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Dodgers pregame: Dave Roberts talks Jackie Robinson, Jason Heyward, Clayton Kershaw & more updates

Los Angeles Dodgers manager Dave Roberts discussed Jackie Robinson Day and what it means to him, the plan for Kyle Hurt and Ricky Vanasco, and shared updates on injured players, including Jason Heyward, Brusdar Graterol, Clayton Kershaw and Emmet Sheehan.
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Dave just with it being Jackie Robinson
today how special is it to have this one
where you can go out to his statue and
to celebrate his his honor and
everything he’s me to many of us um it’s
a it’s a great day um and kind of in
conjunction along with the Nationals I
think that we’ve uh start we’re starting
to establish a a pretty uh cool
tradition um for the players and uh to
get them together in front of Jackie
statue and just have a little bit of
time to reflect and uh go back years and
understand impact Legacy and
responsibility to us and so uh you know
we had an opportunity to listen to um Dr
Harry Edwards um which was great and uh
flew down from uh the bay and then also
a good friend of mine former Dodger
um Dodger gray baseball gray Reggie
Smith um so he spoke and gave some
anecdotes and so I was really pleased uh
for him to join us and uh yeah and
obviously having the players here
scooper how emotional day is this for
you you know it is I think it’s starting
to be you know I remember the first day
I put on 42 as a player and um it’s fun
it’s emotional but then as you start to
get older um you start to your scope
gets a little bit more Broad and and you
start to understand you know the real
impact that uh he and myself you can
have on people and spreading you know
history and knowledge and doing things
the right way and so um it’s special
because you know even watching our
players kind of take in you know words
um it’s impactful and so I just believe
that you know it’s a good opportunity to
kind of uh bring Jackie obviously
have are they going to be we are they’re
out there playing catch right now so um
I don’t know if one or both um will be
activated and obviously there’s going to
be corresponding moves um but uh we
should find out soon but my guess is
that uh one of them will be active what
are the pitching PL for the next couple
days do you want to have the bullpen
game before the off day how do you want
to the bullpen game will certainly
become full certainly come before the
off day um I think if you’re talking
about uh we got Yamamoto and then um I
think it’s uh uh Stone and then um then
uh packs lined up so more for tomorrow
yeah so there’s going to be a Bulman
game yeah it has to be and then uh
hopefully we’ll bring someone else um to
cover some bulk too in one of those two
games the
off every Friday schedules it seems like
when when you want him to go you know on
normal rest or do you want to keep him
in at six um I I I don’t think I don’t
foresee normal rest for quite some time
um but yeah it’s certainly not off the
table but um I don’t see it happening
soon do cattle H here to start one of
these two games potentially potentially
um we haven’t made that decision yet if
he’s even going to be active today uh
versus tomorrow then versus start or
pick out of pen somewhere he’s only gone
two innings at a time Triple A right you
don’t see him as a normal starter L
correct correct given what he’s his
workload build up so he would be
starting bu if he started
correct and then
with with Walker like going on Thursday
and after that one all goes if all goes
well then there’s a there’s a real
conversation uh if he were to join us or
not what’s for Jason Jason is uh going
to get back to doing some some baseball
activity but you know it it’s just not
he’s trending in the right way um as far
as feeling better but the residual
soreness is sort of been looming and um
you know he’s going to have to go on a
rehab assignment given now the time off
that he’s had and going to have um so I
I don’t know what the Outlook is I still
believe it’s going to be shorter term
term from here but I don’t know what the
timeline is hey I don’t know you C Kelly
Json had to safety day he was talking
about just the quality of the baseballs
and just how much more difficult it’s
been to get a group of them um how fewer
and further between like the balls are
rubbed up well are and it’s harder just
to find the right baseball I’m just
curious if you’ve heard any similar
complaints from your own players that
not enough this year um I have
I think that um that’s uh you know I
think the the main thing that Major
League Baseball was trying to prioritize
is having it
consistent and um you know every
ballpark relative to weather humidity
altitude trying to make the baseball as
consistent for the pitcher as possible
um but as far as you know kenley’s
thoughts on it’s slick it’s not tacky
you know I I haven’t heard that from our
guys but when they do go other places
you know you C certainly hear murmur um
but you know I really don’t have enough
kind of insight in that I do know that
you know Major League Baseball’s trying
to get it as consistent as
possible when did you meet Reggie Smith
first time I met Reggie gosh I think
when I was a player here so it’s been
over 20 years did you you’re pretty
young for thank
Hiser roughly the same that but no did
you get you ever watch him growing up I
didn’t I did
not Chris was on the field throwing and
looked like R doing some long toss and
as far as you know is everything
progressing the right it is Clay’s
progressing nicely um it’s still going
to be he’s still you know you know out
the ways out uh grall threw a bullpen
today um so he should be facing some
hitters and going on a rehab assignment
hopefully soon soon is I don’t know but
I do know that he’s had a really good
last week any update with emit EMT no
status quo so we’re still kind of uh
just waiting to see you know the next
course of action but he he’s going to be
you know a aways ways out i s of play
no what what should stay Jackie Robinson
may be about in terms of obviously
recognizing what he did but is there
part of you personally that thinks about
exactly to
college um I do I do think about that um
I I think it’s I think that what people
have to gather is it’s not just specific
to uh colored ball players uh it’s not
just specific to
baseball um you know he’s he essentially
set the tone for you know Martin Luther
King and so he those were his words and
so you know you’re talking about civil
rights you know Jackie was leading the
charge in many respects and so um I
definitely think about what you gone
what he went through and I think that’s
a healthy exercise and I still can’t I
don’t have the the gravity of what he
went through I still can’t do it I’ve
heard from my father’s stories but you
know unless you live it you can’t but
I’m trying to you know appreciate it but
it’s a it’s it’s it’s a good it’s a good
exercise for everyone I
think thanks guys


  1. He has never had team play small ball, produce a run when needed. He is loved by the players cause he's easy on them and it shows every post season.

  2. This guy is the WORST MANAGER IN ALL OF BASEBALL !!!!
    He has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to make this team better. He has been HANDED the best teams in baseball the last 8 years and had done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!!
    ANY Little league coach could have won a hundred games with these teams.
    Put that BUM on an AVERAGE TEAM and see if he makes them better, let alone a 500 season LET ALONE get them to the World Series !!!!
    FIRE Dave CLUELESS Roberts ASAP !!!!!

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