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The WSOP Circuit and TOC are coming to Commerce! LA Poker Roundup Ep 30

Welcome to The LA Poker Roundup! The place for recent news and events in the LA poker community, with a focus on tournaments. This week we cover:

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The Commerce Casino’s announces partnership with the WSOP and brings Circuits back!

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E e let’s go everyone good morning and welcome to a very special emergency episode of the LA poker Roundup it is March 30th uh and it is episode 30 : so we needed to we needed to call a special session of the LA poker Roundup this morning thank you for joining us uh

Bright and early today because of the uh crazy crazy announcements that happened this past week and we didn’t feel like one episode was enough to cover everything so um today we will be talking all things World Series poker circuit over at Commerce everything we know everything we’ve heard we’re going

To drink the tears of all the whiny Vegas Pros it’s going to be great uh but before we get into that there were a couple really cool uh results from around from around the poker world for some laish locals so we just want to Quick give some props out so let’s start

Up at the uh shooting star I believe no the rising star up at the Bay 101 so congratulations to Andrew O stachenko uh who I believe began or begins his he calls this area home we see him down at the bike quite frequently at the bigger

Stuff we see them at all the larger events around here so way to go Andrew congratulations yeah good job buddy a good player uh and the other quick result that we saw since our last episode which was just a couple days ago is that local Legend Samy bahad

Has made the trip over to the Circuit event speaking of circuit events up at the Horseshoe and he’s playing in the main event up there and I saw from sami’s Twitter that he has got a bag so he’s ready to go he’s going to be in

That day too so we are wishing Sammy luck up there bring another ring and trophy home for us around here so way to go Sammy good job Sammy and that is an absolutely stacked field but Sammy is no stranger to stack fields and I’m sure he’s going to navigate it just fine yeah

I mean sami’s the one they got to worry about that’s how I’m you’re trapped in here with me I’m not here with you exactly exactly that is exactly the way it goes um so yeah what what’s up Filipino James in chat oh nice we got more people in

Chat I love it thank you guys so much for joining us this morning so the reason we scheduled our um emergency session for so early in the morning was as you know the 1100 is going on over at the bike which is the rare rare non-quantum tournament that they’re

Running this series so we were really um psyched up for that we wanted to make sure that we would have maximum ability to get there and so we wanted to start early enough to still be able to get over there even though I found myself a bag yesterday I ran Crazy good Super

Lucky uh bagged a little under average but we got through on the first shot so I actually can go back to bed after this uh Derek however um we still needed to run it at 9: cuz he’s got to go get that bag he’s his run badish wasn’t isn’t

Quite done but it’s all right I I got Fai it’s going to be over sooner actually yesterday I was so C dead but then I got a lot of chips off of just like two hands and I fortunately for Paul Paul win um I little bit set over

Set him in a really big pot but then I ended up losing with Aces uh you know with about maybe 10 15 people left to go in the day so yeah back at it today yeah I cracked Kings um with like 15 people left to my flight which was pretty key

Keep me alive so it’s all right Paul’s going to live he just got like fifth place in the mega he’ll be all right yeah he just sort of shrugged it off and was like oh a cooler and he just sort of left the table and I was like

Later buddy yeah I mean what what are you going to do that’s just okay so um let’s talk about let’s talk about what we’re here to talk about I mean come on we are all super excited about the commerce’s announcement here the Commerce holy cow World Series poker circuit um

Partnership I don’t even know where to begin um so this came as a shock to a lot of people now um I had been hearing from say DJ before he left and some other murmur that they’ been working on getting the circuit here all along uh it

Was kind of a last minute announcement kind of a last minute surprise that they were going to get the Tournament of Champions but if you recall we were teasing and hinting and saying that we were hearing those rumors a couple months ago as well so it really sucks for

Other you know for all the people who are qualified out there that they waited so long to do this announcement but it it you know that must just have been a side effect of the legal stuff right of all the um of all the contracts and parts and whatever right because there’s

They’ve I they’ve had this in the works for many months for many months it it really did seem to drag on I think everyone was like waiting for the announcement and we were getting teased by you know maybe some the at least the officials of the Commerce that do talk

To us that you know it was coming um so the fact that they were telling about us like so long ago I think everyone expected this to go through so I don’t know what last minute negotiations were happening or maybe they got tied up with all the crazy regulations in California

Who knows um but yeah I mean I’m glad it’s here but definitely wish we had a little bit more time to to prepare for this kind of thing but yeah yeah yeah no we’re all super excited to uh we’re super excited that it is coming La is

Going to be we are so stoked I’m just concerned that this isn’t enough time to let everybody else plan and come here and it came so quickly as we’ve seen the reaction has just been there’s been a lot of anger or there’s been a lot of not about the circuit of course but

There’s been a lot of people pissed off about the Tournament of Champions coming here which you know they have a lot of good points but they also have a lot of you know kind of suck it up Yani baby moments but let’s start with the good points right I mean obvious they’re

They’re they’re valid points that we totally I totally sympathize with I I don’t have a ring you know I I I’m not invited because as we all know here locally this year the bike didn’t run any and last year they didn’t run any in December so we really didn’t have any

Chances to win Rings if you stay local to La I say I I said that as soon as you you threw the rumor I was like this makes no sense nobody in La has somebody in La got a ring they didn’t get it here in the last year but we can’t play

Online there were no circuit events so we’re making everyone else travel here to play I was like they wouldn’t do something like that but then to your point also not now that they have I’m kind of laughing at the people who are complaining about it

Yeah now they are but you know now we’re going to have 18 shots to get rings they’re going to be giving away 18 rings at this thing now um as for as for reasons why you know I watched the Sal for or the uh only Friends Podcast you

Know berky’s podcast yesterday on my way back from the casino and they spent a good amount of time speculating as to why this partnership came up talking about what’s going on and uh first off you know he any of those guys if they’re listening you know I got to send I got

To send uh my my man Brian L Mana a direct message they have all the details wrong they haven’t been here since Landon came like two years ago to the last circuit or I think I think it was a circuit or to the WPT

It was a WPT the last time legends was a WPT Landon was down here I actually um I actually got lucky and busted him out of the the tournament we played um but uh they have all the details wrong about what’s going on in La they’re like and

People in the chat were telling them wrong they were telling them they were running quantums at Commerce they were telling them that uh they have no idea how many people were coming to our event they’re talk about how I mean they’re talk about how bad lapc is now which

Obviously it’s very bad compared to when it was a WPT but they just you know the numbers are all off they they they’ve got they got all the details wrong so come on I think we need to get over there and get on the phone with those guys and straighten them out because

They’re just kind of they’re just telling everybody wrong they’re making us look even worse than we are right I mean dud com on the yeah do basic research like me and Ty speculate about rumors and we talk about rumors but we don’t get numbers wrong R so just uh you know any we

Running a podcast especially one of as big as only friends do is do your research yeah I mean uh Berk’s just he he seems like he’s just so he well no he has the old lapc so romanticized he did well in it he remembers he loves it and and then when

It went downhill like it’s just like he’s just done with LA and it’s just like yeah that everything’s terrible so I mean to the I mean there’s some validity to their points right so we’re making the same points about how we’re down um I mean I definitely still get

The numbers right and you know obviously I I I I even if they’re getting the numbers wrong probably the spirit I didn’t listen to the podcast but the spirit of what they’re saying is probably right they aren’t that committed to Poker it feels like icept for the Commerce now seems to be turning

It around right did people complain about how our our uh C rooms are aging very true right I mean the bike is doing a nice remodel but not for any of the poker areas so yeah um we we we get it we get it yeah no absolutely absolutely

Um so one of the things they did speculate though that uh could make some sense is that they think that there’s a good chance that this partnership and you know the tournament champions coming a lot of this is related to and has a connection to the fact that Commerce

Also has now live at Commerce B right which is GG and GG has that strong partnership with World Series of Poker right so that was something that I I I definitely think could be uh you know could really be um a piece of this because um we’re also going to be

Getting several things streamed for the uh for the circuit so Wayne was on a thread Kitty cool um put out some kind of promo tweet about the World Series so Wayne responded uh that final tables are going to be on Bal live poker here and

Mr pessa asks which ones and he says at least two ring events and the Tournament of Champions so nice you know if I had to guess probably the main event and maybe the High Roller or something I mean if not the High Roller maybe the homecoming just because it’s so big

There’s a there’s a high roller uh just yeah after the main there’s a 2200 they call oh nice yep yep so um I volunteered us to commentate uh if so but I also heard only friends that he I believe they said they think that the uh like

The official um or the the you know like they I thought he heard that Platt and and um Hanks might be coming down to do some some ni so that would be great too yeah it’d be amazing then we can just focus on playing on those tables right

So but speaking of Commerce live um for those of you out there I think this may be one of the first times were saying we uh your hosts of the LA poker Roundup will actually be doing the commentary on uh Commerce live next Sunday April 7th

So tune in over there tun yeah tune in over there we will you you’ll hear if we have any Talent Call in the action and I think what you’re going to end up getting is um you know roughly a a a slower paced 4our podcast over there cuz

Get in the chat talk with us if you get some interesting topics we’ll we’ll chat them over with you you guys chat him over with Wayne with Cairo whoever walks in the booth and then we’ll cover the action when the action pops up so hop in Jesse totally agrees with us he thinks

That’s 100% why they were able to get that so uh yeah it makes a lot of sense um and I’m just excited man if we can get if we can get that stream room Ed but Hey listen also I’m going to tell Wayne in this when we go over

There if you’re streaming final tables of tournaments that room has a huge G Galley or Gallery like if you knock move that wall there’s the big upper bar area with like tables and chairs and stuff build bleachers or let people put put up a rope and let people sit there and

Watch just like they do at the just like they do at the um you know the real world series you have a rail let people come in let people have a rail for their for their final table man it will be great get some great energy it’s going

To be amazing we have enough room in that that t that that studio is big enough just take those push those things to the wall we have that for WPT here where there was uh just seating both at the Commerce and at the bike uh so you could

Just rail um definitely bring that back yeah when I’ve seen some of the old coverage there it’s great it you can’t even tell it’s at Commerce or uh wherever um and it’s funny watching the old ones back as you see a bunch of R rggs just sitting in the crowd it’s

Pretty fun yeah yeah especially now isn’t that awesome um I I think where was I I was playing I was playing like at lucky lady really late at night once in the cast in the back there and they were just playing like really old WPT streams and see Commerce up there there

A couple times and stuff it’s like oh man that’s what we need Glory Days that’s what we and it needs to look like that yeah it looks like we’re you know we’re getting back there getting back there so this is why we’re so excited about this you know you heard me and Tai

With all of our kind of griping about you know La poer moving in the wrong direction but this is 100% in the right direction so kudos to the Commerce for uh for getting this yeah I I mean we got to get out there we got to pull numbers

I really hope the whole South um you know SoCal area San Diego come and represent you know uh you know um big Kev and uh and um shoot all all you guys you know Anastasia rally your troops get everybody up here we got to get everyone

Up here firing bullets we got to make this a success um so that’s you know that’s kind of some of the cool stuff uh that that we’ve heard on that end let’s kind of talk a little bit about the Uproar about the Tournament of Champions

Right uh I I think have you ever did you play in that a couple years ago right you got a ring two years ago three years ago so so you played in it when it was still in Vegas right yep yep you probably don’t remember at this point but when did they

Announce like officially what day it would be you know what that it would be at Vegas like did they announce that as soon as they put the schedule out was they put that I remember looking for my name on the list like halfway through the series

While I was there but I also want to say that yeah you know what I don’t remember I don’t remember if it was already sitting on the schedule or not Goa so one of the uh one of the one of the um biggest complaints right for from everybody is

That it uh it’s it’s always been at Vegas it’s supposed to be at Vegas it’s it needs to be at Vegas right but um so so true props to Chad Holloway you know he’s one of the the big well there’s two right Kevin Mathers and Chad Holloway

Are the ones who’ve been taking a lot of heat from the announcement because it’s poker news guy and the um uh G what is it the hended mob or the GPI type uh news guy so they’ve been taking a lot of heat from the announcements because as we all

Know um the World Series poker like uh was it Jack Jack eel right like he doesn’t tweet so um but Chad points out that that is definitely not the case this is where it has been before then you know the tournament champions it’s been in Vegas for the last two years and

Then you know it was online for the co year probably uh but then before that it was at Cherokee it’s been in Atlantic City it’s been in New Orleans you know it’s been in it was in Vegas again then but it’s been everywhere right so it’s not it definitely hasn’t always been in

Vegas so that part of the complaint uh not really not really correct um now there are many other parts of the complaint so the thing that is really sucky is that as we’ve kind of mentioned already this only was announced last week right so this happens this

Tournament is in uh May 20 20th is right something like that may late late teens’s at worst so what are we talking uh you get a full month and like two weeks so like you got 6 weeks to plan your trip and to get here and to to go

Right so that I mean that stinks and as to uh what they’re what they what I heard on the other show is that a lot of these Ring winners are actually International as well because GG’s been running ring events around the world now yeah for people who are around the world

The location doesn’t matter so much as the timing I feel like because they’re going to be coming very far no matter what uh the people on the east coast once again I feel like the biggest fumble aside from so so the announcement timing sucks it should have come out

When the schedule for the World Series came out at the latest right and they knew it they just didn’t have the contract signed and sealed because when that schedule came out like we you know i’ had been telling you uh we had known that this is this is like 80 90% going

To happen back then they just didn’t have everything signed and sealed and ready to to announce but so that’s that’s awful like really ideally in my mind they should have pushed it to next year with it coming out so late but they I mean they put so much money and effort

They couldn’t um but for me you know what yeah for for all the the negatives of this I I I do feel like La needs this like a punch you know we need like a punch to get started and this is the punch to get started not

Only did we land this series but now we’re establishing the TOC here um I’m pretty sure they were just like well you know just a hop skip drive over to Vegas are we just going to do one of these you know go right to Vegas but the people

Are complaining about that you know I I I would because hey when it’s in Vegas it’s still kind of a crapshoot whether or not I even wanted to come for those events like if I was planning you know it wasn’t when you played the tournament champions it wasn’t during the monster

Stack right no it was at the very end it was like the last thing that was happening yeah so you had to make a special trip right I mean you you I did I did I had to go back out there I I almost didn’t go but yeah exactly you

Almost didn’t go and you’re in La so if I’m on the East if I’m on the East Coast like I’m like oh well unless it’s exactly during this one event I was going to go to like let’s say I made let’s say I lived on the east coast and

I and I made the um that tournament last year well I only went to go play in the um Colossus in the main event so if it wasn’t exactly those weekends I was making a special trip so it’s like who cares I’m going to go to La I’m going to

Go to I’m going to go toas an interesting point I’m pretty sure they were thinking about it a stacking so by the way it’s four days from the World Series the very first event is the 5K champions reunion um it’s uh on May 28th and then the the the actually the casino

Employees on the same day so they’re both on on the kickoff day um but yeah I never really thought about that like basically I would play other things around the monster stack and other things around you know like the the The Millionaire Maker right if I’m out there

For that um and I’m just sort of saying well if I’m just there then I’m going to play but I’m not going to special go out there for something so that is a good point like maybe to again to our point about catering right to to N9 to fers

Like that’s probably the way they should be thinking about it yeah I mean that’s and and I think a big part of of another big part of pushing to get that here is this is Commerce the first circuit event at Commerce and the hope would be

That 300 I mean there’s what like 700 800 people qualified for this thing first off Commerce wouldn’t be able to accommodate them all that Ballroom like they’re going to have to put tables in the in the um halls and start have some of the flights be downstairs if a decent

Number of people come cuz that room only can accommodate um what is the highest table number that that you’re in there doesn’t it only go up to like 80 or something actually I don’t know I remember like back in lapc we used to have overflow I remember that we it was

Like in like uh or 60 yeah I mean I remember we’re like out in a tent like in the in the um you know like that smoking area wow wonder jeez yeah Chad help us out if you know the highest table number in the ballroom while we’re

Uh while we’re thinking but like my point is you can only fit you know you can only fit probably 500 players in there so if somehow everyone came like they wouldn’t be able to accommodate them you know yeah at least not in the ballroom that’s interesting I mean I do

Wonder what the Overflow situation is going to be because even like you know we obviously we’re going to talk about the schedule a minute but that house Waring one’s going to be here oh absolutely yeah yeah um but yeah so so that’s I mean so the point is though if

If 300 people 500 people come they’re hoping they come a week early a week and a half early and they play all the circuit events too right just to make a trip out of it so that’s that’s part of the hope there which I also I hope

That’s the case um but if it’s not the case uh Jesse says 480 players can fit in the ballroom so if you know so that’s I I didn’t I didn’t realize that that that it was that small cuz it feels big but I mean that’s right I guess it’s like less

Than 500 people crazy yeah so um everyone you know so everyone can’t even fit right so that’s I mean so that’s I mean that’s that’s that one right so then the other thing about the um complaint is that there I guess last year or some at some point in the year

For all of the for all of the advertising for the tournament champions there was a press that that said you know oh the tournament champions join us at in Vegas right during the during the 24 series but then I guess Chad points out well there is this asterisk on that

Press release that says that it’s subject to change and things can go you know wherever and and whatnot and I’m you know I’m I understand people being a little annoyed about it um like I said I’d be I’d find it inconvenient no matter where it is if I lived on the

East Coast but like the other question is how many people are literally grinding ring events specifically to enter the Tournament of Champions that they didn’t know when the date was anyways I mean how outrage can you get about a free roll changing when yeah the tournament of champ I didn’t even know

That it existed right when I played the ring events I think most people probably I mean now uh with this amount of noise I’m PR people pretty sure would know what it is but I don’t obviously I don’t think that’s the biggest driver as to why people go play Ring events it’s just

A nice benefit yeah exactly like it’s a nice extra thing to have and people it’s like you give someone it’s like it’s like one of those examples of you can’t give any give this is why we can’t have nice things right it’s like here’s a here’s a nice

Uh extra promo it’s like oh you’re not doing it the way I want you to do it it’s like it was free man it was free did they verify did they verify this is a bracelet for the to Yep this is a bracelet oh man we’re we’re going to

Give away a bracelet in La that’s awesome giving away uh a bracelet now um it’s unclear you know I was listening on the podcast so Kevin Mather says this is the first bracelet event outside of La in Us in the US continent right but it was unclear whether the tournament champions

Has always given away a bracelet even when it was at those other locations because then it it would yeah then it wouldn’t be the first time so we should ask um almost we need to ask Sean almost feel they start making more of a big deal about the TC right around

When I did it um so I don’t know if it was something like a little bit different before but I think it used to be like you could accumulate points or something throughout the circuit and then it became all the winners or something yeah yeah yep and and Scala

The tournament chions was never at the bike um yeah they just had circuit events and they had a a dumb schedule uh so so uh other people complaining right so we we we want to poke some fun at Mr Rampage who’s got very upset on behalf of all the other Ring winners and

Bracelet winners he claims he’s going to be boycotting this year which I I unless he’s got something else going on that week I really doubt I mean he’ll probably be in town playing Hustler anyways what you’re really going to boycott uh I I don’t get it yeah it’s

Very strange for Rampages cuz he’s a very frequent La visitor plays a lot of I’m pretty sure he would find some excuse to come here so um maybe he really is that upset about the operational part of it but I don’t know he plays so much here like this has to

Be on principal and not on personal because he plays so much in La now the the one so that so the one thing that is the timing of the announcement terrible I agree it’s that sucks for everyone but that was going to be bad even if it was

You know even if they announced it during at the series and they put it like you said they put it right at the very beginning right at the very end if I was East coaster I’d still be upset so in my mind that’s not that big a deal

The thing that is a big deal and I you know there’s nothing we can do about this this is a problem we’ve had in California forever this year the 7% tax withheld on players not in California when you cash more than $1,500 so I

Looked it up if you if you get paid or you make more than $1,500 in California they automatically withhold 7% the state does so that that sucks but I’m going to come back to it again this is a free roll it’s becoming a smaller free roll

Because of the tax if you don’t live in California but it’s still a free roll so yes it sucks that they reduced your free Roll by 7% free roll right free money like uh it’s not yeah it’s yeah it sucks I mean you you it changes your uh it changes your UV

Calculation for the Mega pros and if it doesn’t make sense then don’t come um now now the other thing I will say is that the thing that made it um convenient at some of these other locations is being Caesar’s property properties a lot of the really Mega

Grinders the mega Grinders had lots of comps they could do things free you know they could get cheaper rooms free rooms I once again I’m just I’m just using my example as a uh a strong a strong Regional wreck right if I lived on the

East Coast when I play I played a ton um before I moved out here right if I had a ring I didn’t have any comp I didn’t go to Vegas that often there was one har as near me and Philly we had lots of regional casinos but no none of that and

This is the case in a lot of the Midwest place right I didn’t have any hair comp so if I’m coming to tournament champions to any of these other locations I’m paying full price for these hotels so that doesn’t affect the the you know if

You want to say like half of these Rings If the argument is like oh what about all these casual people the people who just want a ring online and they don’t play all the time here there there it’s not convenient well no place is convenient I’m not getting free rooms at

At Caesar’s you know if I got my ring from when I lived in Philadelphia and I come out here everything’s still expensive for me that being said yeah if the World Series and Commerce could come up with some promo to help these guys out like if you come to the Tournament

Of Champions and your names on the list will give you two free nights or something even one free night I think that would go a long way to building a lot of Goodwill and I think that would you know if you give them two free nights they’ll take a week and they’ll

Stay for the tournament champion I mean they’ll stay for the circuit right I yeah I mean I I actually think that’s not a bad idea for a promo is to just get them here somehow because you I feel like the Congress doesn’t care about the

To see it that’s sort of your magnet for them to come play the stuff around it and before it so yeah you should probably be trying to attract them here for all the complainers also you know to Caitlyn is making a point in chat that

She actually had to pay 7% on the seat that she was awarded um so that’s pretty crappy you know what I I almost just feel like um you know anybody who’s listening to the show if you are um a tax person a tax attorney you know a tax

Professional um I would love for you to write up a little brief thing maybe tweet it to me or Ty or post it to rla Poker Roundup Twitter account on YouTube and just give a little bit of like an explainer and just you know actually tell the pros how they can get their

Money back right in some sort of whatever it is right so just something to reduce that the tax burden of that 7% it would be great for us to publicly post something like that and there’s also um Todd from uh the bike suggested this like hey we should just be handing

Out like a pamphlet to people after they you know like this is how you you know you can reduce your tax burden on a certain per. yeah yeah the only thing I’ve heard is that um berky on his his pod said that he had to demonstrate losses in California when and he could

You know when he filed later he filed with California and demonstrated losses that took place in California to get some of that back which you know if that was he’s got he’s got a lot yeah he’s got a lot of losses in California that’s

What I was going to say if was any of the years where he got like um wrecked on live at the bike then it would have been pretty easy um some casinos don’t do I’m pretty sure uh Jesse if you’ve given them a out of state or out of country ID and they

Pay you more than 1500 they have to or they’re in big trouble um right all right so yeah so that’s I mean that’s that’s the one like the 7% and the the timing of it absolutely terrible I think they could have done the um spaced it closer to the the

Actual World Series I think personally um maybe there there must have been other reasons for that but you know other than that all these reasons people are whining oh like why why didn’t you put it in Cherokee why didn’t you do like how’s that that’s not better who

Cares uh give it a shot something new don’t mind about La I mean the 7% is really in my mind the only real gripe which is it’s a real gripe but at the same time free roll yeah I mean again I actually don’t I think I was probably making the same

Arguments as they are now when we first talked about this but um the amount of people complaining about this seems absolutely crazy and it’s making me laugh and I’m I’m having a good time poking fun at them oh yeah on the on the Twitter streets speaking

Of uh so you trying really hard to needle people actually here and um isn’t that fun yeah isn’t that fun so yeah we’ll just keep using this m uh we got some good stuff um I can’t wait I can’t wait uh yeah but I mean this the schedule itself looks just absolutely

Amazing I mean talk about perfect n to fivr schedule uh this is just I mean honestly everyone listening who is a poker operator in Los Angeles please just make your schedules look like this yeah so let’s go over the schedule shall we let’s go over this thing with a fine

Tooth comb let’s I love it now I was told that actually they were more or less handed this schedule and um you know someone else made this for them and they you know this is this is one weird thing and one thing we’re still a little bit concerned about there’s still no TD

Officially at Commerce yeah so I’m not sure how this all going to run I mean it helps it’s a circuit event maybe the maybe the World Series tournament directors just put everything together and handed it to him and said hey this is what we do with every other stop just

Do this you’re you’re good to go for now yeah as an aside it always just feels like everywhere else has these very simple reasonable schedules that do exactly what the schedule does but then it’s just like La has all these weird Landing stuff in the middle of the week

And I just I still even after Larry came on and tried to explain it I was like that’s not a justification um just do stuff like this not at all yeah absolutely in this schedule you know I when the bike still had circuit events I was constantly comparing their schedule

With all the other ones like every single other stop on the uh on the uh tour or on the series or whatever and it just blew my mind I’m like they all look so similar why is yours so weird but this is exact right this exact so let’s

Go through it um the opening event right Friday May 10th is when this thing kicks off the first weekend it’s called the housewarming which I think they called one of their big cheap ones um at the series a couple years ago but first event look at this thing $600 Buy in two

Flights a day only only two starting days Friday and Saturday and they say 500k guarantee this is like you said the room can the room handle this how many people do we need to to get this to go off right um I mean you know you know

What you know what you know what’s what kind of interesting is before the Overflow just went straight downstairs cuz those were all the cash game tables but they’ve replaced all the cash game tables with you know Bakr or wherever the heck is down there so that is interesting I don’t know where they’re

Going to put the Overflow this time yeah and this so Ian you’re going to have to walk are you going to walk people over to the freaking gallery or whatever that is over in the hallway yeah don’t and it’ll be pretty shitty I almost think they should I almost think

They should clear they can’t because like it’s massive they have a freaking boxing ring in there but I also feel like they should clear out the tent and have tables ready to go because you can fit more people out there it would be a terrible experience for everyone

Traveling in though so don’t do that oh not do not suggest do not suggest a tent typ don’t do that I’m just saying if you’re going to like let I’m I’m going to pull my calculator out in a minute but um here’s a structure sheet for the

Thing so it’s 30 minute levels up to level 19 and then it is 40 minute levels so that’s pretty cool so that’s pretty cool and they have to get to yep I’m gonna do some quick math here so um you know I would it would be pretty you know without a tournament

Director there and then you’re going to have an alternate list um I did not love the AL like you heard me complaining about the alternate list towards the end of lapc where it was like half was empty you had people just sitting around waiting for T I was just like what is

Going on here right um kind of almost feels like if DJ was there that may not have happened I don’t know so I’m really hoping that that a TD gets in there and and make sure that we’re operationally okay to handle this because this is

Going to be a big event right yeah um and if you guys can’t handle an alternate line without a TD we got to yeah yeah so they’re going to need uh 970 players to hit this guarantee which means you know 250 per flight um now the

The Friday 11:00 a.m. flight might be a little light so I’m guessing you know typically so they’re they’re kind of anticipating typically it’s kind of twice as big right on the Saturday than Friday I think maybe so I I bet Saturday we could easily see 800 people between the

Flights yeah that’s going to be massive man people like you know we keep saying oh just you know such a tight squeeze we have a month from now right to for for this to get promoted the WSOP um Twitter account obviously gets a [ __ ] ton of

Traffic right so PE people are going to see this people are going to spread it out obviously me and Ty are going to do our best to broadcast this as well um but yeah like that that’s going to be a big big one um 480 I didn’t realize that

The room only fit 480 and I really just do wonder what they’re going to do for overflow yeah yeah cuz this this event could easily yeah because even if you did overflow like let’s just say that the ballroom is the main and then you did overflow from either the tent outside

Which please do not freaking do that Commerce or you just you know take up a bunch of those cash game tables in that in that all area that area that’s what they should move yeah yeah you’re going to be hiking people across that casino like all the way upstairs before again I

Think they should relocate the high stakes cash tables temporarily for that week so that then you just have to go down the stairs right but before that’s where they had it like you would just be downstairs and it was like maybe six tables and they actually put some

Outside in the smoking area or something like that so like they did it before um but now this time if yeah if because it’s been all replaced with bakar out tables I don’t know I know what you’re going to do but y yep I mean they can

Move them too but I don’t know if they you know I don’t know if they’ll do that um right okay so let’s go back to uh the schedule and let’s take a look so after after the um housewarming we have on the schedule coming into Mon sun or oh wait

This is on Sunday also so on Sunday is one of is a senior event now interestingly enough there are two seniors events on the schedule we have one on Sunday May 12th which is the day two for the housewarming so that’s kind of awkward if you didn’t make day two

And you’re a senior you can get into that um but there’s another senior event let me find it down here Sunday Sunday senior’s event right here um on the 19th also Sunday 10: a.m. they start the seniors event at 10: a.m. there’s two seniors events there’s

Two seniors events and uh you know why I believe that this is the case um is because if you notice unfortunately there is no women’s event there’s no ladies event on the schedule and um I mean they should have just thrown a women’s event instead of the well I

Asked Amanda about that right and and the reason they didn’t and don’t and I I would have to look if Thunder Valley does one is because you know California laws you can’t discriminate quote unquote so they don’t have any way of creating a L’s event with rules that

Would prevent men from entering you know how the gardens they always have their women’s events that are kind of just like this is a women’s event please please don’t enter guys um if you recall I went down and I kind of harassed a little bit I just tried to interview all

The guys that entered the uh women’s event last time so there’s nothing they can do and I guess they’re you know I would be I understand they’d be really terrified if a man won a ring or a bracelet in a ladies event that the press for that would be so bad oh I

Don’t I I I’m pretty sure saying it not super convinced about these reasonings as to why it’s just feels like an overcautious interpretation of whatever the heck the laws are but um feel like you could have just ran it and then just put some you know pressure on the men

Not to play I offered to Amanda I said hey look if you want to if you want to put that back on the schedule um I said I volunteered us to to set up a booth next to regge and to interview and live stream and and you know put on blast

Every guy that wanted to enter to see if we could uh keep them from coming in but she said no I mean there’s also like there’s also like the ladies night you know kind of pricing right where um you just kind of do the same thing as bars

Do for ladies night right right but I don’t can you do that in California because the gardens doesn’t do that Ian I feel like I feel like they do have I mean I don’t know I think that’s thing we have to look into because I feel like

They do have ladies nights in California and if they do it’s the literal same law here right because then you’re just charging less for women to play right so you make it a 10K event and then have women buying for for 1K right yeah if once again those same if there’s a

Lawyer out there who knows this stuff I feel like California can’t do that anymore and um Caitlyn the gardens did have a ladies event but five men entered it so there’s you know there’s nothing they could do um two of them said they entered it on an accident they were like

The first to registered they didn’t realize another guy is just kind of a jerk um I don’t know about the others SC Mexico Point give women double the stack or something yeah something I mean um yeah but once again I don’t know the laws California is so Progressive

You know yeah um so there are two seniors events on the schedule uh interestingly enough the first time um we see on the schedule there’s a 45 minute break after level 16 I don’t know what time of day level 16 is going to be so it starts at 10 a.m. that’s that’s

For that’s for the housewarming no this is the the senior event the housewarming has no such big breaks the senior’s event has a 45 minute break after 16 and this is something I’m going to bring up I’m I’m yeah I’m done I’m done with dinner breaks I don’t need uh hold that

Thought hold that thought uh it’s something I wish that uh you know I hope we could still change because this is La we don’t do dinner breaks in LA right yeah just we don’t want dinner breaks in La get them out of here you’re allowed to eat at at the Commerce tables but

We’ll come back to that in a second the other event that starts on Sunday is the mystery Bounty so there’s a mystery Bounty 100K guarantee a two-day ring event it’s an 1100 buyin um this one is I mean for me I still don’t really love 100K guaranteed mystery bounties they

Still seem a little small to me like the that means that your mystery bounties your big bouny is going to be what 20K at most probably 10K will be your big bounties it just doesn’t feel like you’re going to get that press but some people love mystery bounties I’m gonna be skipping

That I think we have to challenge the assertion that mystery bounties are so popular because I feel like we keep saying that but every single operator now is just pushing these mystery bounties out to the middle of the week so I think maybe they’re not as popular

As we think or maybe they think they’re so popular they can put them in the middle of the week and get numbers true don’t true but for me I just don’t think they’re that popular if if the numberers not eye popping anyways but that’s that’s number three um mystery Bounty

There’s two day ones on that it’s an 1100 event um event number four is Pot Limit Omaha that’s a two-day event here um this only one one starting day though so for mixed game there’s now for the Mixed game players there’s not a ton of mixed game events on the schedule unfortunately um

So that that’s that’s unfortunate so sorry we didn’t want we we didn’t want Kathy walking out of this with 10 rings so I think it’s probably okay well I’m I’m not going to lie yeah she’s been talking about she said oh at least there’s these two events on here but uh

But yeah I’ll just win these two yeah there’s not a lot there’s potl and Omaha here’s one of them it’s at 4:00 on Monday it’s a $600 event um then on Tuesday they have the monster stack that’s $150,000 guarantee with two starting flights and it is a $400 entry so for a

$400 entry it’s pretty good value $1 150k guarantee on a $400 entry two starting flights are you going to take us are you going to take some time off for that one time I’m going to take some time off but honestly I think I might take some time

Off during the the more High Roller week um so I’m not sure I’m going to take that one off but if you take a look here’s the monster stack it has a 60-minute break built in at level 12 yeah so what I want to point out is

For a lot of these tournaments not the housewarming but a lot of these other tournaments on the schedule have dinner breaks so you know buckle up are you share are you sharing your screen Ty by the way uh out there not not with you

What do you mean oh okay oh you are out there I don’t I don’t see it on the stream but it’s yeah anyways keep it’s been uh I don’t I don’t all right hey chat if you haven’t seen the schedule or the structure sheets um chime up I’ve had them on I

Feel like I’ve had them on the screen for the last 5 minutes um okay so yeah so the monster stack that’s going to be good value $400 it’s Tuesday and Wednesday so it is in the middle of the week and uh yeah so if you if you can if

You have the time off that’s a great one and then starting on Thursday May 16th that’s the main event so that’s a big one Wayne said they would be stre of course good of course they landed the main event on Lisa’s birthday on the 19th

But well you’ll just have to get her a ring she she’s all good about it though but I mean it just uh pretty pretty sucky tell get her a ring for a birthday uh yeah so Wayne said they’d be streaming at least two ring events I

Have to think this is one of them so there are three starting flights $1,700 buying uh it is a 1 million guarantee so this is very similar with just a couple fewer just a couple fewer um uh a couple few were starting flights than the 12200 that Commerce ran that we

Got up to 1.7 million so in this being a ring event and having a bigger Buy in I am extremely hopeful and you know Derek Derek’s EXT Dereck is so bullish on this right didn’t you 3.5 I said I said 3.5 and you know why CU they’re running

Landmark megas right um I you know don’t get me started at me finding out that the bike 1K doesn’t have uh um satellites I I was I was shocked yesterday um that’s crazy for for something of this but you obviously like the the this is going to get a lot of

People into this tournament I’m super excited about this one yep so here’s the structure for the main event um it looks you know looks pretty good 40 minute levels on what looks like day one yep hour levels thereafter uh unfortunately a a dinner break I mean come on get rid

Of the dinner break guys you can get in another level uh yeah so let’s just let’s just pull some numbers okay so for the for the guarantee itself they need to get 660 players over the three days so they need to average 220 entries a day so how

Many so you’re saying that this will get three over 3 million so you’re saying this is going to get over 19900 entries right so 1 million is 660 I mean now that you say it like that it sounds crazy but I was basing this off of the fact that um the bike main

That was a circuit event back in 2019 had cleared over three it was like 3.5 or something like that but maybe that was a 5k maybe maybe maybe that’s why I don’t remember what whatk that would make sense for sure yeah Jesse they don’t have a new tournament director yet

No one’s been no one’s been tapped and no one’s been announced so uh says the circuit Vegas two seniors in addition to ladies okay yeah they definitely need to get an operations headed person for a TD um for this thing get started 100% And it’s too

Unfortunate too cuz I feel like we were trying to get an operations person from the Commerce onto the show and didn’t make it but this would have been a very good discussion but hopefully um we can get them on the show within the next couple of weeks so we can talk through

Some of these details to see what what’s going on over there yeah for sure I think they get it’s a little lucky for them that this is the circuit because a lot of what the the tournament directors seem to have been doing was doing a lot of marketing promotion getting the

Schedule set up right getting the structure set up and the World Series seems like they’re just providing that for them so yeah I mean they just need the operations to run now like um you know figure out your overflow situation figure out your alternate situation right all that stuff uh Jesse saying

That uh Daniel told them they have a TD now so we need to just keep pressing to get the information I mean to Landa TD at the Commerce Casino which is probably still our Premier um card room in La even with everything that’s going on you know between the bike but um yeah

I yeah I I’m interested to see who who they gret landed for that one yeah absolutely it’s going to be big news when we find out who it is we’ll definitely try and get get a hold of them and talk to that person um okay so

The main event like you said day two is going to be on Sunday on Sunday there’s that other seniors event and then there’s also a two a 1100 which is a two-day ring event it looks like there’s only one day one for that so that will be a good one 1100

Buy in 300 p.m. start time ends on Monday uh then on Monday we have a six Max no limit hold them $400 entry so that’s cool six Max on the schedule it’s pretty cheap one too which is interesting because usually the only usually the lower buyin players don’t want to play

Six Max so that’s very that’s interesting too because you usually they have higher ones right after their main events to keep those people around especially if you have the TOC you know like in between like you definitely could have raised the prices on these

Not the end of the world but but I I did want to like basically when you look at that Sunday right so this is day two of the main event and they are and then also on Saturday which is a big day one they have a one day and then on Sunday

They have another one day for the seniors and then they also have a two- day this is how you stack things right so like again we’re having the discussion about PE you know it’s so popular to have one days you can still have freaking one days you know kind of

Like designing it like this right so they’re starting that one day at 400 p.m. after a lot of people bust out of the main event so you have room in the room to go do it anyways I just I don’t know just guys just please follow this

Is the one of the most when I when I comment on this and saying this is one of the most sensible schedules I seen this is how the schedules look everywhere else right except for Los Angeles so just just follow these no you’re absolutely right and I you know I

Actually I kind of glossed over that when I read the schedule it my eyes went right by those 400 p.m ring events now those are turbos but because their turbos they’re cheaper $400 entries and the $400 entries such a different such a different price range from the 1700 you

Know it’s a different it’s a different Target right like that $400 price range really kind of targets the daily players who want to bump up a little to get a ring yes and that $20 they’ll go they’ll go for a turbo for sure and and they’ll

Pay a little extra to for because it’s a ring event and the 20 minute levels is what daily players are used to so it’s not like you’re going to get a lot of complaints cuz the people coming down from the 1700 will understand this is cheaper it’s 20 minutes and the people

Coming up from the dailies are used to it right yeah I really hope the bike is just going to pay attention to what’s happening here and they’re going to follow the data right because it was still harping on this still shocking to me they didn’t run satellites for the 1K

Or you’re not paying attention to what the other rooms are doing for their 1ks and how they’re getting these huge Fields right obviously they’re coming from satellite so look at this one if the bike runs a $400 one day that starts at 11:00 a.m. in the morning right and

Gets 15K I think this ring event is probably going to clear 200 right for a turbo in the afternoon so just just like please pay attention to what’s happening and then kind of you know like maybe challenge your assertions on on on how you’re scheduling things yeah and uh on

The schedule here they’re running those megas every night starting the day before the first day one and they run it that Mega every night until you no longer would be able to enter the main so that’s great yeah and right you know people you don’t have to be afraid to

Run a turbo at night you know people no it’s fine it’s at night we don’t want to stay up until 5:00 a.m. it’s fine it it it’s we’re okay with this and and you know what like I’m going to tell you right now that those one day fields are

Packed with people who are just playing out of their minds anyway they don’t care if they’re starting 300 big blinds deep they’re you know 10x raising and just trying to pile all their chips in they they they play it constantly as if it were a turbo anyway so just get them

A freaking turbo yeah it’s people like me and Rob and and Paul and uh like Stefan we just want to build up our stacks and fire again and get in there man let’s go yeah um okay so after this event right so then like I said there’s

At six Max uh then there is the there’s another $400 One Day ring event so that’s probably another turbo 3:00 on Monday but then at 6:00 p.m. on Monday starts the High Roller No Limit so they’re trying to get people who bust out of um oh actually no that that event

Is totally done so the High Roller starts at 600 pm. on Monday which is interesting to me but that’s the $2,200 buying it’s a two-day event and that would be possibly one of the ones they may stream if you ask me but maybe they’ll pick a bigger event we’ll see uh

So that goes on through till Tuesday the double stack there’s there’s two final events that day there are one day ring events the double stack and the um 3 P.M one which looks like if it starts at 3: that must be a turbo as well let me

Check the structure that’s a $600 30k guarantee so these these later one dayss could be great ways to try and bunch your ticket to the tournament champions to be honest they’re going to be I’m a little surprised at the yep that’s a turbo I’m a little surprised the High

Roller the High Roller starting at 600 p.m. yeah that was a little very late I but it is a two-day event I suppose yeah yep uh so they’re gonna play nine levels on day one so but you know what though um honestly 6:00 p.m. is a good start

Time for uh nine of fibers you know what I mean yeah not five like I I yeah I I can I can basically work all day Skip the six Max six skip that 300 p.m. Monday event um and then show off for the High Roller at 600 p.m. which is

Nice uh that is going to be a very crowded day cuz I I mean six Max takes up more tables and then you’re going to run to 300 p.m. one day well I guess it’s a Monday so maybe that’s okay anyways yeah it’s Monday I’m definitely I’m definitely going to be um interested

In what the Overflow situation is going to look like with that ball yep and then after that so Tuesday May 21st is the official end of the circuit but then on Wednesday May 22nd Begins the Tournament of Champions and the Tournament of Champions I don’t know why it says 12200

On the right but is there a Reby if you’re in and you and you bust yeah I saw that too like what is mean is that a buying can you buy into the 12200 can you can you rebound or or actually you know what this could be one of those

Things that’s like a stupid California thing there like you have to put right like what is the value so that when they we’re going to grab 7% we’re going to grab 7% of [ __ ] something so put your put your well no that should be what

They reduce it by I don’t know when you I don’t know I don’t see anything on the structure sheet that mentions 12200 so that’s yeah I I this really just feels like a California regulation thing like you can’t run a freaking free something structure she entry Fe is zero

And open to Winners blah blah blah start so when it gets closer um we’ll look up more details but that’s an interesting that’s an interesting little side thing that it says that so um yeah oh also pay attention to those Mega satellites from the main event package uh going on at

The same time so definitely get out there for that because uh you know we would all love a main event package for the world series of Boger that so let’s yeah let’s close out with um going over some of the details on that right so so this is that promo we’ve been talking

About or that uh we mentioned briefly before yeah this is the about oh no actually no no actually no this is what it is it’s uh I think we’re misreading the schedule so you go back it’s 2 p.m there’s a mega satellite for the main event and that’s a $1,200 Mega satellite

That’s what the $1200 is it’s not for the Tournament of Champions oh I’m sry yeah yeah yep you got it so during the tournament champions they’re running World Series Main Event actual Main Event satellites yeah gotcha yeah get out there for that that that’s that’s

Going to be good y I will definitely be there for that Friday one 100% yep you know unless I win this promo which is happening right before the the cash game grinder promo the cash game grinder promo yeah so Commerce has this cool promo to become a Commerce poker Pro and

The way they set it up it sounds like they want um to create Pros out of some of their most loyal cash game players which is commendable but are your best cash game players going to be the ones you want to send to a tournament I don’t

Know if you’re gonna send him to tournament though it might as well be the main event yeah I mean I I think they’re trying to basically get more traffic to cash so you know what at this point that is the least egregious thing I’ve ever heard out of all the things that are

Happening in La so fine run your promo for cash game players great yeah and it’s it’s a hard one you have to get a 100 hours 100 hours is not easy that’s like that’s that’s like 30 hours a weekend or something like uh 20 it’s

Like 22 or 23 hours a weekend for for us to work so I’m going to give it a shot you know we’re going to be over there at Commerce next week doing commentary you know I’ll go early I’ll get I’ll get some hours in maybe I’ll hop out we’ll

See how it looks after a week or two um but let’s let’s go over this if you can do this and you qualify first off they’re giving away 20 packages so 20 packages are 20 20 winners of a basically a satellite style tournament that you will qualify for and here’s

What you win you win it says $30,000 value which is you know basically just all in entry fees and $5,000 in cash so you win $10,000 main seat for this year you Win $5,000 in cash you win an entry into six of these circuit events right

Uh 138 133 16 18 okay so you get entry into the housewarming uh you get entry into the mystery Bounty you get entry into the main event you get entry into uh this 1100 you get entry into the High Roller and you get entry into the closer it looks like you know so

What the the 30,000 closer that’s insane I no I’m just saying you get entries into all those things that’s insane yep so that alone is worth around five grand so I mean just in entry fees then you get entry you know what like oh go ahead go Ahad

Go I just to say you get entry into six more events in November because they’re going to run another circuit event and I have to think it’s going to be an equal an equal type of entries that’s crazy so I mean we’ve been saying for a while like you know

Obviously me and Ty are not cash game players but it feels like you know while we’re hearing through the grap line is that the cash games are sort of dying in LA and that they’re just really moving to these private games and the private games are kind of super sketchy so you

Know what anything that gets the cash game ecosystem up and running even if me and Tai aren’t involved great that’s great for poker abut even if none of those players come and play tournaments I don’t I don’t care right let’s let’s just get let’s get that the cash the

Cash games huming again at the convers cuz you know um this is going to get a lot of people to come and I’m pretty sure a lot of the pros that are just stuck playing private games right now are going to come out and and start

Playing just to catch all of these these cash game players at the comer so good good for them yep and Jesse says he’s going to get in there and grind it 30 hours a week and uh Ace Johnson says he already plays 40 hours a week there so

These guys will be there at that table for sure and here’s the thing 100 hours is a lot and if those C if they if the cash game players really say I’m not playing any tournaments I don’t even care this thing this free roll might not be that well attended like this could

End up being you know as far as free rolls go you might end up with better than a one and 10 chance of cashing easily still so that’s huge right and this isn’t even 100 hours is hard to get that’s hard to get man yeah if you’re

Not if you have a job it’s really hard to get um the so we’re not even done with what you get though right so also selected entries into regular weekend tournaments like dailies so I guess they’ll just give you a couple entries into the dailies throughout the years

Here at Commerce um you get a there’s a party they’re going to have where you and guest get to come to their party and then they’re going to give you some merchandise you know maybe some some hats or hoodies or something you know so

Not bad not bad now yeah not bad at all yep so the way it works is you play once you get to $100 you can you’re in you get 10,000 chips for this tournament and if you get to 125 to 149 hours you get 25,000 chips and if you get over 150

Hours then you get 45,000 chips now if you are in the tournament um you can Reby once you’re in you can Reby and you can Reby twice $250 to get 10K chips again so if you can only barely scrape up to the 100 this is probably your

Strategy you’re going to be firing in there reing firing in there to get some chips if you get over 150 hours though you’re in a good spot you’re going to start with 445,000 compared to the 10,000 all these 100 hours guys have so you know um there is let’s see here’s

The other thing that’s interesting if you do win that the the World Series seat that you win they’re going to choose the day that you have to play it’s probably fine they’re paying 10 grand for you to go in right and yeah I think other than

That yeah oh they choose the day that you they’ll pick because everyone who wins through this is going to play on the same day I mean yeah everyone wants the last the last day so I guess they they probably don’t want to pile all these winners into the last day right if

They have any kind of deal to get anything cheaper or whatever they I mean like honestly like like the last day I think it’s like 1 D gets its own day two like all the other days combin into one day two and then the last day gets its

Own day two so that’s how big the last day typically is yeah yeah yeah I played the last day last time and we were very afraid it was going to go 10-h handed but nope was not bad yeah yeah yep so that is that is this that’s this free

Roll I mean holy cow like it’s hard to do and then you have to win that tournament or you have to rather finish in the top 20 you know but the rewards man that’s some that’s some loot that is some loot if you’re a tournament player it’s literally 30,000 in value like they

Said you know so let’s go for it let’s go all right man well I’m excited this is huge these announcements are huge I’m excited to play poker man I’m tempted like yeah wow do everything yeah the world series coming back here um we have so much good

Stuff happening in La finally like over the the next like couple of months right and then going right into the World Series in the summer so it’s going to be great um do your best to stay in action right protect those Bank rolles going to

Be a lot of lot of stuff going on um but yeah like this is this is fantastic you may have to budget out a congressman you may have to budget out your next couple months the way you do when you go to the series cuz we’ve got this weekend

1100 in two more weeks you have the Min Mega which is a 1200 it’s a00 and then I think roughly two weeks after that is when the gardens run its first 1100 in its spring series and then they added the Encore where two weeks after that they’re going to have another 1100 and

Then a week after that is when the circuit kicks off so holy cow I’m this is great I I feel like this is this is this is my world series I love this yeah this is this is the worst time for me to have a down swing

You’re gonna have to sell some of that stock man you’re gonna have to sell some of that in that Microsoft I might have to I might have to sell some Microsoft stock to play some of these tournaments but um but yeah you know what like again kudos to the Commerce that we’ve been

Saying so much that it really feels like we’re under investing but now it looks like the Commerce is turning the ship around um so yeah I would love to get that operations person if you’re listening to this or man is listening to this let’s get that operations person on

Cuz we would love to hear um some of those details of what’s Happening who’s the new tournament director what are we thinking about in terms of overflow for these series ious right and what’s what’s going to happen going forward love to have somebody official on just

Like we just had Larry on um speaking for the bike uh last episode yep for sure and they’ve they’ve got they’re getting the buzz hopefully we get the people and then the last thing is they need to they need to make sure that this is a great experience you know they have

They have to make sure this is a great experience for everyone that comes you know especially for everyone that comes not you know us regulars if it’s great we’re still going to be a lot of the regular still be a little bit grumpy like oh yeah I remember it was in the

That sucked but like you can’t you cannot have the people that travel here have a bad experience they got to love it they got to go out and tell everyone to come player growth right is uh half acquisition half retention right it’s going to cost you twice as more um to

Actually retain you know after you lose somebody to get them back um so this is why you need to definitely make sure um you know i’ we’ve done the research for you we put all the complaints that our players have had um we probably want to

Reach out to to some of the people that are traveling here to see what are the things that kind of keep them up at night and make sure that we’re we’re we’re handling those before they get here because you definitely want to to we have a huge opportunity here right we

Finally got a ring event we finally got a circuit event you know here um so as these players come let’s make sure this is the best experience and they would want to come back and play other events of the Commerce in the bike even when when circuit events are not going on

Right that’s how we grow the game absolutely all right man well I think uh it’s time I think you got to get heading over to the bike and uh I do I’m going to go grab myself a little bit of breakfast and be prepar to get my face

Punched again for another couple hours hopefully let’s that’s all my Aces hold up today and I got to get and I got to get uh to work on our on our interview for Miss Maria mariao yeah we got I got a big week coming up we got mariao in

The show we got um cash game stream that we’re going to be commentating on next week so we got a lot of prep happening but hopefully we see all you guys uh on on the podcast and on the stream yep absolutely so all right guys thanks for

Tuning in so early I saw it looks like we got up to 20 folks so awesome and uh good luck out there hopefully Dereck and everyone we’ll see you out there I’m still not sure if I’m going to head out to some of these daily tournaments today

Or not but if so uh we will see

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