Golf Players

Golf’s Black Market in LA ⛳️ #182

In this episode, the guys talk about episodes 5-6 of Full Swing (13:52). Then they discuss the black market for tee times in LA. people are treating tee times like sneaker re-sellers (37:08)

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Was up till 3:00 in the morning last night couldn’t [ __ ] sleep so I watched the episode of I watched the last episode of Full swing you’re fully done now no oh watch this week you watched five and six yep what were you doing up at 3:00 a.m.

I just couldn’t sleep so I went out on the couch just try to mix it up and then I still couldn’t sleep I’m like [ __ ] it I’m because I usually I watched the last episode of Full swing in the morning it’s like I’m up early enough just drinking coffee or whatever might as

Well watch it if I can’t sleep at night I’ll I like I can’t get up I’ll just lay there until I hopefully do fall sleep my go-to is I get up and then I’ll like usually I can’t sleep because I’m too hot so I get up out of my bed for just a

Little bit until my bed cools down and I’ll get back into my bed just take a blanket off he grabs a fan he’s just holding over his bed yeah yeah just put it put it like get a get a tube hook it to the fan and then run it up you’re

Right imagine Jake just standing all weird next to his own bed yeah [ __ ] you should have a coal Plunge in your in your room actually that’s great idea just hit a quick CP and then hop back in tow towel off you’re right I should do

That also I did get a cold plunge uh like a couple weeks ago really yeah I did why God well cuz the all the boys in the house wanted one so so you bought it bought it or well no Meister bought one okay so uh one of

Your roommates bought a cold plunge that you have access to yes exactly so we have a house cold plunge now is that something that you share yeah I feel like yeah yeah I don’t really it’s no different than like I it is like it is different the water is not circulating is

It unless you like take a stick and there there’s no chlorine in a cold plunge correct so it’s just sharing cold bath water yeah but you’re only in there for like you know 3 minutes swall the water my head you’re still just sharing bath water and then you’re going to go

Shower right after a hot tub in a pool chlorine kills all the bacteria I mean did you I feel like you used to be a swim in the river type kid when you were younger yeah but I’m not it’s not somebody else’s ball juice go naked go naked your balls are

Still in it yeah but it is it’s not like I’m dunking my head under and like you’re sitting in cold ball soup I take my balls off and leave them at the door and then I hop in okay also same same thing with a pool is a

Pool is all that bacteria stays in there it just becomes a ner so like all the like all the gross stuff from a pool still is in the water it’s not like it magically disapp chlorine kills it I know but it’s still in there like say somebody like it’s just inert it’s inert

Yeah that’s what it does the I’d rather be in there with inert ball juice than regular ball juice the chlorine doesn’t kill it it just attaches to whatever the bacteria is and then hangs on until it’s filtered out I mean you used to you used

To hug sweaty men yeah and then I would shower it off immediately yeah doing a c plch I don’t know man I just don’t like it like you’re sitting in refrigerated soup you’ve had staff from wrestling I never got staff ring one time never ring

I got I did get skin herpes though yeah so like that’s the only one I got like I mean no ringworm no staff staff can be deadly I’ve never my cold plun and I have never I’ve never gotten anything that I know of that you know of um we

Put we were at a wrestling camp in the summer and they had a dodgeball tournament and the staff members were just the college wrestlers at that college are we talking staff S A yeah yeah I’m getting there okay so we they had the dodgeball tournament and the

Staff had a team in the dodgeball tournament and they named their team staff infection spelled with two fs and then the entire Camp got shut down because there was an outbreak of staff infection oh my God staff is nothing to [ __ ] with no no luckily I dodged it

Though you can like lose limbs from St yeah oh yeah it can like it’ll kill kill you Jesus it’s a blood infection Jesus [ __ ] blood Bros that’s why they like if if somebody got herpes at a wrestling camp they wouldn’t shut it down that person would just have to

Leave they shut the whole [ __ ] Camp down rightfully refunded everyone’s money what college I don’t know if I want to say I don’t think they can get in trouble cuz they did the right thing it was at Concordia okay who do you know who who had it first no um but somebody

Showed up because they they do skin checks like you got to do skin checks to get into [ __ ] yeah yeah I do skin checks before someone enters my cold plunge good that’s good actually me and the Fellas do that usually before we get in yeah before

Hop why don’t you just do it together then do a quick skin check um well since you were up so early how you feeling today actually I feel fine it’s weird I’m sure about 2:00 I’ll be dragging [ __ ] ass but right now I’m good um I did have to get up I

Forced myself to wake up and plow my driveway cuz we are in the midst of our where I thought that was going to plow my wife and then my driveway dude we’re having our annual spring March snowstorm right now in fact this these might be the worst roads I’ve seen all winter they’re

Pretty [ __ ] bad yeah did I tell you guys about the the 90 days after a fog yeah you did I think I might have it was either here or it was here so 90 days so it was way sooner than 90 days though nope that was like two weeks ago nope so

It was nope cuz I we marked it on a calendar um as of like three so three today would be like day 93 after we had a big fog so let’s say 91 days after when we had a big fog is when we got a

Snowstorm we did not have a big fog on New Year’s 91 days ago marked on the calendar yeah we who’s we my wife and I it’s it’s it’s like was a different fog you’re talking about well we had multiple big fogs but okay so 90 days

From we so in 20 days from now we’ll have another snowstorm if it’s 90 or 90 90 91 92 days [ __ ] well that sucks yeah what happens when we get fog in the Summer Rain 90 days later it’s a good question I don’t know I haven’t I haven’t I mean this is

The year that I’m doing all my research in so I haven’t gotten to that point yet there does become a certain point in a man’s life where I feel like the main thing that they pay attention to is the weather because that’s how my dad my dad

Has a running total of my parents house is next to a pond and he marks every single day when it freezes and unfreezes yeah and has a running average for the rain oh yeah yeah my grandpa he he documents um every fish that he catches in like quantity down at the river back

In my hometown like every single time he goes fishing he documents what he catches yeah so I’ve never seen the book but it’ll be interesting to go through it one day and see like and he doesn’t keep fish either he just he catches and releases every single time when I’m

Golfing I document every shot and then I write it down on this little card after each hole I do too but but there are times where I don’t document every shot well so it’s not like it’s not 100% accurate I do every single time no matter what good point golfers should

Mark down every shot and then have a running average of what they usually score uh in every single round played but not you don’t want to use every course is different though so there should be some sort of like thing to help adjust based on the difficulty of

The course just like the amount of shots you take yeah I mean just the average like to just maybe get your skill level yeah like you know kind of have it on a scale SC course difficulty almost yeah you could take the your last 20 rounds

Right and then use that plug the course rating from the last 20 rounds into the formula right but then only take your eight best from those and then average them out using that course rating and then somehow come up with a number that can help you at every course from there

On out they already do that what wait uh also no one has talked killed the bit right there on purpose no one has talked about how great of a little asterisk it is on your handicap to just say well we’ll take the best eight rounds of your

Last 20 like kind of [ __ ] you a little bit can I take my worst eight rounds I mean so one one uh I think it was a US USGA like rule implementation but one change for 2024 is um I believe like shorter courses now or like par three

Courses I think it’s like, 1500 yard course courses some of them are like say sanctioned within the USGA to account for handicap so I’m assuming there are par three courses out there that you can play that will contribute to uh those eight out of 20 rounds let’s be real though that doesn’t

Matter to any of us we’re we’re not keeping that [ __ ] straight I think one of the rules I did hear was that they’re allowing playing nine holes and then doubling your score being able to count towards your handicap I did see something like that as well like nine hole handicap adjust

Yeah like it would yeah your score you could essentially just double it and then use that to counter that’s what league that’s what men’s league already does cuz you only play nine holes in men’s league and they give you a handicap at the end and I’m going to be

Honest I was kind of doing that anyways so you know they piped that the wrong [ __ ] way I’ll call the clubhouse we’ll book another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluffed their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball than Now um also welcome back to podcast double bogey show presented by nicolay law Nic law it’s a family affair Russell’s a good good guy we met Russell me and Jake that he’s a good dude I Haven yet to meet him yet when you uh think of lawyers you think of like these sleazy

Grease ball suit guys like [ __ ] Giuliani yeah yeah yeah not Russ Russ is a good we’re on a nickname basis already Fair me I actually did call him Russ in person and I kind him like whoa I don’t know if I should be calling this guy I

Just met nickname already did he say uh you say hey hey Russell nice to meet you and then did he go ah call me Russ he didn’t I just took it upon myself he didn’t need to say it I just could tell uh but Family Affair over there at

Nickola he works with his brothers his sister even his mom you think they ever like wrestle in the office I don’t I they might get into some like sibling spats sure you know much easier to get into a a work spot when it’s with your brothers and sister I say no wrestling

Probably just a couple headlocks can you imagine the argument between lawyer siblings I’m going to [ __ ] sue you yeah imagine they’re throwing the book at each other I got to ask Russ what it’s like arguing with his family just hands over the lawsuit just [ __ ] yeah I’m gonna push that paper right I’m

Going to serve you these papers is like his mom like judge and the other siblings jury that’ be yeah these are important questions to ask again I I’m I’m ready to dive into the deeper questions related because I we’ve had questions for the last two or three

Years yeah and then what happens if this happens on the golf course we’ll get those we’ll get the interviews with Russell set up when it’s nice out and then you know what we do we find out the correct answer and if it’s what we’re thinking it is like hey you are entitled

To compensation if you get hit in the head with a golf ball and no one yells four uh then we can then we can put out our own commercial yeah if you’ve been affected by uh golf ball to the head in the last 12 years without anyone saying for you

Are entitled to compensation yeah we’re going to put those camp leun water guys out of business yeah yep you your family have suff of the effects of M yeah conversation there we go there we go we’re going to find our way we’ll get a billboard or commercial also another I

Thought of another question to ask Russell when when he’s on the whole uh who gets in trouble if I get like a skin disease on the bottom of my feet for playing Barefoot is it me for negligence playing barefoot or the course for using a [ __ ] ton of dangerous chemicals on t-

Boox probably you cuz remember how many people spazzed at us when we played Barefoot yeah yeah maybe I want to get sick so I can sue the course that’s why I’ve heard you’re not supposed to bring dogs on the golf course because of the chemicals on their paws they can wear

Booties but also is there a waiver that do you sign any sort of waiver when you go play a golf course yeah I don’t see any signs on the first T box like Hey by stepping onto this course you wave All rights to safety we don’t sign [ __ ] no I

Mean like if you hit a div if if you like go and pick a divot up out of the Fairway to replace it I mean you’re touching chemical or even just picking your ball up at the end of every single hole your ball is been running through

Supposed to be in the cup but touches grass all if you’re touch grass Tyler yeah it did touch grass mine typically don’t they’re usually in the woods touches pine needles yeah the sand yeah and then you guys give me a gimme when I’m like 45 yards out on the car path

Somewhere yeah that’s why I typically don’t like to play out of the fairways because I like to stay away from chemicals yeah that’s a great excuse so uh anyway nicolay go check them out if you ever get injured and if you have any questions maybe you you you

Need don’t know if you need a lawyer give them a call a help you or if you’re just want a [ __ ] you don’t do that okay they’re busy yeah um all right full swing episode five and six five and six lamest episodes of the season so far

Okay I was wondering how you felt about it last episode yeah I thought it was super lame last episode Tyler you were talking about justtin Thomas being [ __ ] sad the whole time he’s not wrong it’s more yeah okay it’s more of a buffer episode before you get uh so I

Can’t remember is episode 6 does he make the phone calls no no he they tease it though at the end so this is definitely this is a buildup it’s like a mid-season build up into yeah it’s also when they do the Alex and Matt Fitzpatrick which was I

Thought would be much more fun to watch yeah it was just your classic Big Brother’s good at golf I want to be good at golf oh I had a good round I’m good at golf Tyler hates the Fitzpatrick’s confirmed dude I like look more than Matt they are kind of I mean they’re

Kind of boring hum uh shouts to to Matt though getting them braces off mhm it’s a much less like a [ __ ] grouper fish now Jesus Christ I hate him what I’m sure he’s a nice guy I’m sure he is I’m sure is but you know everybody has the

Faces that bug them everybody has a face like a type of face that bugs them for some reason and my face that bugs me is Matt Fitzpatrick’s I mean I okay I understand where you’re coming from but it’s like yeah it’s like the Zack Johnson deal when when the Marv from

Country Club adjacent yeah he didn’t like his face I am and I I I completely understand why he didn’t if I were to ever meet mat I’m sure he’d be great right I’m sure we’d get along the whole time I’d be just looking at his face at

Least you won’t have to look at his braces though that’s that’s true that did help a lot the lack of braises helped a lot uh but I can I can confidently say I’m more of a fan of Alex than Matt do you think uh now okay

You obviously have like uh not really a feud but like Alex kind of like not I don’t know how to put it he not as like he doesn’t like look down on his brother but he like definitely wants to beat his brother he wants to be better than his

Brother and I’m sure there are points of animosity between the two what do you think it looks like from the girlfriend’s perspective because like Alex’s girlfriend seems like a ride or die and I Matt’s Matt’s girlfriend didn’t I don’t think she was in the episode at all a little bit she was in

The last year’s though no Matt’s she’s wife now I think okay yeah she she was in like a tiny she has had like a couple sentences but that’s it yeah she was in season one though in Matt’s episode so we saw a bunch of her there do you think

Like between the girl friends I don’t think they give a [ __ ] to be honest they probably think like the brother they want their significant other to be better than the others and I could see like there maybe being an ego thing where like Matt’s wife kind of looks down on Alex’s girlfriend because

Matt’s better I don’t know it’ just be it’ be an interesting dynamic to to dig into to see because I feel like that [ __ ] happens all the time well yeah there’s but there’s also a lot of golfers in between where Alex is playing at and where Matt is playing at in terms

Of like their skill level right in the show it would be actually 687 golfers between them number 13 and number 700 yeah like which again number 700 in the world is so good [ __ ] which he proved it like the 700th best golfer in the world can still play

Really in a tournament and I mean they I don’t think there’s animosity to be honest I think it’s more of Alex has animosity to the world for being under his brother’s Shadow like it’s constantly Alex Matt Fitzpatrick’s brother not Alex Fitzpatrick which more power to him because his current world

Ranking is 140 right now which is like damn mean he he earned his like the the problem with the world rankings is it’s tough to get ranked High when you’re not playing in PGA events and he wasn’t able to play in PGA events until what what

Place did he get nth or some [ __ ] was it top 10 or top 20 at uh yeah something and one of those 17 yeah so that gets you into a shitload of events now we can actually golf with the big dogs and that helps you get your rank and think about

Like the the world ranking is obviously it’s based off of like points or whatever right like your tour points or whatever like think about how many points have to be spread out between number 140 and number 700 it’s like I mean it’s a [ __ ] ton right no I’m I’m

Saying yeah like the difference is very little so one good tournament will bump you up a decent amount a decent amount you know what I mean yeah cuz like once you get P I don’t know how many guys like have a PJ tour card at this moment

Or if there’s like only a certain number but if you’re outside of that number on the PGA tour like it’s it’s going to be hard to rank guys in the T 20s different tours across the world you know mhm so but I mean like for him sitting at 140 like Ricky Fowler

Was like low like higher than 140 lower than 140 what yeah at the beginning of last season yeah yeah before he kind of went on his tear so that just shows you like one good tournament it’s going to get you exemption into other tournaments and your World Golf Ranking is going to

Skyrocket yeah I mean I think the to the another back to the animosity point I don’t think there is I know he wants to beat his brother but if he’s going to have if he wants someone to win that’s not him he’s going to want his brother

To win like of course he wants to beat his brother every sibling rivalry you want to beat your brother but if someone’s going to beat you you want it to be them yep like if you’re if you have to get second you want your brother to get

First yeah I can see that I did like what I really liked in these episod was like the Gino and Joel episode and then the Fitzpatrick episode like they really laid they didn’t really hold back on their feelings towards the other yeah it was like they didn’t sugarcoat anything

Like you know God I really love my brother I would just I love to be you know of his status or like like try and be better than him one day like they laid it all out like hey I’m sick of being in my brother’s Shadow or I’m sick

Of Joel Damon not taking [ __ ] seriously anymore is like kind of the theme of this whole season is I feel like the cuts have been a little bit deeper airing everything out almost like they’ve been do you know if you don’t make the cut you don’t get paid wait

Really no way what’s the cut yeah so after two days of golf players that are over a certain line over a certain score don’t get to play the next two days oh and you don’t make money if you don’t make the cut no you don’t if you don’t

Make the cut you don’t get paid man they brought that back these last two epod a tiny justtin Thomas didn’t make a single [ __ ] cut all year I that’s the biggest surprise I did not realize how bad he played last year oh you played like [ __ ] I just I knew he

Wasn’t like winning any Majors but I didn’t realize how shitty he was playing he like two or three rounds in the 80s yeah it’s and again we are guys sitting on the couch watching these uh multi-millionaires play golf they’re the best in the world but we can like we can

Still have an opinion that he played like sh oh he admitted it I did think it was hilarious he shoots an 80 and then in an interview he’s like I’m just [ __ ] embarrassed like dude I would be stoked especially on that on that course from the tips if I shot an 80 I

Would bragging to my friends and we’re not stupid we understand that the standards are different like an 80 to him is a 115 to me correct like I I totally get it but it’s just funny what can disappoint him and what can disappoint me I think it’s I think golf

Is very interesting in that way compared to other sports because like I don’t know if you ever heard the saying of like if you were in an NFL game and you were given a handoff do you think that you could even get past the line of

Scrimmage [ __ ] yeah if I had a good old line absolutely but how far maybe three four yards it all depends on how well the line blocks like think about like there are shitty running backs that can run 15 yards untouched because it was blocked well tou push I’m

Not yeah I’m not as fast as them so I could maybe get nine yards on that same blocked play could you do it for an entire game though the tough part is I would die my body would be but like the whole question of could you get positive

Yards if someone had it it it does not matter to it does it doesn’t depend on me whatsoever it depends on my old line yeah or okay I guess all right I’ll switch the question could you make a successful pass into double coverage for

A 25 yard pass exactly no and none of us are going to throw a baseball 100 miles hour none of us are going to be able to return a serve coming at 130 mph but in golf we can play the exact same course from the exact same distance and like

Literally Benchmark yourself one to one to the pros yeah that is kind of wild about about this sport yeah it’s the only sport like it that we can truly have the same experience as a professional if we want to to a degree I’d say the course conditions are not

Going to be the same if you go play like they’re going to speed up the greens forther to them their pins are going to be in harder location but you do get play the same course and there’s those tiny little changes or I mean if you

Literally plan cuz when I was in New York last year I went to um oakill Country Club where they have the where they had the open at last year and there were people golfing Oak Hill two days after the tournament was done that’s the best like imagine what that tea time

Cost that’s the best comparison to it’s even like uh when they have the Red River am at Morehead Country Club um the people who get to play it right after the tournament like they get to experience the fast scens and maybe a couple like of the same pin locations or

Something like that so if if you want to if you want the closest one to one you got to play it right after yeah but like there’s no other sport where you even get that option yeah right like no correct yeah you can’t just go to staple

Center and play a five 5v5 yeah the Rockets are going to show up so you can play with your [ __ ] inner mural buddies and experience what it’s like to play against an NBA correct it would it wouldn’t be you’d get [ __ ] still be kind of sick well yeah in terms of like

Okay so when we went and played Waste Management uh or TBC Scottdale we played in November and it was cart path only in November getting ready for February right cart path only we played whites and it was just like the greens were normal greens like we we played the same

Course as them but we didn’t you know damn near yeah it as close as we’re going to get right same layout yeah yeah um also I do not blame you for wanting to play those t’s cuz dude if you get one chance to play Scottdale [ __ ]

Playing the Pro T’s I think we didn’t we didn’t get to it but I think the only whole I would have TR liked to play tips on 16 for sure yeah what tips would play like what 130 1.5 something like that which yeah when you hear tips you’re

Thinking it’s going to really extend the whole 130s we’ve played a Million 130 Yard part 3es biggest mistake we made was we had like a 230 or 250 tea time at TPC Scottdale and we finished we finished 14 holes yeah before it was pitch black pitch black we played 14 in the [ __ ]

Dark yes like we we were purely guessing where our shots went just off of feel yep that’s all it was so that that was that was kind of a bummer yeah but just makes you want to come back for more yeah so um yeah Justin Thomas sad sad

Sad man all what else what else happened in episode 6 like how far did it get into like Ridder cup picks so the whole thing it was just Keegan Bradley deserves to go but they’re they’re painting it up that Keegan Bradley deserves to go and isn’t going to get to and that Justin

Thomas doesn’t deserve to go and is gonna get to based on his record and everything so had spe had like spe and Justin Thomas sat down with uh johnon for dinner Ricky yeah dude that that’s a tough look that that’s actually really tough look because Europe played phenomenal in the

Ryder Cup I don’t think any us team could have beat Europe on that given weekend but it’s like did the best team get picked so to go Rider cup because it’s not a spoiler because it’s in the past Keegan Bradley doesn’t make the team right correct he does not yeah

That’s [ __ ] but also Justin Thomas played really well at the Ryder Cup yeah and he was his last round he played he played really well he missed by one to go to the playoffs okay question question he’s an energy guy too he’s a locker room guy Keegan Bradley’s not

Going to be he he won’t be that locker room guy that Thomas because you have the spe and you have all the young guys where he’s Thomas is in that group where Keegan’s older he’s kind of on his own so it’s I get it question for you guys I

Don’t know if I’m just stupid what playoffs did he miss the FedEx Cup yeah I guess I don’t know how the FedEx Cup Works cuz I didn’t know there [ __ ] playoffs for it yeah it’s a it’s a yearl the FedEx Cup is a yearl uh it’s a

Year-long point system um like but isn’t just one tournament it is yes but why do they call it playoffs because so it’s the whole year and then you’re getting points so Scotty sheffler was number one so he finished or he started at 20 I know how the tournament works but they

Only take the top 60 70 70 play think feels like it’s a tournament up to the finals you know yeah I don’t know why they call it playoff cuz it’s not like it’s not bracket style really yeah I was so confused with the whole playoff like what playoffs I could be completely

Wrong but the way I read into it is like the entire season is like a playoff to get into the tournament if you will that’s tournament the playoffs it’s like regular season from football to playoffs yeah they should call it postseason or something like that that it should be

The that’s the the finals like the FedEx Cup finals and like the whole thing all the that’s the playoffs all year yeah uh or have a tournament right before it where like top 10 get in regardless of where they’re at sure and they call that the playoff yeah the chip that hit the

Pin on 18 man dude like I I always think like that would have been perceived so much differently that would have been one of the greatest shots in golf mhm yeah if he would have made that chip to get into the FedEx Cup champion playoffs playoffs

Get FX Cup playoffs by making a what like 15 maybe a 15 yard chip 20 yard chip yeah it wasn’t an easy chip it wasn’t like sitting on The Fringe you got a nice little uphill slow uphill to the to the pin it was like over a

[ __ ] hump straight downhill a lot of left to right that would have been [ __ ] crazy should have pulled the pin yeah should have had that should have had the pin pulled um but yeah so he missed out on the FedEx Cup playoffs and then it’s like well it is a rider cup

Year so let’s uh you know Zach Johnson you like uh meteor May top sirloin or you like uh Seafood guy or what’s going what’s in your head right now let’s go for dinner let’s talk about this a little bit even in the Middle episode he was like JT and then Zack Johnson were

Hanging out and JT is like I gotta kiss his ass but like how much do I kiss his ass and it’s like dude and I get why he did that like he’s got to be selfish at that point he he he if he cares about Keegan Bradley making the team versus

Him then he’s just not in the right sport yeah I mean that I think this episode has a completely different vibe if they don’t show the dinner where spe is like hey what are the odds everyone in this room gets in and then us that’s a tough question did Ricky even make it

Ricky got in too every single person at that table made it and I think Ricky I mean Ricky was he was playing really well where Ricky absolutely deserved to be in Justin Thomas did not no but Justin Thomas played better than Ricky in the Ridder right but there’s there’s

All this like oh what if what if Keegan Bradley made a team and Justin Thomas didn’t you can what if well you could have got rid of Sam Burns that was another one I I don’t know only reason is cuz he won the match play event only reason okay the valpar

Or no I don’t know what it’s called Tas he won the match play events they’re like oh we yep Valero but he played like [ __ ] yeah I mean the it just really painted it up that Zack Johnson just picked all his buddies which that’s my okay you can

Give me [ __ ] for wrestling all you want the my favorite thing about wrestling is is just the best person is on the mat because you just wrestle each other whoever [ __ ] wins gets to be on the team yeah I mean they should have I mean how electric would that be if they had

Like a Ridder Cup playoff one just like they do wrestling like okay you have your your 152 Pounders going up against each other to see who makes the Dual Squad that would be I mean okay the match like golf’s the match has gotten kind of like overplayed now I don’t know

If you guys knew this but Max hom and was it Rory yep just uh it was them and then two rosing and female professionals I don’t know that was the last match and I been cared about a match since Brady Rogers yes agree like two years ago and then T was it tiger

And Phil yeah yeah they did the one to yeah pre-live yeah but I’m gonna be completely honest I didn’t really care about that one either it was cool in the moment and then it was just eh when it happen I mean the first one was the most

Electric pton and Tom Brady against I think I think that one was against tiger and Phil yeah yeah that sounds right the very first one yeah yeah but then like I don’t know this this would bring that to the next level mhm yeah like okay your rder Cup captain can pick the

Matchups yeah like hey it’s between you two so you have your six points and then do like the next 10 or whatever like five groups two people and just play I mean that’s honestly a great way too to see how these people are going to play

In the Ridder cup very similar format in the actual Ridder cup mhm now again there is the aspect of having your having your your glue guys your locker room guys yeah Justin Thomas better locker room guy than Keegan Bradley I think everyone can agree on that was he

Last year though he just seemed like a sad sack the whole time even in the locker rooms I’m just talking at the Ryder Cup yeah like amongst those the other 11 guys on the team so I’ll tell you this right now guys I was just

Curious and I looked it up uh so because you’re right Tyler they did paint it to be like that uh Zack Johnson just picked his buddies right so I got Team USA here along with current world golf rankings the only two people that are outside currently the top 20 or 25ish is Ricky

Fowler and JT other than that at pretty much everyone else on Team USA there belonged like to be there they’re within the top 25 rankings that’s currently yeah the I think Ricky should have gotten in because he that was as hot as he’s been in years spe never cooled off

So he the JT is just the question right well then you got a guy like Brian Harmon too he wins uh he wins the open um so he gets his automatic bid mhm and who’s continued to be very good ever he rank eight right now um and then you got

Uh winham Clark who again was on a tear perfect the US Open world rank four uh so yeah it’s the guys outside of those six secured spots would I mean it’s not an easy decision no no no it’s absolutely not an easy decision but naturally who

Do I want to go to Rome with for two weeks and like Vibe with on and off the course again Justin Thomas is probably going to be that guy I don’t know I mean like Kean Bradley is not he’s just he’s not one of the boys in but he he’s still

A good dude for sure like nobody is like he didn’t kill Vibes he just wasn’t part of Zach Johnson’s friend group he clearly that’s a friend group because they’re sitting definitely staying together eating together like traveling together they live all live in Florida mhm clearly he also belongs to be there

Too he’s former World ranked 10 yeah I mean he’s a very yeah I mean I mean Keegan played with Zack Johnson in the 2010 or 12 Rider cups they’ve played together he knows what he does so it’s like yeah that’s probably Keegan’s last one he’s got a

Chance for I’m guessing yeah for sure yeah 36 GNA be 38 next time unless he gets to be a coach which I don’t think he ever would no he’s not maybe I mean he’s as big a name as Zack Johnson is Zack Johnson one of Masters keeg didn’t

He no no no uh Zack Johnson also has played on a Ridder Cup team five times so Keegan play twice twice twice and he’s 0 for two he could be like a co- Captain yeah or like the assistant captain or whatever it is you guys think

Tiger will ever be a Ridder Cup captain I hope so it would be cool he would year we went um Tiger’s too competitive he wouldn’t pick his buddies no God no he’s putting the best possible [ __ ] team out there he doesn’t care about feelings no I don’t think he’d pick no never mind

I was say he wouldn’t put pick Brooks but Brooks won just based off points so yeah yeah Brooks absolutely but he would pick Brooks If Brooks was hot probably tiger doesn’t give a [ __ ] he just wants to win like Phil was the co- Captain when we went in

2021 because the who is the main Captain I don’t remember it doesn’t matter I don’t know um anyway oh main captain of Team USA 2021 yeah oh 2020 but Co Year got pushed also that isn’t that weird that um we went to the Ridder Cup in 2021 but all the merch said

2020 it was weird I still wear that shirt all the time though me too uh yeah I think I think that’s enough Steve Stricker Steve Stricker it makes sense Wisconsin Wisconsin yep okay we’re going to take a quick break and then uh I mean that’s not full

Swing talk the next two episodes are is it seven and eight the last ones or is there 10 episodes and it’s all Ridder cup okay nice so poor Keegan Bradley prayers my guy I know two years pal okay we’re going to take a quick break and

Then we’re going to come back and uh we’re going to dive into wild scenario black market tea times corruption in the Ridder cup to corruption in the Los Angeles Golf Community Ryan it’s wild there is a deep underground tea time black market in Los Angeles and that sounds dramatic

But it’s true it’s about as dramatic as it can be yeah so here’s the situation everybody apparently there is a group of people in all the public courses in Los Angeles and they are buying all the tea times in bulk and then reselling them for a profit they are T they’re Ticket

Master they’re doing what Ticket Master they are but for tea times they’re scalping tea times in a way right so like if you don’t have Country Club membership you have to go through a broker to get a tea time now in Los Angeles it’s essentially like a drug

Dealer uh for tea times yeah like uh I want to I mean I think one of the Articles said that they have to contact their broker via like WhatsApp or some other messaging service Facebook Marketplace to where like hey I’m looking to get 8 a.m. on Saturday

Morning uh and you’re going to pay 40 bucks instead of 30 bucks or what have you um so from what I read is these tea times open n days before like you can book nine days in advance and they open up at 6:00 a.m. which then all of the

High demand tea times probably morning weekends are swiped up within like seconds or minutes Jesus so now they got like Bots set up to get these online or they they have they must because I it’s kind of like the shoe game right so like

When we went on and tried to buy like a new Nike uh release pair of shoes Kobes they were gone in seconds see I saw okay so I saw another Tik Tok talking about this where they had a statement from some public course in LA and they said

That they’re having the problem of the tea times but they know for certain that it’s not Bots that’s buying up their their tea time so they just got a squat of people waiting for the nday mark hit and then they’re just buying it up every morning maybe maybe and for maybe they

Do have Bots for other courses but I know that one course said yeah we know it’s not a bot problem because we’ve tried to ban it and all that stuff and nothing’s working so so I wonder like um because a lot of these scams will happen overseas where they’ll just have like a

Like a house of people who are just like you know one person is dedicated to 8 a.m. tea times the next person is dedicated to 810 te times and boom when that goes live they’re all bought right away and then you have the broker who facilitates who’s going to take over all

These tea times I don’t know if that’s how that works but I mean all don’t look over here guys Tak is smart but it’s [ __ ] up oh it’s very [ __ ] up can I do this in there’s already well that got me thinking like is there something like

That in Fargo I’ve never like I’ve never heard of so it’s a simple fix it is a super simple fix and Fargo already does this just make the tea times non transferable yeah make it so you cannot if you book a tea time you can’t give it

To someone else then all these people are on the hook for they buy up all the tea times on Saturday they can’t sell that tea time they can’t give it to someone because it’s non-transferable they already paid for it online the course doesn’t lose any money and then

These people stop doing it also Fargo has a login like you got to log in with your email and verify it and all that [ __ ] to do that so they verify you’re a human at least so if I go in and I book a tea time at Prairiewood for Monday at

2 I can’t give that to you but I could go there and say I’m you yeah but is this person just going to give everybody an alias like hey go and say you’re so and so well and how like how do the courses there’s got to be something more going

On with it for who’s buying the tea times because if the courses see that Jake Jake’s name is on every single tea time from from 6:30 a.m. until noon on Saturday they they know obviously something’s up so it has to be like a name generation that is taking over all

These tea times under one person essentially yeah or underneath multiple names I mean if they truly are using Bots I’m sure they’ve got Jake one Jake 2 Jake three whatever but even then a freaking ID check wouldn’t even be the end of the world seriously like I

Wouldn’t like that’s not going to bother me if I can get if it stops the tea time black market I’ll give you my [ __ ] social security number my ID whatever so that you can get a normal ass teach time well and there’s already a tea time shortage

We and and I’d like to think there aren’t uh Brokers buying up all these tea times so it is just people going in buying it themselves and that’s causing the tea time shortage now bring it to another level where you just have these random ass people buying tea times and

Then selling them off for a profit like think about how what if you don’t have a broker yeah where you supposed to play suppos play uh Saturday at 4:30 p.m. or you supposed to play Wednesday at 2: p.m. in the middle of the workday I just I I don’t Bes like how

Does one go about finding out you need a broker again it’s like a drug dealer it’s like hey I don’t want to give you my broker’s name because I want to secure these tea times for myself bathroom stalish just want tea times call this number yeah it’s like

Seriously how did the first person find out that he needed a broker to get a tea time I mean I’m sure the Brokers I’m sure they there were some hand toand combat where they’re like hey um I have I have some good tea time [ __ ] trench

Coat opens up you want to buy some tea unless somebody on the course like is also in on it to like they see all the T times like kid these are going to go whatever blah blah and they kind of like let them go yeah CU it has to be

Something on the inside to like just kind of like Let It Go where you see Jake one Jake two Jake three has all the tea times they’re like okay whatever I mean unless there’s different names they’re not How would how would the 18-year-old running the pro shop at

Their public course it’ be expected to notice that all these tea times are bought by a broker like I I don’t expect someone to know that right and I know this is just like we’re just backtracking in time but call the Pro Shop secure the tea time like if that’s

If that’s what you got to do to make it fair for everybody I know the phones 9 days in advance at 6:00 a.m. the phones are going to be going [ __ ] crazy but is that one of the only ways that you can I mean obviously the non-transferable thing too but it seems

Like there’s only a couple solutions to do this yeah just kill your online site first come first serve yeah now that’s all the courses are in Nashville most of the public courses in Nashville are n you don’t call you don’t Reserve you just show up

Yep so it it is a it’s a wild concept that like I mean there are so many other ways to make money and even if you’re only making 10 bucks a tea time which I don’t know it could couple hundred bucks a day I guess that it’s not bad money

But would couple hundred bucks per course and this is Los Angeles that has a shitload of public courses so if it’s uh 12 really yep that’s it I don’t know blows mind I don’t know what radius that expands to within La proper I’m actually I’m looking at it

Right now um there 12 or 13 yeah they have yeah uh one two three the yeah about 12 or 13 yeah so 2,000 a day yeah um what I will say is that I’m trying to book a tea time right now actually just because trip um if you

Guys want to go to La Jake’s the [ __ ] broker maybe you’re not going to be able to get a tea time um I have tea times right here but they’re only at two courses and they’re courses that are like a half hour out of La like out of

Downtown LA so I have it set to I have 20 I have this is for next Tuesday I found 23 tea times from golfing between 9:00 a.m. and 1 p.m. for one player on a Tuesday for one player for 18 holes so weekends are an absolute noo unless you have a broker

Yeah I mean I can try a weekend here let’s I’ll try this Saturday no tea times for one player Jesus what’s n days let me just do that’s next Tuesday is nine days from now um if you wanted to play next Thursday would be days from now yeah if you guys wanted to

Play one person at 2:15 p.m. so you might run into a little Sundown issue at this time of the year uh you could play 18 holes so there are tea times available the dog [ __ ] te just no good one the Brokers aren’t I don’t think they’re swiping up the the like the low

Demand tea times also F this they have tea times spread out every five minutes at these golf courses Jesus so that’s that makes even more money for the Brokers because there’s so many tea times yeah that’s true I also read in one of the Articles too that um it’s

Like uh one of the main Brokers is like a Korean guy who is also like only selling tea times to others of Korean descent so he’s like picking and choosing who he wants to be playing on the golf course which is also I mean we got like a we got like a whole

Tea time Mafia thing going on control the market yeah uh rip a quick 23 and me and hopefully have like a .1% Korean in you just to be able to get it Saturday morning tea time and I watched a video of this like LA City Council or

Something held a meeting and it was [ __ ] packed golfers showed up in droves to complain about this I Pro if something like that happened in town here I would probably show up yeah yeah I I I don’t know if I would but I would you would report you tell me what you

Saw cuz it it is an act it’s an actual problem if you don’t get I think Fargo is six or seven days in advance if you don’t get on at [ __ ] 12:01 a.m. seven days before you probably won’t get a good tea time well that’s the the

Problem too is like booking that far in advance that regularly you don’t know what you’re going to be doing in nine days well they also you just get it for shits and giggles and then you can’t go and then you’re part of the problem you know yeah they also give you know the

Preferred like members can schedule members of a public course nonmembers so you throw that wrench into it and it’s I mean it’s becoming a serious problem is it be because there’s there’s so many more people wanting to golf these days than there was in 2019 2018 think about it too golfers we

Are some of the most addictive degenerate people ever too so most golfers already have a bookie for regular Sports Bing now they’re just getting a bookie for the thing that they’re addicted to doing in the summer pretty Much they this guy picked the right Market to manipulate yeah because the golfers are going to do it they just want a golf how do they eliminate the the the Brokers I don’t know I I generally think just making like if you cannot sell the tea time then they’re

Not going to buy them and resell them if they eliminate a way to resell the tea time then it eliminates the Brokers how do you punish a broker I have no idea I don’t mean I don’t think making non-cancelable tea times as well is huge like the reason why they’re able to get

Away with it too is because you’re not like if you book a tea time you don’t have to pay up front it’s not the same as buying a concert ticket where you’ve got to spend the $1,500 on five tickets or whatever you know so forcing people to pay up front myself

Might also be these times that you have to pay for them up front oh do you yeah so this dude’s buying them all and then selling them at at a higher charge interesting cuz if you could just book them for no money whatsoever then this would be a even bigger problem in

La like cuz here you don’t have to pay up front when you book your tea time there you do that’s awesome yeah if he if he was doing that here he just be making 100% profit on every single tea time yeah he could book them all and

Just sell them for 10 bucks he could completely flip the script book them all immediately and then sell te times cheaper and then the golf course is now though you’d have to show up you still pay that doesn’t work never mind is it like that like these people get banned

From I they have to get banned from all these courses for Life yeah yeah um who is like there’s they obviously have they they have these people’s number like their their WhatsApp number whatever it’ll be interesting like is a course going to hire cyber cyber criminal people to prosecute is another

Question is this even even illegal yeah it’ probably be some lowl fraud I bet um yeah probably get you with fraud because you can resell tickets that’s not illegal I yeah I mean I get that but also pretending to be somebody else to book a tea time and

Then do all that like they could probably get you for fraud for that but we don’t know for sure if that’s what’s happening we just know that one person is buying up all the tea times and then reselling them yeah which I don’t know if that’s technically illegal but didn’t

Ticket m i mean didn’t this is like a Zack Bryan thing right he didn’t he like Sue Ticket Master or somebody for do doing this exact thing yeah and the thing too is like if if Ticket Master whatever or these tea times have a policy of like hey you can’t use a

Program to do this you can’t whatever and then people are doing it anyway then they could be sued or put into legal trouble by the company as well right like it could be like a private matter so I just found this on their website that this is an updated policy from the

City of La golf it said it is prohibited to use any computer program bot offline reader site search retrieval program automatic yada yada you get it um for obtaining a tea time is strictly prohibited we are closely monitoring reservations that appear to be using the systems stated above violations our policy will result

In tea time cancellation and a loss of reservation and playing privileges our goal is to make the booking process fair to all golfers who wish to play at our facilities so I mean they’re doing something about it they are it’s honestly like the city of La like the

City of La golf hires like one person to monitor these the tea times and the names and the credit card numbers coming through all 12 courses or whatever it is MH and like they have the ability to just cancel a tea time when they feel like something is fraudulent it also

Looks like they’ve added this thing called a player card where you essentially become a member and it looks like it opens up different tea times for you so if you like prove that you’re an actual person they give you whatever like a gym membership yeah and I think

With this whole lawsuit too there it’s like uh refunding of all of last year’s player card you know payments to these golfers who still never even had a chance to use their player card because the tea times were getting swiped yeah maybe maybe now with all this this extra

Cyber stuff maybe this this broker dude is just an LA Patriot and he just wanted to create jobs yeah yeah yeah kind of a Robin Hood steal tea times from the rich and give it to the poor yeah he wanted to I mean the rich the rich are at the Country

Club so that’s well he he wanted to steal from the poor he sees all the problems with today’s World of Golf and in to build it back up he had to First burn it down so he threw the LA golf world into chaos just so that they would get their

[ __ ] together and make it better he’s a golf vigilante yeah I don’t think that happened Tyler but who knows you never know yeah I mean he if he’s smart he’ll SpinZone it to that so no one’s mad at him did I talk about Mariana Benzel last week no I told you

About it she runs a show called trafficed where she pretty much investigates the under like black market underworlds drugs human trafficking all this kind of stuff be a great episode would be to try and on because she she’ll meet with every stage of the process so she would she would interview

A broker who would have their voice Chang and have a mask on be an interesting episode yeah because she gets interviews with like hit men and stuff like that like assassins real assin like illegal fight clubs and [ __ ] like that yeah she’d have no problem getting a tea time broker if she’s getting

Assassins for sure um and she would even like uncover like is this happening even happening in the United States or is there a farm of people who are just doing it overseas yeah it’s a scam essentially it is yeah I mean SC it’s the exact same process like we’ve said

As The Ticket Master scam or the sneakers or whatever what have you um it be different if like the T if they were selling the T times for like a hundred bucks a piece do we know they’re not well from what I had read I I don’t know

I guess I don’t have a broker yeah from what I saw they weren’t like charging exorbitant amounts double right it’s like a $30 tea time becom 60 yeah also La public golf tea time is actually not too bad by the way 18 holes like 35 bucks damn not at all wonder what those

Course conditions are like probably dog [ __ ] yeah probably dog track yeah so it would suck to play a dog track for $65 mhm imagine working the front desk and like the guy who’s brokering all this like you know he he has his Saturday morning tea time every week and no one

Knows what he’s up to but in the back of his mind he like he is the one who facilitated everyone else coming on the course that day yeah and then be able to play and once improves the LA Public systems he’s lotted as a

Hero I’m I I think I fully I think I’m fully on board that this guy’s Robin hooding La golf oh also La golf they’ve also now added where if you just book up a forsome they extend the tea time in advance to two days further so you can

Get up to two weeks in advance ah see it’s improvements are coming they’re coming guys next next Thursday 1210 32 bucks a person if you guys want to go [ __ ] yeah la go so hard to play in the middle of the work week unless you’re a Salesman we’ll wait two days we’ll book

Out Saturday good so yeah it is I mean it’s becoming a huge issue yeah it looks like they’re getting right on top of it though I wish you could just say hey build more courses but it’s not that easy no and it’s just keep it’s going to

Keep happening I’m going to start I’m going to become Fargo golf Robin Hood and I’m going to do this until o good and Prairiewood get a Bev cart I’m going to hold the te times Ransom nine get to DC yep until they have Bev carts I will

Not give up any of the tea times you’ve heard my demands Fargo Public hses ban them yeah but I have Bots ready to go also o good let’s maybe build a back nine how about that yeah yeah well okay the thing about OCA though is they they have the perfect 12

Holes we’ve talked many times about how 12 holes is the perfect amount of golf to play yeah they have the 12 hole Loop yeah I’m not asking for more holes I’m asking for a Bev cart I was good yeah also we could maybe get rid of that

Driving range J good and squeeze a couple more holes in there we get 18 yeah and a be card remember when courses were open two weeks ago now we have a foot of snow Yeah was fun good times yeah um you guys good on the black market

Deal yeah I think this guy’s actually an untung hero give me that guy what’sapp yeah I just I I I need to say this to end the podcast and Tyler you’re not going to enjoy it I don’t know you guys might I went through the biggest swing revelation of all time yesterday godamn

It so no one okay no one you’re all [ __ ] moaning and groaning you just just Ryan it’s like you You’ have no you have no idea how many times I’ve heard this from a gazillion people not I’m not saying you specifically I’m not saying you you did a whole thing when we were

At the crmc about how changing your grip was the biggest swing Revelation in your life you tried to push it on hitchner the entire episode yeah he finished in the next week he finished like top he was like second wasn’t he yeah but still you said that you’ve never done this

Before okay well the new newest swing Revelation hear me out here Trevor’s taking the cans off no headphones for Trevor do you know okay so do you know put your [ __ ] head you don’t talk anyway can still hear you I can still hear you um we’re six feet away from

Each other I don’t want to hear this so when you take a when you take a practice swing it it practice swings always feel good they feel fluid it’s like oh I wish I could just replicate the practice swing well in the simulator yesterday I was just replicating the practice swing

So I take a practice swing I’d step up to the ball and I would take another practice swing by hitting the ball no shot wait and I I [ __ ] you not I was it’s not a practice swing then but no you can’t tell me this makes perfect

Sense Ryan actually it does thank you you can’t tell me that your actual swing when a dressing a golf ball and hitting a golf ball is the same as your practice swing it’s supposed to be but it’s not that’s the point of the practice swing it’s no you are right my practice swing

And my real swing are two different things okay so I just fully replicated my practice swing I just happened to put a ball in front of my club face and it was unbelievable how small my misses were how many more Fairways I was hitting with the

Driver that the I got the same amount of distance that I would get with a normal swing and how many greens I was hitting from like aund like aund I I was doing the encourse practice on the Sim 100 to like 170 yards out it was [ __ ]

Wild so if you can just think just try it one time take a practice swing address the ball and then just take another practice swing by hitting it it is a world of difference okay I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s the point of a practice

Swing but no is to swing until it feels good and then do the same swing but I can tell you that yeah the L A large percentage of people taking practice swings that’s not how their regular swing is oh my practice swing is not even close to my real swing thank you

Mine isn’t either I don’t do it as a practice swing it’s more of kind of like okay it’s like a rhythm thing it’s like a loose loosen up thing for sure it’s like part of a routine type of deal yeah so basically we’re just using practice swings now for their intended purpose

Yes okay we’re going actually try on the practice swings okay it’s not even like try like cuz my swing speed went down but my distance like my ball striking was better my distance stayed the same so it’s like everything was more fluid and the distance was the same okay

I’m going to just maybe try implementing a practice swing period I don’t practice swing but here’s the thing like if you if you take it right right when you start if you take a practice swing and then you like you you address the ball you kind of set up you do what you

Normally do the practice like it has to be boom and then boom to like fully replicate that feel okay I I [ __ ] you not I wish I would have I wish I would have videoed it because I’ve never hit shot I’ve never hit consistent shots like that in my entire life

So you’re you’re finishing your practice swing then you’re bringing it back and then stepping up to it no no I’m not have you Gilmore it’s not like my my through swing into a back swing with a step up and then a through swing again like I’ll show you after this I I’ll I

Got to go I got work today no you don’t miles is gone you don’t have any work it’s Tuesday too you said Tuesdays are a light for you no Mondays and Thursdays Tuesdays you said Tuesday Jake do you understand what I’m saying I know exactly what you mean right are you

Looking it up right now no I’m not looking it up right now so you’re just not listening no I was listening I zoned out too I just didn’t have anything to add Ryan what am I going to tell you it’s a really smart idea and that maybe

I should do that too I’m just saying wants you to tell him yesterday true it was a huge breakthrough for me um so if I could help a couple other people with their brick because again I as like a 10 handicap I don’t know I don’t know what

I I’ve done the lessons I’ve done I’ve played more I’ve practiced more I don’t know what I have to do to get to like let’s say a five well number one I got hit more Fairways and the way I’m currently doing I’m not and number two I got to hit more

Greens but if I don’t hit Fairways I can’t hit greens because I’m [ __ ] punching out of the trees psychologist in full swing you I don’t have [ __ ] money for psychologist I am mom is a regular psychologist that will bill me for her hours I mean you get a

Friends and family discount so I I’m not looking for Discount I’m not cheap I’m not cheap cheap skate like that you just said that you can’t afford it and now you’re getting one at a discount so you can I don’t want one okay cou big big

Week for Ryan I know we just said we would end the podcast but we’re not uh Ryan swing Revelation also the announcement of happy Gil War I it could not be a bigger week for Ryan in the golf yeah the I mean the announcement wasn’t official it was like

Uh Adam Sandler had told what’s what’s Shooter’s real name uh uh Chris McDonald yep yeah I think he had just like he he had like he said he showed him the script or something like that so never mind that was like the I believe that

Was the kind of the the headline but I also thought that Netflix is gonna have it like it’s only be on Netflix yeah Adam sand has he has a deal with Netflix for just Netflix movies um the likelihood of it actually going through still I know is still pretty

Small Adam Sandler can do whatever he wants the movies he’s been putting out dude he doesn’t care oh absolutely if it’s good enough for him like Q Halloween no that was good actually there’s one funny bit in that movie is that no matter where he goes on

His bike people are throwing [ __ ] at him I know that’s awesome he’s on his bike in the Woods running from a bad guy and just there’s cans of tomatoes getting thrown at his head yeah I did I I did see a post I don’t know who put it out

But um it was it was just like their like their ideal cast for Happy Gilmore 2 be Adam Sandler it’d be uh Chris McDonald Shooters back would be uh will zorus is the caddy tiger comes back as chubs J chubs Jr Paige spanic is the the

Cart girl I didn’t know there was a cart girl but I want to say that’s what she was labeled as yeah cuz I don’t don’t ask me how I know this uh she I had the pig spanic calendar last year that’s how I know it

She did one of one of the the pictures in there she wore the Virginia venet thing okay from from his happy place Vision or whatever okay so maybe was Virginia venet yeah the new reporter or something so who was uh there was another female actress in there Sydney

Sweeney Sydney Sweeney yes she was the cart girl yeah that’s who it was yeah yeah talk about an electric cast oh my God but that’s not what Adam Sandler does he just picks his best buddies and then makes movies with I respect his wife’s going to be in it yeah she’ll be

A random side background character like she is in every every movie yeah um I think it’s it’s a guy named Ross is it Ross Smith on on like social media Ross something he he does videos with his old grandma oh yeah yeah Ross Smith you’re right his grandma would be a great

Grandma for happy G War oh and then they had the angry guy the the retirement home dude oh Ben Stiller yeah I think they had a different guy for him but I don’t forgot who it was I hope it’s would like to audition for you suck

Jackass I would like to be him that’d be a good one um do you know who would be great for that that role do you know the michelo balra guy who was uh he he iconic for just like only one watching tiger and not filming he actually kind of looked like

That guy a little bit yeah he’d be a great one cuz he’s very recognizable now what are you looking up I’m looking up The micho Balter guy right now Trevor what are you looking up great picture the who they said should be the are you saying he should be the big

Guy your ball landed no no be the guy the you suck jackass jackass yeah that hits happy with a car that’s right that guy happy look out yeah I don’t know who should be the big guy the ball landed on my foot guy who is like the uh you know

Uh who’s the who’s the NBA guy uh B bin bin he’d be he would be a great one good one yeah it it would be an electric movie it’s not going to be as good as the first cuz they never are yeah no um but yeah you know how it is they’re just

Going to redo some of the old bits and stuff like that Happy’s going to get a Jimmy John sponsorship instead yeah yeah that’s the one Trevor Oh Yeah from like the uh the dreams the dream when he goes to his happy place so he can putt well

[ __ ] yeah let’s [ __ ] go dude we got to get that movie I I I’ll I’ll contribute to the kickstarter I think I don’t think s good yeah I think he’s fine if he does need money he’ll just do grown-ups three yeah I got I went to the dentist last week

Nice and now at the dentist instead of just having like HD TV on the little screen they have Amazon Prime and they let you pick [ __ ] oo and so I picked grown-ups too cuz I thought it was going to be the most background noise movie possible there’s some really terrible

Jokes in there that are like 99% of people don’t think they’re weird but sitting in your dentist chair and watching it you feel weird there’s like a scene where Rob I think he’s pretending to be he’s he’s the janitor at a yoga studio and he comes into the

Room and tells the ladies that the yoga instructor told him to get them warmed up so he’s just having them jump up and down so their boobs are bouncing everywhere and that’s [ __ ] playing a foot away from my face while I’m sitting in the dentist chair hell yeah and I was

Waiting for him to come back in cuz they numbed my mouth and I’m like reaching for the [ __ ] remote so I can fast forward through it I don’t want I don’t want someone to come in while I’m looks like I’m just sitting your pervin out I

Mean it’s like uh it’s like when you’re on a when you’re on an airplane and like a sex scene pops up on Netflix you’re watching and you don’t know like if the person like on the opposite side behind you can watching I usually that’s when I

Usually lay it flat on the tray in front of me I’m [ __ ] double tapping through that [ __ ] oh I’m watching that [ __ ] for sure I just oh yeah I’m just not trying to like have any sort of horny activity in a public place not an airplane too

Yeah yeah not the guy’s about to have his fingers in my [ __ ] mouth that’s a dentist thing not a yeah I like people play with my my uula when I’m at the on an airplane all right I think that’s a good time to good place to wrap things up

Yeah we got uh I mean ma the Masters is like two is it two weeks away yeah Ricky’s going to be in it this year middle of April Ricky Fowler yep first time since 2020 damn damn okay um Victor H’s my pick mark it stamp it hang on I

March 26 when I was in Chicago I threw a I I threw some Masters bets down oh yeah I owe you 10 bucks yeah you do by the way yep I’ll get that to you eventually let let me let me let me tell you real quick who I got I I went straight

Moneyline bets on who’s going to win the tournament um I have Xander chafl and I put 10 bucks down on each one of these guys Xander sule Xander sule plus 2,000 10 to win 210 uh Patrick Klay 10 to win 190 so he’s plus 1800 will zores plus 1800 10

To win 190 Cameron young plus 3,000 10 to win 310 and then Victor hubin for Tyler plus, 1400 10 to win 150 I think cam young picks solid one I do I mean so if I win one of them and I lose all of

Them or I lose the rest I mean I lose 40 bucks and I make at least the lowest was 110 190 cuz Victor’s your bet so oh yeah yeah uh yeah I’m I’ll be I’m going to be dialed Thursday Friday par three tournament [ __ ] practice rounds it’s

All I’ll be watching dialed MH love you guys love you love you you piped that the wrong [ __ ] way I’ll call the club house we’ll another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluffed their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball than Now


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