At 17 years old, Lexi Booras has some of the fastest speeds with driver we’ve seen at that age


  1. Anyone can hit a golf ball like that behind close doors. Outside is a whole lot different because reality becomes reality.

  2. Dang I don't even play golf that's fast , faster than some men out there way to go young lady keep working hard you got a future in golf I was blown away at that speed

  3. If she can sustain a whip like that for the next 25-30 yrs without injury she could be a force! but that swing is designed for injury one day, I know I pulled a muscle watching that swing, on a good day I could hit 300 but one good drive outta 18 stinks, will have to see if she impacts the LPGA, we watch a ton of golf in our household, hopefully she can avoid injury

  4. Keep in mind, that's not a one-off. That swing is repeatable all….day…. long. Perfect form, not a single millisecond of wasted motion. The power she generates for her size is ri-DONK-u-lous.

  5. Dont go 120% for any of these mother fuckers girl!! You show up with 85% and smoke the competition while keeping a back that works for you all throughout life ❤

  6. Dam, that swing speed through the mid section, back will be f… in a few years' time, but it sure looked impressive

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