The Secret To Fred Couples Golf Swing

Fred Couples has the smoothest looking golf swing, yet hits the ball 300+ yards. Video includes Fred’s driving tips. How does Fred generate so much speed in his golf swing while not losing accuracy. Well Fred is about to tell you. Fred goes through his golf swing in detail in this video including the takeaway, how the hips move, how the shoulders move and when he releases the club for maximum distance off the tee. Fred is one of my favorites of all time. Enjoy.

00:00 Introduction
00:16 Swing Tips
01:25 Driver Tips


  1. 1:11 he is clearly lifting the club here, no way getting the club that deep and that high without lifting the club. what an amazing swing. it really pisses me off, lol

  2. Yes pros swing in balance and speed and power through a channel where a ball just happens to be. They disconnect their thoughts and the process away from the actual ball which is not the target and never will be the target. They focus on a smooth repeating swing which will never occur if you're just trying to strike a ball that's just lying there which is quite easy to do…poorly. So it's a mindset thing. Gotta go to an open field and start swinging with your eyes closed and tee up a 6 iron and start to swing disconnecting your thoughts and intentions from the ball to just swinging. If totally blocking your eyesight throws you off balance too much then just look at the ground but not at or near the ball. Then swing at a slow pace and strike some balls while just focusing on making a smooth pass and you'll be surprised. The timing of the entire swing makes more sense because the actual release comes much later than you're used to. You'll're swinging the entire club mechanism from grip to head evenly and not levering the head at the ball. Golf swing not golf hit. Pros look graceful and in rythym because you have to be to swing the club properly and consistently.

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