If You Don’t Know This, Your Putting Will Never Improve

In this putting lesson from Todd Kolb, you are going to learn the most important skill is for how to putt straight, with a great golf putting drill to help you master your putting stroke!

Learn more about the G-Track putter from VLS Golf:

I don’t care if you swing the putter straight back and straight through you cut across it or you Arc it none of that matters unless you do this one thing correct and if you do this thing correct you’re going to make more putts than anybody so what is that one thing let me

Show you I’ve got the GC quad from foresight here the first putt I’m going to hit is way out and across a huge cut stroke but I’m going to get that club face pointed pretty close to center of the Target and we’re going to see where

The ball goes so here we go test number one outside and across Square putter face and let’s see what happens to the golf ball here we go out across oh and I just missed it down the left Edge so here we go let’s tell us what the numbers got that club path was

16° out to in that’s not good it’s not ideal however the club face relative to the Target line was only. n° less than 1° closed and look where that ball finished literally right by the cup let’s do the opposite let’s Arc it inside side but with a square face and

See what happens with the golf ball and I’m going to give you some great drills here at the end to really work on this face control to help you improve your putting but the first thing we got to do is we got to understand what’s most important to putting and that is face

Control so here we go this time I’m going to really swing it inside I’m going to do my best to keep that club face Square to the Target here we go in out okay that was pretty much right on line it was a little bit short let’s see

What the numbers tell us that path was 3.6 de into out and the putter face was dead Square the target line I.E it was online so there are two extreme examples out and across in and out but the putter face was good on both of them and both

Of those rolled towards the cup when we talk about the full swing like with a driver and we’ve done a ton of videos on this and you can check them all out the path is important the path in the face and the relationship that’s important but when it comes to putting It’s All

About Face control and getting that putter face dialed in so here’s the simple drill that you can do you take two golf tees and what you’re going to do is we’re just going to Simply put them on the front side of the putter I’ve got my GT track putter right here

So I’m just going to put a one te right there and I’m going to put another one just on the heel so I’ve got one on the toe and I’ve got one on the heel you can kind of see where I’ve got that I got my main man Nick behind the camera there

Nick give him the thumbs up there he is he’s here helping us out so I’ve got the one on the toe and one on the heel and I’m just going to make some motions back and through and I’m just going to see if I can hit those t’s at the same time now

Obviously if I hit them at the same time I’m delivering a square Club face if I hit the inside one first the heel first of course the face is open if I hit the toall one first the face is closed do a little three set then we’re going to hit

A putt so I’m just going to go boom there’s square square square all right now I’m going to go ahead and roll one a good Square delivery face and a relatively good path all right that was pretty pretty good I pulled it just a little bit so my

Guess is the face yep face was a couple degrees closed but the path was pretty good so I don’t care if it’s in to out out to end if you’ve got the phase point at the Target the ball’s going to start on line and now that you got the ball in

Line let’s talk about good distance control and delivery Loft check out my next video on how you can control your delivery Loft and improve your distance control


  1. I don't understand the point of the first 1:45. Why would anyone want to 'slice' or 'hook' the clubface going back on a putt and hope the putter eventually comes square at impact? You're overthinking this!

  2. This has to be a joke . Dumbest practice stroke I’ve seen in ten years. Please don’t use this as a practice.

  3. i can never get the time i spent listening to this nothing-new video – he could have said it all in 30 seconds

  4. My putting was my weak link. I recently made a putter for myself and my brother with a block of walnut shaped to your standard mallet, 1/8" aluminum expoxied to the base, a steel wood shaft (46" untrimmed) where the lie angle is 90 degrees and we putt face-on, and I swing it like a pendulum. I'm am sinking 10' putts on my practice mat at a 70% clip, putting has never felt more comfortable… I'm going to shave at least 10 strokes off my game this summer. It's so easy to line up putts and feel confident in my chosen line, and my speed control is within inches now instead of feet. Give it a try ya'll.

  5. His last putt was his worst and he made mentioned that his path was his best . That made zero sense. Poor , really poor .

  6. Likes the sound of his own voice to learn nothing from an Expert…i expect he is fully booked for lessons after this video !!!!@

  7. I don't know how you can deliver such a load of crap. A first grader could figure out what you are saying but no one on this earth could repeat it. The answer to what you are saying lies in never ROTATING the putter itself relative to the TILTED PLANE it rides on. And that takes some actual brain power to figure out why. That new device advertised on Facebook does that for you. It's the one with an upper plane board which really reveals the whole secret except for Ben Crenshaw's RELEASE which is ultra critical as well. A putter unrotated on a single tilted plane and then RELEASED, does not twist. It is always square to the line at impact. It appears to both arc and open and close but it actually is not being rotated because of the tilt angle. That tilt angle is why there are few world class players. Most people are not smart enough to ever figure it out. The people at "the Putting Arc" were probably the FIRST to go public with it. You remind me of Dave Pelz… someone who has no idea how to actually putt but pretends to.

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