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Woman In Coma Has Near-Death Spiritual Awakening & Realizes WHY WE ARE HERE | Anita Moorjani

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In 2006, after a long battle with cancer, Anita Moorjani went into a coma, her doctor told her family that she had only a few hours left to live. During the 30 hours she spent in the coma, she had a profound near-death-experience where she was told the purpose of her life. In this episode, André sits down with her for an in depth explanation of what went on and the insights she gained from the experience.
They discuss the root of all disease (and how we can heal ourselves with this knowledge), Anita’s perception of God and our true essence, reincarnation and much more. Anita provides practical tools and knowledge to help you live your most authentic life today and experience a more vibrant way of being.

André’s Book Recommendations:

0:00 Intro
1:26 Life Before Cancer
4:37 Facing Her Cancer Diagnosis
16:56 How Inauthenticity Leads to Illness
23:42 Is It Your Fault? Taking Responsibility for Disease
26:46 Facing Death & Going Into a Coma
30:03 Leaving Her Body & Awakening in the After-Life
36:55 What the ‘Other Side’ Is Like
42:57 The Moment My Purpose Was Revealed & Choosing to Come Back
48:54 Waking Up & Fully Recovering From Cancer
52:15 Sharing Her Experience with Others Afterwards
57:01 Reality of God & Our True Essence
1:00:35 What Happened After: Entering a New Way of Being
1:05:51 Actualizing Her Purpose Afterwards (Wayne Dyer, Book Deal, and Speaking)
1:12:42 Most Important Lessons I Learned in Death
1:17:50 How to ‘Die’ Before You Die
1:27:21 Truth About Time, Past Lives & Reincarnation
1:31:42 Secret to Overcoming Chronic Illnesses
1:34:25 Who You Are at Your True Essence
1:38:33 Making Choices from Love, Not Fear
1:41:17 Conclusion

Anita Moorjani was born in Singapore of Indian parents, moved to Hong Kong at the age of two, and lived in Hong Kong until she moved to the United States in 2015. Anita worked in the corporate world for many years before being diagnosed with cancer in April 2002.
Her fascinating and moving near-death experience (NDE) in early 2006 tremendously changed her perspective on life, and her work is now ingrained with the depths and insights she gained while in the other realm. She, and her miraculous story, were discovered by Dr Wayne Dyer who fostered her entrance into the world of public speaking, and urged her to write a book about her experience. And following his lead, Anita wrote her first book, Dying to be Me, and it reached the New York Times Best Seller list. Since then her two other books “What if this is Heaven” and “Sensitive is the New Strong” have reached significant acclaim. As a result of her NDE, Anita is often invited to speak at conferences and events around the globe to share her insights. From her Social Media channels to her live workshops, Anita demonstrates that she is the embodiment of the truth that we all have the inner power and wisdom to overcome even the most adverse situations.

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André Duqum


  1. This is unbelievable. Above all I wish to convey my respect to this lovely lady for sharing her experience with life in such an incredible manner and describing all the phases she went thru with such sinceret and clarity. Also I with to thank all who made this video available and reachable to many living in distant areas.. Chapeau bas.

  2. I’m listening but you don’t even talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus He is the way truth and life no one come to the Father in Heaven/ you talk about energy and spirit your are wrong you are missing the truth Jesus is truth/ yes we have the spirit and soul and when we died those who are in Christ the spirit and soul goes to heaven with the Father with a glorified body. Oh you mentioned you husband purpose to look for you if you died there’s no such thing / our purpose to live is to speak the truth about Jesus/ one die we will died and that’s a good thing when He call us no more dying no more pain no more sickness think about it our Father loves us so much we are here temporary this is not our home heaven is 🙏

  3. This lady is amazing. All my respect and my admiration , her English is so good and clear that you don't really need to know it to understand it well. Ive re posted this video several times to the people I love. Thank you Anita!

  4. Tx Andre, tx Anita for sharing. I believe you. I had almost same experience at age 14. It was indeed a beautiful journey being out of physical body and i think that shaped my life. Iam now 51. I joke with my children that their mum died before they were born and came back. I personally let go and choose to live. Many people dont understand me and ive come term with it. The spiritual is far stronger and dynamic that the physical. A few people believe that. And true love is so profound in the spiritual world.

  5. And then the anchor latches in to your culture repression, conveniently pushing your positive experiences under the carpet.

  6. @ 22.16 this might make sense with adults, what abt babies getting a tumor and not even being 1 yo when they d-word? how could a baby figure out anything? sorry but it makes no sense

  7. @ 22.54 again what fear could a baby have? they're babies, a canvas of a human being still. Even toddlers or lil kids getting ♋

  8. @ 25.08 what abt dementia? Alzheimer's or Parkinson's? how do you control those things? this makes no sense you guys..

  9. It's not that nobody "believes" in these "alternative" approaches from India. It's just that for some odd reason, there is NO evidence based data to support the claims as being anything more than antidotes.
    Why would we not have wide spread data if they were in fact clinically effective??

  10. I have watched her and listened to this near-death experience many times, but it never gets boring.
    She is a phenomenal woman.❤

  11. If this is true, I find it unfair to the ones who don’t get to live this experience, cause then you just have to rely on faith, which is something difficult for people that tend to be more rational. It’s like the apostoles who got to live with Jesus. It’s so much easier to have a strong faith if you have proof of things. Anyway… I hope it’s true all that she is saying, but my mind works in way that is always questioning whether that is the truth or not

  12. I can't relate this talk in support of Christian theology. Yes, love yourself is good too, but the Bible teaches to love God more than any other things even yourself. In Christian theology, I have to have self deny. Jesus wants us to #1 to love God and #2 love others as yourself. Her story is quite deviate from the Bible teaching. She said she is not a Christian and she doesn't want to hurt others who practice other religions as well. We Christian must be aware that demons can trick us to listen to spiritual realm that is not for Jesus. Only Jesus is the true savior and eternal love. Without Jesus, there is no true love. Even anyone claims "Love" it's not an authentic one. I pray that Anita Moorjani will come to know our Lord Jesus personally. Thanks and blessing!

  13. I was brought up like this woman. My mother was narcissistic and her and my father liked upon me as the daughter to be responsible look after everyone

  14. As a Christian all my life i shutter everytime i see someone reject any views other than theirs. They remind me of the JW cult living in a bubble rejecting everything other than their upbringing and tribal views.

  15. ❤Greetings from Singapore to all my global friends here reading my comment and testimony. I had a serious accident with injuries of my right eye and left index finger on 1 February this year when i was rushed to SGH A&E and then SNEC for immediate eye surgery.
    I am a Christian Faith Healer and all my life my world is so clear and full of beauty and when complete blindness hit my right eye, I truly sympathise and empathise with the visually handicappers.
    I know God is with me to fight the negative evil forces that had caused my accident attempting to stop me from setting up my Wellness Retreats in various countries to heal the sick.
    Now my right eye is almost 80% able to see and by July, any sufferer of chronic health conditions can fly with me to participate in the upcoming Philippines Wellness Retreats for healing and wellness-related activities, prayerships and fellowships, healthy meals demo and cooking classes, inbound relax tours and sightseeing such as natural hot springs, farm-stays etc.
    I know God made me a travel missionary in 2008 to establish and founded His church and healing ministry and the charity school free for poor children, has His Will and His Plans lined up for me.
    I will continue to serve Him and all of you and to heal the sick in Jesus Christ name. All GLORY ahd credit go to God. ✝️🙏😇💞

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