Golf Players

How Sprint & CNS Training Improves All Athletes

How Sprint & CNS Training Improves All Athletes. Making Speed a Priority: “Essential Speed” (Part Five). This is from a TFC 2023 presentation. More segments will be posting soon. Sprinting must be the priority!

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Amazon affiliate links to recommended books:
– Twin Thieves:
– Essentialism:
– The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck:
– Atomic Habits:
– The Practice of Groundedness:

Feed the Cats is a revolutionary way of training, coaching, and teaching that values specificity, essentialism, performance, and love. After gaining a world-wide following in Track & Field, FTC has now gained a foothold in American football, along with other sports.

Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you on the next one!


  1. Speaking of CNS, I read today that cannabis inhibits the CNS, that throws (this was from a throws coach) were down 2-3%, ever run into anything like that, coach?

  2. Just started sprinting and after two weeks (two sessions) I can already feel the difference. Distance track workout yesterday felt excellent and was fast.

  3. I know you have done a lot with Les Spellman the past couple of years. On his YouTube channel, he put a video out a couple of years ago recimmending a workout that consisted of 20 hill sprints! That type of volume is the complete opposite of what you teach. Have you asked Les about this? Has he modified some of his philosophies in the past year or two?

  4. 15:00 watching Deion and Colorado last year and all they did was conditioning! They said they’re gonna do the same thing this year I can’t imagine they don’t have the same record as last year when they’re just doing the same exact stuff that got them 4 wins in the first place..

  5. i didn't think it'd be this easy but it really is. i've been CNS training just small amounts weekly and i feel so much more responsive in various sports, tennis, soccer, gymnastics, skiing, whatever. it literally just feels like balls and other players move more slowly. i still lose to superior technicians though, obviously. but man i can see why coaches favor the fast guys now, even if they lack technique

  6. How could an endurance athlete (marathon or triathlon) incorporate sprint training? How often and at what time/distance durations?

  7. Hey Coach, great video. In terms of balancing sprint training with practice and trying to stay fresh. If a guy wakes up fresh on a practice day, would it be worth it to do sprint training before practice (with a few hours in between)? This scheduling would make it easier to ensure you are fully recovered for a sprint day, but would having practice after negatively affect the sprint gians?

  8. Question. In wrestling practice, should I do drills at max speed to mimics max sprints? We are required to do alot of miles during our off time from practice and to be honest, I don’t feel like my conditioning has become better. This video makes sense but I want to apply it to wrestling.

  9. Tremendously inspiring.. I know I risk embarrassing myself, but I can confidently state that training the CNS works at any age. I'll be 82 in four days and my brain and body have been utterly transformed by doing simple FTC exercises daily. All I do is vigorous marching in place (from the Atomic Workout) and running in place for 25-30 reps as fast as possible while deliberately energizing thighs, calves, ankles, and feet and keeping ankles rigid as the best sprinters do. Every 3-5 days I'll do an all-out couple of 40y in the parking lot (carport roofs are exactly 20y per Google Maps). My legs no longer have any sign of old-guy achyness or frailty, and I can now remember better and can understand videos more accurately and intuitively in German, French, and Italian (language geek). FTC is transformative, and I'm its most enthusiastic fan.

  10. Looks like shots fired…did you see the video of Top Flight Sports Performance Channel. Guy did a video on "maximal speed for middle and long distance runners" and the first minute or two he calls you out…he doesn't like you for some reason. I listened to his lecture ; just curious to see any difference in teaching and I see hardly any difference from what you recommend. lols!

  11. Was running 2:14 800 based on volume training last year (to test the theory). After doing some distance work in the fall and now exclusively focused on speed, i ran 2:09 and 2:12(as a tempo)!

  12. There is proof that processing faster makes your brain process faster; more importantly it follows established rules/laws. A great analogy/thought experiment: watch a POV video at slow, medium, fast speeds and then back to slow….did it make a difference in processing?

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