Golf Players

슈팅매치 누구보다 잘 하는법😎 AIRSIX 슈팅 레인지

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▼현명한 소비에 도움을 드리기 위해 여러분의 시간과 돈을 대신 소비해드리는 에어소프트의 모든것, AIRSIX TV입니다.

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▼광고 및 협찬 문의

00:00 INTRO
00:14 IPSC 소개
00:34 점수
02:37 세이프티 룰
04:34 디비전
07:44 맺음말

▼ English subtitles, Deutsche Untertitel, Subtítulos en español, 日本語字幕, 中文字幕, คำบรรยายภาษาไทย


Hello, this is Sanghyun Park from Air 6tv. The Wednesday, Thursday and Friday shooting matches on Air 6 are conducted according to the rules of the International Practical Shooting Federation, also known as IPSC. Today, I would like to explain this.

If you are new to the Wednesday Beginner Class, please watch this video for help. I think it will be ipsc n International Practical Shooting Confederation a. It is the oldest shooting organization. There are more than 100 affiliated countries and more than 200,000 people are active in this organization.

Jeff Cooper, who is called the founder of modern pistol shooting, is an IPSC. He served as the first president. The competition that Min-kyung Kim participated in was also the IPSC World Shooting Competition. IPSC mainly uses an octagonal target

, and the maximum score that can be obtained from the Alpha Charlie Delta Lounge target is usually 10, so take at least two shots. You have to shoot. If you fire two shots at Alpha, you get 10 points. If you hit Alpha Charlie

And shoot Alpha again, you score two high scores and get 10 points. But it will take more time. For example, there are three on a paper bat and all Alphas get 10 points. There is a total of 30 points that can be obtained by shooting the target score

Divided by the shooting time. If three paper targets took player A 3 seconds to go all alpha and player B took 2 seconds to go all Charlie, then player A’s hit is The factor is 10 points. Player B’s hip factor is 99 points, which is slower, but

Player A who shoots accurately wins. If there are a lot of targets, it will take some time to calculate, so there are apps made by smart people on the App Store or Play Store. You can search for Simple Scoring IPS City.

How to use it is to go into scoring, enter the seconds in the time, and enter the rest according to the score you shot, and it will be automatically calculated. Please note that for the hip

Factor to be high, it must be fast and accurate. Accuracy is high, but the time If it takes a long time or the time is fast but accuracy is low, it is difficult to get a high score. Wednesday is a beginner class where

We teach you the basic rules and shooting match methods, and on Thursday we have two show stages and two medium stages, and on Friday we have a beginner class. There are one short stage, two midi stages, and one stage. In each stage,

There are points that can be earned on the stage, and these are called stage points. Although the ranking is determined by a factor, the percentage obtained as a percentage is multiplied by the stage points to obtain the final stage point. You will obtain the final ranking by adding up

The stage points earned from all stages. Maintaining a consistently high ranking is more important than winning a specific stage . You may think it is a bit complicated to calculate, but the app will do it for you. So,

You just need to look at the results. For your information, live-fire competitions range from 12 to 30 stages. If you play multiple stages like this, you can see the sum of your pure shooting skills without accidentally winning or losing by chance.

Now you know the important safety rules. Let’s see. At the competition venue, you must keep the empty gun in the holster. In the media,

The person who fires the referee is called Ro, and if you put a magazine into the gun or pull the gun out of the holster without Aro’s instructions, you will be warned or ejected. In other places, pulling a gun out of the holster

Is prohibited in principle, and there are strict rules regarding trigger safety. There are only two situations in which your finger can be placed on the trigger: when aiming and when shooting. In all movements except for the two, the fingers must be removed from the lower jaw and

The fingers must be raised to a position where the fingers cannot be seen when viewed from the other side. There is also a 180-degree rule that is very difficult. The down range gallery shows the direction where the target is. The direction is called up range, and

You can think of it as a 180° line that follows the top of the shooter’s head at the range . Even when moving, the muzzle direction must point towards the down range, and if you violate this, you will be disqualified, known as disquy dq. Even if you win the stage

, if you are disqualified, you will still be in last place. In particular, if you are right-handed, you need to be careful because a lot of dq occurs when reloading if you move from right to left.

And of course, you should not pass any part of your body in front of the muzzle. You will mainly dq a lot when moving backwards. This happens, but in this case, you can usually move the muzzle back and move it like this. Now, let’s look at the divisions.

There are a total of six divisions in the ipsc n handgun. Action air is also classified in a similar way. This division is classified according to tuning items. You can think of it as a weight class in the sport, but only those in the same division compete.

First of all, in the open division, almost any tuning is possible. A thumb rest on which you can place your thumb, a frame mount that can be attached to the hub frame, a dot sight, a compensator, and a charging handle extension. Magazine Catch Trigger Hammer Thumb Safety

You can attach a large magazine for easier reloading and up to 28 rounds can be used in one magazine. In both real guns and action guns, the 2011 series guns are often used. Next is the Standard Division. The optic cannot be used and

Only the trigger hammer thumb safety holder with an extended mac catch on the thumb rest can be used, but this can only be used if it meets the standard box specifications. The magazine allows up to 18 rounds, and this division is missing from Shadow 4’s TS 2. I 2011 is used a lot.

For airsoft, the 2011 and Geunrok series are the most used. Now there is a production division. This division can hardly use external devices. At best, the trigger and hammer degree can be changed, and anyone can easily access it, but limited tuning. There is a division where the shooter’s ability is the most important.

Magazines allow up to 15 shots, and in the case of real gun competition, the production division is called Shadow By of CG 4. Recoil control is good, and according to the production division rules for real guns, the trigger pressure must be more than 2.27kg, but in Shadow. Since it is a double

Action, the initial trigger pressure is 2.27kg, which is according to the rules, but the trigger pressure from the next stage is significantly lowered, allowing 1.36kg to be used, so it is widely used. The Shadow of the airsoft gun is not yet reliable enough to be used in the media, so many people

Even in Hong Kong, an action air powerhouse, people say they don’t use shadows. According to the ipsc action air rules, the 2011 series cannot be used for production, but since you need to use a reliable gun to improve your skills, in Air 6, even

High capa is used for production. You can participate. Next is the Production Optics Division. As the name suggests, this division is a gun that can be used in production optics. This recently emerging division

Is attractive in that it allows the use of a variety of guns. Up to 15 rounds are allowed in one magazine. In principle, you cannot use High Kappa, but you can use it in Air 6. In addition, there is a classic revolver division, but

Not many people play it, so they sometimes hold matches as events . Next is the pcc division. pcc n pistol caliber You can think of the carbine as a rifle that uses pistol bullets. This division is also one of the emerging divisions.

In Air 6, the AR series that uses 5-sided 6mm magazines can also be used as a pcc. In addition, firearms such as Roni Kit can also be used. It is held about once a month, but we are considering opening it permanently in the near future.

It is allowed in the open division in the disappearance of the compensator, but since it does not really reduce the muzzle, etc. in airsoft, it is open for use in all divisions in Air 6.

If you participate in the Air 6 shooting match, you can see the entire record of the shooting match. You can check it. If you go to your account profile, you can check what percentage you did in which division and check the overall shooting accuracy.

As shooting matches are becoming established as a sport that can be played with airsoft guns, I hope more people will join in. This is Park Sang-hyun from Air 6tv.


  1. 자주 에어식스에서 매치를 뛰고 있습니다. 이거 정말 즐겁습니다! 많은 분들이 함께할 수 있으면 좋겠네요~

  2. 자주 가고싶지만 현생에 치여 비기너클래스 한번 듣고는 가질못하네요

  3. 정말 재미있는 스포츠입니다~ 즐기는 사람이 더욱 많아졌으면 좋겠네요!!

  4. 비기너 클래스 참가해보고 싶지만 경상남도 끝자락에 사는 뉴비는 광광 웁니다…

  5. 총기는 있는데 영점같은거는 잡아본적이 없는데 비기너클래스에서 할 수 있나요???

  6. 두달 전인가? 여친과 방문 한적 있습니다. 유툽보고 나름 기대 하고 에어식스 갓었는데, LCD타켓은 터치 불량에… 쇠(?)로된 타겟들은
    무게 중심 안 맞는지 자꾸 쓰러지거나 맞혀도 안넘어 가는 것들도 많고… 좀 실망했네요. 관리가 좀 안된다는 느낌? 물론 이런 행사같은거 준비하시는 것도 좋지만 그래도 멀리서 시간내고 비용지불한 사람들이 좀 더 재미있게 즐길 수 있는 공간 이었으면 합니다.
    뭐… 선택의 여지가 없어 다시 가야겠지만, 그땐 제대로 된 시설 사용했으면 합니다. 항상 응원합니다.

  7. 1. Shooter, LOAD and make ready.
    2. Are you ready?
    3. Stand by…
    4. If you're FINISHED, unload, show clear, hammer down, holster.

  8. 안녕하세요
    제가 이번에 사격장을 공사하게 되서 조언을 받고자 이렇게 글을 올립니다
    실내사격장, 타켓, GBB건까지 궁금한것이 많은데 제가 방문해서 상담할수 있는 곳이 있을까요?
    전 인천입니다

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