’re g to
get that kid back we’re g to get that
kid back and I’m all sweep him I think
like a few weeks ago I probably would
have gone with you on this and by the
way this is what we’re getting we’re
getting and then I’m I’m waiting like
the Clippers they just going to go hey
we showed you what we needed to do for
two months and now we’re going to stink
with me and L are hot on the Clippers
now they’ve I think I’m still there
so we we agree again it’s so many of
these teams in the west that I really
really like that it’s just it’s all over
the place you guys should exchange
numbers off this show but seriously like
what about Dallas like I know Dallas is
scary Dallas is scary that’s look at
we’ve named 10 team know and they’re all
good they’re all deep and they all can
beat you any given night Dallas is one
of those teams I can’t get with but
Lov by the way I just want to fast
forward to the playoffs um on the MVP
thing lose had SGA had him since before
the season even started Chandler got yic
you actually have a vote where are you
leaning and if it is joic and he gets
his third is he is he best of all I mean
I know Tony K coach has his opinion but
where are you a ridiculous take what was
it I missed that one un players man you
guys get mad at us in media you you’ve
been on fire last went nuts yic isn’t on
the level of v and he wasn’t top five
he’s someone else some some dino Raj Y
is good and all the stats are cool but
he’s nowhere near as good as
din that was a that was a real cool
bro um it WS of wait you get a vote Ryan
okay what can we look at that what
thanks Chandler you seem excited about
it wow that’s cool like what’s wrong
with you did we get a vote come on no we
don’t get a vote we’re not real
I I didn’t get it I didn’t get it until
after I left ESP I know that’s the best
part so that was the weirdest like all
these things that have happened to he
post ESPN it was like oh is that because
of ESPN I was like no I actually as soon
as I left I was gone I don’t really get
it either uh no I think somebody in the
office was like do you know how many
games this loser watches like just you
should get a vote though think of people
who do like you should get a vote do you
how hard do you think about it or you
already know you’re like I already I’ve
had it last year I I really had a hard
time with it okay you know because I
think it’s is really important you know
you’re uh as vote last year too just
shut up thanks
buddy he’s never been more impressed by
a human being his life I don’t know if
that I feel like there’s a tad like all
right you know when you started bringing
up the C coach thing I started bringing
up the globe being like let me try to
figure out what’s going on and why why
they’re dumping on jic so bad uh last
year I struggled with it really really
struggled I ended up going with embiid
um I didn’t but I just Tred to make the
vote the vote because last year there
was so much going on just
Waring tribes on that that was so
frustrating because I felt like you just
had to be so dismissive of either one of
the players to make your point and I
just didn’t think that’s what it was and
I thought the way EMB closed and joic
and Denver was just kind of like over it
and you g to try to go the whole season
so anyway having said that I have no
hesitation with yic this year like no
there’s no way
there’s no way he could wear a t-shirt
that says Ryan rillo sucks warm-ups and
there’s just no way I’d be voting any
for anybody else it really comes down to
Luca and jannis 23 for me which makes
Lou probably upset that
I well today I conc it today I conceded
I thought the only way that he could
possibly pull it off if if they finish
the season with that with the one seed
and him being the leader of that and
with some slippage I think they going
they’re in third today or something of
that nature could change in two days I
he said L and Yannis are his two and
three I didn’t hear SGA I’m I’m going
bypass that part and not tat but no love
love for tum but it’s a lot of people
that likes Giannis as well jannis is a
sleeper pick uh Sur I just feel like
there’s almost like we’re so used to it
now that like I almost voted Giannis
last year really number one yeah it’s
like we’re just it’s just he’s there
he’s he’s in our subconscious all the
time but he doesn’t have the I’m sorry
Michelle I think it’s because sometimes
Giannis I I think the guys that played
like like he just gets it and goes
through everybody there isn’t like we
had that thing this season we’re like
where’s the bag where’s the bag like I
don’t know man whatever it is it works
and I love that he’s up for it every
single night that’s the thing about
think he’s mad Ryan yok could just
schedule they got the Hawks the Jazz the
Spurs the Grizzlies like they’re gonna
get the one seed too I think stamps is
let Spurs thing is not a given so let’s
slow down um let’s talk you’re right CU
it’s the last game and nobody will play
I know maybe not uh they’ve been
fighting the cat hren Rookie of the Year
thing basically all season although
that’s weakened a little bit it’s wemy
right I mean who cares what the team
record is go ahead right I I I hate
Rookie of the Year being factored by
like oh those games mattered
more like Chad CAD can have a game where
he doesn’t even like I like chat so I
don’t want to argue against Chad but
chat’s role and responsibility on this
team is completely different than when
Bama’s and Victor’s the better player
yeah see I I think we turn the corner on
wmy again the things he’s I just think
when yeah so we’re not looking at all at
wins and losses in this only award
everything else allstar MVP wins matter
Rookie of the Year doesn’t right you’re
a rookie you’re just doing but it’s just
it’s crazy when it’s a draas okay we’re
talking about the best team arguably in
the west and the worst team in the west
what do you don’t think chat would put
up those numbers on the Spurs and still
get that many wins you almost had a
quadruple double and lost on the flip
side though how good would the Thunder
be if was on the Thunder this is what
it’s been all season it’s hard like it’s
it’s mesmerizing but it’s just hard to
root for when it comes to winning we can
agree that winning does not matter fine
Wy by far is the better player better
future and he has had a hell of a year
fine winning just does not matter a lot
of these big numbers have come with
losses that’s all we say most of them
right and he also had like three months
where no one on the team could throw him
an entry pass yeah okay but but Chad is
L possibly a number one seed Ryan that
does that’s got to count for something
it’s coming it’s coming Ryan um we this
has been awesome I hope you’ll come back
on again was it bill that said when he
watches wmy he feels like he’s in a
dream is that him I think so oh he lost
his mind I mean I’m glad we’re leaving
now before I get to say I’m think I’m
flirting with Wy for Defensive Player of
the Year yes all right let’s come back
this is all I love this so much all
right uh this was been great it’s been
good to catch up talk soon thank you
apprciate we’ll take a quick break we’ll
back back up back


  1. Who are all these players who are fighting, and can we get an NBA Fight Tape! That's what I want to know! Get video on all the players fighting, put it all together and send it to the Commissioner. Then David Stern pops out of his grave and starts lecturing the players and demanding an investigation, and it's a whole big deal. More popcorn please!

  2. Sorry he should be stripped from a vote …befor the end of season to already say who you are voting for is interfering with the voting proces and pushing tha narrative…sorry if mavs finish just 6 wins or even 8 behind denver with the issues and inconsistency of health they had is more impressive then the denver season

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