How to literally pick up 10+ mph swing speed right now


Forget everything you have heard about the golf swing for a moment and just go through this mental exercise with me.

If I handed you a golf club for the first time and said swing this as fast as you possibly can, what would you do?

No swing mechanics, no thoughts, no concern for hitting a ball or directional control, just swing as fast as humanly possible.

If you have a club close by, give it a try…

Would you lock your wrists in place and turn your body as fast as you can?

Or would you sling the clubhead through with your wrists releasing as fast as possible?

The book “The Search for the Perfect Swing”, which was published in the 1960’s if I remember correctly demonstrated that roughly 2/3’s of your clubhead speed comes from the release of the wrists.

So, what I’m sharing with you guys has been well known for a long time.

If you want to hit it further today, you have to understand how to use your wrists correctly as I’m sure you know.

The trick is, there’s not just one way to do it.

But, as we continue our exploration of the GOATs, it’s clear to see they did it in a very similar way.

If you want to feel the speed of the GOATs, give this a try:

1. With a club, set your trail wrist fully (I’m going to cover how to do this exactly in my next video, for now, don’t overthink it, just get it fully loaded so that you feel like you have something to release).

2. Go to the top of your backswing and stop.

3. Simultaneously shift quickly to your lead foot to create a little stretch of the lead side of your body and throw the clubhead back toward the ball with the fully set trail wrist. Technically, the shift happens slightly before the throw as the GOAT Bot has correctly answered, but since we’re doing this a little static, the timing is a bit more tricky.

4. Here’s the TRICK – when releasing the trail wrist, it should be more of an ulnar deviation move. Where golfers lose a ton of speed is they start to push with the trail arm and shoulder and this causes the trail arm to internally rotate, destroying the entire throw of just the wrist. That’s what you need to feel is just the wrist releasing from this fully set position at the top.

The ulnar deviation feel from the top allows your trail arm to get into GDP which helps avoid the flip and chicken wing.


  1. I had this thought as well, but it just feels like the club face would be wide open like skipping a stone.

  2. Chuck, great stuff. I tried the GOAT bot and was amazed at the reply and exactly what I needed … how the lead elbow works. This explanation of ulnar deviation helps so much as well. Thanks. David

  3. Chuck, I’m a little confused. In recent Goat videos you talk about how little wrist cock the Goats use. In the video above you are advocating big time wrist set and than release the club using radial deviation to start the downswing. Thanks, David

  4. These kinds of super simplified videos in a more concentrated camera angle are huge for me as a visual learner

  5. Hey Chuck – thanks for the video. To make sure I am not misunderstanding, is this wrist action providing the same feeling as the hammer drill or is it slightly different?

  6. Would love to see a shorty club in your hands to show it square with the correct grip mentioned as a response to other comments.

  7. Damn boy! You have finally done what has never been done before! You have visually demonstrated "the release"!!! Before today, it's always been a mystery. No one could explain it. And no one could show what it is…. until you did this video. Thank you! This is ground breaking people! Take note!

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