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Our New Athletics Director Started His First Official Day On Our Season Finale | Wake Up the Echoes

Season One Finale (feat. Pete Bevacqua, James Roe Jr., & Micah Shrewsberry)

It’s been a wild first season of Wake Up the Echoes, Fighting Irish Fans! We can’t believe we’re at the season finale, either. Thank you for sticking around as we welcomed new faces, honored legendary ones, discussed big ideas, reminisced on coldest moments, and answered your burning questions. Here’s to putting a bookmark right at the end of this episode for next year, just we know where we left off. We’ll see you next season!

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  1. Pete, send Marcus Freeman to public speech class. Cringe during his press conferences. I can never watch

  2. Interesting and wonderful to learn about our new athletic director, and to hear what lies in store for men's basketball

  3. Pete, some free advice – GO ALL IN TO WIN A FOOTBALL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! (sort of joking, but not really)

  4. Broadcasting exclusively on peacock is a wrong move. Why exclude potential audience members simply in effort to sell subscriptions? Inclusivity and growing fandom is more valuable than subscription numbers. Increase access instead of decreasing. Fighting Irish media is a success because nearly everyone can access YouTube.

  5. Absolutely loved listening to our new A.D. His love and feel for ND is outstanding. His priorities are all ND! Wish this real ND person all the best!

  6. Having a game on Peacock where I can't watch it just so you can squeeze every penny for us fans is repulsive. Thanks for making it impossible for me. You disgust me. I am an ND fan but not a fan of Pete Bevacqua. STOP the Peacock crap.

  7. So, it was Pete's idea to push this Peacock idea on Notre Dame. Not a good start for me, as a lifelong Notre Dame fan. I want to watch the games on NBC, not have to pay for Peacock to watch Notre Dame. Also, I know that majority of the fans feel in a similar way. As a Catholic/ Christian school you should know that the Bible states, For the Love of money is the root of all evil. It is not money itself, but the greed and love for money and putting money before godly principals and doing the right thing. It can change a persons heart. That is the biggest problem with the world today. All the greed is ruining everything from sports, politics, business and government to everyday life and living. Like the Bible says, the last days shall be perilous times, for people shall be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, proud, brutal, boastful, conceited, high minded, unholy, ungrateful, trucebreakers, disobedient to parents, despisers of the truth, despisers of the good, haughty, unloving, unforgiving, blasphemers, not having natural affection for one another, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God etc…I just hope that Pete makes the right decisions based on the Word of God and godly principals moving forward! I hope Pete does the right thing for Notre Dame and all it's fans, football, athletics and students etc… moving forward! I wish Pete the best and hope for the best moving forward, but he cannot let the Love of money, greed or selfish ambitions dictate things. Stay strong Pete and put God and his Word first! Trust in God and lean not on your own understanding, as written. Go Irish! God Bless!!

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