The Man With The Most Secret Bag in Disc Golf

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Who are you that’s not important what do you want you won’t know it until it hits you hey oh it’s you yeah why did I title the video this because you think I have a cool bag with secret stuff that nobody else have I guess this is a special kind

Of in the bag bunch of normal discs that I always use and a bunch of test stuff this is a secret putter that we’re testing some stuff with I really like the throw Putters cuz they give you the ultimate control not just for putting but throwing uh so anything within like

80 M to 75 ft if there’s a straight shot I’m going to reach for my powder probably I don’t want to say too much about this disc cuz cuz my hands are tied can’t say too much but it’s nice yeah this is also test thing

672 uh it’s not a new mold it’s just a plastic blend we’re trying out from my regular bag it’s my uptop pure I have this have had the same in in the bag for like 10 years you can see all the scuffs it’s a bit understable because of the

Wear and tear for 10 years but it still still holds pretty good so just a bit if I want it to go straight I just put it on a bit of a Heiser and it just fly straight I have two molds in my bag that’s not latitude and and my poter of

Choice is the Dynamic Discs Deputy I really like a really shallow disc with like minimum fade and this is a really understable disc it has almost no fade and It just fits my hand I can’t have have to use it haven’t you tried latitude Putters and like no I I’ve

Tried every latitude putter there is and for my hand just the dep Beauty Works twice or it’s luck it’s good poter this is your idea the next disc yeah to do this Yeah yeah this is a new disc we’re working on but it’s also the oldest latitude disc one of the first three molds was was the cenus with the old cenus mode there was just impossible to make it in a premium plastic I think we tried and we did around of like a, and

21 of them came out okay the rest look like something else so it’s a cenus and you can make it in premium plastic why not the thumb tracks th those are gone the thumb tracks are gone nobody really used them it was cool that we tried but this feels smoother next is a

Mid-range oh I have two uh this is the fuse I’ve always had the fuse since the release I think everyone should have one most other discs when they get to understable they want to drop in height but fuse have some magical Glide skills that when it turns it just keeps the

Height and can go to the right for like so long time and this is 124 G fuse for the zero gravity tests uh don’t think I’m going to use it or bag it but I would use the fuse on these kind of holes cuz the basket is actually to the

Right of the Hill here so you wanted to get it up there start to to be underst stable and just Glide to the right to the basket will I make the P oh yeah next up we have my my Workhorse mid-range stable to slightly overstable

It’s a trust a royal trust this is the super super early prototypes and usually midranges I like if it’s up to 100 m I’ll probably go for a mid-range so that was a really good throw but I’ve a borrow the the Jatan trust it’s your trust it is my trust to

See if I can make make a better Got I don’t think I’ll be able to reach this hole with a trust it’s actually uphill so we’ll go to farway drivers and my main farway driver uh is Explorer and this is a Pac-Man themed Explorer so that was also a really bad shot but I

Also carry a a up the Moonshine Explorer which is a bit more overstable so let’s try try that one we can move on now this is my new favorite disc it’s a farway driver it’s the understable uh pick of my bag and it’s the brave this is the early

Prototype that I just kept in my bag I really want to hit hit in the middle so a farway driver is good and it’s uphill so I want something under stable and just get it up there to pitch him for the birdie I got it pretty far up so I

Have a long eagle look do you think I can make it oh yeah I forgot a disc in my slow speed I have a savior and this is in the like more base plastic sense plastic which is more of a more of a not a premium plastic I think it’s going to be released like in May or something so I’m probably going

To bag both a premium plastic Savior and this sense so I can beat it in to be a straight forand option like this hole I’m just going to put it up high over the bushes and let it Fade to the basket oo distance driver if I need like

Lots of distance I would probably go speed 13 like RVE or strive but when I want more control I got the grace this would be a pretty good hole for a Grace nice oh that worked out it worked out here’s a hole and there I have something for

You it’s my last farway driver sorry I got a bit jumpy on the distance but I have a Pioneer speed 9 really overstable farway driver and I actually use this quite a lot for different stuff for these kind of shots where I just want to throw it out there and have a Dependable

Fade even if it’s windy it’s not going to flip on me it’s always going to fade but it’s also my like get out of jail free card if I need to do a a little for on that I want some skip out of or straight forand Rollers I I didn’t follow the whole flight I think I aced it here’s the sound I love layup the Step Up from uh Grace the yeah so this is when I want to go like 120 M and just straight and I I want to know that it fades to the left

Just want to go over that bush Heiser in have a easy approach and get a birdie Then I then the RVE would be perfect I’m just I I have to try the new Cenas oh that’s one way to do it hey horses I actually stole this from production before they stamped it it’s actually the Kevin ke for Team Series without a stamp so I just made my own where it says that it’s so people know it’s mine luckily uh it’s not at all

Windy today so uh here’s the shot I’m going to make now not Yesterday holy so this is your kill horses disc it’s actually pretty windy today uh and we have a headwind so this is uh the Westside discs add Adder instead of having like a stiletto as a wind fighter disc I like this one it’s really overstable but it has some Dome to it so

It actually has some Glide in it and I can get it pretty good distance longer than I could with a stiletto thank you for Watching


  1. my all time favorite putter is the latitude 64 Sinus. it just works for me.

    and for tricky approach shots where I just need the disc to go down on the ground and stay there am I using a KastaPlast Berg. I also do not have a powerful enough throw to get a putter to 80 meters so medium distance straight shots are handled by the Innova Disc Mako3. it is great cause it just flies dead straight at an ever so slight hyzer angle (at least that is how mine flies).

    but my bag is a big mix and match of a bunch of different brands.

  2. Visst var det där i Mijas? En mardröm för en som då hade spelat disc golf i två månader. Minst 2 discar försvann, en av dem i en ravin till vänster….

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