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Matt Jones Believes Kentucky Will End Up With Scott Drew To Replace Calipari I Zach Gelb Show

We’re joined by the esteemed host of Kentucky Sports Radio, Matt Jones. Get ready for an engaging segment as Jones shares his perspectives, predictions, and perhaps a few surprises from the heart of Kentucky sports. What did he make of John Calipari leaving Kentucky for Arkansas and who replaces Coach Cal in Lexington?



  1. Matt Jones and ksr are corporate shills for UK. They are pushing Drew propoganda. Not being real journalists. Not asking real questions like ttey used to. Sellouts

  2. Cal's first 10 years weren't great. The first 6 were what we respect him for. It was a consistent slide towards disappointment after that. Also, Matt Jones knows about as much as everyone else. Pure speculation.

  3. 😮THANK GOODNESS coach good bye 👋 having him find another JOB in order to save the $33million dollar buy out BUT still now the AD needs to be let go next he was the one that put us in this situation.

    We need to be more worried about how many of these players are now leaving UK instead of WHO the next bad coach is going to step into our bad basketball program.😮

  4. Pitino is the only logical choice. He has the disposition and the experience to handle everything that comes with the Kentucky job. These younger guys being talked about are afraid to take on such a tremendous responsibility, so they're not likely and shouldn't even be considered. Give Pitino a three year deal along with his son. If he rights the ship, then son takes over and we're good for the next 10 to 12 years. It really is that stupid.

  5. Matt Jones rag Cal and downplay it now lol, It has been longer than any last 4 years it has been around 8 years since UK was at the top other than recruiting! And no mention of how Cal took UK to historic lows and moments! As well the disrespect that players other than those Cal pushes recieves for instance the final 4s and Championship DO NOT happen without upper classmen ie Harrelson, Liggins, Darius Miller, etc those first few years Cal was successful and now do those players get credit fryom Cal for that or enen much of the fanbase! He even pushed Derek Wilis out of his own tv interview after carrer game in which he brought UK on top for Cal to push a Freshman in front of hus own interview and these are many things im glad to see a coaching job

  6. I might be wrong in the long run but Drew doesn't move the needle for me. Mitch gave Cal that damn contract so he needs to swing for the fences to get the fans back on his side. If this goes to Drew without making Donovan say no BBN should lose it.

  7. I don’t understand why Scott Drew is being shoved down our throat… Yeah, he won championship at Baylor. It took him like 15 years… Bruce Pearl can rebuild a team in two… Not to mention he’s got a way better winning percentage… Why we want Scott Drew when there’s clearly better candidates… Barnhart needs to read the room. Most fans are saying we don’t want Scott drew

  8. Matt jones tweeted that he would “take all bets” and when I took him up on it, he blocked me. What a PUSS!
    During Covid, Matty called authorities on businesses that were thriving because people don’t like the food in his restaurant.

  9. Please let Matt be wrong and/or me be wrong but he is NOT the right choice for this program! He’s just the easiest get for a failing AD.

  10. I’m from Lex and I say cal-i-pair-i lol

    Also, I’ll give Drew a chance. Not saying I’d be going all in, but I’ll give him two seasons before I really decide. This season will not be reflective of any coach since we’re starting behind and Cal is taking players and recruits with him. We’ll see what happens.

  11. Billy D and Hurley are not taking the Kentucky job. I wouldn’t even bother. If I were Barnhart I would contact Scott Drew, he seems like a better fit and he’s already won a championship not that long ago.

  12. I really loced Cal and still do but im glad he is leaving. Good luck to him BUT

    We need a coach that can at least .ake it out of the first weekend of the NCAA

  13. Jones lost credibility the second he said that Scott Drew only makes $3.5m at Baylor. You're looking at old tax data if you think thats what he currently makes. Rumor is he is at $6-7m/yr now.

  14. At 10:44 – my wife wanted a stroller for our 12-year old rescue Beagle, Sir Walter Fernando III. I therefore bought it because – happy wife, happy life. I refuse to use it, but she does when he's not feeling well. I completely understand why he has it and why he uses it because I'm in a glass house and know to not throw stones.

  15. Quit re-enforcing Drew…..nobody wants him, it's a bad choice, and the poll on Youtube showed him at the bottom as well. C'mon man, help UK out. If Kentucky can't get a big name that they desire, they should hire a YOUNG and UPCOMING coach. Sheesh look at Duke with their young coach, it can be done.

  16. Scott Drew is not a home run like Donovan, Oates, or even Hurley (whom I don't like). Mitch is the one failing UK.

  17. Kentucky guy here. I think he’s a good hire if it happens. Here’s why…..
    Here is the problems we have with Cal
    #1 not a good X&O coach. He’s stubborn and won’t change his game plan. Many crucial games have been lost because he got out coached. Scott Drew is a good in game coach and gets more out of less talent than Cal.

    #2 Cal had NO relationship with the university. Him and Mitch didn’t like one another at all. And that did affect us more than most realizes. Mitch and Scott already has a good relationship

    #3 Cals attitude towards the fans. At first he talked a good game. But the used car salesman that he is came out. He was so distant from the local media and fan base that I’m not sure he knew just how unwelcome he was becoming. I could be wrong but I feel Scott would appreciate the passion of the fans that comes along with the job.

    #4 We are basically a G League. I mean Cal had a first round pick sitting on the bench a while back and never played him once!!! He basically practiced a year for the NBA. Almost ANY other coach in America would be opposite of what Cal does.

  18. Why are we considering coaches like drew and pearl and so on who are also losing in the first and second round of the tournament? lol

  19. @247chrishoops
    "Scott Drew has began to notify staff and players that he is taking the Kentucky job (Per sources in Waco).
    Scott Drew will be named the new Head Coach at Kentucky within the next 24 hours."

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