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Why doesn’t Luka’s impact match his production?

Luka Doncic is leading the league in scoring and is 2nd in assists, but for there’s a long term trend related to the scoreboard that doesn’t match that production. This detailed film breakdown & scouting report explores whether Luka’s defense or off-ball game is actually limiting his impact, or if something else is going on with mysterious numbers.

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Stats courtesy: @bballport
Footage in this video is owned by the NBA and its partners. It is intended for critique and education.

Music by Fairlight (Hair) and Cody Martin (Epiphany)


Turn on any Mavs game lately and you’re probably going to see Luca donic put on a show he systematically targets vulnerable defenders in pick and roll then slowly moves to a sweet spot before shooting over a smaller Defender then he comes down and hits the brakes fake step

Back double heesy power to get in the paint and finish next time he brings it up the center in pick and roll gets the switch and feathers in the perfect pass the mismatch what about a little isolation clear out wait for the double team skip it to the open shooter for a

Three ball or come down in transition chisel through a smaller Defender for a little up fake and step through maybe get the center on a switch start dancing with that dribble to drop a step back on his head or take that Center into the post to set up the Michael Jordan Up and

Under footwork and that’s just in the first 6 minutes of the game the man is averaging 34 points and 10 assists per night that’s only been done once and the Mavs offense is in the 85th percentile when he’s on the floor so he’s the walking embodiment of a oneman offense

But there’s a very weird Phenomenon with Luca that’s more mysterious than the three body problem if he’s such a great player why do his teams barely change when he goes to the bench in a single season some great players will have negative on offs meaning their

Team will be worse when they are on the court compared to when they are off the court but in the long run great players have a large positive impact in the play-by-play era 29 players have finished in the top five in MVP more than once every single one of those

Players has a big plus minus footprint over a 5e sample Allen Iverson’s teams outscored opponents by four points every 48 minutes because he improved them by 7 points per 48 during his best 5-year period Kawhi Leonard improved his teams by nearly eight points per 48 but they

Were a whopping plus 11 with him on the floor so he was making a really good team great in that sense the very best players are in the upper right of this graph they improve good teams buy a lot 19 of them have an onoff of at least

Plus 10 across their best 5year stretch and this is the Luca mystery because Don’s teams aren’t that good with him on the floor yet he barely improves them when he plays this is really confusing because a mega scorer who carves up teams with his passing should be hard to

Replace and yet that hasn’t been the case during his career so what is going on here maybe it’s his defense if all that Brilliance is on the offensive end maybe the defense is giving back a ton of his impact he definitely struggles to contain quicker players in space his

Lateral movement has been an issue since his rookie year so he can get a little off balance out there although against weaker offensive players some of his hopping and sliding will sufficiently slow them down so he’s not a complete push over there this might be his best defensive possession out on the

Perimeter that I’ve seen from him this season and that’s a slightly different skill than defending the pick and roll where he can get out of position dealing with Shifty guards coming downhill at him he’s too small to really drop back and up at the screen he’s vulnerable to

Changes of Direction like this so teams will Target him at times in the and roll game and challenge that lack of agility on the outside he can also struggle to get around picks because of this both on the ball and when he’s chasing around Shooters he sort of loses contact with

The deadly Michael Porter Jr here and then doesn’t have the agility to recover sometimes there’s a lapse in Focus out there it’s not chronic but it’s enough that you’ll find games with multiple plays like these two against Miami in the first quarter and there’s kind of a laziness to his

Defense at times he switches here but doesn’t really engage with the cutter and it’s a dunk and there are also occasions where he hangs around after an empty trip and doesn’t really hustle back in transition and that can lead to open shots or worse just complete and

Total breakdowns where no one ever stops the ball one thing he does do pretty well is communicate he tells his teammate to help so he can slide down although he’s a little slow getting around that screen to the shooter and this one’s a very Luca possession where

Kyrie Irving forgets to rotate so Luca tells him to get out there and in theory Luca should be moving in unison with Kyrie but he’s generally a pretty low motor Defender although on the offensive rebound he is tall enough to get his hands on the ball from behind and

Dislodge jokic Don’s size is really interesting because he’s a good 67 but he plays smaller around the basket so his height doesn’t always help when he rotates onto big men or even protect the rim because he lacks that vertical pop to challenge other players up near the

Basket but he’s usually in the right position and he’s at least big enough to deter someone like Al Horford when he’s early like that so in this sense there’s some value to his height because he’s at least an extra big body sitting in the paint here’s a good example where Dallas

Wants to trap sheay gilas Alexander Luca doesn’t instantly recover but he floats to a good spot and then saves a layup with his size this time he’s on the weak side off ball so he needs to worry about his own man and the shooter at the top

Ends up playing the passing Lane but he’s just not quick enough to completely get there and force the turnover but in general there is decent value in communicating with teammates knowing where to be and understanding his team scheme while generally reading what offenses are trying to do out there at a

Fairly high level so I do think his defense is chipping away at some of his overall impact but it doesn’t look like it’s such a big problem that it would explain his mysteriously underwhelming plus minus numbers what about his off ball game where he can be Idol when he

Doesn’t have the basketball just standing around behind the three-point line while Kyrie Irving takes the offensive Reigns now Luca is usually quarterbacking the offense so this is a smaller part of the story but there are two subtle things happening here first he’s giving back some value compared to

A more dangerous off-ball player who strains defenses with movement this is one of the few possessions all year he back cuts his Defender into the lane to score and we know from players like Steph Curry or Lowry marinin how Dynamic movement really strains defenses for example you’ll rarely see Luca work off

A simple screen here for a layup or to tie Defenders into knots instead he passively walks through them a lot and I’d love to see him cut more he gives it up here but a cut down the middle of the floor really stresses Dylan Brooks because he can’t easily rotate out to

The three-point shooter and this play ends up in an out of bounds turnover I think Luca not back cutting his Defenders a lot also has to do with a lack of vertical finishing he’s crafty around the basket but someone like LeBron James can cut into traffic because he’s such an aerial threat in

The same vein Lucas sets idle screens he’s not looking to roll or Sprint into a shot from them he’s really looking to catch it and go to work against a switch in isolation even with Kyrie Irving he’s not interested in screening and rolling into space because that’s not really his

Game where methodically taking apart a mismatch in isolation is very much his game even on his off ball actions he’s often playing to catch it in a sweet spot he has a step on his Defender here but waits for him to catch up so he can instead play out of isolation in the

Middle of the floor more this is subtle but the lack of movement makes it hard to interact with other star teammates when they initiate it makes the offense more of a your turn my turn kind of thing than something interactive and multiplicative and of course that

Offense is very good because Luca is an incredible passer and scorer off his pet actions this year fly by out yeah baby yeah baby is Right According to second Spectrum tracking he’s in the top five in isolation efficiency and pick and roll efficiency in the NBA and that’s

Why Dallas has a 122 offensive rating with him on the floor but Kyrie Irving is in the top 40 in both categories so when he’s out there without Luca the Mavs also have a 122 offensive rating when Luca goes to the bench they can run similar sets through Irving with similar

Results and the Mavs have actually run really successful offense without Luca during his prime because they usually have another good offensive initiator in Jaylen brunson’s last two seasons the Mavs offense was just two points worse when Luca went to the bench with the budding Brunson running the ship so a

Big part of Luca’s onoff numbers are probably because his Sidekicks are also ball dominant guards themselves at the same time those guards are optimized when Luca doesn’t have the ball and when he’s idling away from the ball he might not even be as useful as a more active

Role player so yes you can surround donic with role players and he is a oneman offense where doing everything possession after possession gives him unrivaled stats and is jaw-droppingly impressive to watch but those offenses don’t seem to get much better when you add another star guard because there’s

Redundancy another thought is that this all changes in the playoffs against better competition and sure enough Lucas’s teams are dead even when he’s played in the postseason which is nearly nine points better than when he was on the bench for 445 minutes we also excluded James Harden from this graphic

Earlier because he used to have the smallest onoff of the MVPs until Luca that’s noteworthy because Harden played an incredibly similar Style he was a big guard struggled defensively idled away from the ball and absolutely destroyed teams in pick and roll in isolation leading to Mega Box Score production

Harden has played a ton in the playoffs and despite his underwhelming regular season plus minus he has one of the biggest improvements we’ve seen in playoff on off only that Improvement comes from his OKC years where he was less bald dominant if we look look at his playoff performance from his best

Regular seasons in Houston Harden’s teams were eight points better with him on the floor in the postseason which is strong but not much different from his regular season impact Luca’s box score stats in the playoffs are slightly better than hardens and it’s clear his style of mismatch hunting is hard to

Stop in the second season so maybe he’s just inherently more valuable in the playoffs finally I think the last Factor to consider here is noise or the volatility of plus minus yes it’s a 5year sample but Lucas improved as a player in that sample his jump and three-point shooting this season has

Added another mini level to his offense his defense has improved recently and even his conditioning has ebbed and flowed over the years sure enough his plus minus stats look more respectable in the last two seasons and we see a slightly different story when we look at

The full games that he’s missed back in the Brunson porzingis years donic missed 42 games where Tim Hardway Jr played and in those games the Mavs were actually better without him but if we look at a slightly different set of games where say Dorian finny Smith played the Mavs

Went from a 45 win Team without Luca to a 52 win team with him and in the last two seasons he’s missed 21 games were hard away played and the Mavs were a 35 win Team without him but with him they’ve played at a 50 win pace which is

More in line with the impact we expect from an MVP level player and remember the whole reason why his plus minus stats are such a mystery in the first place is because he looks super human at times he might be the best primary read pick and roll passer in NBA history

Hitting his roll man from the top hitting his roll man on lobs coming down the lane or hitting his roll man with pocket passes through the middle and then when you start sending extra Defenders to stop that he slings it all over the floor like he’s throwing a

Frisbee around with his friends so traditional coverages are at the mercy of his teammates attacking Closeouts or shooting threes we noted earlier that he wasn’t an explosive finisher but when he has the ball he just slowly moves wherever wants because he is the master of tempo keeping a defender on his hip

And grinding his way deep into the paint this is Luca’s superpower a tight dribble broad frame and enough strength to ride oblique angles to the rim at his own pace Aaron nemith crowds him coming around to pick on this play and Luca just keeps the dribble alive right in

Front of him crosses over to create an angle and then he takes him into the paint before using his size to score and this superpowers is only activated with the ball which might be why he doesn’t fit incredibly well next to other ball dominant stars but it does look like

That fit is a sizable explanation for his lackluster plus minus stats and relative to his insane offensive numbers his defense is probably a factor too then again maybe Luca’s playoff numbers are more reflective of his actual impact and we’ll get a better taste of that in the future so even if we haven’t

Completely solved this mystery yet I’ve seen enough to call him one of the 20 or even 15 best offensive players in the history of the league so maybe the real mystery isn’t about his plus minus it’s how many better offensive players will have ever played when Luca’s career is

All said and done to support this channel check out thinking basketball it’s the best way to directly support us let me know down below what other big questions you think exist that we can tackle on this channel otherwise thanks as always for watching and I hope you are having a great day


  1. As many of you noticed, I did forget Jokic on the first graph! I was playing with his projected numbers and forgot to include his actual 2019-2023 numbers (+8 on, +13 on/off). Including 2024, he'd jump to +9 on, +17 on/off, passing LeBron for #2.

  2. The Mavericks are the team with second most injuries in the league this season, so Luka has had to play a bunch of games over 40 minutes or more to win at all. Kyrie didn't play 22 games, Green didn't play 22 games, Exum didn't play 25 games, Lively didn't play 20 games, and Maxi Kleber didn't play 37 games, not to mention the others. Regardless of all the injuries, Luka still kept team to the connection to the top 7 in the West, which means that he used a ton of energy, so if he didn't spend so much energy in offense, his +/- would be a much higher in +. We can see the difference from before and now after the trade, when he finally got teammates who they're right for him and they're helpful, now he uses less energy in offense, so now he have much more energy and he can play defense and by the way, now he play decent defense, so now his numbers and stats are changing rapidly on better. Since his rookie season, he always had to spend a lot more energy to win because he didn't have a real help, so that literally means he carried the team on his back. The statistics show that the team lost when Luka was not on the court, i.e. it was in the red, but when he played, the team was in the plus and winning. Since the trade, for the first time in his career, he has a good team, a real good teammates who are compatible with his game, maybe they need just another good shooter who can play good defense and is consistent. Tim is not that player precisely because he does not have consistency.

  3. I think Ben is right about posdible explanations for Luka's on / off numbers:

    1) Poor defence.
    2) Redundancy.
    3) Noise.

    These three factors add up.

    The fact that the Mavs are 3-6 without him and he carried the team to a respectable number of wins despite injuries on the team conveys his value.

  4. Having Kyrie isn't redundant for the Mavs, you have to also consider that Luka playstyle is really exhausting physically, so alot of time when Luka is standing around on the court and letting Kyrie run the offence he is actually just having a rest.

  5. Reason why Plus Minus is misleading is because the individual's stat is affected by the team around him. Any players can have positive plus minus even when their performance is bad when they have a great team around them. During the KP years, it was a miracle they even made the playoffs twice with KP being constantly injured and Brunson was still terrible his first 3 years in the league, the 2nd best player was actually THJ and he got injured a lot too. During that 2022 WCF run, Brunson was just starting to bloom, but the rest of his team were proven to be non starters when they were traded to other teams. That makes that WCF run even more impressive. Last year was an even bigger disaster as the team around him were just lackluster performers, JaVale, Dwight, and Wood were his starting Cs and barely even registering minutes this season, Spencer was his 2nd best teammate (who is not even playing tons of minutes when traded to the Nets and now with the Lakers). But yet, they were still 3rd in the Western Conference before the Ky trade. And the reason why they didn't make the POs was the Mavs FO decided to tank and get Lively in the draft. This year, he is with an injury prone team, Mavs starters pale in comparison in minutes combined when compared to other teams, but when everyone is healthy, they are actually a 65 win pace team. Best indicator of his impact is PIE which shows that he is a top 5 player in the league. The other top 5 in that chart have 50 plus winning records but also has way more combined minutes with their starters than Luka has. I think Luka is going to surprise us all in the POs, and this current team of his (that has only became healthy lately) will be a revelation in the coming playoffs.

  6. Luka with Rick Carlisle was amazing. Now when ever Luka sat Mavs offense was still solid. Like they could get a bucket when needed. The bad thing was they started getting on a roll and Luka would come back in and slow it down a bit. So those squads never really got into a good flow. With Jkidd Luka has just been Luka. It is more random from Kidd until he finally got a healthy team or a lineup he liked. Just takes a while to find it. Last year was tough. Before the Kyrie trade this team couldn't get out a damn 10 point hole. After the trade they couldn't defend. This year seemed like the same the first half of the season but at least they were getting some tough wins. Then the trade had use rolling high then low then high again. This has to be the best team Luka has had.

  7. What’s the big mystery? Luka’s impact matches his production if you use your eyes and watch the games, if you wanna crunch numbers it’s bc, unlike many other stars, he’s had a backup (JB and Kyrie) who can be plugged in as number 1 options, only has a 5+ season sample size, and DAL mixes it’s bench and starting units (unlike DEN) so he’s playing with different lineups than some…this title and subject is clickbaity af too btw…L video that diminishes a historical 34/9/9 season

  8. Using uncontrolled, non-randomized, non stratified data and drawing inferences from it will only serve to misguide you. garbage in garbage out. Trying to explain bad data is how we get our selves into real world problems. while this is only basketball its still irresponsible.

  9. Luka is an incredible player. One of the best in the league. What would happen if he got into prime Michael Jordan shape with a trainer like Jordan's? Scary thought.

  10. Not sayin Curry is a better PG than Magic but i don't subscribe to the argument that magic is better cause of his passing ability. I say Steph's gravity is greater has a greater impact than Magic's passing. That graph kinda shows my point

  11. This is actually quite close to solving the mystery. If you see the Mavs lineups, there is (nearly) always Kyrie Irving on the floor if Luka is out, while in earlier years, there is (nearly) always Jalen Brunson on the floor while he is off. Both are quite remarkable players in their own right.
    Kyrie is a bit more spectacular to watch and has a more creative handle and slightly more consistant shooting, while Brunson is probably a slightly more reliable defensive guard and offensive creator. Brunson at this time has a bigger load, youth and a ton of sturdyness and physicality that makes him a more effective player overall. However many people forgot how good Kyrie has always been and he is certainly much closer to the top guards in the league than many people would give him.

    There is always noise. Luka tends to give out hockey assists, he gets a litteral ton of open shots created, even (supposedly) easier corner 3's, but his Mavs squad has few really reliable shooters. Kyrie is probably the only really 'great' shooter that they have, Tim Hardaway Jr should be one, but he is a little too inconsistant. Otherwise it's a bunch of 3 and D wings that can shoot it, but not at great volume, consistancy or efficiency. This year Dante Exum and Josh Green have been good, but if you look at their freethrows, this is more of an outlier than a given.
    This is and has been their issue for years. They used to have Seth Curry doing a lot of shooting, but on his last stretch he didn't fit very well and wasn't as good as his career numbers should predict he should be.

    I can't for the life of me fully understand while some of the plus minus stats don't follow his box score production or the crazy eye test if you see him work on the floor. But I do see that last year and especially this year he has had gigantic improvement in a bunch of really important measures that were always his weakpoints:
    – Defense (and engagement on defense)
    – Conditioning (and expending energy on defense too)
    – Yapping at refs (and yapping so much that he doesn't defend)
    – Threepoint shooting efficiency
    – Freethrow shooting efficiency

    He has improved on each and every one of these aspects. He has also shown a tiny bit of off-ball capacity, playing off of Kyrie, spreading the floor for him or simply shooting a catch and shoot 3 or a closeout for an easy bucket. (easy for Luka at least) That last part is a huge gain, as he used to be inactive for the most part on plays initiated by Kyrie or another guard.
    I am very impressed by someone that does all these crazy things on the floor, but also in heavier minutes, with a heavy load, with some lingering injuries at times, while also being the scoring champion in the league AND the 2nd in assists. It is just flat out crazy what he is doing and in my book that is so much more MVP worthy than what any other player does at this time.

  12. There is adjusted PM and VORP. Those will reducing the bias from the fact that luka has been playing with other elite ball dominant guards like brunson and kyrie

  13. He is a great offensive player but an abysmal defensive player. If you score the ball and then let your opponent score on you, then you have accomplished nothing which is what his impact is on the Cavs

  14. dude do one od jordan over his first 6-8 years want to know it i bet its shit becouse he played on shit team but somehow it gets bring up when is Luka only….

  15. I feel like all of the videos I've watched this season, including this channel and their podcasts (which I love and watch religiously), has led me to mistrust on/off stats. I can't tell you how many times I've heard about this or that good player, that when he's on the floor, his team is one of the 5 best teams of all time, but when he sits, then his team is worse than the Pistons and Wizards this year.

    I just feel like it is statistical noise. I mistrust when analytics are used in a nebulous way. Stats are important, and box stats can be misleading as well. But in the end, you do the best with what you have, and use the eye test for the rest.

    I think this is part of the reason Embiid won MVP last year, because some part of the fans didn't accept all the new analytics stats that aren't easily understood. And I get it. When the on/off numbers say that Luka isn't making his team much better, that doesn't hurt Luka's credibility, that hurts the credibility of the statistic used.

    I don't need stats to know that Jokic is a living legend right now, and that Joel Embiid is a foul Merchant and playoff choker. In fact, stats might obscure that reality. I don't need stats to yawn at what the Celtics are doing, until they win it all.

    There are lies, damned lies, and Statistics, and I feel like the All-in-One stats, and On/Off numbers, are those kind of Statistics to me. I don't need them to tell me who is good, and they can't tell me why they are good. Analytics are another useful tool, but there is a lot that they cannot tell us, no matter how much the current day priestly class want to tell us they can.

  16. As long as they keep building the roster how they are he will only get better. More effort on defense would do wonders even if you aren't a good defender just try. It would do wonders for morale since they gotta watch you dribble 24/7. Also less arguing every call. You won't get them all but you don't even get back on defense to argue that's am issue. Other than that pretty flawless player

  17. I think its largely because he is usually playing with mostly bench players when brunson/kyrie is sitting, who most of the time misses shots and he ends up just equalizing the deficiencies of his teammates. He is mostly paired up with powell for example in his first 5yrs who gives up points so easily.

  18. I'd be interested to see stats on how many passes per possession dallas has when Luka is off the court vs on the court

  19. the only flaw i see is his conditioning, if he amps that up then his defensive lateral quickness will also improve

  20. He's a weaker version of Harden, and we all know how it ends – he's gonna dish triple doubles here and there but can't win anything with this one-man army play style. Worst of all every star player is playing worse when they are with Luka, like Brunson, Porzingis, Irving hell even Dinwiddie. He complains he doesn't have any help but he doesn't realize he's the problem.

  21. I thought his +/- would be much better since every time I look at the box score he's positive and his bench is negative lol maybe his minutes also play a part on this? I think he had one of the highest mpg so his bench doesn't have enough time to suck too much 😂
    Numbers aside I can't wait to see the Mavs in the playoffs I think they'll be dangerous and can make it to conference finals again

  22. It kind of reminds me of the Heatles. The heat offense was more efficient when it was just one of Wade or Lebron on the floor with an extra shooter as they had very similar play styles of drive and kick

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