Golf Babe

WATCH: American tourist killed after aggressive bull elephant attacks vehicle in Zambia

Elephant attack during safari kills 80-year-old woman American tourist at Kafue National Park in Zambia


  1. Put yourself in place of the Elephant…!!! Do you want a bunch of people following you and watching you to take a leak???

  2. Zambia allows trophy hunting of elephants. Maybe he had been shot at in the past or seen his friends slaughtered. They dont forget who did it.

  3. They are wild animals that get harassed, hunted, and abused by humans non stop. Of course they can become aggressive towards people 10 feet away. 😊

  4. Male elephants in musk, yea… Male elephants become very aggressive during mating season. They will kill anything that gets in their way of mating, even other females and babies. The guides know better but yet it doesn’t stop the tour groups putting people in danger, as long as they make money. As for those rinky dink tour cars, maybe they should use the taller, heavier vehicles like they use to see polar bears. I don’t think open windows and no seat belts is the way to go when looking for wild animals.

  5. Couldn’t get that vehicle out in time?!?! Tranquilizer dat bih or have a paint ball/BB gun 🤔1:13

  6. I do not get why the driver did not honk the trucks horn non stop (or maybe there was not one????) and there is no way that elephant has not attacked a truck before-it just knew to use the tusks to lift it and toss it aside!!!!

  7. They don't come to cites bothering us so we shouldn't go to the wild bothering them unless it's needed, go to a zoo if you want to see them close up😮

  8. ❓According to the guide driving the vehicle, he “ couldn’t get out in time”. How did he expect to get out in time when he purposely STOPPED THE VEHICLE❓❓❓ Yelling “hey, hey, hey” to a WILD elephant 🐘that doesn’t know commands nor does he understand English obviously didn’t help! 🤦🏼‍♀️

  9. I've been on Safari and whale watching. They have actual laws preventing boats from getting to close to the whales, and even preventing boats from watching the whales for too long. They need to do the same with these Safari's. It was inevitable that someone was going to get hurt.

  10. They misgendered the elephant! She didnt identify as a bull how dare you call her a bull! Smmh its ma'am not bull!

  11. I blame the stupid Driver for the death of this lady, Why did he not drive them away from the danger that i could see was apparent.. he actually stopped the vehicle, There were moments when there were pauses, that gave the driver the opportunity to drive away from the situation, but he did not… I supposed that he wanted to give the tourists an adrenaline thrill by daring the Elephant. Shouting shoo! shoo! at a 3 tonne Elephant will really scare it away???. I have seen how lax and careless a lot of these guides behave, it does not give me any confidence to go or take my treasured family on any safari anywhere.. Very often these guides are just local idiots who cannot get gainful employment else where, hence they become Safari guides. I was in Sir Lanka when our bus driver deliberately slowed the bus down to allow a wild elephant to approach the vehicle for food. the animal started to rock the bus whilst the idiot drives laughed and grinned… the passengers and myself went ballistic on him, calling him every unholy name under the sun. Just search social media platform and you will see precisely what i have commented on.. They all do it..

  12. Leave elephants alone !!🙏🏾 I hope those elephants are okay after this and being treated well🙏🏾

  13. It attacked after invaders invaded its space, bothering it with engine sounds and camera flashes. I'm surprised the media didn't label the animal a terr0r!st.

  14. First, humans are invading their home & second, poaching runs rabid-its the humans who are at fault. Period.
    Secondly, this is “charging” ?? When reading articles about this, I assumed the “violently aggressive beast” (as described in one article) went at the vehicle at full force. Looks like a game of slow speed chase & then he tips the car upside down like he’s looking for a snack under it.
    Regardless, condolences to the family.

  15. I am told the elephant actually ate the woman’s head and upper body. This is very unusual behavior for elephants. I have heard of them eating some animals like gazelles or small Cape buffalo during droughts but I have only heard of an elephant eating a human only two times before this. I hope the authorities can sort this out before another elephant attacks someone

  16. Maybe they should invest in better vehicles that can move quicker than what we’re seeing here 😂

  17. This bull is old probably has seen and dealt himself with abuse .., stop hurting elephants, how F'ing simple is that?

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