FREE THE TEE on FOX NEWS April 5, 2024

Dave Fink joins Fox News to discuss the new changes that have been made to stop brokers and what needs to happen next. A lot to unravel. Thank you Fox and thank you Marla !!!!

#freethetee #golf #publicgolf #losangeles #davefink #foxnews #california #explore #fyp


  1. The deposit is a weak idea and doesn't stop brokers at all. Instead of free the tee you just made it pay for the tee.

  2. Great progress Dave! I was one of the golfers that used the brokers because that was the only way to get a tee time. It should be easier now to make a booking without extra markup fees! Keep up the good work!! 👍

  3. I wonder how many times these brokers actually get. Never seen a number. I am glad they are being stopped but this booking fee I dislike. In my foursome we book times and pick the best one. Then cancel the rest. We don't sell them. Now we can be charged for times we don't really need or want. If we rely on just one of us, we might not get a time at all. I don't think this solution is benefitting us.

  4. Keep the pressure on! LA City Golf still hasn't shed any light as to how this was happening in the first place. Who has access to jump in front of the line? How many of those people actually work for City Parks/Golf? They have the data, who was taking advantage? Do they still have access? If city employees, have they faced reprimand?

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