Golf Players

Happy Hour: Augusta

It is our favorite week of the year, and we are excited to get things going with our Happy Hour show presented by High Noon. News and notes, pairings and featured groups, reaction from early week pressers and more.

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be the right Club be the right club
today I me
that’s better than
most how about him that is better than
most better than
most expect anything
Damas e caberos welcome back to the no
laying up Wednesday happy hour presented
by High Noon gentlemen how are we today
TC in the host chair tonight I love it I
could not be more excited to talk
Masters talk golf uh Vibes are high in
Augusta uh big Randy is here you know
that’s my spirit’s High how are you big
I’m great
boys yo soy Fiesta y soy Fiesta Randy is
bringing the fiesta anywhere he goes
with the allnew High Noon tequila Selzer
Fiesta pack variety eight pack features
two new Tequila flavors blood orange and
prickly pear Randy what are you going
with today uh well we’re actually in a
vodka outfit today but it’s the PE
you’re not fiest not Fest well I’m fiest
Spirit of course all right uh blood
orange prickly pear I love them they’re
great uh grapefruit and lime comes in
those packs as well all are made with
real tequila and real juice perfect for
any Fiesta go ahead and find the high
noon uh tequila Fiesta pack at at uh
your nearest retailer and you can find
it at high NOP they’ve got a
little tool to help you uh locate track
down the the all new Fiesta pack as well
so I knew Sun’s Up Gentlemen let’s get
it boys what uh I was trying to think of
like what what starts the show here you
know we with the idea behind the
Wednesday happy hour was like man a lot
happens in major weeks leading up uh you
know between Monday and Wednesday when
we record the Monday you know kickoff
but I’ll ask you this in your guys mind
what what has what has happened this
week because honestly for mine not a ton
has really
happened Randy you tell me Well
allegedly the part three contest is
going on I can’t tell you much about
that I did see my guy Rick is leading so
like that let’s keep him up there um we
I yeah I don’t know some interesting
press conference nuggets I I know we
have a few pulled for later in the show
but no Five Alarm fires it’s been pretty
subdued I guess yeah it seems like golf
world you know one of the rare instances
where it’s coming back together things
don’t feel like they’re burning down
feels like a very just calm stable week
and which I’m sure is exactly what
Augusta wants to have happen as well
right just you know everything hey let’s
just kind of bring it back to normaly
here and bring the volume down a little
bit and bring it back to the golf so
seems like between Ridley’s presser uh
Rory’s short little presser Rah saying
how much he loves the PGA Tour uh is he
a d writer possibly possibly uh you know
weather being great up there not a not a
ton of change es to the golf course you
it just seems like it’s kind of a
picture of normaly up
there it uh it it it is a picture of
normaly but yet again this is kind of my
first time experiencing the Masters as a
as a press member I’ve been to a couple
practice rounds before but haven’t
really fully engulfed in it and uh you
know we popped in both times I’ve been
with you TC uh Randy we went in what
2012 with your brother-in-law and then
we went back in 2018 uh as well and it’s
really this is the first time hit me
just like the scale of everything just
the massive amount of infrastructure I
mean it’s infrastructure for you for you
especially as an infrastructure junky TC
it’s uh it’s just a operational
excellence it’s it’s ridiculous how many
amazing huge massive facilities they
have at toward the content center today
which was uh enormous there’s all so
many roads and tunnels that are leading
to all these places uh you wouldn’t even
know needed to exist the massive
employee dining place the merchandise
tent is enormous they have an incredible
system moving people through that it’s
it’s I I I’m just blown away even
knowing as much about the Masters as I
do covering it for as long as we have
kind of from afar the scale of this
tournament and the importance of this
one week is just it it’s seared into my
brain potentially forever just being out
here uh consistently for a few days it’s
wild yeah it seems like it’s getting
bigger and bigger too I imagine in
future years they’re you know it sounded
like Ridley today uh said they’re
they’re building an underground parking
um they’ve got uh like a whole whole you
know family and support staff Randy I
know you’re all about the the family and
the support staff everybody’s team out
there uh you know whole facility for
them they’re going to do uh version 2.0
for the uh map and flag uh Hospitality
thing across the street which I imagine
at some point they’re probably going to
Tunnel underneath the road instead of
making people cross Washington Road to
get in and out of that uh so yeah it
seems like you know the the more messed
up everything else gets the more
important and like just clear cut the
Masters gets above everything else
especially like just and like I would
say not just with golf as the rest of
society and sports and you know
everybody’s attention spans and and um
you know everything gets so fractured
and none of us are watching the same
stuff feels like the Masters is kind of
one of the few things that brings
everything back into focus at the same
yeah it is and I know this is uh this is
one of your this is one of your things
TC this is old school TC is when you
when the pairings come out you just
start cooking you got you got the
ingredients now you can start throw them
in a in a you know in a stew or in in a
in a roast of some kind just going
pairing by pairing and just just dishing
them one by one you send us over some
notes so why don’t we get into some of
the pairing highlight what what you kind
of saw is some pairing highlights uh and
uh you can take us through some of that
yeah yeah so I actually I would I would
welcome everybody to go to noling
we’ve got a live page going for all of
our masters related content this week um
so we’ll be kind of nesting everything
there from all of our various channels
kind of putting that in one place um but
as far as the pairings themselves go
some cheeky ones I think Sally you said
this thorb and olison gets the the the
special exemption in there and then
there’s an asterisk though he’s got to
play with Bryson
probably worth it honestly I think I’d
you know I’d accept a special exemption
even if I had to play with Bryson at the
Masters so but um I’m sure he’ll take
his baby setting rooll very seriously we
got Jasper stubs our buddy there he’s
he’s the amateur won the Agia Pacific am
he gets he gets saddled with with
Captain zeg uh Zack Johnson little
little Bumm to see that my guy foxy with
h Chris Kirk and Sergio you got a
flushers pairing kind of a light
flushers pairing Lucas Glover Ben on
Harris English um nichelson pair with
phenow fow still got his ongoing
litigation out in Utah I’m sure
Nicholson will give him all sorts of
unsolicited legal advice well and I’ll
say also with sep straa that’s a big boy
grouping right there nothing but big
boys a lot of screen Setters in that
group yeah uh kind of a sneaky group I
I’m I’d be into this one Walkin NE
Russell Henley Nick Taylor paired up
together they are uh I’m in on that I
think uh the more I learn about Nick
Taylor the more like I watched him a
bunch out of pebble um you know Henley
kind of goes about his business Walkins
riding kind of a hot streak I think this
would be a pretty fascinating pairing to
see uh and then you’ve got no hat Pat
minwoo Lee Ricky Fowler playing together
so I guess mwo broke his his finger
allegedly yeah I’ve heard that he broke
a a finger or thumb I don’t know what it
was but uh he uh he’s been playing and
and Swinging full i’ I’ve seen him out
on the he’s one of the few guys I have
seen out hitting hitting shots and
nothing really stuck out to me from
watching him uh but obviously that’s
going to be you have to think that’s
going to be a factor in some way got
Hideki zalatoris JT um we’ll see kind of
how how JT uh that’s gonna be a good
group that’s a really good one I mean a
lot to see from JT this week uh you know
obviously just made the split with bones
hasn’t had a great start to the year
obviously didn’t have a good year last
year with zalat Tores who’s got the two
great major Masters finishes the two
times he’s been there with a masters
champ that one’s that one’s circled uh
for me we’re starting to get some some
some heaters uh these next three groups
yeah we’ll see if zores can keep putting
lights out at Augusta um as those stats
have have shown Rah Fitzpatrick and
Dunlap um we’ll get to ROM a little bit
later in the show
Fitzpatrick uh his his caddy Billy
Foster had quite a bit to say about kind
of the state of golf uh the last couple
days so Keen to Keen to check in on that
one and then they with Nick Dunlap as
well where I think Dunlap should should
have a good week I think this is a big
boy golf course I think he’s got big boy
game and and tends to play well on on
you know good architecture uh what do
you guys think about Scotty Rory and
Xander getting paired up
together this is a bit of a surprise
like Augusta doesn’t really usually do
this as far as you know three of the top
strongest favorites in the field usually
they split them up and they kind of uh
obviously there’s there’s two Americans
in one uh European in there but they
love to just mix up you know they’ll do
an American European and maybe an Asian
player uh is kind of the way they
usually mix it up in some way or an
Australian player something of a weird
mix but this one is uh is really
interesting I mean that’s I think they
do it to kind of spread out usually do
it to spread people out on the golf
course I’d imagine and uh PGA Tour is
the one that usually tends to you know
stack guys together like this and so I
was a little surprised at this
especially surprised it’s not a feature
group uh they always leave you with one
just curious one of like I mean I know
you guys are capable of like almost
anything why won’t we be able to watch
this one again like remind me of that
one I don’t really have an answer to
that other than uh if there is a weather
delay then maybe they get bumped back
into the TV window uh for Thursday
afternoon but that’s I mean there’s
gonna be a big crowd around that group
uh tomorrow I promise you that we got
wendam havland cam Smith Randy have you
been how you been feeling about uh
Windam shirts this week so far oh I love
him TC I actually haven’t what have you
guys seen him today I I have not I I
know he said he had something big CL
today but uh have not seen his outfit
today he was talking a big game uh but
no I haven’t I have not seen it uh today
either I don’t know if uh I’m sure Serge
just searching for it uh at the moment
the one yesterday it was it wasn’t like
that offensive it was just
ugly one of those things like like the
ones that hin wears I’m like oh like
that’s it’s
interesting you know the blow pigs is
just like no like it looks like you were
rolling around in the in the pig sty in
like in [ __ ]
so uh I don’t think it was that bad come
on it wasn’t good it wasn’t good uh my
speaking of shirts my guy Moran uh he’s
wearing his cleek gear out there I was I
was happy to see that that that traveled
with him made the trip with him he’s
paired up with Grayson Murray and Lee
Hodes uh we’ll skip down a little bit
opinion on the your click getting that
pairing uh does that feel like a little
slight to Adrien Moran as a
cleck it does although so you know on
the flip side they could have paired him
with a couple of guys from like the
European Rider Cup team and really
twisted the knife so true you know I
feel like they could have done him a lot
more dirty if they wanted to um gosh
what else we got we got uh I’m Gonna
Keep I’m gonna skip down a little bit
did you guys see the steuart haggas had
uh Randy I know you had to have seen
this you’re a big Wall Street Journal
guy steuart haggas had the merchant
Banker who could win The Masters mer
yeah yeah yeah love that I mean
a pass fluffy fluffy piece
fluffy hey more power to him right like
they’re going to write it about him hey
that’s not his fault I would say laugh
it up yeah well that’s Big Stew spending
time last last August with with big stew
at the Walker cup he you know he leans
all the way into that stuff yeah I I
could see him loving that that process
we got he’s paired up with Freddy
Couples and Adam hadwin we’ve got team
Rose country music sensation Eric Cole
and uh policy board member Pete Mady
real quick on that TC not not uh didn’t
see great things out of Mr couples in
terms of uh his physical condition it
did not look great he he every time I’ve
seen him so far this week it looked like
he’s uh he’s not not having the best of
times so I don’t know if uh back or yeah
the back yeah the back the back I think
it’s uh just something to something to
keep an eye on uh I don’t I’m not POS of
what’s going to happen here but uh just
something to keep an eye on uh Randy we
got AE JT post most underrated player in
the world and Shane Lowry how did you
react when you found out that that O’s
injury initially stemmed from a pickle
ball injury pickle ball it’s disgusting
he’s way I mean he’s way too young to be
playing pickle ball go out and play
tennis if if you want a real sport you
don’t need to be messing around with you
know glorified ping pong I I hate it TC
I thought these guys are supposed to be
athletes come on they are listen every
time that you this happens very
frequently every time people start to
have the athlete conversation again a
very horrific horrifically embarrassing
uh injury pops up just to remind us that
no that’s not the case I I heard a story
today about um in the playoff in 1990 uh
when Ray Floyd and U Nick F got to the
11th hole like there Darkness was
setting in and uh Ray Floyd like ran off
the uh off the 11th te to go take a leak
in in the uh the 10th or whatever it’s
by the 11th T and they’re kind of
chasing darkness and he gets out and
like F’s way up ahead and the darkness
again is setting in he like does he’s 46
years old he takes off in like a little
slight jog just to keep things moving
and uh again not that they were under a
time not they were on the clock but
again trying to fight Darkness like he
kind of rushed up to his ball and uh
said he was winded by the time he hit
the shot and uh I believe pretty sure he
hit it in the water and ended up losing
the playoff he thinks that bathroom
break uh cost him a chance to win The
Masters it’s like oh I hate that yeah
might not be
athletes um couple more pairings here we
got uh this one kind of interesting to
me Keegan Matthew pavon TL Hatton kind
of reminded me of the American
Revolution I don’t know about you guys
but you know you got
Keegan mat pavon and then you got pavon
well the French you know helped us out
dur reolution and pavan’s just kind of
hanging out on the side you know he he
actually had some really good quotes
today but um he’s just kind of hanging
around which side do you think Keegan’s
on he’s got red coat energy to me really
no he’s from like the part of New
England they weren’t all for they
weren’t all they weren’t all separatists
TC I mean I don’t think he’s unpacked
his suitcase since the since the Boston
Tea Party yeah um you got Adam Scott Sam
Burns cam young it’s kind of uh you know
you gota worry about Burns a little bit
with the overseed Rye this isn’t isn’t
Bermuda and a potential um you know his
his his wife is due at any uh I think
next week or at any moment really
there’s uh both him and Scotty I don’t
know if they’re playing with beepers
this week but have both said they’re
going to withdraw if their wives go into
labor Scotty’s not his wife is not doing
until I believe early May or late April
but it’s getting to be a little close
for those guys what if he’s got like a
four shot lead Sunday has to withdraw
that would be the ultimate asterisk
right gu not in the field and
Scotty uh we got tiger J day and the pro
Max hom if I can get a chance to plug
the uh I did a Twitter spaces last night
on the Master’s feed uh with Shane bacon
and Max H and Max’s in a great mood last
night and was sharing some really
interesting minute details uh about
Augusta about playing specific Holes
about you know short putts about things
that uh he’s learned over the years and
learning potentially maybe sometimes to
be way more conservative when the the
shot is requesting a certain shot shape
but the LIE is suggesting something
different um talked about potentially
laying up on 13 if he’s if he’s as the
wrong tweener um you know based the feel
of his swing he just he provided a lot
more detail than what I’m sharing right
there but I would suggest going and find
that it’s on our Twitter feed as well if
you want to find that because he he
really had some great insight into what
he’s learned at Augusta and what it’s
going to take to succeed out there and
what it’s like to play with tiger and
what he’s expecting uh for playing with
tiger tomorrow so that was that was a
lot of fun appreciate him doing that
during a masters week I’m bullish on the
pro I am too that’s gonna be comfy
pairing I think uh you know I think JD’s
playing playing decent golf right now
too I feel like the pro is is you know
kind of a post type sleeper in these
Majors Randy do you
disagree oh man well no I I wna I want
to believe I just got to see it this is
a big spot yeah this is this is a big
week for the pro I I wish him obviously
I wish him nothing but the best I hope
he balls out but I just gotta see
it it uh to to spoil part of it he had a
really interesting point on uh what what
he’s learned on short putts at Augusta
and how it’s different than normal tour
stops like he I I he didn’t I don’t
think he shared actual percentages but
he just says the holes at Augusta sit on
stronger percentages areas of the green
slope wise than they do on the PGA tour
so it took a lot for him to get over a
4-foot putt he would like line it up and
expect it you know play it outside the
hole but get over it and say that’s too
much break and start like pushing it
towards the hole and missing low way too
frequently and like getting taking of
time to realize you know you have to
sometimes play four and five Footers
like outside the hole like with
confidence uh at Augusta I found it to
be a really interesting nugget because
one of the things I learned from data
golf this week from their shot uh the
thing they published on shotby shot data
on I forget what they called it exactly
for every player in the field and how
it’s affected is like short putting at
Augusta is really important putting
between two and five feet is more
important than a normal every uh week
like I’m guessing that has something to
do with it of those putts just being
more difficult at a place like this um
so you’re not you’re less likely to have
putts between five and like 30 feet here
you’re you’re more likely to have the
the short putts and putts from way out
inside 30 feet uh so good lag putting
and good uh finishing up around the
around the hole was an important stat
which I hadn’t really thought of it in
that level detail listen S I looked at
their shot level course fit thing on
their analytics blog very cool very very
neat stuff Randy and I have been putting
out an eye test okay course fit no thank
you uh here’s my advice for short putts
just make them you know just make them I
think that’s their conclusion as well
well I’m worried Max is too deep in the
forest maybe come on let’s let’s just SE
ball hit ball we got to make some puts
it’s kind of a damning thing for the PGA
Tour week to week to know that like they
just don’t put pins on interesting spots
ever like that all right like that
sounds like something you could do for
for Signature Events or elevated events
and and differentiate those right make
it a different challenge but that would
require differentiating them TC you
might you do have to acknowledge that
you have to admit that okay uh uh
speaking of differentiating Harmon and
Kea paired together the the here we go
the champion golfer of the year and
Brooks and then we’ve got Tom Kim who
hasn’t like he doesn’t deserve to be in
that pairing big spot for kka getting
the the Kim drawing yeah that’s a big he
playing with a global Superstar you know
he doesn’t get to do that a lot on the
live tour so um this that’s a big spot
for K I’m wondering if he can handle the
pressure this week a couple small boys
for him to bully maybe the first
I don’t know why you’re so offended by
this this is like this is what a normal
Master’s pairing looks like we we talked
about this like it it it it isn’t always
stacking up the top Champions altoe like
this oh no I feel like they normally
pair the the reigning you know major
Champs with like one of the amateurs or
or you know somebody really noteworthy
Tom Kim hasn’t done [ __ ] this year he
has not done [ __ ] this year but he was
runner up to Brian Haron in the most
recent major so that might have
something to do with it I don’t I I
don’t disagree he’s that’s going to be
especially with how Tom Kim’s playing
this is he’s got his work cut out in his
pairing also yeah I I’d love to see
somebody get stroked this week like just
like they did with Anna Davis I want to
see somebody get stroked slow play
enforce the rules that is a tough spot
for Kea um a notoriously fast player
playing playing with Harmon and uh you
know that that is a that is a tough spot
but I think everything’s going to be
slow especially something to talk about
or think about here is WEA and we’ll get
into that a second but going off two T’s
is a potential if they do have to start
in a delay and uh that could end up
could end up with some pace of Play
Issues uh group 29 this is the main
event guys love this spe ludvig
sth this is a TC group could go so many
different ways I mean I think it is
gonna go so many different ways and then
L is just gonna be right down the middle
on every hole so uh I’m stoked I think
it’s going to be awesome although I’m a
little horrified I saw that picture of
spe hands I think that was from a
previous year but uh anti tweeted
something out with a picture of spe
hands it’s
horrifying the knuckles look enormous I
don’t know what I don’t know if it’s a
bad edit or what it is but that was a
that was that was a tough tough scene as
Serge Scrolls through his uh his slides
here but and then last but not least you
could find me with group 29 and whenever
that group is going to go off that’s
where I’ll I’ll be out on the golf
course 1:48 p.m. uh alleged ly Dustin
Johnson Colin morawa and Fleetwood are
last off on
Thursday uh Tommy was catching a lot of
flack for that lavender lavender uh what
do you call that cardigan jumper
cardigan button up I think it’s a
cardigan yeah it’s a
cardigan and I don’t hate
it I don’t hate I hate the fit yeah this
he’s been Nike’s done him dirty a couple
times with some of the sweaters as well
in the past around Majors I think
gets them in the mail doesn’t like check
them at all and then just like oh [ __ ] I
got to wear this today and then doesn’t
realize that it’s going to fit until
more I wonder you you want it a little
looser though playing golf in I I don’t
think you can go like you know you’re
not going to dine at Oxford somewhere
and it so AR what do you got for us well
I was just gonna say I appreciate you
addressing this because I knew after you
given the blow Pig some issues on his
wardrobe I was hoping that you wouldn’t
skip past this the one thing uh that I
think needs to be mentioned
is your fit today TC that’s because it’s
from roback best fit best feel TC’s
rocking that roback at zelia collection
it’s back better than ever the designs
are Next Level the products are amazing
as always and it’s safe to say we are
just fired up for those really big
events in golf they go in the spring
after seeing this collection the
performance polos are moisture wi
wicking have great stretch while the
collar is so crisp it doesn’t lose its
shape they fit so much better than those
old boxy polos to Simply put the best
designs paired with the best feeling
polos and we all know about those best
uh performance hoodies that I got right
on S I see you too I think ry’s got the
the crew neck on crew neck’s awesome
shorts on right now crew neck slap love
it all love the fabric finally uh roback
we were just talking about those Looper
shorts they finally got loops on them
made with the Bell Loops so you can wear
be worn both on and off the course
they’re incredibly comfortable made with
signature free stride Fab ensures the
shorts stay where they are can move in
and out of them keeping up with every
swing if you haven’t already it’s time
to load up on some roback for you
yourself friends family it doesn’t
matter who it is use the code nlu for a generous 20% off your
first order through the end of the week
that’s spelled r h o 20% off all
bottoms qzip hoodies and more with code
nlu Spring Golf isn’t the same without
rowack boom sge s you were seeing a lot
of it out there I can confirm that I
cannot go anywhere without somebody
saying you can’t go anywhere without
seeing that subtle Dog logo like i’ I
can’t tell how many people have came up
and said that uh it’s super meta but uh
I cannot believe we went all the way
down the te- sheet there Tru incredible
it took you 22 minutes down the te-
sheet appre everybody man where we going
real real quick real quick I want to say
too we’re thinking about uh Ian finis
finno Tommy’s caddy he’s not on the bag
this week I think he’s back home he’s
been he was struggling a little bit
during players with some health stuff so
hopefully hopefully he’s all right hate
seeing him not out there he’s he’s one
of my favorite people in golf so um guys
we gotta talk weather we gotta talk
weather Tron Tron
Cantor um it was looking really really
Bleak for the whole day as of a couple
days ago we’re talking about Thursday
Thursday morning specifically now the
models are in alignment uh I I can
confidently say the GFS the European
model uh the icon the North American
model all of them we got this this
thing’s been hanging out down by Sarge
for the last three or four days uh I saw
some Bleak scenes from I 10 in buuy and
Mobile today just all sorts of flooding
uh but it looks like you know it’s start
overnight tonight into uh tomorrow
morning and then uh go to the other one
so that’s that’s for Friday Friday is
going to blow out Friday Saturday Sun
Friday Saturday look clear and windy uh
but Thursday we’re looking at this is
the this is the European model right
here guys uh we’re looking at kind of
good [ __ ] boys drench City USA from
about 5 a.m to about 8 or 900 a.m. and
then kind of tapering off and then looks
like it might get absolutely delightful
tomorrow afternoon so uh it’s going to
blow out wind coming from the south and
then wind will gradually shift to coming
out of the West for the remainder of
Thursday push those clouds out get some
sunshine in and then gusting up to 35 40
miles an hour and then same deal Friday
please what what would you guys do
you’re you’re organizers right here
let’s let’s I mean I know your immediate
answer wants to be make a play in it
make can play it I know what you’re
going to say Randy but if you’re
realistically running a tournament with
all these patrons and all this stuff
what are you doing tomorrow like are you
automatically saying we’re not starting
on time with this that’s going on in the
morning for rain and some Wind come on
poal electric electricity yeah it just
all depends on the electricity right
sure it’s an inch and a half rain a lot
that’s a lot like that’s I’m not seeing
the inch and a half I just you know that
model wasn’t showing it I could see up
to an inch but again my my people in the
back here they’re they’re telling me all
my analysts they’re saying hey TC we’re
not seeing an inch and a half this
thing’s going to blow through quicker
than that the official Masters forecast
just for the record said between an inch
and an inch and a half was what it said
so um I challenged them to a duel then I
I would expect it I’m expecting a delay
tomorrow morning that’s that’s that’s
what I’m hearing on the ground the
combination of that much rain plus that
much wind um I I would guess that
they’re going to end up in some kind of
delay have they have they preempted ly
check the trees any any reporting on the
trees I’ll have I’ll have to check with
kbv on that one I know he’s he’s our
horologist I did see a sign for the
horology uh hor horiculture whatever
horiculture horiculture uh staff uh that
that we have confirmed is on site here
gu I did see that sign today woke woke
Horticulture um yeah I don’t know I
think you probably go you just play it
by ear if you need a delay you need a
delay and then you know Friday turns
very you know just a lot of golf I guess
um but guys we all know the fos is the
architect of record out there and he’s I
saw the fos couple times this week TC
it’s been one of the highlights just
seeing him hanging out under the under
the Big Oak up there by the clubhouse
that’s the F nobody does drainage better
than the F you feel me the and I can
report already the kitty litter is out
in a lot of the uh uh the hi tread areas
some of the slopes they uh the kitty
lader that tiger famously hit off of uh
on the 11th hole on that Sunday in 2019
it’s out in a lot of a lot of places
that you will find the patrons so and
that’s a pre that’s a preemptive strike
well it’s a it’s still a little wet from
the rain on uh Monday night like it’s
there’s just a little layer of uh you
know organic matter if you will um in
you know kind of where people are
walking more so than the golf course I
think go a lot of people a lot of people
there man it is pretty insane how many
people uh you know show up and just soak
up everything that comes in a practice
round it’s it’s it’s a SE of humanity s
it’s changed man didn’t used to be like
that back in your day back in my day
seriously feat feature groups we got um
again these are 10:30 and 1054 times
John ROM Matt Fitzpatrick and Nick
Dunlap and then 1054 is Windam the blow
Pig uh Victor hin and Cameron Smith uh
in the afternoon uh if this all goes off
in time of course at24 Tiger Woods Jason
day max hom uh and then the final one is
Dustin Johnson col morawa and uh the the
the the boy that uh TC abandoned in the
Monday preview which is Tommy Fleetwood
he abandoned his child didn’t abandon
him at all you you went down the odd
sheet and you went right past him and
didn’t even mention him I don’t know
what I if that’s not abandoning I don’t
know what it is no it’s it’s it’s me
lifting him up and saying hey you know
what everybody’s tired of hearing me
talk about you just
just that has not stopped you that has
never more about showing than telling
okay it’s a big New Era for you TC I
commend you so uh what do you guys think
about the Champions
dinner I mean it was it looked good yeah
I wasn’t able to make it but uh it good
yeah of course enjoyed the photo that
comes out annually and uh doing the fit
checks you got any any any fits you want
to call out in particular from anyone
there uh yeah I was kind of appalled at
some of the colors that guys were
wearing the shirts uh some of the tie kn
were bad uh but you know D DJ always
wearing that black that black shirt I I
actually dig that it’s so egregious it’s
so bad it’s good but like Jordan wearing
that purple uh purple purple the master
screen yeah he was keeping the purple by
the pound uh didn’t know about that one
I thought cat looked good um you know I
just I always forget about how how much
of a unit falo is like he’s just such a
large human being um crazy enjoyed the
photos of him as well uh looking up at
the eclipse with multiple uh wearing
multiple eclipse glasses that was that
was great you got you got big texts
Sergio and I Charles hanging out back
there I don’t want to jump on your he’s
a unit because he absolutely is but I
think this back row is standing on
oh they even then though I mean he’s
he’s he’s [ __ ]
huge right yeah uh you know I don’t know
it’s it’s uh it’s always you know
pictures are worth a thousand words I’m
trying to get Spencer Hall to write
something up on it because it’s so did
you hear for him was Phil communicative
this year I have not heard I have not
heard I I’m guessing he would be uh at
this point um that is a good question I
have not heard it heard it either way I
might have to uh maybe do some sourcing
of some guys in that room I I always
think Jose Maria last year I think Jose
Maria looks just dignified little Touch
of Gray in that beard of his um he he
always stands out to me it must be a
Spanish thing the yellow tie is strong
anybody that’s wearing the yellow tie
looks pretty put together uh Jose Maria
could could double as as as Andrew
Waterman there as well resemblance there
Greg Styler looks great as always yeah
he does he looks like a fun time yeah
menu looked awesome uh that’s that’s one
of the I think that’s one of the
Alzheimer’s that’s up there with BJ had
a really good one he had uh my favorite
thae restaurant in Atlanta cater it um
trying to think who else has had a a
great one hii obviously had a great one
but uh B you know Bubba’s up there with
the the uh chicken breasts the birthday
cake F called him out for that this week
too somebody asked what the worst one
was and he’s like it’s got to be Bubbas
I mean I think you had milkshakes or or
whatever but with the uh the uh masters
social guys did did an awesome job with
that they a real last night with kind of
making old Fashions and then uh you know
showing the ham this guy had little oh
my God these Cuts yeah right like those
cuts and then the guy had these little
tiny like mini gloves on the ends of his
fingers that’s unbelievable attention to
detail baby so look at that that’s
pretty cool nice spiral yeah yeah yeah
yeah um yeah he had some you know he had
Roha Jac uh for for the white and then
and then uh obviously the Pinchos and
the toas and all that so awesome stuff
looked like a just a fantastic fantastic
menu so I think we’ll we’ll probably do
our uh our menus at some point later in
the week maybe on Sunday uh a lot of
pressure I’m kind of grinding on it just
tired of basically seeing people put up
their menu like what their menu would be
and having it basically be like what
they just get at any random corporate
Steakhouse show some
imagination yeah I can’t I can’t even
get through the week reading those
tweets man I can’t I’m losing focus on
the golf tournament because of these
sorry you gotta see that
TC I hate that uh we’re gonna do picks
at the end we got a a FanDuel pick
segment and then we’ll do some
predictions and and kind of low am and
winter picks and all that but so let’s
do Press Conference highlights let’s do
that locked in there yeah I popped into
a couple here and there um while we’re
here uh and um I I I The Riddler spoke
today for red Ridley of course the
chairman I would say not not a ton in
this one you know they confirmed they’re
going to back the usgaa and RNA um in
the distance roll back um I I i’ suggest
you know kind of flipping through his
transcript and reading some of the
answers he’s always he’s it’s a it’s a
really I I really appreciate how good he
is at answering these questions like he
as soon as he starts to like maybe
speculate on something he has to
acknowledge that he’s speculating on it
he he covers himself so well it’s
really yeah it really is true lawyer
speak but not in a uh it’s still
interesting right he’s still willing to
say things but he just qualifies
everything that he says and uh find it
interesting just talking about
television ratings and Caitlyn Clark and
all these things but uh just
acknowledging what he what he’s specula
even uh VJ has I guess made a comment
about that he thinks the 12old needs
lengthened uh which I don’t know where
the suggestion boxes for for VJ to drop
that in but uh someone asked would that
ever happen and uh Fred uh started the
answer with well I mean ever is a long
time but yeah not on my watch with that
hold be led so that was really good but
talked about you know the course never
going above 8,000 yards which like made
me want to cry that even need to be
acknowledged but um we now
7500 I think it’s closer to 76 um but
now with the new T especially on two I I
have to check I don’t really know but I
think he said like they could set it up
above 7600 this week this week if they
needed to but they you know because I
feel like they’re kind of hemmed in they
don’t have a ton of flexibility no right
like there’s only two sets of tea boxes
on every hole and some some of them are
long but it’s the members te’s and the
championship teas and that’s correct so
um yeah not not a whole heck of a lot
not a whole lot on on live and and
exemptions other than you know saying we
are an Invitational and uh you know we
we can always adjust things but that’s
kind of been their stance for Forever on
that so um he acknowledged that there
wasn’t enough relegation or or kind of
churn on the Liv tour it’s kind of uh
down to you know who you can sign who
they can sign basically to fill out
their fields as a just an
acknowledgement again of a lot of the
stuff we’ve talked about as to why Liv
is not getting owgr points but we don’t
need to do that on a master’s pod but
well s it’s it’s an acknowledgement of
everything I’m going through as a cleaks
fan too I know it’s true it’s true well
you got your guy maron’s in the field I
think you should be
fine um I know we have some of the these
uh some of these uh queued up I forget
which ones we have and which ones we
don’t here Cody so you may need to may
need to pop in and remind us on some of
this but tiger gave a press conference
yesterday um couple one of the quotes
that uh that stuck out the most was uh
him saying that uh you know if
everything breaks right I think I can
get one
more which
I it’s an extreme long shot but uh
that’s that’s the that’s the that’s the
that’s what he’s playing under right
like that’s what uh is making him still
Tee It Up and you know of course of
course quickly shut down haven’t thought
about being a ceremonial starter haven’t
thought about it not even considering it
what’s that H what’s thatone started
yeah um and uh not not a whole lot
coming out of that as well but other
than uh he did reflect a little bit on
what golf has meant to him and what you
know kind of golf being his whole life
and and what this tournament has meant
to him over the years and and uh all
those things didn’t still I was hoping
for just a little more clarity on like
what what it looks like for him to try
to ramp up for a tournament these days
days like what a uh you know what R vers
Russ is going on he’s I hurt every day
hurt every day um but the ankles ankles
fused it’s not going anywhere it’s fine
uh so I don’t really I can’t I don’t
know if he knows all the places that he
is hurting um he he kind of acknowledged
that you know he had mentioned that he
was going to play one tournament a month
but you know has has been in some pain
you know between uh the Genesis and and
now that has not happened but I’d love
to hear him just say like in a perfect
worlds here here’s what I would do I’d
played two weeks before I’d rest up you
know for a week and then come that would
be my best R vers rust balance but um
there’s no perfect world of a course
that fits and and something that fits in
his schedule and all that stuff so I
don’t know how has he played this week
um he went and chipped and putted around
the front nine on Sunday and I know he
played the back nine on Monday um I
think he played the front nine yesterday
and I don’t know what he did today I’ve
been running around all over the place
today but um I know he’s played at least
18 holes and I would imagine he played
some a little bit today he’s probably
probably deep into the Call of Duty
tonight and he again he’s celibate right
now so
allegedly Randy I know this is important
for you there there’s been five total
hole in ones today during the part three
contest Jesus and uh something that just
happened a couple minutes ago is that uh
Bryson rinsed his first ball but ended
up hulling out for uh his par three
there so not a true hole in one but I’m
just getting you those updates cuz uh
Cody how do you feel about the part
contest I think it’s a great tradition
not for me don’t need it well said well
said I’ll I’ll triple down on that I
don’t get why it offends you guys so
much like what else you gonna what else
you gonna do on a Wednesday afternoon
like it’s a nice warm-up for the week
it’s it’s good for the like this is a
this event spans Way Beyond just Avid
golfers the families love watching this
one they love watching around it’s so
it’s so syrupy it’s it’s yeah of course
it is it’s the over the top well I know
just I don’t like that I’m I’m getting
so much already I don’t need okay I
don’t need it coming from another
Avenue yeah I agree and and I S you said
it perfectly it’s just not for me and I
think that should be okay and I love
everything Masters if you like your part
three contest you can keep your part
three contest I just I might just a
contrar I might make the part three
contest like my thing I might like do a
fantasy pool for the part three cont
like Scott Van Pelt he he tweeted out
like this is my favorite spot on the
whole property he tweeted out this
picture of the part three and I’m like
what that’s
crazy do you know what else kind of
gives me the cre is that that’s where
somebody uh you know a founder of this
club went and that was like his final
resting place and now it’s supposed to
be celebrated with family and everything
else like that and it’s it just it’s
kind of weird to me uh and and I don’t
know I know that’s it’s just has this
Eerie feeling I don’t quite get it sge I
would say what you just said said is
kind of the the motto of the week just
don’t think too hard about a lot of
stuff because the the more onion layers
you peel back I think it gets a little
uncomfortable but yes I agree the uh I
would say the one upside of the part
three is in the past when I’ve been I’ve
never I’ve been I think on like four or
five times on Wednesday I’ve never once
gone to the part three contest I just
walk around the course by myself it’s
awesome make it like and there’s nobody
out there there’s no players out there
there’s no fans out there you just get
to see the holes and all their Glory
it’s it’s sweet that’s what I’m planning
to do this evening TC is as soon as
you’re done with the pairings I’m gonna
go right back
out um we had uh you know I’m gonna skip
the ROM presser just for now just to say
Rory had a awkwardly short presser um I
believe he he arrived 30 minutes uh
arrived on site at Augusta 30 minutes
prior to the presser uh I’ve heard was
eight minutes I’ve heard it was four
minutes I heard it just was cut
awkwardly short obviously that was had
to been a request of their kind and I I
I I understand where he’s coming from
here I I wonder if this thing is way too
deep in his head of like all right we’re
cutting off Media and we’re flying in
super late and we’re just going to try
to wing it almost pulling off that you
need to just get drunk Wednesday night
and show up hung over on the first te
Thursday method of trying this out I’ll
side with Rory on like he’s been the
most available person maybe in all of
golf for several years and there’s not
much more to add at this point for him
but um it just did kind of uh it there’s
clearly some messaging there of like oh
I’m super focused on just the golf this
week and trying to treat like any other
week but also approaching this very
differently and uh I don’t know just a
little little awkward but you should go
to Ray Ray’s Coastal Cafe down the
street and just go get torn up tonight
yes I I do want to play his his clip if
we do have it Cody um just because I
found this little this last part uh just
I found it somewhat interesting on on
his new strategy though for for gearing
up to play for this week or playing a
bunch and and how that might fit in so
if you can roll that Cody that would be
lovely uh brory two things what would
you uh how do you feel about having
played more this year do you feel like
it’s done what you’d hoped in terms of
um uh your mindset and then just also
what’s your uh what do you see as the
biggest difference in the golf course
since you uh first played
here yeah I um I I I think it’s been
beneficial to to play a little bit more
this year leading uh leading into you
know not just this tournament but the
spring and the summer think I’m a little
more um in tune with where my game is
and where my misses are and how to you
know I think once you play a lot you
learn just how to manage your game a
little bit better um instead of if you
haven’t played that much and you’re a
little rusty and um I just think that
patterns emerge the more that you play
uh and I’ve you I feel like I’ve got a a
a big enough um sort of data set of of
of rounds to sort of know how to manage
what what I’m doing right now so I think
that’s been a good thing
uh I think that’s that’s a you know a
best case scenario for the new plan
right is to say I’ve got more info on
how I’m missing and I’m and I’m may be
able to adjust more on the Fly uh in
competition so I just I just found that
little nugget interesting yeah Trevor I
think Trevor manman was on fried egg pod
with Andy this week talking about how he
thinks Rory’s been over aggressive at
Augusta and you know needlessly so uh so
it’ll be interesting to see if his
approach is any different there but yeah
I think I don’t know playing more feels
like a a good thing right it feels like
hey that’s you know barring any injury
just would have hoped it would have been
a little better play I know last week
was good but uh over the course of it
yeah you would have hoped it would have
been just a little bit I think La last
week’s great that’s plenty of stuff to
build off of I also think one thing that
he has uh to his benefit is that this is
the only Tournament of the year that
Butch actually travels to because he’s
working for sky I believe and I think
having him there because it’s not just
swing stuff we all know like Butch
everybody that has gone to him has
talked a lot about it’s the mental side
of it as well and I know Rory has a big
team but I think this is the one thing
where it feels
like the right pieces are in place and
if something doesn’t happen here then
then I don’t know what else you change
because it just seems like things that
should be lining up are lining up H yeah
I uh are we doing it are are we having
the block party this week are we what’s
everyone’s official St I think we’re not
the guys that have the block
party we weren’t invited burping a baby
right now I’ve been invited before but
but you know I’m not I’m not an
organizer of said block party I don’t
want the liability anything like that on
me so um I’ve I’ve said I’m going to
miss Rory’s major comeback but I’ve also
Fallen back into the Trap right before
it uh and and and walked that back in
saying that I feel the tug right now I
feel I feel just the little tug coming
back towards it um but every time I felt
that tug I we have a opening opening
front nine of 39 so I I’m I’m right back
at talk to me again in an hour I’ve
changed my mind and I don’t know what to
expect but I’m at least here for the
emotional journey I hope he doesn’t do
is go so far to the other side and get
get passive and defensive and not not
keep his foot on the gas and just kind
of let it let it slip away oh wow Neil
Schuster chiming in say block party is
on TBD on date and location uh it could
be this late in the game to
not is it not Augusta is it not starting
tomorrow I don’t understand could be
waiting for trun you never know what’s
going on here I will say if something if
there is not a a change in his overall
uh performance this week suly there is a
a future Hall of Fame caddy that is on
the the unemployment line now and it is
time that I know their relationship him
and Harry’s something needs to change
something and you if if he just had
somebody and I know he’s super comfy
with Harry on the course but I don’t
know it just makes more sense to me of
having a true worldclass caddy to get
you through these moments than not
having one and I don’t know why you
wouldn’t like use that
tool don’t disagree only thing is I
would say I don’t know if the answer is
Bones though you know personality I not
yes or no but like I don’t know if it
could be more complicated than that with
somebody like bones I don’t know the
answer could kler
Kine true one of Masters
exactly uh guys breaking news David
Cannon took a picture Getty Third Leg
Greg is on site on site today I did not
see him unfortunately but did get the
reports that he there’s a a ticketed
Patron wearing his white his his white
uh straw hat which is looking Majestic
I’m sure he’s looking great that he wore
that at a few Masters and those are like
some of my favorite Norman picks ever
but uh zooming past some of these other
quotes uh you know we got to get to our
picks here and got to keep us under our
hour time limit that the Serge has us on
but Victor hoflin uh didn’t sound great
in the presser honestly one of his
quotes was I’m still kind of looking for
some opinions out there but I feel like
I’m on a good track right now and we’ll
see where that takes us also said I just
haven’t spent any time on my short game
at all kind of the last few months
because I’ve been prioritizing the long
game stuff uh when you’re not hitting
your best you’re putting more pressure
on the short game out there in
tournaments and I’ve definitely
shortsighted myself quite a bit recently
so I’m sure the stats look a bit worse
than they feel like they should be um
that didn’t didn’t sound great strong
plan from a notoriously great chipper
love to hear that I I don’t quite get
hain’s odds being shorter than than
Windham Clark’s he was 35 to1 and Windam
Clark was 40 to1 last I looked I I I
don’t really understand that one is it
just experience at a to be but yeah I
don’t know that that that one was was
quite still quite surprised to me given
their form coming in well like I’ve read
a couple things this week too about
about Vic just tearing his swing down
and all these different voices he’s got
in his head and she’s like what like
what I thought like we’re we’re pretty
close to getting there
yeah just just a just a tinkerer just
has to do it um gosh I loved uh the the
homage that Bryson paid to our guy TC um
when when he was asked what do you what
would your dream scenario be for where
golf is five years from now he goes wow
that’s an interesting question I can go
many ways with that and uh then he goes
into making an analogy about the uh the
NFL and the NFC and the AFC working
together and coming together which I
don’t I don’t know if that’s the analogy
I’d go with for like two you know two
conferences in the same league but you
know I do have to admit that’s a better
analogy than his pizza shopping um from
I think he was talking about the AF like
the AFL and the N like the like way back
pre Merl NFL yeah okay well he said NFC
AFC but so you gotta remember there’s so
much stuff in his brain man like he’s
gonna make mistakes every once in a
while um I’m not even gonna spell out
what he spells out next because I don’t
think I really fully understand how’s he
looking is he is he looking spelt again
or is kind of spelt but muscular still
that makes sense like not jacked but he
looks like in really good shape um we
watched him hit some shots into 11
though they weren’t very good shots I
will say but um he uh he looked like he
looked healthy he looked really healthy
better than when he was uh Michelin
man um how about Sergio’s
quotes uh Sergio said I think the game
is in a perfect spot the professional
game maybe it’s a little more separated
mostly because of the media not so much
because of the players but I think the
game itself is in a great spot I think
that’s spot on I would have no no
revisions to that comment as well I
don’t we’re all looking for the guy that
did this slash glute activator had a
great tweet as well of uh the meme of uh
the live golfers shooting men’s
professional golf and saying why would
the media do this um yeah we don’t need
to spend any more time on live but that
was that was he looks good in his fire
his Fireballs shirts though glad those
made the trip with them last one was
just Scotty uh I never I had never heard
this that Scotty spent some time with
Carl jacks Jackson um in the caddy house
he said uh you know they sat with him
for a few minutes he gave me a yardage
book that had some of where I think he
called it grain where some of the slopes
are it’s just a yardage book that has
some arrows in it I’m not going to tell
you where the arrows are pointing but
it’s something I kind of review at night
and I always look at in the leadup to
the tournament just because it’s kind of
some weird stuff that goes on around the
golf course I just I love little man
minutia like that so should we get to
some picks you want to kick us off silly
stuff take us there wor about my picks
yeah what do you got Randy what which
category you want to start with all
right so this is our FanDuel play of the
week make them no no so so let’s do our
play of the week first and then we’ll
get into our our predictions and our our
hick picks um so we’ll get to our our
our play of the week it’s presented by
FanDuel the new official sports book of
no laying up in 2024 we’re stoked to
work with them and guys as always I just
I need to remind people odds are subject
to change we know that I do I definitely
feel you what’s uh I I see mine queued
up behind the scenes there so I’ll go
first with my pick um truly a lot of
different ways we could go with this I
had a great time kind of going through
this and came up with about 25 I wanted
to do but listen I think uh it’s a it’s
a limited field there’s 88 89 guys I
forget forget which what what it is what
it was 35 Plus or are non-competitive
markers essentially in this tournament
so let’s let’s just call it 505 plus I
mean yeah listen there’s look at some of
the guys that are way down the odd I
think that’s right I think that’s right
might even be a little low Keegan’s like
220 to won this week like there’s a lot
of dudes that are just not like
competitive uh in this tournament so
that all that to say the the the cream
of the crop Rises it’s a easier week to
top 10 right so I am going with a parlay
of Scotty sheffler Roy mroy and John ROM
all to finish in the top 10 including
ties that’s a big one there for plus 650
I think uh Scotty’s a lock for that
that’s not even a part of the BET like
I’m sure that didn’t even move the uh
move the line at all I think Rory’s
going to play totally fine good enough
to top 10 and I don’t know if rah’s
capable of finishing outside the top 10
at the Masters currently so I love this
one I thought plus 650 was a great
that’s my play of the
week I I like it I like it yeah I mean I
think if if Scotty’s wife goes into
labor could be could be a take Quake
yeah that would be the punters dang I
didn’t think about that one TC all right
well it’s in it’s too late Randy yeah I
went I went to the group the group uh
offerings and
specifically group F group F I got my
guy P Reed winning group F let me let me
talk to you it’s TL Hatton Jay day Brian
Harmon Sam Burns and Patrick Reed uh I
just feel like Patrick Patrick knows
Augusta he’s he just seems to play
really well here I I’d like him to beat
those other guys in that group uh I feel
very good about that that’s that’s my
play of the week I didn’t like it until
you said the group and I’m like ah I
kind of I kind of see where you’re
coming from there big TC what do you got
guys I got I couldn’t couldn’t narrow it
down I got two I got two oh my God you
cannot do no you cannot do this we we’re
doing this all year long we get one play
of the week we agreed on this you got
one pick it wisely uh all right so
here’s what I’m deciding between then
Rory M to hit the with his t- shot in
all four rounds on the 15th hole uh plus
340 I’m going I’m going yes there uh
which you know that’s kind of middle of
the pack for that one to hit the T or to
hit the Fairway all four rounds 18th
holes plus 600 that’s that’s kind of the
the top end and then uh whole 14 plus
250 is kind of the low end there so I’m
going in the middle there and then I
gotta go with my guy no hat Pat over I
love this one TC you know what I think
I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna pick that
one I’m going with Patrick Klay 7
two-hole uh match bet against Victor
hland minus 105 Kat me outside how about
that odd subject to change of course uh
but that’s a great one I I think
anything cley’s got a a weirdly good
record here he doesn’t putt well here
but um you know not necessarily the best
finishes but he hits the ball really
well around this place and with based
solely on Hoffman’s presser I’m with you
on that one I would I would ride with
you on that one we’ve got a uh we’ve got
an odds boost on there as well we got uh
no up Masters boost Tiger Woods to be
par or better after three holes of round
one so uh you know so we’ll see what if
they you know what if they go off two
T’s what if they mess with things there
could could be all sorts of
considerations there but I think
they yeah that’s a great feel like I
feel like even if he bogied one there’s
chance he birdies two and three you know
so it’s par or better too plus 100
that’s actually a great play I love that
one exactly you guys are really banking
on him being Ranger Rick out there on
the golf
course banking on going to our other our
our predictions first and foremost solid
who you got for Lam uh I’m gonna ride I
got Jasper stubs uh play with him uh in
an upcoming tus sauce episode uh in down
in Australia I saw him win the Asia
Pacific game and at a really really
really difficult role Melbourne Golf
Course also in Alistar McKenzie uh golf
course that requires all kinds of
different shots uh somewhat similar to
austa very different golf course but
somewhat similar in that fashion so I’m
gonna ride with my guy Jasper big are
you g are you going to choose the big
man I know who big look at those big
boys some big this has to be the tallest
collection of AMS in the history of the
Masters uh I’m I’m gonna go with
Stu obviously knows the course uh I
don’t think it’s gon to be like you know
nervous or or whatnot so give me
hagestad wow not not choosing his guy
LPR no the big the big South Africa
probably sleeping shitty all week up in
The Crows Nest too windy too windy up
there for guys be windy exactly honestly
he’s not gonna get good sleep tonight up
in The Crows Nest either know it’s he
stay there all week I don’t know I think
they those guys stay one night and they
get out of there
yeah uh guys a favorite who will
struggle or miss the
cut oh so I I actually feel good about
this I let me just say I don’t consider
Xander like a true favorite I I
absolutely do not think he’s going to
win but when you drill down into his
record obviously he’s had very good
finishes at Augusta however however
however he seems to be an odd year
player at Augusta uh he’s got in in the
three odd years he’s played he’s he’s
got a combined average finish of fifth
and then in the three even years he’s
played he’s missed a cut he’s finished
like tied for 50th and tied for 17th so
being 2024 I think we can we can safely
cross off
Xander I don’t know if this one you know
you he’s uh plus, 1400 to win and in my
pick is is much higher odds than that so
I’ll throw two in almost in the you know
you got to take two guys if you’re going
to pick who won’t win I’m gonna take
these two Bryson and Victor are both
plus both plus 3500 and I expect both to
struggle this week does that pass the
test a favorite expecting to struggle it
does it does and and you pick two you
know everybody else would have gotten on
me for picking too
but uh yeah like picking hin almost
feels like cheating a little bit
um but he hasn’t been that bad I think
we’re kind of slagging him off maybe a
bit too hard he hasn’t been that bad but
just how he’s talking about his game
doesn’t leave you feeling good yeah uh
I’m gonna
go I’m gonna go Matt Fitzpatrick and
I’ve no idea why I just don’t feel like
maybe it was just watching him during
players he just swings so hard at the
ball and it makes me
uncomfortable like to the point where it
just I don’t know it just doesn’t feel
and uh so yeah uh all right picks to win
this is
it um I can’t I can’t shake it it’s it’s
obvious it’s not why you would tune into
this show but I I I truly if you ask me
who I think is gonna win I think
Scotty’s gonna win I think he is going
to do it um I think the conditions will
will favor him if it’s really difficult
and windy so part of it was if you pick
Scotty you got to pick who’s gonna
finish second zot Taurus be my guy um
I’m screaming that one from the rooftops
of just don’t forget who this guy is
major championships uh and he would be
who I would look to down the down the I
I I don’t know necessarily like at plus
400 I don’t know if I’m I’m and know
risking anything on Scotty but I
definitely would for where zorus is in
the plus 400 uh plus 4,000 range
something down there so Randy
Randy guys I got I I kind of picked him
after Riv I I got Hideki can’t shake
keki he’s he’s since that win in Los
Angeles however many weeks ago he’s
continuing to play good golf he’s
obviously won here before he’s healthy
and he’s played all right the last
couple years even when you know he he’s
told us that he wasn’t at his best
health so I I really do like keki that’s
my pick to
win TC many different ways we could go
with this I am gonna go I’m gonna
believe in something guys I’m gonna
believe in something all right not who
you think I believe in though okay sah
okay sah I think sah is gonna gonna show
out this week I’m I’m I’m hoping I’m
praying I’m thinking that there’s some
sort of spe like effect with him at
Augusta where it brings out the best in
him and it makes him just turn into this
generational Talent when he comes on and
it suits his game and I think you know s
you mentioned the short putting or uh
you know I just think of sahith I think
of shots off uneven lies and iron play
and shaping and all that stuff it brings
out everything that I feel like he’s
really good at so uh if he doesn’t win I
expect him to be up there in the mix so
I love that Cody who you got no no Tommy
with the local caddy all that Mojo I
mean love it’s it’s I’ve abandoned my
child it’s hard to keep up with you know
it’s it’s going to be Scotty sheffler
but I understand you can’t just say that
I truly feel and I know I I walked
myself into this earlier I I just have
this feeling for Rory and I know it’s
uh I know I shouldn’t do this to myself
I know others very very strong brave
people have done this uh in the past and
have suffered equal wounds but I I’m I
have a feeling for Rory I think he’s
finally putting the pieces together I
think it all makes sense we saw great
form yesterday and or last weekend and
honestly if OE wasn’t hurt I would go
with OE because like
futurewise this is sets up perfect he’s
a lefty he can control his ball fight he
hits a crap out of it can puttting out
with that really weird broomstick thing
um but I don’t know it this is Rory’s
year I I have a feeling uh I’m excited
to to fire up the grill uh you know my
guy my partner in crime uh has been
missing he’s been on leave for a couple
weeks so I’m excited to get Neil up
there and and be you know put on some
aprons and and see who the big dad is
but I don’t know that’s where I’m at the
Big Daddy I I loved where you’re going
with that with Rory until you threw in
the oxe part now I’m like okay what’s
what’s what’s he searching for here I
don’t know about I don’t know about oay
around this place but Hey listen let me
know let me know if you want me to bring
sides or anything like that of course D
if you want to bring whatever whatever
you want to bring we I’ll bring a I’ll
bring a fiesta pack too obious always if
you need to read reach a numbers quote
TC’s willing to come by the block party
so why you play us out TC it’s Master
it’s Master’s time baby it’s Master’s
time thanks for everybody uh tuning in
uh oh our guy radar Atlas is in the
comments too appreciate all you do as
well for for everybody uh let’s have a
great week thanks to High Noon thanks to
roback thanks to FanDuel thanks to Sarge
thanks everybody watching Let’s Do It
crack on Cheers


  1. In that pic, Jack looks like he is collapsing in upon himself. His body can no long carry that massive, stupid ego.

  2. can y’all get on Threads? i think they are getting an API situation soon, folks just don’t want to be on twitter (x) …it is just such a dang mess over there. keep up the great work boys!

  3. Is it me or is the marketing and supposed importance of all kinds of events, not just golf or The Masters, now more important than the event / events? Maybe it’s a reaction to the challenges the planet currently faces or maybe it’s the ubiquity of media but I think I prefer a more low key, realistic approach.

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