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“I haven’t been starstruck in a long time” – Jason details celebrity run-ins during Super Bowl week

Travis asks Jason about the various celebrities he met throughout the week in Las Vegas, highlighting his time meeting Adam Sandler and David Spade, as well as his viral meeting with Ice Spice at the game on Super Bowl Sunday.

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being at the sphere and seeing Adam and
and dude I haven’t been Star Struck in a
very long time you know what I mean like
and people come up to me not often but
every once in a while and they’re like
almost like ah is that really and
they’re like kind of like speechless and
I’m like yeah let’s just take the
picture you don’t got to act I know you
are doing this just to try and ask to
take a picture let’s just take the
picture I was and I that was my first
realization of like oh no I was like
that with these I didn’t know what to
say I just kept saying I don’t know what
to say and on their end I’ve been on
that and it’s like dude will you stop
saying that like offer me something of
substance I swear to God I didn’t know
what to say to these I rather I’d rather
you’d say something or a movie quote
than just sit here and say I exactly but
I couldn’t I couldn’t muster anything
David Spade right in front of me I’ve
seen all of his freaking movies Jo
freaking Tommy Boy like everything and I
got nothing I got nothing to offer this
dude I’m just sitting here like uh uh I
can’t believe this is happening right
now all of my childhood heroes are right
here it is nuts it’s a real thing you
blacked out you micle Hardman I’m mle
Hardman in front of I I I shot the bed
whatever this cool those guys are
awesome dude I’ve had the pleasure of uh
meeting the Sandman it was the I had a
it was the same thing dude I was just in
shock that he was even in front of me
and acknowledging I I existed I existed
yeah there pretty cool it the same way
when I met Shaq too and Charles Barkley
Charles came up to me Chuck came up I
think I’ve already told this but Chuck
came up to me at an NBA Finals game in
Cleveland and said and said how how big
of a fan he was I was just like no
[ __ ] Chuck you don’t even know what
kind of f like I [ __ ] Worship You
Chuck obviously I couldn’t say that to
his face but he knew he knew he knows he
knows I’ve told him also multiple times
yeah we also had the new Heights party
we had the Kelsey house party throw down
and dude it did not disappoint everybody
came out to that thing God damn it shout
out to wave sports did an outstanding
job replicating shout out to the wave
there we go Boys in some ways our house
like this wallpaper was exactly the
wallpaper that was in our living room
growing up 100% it was very odd to see
that the other stuff I mean it it is
just think just old furniture cuz that’s
not what our furniture looked like but
it was uh it was really really cool they
did an unbelievable job putting this
whole thing together shout out to Kayla
and Haley for working on this it was uh
and I mean for promoting it it was
remarkable how many people uh came out
and turned out I wish you could have
been there cuz I think you would have
loved knowing you you would have loved
it you already know I would have had a
[ __ ] glass with it dude there’s also
nintend 6 lot of fomo there was a lot of
fomo cuz I had everybody hitting me up
asking me to kind of help him get
through the door and get on the list and
everything and I realized that um that
was a lot harder because of how many
people wanted to go to this thing like
it was it was pretty jam-packed in there
huh dude it was jam-packed with
everybody players former players
ke Michael ke came over after
honors cam haward came over after
winning Walter P Man of the Year it was
it was nuts how many people showed out
to that shout out to cam Hayward man
Dwight freeny and Bruce Smith right
after getting nominated for or right
after getting uh announced that they’d
be inducted into the Hall of Fame were
over there that’s awesome man freaking
uh um oh my gosh um rased Wallace was in
there rased did man I had on I had on
his forces man man I had the
CHS oh man one of my favorite people of
all time man huge Chiefs fan for those
of you that don’t know right uh Sheed is
a huge Chiefs fan man he’s he’s been
repping the Chiefs hard since like the
[ __ ] 90s or in the early 2000s man
that’s [ __ ] cool I wish I was there
man and it didn’t stop after that as we
all know at the game we just talked
about this it was so many people in
attendance had the chance to meet Sir
Paul McCartney dude Paul McCartney I’m
here watching the game I’m sitting I’m
standing with miles teller shout out to
miles we were partying all night but
miles um big Eagles fan we’re watching
the game Talking ball he’s a huge
football fan and all of a sudden I hear
Taylor behind me like Jason turn around
I L Paul McCartney standing right there
I’m like what the heck is this there’s
royalty in the
office oh my gosh did he get kned he had
to he’s for sure kned that’s why he’s
Sir Paul McCartney that guy is a living
uh piece of royalty also got to meet ice
spice which I was introduced to her as
ice so [ __ ] cool man yeah she was
very nice she’s awesome for showing up
and showing support like that absolutely
I got to meet her uh with Taylor over at
SNL she was the musical guest at SNL um
on uh I think after our Thursday night
game is either after Thursday night game
you kind of did it um you had like the
like kind of guest appearance the
opening yeah the opening uh skit was uh
I think uh Fox maybe or C I forget which
crew they were intim they were
impersonating but uh yeah I jumped on
there and then Taylor introduced ice
spice cuz they’re good friends and um
they saw they met at the or they saw
each other at the Grammys and I said she
was going to be out there and we had to
get her in the suweet so and then of
course Taylor going viral for her
chugging moment let’s watch this clip
all right now check that one out I’m not
going to lie I didn’t know what was
going on at first I was sitting behind
him and I saw him go for the drinks and
then I oh oh this is happening Chuck Chu
like I’m like she’s getting after it
pretty cool this is on the Jumbo Tron
nice then the slam down that’s what I’m
saying she’s done this before she’s a
pro not her first R she’s a pro all
right now Vegas did not disappoint very
electric um lot out of the house I’m so
happy to be back in the house and I’m
going to stay in the house for for a
little bit here it is a joy to be back
in the
house he
hey hey


  1. Thank Goodness a real “normal family!” I was losing hope for the USA. The Boys are so genuine and cool! Hang on to it with all your strength! Well done mom and dad. *. David Spade is way cool! ❤️❤️

  2. I used to represent Charles Barclay's wines through a distributor. He attended an event and I got to meet him. Thankfully I had a context to meet and speak with him. He was a super cool guy. I'm from Houston and we discussed the Rockets etc. He said 'thank you' for my work on selling his wines.

  3. Love you guys. Congrats Travis, on the back to backs. I live in LA but I consider myself Chief's Nation. BTW, Taylor seems a bit competitive with the chugging contest. The way she slammed the cup down…just sayin.

  4. Ice Spice throwing down the Devil sign and upside down cross while Taylor is swigging a beer. Bummer Taylor hangs out with that. 🙁

  5. Jason cmon man you are soo much better than trash like Ice spice

    She shouldnt even be in the same room as someone like jason

  6. Ice spice is proof aliens will never visit this planet because we are just too stupid to waste time on.

  7. Nobody in their right mind gives a damn about ur podcast😂😂 we all know it’s rigged obviously and it’s only a matter of time b4 this bs gets exposed for what it is.. A MONEY GRAB. FUCK the nfl

  8. Always wondered how Rasheed Wallace ended up being such a big Chiefs fan when he was born and raised in Philly

  9. Travis and Taylor. Two MEAN GIRLS in sheep's clothing. Their fall from grace, and it's definitely going to come, will be kind of hilarious.

  10. You can sense that this two boys have been reaised by their parents well. They are humble fun and loving persons. I wish them both well. Well done, big fellas !

  11. Didn't Red Beard try to change his first name to that of a famous NBA star? It Might of been Charles….

  12. Goodness, gracious guys, get a grip! We're ALL the same. No one is greater or better than the other. Never put anyone before you.

    So much better when you’re just funny and entertaining w/o sounding like trash talk!!

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