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The umpires are on notice – The Eddie and Jimmy Podcast | Footy on Nine

Eddie McGuire and Jimmy Bartel debate the current state of umpiring in the game and encourage the AFL to act. And Jimmy takes a strong stance on not giving the Eagles priority picks.

00:00 – Welcome
00:30 – Izak Rankine the singer
04:00 – High free kicks debate
09:20 – Ginnivan’s Collingwood exit
12:30 – West Coast have to muscle up
20:00 – Sack Simpson? Then what?
27:30 – Do-gooder drugs policy failing
33:50 – TV Rights money
39:50 – Tigers fans
41:25 – Dees off-field
43:15 – No boundary umpires
44:45 – Top 5 Cats
46:20 – ASK Eddie and Jimmy
51:55 – The Bartel Medal

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Hello everybody Welcome to Eddie and Jimmy I’m Eddie McGuire that is Jimmy Bartel superstar that he is handsome man good on you buddy you’re looking Sensational today oh thanks Ed you’re making me feel up and about but let’s get straight into it you’re over there in Adela gather around the spectacular

I’m not just doing the Dennis Pagan weighing down your back and telling you it’s raining I thought it was magnificent the footage show spectacular and of course you’re always the star of the show but I think everyone is in full agreement Isaac Ranken stole the show

Wasn’t he fantastic uh it was funny how it came about I saw something a couple of years ago that he did when he was up at the Gold Coast on Instagram I don’t know how I saw it uh my sons must have shown or someone in the office anyway

And we tucked it away and uh one of the guys remembered it and spoke to him and I think what made the the show even better for him was that he just said straight away yeah I’m in I love this as fantastic and uh so he’s ready to go

Then last week of course he got cold feet he realized he too far in and was made a can’t pull out now we built the show around you and he went and got his mates at Adelaide crows went to the coach got the whole uh Club in and

Played the first time ever in front of anybody of any sort of note and they all loved it and I just thought last night um you know a few of the adlay people think it could well be maybe a bit of a turning point in that all the crows

Players turned up last night they wanted to support him and then he got up and he he lent into it so I can tell you when we did the sound check earlier on in the afternoon he got up and he was a bit tentative and then the second time he

Had a bit of a go he leaned into it a bit more and then I thir and by the time he got up on stage and the crowd started applauding him at one at one part of it I don’t know if it came through on the television but you could you know the

Crowd were really engaged and he just lifted and it was just Sensational to see this young man who’s so confident on the footy ground you put himself in a position was completely different and uh yeah he was great right and it was a lot of fun we we deliberately did it last

Night um obviously gather around for families and it was on nice and early and uh yeah it was you know 30 bucks I think it was we wanted to get as many families who are over here who are traveling for the South Australians as well a lot of corporate stuff last year

They were very keen the South Australian government to make sure that the real footy fans got something and uh I was just talking to Andrew Dylan uh the AFL chief who’s uh in the Next Room actually in the hotel that I’m I’m sitting in in the uh the sort of executive suites at

The moment and uh you know they loved it and I think we it it probably shows a gain that there is still the genre for the old Footy Show with young players and young personalities coming through a lot more women on the show obviously last night compared to the the Footy

Show when we did it I love to get sand back there for another go around but uh but I think it’s a completely different show in a lot of ways went back to the innocence of what we tried back in 1994 where we banned coach ban administrators

And just had young players coming on people like Jimmy Bartel where they can make their start well well I tell you what though Ed uh he was incredibly well received here especially on all the Melbourne radio stations a lot of people ringing in saying that didn’t sound like

Someone who was just very good at karaoke they thought that was a legitimate artist performing last night well Delta goodham thought he was fantastic and you Delta was on the she was a judge on The Voice and knows her Caper by the way how good is Delta

Goodram just yeah amazing just we would just leave that to the side um but yeah he was great he had a really good voice and something to develop and you know I love that the young guys these days and the women in in football they’ve got so

Much talent and you back in the the old days to get a player to do something you know was was like pulling teeth so I hope we can get a few more kids coming on now and doing things they’re all on Tik Tok and doing all sorts of things on

Instagram so yeah fantastic hey let’s uh let’s get into it it’s I can tell you the economic impact over here Planes Trains and Automobiles it’s been unbelievable um got the AFL dinner tonight we’ll be Crossing to that on foty classified so I’ll see you on that Jimmy and we’ll interview uh uh Andrew

Dylan and a few of the others including the premier Peter melan ascus over here but we’ll get to the drugs in a few moments time let’s go back there’s one that’s a bit closer to home that I want to throw up to you and I I sometimes

Shake my head in cliche that happens in football and I’m talking he about Jack ginan and footballers somehow get into the commentary boxes and they decide to get all esoteric about oh yes but he he’s he’s lifting this and he should do this and all the rest of it uh I I go

Back to Lee Matthews who seems to be the only clear thinking person largely in football including yourself Jim I think you you’re on top of these things but to me it’s borderline cheating um and I’m not accusing anyone of cheating but the rules of cheating that is if there is a

Rule that is deliberately ignored that is cheating okay the afl’s Integrity has got to be on top of this now understand that former umpire Steve MCB is coming back now Steve MCB is one of the the the most um senior people and his level of Integrity is beyond reproach what he

Does for a living and as an Umpire so that’s a good step we’ve got to get all this knuckleheaded interpretation out of the game uh I want to go to you you’re the player surely in this era of concussion the onus is on the tackler

Not to hit somebody in the head if you go low and you’ve got the ball good on you if you get hit in the head and you get a free kick good on you if you’re the tackler and you see ginan and he’s not hard to tell he’s got a headband and

Long sleeves and you know baggy pants on um go low if you get him in the head it’s a free kick it should be that simple but the umpires are twisting themselves in the breeze and as a result of this it’s AB grossly unfair in my opinion yeah there there’s a few

Elements I just want to grab from it and it seems to be uh the elements that generates a lot of discussion and first and foremost a lot of people will argue well you’re contributing to the contact well a lot of players contribute to the way they go about their business in

Winning the footy or stopping someone winning the football so this is where I agree with Lee Matthews is you get him high you get him high but the thing that comes out of it I I know playing against certain players we were told in team meetings be prepared for this and it is

Maybe it’s a positional thing small forwards tend to do it because it is a graveyard site the small forward position so they find every single way to win a free kick find the loose ball because that that’s their job they’ve got to be crafty they got to find ways

To do it so when we’d come up against a really good small forward who had a tendency to do that we told if he goes near the ball you’re going to aim to tackle him around the waist I don’t know why you’re heading towards the shoulders

I think people see the ball and often the ball is held there I I think also what’s going on at the moment is because we are so zeroed in it’s like the old red car Theory Ed that if you you know talk it into existence you want to see a

Red card you’ll see a red car so if we zeroed in let’s pick a key forward Max King if we said max King doesn’t get holding free kicks all we’ll do is look and zoom in on camera angles and things and go there’s a free kick Max King is

Unired differently he’s not getting free kicks for holding the thing with ginan there was four free kicks out of the whole entire game one of them wasn’t there two of them you could probably make an argument the Umpire couldn’t see it so we’re talking about one free kick

And the world has blown up now I know overall and he gets him things like that but it’s just it’s so zeroed in and focused on this that everyone loses their mind if if we didn’t zero in just every time Gan went near the ball we

Wouldn’t be losing our mind over it yeah but what we got to do is actually just pay the free kick it’s it’s simple you don’t have to go in umpires don’t need to be trained they actually should be the opposite they should go in like the

Three blind mice if you like as far as having preconceived ideas on people you know this coaching look out for ginan and do this and do that no just go that’s why we brought four umpires in so that they could be dispassionate now I don’t think I’m going to have to have a

Good look at this guy I haven’t had to look for a little while but it seems to me that they’re they’re out of position again the whole idea was for them to be basically the play come to them but they’ve got this thing in their head for

Some reason the umpires that they want to be seen as super athletes and and no you should be able to almost umpire a game these days with four umpires standing in your suit on the on the corner of the ground okay and let the ball come to you then you take all the

Hysteria out of it and you’re in the right position I just just think that we haven’t got it right and it’s it’s you know everyone oh it’s going to cost somebody a grand final it does cost people games it costs Grand finals so you know I think the umpiring is

Something I’m going to give them this weekend I’m going to watch a lot of football and uh you know I’m going to put them on notice that next week we’re going to have a good look at the umpiring um and we’ll get Laura Kanan if we can get Steve mcburn in that’ll be

Great but you know I think a month in we should have a a recalibrate and maybe even a month in Laura Kane maybe should sit down and have a look at a few things including the things we’ve spoken about Hitting off the ball and those type of things um because there’s been some

Mistakes that are just going to gather in sides as we go um Jack ginan you’ve been around long enough when players get the the tiptoe at the end of a season or your end of season trip suddenly the managers ring through and say you might

Be up for the high jump here um what do you think I mean it’s a good story because he’s playing Collingwood this week um what’ you think of all that fun yeah I thought that too I didn’t yeah look the whole l no one yeah no one

Tried no one tried to you know sales pitch me to stay at at Collingwood maybe Collingwood didn’t have something there for him to really go in as a player as much as you want all your teammates to stay they understand the business better than most especially these days trade

Free agency players willingness to move it’s probably the most it is the most fluid market we’ve ever had in AFL history and you had locky shorts coming into play small forward you can’t tell me there hasn’t been teammates who sent him a message anyway but they’re probably thinking it’s not my business

To tell Jack ginan what to do as far as he’s Contracting he’s playing future goes well you know what it’s like when the word goes out we’re going to we’re bringing in shorts we’re going to let Guinea go okay and we love him and we’ll get around him in the meantime the Hawks

Have said get on the phone get him over here we want to get get him so they get on the phone I sent him a message I said I loved him but um yeah I mean I’m sad I was sad that Jack even left Collingwood because he was such a character and he

Continues to be but yeah as you said that’s that’s what it’s all about and he was quite happy to go over there at the same time and say he was a lifelong Hawthorne supporter and how it was his dream to play in the Hawthorne jumper

And good on him so go and play for him now and I hope we give it to him this week this week he should what am I talking about he should not get a free kick he should not get a free Kick this week oh well that’s I was going to ask

You you’re there the Adelaide oval it’s the last game of the round we’re coming down to the last 5 minutes they’re neck and neck the Hawks are putting up a fight Jack ginan gets the ball 20 M out it’s a little grall he might fumble a

Little bit picks it up leans in The Golden Child let’s make it even better The Golden Child Nick deos tackles him Gan puts the arm up traps his arm which he does really well and leans into it and the Umpire goes free kick Jack ginan yeah what does Ed

McGuire do then I call him for everything I give it to him like there’s no tomorrow you shoting bastard Gan I’ll be saying no I tell what should happen is that the golden child who knows how to play uh has seen him for the last few

Years firsthand and he should go in and whoever’s playing on him it would probably be somebody like uh I don’t know maybe it’s Isaac quer or somebody but what they need to do is be close to him because he’s a good front and square player and when he takes the ball with

One hand you grab his other arm and you pin him that way rather than going for his head rather than going for the wraparound tackle what you got to do in that situation to stop him from getting the handball out or getting the kick away and you do that by standing on his

Right hand side so that he can’t get it away and then You’ got him completely flamix but if you’re going to throw yourself in like a lunatic well you know buy beware it’s not that hard is it broadcasters beware broadcasters Beware with the the crowd shots look for Ed

Maguire when he gets the free Ki speaking of free kicks three games in and we’re talking about giving a free kick to West Coast eagles with uh with draft concessions uh your thoughts no no you know my thoughts on priority picks and we had this discussion last year regarding North

Melbourne before we ever get to that stage if you are putting your hand up and you’re putting a submission to the AFL and this is just my thoughts on it for a priority pick that means you have to swing the doors open for an independent person and on behalf of the

AFL to come in and completely review your football department and it’s actually an admission that you’ve made horrible decision after horrible decision to put yourself in this position from going from Premiership only only a few years ago finals only three years ago to being alltime deplorable now you’ve actually

Got I got to jump in here okay because the AFL um the further they stay away from football clubs the better it is for everybody okay you at the moment no but you’re asking you’re asking but who who’s going to come in from the AFL and

Do that I mean I I I let me put this to you I could cop it a little bit if you said they have to submit their plan for going forward you know and admit their defeats from in in recent times and say so here’s where we are these are the

Holes and if we get these draft concessions we will trade them out to get three 23y old midfielders or whatever is that we need to get in there no that’s the justify it I’m not saying we my point I’m point I’m making is you’re asking the AFL for concession so

Someone from the AFL has to tick off what’s going on but you but the where but where I’m getting to is priority picks is only after that you’ve presented all that and I think we’re in full agreement there presenting what actually is your strategy because we

Can’t see it at the moment but I’m only open to putting actually concession in your football Department because if you’re going to then say here’s draft picks or here’s allowances to bring people in you’re sending to a situation which is pretty poor anyway so you’ve actually got to surround them with maybe

An additional um allowance which is someone signing off the check that’s why it has to go past the AFL because you’re going to need additional strength and conditioning when you bring in uh that amount of young Talent you need additional development Player Development and maybe an additional

Coach to actually execute the plan I’m open to that discussion but by giving priority picks you’re actually not only um helping aister Club but you actually a hindrance on every other club because that pick knocks everybody else down the draft order as well so let me come back

There’s a point you make there West Coast are big enough and ugly enough to fight their own fights okay they’re in the finals in 2020 and they’ve had whatever reasons whether it was injury or they just ran out of steam or whatever the case may be po manag we

Broke the story last year of what their strategy was okay everyone ran around in circles but it still stands up and that was they were going to go and get the best conditioning people okay so they changed the person where they got the best time will tell that they were going

To U stay with Adam Simpson which they wobbled after they got 17 goals kicked the against them by freem metal but then they pulled themselves up so they should come out again here or Adam Simpson should should you know Adam’s got to give I think a little bit more body

Language and and get on top of this a little bit more he’s a bit looking a bit hand dog at the moment he’s the bloke they haven’t got anyone who can play the biggest issue for them is I think that the young guys that they’ve recruited in the last couple years aren’t really

Doing much um now they either need to get an injection of enthusiasm or coaching as you said now the West Coast has got more money than God they can hire whoever they want youve just got to pay the tax now this is this is exactly what this

Was brought in for so that the big clubs like West Coast and Collingwood and you know I suppose Richmond for when they’re playing well and things that they’re able to actually do that themselves the draft concessions comes in for North Melbourne who haven’t got anybody and you know they’ve got issues and they

Kind afford to pay coaches Etc so West Coast have actually got to muscle up here instead of just Oh Me Oh I and be the proud club that they are and fight their way out now when they’re winning West Coast they’re very good at telling

You how they they rule the W the waves this is their time and I just i’ would like to see their chairman now um and the coach and the new CEO and whoever else is running the show over there in Perth when they’re winning they’ve got plenty of people telling you that they

They were the brains behind the outfit come up and set their agenda for what they’re going to do and don’t come don’t talk to me until round 23 about anything about concessions or anything else you got 20 weeks to show that you can actually be a football club and fight

For your survival and motivate your players and it doesn’t matter if you get beaten by five goals get out there and play a brand of football that actually makes sense now if they do that then you’ll get my but if you’re ly in the ditch and go what about me I me talk

About to you know uh Elite welfare please give me a spell come on fight your way through true I don’t mind concessions at the end of the year if they need to be there no problem but at round three I don’t want anyone tapping the mat and that’s just something that I

Think that the West Coast Eagles are going to get their head around at the moment I think Adam Simpson is the block and I always did I just reported last year what was going on and I think it was a big swerve remember I came out and

Said well there you go my m is and my M was 100% right so just trust me on that that they when they wobbled under that free metal Onslaught that’s when oh jeez they’re still they’re still barracking over there they’re not actually analyzing what’s going on you know and

When you are involved in a club when you are getting flogged like that you’ve got to be Ste minded and I’ve been in the situation when when I took over Cola don’t forget we finished last and second last we won six games or seven games in two years or something we were hopeless

And then Mick molas came came over for the second year Tony Shaw the first year did everything I asked him he knew he was gone we told him in June you’re right you’re going to be moved because I wanted to be able to go out into the

Market and I wanted to go and speak to three coaches at that stage that I had my eye on were Kevin shety Dennis Pagan and Mick molas sha just won the premiership no sorry Dennis had just won the premiership she was about to win the Premiership and Mick was wanting to come

Home and time was up in the west and so we’re able to do that deal but we were able to get even right down to that minutia that we said right okay we know what we need we want the style of club and play that we want Collingwood to

Play that’s the coach and then we’re able to get Tony Shaw and people forget this all these years later Tony sacrificed any chance of him going out as you know the last year as winning a few games and things like that by playing the players that we wanted and

He coached them and he put them in the positions that we wanted him to do so I mean he he was in charge of it all but he was fantastic so we had six months of building up the next year we were useless again but we worked out who

Could play and who couldn’t play the next year we finish nth the next year we get beaten by two minutes and and terrible liring in the Grand Final so it can turn quickly it can turn robbed but it can turn quickly but only if but only if

You’re prepared you got to sit through the the building site I always say this Jimmy that it is it’s like a building site you drive past and suddenly there’s mess everywhere as you’re digging out the foundations and people going ah geez you know the stop go person stock me

Blah blah blah then you’ve got to put the foundations in and you got to have the steel tempered by the the fire of adversity and from there you build the building and then 5 minutes later you drive pass go geez where did that building come from right we see that

That’s what happens and they’re very much they still they’re still in the excavation face they they haven’t even got to the bottom yet at the West Coast Eagles and what they got to do is stop talking about sacking the coach and get the list management get their management

And get their psyche right and stop thinking that this is just going to turn up there’s only two quick quick points on that is um they’ve been belted by such a large margin which is an issue but moving on from that and you touched on it there the the camp of sack Adam

Simpson I want you to actually finish that conversation and what I mean is so okay let’s play it out your way the sack Adam Simpson Camp so who are you replacing him with yeah and what type of Coach so what ends up happening when those sides are coming from a long way

Back is got we’ve got to look as as you said you did you look for Premiership coach Premiership coach Premiership coach so Senor experience knows what it looks lot Gold Coast we obviously they moved on Stuart D what are we looking for Premiership coach and he was available ad Adam Simpson is a

Premiership coach and experienced coach he’s already there but who out there is a Premiership coach and is available to come fill the void if you want to do that way and otherwise you’re leaving it to a new coach who doesn’t have Premiership success finish but finish finish the conversation and then I then

I’m open to your discussion but no one wants to this is always baffles me sack the coach all right what’s your plan but you’ve also got to have like West coaster a big Club you can you can maybe at a smaller Club you can have a bit of

A go at these things but the part of the reason why I needed a MC mol house or who the other two coaches sheets at that stage and Pagan was I was only a 33 34 year old president and you know and the host of the Footy Show so we needed to

Have somebody that I could say you go and worry about the footy and I’ll go and make the money and do the deals and that’s what Mick and I did and that’s why he was such a great coach for Collingwood you know when people got to understand Mick molas is one of the

Great reasons why Collingwood became Collingwood again from from that low Mark he was absolutely magnificent they’ve already made that decision Jim they did it last year they went through the pain and suffering so then stand by your decision it’s everything else around it now they’re still looking at

The coach there maybe not within West Coast but certainly the the media is they’ve got to now say right here’s what it is what they’ve got to do is got to get Campbell Chesser and they got to teach him where to run and where to stand and whether he goes back into the

The waffle for a few weeks to get his uh you know get his mojo back or whatever I say Campbell because he’s a m of my son so I’ve seen him since he was 12 years of age I know he was a great kid but get those young kids and build them through

Get them into the gym as you say play them in different positions find out where they should be you know go back to the recruiter and say why did we recruit this player we’re playing him on a wing but geez when he played he was actually

A really good midfielder he was a half for flanker or whatever get them back get them feeling good about themselves again so I’m 100% with you I I’m I’ll be up for considering um draft concessions down the track but not until as you say I think we we’ve maybe landed on this

Together now as we’ve Workshop this that there is a a real plan and that they’re actually committed to that plan yep is that fair fair all right fair fair so with that in mind if you were the list manager and given the fact you are a

List manager of another club or at least the director um everyone’s talking about Harley Reed I mean this poor kid I mean what it’s almost he’s almost been beaten up by the media in a lot of ways I mean I know they only got one paper over

There and it’s all pral but that was just ridiculous all the stuff about an 18-year- old kid going over but now they’re talking about do they trade him out now they had that opportunity last year when they could have done that deal um which way would you have gone on that

One would you have thickened the soup up with three or four players or do you just go right we’re going to get the best player available I would thought with the state of their list they might have needed to go get two or three oh like owning it and being honest but if

We went back or nearly six months ago I was of the the belief that move pick one but as long as the value was coming back of course you’re not just getting out a pick one and getting lots of picks it’s where those picks land and if they could

Have got that deal done they might have got an offer they liked I I know on draft night um speaking to a number of clubs they did try their hardest to get back into the top 10 but all Club were happy where they were so you know they

Tried to get back in and obviously the obvious person they were trying to get a hold of their own Western Australian Dan curtain who ended up at the Adelaide crows yeah and the crows managed to to get into a good spot to to land him because he’s going to be a very good

Player as well um so yeah can they can they devise a plan where whatever pick um they get they use the future picks to keep coming up and things like that it’s going to be another Midfield heavy draft going forward so like I saying whatever they play

They come with um I wouldn’t be looking at training Harley Reed there’s some people going well let’s just trade him now and try and get some more picks again he was the best kid by that far we’ve known for a couple years why would

You give up he’s a thing he’s AIG he’s a big br yeah okay we’re rebuilding let’s get rid of the 18-year-old Superstar I mean seriously some of the stuff that’s written you do you’ll be in looking in the draft again for a Harley ret talk yeah exactly you’ve already got him

You’ve got him you know him and he’s a good kid but I I look back again back to you know that those late 90s with the pies when you know we were shot and Mick was able to go and and Cobble together Dad’s Army he always says that the 2002

Side was almost the the side that he loved coaching the most but you wouldn’t got guys like Shane Wakeland and James Clement and Glenn Freeborn and you know Kyle steinford and you know role plays rer beis was playing for us and all these things but Mick got the right size

Gave them the right jobs put them in the right place they had the Brilliance of you know Burns and Buckley and rocker and a few of these other guys and you had some young guys coming through who had some skools like Ryan Looney off a halfback flag was a beautiful kicks

Actually had somebody who wasn’t turning it over you got Paul lurer in the right place you did these things and you know Mick he genuinely coached the side he actually went and got what he had and said right okay this is what we got this

Is what we’re going to do this is the way we’re going to play I’m going to come up with a tactic and and a regime for us to be competitive again and that’s all we wanted to do was go from getting going finishing last for the second time in our club’s history to

Second last to at least be competitive so people want to turn up and watch we finish ninth and then the next year we’re knocking over prison lions in games left right and Center it was the most exciting football one you know the game against Port Adelaide over here in

That final and suddenly the pies were back in town and uh you know again there’s the coaching of MC mous and uh and his team around him and Neil B was doing a great job at that stage um pulling it all together um just fantastic Mick was Mick was the man

Though he just he he fashioned that side in his will and that’s what they need to do and I’d love to see Adam Simson now step up I know he’s a a newer age type of Coach but Simo was a warrior as a player and I think he’s a very very good

Coach and he’s a super player and I’d like him to now impose himself a bit more on that team and not be part of a process he’s actually got to be the process he’s got to he’s got to drive his will into that team I’d love to see

Him stand up and say this is what I stand for and this is what we’re going to do uh speaking of imposing himself uh dick pound W president um that that not a euphemism for anything that is his name dick pound wer president and former president the founding for pres Canadian

Guy yeah yes he he he’s been the big stick when it comes to World Sports regarding tracing uh DRS chasing tracing or all drug treats and things like that he’s made some comments regarding the afl’s elicit drug policy but he’s tried link it to performance enhancing of the

East Germans and the West Germans or when they’re all divided and also the Russian Olympic teams who you know come out bigger than Andre the Giant to compete in everything so what what do you make of his comments but more so is there any updates because the whole AFL

World’s over there at gather any updates been spoken about with the drug policy well Lu you know that I’ve been sort of running hard on this story we broke the story I’m fully classified I know 7:30 on the ABC going to do a big story on Thursday night on it

Um I was interviewed yesterday for it and I think where where dick pound comes from is he he looks at it from an Olympics point of view and he came in to clean up the Olympic Games so he’s a Canadian so we saw what happened in Montreal back in those days where they

Did have testing stations and they stopped their players the Russians and the E Germans stopped their athletes and gave them injuries or sickness so they couldn’t compete so they couldn’t get tested on the day which he says isn’t that what you guys are doing our is a bit different

But you can’t argue the point with him so where we’ve got to get to and this is where I think the Nuance in the AFL situation is is that in the past it’s always been about the pastorial care and the health care of the player what I’ve

Been saying is that things have changed now we have different crime we have different criminals you know we knew the criminals back in the day they’d ring up and tell you if players were getting into trouble and give you a heads up not now now we got International cartels you

See what’s going on with what’s happening even with the the smoke uh and the you know the tobacco industry and the the fires and the terrorism that’s happening around Melbourne and that’s what it is when you’re setting fire to to buildings every other night that’s terrorism and we’re sort of letting this

Creep up on us the real worry for me in all this is the organized crime element and the Integrity of the game and the risk of blackmail to players etc etc um it’s it’s now gone past why do we die in a ditch because a couple of people want

To take drugs and and and do it don’t play we’re paying six 00 700,000 now guys we’re going to they just need to move to in competition testing all season um take away the stigma if you get caught okay we’re going to look after you we don’t have to annihilate

You but we will you know you’ll get suspended and you’ll get the treatment and you’ll go for it if you want to stay on drugs if you want to have that lifestyle it’s not for you to play AFL football it’s too dangerous for you as an individual You’re Now setting

Yourself up to get life bans if you get caught on Match day but most importantly you’re also opening yourself up to nefarious activities and competition can’t have it it is too important for too many people we’re now seeing people getting sued at clubs because of what

Was going on and what wasn’t going on reputations are getting flayed we’ve got to be able to come out and say that this play has been moved on because they’ve had issues there’s been a lot of stuff that people in football positions myself included have not been able to ever come

Out and say about different things because you have to look after the Integrity of the drug code and the confidentiality and we signed up to that so it would be hypocritical to jump out later on but at the same time now we’re seeing players come back with retrospective uh history and saying you

Know and it’s only a matter of time for somebody to come back and say I you know I came in and told you that I had a drug problem you let me play on a Saturday you really taught me how to get around it and now I’ve got schizophrenia or my

Life’s in a mess and I’m suing you and etc etc that’s what happens if you’re actually too much of a doood in this Caper it come back it comes back to bite you so I think I think the AFL got to just you know tough up in saying that Ed

Um could the AFL and the Players Association ever get to a point in going you know what we’ve created a rod for our own back we can’t satisfy everyone let water or Sports Integrity Australia do their thing we’re just walking away from our additional code and we’ll just

Go to the one code like everybody else well I could do that um could you see that happening well it’s it it’s something it you could go the other way where they step out of water um I think they want to do that I think they it’s

It’s the Daily Double where where they AFL in trying to do the right thing and again I agree with what they did so I’m not you know having 2020 hindsight or anything on this um but the world’s changed and and that was all right in two 2005 to a degree because what

Happened was that the drugs started coming up everywhere that’s what happened the Players Association the AF when the drugs are everywhere at the moment was all that West Coast Eagles era but it wasn’t just the Eagles it was everywhere and they had to get on top of

It and the way they decided to do it was probably to give a little bit of brand protection but also look after the players at the same time and they didn’t want to rub everybody out they wanted you know that you know that there were changes to the marijuana code because

When they first did the testing that no one would have been playing that’s basic I’m I’m exaggerating there a large number a large number of players wouldn’t have been able to play okay so so they said right let’s pull that we’ll we’ll adjust it these days right I’m just saying that

The KnockOn effect of where the drug world has got to now and the international cartels out of Mexico Etc coming in and the organized crime has taken us to a whole new level and what we have to do is stop being Jolly hockey sticks on these things and just have

Some actual rules that make sense and if you want to take drugs go and do it somewhere else it’s not that hard if you want to play AFL football take it okay you turn up tomorrow you know or tonight for classified and we find out that

You’re on cat you get the sack same for me it’s as simple as that yep and I think it’s a pretty good way to to wrap that one up Ed all right good man all right uh can I ask you a few different things here now we got anyone who wants

To come to us you can do so at Eddie and Jimmy at uh the first question is probably aimed at me so I’ll go to the second one uh or I do you want to go with it ask me the question if you like Jimmy the TV right yeah of course

And this is sent from Brett hi Eddie 2022 the AFL announced a big TV deal that looked great to everyone however since then why has the media not mentioned that a inflation has gone crazy the deal was signed over three seasons out in 23 a whole new gather

Round was added plus nine games no mention of extra TV money for this extra content Tasmania will come into the competition in 2028 plus 11 more games potentially another round will be added as signed by the aflpa that’s another nine games why is there been no mention

Of extra cash from the broadcasters for what would be an extra 30 odd games around 50 million content the AFL are providing if is the AFL giving this for free or did the TV deal announce in 2022 have these secret promises and was therefore nowhere near as good as what

It was made out to be um just on the gather round um for for Brett the AFL did announce that the extra money will be part of distributions to AFL Club so all 18 clubs will get a a lick of the ice cream as still got drink and also

Going into junior football as well so that’s why we want to make sure that we get on top these things because I’m sick of all the money going to lawyers at the moment it is something is a complete Pet haate and we’ll look after our own

People but I’m getting a bit sick of some of these class actions that are going around as well okay so we need to get on top of that but to do so the a actually going to have to say no occasionally and uh and and toughen up

And uh I think that the commission has got to get a a little bit stealer and uh so too to some of the decision making a little bit less conversation a little bit more action please as the great Elvis Presley very good song um so with the TV rights

I mean I’d said at the time it was done a long way out and so all the things that Brett has said there are fair points the other thing that you’d look at from an ideal world was would you have brought Channel 9 in and given one

Night to channel 9 given the fact that they are the other big uh player in the media industry with uh you know the Age 3 aw you know they are the big nine nine media is the biggest media company in Australia and by a long way and having

Nine and seven going head-to-head with each other and and foxel would be good for the game there would be no doubt about that channel 10 my understanding was they weren’t far off they were very very close on the money but they just couldn’t get it right because you know

10 at the moment have been suffering um as far as their reputation with sports is concerned very hard to get off seven whove been there for a long time and kry Stokes has done so much for football so that was always going to be a hard deal

And you’re never going to get it off Fox footy I wouldn’t have thought and take on the Murdoch Empire there so the other trick of course was the streamers how serious were the streamers going to be coming into this so that’s if you want to take a a look like that

If you’re inside media at the moment the ad Market has completely tanked so the money on the table that Gil mclin and his team were able to get is absolutely gold at the moment it’s gold it’s Bitcoin it’s oil it’s whatever is good in the marketplace at the moment

Having that constant 10-year supply of money guaranteed is probably better than playing the market at the moment and um the AFL are now in a rude position of Health where they can sit there and they can say we’re going to do this with Junior Football say we’re going to do

This with gather round and and opening round build the uh you know the the the stadia that they need to have for the next 50 years get these things right they know what they’re doing get the junior football put the extra money into that they’ve got it there and to be

Honest I think it was it’s probably a very prudent deal yeah like anything from the cheap seats you can come up with the you know the steak knives or the the acut wants to go with it that might have made it a little bit better on the way through but ultimately um I

Think at the moment and where and if anyone can tell me where media is going please send it to us right now so I can figure it out myself but but I think I think I think I think they’ve done a good deal is the bottom line and

Anything that’s coming on don’t worry the AFL will be in for more money on extra games and things like that they’ll get more money out of that can I jump in there cuz I did think um when the last meteor rids deal I thought we were going

To go to not quite like America but a little snippet of America where you sell off one time slot to somebody else but yeah could there be potential for seven and fox to recoup some of that cash an extraordinary cash to sell on a game to

A nine or a stream or so Sunday night game seven or let’s just use Thursday night right yeah and they they get to the nine or YouTube or Foxdale whoever it may be and say look per year it’s going to cost you 50 million buy office yeah absolutely in fact I I

Understand in the last discussion there were talks at various stages between uh 7 and 10 over Thursday night you know uh do you do that you know um you know you don’t want to it’s funny sometimes don’t want to have too much football because it uh becomes all one category of of

Advertising spend so for a free toar network you’ve actually got to get the balance right and as I said the market is very flat at the moment now having said that the footy is everything for seven and it is just killing them at the moment it’s going fantastic same for

Foxt so you know be willing biders in nine and 10 to get a KN of football I can tell you so that that is always there and that’s the other thing is that you pay a bit extra at this stage of the game because it’s like any you know you

Buy a house and you don’t sleep for six months because you reckon you can’t afford it and then two years later you think geez I should have brought the house next door when I had the chance and uh you know that’s what they’ve been able to do fox to it’s going to be

Interesting next year when foxtail actually do their own coverage and have their own call of every game um and you know that’s something that is going to be very interesting in we got a question coming up about calling so I’ll wait till then to discuss to do a little bit

Of Media Watch with you okay hey thanks to Alexa Blackburn Andrew Moore and his team doing Sensational things and of course our great friends at Crown who’ve been looking after us all year um let’s have a bit of in and out so I’m going to put this to you Jimmy Bartel tiger fans

Those who used to shake the tens okay um are they fair weather supporters there were more swans than tigers at the G on Sunday and they’re 45,000 all up and as I’ve said after they tried to well they’ve kicked the Collingwood people out of their seats after we built this

The stadium um where are the tiger fans and and are they kicking themselves because they missed out on seeing them have a fantastic win you’re not supposed to be enjoying that one that school holidays sunny weather Easter oh mate they’re richond supporters they’re not going anywhere

There you go live live in the corner and they’re not going and they’re not going at they’re not going as as great as they were in the Premiership years I think the question the question has come up because the tigers in 1980 when they won the Grand Final by record 81 points

Against my boys the pies um broke the million dollar barrier sorry million attendance barrier that year and then after that you know within within 10 years they were shaking the ttin and just about out of existence then they came back with a raw literally and won the premise ships and you know bang

First team to get to 100,000 and then suddenly you know things not going as well and and they’ve dropped off quickly so that is the question do they jump on and jump off the tiger fence yes or I’m out I’m out you’re out okay I’m out on

That one off field issues are they making Melbourne better on the field uh I’m going to actually get a little bit in cuz uh obviously with 3w we’ve interviewed you know Jake lever and a number of people from Melbourne and they keep using the word we’re getting

Galvanized by this so you grab at any sort of motivation as a football club you see coaches sometimes each week they find a new sports Docker or any sort of bit of motivation they grab a hold of it because you’re just trying to squeeze every little piece out of it I think at

The moment Mel you get from the langu anguage coming out of Melbourne they feel like it’s them versus the world which sporting clubs Embrace at any opportunity they can so I’m going to say in well don’t forget we speaking of the Tigers you know when they were up in the

In the bubble uh for that Premiership they were all over the shop they were jumping the fences they were going to the strippers they were you know figh fours at a time dramas everywhere the true story is how many kebabs can Kell himc and Jones eat when he was at the

Tigers but that’s the funny thing I mean you and I been around to stuff a lot long you know we see a lot of it but I remember Gil mcer coming out saying right this is going to be the year that’ll show the team that’ll win the Premiership will be the most dedicated

The most disciplined this you know the good old boys it was like it was like you at the at at some private school and this boys are going to win the choir boys we going to stand up for truth justice in the Australian way and who won the Pirates yeah Pirates came out

Richond won it they did everything wrong they were fighting with each other bling their wives were fighting they were carrying on they were jumping the fence D SPS strippers you name it they were running around every the Gold Coast and and they won the flag there you go and

Of course who won it Dusty the epitome of all that all right no need for boundary umpires in or out they’re just suggestive just as long as you keep on inside the fence you’re good you’re good well you know my position on all this I’d get rid of the bandry

Umpires and have field umpires on the outside of the of the ground and uh you know get rid of these super influ umpires who can’t make a decision we’ve got so many umpires who don’t make any decisions and now we’re waiting on goal review um it should be first it should

Be last touch between the arcs and throw it in in between the 50s and that way you don’t need to have the umpires run up and down as I said like absolute hay goates they look ridiculous um it was part of the game but if you actually

Invented the umpiring for the game that we have now it would look nothing like what it does I’m sick of it I’ve said it for 25 years how many more times can you say it it’s stupid and that’s why you’re at it okay thank you Le Matthews gather around is only

Exciting if you’re outside if you’re in South Australia no I don’t mind it I like it I feel like I’m watching a lightning premise ship from back home I don’t mind it’s kind of interesting to see a different ground it gives sides an opportunity actually to break whatever hudos they have at Adela

Because they get familiar with the grounds over there yeah h no I think that was written by a producer who’s um he’s going through a time at the moment team he’s not his team’s not winning he’s not team’s not winning much at the moment who’s that Richard your Richard

He Barracks with Hawthorne he’s a fair weather Hawthorne supporter I’m got to hope he gets a flogging this week as well he jumps on and off quicker than anybody else I know to be honest Richard they’ll be looking to merge with somebody again soon were they yeah you

Asked me the next one I think all right Tom Hawkins is all time top five cat I hate those questions but anyway yeah I hate them too right this is don’t don’t cut me up Richard he’s out but listen to why he’s out oh you reckon Tom Hawkins is no good

Is that what you’re saying no because abet abet there’s two spots yeah Matt Scarlet I’m just going to Rattle off names Joel cwood yeah he’s in he’s in the top 10 but he’s not top five well can you push any of those guys out to be honest yeah but you had some

Good players I mean this is the other thing is there any danger that you guys why is it that we’ve got the internet these days but no one knows any history go back a bit further play called Sam Newman could play he was a super star 300 games when it actually mattered Doug

Wade kicked a th000 goals Doug Wade was one of the greatest players of all time Billy Goin was a sensational player aliser Lord kie gra all these guys who won brand LS kajie gra go back yeah I look I’m I’m big on if you

Want to I reckon there’s got to be a 10 year limit on best offs you know you can be a player of a decade but you can’t say the best five of all time you know it’s ridiculous hard enough picking those teams of the century when there

Was only 100 years in it now we’re up to about 130 it’s it’s it’s quite out of control right we got some more questions Richard you jerk don’t cut me up what’s that I was just telling our super producer Richard not to be a jerk and

Cut me out and say be careful you had to go any about hathon he was going to come after you uh you can come to us on Facebook or x uh Samy writes what do you think is the one major component missing from s Kilda right now uh keeping all

Their players on the park at once we saw when they played against cing when they’re all up and about firing they certainly got a a game style and players capable just keep adding to the Midfield and forward uh mix for them I think they need what it shows Max King went out on

The weekend it was difficult for them to score so let’s say one era forwards they forward Cory says what happens first West Coast play a final or Tasmania play a game might be Tasmania playing a game at the if they do come in in 2028 we still

Think West Coast is probably what a threee fouryear project yeah so they that’ll be a good race good question Corey well i’ got to get Tasmania to decide if they’re in or not yet too what’s that we heard anything more on that I haven’t heard anything after no

No no yet dig around on that one Ben says why do the umpires throw the ball up after a 666 call but not uh any other time they do after other times when they when they fluff a bounce they throw it up yeah so why don’t we throw it up can

I ask why do why do we still give people a uh a warning on 666 as well yeah I’m with you what’s going why do we why why do we need to also ask who’s the Ruckman we’re not under 10 or Els no it’s easy count if you see two in one jumper

Jumping get well that’s a free kick against that’s it yeah and throw it up quickly and move it on yep yeah anyway but those these things have all been said a thousand times anyway we can just put this on repeat for next week it’s the same things every week at the moment

The same stupidity that goes on anyway uh is it time for a new wave of AFL callers I Reon bring back some of the older guys who are you calling yourself old there or you’re in trouble yeah I’m in trouble he uh um I I actually sent a message I I

Shouldn’t this was a private message but I actually sent a message to Matt Hill uh this week just to congratulate him on his call excuse me over the last couple of weeks but also his calls of the racing I thought it was uh some of the best

Broadcasting that I’ve heard and uh and watched for a long long time um I love the guys who can really do things who are multifaceted people like Bruce mcavan obviously but Bill Collins was a a multifaceted caller the accurate one Peter Donan was a much underrated caller

Of everything BR you know Peter could call the you host the golf the tennis the call the races the Greyhounds call the football beautifully um so many I’m going to forget a few others um but I love that I mean I grew up with Mike Williamson who could host a variety

Show on Call of footy which you know inspired me I love that that aspect of it and you know I suppose in my own career i l the fact that I could you know go host shows and host variety shows and do news and break stories and

You know get a chance to call the footy but I just thought Matt Hill on the weekend um with his race coverage he called some beautiful racing and just got the tempo right and now he’s relaxed a bit into his footy core and we’re not thinking of is that the race guy is

What’s coming on are they coming out out of Flemington um now he’s got his his Cadence right and he’s just relaxed into it he’s he’s calling beautifully I I saw an article about Matt Hill and um they definitely got the work experien kid to write the article because they said um

Unheard of or new caller now is Matt Hill is only unheard of of a new caller if you actually haven’t listened to either racing or Sports I heard Matt call Matt Hill called the rowing at the Olympics and he made it exciting and I’m with you like he’s a magnificent caller

Gets the emotion right he gets the tone right the volume all that he is a star it’s just people who um have probably new to hearing him by AFL channels going oh who’s this guy he’s still got he’s got that Old World Racing charm about him Matt he’s a gentleman he hasn’t got

Into he still looks 19 too by the way he still looks 19 he’s got the youngest face too he sounds like an old old gu an older guy with a a very mature voice but he looks about 19 Matt yeah but uh but the calling I I I thought uh

Your mate Joel s’s been copying a bit of heat in recent times um as I said before you know let him settle in I thought he started to find his feet and I was listening to uh hji who I think says some really good things but I agree with

You what you said last week turn the volume up yep get up you got to lean into the microphone a bit it’s got to give us not just him or whoever’s on audio bump it up yeah because I what happens you you and I you and I always

Do this you get your mic test and they’ll go Ed and you’ll go one two 3 4 and I’ll go oh one two 3 4 but the problem is when you go then into calling mode yeah you’re you’re going to go up but Joel because of the role he’s

Playing he’s just got to describe things so he’s going to keep talking at the same volume and you’re going to go D like this and the the volume’s going to go up so they they seem Mish mashed yeah and I think sometimes the audio guys tend to try to live the audio out

Whereas what they should be doing is pumping up the natural sound at times get the uh you know the the volume going get the excitement going there’s a time in place you don’t be screaming you know two minutes into the first quarter but uh you know I think I thought that that

Those guys whove c a bit of heat I thought they were very they were much improved over the weekend so yeah well done all I thought not many people go to not many people go to social media to say happy things no well but I don’t

Well I don’t get to read it so it doesn’t worry me I just sit there and watching myself I thought it was all pretty good over the weekend all right the Bartel medal of the Jimmy has dubbed harder to win the brown which has now extrapolated itself out to the Lexus of

Blackburn magnificent car on footy classified all right Crown Resorts this is where things get interesting at Crown Resorts it’s going to be fun down there again they’re opening up the doors we’re we’re going down they got fantastic dinners and all sorts of things happening so we’re looking forward to

Spending a lot more time down at Crown Resorts Jimmy you’re 32 and one for the weekend it’s so hard to win because I make up the rules as I go like my youngest son so that’s why it’s so hard to win because I I just go Rogue and I

Decide what I want to do when I want to do it so the best three players which is often more than three players I’ve given one vote to Alex Neil bullan James warpool and the Alex Pierce over there at Freeman but I’m I’m over the 17 players

Getting a vote here come on 321 who gets the one Vote Alex Neil ban and James wle and Alex Pierce two votes goes to his freem manal running mate in the backline there Luke Ryan he often goes over gets over and the three votes for me um he

Didn’t get the 10 coaches votes what are you doing what would coaches know um Nick von for the Tigers in that great win for Richmond over the swans had 29 Touches at 100% 15 intercept possessions and he might be Ed my nomination for the award that we do on tonight’s footy classified

Thanks to Lexus of Blackburn well it’s an interesting one because he was going to be my nomination as well but I’ve got a different nomination I I split it in the end I had half a guess that you would go for Nick flon I somebody else

Do you want me to say it now or do you want me to tonight’s show I reck Max G was the player max G was the player of the round he was excellent you do like rocks don’t you you’re no I’ll tell you why no but I’m I’m you guys are the

Footballers um and and clearly Damen Barrett and I will come from sort of the media side of things I’ll look at the story but for me um if you’re you’re the president of a club or you’re looking at it I thought Max Gorn everything that happened to Melbourne during that week

Going over to Port Adelaide playing on their deck and then he went out and was just Mighty and he helped set up the way they got the ball forward they couldn’t kick a goal the last few weeks suddenly they could and he did everything and I just thought his leadership his play I

Mean he gets the votes for just being a player but I thought he was the most dominant person for the weekend as far as his will on a game of football but I am happy for to split hairs with you with Nick floston who was Absolut who similarly up against the Sydney Swans

With an underman Richmond side stood there like the rocket jalter and just rebounded everything he was unbelievable wasn’t he I think he just got Max into the two votes so mark that down Rich Max going and got two votes that Luke Ryan’s been flicked is he no no Luke Ryan’s

Still in okay well we’re given 700 votes all right yeah make interesting so get involved by messaging us on the nine Facebook or X on Twitter um I hope to be back in the studio with you again next week B but y I can tell you this gather

Around um yeah let let the next couple of days open up but starting last night with our show um they’ve really improved on last year and I think last year they surprised everyone on how good it was and full marks to the South Australian government and the AFL in saying right

Okay where do we go to the next level and what’s next coming up there’s a fantastic feel around the place and I think this is going to be a win I’ll let’s have a couple of weeks to discuss whether or not opening round and uh and gather around within a month of

Each other is too close we need to have a look at that um to make sure they don’t fall on top of each other and then what we might do as well in the next couple of weeks to write this down Richard our producer is come up with

Some other ways that we can turn what we have and weaponize that that fixture into more and more of these fantastic ideas because the people here in Adelaide are just going off I think it’s completely connected with the Adelaide Football public and and the people in the country with all the cars coming

Over you know there some 140,000 people have come to Adelaide over the last week coming into Easter and they’ve had their Food and Wine Festival which apparently has been quite a success and into gather around and it just shows you if you give people the template to to come and have

Some fun they’ll jump in pretty quickly and I love it what I’m loving is it’s Rank and fall people too it’s not just the corporates it’s people out there having fun lots of people wearing scarves and footy jumpers around the streets of Adelaide this morning going

Jimmy is Isaac Rankin and file that’s it I’ll see you tonight on 4ot classified see it bye mate


  1. Day grand final a.m annalouge twilight/night grand final f.m digital tomorrow😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. You say Eddie, that money goes down to younger footy codes, here in central qld nothing gets here the parents are paying a fortune for there kids to play, and with one academy here in qld kids on country regions that's 600 to 1000 klm from brisbane never gets a chance. Yeppoon has won 4 years straight even did a rebuild with kids and was still succesfull, but not one kid was asked to join the academy, so hey afl recruiters get up here and see the natural talent available. They are built strong tough, fit with god given talent with great coaches who volunteer there time, to make a kid become something in life.

  3. Legitimate free kicks from high tackles occur while the player is picking up the ball, marking, or disposing of the ball. The problem Jack Ginnivan has is he tries to evade the tackler by going low. His coach needs to tell him to focus on disposing the ball and stop trying to evade tackles.

  4. Anthony Hudson and Jobe Watson are painful to listen to while watching the footy. Bruce and Dennis were far and away the best.. even if Bruce was over exagerated at times.

  5. If u want to take drugs become a plumber😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. 19 teams still 9 games a round 20 teams 10 games a round media rights😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  7. Extra team doesn't mean extra game one team has a bye 19 teams has to the the media rights pie for 18 teams😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  8. Carol Wilson staunch tradionst day grand final if Carol is a stauch tradionst how come she didn't take her husband surname Donahue woke dummy hippocrite😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  9. If you get on the umpires radar for a particular action dont cry when you are/aren't paid a free .. Ginnivan hasn't tried this out in the last few years .. he has clearly learnt to do it from a young age and he is struggling to not do it automatically out of habit ..

  10. I remember back in the day, Eddie pushing the idea that the rules should be changed because Joel Selwood learned how to manipulate opposing players for frees within the rules.

    Now one of his boys (that probably learned from watching Joel) is using the same tactics, he's up in arms.

    Eddie you need to realise when you're biased – kinda like they thought you'd be when you first started commentating. You weren't then because your job was on the line (to your credit), but you are now.

  11. We lost Venables a first round pick who was in our GF team at 21 due to concussion, we lost Brad shepherd an all Aus backmen at 28 the premiership year due to concussion in our premiership year. suddenly it happens to a Victorian now in Brayshaw and its a big story and they want cap relief and and a replacement player. Eagles got nothing and now have everyone saying you guys shouldnt get anything because you have money? So what, we cant pay over the Cap and our money goes to the poor clubs due to equalisation and Kangas continue to get money and Picks, a few names from priority / comp picks Hawks – Roughead , franklin , lewis , Melbourne – Travis J ,Carlton – Marc murphy and Josh kennedy ( who they traded ) collingwood – Pendlebury and Daisy Stkilda – Nick Riewoldt, GWS and GC kept getting fed til competiitve and now its the Eagles turn no one wants to hear it. Absolute BS!!

  12. Hey guy's I lie the podcast's but Eddie can you please bring the mic closer to you mate as it is hard to hear you. I turn up the volume but then Jimmy is so load I have to turn the volume back down again. Bit frustrating guy's ….great work otherwise….

  13. The afl had their chance to stamp diving out of the game 15 years ago when Joel Selwood was carving a career out of it but instead they put him up on a pedastool and labelled his constant diving as a “courageous player”
    Making him a role model for all the young players.
    The afl pick and chose players they want to look after and players they are biased against

  14. Eddie is absolutely right, a proud club like collingwood has always muscled up and pushed through without a priority pick. I mean its almost like Collingwood didnt play in the 2003 GF and then draft Daisy Thomas in 2005!

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