Hit The Brakes For Faster Clubhead Speed | Golf Sequence Drill

Clubhead speed is produced through kinematic sequence and your ability to store and release lag in the golf swing. Master Instructor Chris Tyler shows you a great 3 piece drill that will help you see and feel what the best players in the world feel when swinging the golf club.

Impact Bag and Putting Mirror:

0:00 Intro
1:21 Important Info
3:10 Step 1
8:07 Step 2
14:13 Step 3
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Adaptive Release Patterns Coming Soon.

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Speed Club head speed we all want more of it in fact I know a lot of you at home probably leave the golf course feeling like you just ran the Boston Marathon four times over you feel like you are drained and you’re probably working way too hard and not producing

Nearly enough Club head speed that you know you’re capable of producing that’s right I know every single one of you wants to be more consistent and I know every single one of you wants to move every one of those clubs in your bag a whole lot faster than you currently do

And that’s exactly what we’re going to be working towards today because I’m going to be teaching you a step by step by step process that’s going to help you start to feel what it’s like to move your body in the proper sequence and also be able to release the club where

It matters the most down here at the point of contact sequence is gold in the game of golf you have to be able to accelerate and decelerate your body in a very specific order if you want to be able to produce really efficient clubit speed but you also want to make sure

That you’re doing this in the most safe way possible because so many people put themselves In Harm’s Way and build golf swings that have really really big robust movement that could potentially blow out a knee a hip or a back we’re not going to do that here today we’re

Going to do it the right way so I want to welcome everybody back to my golf D hopefully everybody’s having a wonderful day and if you are brand new to the channel do me a big favor head down below and subscribe to the channel and

Do me a favor if you like today’s drill hit the thumbs up button for me and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post that up below and I’ll help you out as best I possibly can as we embark on this journey with

Today’s drill I want you to have sort of an analogy and a visual burned on the Forefront of your brain that’s going to make it easier for you to understand where and when we start to put speed in the golf swing and this is an analogy I

Like to use with a lot of our members on the website because it helps them see the golf swing the same way that I do but it also helps you kind of develop a really good Tempo now when you look at me from a face on perspective I’m going

To draw a box from my belt buckle down to the ground this is your green section otherwise known as your speed zone this is where we want the golf club moving really really fast in the body moving very slow this is where we start to apply the brakes and let the club

Go the second section this yellow section for my chest down to my belt is going to be called the acceleration Zone this is where we start to get the hands and arms moving really fast and how fast we move the hands and arms is going to

Be very dependent with what you do with your legs and your hips it’s exactly what I’m going to be teaching you here today and that third and final section is going to be your slow Zone this is a very critical part of the golf swing

This is where we start to finish off the back swing and this is where we start to change the direction of the golf swing we don’t need to be fast up here and we don’t need the club moving fast here we need to accelerate and get the club set

Up for Success down here that’s how I want you to approach today’s drill now as I start to take you through this drill it’s going to be done in three pieces three these three pieces need to be done in a very specific order and you need to get connected to the movements

As I’m outlining them for you if you get connected to these movements then there’s a pretty good chance that the next time time you practice and the next time you practice and the next time you practice every time you go out there you’re going to start to feel what it’s

Like to be able to produce efficiency and you’re going to get 1% better every time you practice step number one what we’re going to be doing in this step is we’re going to start feeling our legs and our hips and the ground go through this very big acceleration and slowdown

Phase into impact and you’re going to be doing this with your arms across your shoulders and you’re going to start feeling what it’s like to use your Trail foot to help get your movement started but also to be able to slow your movement down now what I’m going to do

Here is I want to bring an impact bag in if you don’t have an impact bag get one these things are great because they stop you at the point of contact so that you can back check your positions and I’m going to use this as a reference point

For sections number one and number two of this drill so if you don’t have one get one I’ll put a link in the description below you can go ahead and pick one up they’re pretty inexpensive and they are certainly very handy to your practice sessions now what we’re

Going to do here is I’m actually going to demonstrate the movement first I’m going to demonstrate what it is that you’re going to be looking for I’m going be talking about the checkpoints very much so so I’m going to take my arms I’m going to take my setup I’m going to

Cross my arms over my shoulders and I’m going to make sure that the Leading Edge of the bag is directly in line with my lead ear and what we’re going to do is we’re going to make a small pressure shift to our Trail side we’re going to

Turn our body back and then we’re going to accelerate the hips to getting to the point of contact where it would be taking place now your checkpoints at this particular section of the drill is going to be making sure that your h hips are open somewhere between 35 and

45° your lead leg should be passively straight your shoulder line should be perfectly Square to your target line and your Trail foot should be rolled all the way to the inside portion now that movement right there is very very critical and the reason for that is is

Because that movement is going to help get the hips started in the downswing as that movement starts to happen you want to pick up the pieces here from the lead side and and you want to be making an aggressive move from the lead leg and

Lead hip so how I want you to do this is I want you to go ahead and take your setup and I want you to go ahead and make a small pressure shift and a little bit of body turn over on your Trail side

And now what I want you to do is I want you to start rolling to the inside portion of your Trail foot and you’re going to feel your weight starting to shift onto your lead side now when you focus on the weight moving through your lead ankle what I

Want you to do is once you feel that pressure increase substantially is I want you to take that pressure and push it down into the ground like you mean it push into the ground and rotate the hips back when you do that you’re going to start feeling the ground you’re going to

Start feeling your legs and hips come alive using the ground and using your feet like this is a great way for you to actually be able to move your hips really quickly in space so what we’re going to be doing in section number one is we’re going to be doing somewhere

Between 15 to 20 reps with our arms across our shoulders working to get to those checkpoints and as you start to go through your reps here you want to start slowly picking up the pace and every single one of these reps is very important you do not want to go

Into section number two if one of these reps is bad so follow along here so we’re going to put our arms across our shoulders good setup position we got the Leading Edge of the bag in line with my lead ear small tiny shift onto my trail

Side turn okay I’m going to roll to the inside portion of my trail foot and as I feel that pressure getting underneath my lead ankle I’m pushing it in the ground rotating the hips back and I’m stopping my trail foot is rolled in my lead my

Hips are open 35 to 45 my lead leg is passively straight my trail foot is very light to the ground almost like you could put your mom’s favorite Fab egg underneath the outside portion of my foot and I wouldn’t crush it so we’re going to do these reps

Together nice and slow at first so little small pressure shift turn your chest back about 45° roll to the inside portion of the trail foot feel that weight go underneath your lead ankle push it in the ground open up the the hips stop and I want you to start getting

Progressively faster as you go through the Reps and get really connected to what you’re feeling through your legs and your hips okay make sure you’re hitting the checkpoints and the goal is is as you get to the 15 to 20 rep Mark is to do it

At the speed in which you feel like is your normal off of course Cadence so I can feel the ground I can feel my legs I can feel my feet the connection that I feel with my feet to the ground is helping me move my hips

It’s also helping me slow the hips down that deceleration or that acceleration and deceleration that you just learned is the whole kitten Kaboodle for the drill if you do that movement with what I’m about to teach you in section number two you cannot screw the party up you

Have to be able to use your legs and your hips in the golf swing so in section number two you’ve just gone through number one and you’re ready to start picking up the pace here what we’re going to be doing in section number two is we’re going to now be

Focusing in on the arm and hip action sequence together now where the arms come in from is what I’m going to teach you but I want you to understand that there are two big factors that move the arms from the top of the golf swing down into the speed zone now these two

Factors are gravity so if I were to go and elevate my arms into the top of the swing and not move my body and just let my muscles and my shoulders relax my hands and arms are going to start coming down and the second component is through

The acceleration of what the hips are doing that shifting and unwinding is now moving up the chain and pulling the rest of the body around here’s an example if I were to go to a 9:00 position okay and I tried to hold my arms right here and I

Took my hips and shifted them and opened them up 45° I tried to hold my arms up here but where are they well they’re way down here in the speed zone so you can understand that after you get fully shifted onto your lead side your arms should have dropped down and they’re

Starting to enter into that acceleration Zone this is where we’re going to start working from is in the top part of the acceleration Zone and you’re going to feel what it’s like to use your legs and your hips to pull them down and release it simultaneously into the bag remember

Things are happening very quickly in the downswing now as I said to you just a moment ago we want to make sure our arms are coming in from the correct spot now to do this what I’m going to teach you is basically a way to preet your hands and your arms

Where they would be at the top of your back swing so I want you to all stand up with me at home and I want you to hold your Trail arm straight out in front of your body with your palm facing down the target line I want you to feel a little

Bit of connection here between the top of your bicep and the top of your chest and I want you to flex your Trail arm ever so slightly and I want you to turn your palm towards your face and just set your wrist that right right there is the position for your arms

Bring your lead arm in and the golf club in and if you have your lead arm passively straight not ram rod straight okay you have the enough flexion in your Trail arm you’re in a good spot okay now bring your arms down to where your tricep just touched your chest go ahead

And get into your golf posture and make that same shift and turn your body back to 45° your arms in the golf club are now in the proper spot presetting the arms at first when you start going through this drill is exactly how I want you to handle

Business now what we’re going to do from that position is we’re going to make a small pump of the arms and the body to get just outside the acceleration Zone into the slow Zone and as soon as the arms kind of go above that line we’re going to start aggressively moving on

Our Trail foot into that good impact position and at that same time we’re going to be snapping the club into the bag now a focus point for you with your Trail elbow here is I want when you hit the bag to have the trail elbow put facing

Out in front of you so what we’re doing here is really getting aggressive with the legs and the hips slowing them down and same time we’re snapping the club in the back so you’re going to be doing these two things simultaneously and it’s going to feel like you’re throwing the

Club really quickly that’s exactly what I want it to feel like it’s not legs first and then all of a sudden the arms are just going to show up 35 minutes later here okay it’s happening quickly so let’s go through the whole protocol here and we’re going to do another 15 to

20 reps just like this so arm out in front of us Flex it okay lead arm in the club comes in make sure it’s passively straight bring the arms down to where my tricep is touching the my chest golf posture little small shift turn to where my lead

Arm is parallel to the ground now what we’re going to do is we’re going to pump back roll and then snap it into the bag and as we start to pump back and roll to the inside portion you’re still using that same leg and hip action and you’re

Firing the club into the bag remember your Trail elbow pit should be pointed out in front of you we’re going to repeat this process all the way through to 15 to 20 reps okay see that little small pump back as the arms pump back into the slow

Zone I’m now using that as my signal to start rolling to the inside portion of my trail foot I’m using the ground to open the hips up and I’m slowing everything down from that trail foot as I’m snapping get into the bag remember Focus down here first your hand and arm

Function you should just feel like you are getting that club going really quickly those two things are working together so even if you are messing up something with your arms as long as your legs and your hips are doing their job they’re getting pulled down into the

Speed zone by what you’re doing with your legs and hips that’s the whole purpose of the drill is feeling what it’s like to have the legs and hips continue to move through to the point of contact and slow down so that the club is whipping past do one more rep arm out

In front Flex it turn the Palm towards your face set the wrist lead arm and Club in lower your arms down to your triceps against your chest make sure you scream on the water slide behind me turn the chest pump back okay snap it into the bag

During those reps you should be back checking that on camera you should be making sure that you got your Trail foot rolled in your lead leg and your lead hip are in the right spot your shoulders are square if you’re not in those spots then go back to section number one and

Repeat the process come back to section number two and be disciplined in this process do not try to put the foot on on the accelerator cuz I know every one of you at home is geared to be immediate satisfaction where you’re trying to get to the end result first how you practice

This stuff and making sure that you take the time and be disciplined is what’s going to guarantee your success now here we are at section number three this is where things change pretty quickly this is where we’re going to not have the club get stopped by the bag but

We’re going to start letting things release now what I want you to start working on in these first five or 10 reps that we’re about to do is as the hands and the arms start releasing the club in front of the body here you start letting things fly all of that tension coming

Out of the hands to the arms you feel like it’s snapping in the bag what you want to remember is is that as the club and the hands start working their way up above the speed zone into the acceleration zone is I want you to be

Able to allow the trp foot now to start to roll up onto the toe so what we’re going to do to get this this feel kind of dialed in and get it timed up properly is we’re going to be doing some short short to Long swings just to get

Things warmed up for Section number three so we’re going to go ahead and just make some little small swings back okay we’re going to roll to the inside portion of the trail foot open the hips up hands are passing in front all the way up okay we’re going to do it

With a little bit more fluidity though okay and you’re going to start picking up the pace to start feeling your foot release your body so that you can move up into a finish position okay now as you start to get really good at that now you’re ready to

Start trying to pick up the pace here and hit some golf balls but this section is very important that you understand that what you just did in section number one and section number two that you need to have your arms coming in from the same spot if your arms have a lot of

Variance to them where they’re deeper or they’re more out in front of you then you’re going to have to go down the preset route when you’re starting to hit balls with this be disciplined right now I have worked on my golf swing enough to know that I can get my hands and arms

Into a pretty decent spot here so I’m going to be starting from a static address position I’m going to be doing a one: one: one ratio where I’m going to be working on a kind of a slow speed swing then I’m going to be doing kind of

A moderate speed and then I’m going to hit a shot and I want to see how I do okay remember you want to feel the end in the ground down here okay so as the arms get up outside the acceleration Zone you want to roll okay okay that felt pretty

Good all right gangs so there you have it this drill just walked you through the three pieces in which on how I want you to work on things you get connected to the legs in the hips in the ground you feel what it’s like to accelerate and slow down you start working on

Sinking that up with your hands and your arms from the correct spot then you remove the bag and you start working on letting your body release after your hands and your arms and Club get done in the speed zone once you get that all synced up and you start having a feel

For the movement then start picking up the pace and start having some fun and hit some golf balls you’re going to feel what it’s like to move efficiently in the swing shape you don’t have to be strong in the hands and the arms to be able to produce real cpet speed you need

Leverage you need good brakes and you need a well-timed release which is exactly what this drill just taught you how to do good luck hopefully you guys play some good golf


  1. DAYUM!!!! THOSE KICKS ARE FIRE!!!! I have a saying I live by that is tattooed on my rib cage: "Look good…feel good. Feel good…play good." You prolly shootin' 63 with those sneaks.

  2. I'm watching the PGA Cognizant tournament with a guy named Jake Knapp who has the slowest arms I've ever seen & hits it a long way. It almost looks as if his arms are decelerating thru impact. I'd give a lot to have that swing.

  3. What a brilliant, succinct combined explanation and set of drills about the sequence. I've been trying to understand the process by looking at countless other teachers giving their tutorials on you tube. They have described various elements of the swing but none have put it in such plain terms. It really is step by step. I'm a 10-12 handicapper that has never been able to break the ceiling with consistent ball striking. Today I've started to do the drills and the results were immediate. Effortless power not powerless effort. I'm thrilled to think that i'm finally going to get the golf swing right before I depart from this earth. A life long dream. Thank you.
    BTW what about the driver? Different set up but is the sequence just the same?

  4. at 15:24, your head turns left at start of downswing. Are you subconsciously shifting your focus ahead of the ball to have club release there?

  5. The hands move fastest from the top of the swing down to about lead club parallel or so, the hands then slow down which promotes angular force which increases club head speed.

  6. I can not believe listening to your video and doing the steps how this has helped my swing. Not only am I succeeding in ball striking but I am also having my arms straight during follow-thru. Thank you

  7. Great stuff!! I've known for years that I need to involve my lower body more for both speed and consistency. This seems to be an excellent foundation for both. I recently purchased speed sticks and was ready to start using them, but having watched this video, maybe it makes better sense to hold off with them until I've gotten proficient with the 3 steps in the video first. Agree?

  8. Great video. Quick question.
    After you reach the acceleration zone and hips have stopped turning and shoulders are square to the line does the body keep rotating or is it just pulled around by the release of the club.

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