Leg Action in the Golf Swing

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In this video, Carolin talks about knees and footwork in the golf swing to have a repeatedly solid contact, butt out the club correctly and have the best swing you can have.

Carolin Pinegger is a Leadbetter Certified Instructor and Former LPGA Pro Tour Player

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Hi golfers and welcome I’m coach Carolyn left better certified instructor and former professional Tour player and today we’re here to talk about our knes and our footwork because it’s really really important to understand what our knce should be doing in the golf swing so we can have repeatedly solid contact

Bottom the club out correctly every single time and have just the best golf swing we can have because it will allow us to turn around our Center of mass our core our spine much better so let’s jump into it so the number one mistake that I see with my amateurs and with my

Students is that they don’t really know what their knes should be doing and shouldn’t be doing so as a result of that they do too much they move too much and I just had a lesson last week and I actually saw this in two or three students so it’s quite the theme that

I’m coming across so I definitely wanted to make sure I address it with you guys because what happens is when you take the ball and you take your club and you move away from the ball a lot of the time my students will Sway and that left

Knee that lead Knee will come in too much see how this lead knee comes in and even if you kind of brace your right leg against it it still comes in so their their footwork and their leg work breaks down in the back swing and what that

Does is it also breaks down your hip structure which is a problem because then you’re swaying all over the place in the golf swing so what I see a lot as I said is they when they move it back that left knee comes in and they either

Also have their right knee unstable or they kind of try to counteract it but again their hip motion here their hips are super open if you look at my hip now it’s really open this is almost 90° open and we wanted at 45° I discussed that in

Another video so you want to only have it at 45 degrees and when I when I put my hips at 45 degrees what does that left knee do what do you see that lead knee doing that’s right it goes forward it goes forward and you can see that on

The down the line angle here it doesn’t go in it goes forward so that is what your lead knee should be doing and by your lead knee going forward if you look at my hip and I love doing this with an alignment stick I’m on a mat right now but if

You’re on Turf you can put an alignment stick right here and you can kind of see that distance between your hip and your alignment stick in this case my grip and when you’re turning back you don’t want that distance to increase a ton and when you start getting that left knee in

Towards the back of your swing you are actually generating a lot of distance here do you see that how much distance that is and by moving it Forward see how naturally your hip doesn’t move away from this line it will stay there so that will really help you coil up and

Come back to the ball so really a really simple way of thinking about this is lead knee forward in your back swing and Trail knee back so this gets more straighter this gets more bent lead knee forward Trail knee back lead knee forward Trail knee back and then the

Opposite happens in your down swing you want to brace into that left leg right knee forward left knee bent sorry straight you you catch my drift guys so in the back swing lead knee forward Trail knee back in the down swing right here as as we’re starting to

Transition brace into that left foot Trail knee forward lead knee back so really it’s a little bit of a forward back forward back forward back and that’s something you can do you can do this on the Range literally stand and then hinge from the hip take your setup

And just feel like you’re doing a little forward back forward back and that’s really all you need to do forward and back and forward and back and forward and back and you will not do this you will not sway off the ball so make sure your lead knee goes forward that is my

Main thing for this lesson and also I’m going to put my club Away really quickly and I want to show you this little this little drill that I did the other day in my hallway CU it’s really important make sure my mic doesn’t fall off while we’re doing this as we’re

Dancing so much you take your hands and you put it in the middle right by your belly button and then as you’re coming back as you’re coiling back simulating your back swing you’re pulling your right hand up and you’re pulling your left hand you’re pushing it down and

You’re pushing your left knee out see what that does again my my lead knee is now bent my trail knee is straight straightish you don’t want to lock it out of course but you do want to straighten it a little bit more cuz that’s going to give you that 45° angle

Hip turn and then you really can’t overturn anymore and that is the next thing that this is so important for the overswinging piece I have a lot of students that struggle with overswinging and you know that’s a lot of us and I’ve seen it where people just can’t get out

Of that overswinging and they reason why they can’t get out of this overswinging is because their hip is too Dancy their hip is opening too much there’s no resistance but by having this lead knee and the focus on the lead knee going forward if you try this you can only

Turn so much legitimately I cannot turn anymore however when I have that left knee come in all of a sudden it’s literally there’s no stopping me I can turn shallow I can stand up there’s so much so much space in so much room that I have to go further back which I don’t

Want so this without you even thinking about your back swing at all guys this will stop your overswinging make sure your lead knee goes forward not back so let’s hit a couple shots lead knee forward and that just feels so much more powerful for because you now don’t give

Into that hip that into that collapsing in your in your swing anymore in your lower body that was such a nice little draw lead knee forward guys Trail knee back opposite in the down swing it is really simple and you know me I’m always here to simplify things and watch the length

Of my swing I’m going to try to overswing I really can’t overswing guys it’s impossible so this one focus on your knee is going to stop you from overswinging it’s going to stop you from swaying off the ball because every time you sway off the ball think about it you

Have to make up that entire distance coming back into the impact and this is just wasted motion you don’t need this motion this isn’t going to get you any more distance any more power it’s just going to lose you energy and power that you don’t put into the golf ball so so

Guys next time you’re on the Range make sure you pay attention to your knees and what they’re doing and that they are not collapsing have that structure lead knee forward Trail knee back Trail knee forward lead knee back and you are going to be good to go so this is going to

Help you get more consistent contact it’s going to help you get more distance and it’s going to eliminate those chunks for you so I really hope you enjoy this video if this is your first time here at my channel welcome to YouTube here at coach Carolyn I’m so glad to have you

Make sure you subscribe like and leave me a comment below I always love to hear from you guys and I cannot wait to jump into the next session session with you very [Applause] Shortly


  1. I have never had any coach tell me that about my knees…..they tell me not to sway but not how to solve the issue. Thank you so much.

  2. I always wondered about the correct foot, leg, and knee action. Very helpful from a pro! It is easy to find poor instruction out there regarding the front knee. Without her instruction it is very easy to overdue it. And just as important, it is vital to get some movement of the legs, knees, which drive the hips, to get the correct body pivot, a pivot that explains why she is a pro golf ball striker. I saw an obvious Leadbetter move in her instruction as well. She demostrate very well how the body is supposed to work. The body is the engine, and the body wags the tail.

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