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Wrestling: NCAA Championships – Session III

This is a Hawkeye Radio Network broadcast. Audio is a copyright production of the University of Iowa and Learfield.

[Applause] It’s network from learfield this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer Pioneer combines Cutting Edge research with one of the largest local testing programs in the industry to help farmers succeed Pioneer what’s next happens here also brought to you by hi ve score big savings with the new high ve perks

Membership Riverside Casino and golf resort home of the draft day Sports Lounge just minutes south of Iowa City by University of Iowa Healthcare changing medicine changing lives Iowa Lottery via VIP with the Iowa Lottery visit for details and buy Iowa Corn you might think Iowa just

Grows corn but the truth is corn grows Iowa brought to you by Iowa’s corn farmers of the Iowa Corn Growers Association and the Iowa Corn promotion board now welcome to Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneers Good Friday morning and welcome into moving day from T-Mobile arena in downtown Kansas City day one in the

Books we get ready to start quarterfinal round action and look to start punching some tickets onto the podium of this year’s NCAA championships P Grace and Mar high side sitting high above the Arena floor as we get ready for the start of today’s session we will have

Eight mats still four of those in the middle will be the quarterfinals they will wrestle each weight all the way through and then take a commercial break for ESPN so that uh quarterfinal round is probably going to take about as long as both rounds of the wrestle backs the

Outer formats will have two rounds of the constellation bracket if you win both of those constellations you will make it into the round of 12 to tonight where you will have to wrestle the loser from the quarterfinals with a chance to become an All-American as well so a lot

At stake today it is moving day because you start to get points for placement wins in the quarterfinals get you Seven Points Plus any bonus and then once you get to tonight you get another seven if you win in the semi-finals once you get to the round of 12 you start getting

Those placement points as well on the backside so the Hawkeyes come in today sitting tied for second place 10 points behind Penn State tied with Iowa State 2 and A2 points ahead of Michigan and North Carolina State Penn State has eight in the semi in the quarterfinals

Two in the wrestle backs Iowa has four and five respectively Iowa State and Michigan both have five and four respectively so a lot to happen here today and Mark we got four big matchups in the quarterfinals we got five guys that have a good chance to make some

Noise and get some big wins in that backside today yeah we got a l work to do but we got an opportunity to win a lot of matches today so but all these matches as we were talking to Jenny BR this morning coming off of the elevator

Down into the lobby of the hotel you know that’s wrestling you know anything can happen anything go any way and that’s why they wrestle the matches and that’s what today is about and we’ve seen a lot of upsets as we always do in this tournament up to this point but

Today as you mentioned moving day and there’s going to be a lot of brackets busted today and then there’s going to be a lot of people celebrating because they got some people come through that weren’t supposed to come through and then you got some people that like

Are you kidding me how did they lose that match but here we are and this is what makes it fun it makes it interesting and the Iowa Hawkeyes have an opportunity to really do some good things today um and hopefully it that’s what happens and they don’t falter and

Go the other way because there is opportunity for that as well so it’s a double-edged sword so uh but I think today that the Hawkeyes have I mean they come in here what in in second a half a point ahead of Iowa State tied tied with

Iowa State so um I don’t know it’s going to be interesting to see Iowa State’s wrestling really really well I thought you and I would have a little bit better of a tournament I thought they’d get in that top 10 but it’s a little bit early

To tell K kaisen is going to score some points for them throughout this tournament yet some big points for them they could sneak in there yet so we’ll see I know one thing today from here on out I I mean I’m not going to lie Thursday yesterday sometimes it gets to

Be long sessions long days both that morning and evening session but from here on out things get really really fun and interesting and I tomorrow morning sessions a session I’m really like like that’s going to be interesting from a team standpoint race uh from a team Race standpoint but today in tomorrow things

Get really kind of heated up and fun of the further and further and the deeper you go into these tournaments every single year uh the more intense that they get as the rounds start ticking off and you start getting deeper into the tournament and what about one one

74 with stach stach Lewis yeah the number nine Str nine seed taking on maai Lewis like oh my goodness it’s going to be some very good fun matchups today and in the wrestle backs too it’s like some of these guys are going home yeah and a lot of these

Guys are sixe seniors and they stuck it out one more year to try and make that All-American standard get on there one more time and now they’re they’re now they’re in a dog fight just to stay alive and we’re only in the Friday morning of the tournament so but that’s

Why you wrestle them and that’s why you come out and it’s so much easier as we talked about yesterday just to stay on the top half of the bracket stay on The Winning Side just makes it so much easier well the mats 3 four five and six

Will be the quarterfinals BR braen Davis of Penn State takes on Richie Figaro of Arizona state that is on mat number three mat number four is the 12 seed Anthony notto of lockh Haven against the four seed Matt Ramos of Purdue Drake aala for the Hawkeyes is on mat number

Five taking on Troy spratley of Oklahoma State and then on mat number six the 10 seed Eric Barnett of Wisconsin against the 15 seed Caleb Smith of Nebraska you talk about you know brackets getting busted and guys going home you look on the bottom half theoretically if it goes

To seed you could have the two- seed stanage of Lehi and the Seven seed kamacho of NC State if they both win this morning they wrestle again tonight for a trip to the round of 12 that’s crazy so the two or the seven is not going to make the round of 12 depending

On how things go and maybe both of them if they both get beat all right go drella 8 to one in sudden Victory got a cradle and put spratley to his back let’s see if Drake can get that offense early like he did yesterday against Provo that’s something he

Struggled at against spratley last time he wrestled in Oki State just could not get to the offense early in those matches and spratley really didn’t do anything at all whatsoever he wanted it to come down towards the end you could tell uh but that’s not our mojo and we

Need to make sure we set the pace right away but I tell you right now this bratley he he’s kind of an orary kid and he he wants some Redemption on Drake aella he was talking some smack to Drake after that match when they got up and I

Don’t know really why he was talking smack to Drake because Drake didn’t do anything you know to deserve that in that match by any means but I promise you bratley remembers that 2 10 to go here first period no score Drake’s tried a couple of Slide by into two-on-one hasn’t gotten anywhere with

It Terina and kamacho mat number two keep an eye on that one got blood time at looks like here in Ayala’s match well all season long Pioneer brings us our talk with Hawkeye coach Tom BRS Pioneer brand a series enlist E3 soybeans hold the best agronomic performance a soybean seed has

Ever achieved contact your local Pioneer sales rep to learn more no score in any of the quarterfinal matches yet the only match out there of all eight is on mat number eight where Provo Stanford leads mccon of Ohio State 6-2 all right Drake’s back underway here under action bratley heavy on the head changed levels Drake staying down low protecting his legs doing a really good job staying low staying on his knees now spratley trying to come around behind him got him in a front headlock Drake had a square up

There still has this in a front headlock here Down On Our Knees stale made it get a fresh start with 126 to go blood time again spratley a red shirt freshman finished second at the Big 12 losing to Jory vul three to2 in the [Applause] finals furora almost scored a Tak down on

Brandon Davis of Penn State right as they went out of bounds that one still 0 in that match with 30 seconds to go in the first period Barnett and Smith over there Matt six looks like Smith’s up three to zero in that match 3 to

One at the end of the first period Smith of Nebraska Barnett of Wisconsin Iowa and Iowa State come in tied up at 24 and a half today Bradley’s got I don’t know if he’s got a little cut on his nose or something but he keeps bleeding from it they got back out

There getting ready to start and then they stopped again cuz it was still bleeding had to clean more off the mat back underway minute 15 to go first period no score aala for the Hawkeyes bratley from Oklahoma State quarterfinals at 125 Bradley working hard to trying to

Snap Drake’s head get him down to the mat trying to get a go behind on Drake but Drake’s having no part of it he’s doing a good job wrestling through that position wrestling out of there but still has yet to get a shot fired off Nei the guy has brat big

Underhooks right now pushing Drake off of the mat continuous wrestling right [Applause] there 45 to go now first period bratley leading that left leg pretty heavy now gets Drake pulled down into a front [Applause] headlock Alla coming back up into those collar ties Davis leads figuro 1 to zero Smith

Still leads Barnett 3 to one notto leads Ramos 1 to zero kamacha leads Terina 3 to2 in the wrestle backs now Drake has spratley into a front headlock trying to pull him down period comes to an end though scoreless coin flips brattle’s Choice he’ll start down big big match here for Drake gella

Super super important match comes around into that claw ride spratley tripods up Drake hops around on the side trying to post that knee by the ankle to pop him back down spratley up to his feet hand control out for the Escape tried diving into the leg but

Drake felt that coming so one- nothing is the lead for spratley minute 40 to go second period you see anything that Drake can try to do here Mark to get to those legs you know like what he’s doing right now he just came across put his hands on him

But he’s got to keep his hands on him he’s got to keep his hands on him cuz staying down low and just kind of protecting your legs and good now he’s starting to see how he’s starting to move his hands now he’s starting to move him more with his hands on him that’s

What he needs to do but he should have been doing that the entire first period and then he’d have spratley a little bit worn down and then he’d have some options to probably work with some feels to kind of work with underhook tries going into a high crotch attempt looks

Like uh kamacho just pinned terraa and then furora just reversed Davis that’s in the third period so two to one figura of Arizona State leads Davis of Penn State two to one and he just sucked him back no near fall Falls but he was close he’s got 30 seconds riding time in building so Davis of Penn State’s going to have to get

Out Drake still a lot of hand fighting there he almost snaps and gets to a leg but spratley able to step out of it it will be a one to nothing lead for spratley as we go to the third Figaro Figaroa of uh Arizona State just got got his riding time so that’s

Big now he’s sucking Davis back 50 seconds left to go in that match he’s up 2 to one even if Davis gets an escape which he does that makes it two to2 but Figora has a minute 14 riding time he’s going to get hit for a stall

Call though there’s Drake has a nice sit out and gets the Escape tied up at one that’s a terrible terrible call right there so that immediately they called figura for stalling as they went out of bounds saying he wasn’t circling in wasn’t continuous action so now he’s got 39 seconds left to

Wrestle 39 seconds left to wrestle and he and he and he know Davis is going to be coming at him hard so all of a sudden now just because he’s coming at him hard in the last 39 seconds of the match he’s going to hit for stalling again and then tied up going

Overtime come Onley gets in deep on a shot rolls Drake through almost holds him there in the neutral danger now Drake roll through grabs the ankle spratley trying to stack Drake up now standing up hanging on Drake reaching back grabbing ankles tries rolling him back through again sits through this is similar to

The Dual meet right here uhoh Drake’s in trouble now Drake’s in trouble now no yeah I don’t know this is crazy Drake able to hang on to the ankles back stalemate it and there is the stalemate for 47 seconds to go and Davis is going to lose to [Applause]

Figaroa 40 seconds to go in regulation for aala against [Applause] spratley come on Drake there he Taps almost gets to the leg but spratley cleared out again left hand up on the collar a little short drag attempt but couldn’t get there overtime over there between Smith and uh

Barnett overtime down there on four who’s that one Ramos Ramos and notto Ramos or excuse me Ayala and spratley overtime tied up at one three overtime matches right now two of them are one to one Drake snap almost gets to that front headlock there CH getting around behind again but spratley squares back

Up Ramos in trouble over there notto almost a cradle in same time a shot by spratley but we’re going to Dale made it for locked f fingers there Ramos gets taken down there’s Drake in on a shot on that leg come on Dr spratley trying to reach

Back do the splits Drake gets flattened out spratley so hard to finish on though he’s literally doing the splits right now i’ like to see and he’s got Drake’s left hand so Drake doesn’t have two hands on the leg now he does right on the edge of the mat spratley trying to

Get out of bounds Drake trying to pull him in a little bit pull him in keep pulling him in watch your ankles here pulls him keep down he’s got to keep pulling him in deeper he got to pull him a lot deeper than that Drake stands up again a little bit

More keep pulling him in Drake keep pulling him in Larry dumps him down tries to cut across drives through spratley trying to roll three three yes three Drake got a take down guarantee you John Smith’s going to challenge that though did he have control the referees are talking it

Over they’re going to go back back and look at it you watch they wanted the Oki State wants it on the the referees and the referee saying no we’re not but if you want to challenge us you have to give us a block so that’s what they’re doing John Smith

Gave him a block right on the edge of the mat looked like he had control for a second there had him Sat on his butt man honestly I’m not going to I’m not going to say one way or the other because it was kind of too hard to tell

It really really was I didn’t have my binal up at the time so they’re going to send it back to the replay room let’s take a look look at our Hawkeye women’s wrestling recap brought to you by Riverside Casino and golf resort featuring the draft day Sports Lounge where you’ll find great

Food Beverages and the top golf swing Suite ready to play six national champs 12 all-americans and a team championship for the Iowa Hawkeyes and uh finished out 16-0 in the Dual portion of their season and and they also won the uh National duel Championship as well so a great inaugural season for the

Hawkeye women and Coach Clarissa Chun and big congratulations to them and good things coming ahead in the future Riverside Casino and Golf Resort located just minute south of Iowa city is proud to be the presenting sponsor of the inaugural season of Hawkeye women’s wrestling thank you to Riverside Casino

And golf resort for your partnership with the Iowa Hawkeyes fourth three is the lead for Smith over there or for Barnett excuse me over Smith going to the second 30se second tiebreaker Smith has 21 seconds built towards riding time God I want to see a replay of this of

Drakes it won’t show it on the big screen referees down there talking well Drake got to the leg was able to adjust elevated it up and did put him to his butt right on the edge question is is their reaction time did he have him there long enough for the [Applause]

Control Smith and Barnett still going at it down there Smith about ready to reverse Barnett Barnett no Barett scrambling he can scramble he’s he’s a stingy wrestler that Barnett he’s tough to wrestle he’s going to win Barnett’s going to win this and then now Manny’s chance challenging it he’s challenging locked

Hands well referee down on Drake isa’s match still talking they are going to come out referee says after review three takedown Drake is an All-American and moves on to the semi-finals tonight that’s awesome I love it I love it I love it that is huge so he will take on Barnett of

Wisconsin keeping an eye down here on mat number one Brody tesy will be taking on Brown of Maryland he’s on deck on that that one is in the second period so let’s sneak in a quick timeout we’ll be back with more from Kansas City right after this you’re listening to Hawkeye

Wrestling from learfield on the latest episode of the washed up Walk-Ons recent graduate Iowa defensive lineman Logan Lee Joins the show Logan gave us about 90 minutes that we were not expecting we hardly talk about his football career and more so dive into who he is as a

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Class in the semi-finals you have the eight seed furora of Arizona State versus Noto the number 12 seed so on the top after of the bracket the highest seated guy you’re going to have is third and then on the bottom half you got Drake AA the number three seed which is

Where he’s supposed to be is in the semis versus Barnett the number 10 seed who just beat the number 15 seed Smith yeah so if it played out on paper Drake IA is supposed to win the national title right now like we said you go back in time and

Restart this tournament and I bet you you wouldn’t see one mat well you might see 10 matches out of these that have been wrestled that are about the same results yep yep it’s it’s and then we got three overtime matches there yeah 25 is just crazy nobody wants to like nobody wants

To like step up and be that person but on the this is the time do it on the mats right now mat number one 125 Elijah Griffin of Cal Baptist tied up at four with steo Pand riding time not a factor in that one that’s on mat number one 20

Seconds left yarboro of Virginia and basil of army West Point on mat number two that is who Brody tesky would wrestle if Brody wins his match is the winner of that one and basil actually just gets a taked down to take a 4 to3 lead Matt number seven Tanner Jordan a

Taked down in the third he now leads 8 to3 over Patrick mcke of Minnesota it’s actually 11 to four 11 to four now and that’s going to be the final so Patrick mcke who is a six-year senior from Minnesota the number nine seed coming in

Just got beat by the 23rd seed Jordan of South Dakota state so Patrick mcke this is that’s his last match at the NCA tournament in his college career hunger of Cornell just defeated de austino so de austino is out he’s done too so Brody tesy is on Deck down here

On mat number one which looks like it is heading to sudden Victory the win for or Drake Ayala puts the Hawkeyes three points behind Penn State 342 to 31/2 got to send a big shout out to uh Tony hus and the staff at the UI Center for advancement he emailed me this

Morning said hey there’s a group of us that are stuck driving through the snow having to work back in Iowa City but they’ve got the radio on listening to us so all right we’re trying to get them through a gloomy late March Iowa weather

Day so yeah I was get I was getting some messages from home and it was pretty nasty out it looks like this morning Iowa and hopefully it clears up when we’re on our way home late Saturday night before some more comes but Monday then I saw 62 so it’ll all be gone after

Monday hopefully I had buddy that works out of North Liberty he said he’s got 4 inches up there already Jessica sent me a picture it looked like we had probably a couple inches in West Branch but she said it’s looks like it’s letting up so hopefully it’s done for the day

But well a lot of people probably took their plows and stuff off of their what my buddy works at a concrete place and they do some they don’t do as much as they used to but they’ve got snow remov they like we got to put all the stuff

Back on the truck we had the sanders off we had the plows off new mat on M number eight Tyler Wells of Minnesota a tick down in the first he leads 3 to one against van D of Nebraska that is 133 lb the good and the bad of getting the

TV coverage on ESPN is you have the TV coverage on ESPN which means there’s commercial breaks everywhere so all these 33 Pounders getting ready to go just waiting this is getting really interesting down here really interesting I had a similar thought to that but oh our fans are amazing I’m we’re not

Going to share that one on air but our fans are amazing I just I just want to say I I’m really really really miss our Chris Brewer oh Brew Crew He is a classic steo pulin gets the win so he stays alive it’s going to bring bro tesky out 133 quarterfinals just getting

Underway top seat Datt and fix of Oklahoma State on mat 3 taking on um Evan Frost of Iowa State the five-seed rusen of Michigan against the four-seed shaver of Rutgers a rematch of the big 10s that shaver won by Major decision uh the three seed Oren of NC State taking

On the six seed arju of Cornell and the Seven seed Bailey of Little Rock taking on the two- seed Crookham of Lehigh one showing that replay right now oh yeah he had the takedown for sure for sure he had that takedown they just showed that replay of Drakes on the on

The big screen and that was a for sure takedown so tesy underway taking on Braxton Brown beat him four to one at the Big 10 championships love to see it do the same there he snaps him right into our own leg though Brody trying to dive over top

Now almost gives up neutral danger and about ready to give up the three-point takedown and he does Ro’s got to bail out otherwise he’s going to give up near Falls he’s still reaching back locked around the trunk so they’re going to stalemate it veto with a quick take down he leads

Three to nothing and Rison got a take down over there to lead three nothing veto’s wrestling Orin of North Carolina State and immediately just cut him after that too Brody’s got to get out again he starts a little bit slow sometimes what did you say the score was between these guys last time

4-1 I think Brody got a third period takedown Brown putting on a tough ride so far tesy though works up to his feet Brown picks him up puts him down stands back up runs him out of bounds trying to look to see here fix and Frost they wrestled at the

Big 12 fix winning that one 8 to5 and he also majored him in their dual meet 11 to3 so see if Frost can keep closing that Gap a little bit tesy up to his feet gets his Escape so he’s down 3 to one a minute and a half to go here first

Period Brown 5 Seconds built towards riding time two onone by Brown tesy looks to clear out of that brown drops in on a shot dang it gets in deep we try to roll him through can’t Brown now trying to stack us up into that neutral danger BR rolls

Through the other way now he trying to come through the back door Brown grabs our ankle though Ro trying to kick out of that Brown sitting in on Brody trying to stack him up almost had him there for a defensive fall bro rolling through though now he’s in a little bit better

Position looking for that neutral danger man he almost had almost had it but he gets the three taked down instead Brown had a bail there order he was going to give up the neutral danger Tom trying to decide if he wants to throw that challenge brick in for

Near Falls I think so oh keep this pace going 43 is the lead for tesy 25 seconds to go in the first we got to ride him out here ride him out this last 20 seconds Brody Vito arua takes a six to1 lead going into the second period over Kai

Rene ragon still leading down there 3 to zero and then no score over there on mat number six between nasar Bailey of Little Rock and Ryan Crookham of Lehi Brody does ride him out the entire the rest of that first period so right now brown has 12 seconds built towards

His riding time it’s going to be tusk’s Choice he is going to choose down it appears they’re discussing him going end up deferring he was thinking about it and Tom decided last second no defer fix leads Frost one to zero in the second period ragis hanging on to ankles over there

Shaver’s trying like crazy to get out brown starts down so bro will continue to ride here well he wants to be able to ride a lot here CU he was getting rid quite a bit himself and Brody’s tough on top actually kind of surprised that brown one underneath

Him with a tough half in on that left side fix up one to zero they trying to run that half but he’s not in a great spot he doesn’t have the far wrist now he switches off into that claw ride 35 seconds and counting of riding time for

Tesy Brody leads four to three Brown gets to his feet Ro bumps him down and then allows him to roll through dang it watch the reversal here oh he’s ready to get reversed to his back Brody’s in a tough spot right there but he stays alive now he puts Brown to

His back and broeski gets a four count oh my goodness they are scrambling all over the place down there things went from really bad to really good really quick for bro tesy I mean he was scrambling on his back trying to figure out how he was going to get off of his

Back and and uh not just give up the reversal only and then he ended up just kind of horsepower and Brown through and held him on his back looked like he was able to scoot his hips just enough like inside the like in between the legs so

He could get a little bit of Leverage to be able to hold Brown there on his back out of bounds 18 seconds left Brody leads 8 to3 minute and a half of riding time Tom br’s telling him keep him flat let’s go that’s that’s the key too it’s not

About keeping him down it’s keeping him flat getting him flat to the mat the gal of Penn State getting ready to come out over on mat number eight taking on kov of Arizona State that’s going to be a big match Vito still leads six to one down

There Dayton fixs leading Frost of Iowa State 1 to zero in the third period with a minute and a half to go Frost started down tusy takes an 8 to3 lead into the third period he will start down looks like he’s going to get intentionally released they’re just going to start on their

Feet so bro is going to get an escape so that’s going be three 9 three yep plus he has riding time so inessence 103 so Brown’s going to be trying to come at him with something from feet to back Matt number two Rooks of Indiana against fips of

Bucknell go to the third period on mat number four with ragon leading Sher four to zero plus ragon has 145 of riding time tesk is in a really good position here with a basically a 10-3 lead with riding time but I just don’t like seeing going on the defense like we are now

Brown gets in on a shot on us and we scroll we we scramble a lot and we roll around a lot and that’s what concerns me yeah neutral danger you give up all of a sudden a seven-point move in a hurry or get stacked up and he just got taken down gives up

To three no near Falls though so that makes it 9 to six with 50 seconds remaining you can’t go on defense Stephen oh yeah Frost gets an escape with one second to go for riding time Brody rolls through out of bounds almost got the Escape but they went out

Of bounds first now brown taking his time coming back to the center he is going to intentionally re release tesy that makes it 106 116 with the riding time 4-2 is the lead over there on mat number number six for Crookham over Bailey look like Crookham the two seed

Is going to win and move on ragis gets taken down that makes it four to three now there’s a stall call against Brody tesy with 20 seconds to go stay in there Brody hit a shot hit a low single something just go in there get after the shot just don’t stand

There come on Brody another shot by Brown there we do take a shot get both legs and take him down for three he can’t take you down if you take him down and just like that Brody tesy 14-6 major decision to stay alive that a boy

Brody so tesy will take on the 25 seed basil of army he beat yard bro huh fix in on a shot against Frost trying to cut off to the double got high low he got high low he came up way too high and didn’t finish the

Shot out of bounds a minute eight to go in sudden [Applause] Victory rison’s going to win knocks off Sher veto up 10 to one 45 seconds seconds left for Frost and fix Frost takes a shot but fix so hard to score on able to keep his legs

Away V rou up 10 to two and he’s got no he doesn’t have riding time he’s up fix in on a shot shot Frost trying to throw that wizard in fix has up underneath Frost tries to dive through somersault grabbed the leg F trying to step back the other

Way and probably going to just let this go out Rison win yes so it’s going to go to the mat between Frost and fix veto another take down to take a 13-2 lead fix will have his choice he’ll start down DOD Street Tire and Auto locally

Owned an opera voted best of the area for the 10th consecutive year proudly supports Iowa wrestling trust Dodge Street tire for honest auto repair and the best deals on Goodyear and Toyo Tires Dodge Street Tire and Auto celebrating over 30 good years on the corner of Dodge and Church Streets in Iowa [Applause]

City Quick Escape in 3 seconds for Dayton fix arua Vito won 13-3 so he’s going to be taking on um cram tonight kkam has beat him twice this year Well Kevin dresser and Brent metf wanting a stall call against Dayton fix for just backing straight out Frost choice he’s going to go neutral

Try to get a taked down in 30 seconds so has a better chance of getting a taked down than a than riding him or getting out from under getting out from underneath him I guess this is interesting he didn’t get a taked down in seven minutes there shot

On a shot gets him draped up over the back M telling him swim swim swim fix’s got to be careful he doesn’t scissor the sciss of the head right there fast fast I agree with that it wasn’t you know Frost wasn’t really going anywhere with it and Dayton fix is going to hang

On by a score of two to one time up time is up crowd not happy with that one you just you don’t want to see matches win you know 1-1 2-1 in overtime yeah they want to see more action kind of stalling at the end a little

Bit we’re going to take a timeout we’ll be back with more including real woods at the quarterfinals at 1:41 right after this you’re listening to the 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championships this is Hawkeye wrestling from learfield Hawk fans stop in and visit the newly renovated guest rooms at Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel and Conference

Center located in the heart of Iowa River Landing stay within walking distance of extreme Arena home of the Iowa Hawkeye volleyball team as well as great restaurants shopping and Scenic walking trails along the Iowa River Hyatt Regency Coralville is also the home of Hawk talk with Lisa bler and

Frame maccaffrey this fall come together at Hyatt Regency Coralville where everything you need is right here wow what a huge hit well not as huge as the craft beer selection at local craft seller looking for the largest selection of craft beer in the area you’ll find it all at local craft

Seller on top of their massive selection of craft beer Wine and Spirits local craft seller also stocks Bratz jerky bacon and more from Edgewood Locker Meats C Avenue Northeast and Ceda Rapids just north of Boon Road and online at local crafts that’s local crafts embark on a journey through the most

Absurd moments of the human story with ridiculous history the podcast that explores the bizarre corners of human existence like the evolution of the toilet the story of comic Sands or the exploits of the notorious Aaron Burr Aaron Burr is like one day my life is going to be part of a musical however

Though he probably didn’t necessarily at this point think that he was going to be the villain listen to ridiculous history on the iHeart Radio App or wherever you get your podcasts it’s time for a great night out in Coralville this is Mayor Megan Foster inviting you to join us

Saturday April 20th for the fourth Fest basket auction at Brown Deer Golf Club starting at 4:30 view baskets filled with gift certificates treats unique specialty items and more stay for the bidding at 5:30 and take home your favorite gift basket all proceeds go to Fourth Fest Coralville spectacular

Summer family event let’s make it bigger and better than ever at the basket auction on April 20th check for details on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer wrestling championship Mark iron Side as we work through constellation rounds on the outer four mats quarterfinals on the inner four Aaron ngau of Penn State just outs scrambled for a takedown Arizona state looks like they’re going to challenge that it would be I think that we were saying a neutral danger make it a 6 to1

Lead with a three taked down and a two nearfall it was tied up at one riding time was not a factor but they’re going to go look at that 141b quarterfinals top seed Mendes of Ohio State against the nine seed Hardy of Nebraska the five- seed ecam

India of Iowa State against the four seed Jack of NC State Iowa Lan mcneel of North Carolina the 26 seed Vance vonau of Minnesota taking on the number two seed Bo Bartlett of Penn State real woods will be on mat number five same one where Drake Ayo was fips wins

We are waiting for TV to give us the okay on all of these o Wells of Minnesota beat van D really so Nebraska loses their 14 seed at 133 v d was good too yeah Nebraska lost Smith in the quarter that was a big Master team him and

Barnett and then Iowa State lost Frost in the quarters that was a big match for the team Race Michigan’s ragon won that was big for them well v d is done for the tournament yeah at least the guys that lost in the quarters can come back Trina’s gone for Iowa

State so still challenging that over on mat number eight big for tesy to stay alive looks like bakis is GNA win over Cardinal so bakis that’s who uh um I think he’ll have uh nigal next n yeah you got to pay attention try and

Wait for kale hle to come out too be on the lookout for him kale happle is in the hole on seven lot of people dialing in right now Jenny Mitchell Gable just sent me a message said that they’re on their way to Purdue dialing in and listening and

On the way to for some Iowa Baseball Sam was just telling us about that today in the ride over I asked him where Iowa Baseball was playing next they said Purdue hopefully the weather’s better there than at home Sarah brenman’s tuned in today I don’t know why she didn’t take

Off work yesterday Jessica Olsen is supposedly working but watching then Chris Hopper tuning in from a wish I had a SAA I know I could use a SAA sit right now have a TV set up out there and be a perfect setup handshake we’re ready to go here 141 pound

Quarterfinals rematch of the soldier salute finals real woods beating mcneel 8 to four nice high crotch attempt there but mcneel got the legs back iow state has another wrestler out there with eindia versus Jack of North Carolina State eindia the five seed Jack the four seed and I got a feeling eindia

Is going to win that match real woods deep underhook right now On LAN mcneel McNeil actually a Canadian world team member stalemate that underhook head back to the center finished fourth last year mcneel did did you say he’s on the Canadian world team yeah interesting the bartlet’s wrestling vomar from

Minnesota those two did not wrestle this year during the season woods and mcneel a lot of non- tied just kind of stalking each other around roods has been having a good tournament so far but competition’s getting stiffer and stiffer as the tournament goes on Woods trying to snap get his hands on

Him a minute 15 to go here first period no score goes to that two-on one but mcneel clears out of it right away long review over there for Nal so that almost makes me think they’re going to wave it off I don’t know I didn’t see the control

But again we’re way up here I wasn’t really looking through my binos I should have been looking on the big screen they had that was the only match going on in the arena pretty much at the time and they had on the big screen There’s real Taps takes a shot gets a

Stall call against mcneel good a stall call without a shot by mcneel but we Square back up Hardy in on a shot against MZ a is about ready to get a taked down against Jack but Jack rolls through as they go out of bounds there there’s a

Taked down for Ean India for Iowa State no Jack’s still scrambling all right no score well so there was a whistle from one of the other mats and I think mcneel thought it was the end of the period so he started stopping to walk over towards the scores

Table and then they look over and see there were still 10 seconds on the clock the ref’s like keep wrestling and then so they stopped it and said okay let’s get a fresh start because you didn’t know what was going on here but scoreless first period Tony Ramos in the corner for

McNeil down [Applause] there looks like they’re going to keep the Tak down but no nearfall over there for Nagal MC Neil starts down to begin the second period into a sit out trying to switch back real woods putting a lot of pressure trying to keep him down standing switch action

Reel sat down trying to control that right arm M Neil keeping it out of the way re stands up on the right side bumps him back down again Neil not wanting reel to get that wrist and now reel’s able to get that right hand trying to pull it back up McNeil

Though able to keep his base built under him now they get up to their feet and mcneel gets out for the Escape almost got to a body loock situation pops real off of him so mcneel takes a one to nothing lead 120 22 to go second period 35 seconds riding time for real

Woods well this is where we got to go Stephen I mean we don’t want Taps ahead reaches for a shot McNeil sprawls back though and and it’s not that real hasn’t been trying I mean we got a stall call in the first period warning for potentially dangerous hands to the

Face stop action get a Fresh Start Bartlett gets an escape he leads one to zero I think they’re going to wave that takedown off against uh for Nagal two on one by Reel mcneel actually tried shucking him off of that there’s real another shot from a long ways

Away Neil sprawls into a front headlock there’s real with a low single gets to the ankle see we can finish here we got a shot here draped up over the back trying to dump him off looking to pop through got to turn in turn in turn

In Hook the ankle he’s turned in he’s ank hooked the had the ankle McNeil’s locked through our crotch we’re trying to step over McNeil using that leg to hold reel’s arm down reel’s not really trying to improve from here stale made it neither guys moved there they were

Just letting the period come to an end so one nothing as we go to the third reel will start down mes getting tilt yeah got two two two count against Hardy of Nebraska eend of Iowa State leads 4-2 down there against Jack that’s going into the third period with eia’s choice

He’s going to choose down real woods Quick Escape so we’re tied up at one Bartlett tied up 1-1 third period of his match he’s had some close matches every match has come down 1-1 there he’s in on a shot right now on Bonar from Minnesota

I mean he pinned more but it was like a three to two or one one was one to one at the time there’s mcneel takes a shot from a ways away reel into a front headlock sagging those hips mcneel trying to drive into him Bartlett with a taked down over

There so he takes a 4 to one lead third Escape for um echam India so he leads 5-2 over Jack Hardy gets a reversal stalemate for real woods a minute 15 to go in regulation Mendes has Hardy and a SPL now that match is going to be over cuz

He ain’t getting out out of that it’s going to hold there the rest of the period come on real woods one minute to go in regulation There’s real takes a shot head to the outside trying to cut off looks to elevate tries to dump him down

Woods set to his but arm Woods trying to readjust mcneel using his length to reach back trying to flatten reel out Woods trying to cut that arm across trying hard to cut that arm across McNeil locked through our crotch now don’t want to that let that shoulder pop

Out don’t want to let that shoulder pop out Woods is in some trouble now trying to hit back [Applause] over rolls all the way through uh now mcneel uhoh wood is in trouble now mcneel has our leg trying to elevate it looking for a cradle here lock up a

Cradle 15 seconds to go here Woods is in big trouble real wood still sat at his butt now mcneel tries to roll that through no taked down yet now there is the three takedown and near Falls mcneel is going to beat real woods so mcneel and Bartlett

Tonight Woods will drop down to the round of 12 by a score of 4 to one [Applause] [Applause] gave himself some shots he just wasn’t able to finish eam India does win he was the aggressor no doubt about it just could not finish like you said in deep a couple of times and just could not finish it’s like we just we don’t wrestle well in those rly

Poy scramble positions but the thing is I just don’t think we have to be there yeah I mean it’s just like we expect to be there so we put ourselves there and then there’s kale hle coming out right now in seven Raji is in the hole on mat number

One so Woods will drop down you’ve got ha and limle Matthews of Pittsburgh and pow of Chattanooga the winners of those two matches wrestle each other and then that’s who Woods will wrestle in the round of 12 tonight and all that excitement I didn’t even see what happened between Naga and

Uh uh they ended up giving him the take down and then so he won four to [Applause] one let’s take another quick timeout we’ll come back with more from Kansas City in the 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championships right after this you’re listening to Hawkeye wrestling from learfield I’m ingred lazaga breast

Surgeon at the University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center the state’s only NCI designated Cancer Center here we look Beyond just the type of cancer you have to discover the molecular details of the disease we have teams dedicated to each cancer type with treatments and trials you won’t find

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In Cedar Rapids just north of Bo and Road your financial future in Focus it’s Premier Investments of Iowa here on am800 kxic Sunday between 8:30 and 9: join the crew from Premier Investments of Iowa 8:30 to 9 Sunday on am800 kxic why are people saying Hugh yeah to

Jackson hwit when you switch to Jackson hwit they will beat what you paid last year on tax prep even if you filed online proof of Prior year payment required when filing new clients only at participating locations through April 7th terms of Jackson on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is

Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer Center quarterfinal round action on here one and one so far in the quarters Drake Ayala winning four to one in sudden Victory real woods losing four to one got taken down out of a scramble situation so one of those again real was the aggressor just not able to finish the shots

And it’s one of those things that it’s frustrating that you see a lot of these guys kind of holding out let’s hold on for that one shot at the very end or let’s try to make a mistake and that’s what happened but at the same point if you’re going to

Be aggressive you got to be able to keep pushing that pace but get to the legs and get the takedowns finish your shots don’t let it come down to that last second where you can let them use all their energy in that one shot attempt or that one scramble

Situation and finish for the points I mean relo was trying hard he just he he just he honestly did everything right up to the point where he just wasn’t able to finish that shot and he wasn’t deep on the shot and he was in position to finish it and he just

Flat out got out scrambled so I mean it wasn’t a fault of Woods’s where he wasn’t doing enough or anything like that he even got a stall call in the first period and McNeil’s the one that didn’t do anything the entire match like nothing yeah and he ended up scoring on our shot

And it sucks losing like that it sucks especially when you got Tony rainow down there giving Tom and Terry BRS the business after mcneel wins that can’t be fun either that’s just that’s nature of the sport not a fun situation to be in but he just that’s just got out

Scrambled but he Woods had the effort Kaleb rachi on deck on mat number one where Cole Matthews and Isaiah pow are wrestling right now the winner of that one will take on the winner of Matt number seven where right now we head into the third period kale hle of Northern Iowa leads Sergio

Limy 10 to3 good for kale 149b quarter finals top seed Ridge Love It of Nebraska takes on the eight seed Casey swederski of Iowa State the five-seed Tai Waters of West Virginia against the four- seed Caleb Henson of Virginia Tech the three seed Jackson Arrington of NC State against

The six seed Austin Gomez of Michigan and the 10 seed chance Lamer of Cal paully takes on the number two seed Kyle Parco of Arizona State Hawks still in second Penn State has 44 Iowa 33 Iowa State 31 and A2 Michigan 29 Ohio State 2 28 for Waters V West Virginia Hansen

VT Michigan has their gold singlets today with their navy blue M on the back navy blue Michigan on the front I see Gomez down there wrestling against Arrington North Carolina State chance Lamer of calp making it to the quarters this morning against Parco of Arizona State but parkco right now

Leads that one 3-0 kale happle another takedown he’s going to get a major decision over ly lemy lemy did not show up ready to wrestle this morning that is not the same lemy that almost beat real woods by 12 points in the D me kale hle didn’t show up to wrestler

Yesterday morning either yeah he was tired so mat number one still 30 seconds left actually yeah 30 seconds left in that period first period that’s where we await Caleb RI Gomez gets taken down well he’s the he’s the six yeah he’s the six seed eron’s the

Third man I just wish Rio would have won that match yeah he had him too he had him dead right just had to cut his arm out get his arm through Pioneer brand corn hybrids deliver proven performance bag after bag contact your local Pioneer sales rep to

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Mat number eight Cleveland Belton is going to win 141b wrestle back Belton to 25 over the 23 fungaro from Indiana belon from Oregon State Matthews leads pow 3 to one now 4 to one in the second Matt number two Bond of Appalachian State leads Michael cheda of ruers in the second

Period and then Matt 7 and eight just getting started Matt 7 is Will asell of Wyoming and Ethan Miller of Maryland that is who Caleb RI will wrestle the winner of if RI wins his match mat number eight CJ composto of Penn against Josh Edmund of Missouri so starting to

Get into the 149 lb weight class take down for Gomez in the second period that makes that score seven to4 now Parco leading 7-2 over Lamer Henson leads Waters 3 to one and ridge love at a six nothing lead over Casey swederski take down on mat number eight for Edmund of

Missouri we’re going to take another quick timeout we’ll be back with more from Kansas City and the 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championships right after this you’re listening to Hawkeye wrestling from learfield you might think Iowa grows corn but the truth is corn grows Iowa while Farmers work hard to grow the

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Need to learn more about these new regenerative options that can change your life call QC kinetics now it’s a free consultation with local medical profession naal Call 319 22951 55 that’s 319 22951 55 QC kinetics 319 229 5155 on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer back to Thea wrestling Championship iron side high above Center looking down on quarterfinal action as well as rounds of Russa today Drake aala into the semi-finals with a 4-1 sudden Victory win real woods drops to the round of 12 getting taken down out of a scramble situation losing 4 to

One bro tesy stays alive on the backside winning 14-6 Caleb RI is on deck on mat number one that one is in the third [Applause] period Matthews of pit and pow of Chattanooga and that one Matthews just takes a 7-2 lead quarterfinals at 149 Ridge love at

A 12 to one lead plus riding time so he’s going to get a bonus point for the Corn Huskers Gomez leads 11 to six in the third yeah he came back he got taken down first wasn’t he down like six to one was it just four to one I think it

Was four to one he’s actually no he was down 3 to one then I think he got a take down and then an escape to start the period made it 44 well he just got take it down 11 to9 129 25 seconds to go in that match St all warning on Gomez for

Backing out so dumb Parco leads 10 to three in his match and Henson is going to win it looks like by a score of [Applause] 8-3 so Henson and love it and three seconds left it looks like Gomez is going to hang on so DKI got a late Tak down but still

Going to be a major decision for love it Gomez does [Applause] win one minute left Parco winning 10 to three decision your winner blood time over there for chance Lamer outer mats Matthews 7 to3 with 30 seconds left Jaden abas of Stanford and Caleb tus of SIU Edwardsville just

Getting underway on mat two willich shell of Wyoming starts the third period on top 8 to4 against Miller of Maryland and Josh Edmund of Missouri leads CJ composto of Penn by a score of 10 to three tail end of the second period looks like Matthews is going to get the win over

There Cole Matthews won so ha will have Matthews he’ll win that one and the winner of that has real woods in the blood round tonight wow I think it’s going to be happle Parco is going to win as well so let’s see Lamer drops down there Arrington drops there waterers drops there and

Swederski so if Raji wins both of his matches today he will have sedersi tonight in the round of 12 the semal Here Comes RI for his first Match RI taking on Dylan de amilio of Ohio State beat him 11 to5 at the big 10s well let’s see if we can duplicate that new day new tournament will shell looks like he is going to defeat Miller Miller is the one who defeated Raji at the Big T in the opening

Round will shell the number 22 seed sterilizing the mat as we wait for RI 105 and aide of 30 seconds left Edmund with the lead down there about 402 Edmond the 21 leading composto the 22 did you see who won between coder and Clark I did not okay oh look my

Computer’s actually working today is it good just needed a little sleep last night must have we all did cter H won that underway here for RI underhook big time right away on the right hand side be demilio’s left in on a shot on the edge but de all

The way out of bounds RI with one leg in but I like how he came out right away got the underhook and dropped in on a shot right away de amilio probably wasn’t quite awake but he ran back to the center now says okay now I’m awake Raji tries changing levels but

Dlia controlling that left wrist have Franck coming out here as this match goes on as well Franck going to be wrestling jakori teamer the number two seed from Arizona State they did not wrestle last year at this tournament they wrestled the two years prior to that teamer winning 5 to3 and

3-2 minute 50 to go for RI in the first period changed levels got to a knee but didn’t follow through want to see him get back to that underhook in that same shot but in the middle of the mat instead of out of bounds Nice Shot hits a low single gets

Rajie draped up over the back that’s a nice shot by dilio got he caught us reaching and now we’re draped over the back of him you know that matches um when I first started wrestling in college the the in the champ Championship or the constellation side

Were 222 yeah I think he told me that one time he only had a six-minute match on the wrestleback side it’s ridiculous made no sense go to stalemate now the referees going to go look at something yeah I don’t know like was there a scissors or is there legal whole

Technical violation of some sort had to have been but I don’t know on who if it was for rajie for like scissors in the body you know when he was draped over the top of Him I don’t know Jay Jaggers is kind of like what are you talking about let’s just wrestle 157 about ready to get start get started the top seed Levi Haynes of Penn State will take the on the eight seed Rob of Nebraska the 12 seed andonian of

Virginia Tech against the four- seed Ed Scott of NC State the three- seed Meer Shapiro of Cornell takes on the six seed Daniel Cardis of Stanford and then like we said Jared Franck the 10 seed takes on the two seed jakori teamer of Arizona state after review no points no technical

Violation so get back to action yeah CU it’s like they blew the stalemate and then the side ref came in and talked to Angel Rivera that’s that George yeah if you remember from the Ramos and Drake match in Iowa City number 36 if anybody wants to call in and

Complain about that double unders by RI tries outside trip but they go to the edge no points head back to the center Matt number eight Jordan Williams of Oki state has 6 to1 lead over Joseph zargo of Wisconsin I was looking through the brackets last night and saw zaro’s

Name I’m like I didn’t even hear him yesterday at all like I almost for got that he qualified for the Badgers andonian with a big inside trip from Virginia Tech in the semifinal 157 takeso Big Shot there on Raji Raji somersaults through almost gets himself stacked up scrambling franic underway over on

Mat number six dilio trying to come through the back but they blow it for potentially dangerous shot by teamer against franic another shot by shot get in franic reaching over grabbing his leg though and then they kick out of bounds head back to the center first period comes to an end for

RI no Score franic and teamer 210 on the clock first period damilio starts down to begin the second period against RI Franck trying to snap into a front headlock now comes into an underhook foot sweep action by teamer Quick Escape it looks like for de [Applause] ailio there’s a shot by F uh rajie head

To the outside right on the edge trying to stay inbounds to finish this dilio oh reaches back and grabs our leg and DS us down for three that was quick too just reached back picked it and was all over we got to protect our legs if we’re

Trying to pull back in a little bit there’s RI immediately out for a onepoint Escape though he’s down four to one not worried about rajie coming coming back at him though and being aggressive and offensive he’s really good about doing that especially when behind demilio kind of going on defense

Now you can see just the way he’s posting on ri’s head trying to keep him at Bay but see how we’re letting DMO wrestle on the edge Franck in on a low single the teamer trying to cut the corner on us franck’s got a head underneath the leg

But trying to scoop the hips under him as teamer hanging on to our like lock through our crotch see this is a perfect example where um franic needs to learn to wrestle there all you got to do is just post and come up in the air we’re

Just we allow that stalemate to happen we just we’re in a decent position we just stop wrestling there Raji takes a shot D Miller tries to re-shoot we re-shoot NE guy gets to the leg though 30 seconds left first period for franic no score 15 seconds left second

Period RI down four to one it will be R’s choice in the third got to get back to the legs RI as it goes takes second period gone R’s Choice he’ll go down start third period once he gets Escape that’ll be 42 so he’s going to need a taked down for

Sure that’s what hurt RI was getting taken down right at the end of the period there’s who’s that down there is that is that kak kak for Penn State got a fall yeah over Fernandez of Cornell RI up to his feet right away to start the period This Time dilia puts a little

More effort into keeping him down standing switch action for Raji D Milo stays behind the arms though comes up into a half rajie having a hard time getting out franic starts down to begin the second period he’s out for his Escape well again his third period de

Ailio says I’m going to put a lot more emphasis into this ride right here I let you out pretty easy in the second period but now I’m going to work to keep you down Raj’s able to work hard and gets out for the Escape 44 seconds riding

Time for de ailio shot by teamer franic trying to hip into him throws that whizzer in teamer down on the leg they’re right on the edge of the mat Franck trying to pull that leg out keeping that whizzer in tight teamer trying to limp arm but Franck keeps that foot

Away RI underhook trying to throw that by Duck temp off of that by De amilio we hip into him go out of bounds 57 on the clock it’s a lot of time but we got to make the use of it right away make the

Best use of it we can we got to go now RI get back to that that underhook have to have a sense of urgency right now RI come on kid ah bad shot by RI now deo’s in an our leg head to the inside now we’re draped over the back of

Him oh this ain’t good more than anything it’s just eating clock yeah I know it’s RI tried rolling him through now dilia comes through the other way AI locking through the the crotch trying to avoid neutral danger 15 seconds and D AO is about ready to get

The Tak down here that’s going to do it raji’s there’s three for damilio so Raji is [Applause] done Raji is out of the tournament FR right now up 1 to zero over teamer no Trin 1 to zero as the second period comes to an end no he’s up

1 to zero we’re green tell oh yeah teamer Choice he’ll start down Shapiro leads cardus three to zero Haynes a seven to nothing lead on Rob plus he has riding time andonian leads Scott nine to5 in the second period teamer up to his feet and gets a

Reversal almost gets near Falls as well again too many times this year mark we’ve seen guys trying to just hold position oh I can’t give up this escape and then you give up your whole body and give up the reversal now you’re down two to one well

He’s out so we’re tied up at two so tied at two instead of tied at one take a shot right on the edge head back to the center 133 to go go teamer wanting a challenge brick thrown in for what I think he thought there should have been near

Falls Arizona State coach is saying just keep [Applause] wrestling minute 15 in the third all right frck come on kid oh there’s team on a shot te’s been in a lot Frank scrambling here now he’s coming out the back door trying to scramble and get Tak down on teamer here

Teer does the splits though we’re head to the outside position trying to suck that leg in teamer reaching back grabbing through our crotch we’ve got him draped up and they’re going to stop it for potentially dangerous which was the right move again we we were in bad position

There and then we were in great position and then we kind of just in the middle of that scramble we stopped wrestling and then that what happens is and that allows teamer to scramble out kind of get his hips out and then it’s like we

Lost what we had we see that happen over and over and over again same thing happened with real woods we stopped wrestling in these scrambles you got to keep moving keep the action going 40 seconds left there’s franic a shot missed shot attempt there by teamer tries going outside trip action with us

Right on the edge he gets the three franic took a shot from a long ways away there he didn’t set it up very good and he paid for it and that’s probably going to do it with only 20 seconds left to go here in the match franic Trin 5-2 so franck’s going

To go down too just like real woods in the quarters couple of winnable matches and same thing with same thing with RI you know all these matches we’ve lost have been winnable and we’re just coming up but you know what let me look at Drake Ayala and Brody tesy both those are winnable

And losable and we win them we won both those ones Haynes does win with a major [Applause] decision so now franic depending on how things go could have Ryder Downey Michael Blas or Cody chittam one of those three is who he’s going to have to wrestle in the round of 12

Tonight and 127 will be the win for andonian the 12 seed Shapiro one to didn’t he oh he’s wrestling still oh they’ve got a challenge going on yeah that one’s only in the second period three nothing in favor of Shapiro actually is that a concussion protocol maybe yeah it might be cuz I

Don’t see him around anywhere God dang it Williams of Oki State wins on the backside [Applause] side Finn Solomon of pit trailing Graham Rooks of Indiana 11-2 in the second period Lucas Rano of Penn leads Bron Lee of Indiana one to nothing in the second period Quinn Kenner of Ryder leads

Willie McDougal of Oklahoma 4 to3 in the third and pton Keller of Ohio leads Trevor chumble of Northwestern 3 to1 at the end of the first period that bumped Arizona State up into second place well they had uh Parco right before that so they had backtack quarterfinalist quarterfinal wins that’s 14 points right

There if you or someone you know needs support now call or text 988 or chat 988 look where we’d be if we were look where we’d be if we had uh back-to-back wins or not back to back but yeah with real woods and Fran 14 more points we’d be seven points behind

First place instead we’re 21 and A2 behind first place those matches I tell you what those are huge crucial matches and came up just short in both of them and that seems like kind of our thing as we just come up short too many time too many

Times it’s going to happen I mean not everybody wins them all all the time but just seems like too many times we come up a little bit short they hurt those ones really really hurt hurt for the individual and it hurt for the team Race throughout the Iowa Corn shawk

Series Iowa Korn promotes values that are uniquely Iowan on behalf of Iowa’s corn Farmers We Salute all athletes for their hard work and determination both on and off the field just like our athletes our state leads the nation in corn and ethanol production follow Iowa Corn on Facebook to learn how corn grows

Iowa yeah I see I think that’s card walking around with his sweatshirt on it’s coming back comes Cornell back out Shapiro went in the back for concussion protocol so three nothing is the lead for Shapiro cardinus I’m sure almost looks like he chose to cuz even with concussion you still get

Your choice right I mean it’s still an injury time it’s kind of interesting down three nothing that you would take the top position he’s got his riding time though up over a minute that’s still in the second period Graham Rooks of Indiana 17-4 lead over here on M number one plus he

Has riding time well we got Downey and chittum should be coming up here pretty soon for Iowa State and uni not wrestling each other but Downey’s on deck on eight [Applause] get a takedown awarded at the end of the period and then they challenge it not

Sure if time was still in or not that’s McDougall of Oklahoma trying to get a late takedown to win over Kenner of Ryder so shyro leading three to zero cardinus will go down here to begin the third Cardis of Stanford does have the riding

Time I mean even if we get get one of those matches that’s how close this is even if we get one either real or frantic we go from fourth place to Second Place yeah that’s how tight it is that’s what we’ve been talking about and if Drake didn’t win we’d drop down to

10th place that crazy that’s how tight first I mean second through 10th that’s just like I mean NC State’s at 24 a half Arizona State’s 37 and [Applause] A2 and that’s what separate second through 10th Cardis gets the Escape so it’s a 3 to2 score now with that writing time

Point they could still come back and score those points but it ain’t going to be easy it’s a lot easier to win one match and get six instead of having to win two to get three each time Yep oh while we waiting you want to take another break yeah I was trying to kind of stretch it out a little bit cuz you got four and A2 minutes between ESPN to do we really yeah after after that’s done they take four and a half minutes before the next quarterfinals start so

I’m trying to space it out a little bit all right so we’re close to on track maybe a smidge behind so I may take two of them back to back here Shapiro in on a shot gets flattened out and cardinus is going to take him [Applause] down and cardz has the riding time

Too so in essence that’s 53 and they’re going to stop it think the headgear came off Shapiro the three [Applause] seed going to have to do something drastic here in 14 seconds he’s just exhausted down there but he gets into a body loock situation gets the Escape tries hitting a duck but

Cardis is going to win and he will move on so now we will step out and take a time out we’ll be back with more from Kansas City right after this you’re listening to the 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championships this is Hawkeye wrestling from learfield to anyone passing through

Our state fields and Fields of corn might be what they see but the people who call call Iowa home know it’s so much more corn is ethanol a homegrown Renewable Fuel corn is delicious pork beef poultry and dairy corn is in 4,000 products we rely on every day so yeah

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Of craft beer Wine and Spirits local craft seller also stalks Bratz jerky bacon and more from Edgewood Locker meets C Avenue Northeast in Cedar Rapids just north of boyon Road and online at local craft that’s local crafts hey Hawkeye fans this is Monica from

Monas Randy always told Chef Sal and me that family comes first so I’m here with my son to invite you to stop by before after your favorite University event we are proud of our Hawkeye co-workers including Sal’s daughter masera and hope you know that if you are headed to

Carver or hire our awesome food full bar and Monica’s family await we hope to see you soon and what do you say Meer go Hawks on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by pioneer You wouldn’t wear the same clothes every day so why are you drinking only one kind of beer experience the largest area selection of craft beer at local craft seller craft beer non-alcoholic beverages snacks meats and the hard stuff too bourbon tequila Jen and more there really is something for everyone

And every occasion at local craft seller stop in today at 7085 C Avenue Northeast in Cedar Rapids just north of Boon Road this is Corville City administrator Kelly Hayworth reminding you to shop and eat locally now your favorite Corville businesses offer more options for finding what you want for your home and

Family local restaurants bakeries and breweries have perfected carry out and delivery Corville shop continue excelling and personalized service they take pride in helping you find the perfect item or gift for any occasion thank you for infusing Cora with your shopping and Dining Dollars to anyone passing through our state fields and

Fields of corn might be what they see but the people who call Iowa home know it’s so much more corn is ethanol a homegrown Renewable Fuel corn is delicious pork beef poultry and dairy corn is in 4,000 products we rely on every day so yeah our Highway views are

Full of corn and we’re proud of it because corn grows Iowa show your support for Iowa Corn farmers at Iowa back/ fanof Corn the bush guide cold and smooth survival skills for a successful stint in The Great Outdoors pack accordingly Place heavy Essentials near your spine for

Stability and rough terrain with light items near the Bottom now you may be wondering where does the bush light go in your stomach Bush head for the mountains enjoy responsibly copyright 2024 anheiser bush bush light beer St Louis Missouri on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer mobile center in the heart of downtown at the 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championships getting ready for 165 lbs Penn State in top as expected 54 and a half points Arizona State 372 Michigan 36 Iowa 33 Virginia Tech 32 A2 Iowa State 31 A2 Nebraska 29 Ohio State 28

And a half Cornell 27 ins State 24 and a half is your top five on the consolation mats right now Tommy ASI of Appalachian State tied up at one with Legend Lamer of Cal paully in the third period mat number two Johnny LoveIt of Central Michigan and

Will Luan of Michigan just getting ready to start Matt number seven kale Swinson of South Dakota State a 5 to3 lead over Isaac Wilcox of Ohio State in the second period and on mat number eight DJ McGee of George Mason trailing Ryder Downey of

Northern Iowa by a score of 9 to0 in the second period your 165 quarterfinals top seed Keegan otou of Missouri takes on the eight seed an trell Taylor of Nebraska the five-seed dean hamy of Wisconsin against the four- seed David Carr of Iowa State the three- seed Julian Ramirez of Cornell against Iowa’s

Michael cendo and the 10 seed Cameron Amin of Michigan takes on the number two seed Mitchell messenbrink of Penn State it’s kind of funny cuz we’re way up high here and they’ve got overflow media so they’ve got just some limited snacks and stuff did you notice the last

Time that you went down there that uh they must be trying to get rid of some holap some really good barbecue they had some sea salt and vinegar but right now there’s like two baskets full of just jalapeno chips I like the jalapeno I just mind them I love jalapenos I just

It’s unfortunate that just it’s chips and I don’t want to eat too chip too many I could bring that whole basket of jalapeno chips in here you and I and if it wasn’t Crunch and Munch and everything and really loud on the radio we could just sit here and eat that

Entire bag of jalapeno chips yeah this whole session we’d figure out how to take turns I’d need a bag put my mic up you’d need a bag put your mic up just got to drink plenty of water with them yeah score a lot of bonus points so we get a lot of

C that would feel good doing all those there’s a nice Boot Scoot by cendo around for the three nice taked down by cendo right there beautiful beautiful little dock comes around behind for a two-point takedown three-point takedown sorry I mean we we didn’t even I didn’t

I I know it’s bad here we are at the National Tournament I’m still stuck on two I mean it’s not like you know you’ve been doing this for you’ve been around wrestling for 30 some years 40 years you know how nice it was to be back call in the high school

Wrestling state tournament and have to and just be able to say two two all the time it’s I just completely completely 110% disagree with this three-point takedown just makes no sense in any shape or form I will argue someone to the to the Grave there’s cendo another

Shot and and can’t quite finish cuts off the other way down on the other leg trying to elevate Ramirez stuffing our head we stand up have it underneath the armpit let’s finish this one too see how he’s pull him in the center he’s like literally inside the blue light blue NCA

Circle right there and they still almost go out of bounds trips him down gets up over the waist wizard thrown in dumps him back the other way still no points awarded hean noou trying to get some near Falls over there against Taylor he’s had a two count he already leads 7 to

Zer Carr leads three to nothing in his match now candoo just he lost the foot we got blood time it looks like man what a great shot Great lead right away for cendo mat number seven on Deck chittum against Blas keep an eye out for Downey too

Downey one pry good and it was borderline Tech fall [Applause] he was up 13 to zero last I saw Chum’s coming up where he’s on deck on seven well he’s coming up right now on seven then yep chim’s wrestling blockas [Applause] Minnesota mess and Brink 0 with

Mean back to action here for Caliendo and Ramirez Ramirez hits a low sweep we get the legs back try to throw an under ook by over under situation to an outside trip but we stay Square cars leading hamedy three to zero right now that was two to zero in the Dual

Meet and Carr has one and a half minutes of riding time so he got a take down right out of the gate 20 seconds left for cendo in the first period leading 3 to one that does it for the first period with car and hammy car lead that one 3-0 with 140

Riding time that’s a big lead for car there into a two-on one final seconds of the first period OU leads 11 to5 cando triy quick take down right at the end of the period but time had run out L’s Choice he is is going to choose [Applause] down referee’s talking about something

At the end of OU’s first period they give a two reversal that’ll make it 135 and then they’re going to go review it cendo starts down to begin the second had got up to his feet now Ramirez throws a half in as he pulls him back down to the mat cando trying to

Pull that out [Applause] trying to switch back in oh he’s got it reveral hustle hustle hustle hustle it’s a hustle here he got a hustle here locked hands on yeah locked hands on Ramirez and now cindo come on step over you got a hustle there go two my

Goodness so that’ll be a locked hands and a reversal so that’ll make it a 6 to1 lead now for cendo chittum got taken down by blockas that’s a three nothing lead 20 seconds gone by in that one must have been a fast takedown in 4 seconds RZ to his feet cendo lets him

Out minute to go second period 6-2 is the lead for cendo there’s a shot from a long ways away we throw the the hips back and take him down for three more yeah look at Ceno go love this Carr leads four to zero he got out from underneath hammy

2 there’s chidam gets a take down against Blas I can’t believe Carr and otou are going to see each other more than likely in the semis yeah that’s like a that’s crazy and that mess and bring can either or two match is going to be interesting too mess BR hasn’t wrestled either one

Of those guys RZ to his feet out for the Escape 20 seconds left M star and Tom both just kind of looking like 20 seconds in the period don’t let him out we’re trying to go for a major here yeah we just ate a bag of chips got to burn those suckers off

Oh he’s been taking him down pretty easily so we’ll see what happens here in the third period Ramirez’s choice there’s mess and Brink with the Tak down he leads four to one now OU leads 13 to5 third period Carr leads four to zero hammy must have chose neutral neutral

Yeah hadn’t been able to get out from undercar and he hadn’t been able to ride him Ramirez choosing down to begin the third period out for the Escape so that’ll make it N9 to four now candoo 43 seconds built towards riding time been nice to have him ride him and get some

Riding time build up there but he’s at 43 seconds to with the cradle that he’s running over getting more near fall Falls that should be the fall right there three for three in Falls for otou he might be your front runner for the hod hod yeah he’s undefeated on the year

He’s got a lot of bonus points minute 10 to go in the match nine to4 is the lead for Caliendo riding time not a factor [Applause] Ramirez snaps looking to come back across 50 on the clock couple of fakes candoo throwing the underhook by he catches that shot coming into him that’s

Going to do it too for David Carr David Carr is going to win that one 5- Zend still working that underhook and they St made it mess and Brink gets an escaped take a 5 to one lead in the third period RZ a shot from a ways away cendo throws the

Hips back stay on your offense cendo look how far it got you early on in this match let’s just not let this clock took down there’s only 25 seconds left but it’s not how you want to wrestle the third whole third period RZ a shot we

Try hipping into him he’s able to adjust gets around behind now we Square the hips back up now we’re just going to sit hold for a stalemate that’s going to do it calendo is going to advance against messenbrink nine to four is the win seven more points for the Hawkeyes

Will put us back up into second place God dang I just keep wanting to go back to real woods’ match win that match so bad let’s see Taylor drops there mean drops there oh and then 362 hamdy drops there boy that Johnny love knocked will luon out of the

Tournament love it the 26 over’s out of the tournament yep wow messen Brink 20 seconds left leading 6 to one down there 10 to8 is the lead for blockas in the second period with Cody chittum of Iowa State Hunter Garvin of Stanford prepped out of Iowa City West on deck on mat number

Eight chittum gets a taked down makes it 11 to 10 now and that’s still like a minute 15 left in the second 111 that’s not like 10 seconds left to make it 1111 it’s they’ve been putting points on the board 1111 with a minute to go in this

Match waiting for Patrick Kennedy the next talky to wrestle they don’t have him listed yet what’ he say I think a technical violation of some sort one point for chitam illegal hold Egan’s going to challenge that I wasn’t watching grabbing the singlet maybe I don’t know what just took place

There I was watching and I didn’t see nothing but I mean it’s not like we’re sitting mat side well they didn’t say technical violation he did both hands like an illegal hold he did yeah I didn’t see nothing there Hawk fans experience your home away from home at Coralville finest all

Suet hotels Homewood Suites and home two Suites by Hilton each offer guests spacious Suites complimentary breakfast 24-hour fitness center pool hot tub guest laundry and convenient locations let their warm and friendly staff take care of you and your family when you visit Hawkeye country well Kurt Frost is down there he’s on the

Phone talking to the people wherever they are that are going to be checking this out and looking at this independent review there’s a room down in the basement level is it yeah down on the floor level so on the mats right now wrestleback wise Noah mulany of Bucknell

Against Caleb fish of Michigan state that one has not started started yet Matt 2 Vinnie zerban of Northern Colorado final minute of the first period no score with Teague Travis of Oklahoma State Matt number eight Isaac olenik of Oklahoma State a 7 to1 lead over Holden heler of Pittsburgh I no

That one’s getting ready to start on eight I’m trying to what’s going on now they’ve got three minutes in the first but it’s a 7 to1 score I think they’re saying I think that’s Williams actually they’ve updated track wrong so they’re trying to get the scoreboard correct they take whatever

The illegal hold allegedly was off so we’re tied at 11 45 seconds to go second period chittum for Iowa State blockas for Minnesota Blas prepped out of Northampton chitam actually New Hampton New Hampton excuse me chidam actually was in the Iowa room and then transferred to Iowa State 174 quarterfinals about ready to

Get rolling top seed Makai Lewis of Virginia Tech the nine seed Carter stach of Penn State the 28 seed Jared simma of Northern Iowa against the four- seed Shane Griffith of Michigan the three seed Ed Ruth of Illinois against the six seed Roco Welsh of Ohio State the seven

Seed Lenny wak of Columbia against the two seed Kate DeVos of South Dakota State 11-11 going to the third period for Blas and chittum chittum will start down see if I can get some more of the 57 bracket filled in on the backside it’s a little bit easier with

Fewer matches going on so Swinson the 15 seed wins he’ll take on Keller the seven Bron Lee of Indiana the 11 wins he’ll take on asy the 19 from App State and then zerban and Travis just getting underway and chidam and blockas is still going on so stay updated

There Hunter Garin comes out now on mat number eight he actually gets a quick dick down so he takes a 3 nothing lead that was nnick winning that one must have had a late Challenge and they upheld it so nck the seven seed from Oki State

Moves on if he wins he would have hamdy a rematch of the All-Star match I believe really lockas in on a shot against chittum down there on Matt 7 chittum got the escape to begin the third so that’s 121 chittum Blas finishes the taked down makes it 14- 12

Kind of interesting block is another one of those 6year guys he was all ready to go MMA like he was ready to go to the UFC and give up his wrestling career and wow coach Adam egum talked him back into one more year 13 to 14 what a

Match well we were talking to Kai Gadson last night on the elevator when we were were leaving here and I asked Kai what he does here what he’s doing here and uh for media and he said what’ he say U UFC pass yeah Fight Pass Fight Pass where he’s talking and interviewing athletes

To see if that’s something they’d be interested in and going to that next level so UFC’s here basically recruiting [Applause] yeah 19 seconds left blockas with the [Applause] lead Patrick Kennedy in the hole on mat number one 6 seconds left stall call against Blas two seconds left as they go out of

Bounds one second and they’re just taking their head B headgear and and uh there’s one second left on the clock and they got all their stuff off like that’s good Kurt Frost says Hey guys get your headgear on we got to go one more second they say never mind we’ll call it

Good so Blas will move on so Iowa State loses chittum out of the tournament so blockas against Ryder Downey of Northern Iowa yet this session the winners who Jared Franck has tonight in the round of 12 simma in on a shot over there against Shane Griffith stra and Lewis going out here

On that three Matt five Ruth and Welsh DeVos wrestling over on six no score on any of the quarter final matches take down for Teague Travis on mat number two for Oklahoma State over Vinnie zerban of Northern Colorado nice shot by stachi there he’s in deep

On laai Lewis here see if he can finish this Lewis Sommers Salan through straty trying to go crossface on him switches off to a single leg the other way now stach tries to hit almost like a boot scoot while stach had the leg up in the air now stachi cuts off to the

Double Lewis still locked through the crotch Strat about ready to finish that and does for the three simma takes down Griffith wow Andy’s trying to get a hip tilt over there does he’s got a hip tilt he’s getting near Falls got a three or a four

I can’t quite see two count two count so simma leads 5 nothing with a minute to go in the first period I bet you not too many people if anybody had simma in their freaking pool picks yeah the 28 seed wish they would have taken him over the five seed conarro huh

Yeah what been a little helpful thanks where we on that one Doug give me that tidbit so Simo leads Griffith right now 5 to zero with a minute to go here in the uh first period straty leading 30-0 edman Ruth taking on Rocko Welsh of Ohio State

That one 0 it’s no surprise that’s going to be probably a 1ot match yeah and then Lennox wock and Kade Devas z0 that’s a seven and eight seed we’re there on mat number eight Hunter Garvin and Escape so he leads 9 to4 in the second period now mat number seven Joseph biani of

Little Rock a 3 to1 lead over giano Petr Petrelli of Air Force Caleb fish of Michigan State 13 to5 lead over milany of Bucknell looks like he’s going to move on and then cigle of Navy and Thompson of Ohio no score stra the escape in the second

Period so he leads four to zero now simma 5 nothing lead with 114 of riding time at the end of the first period wow and he defers his choice so Griffith will go underneath again Escape for Ruth he leads one to nothing win on one fish does get that victory it’s 383 at

165 no 157 fish is down at 57 they got the wrong bout number there there it is fish with the win that’ll bring Patrick Kennedy to the on Deck spot on mat number one Garvin 9 to5 is the lead now in the third period plus he has riding

Time is Coach Moore still over there at West High yep thought [Applause] so so looks like another takedown so Garvin is going to stay alive he’ll take on either cerniglia or Thompson yet this session Penn State 61 and a half Iowa 40 Iowa state 38 and A2 Arizona State 37 A2 Michigan

36 Virginia Tech [Applause] 322 simma is just putting on a ride against Griffith over there on the edge of the mat trying to go crossface but he’s got two and a half minutes of riding time and a 5 nothing lead DeVos leads one to nothing in his match against Lenny wak of Columbia

Rocco Welsh starts down to begin the third period against Edmund Ruth gets the Escape so surprisingly that one’s tied at one minute to go and stach leads maai Lewis four to zero Lewis just hasn’t been able to get through the arms and then he comes across gets caught reaching and stach

Drops in on a shot who you got your money on between Ruth and Welsh Steven ah I don’t know they both find ways to do [Applause] things Devas gets taken down over there so he Trails three to one I’ll say Edmund Ruth he’ll find a way well neither guy is going to do

Anything so KY Lewis trying to get a cradle locked in or something right on the edge and stach is going to Win 4 to Zer I get a little bit of how some of that falls in but that should have been at least a semi-final match [Applause]

Yep comes Patrick Kennedy out on mat number one now taking on Austin Murphy the number 11 seed from Campbell all right Patrick this is got a must-win situation [Applause] here that’s good double leg from a ways away and Murphy drives through and gets the Tak down that’s not good won the socon

Conference Kennedy out right away for an escape so Austin Murphy wrestled Riley Davis of Wyoming back in November the final score 16- [Applause] 15 love to see Patrick put 16 on the board against him only give up three Patrick coming across cross with an underhook big underhook really leaning

Hard trying to throw it by but Murphy scoots away Griffith gets a reversal right at the end of the second period so he Trails Sima 5 to2 got Ring Time against him 307 so the ring time cannot be Erased I tell you what that looked like it could have been some near Falls do you think that do you think what do you do here if you’re Simone do you go down or do you go I think you go neutral Patrick Kennedy with the double leg trying to cut

Across cannot get it they’re right on the edge I didn’t see what happened right there Rocco Welsh I was [Applause] wrong 110 to go on the restart for Patrick Kennedy simag goes neutral gets in on a shot on Griffith Kennedy working double unders and gets launched out of

Bounds Murphy’s like you want to keep going there let’s go stall warning against Griffith Griffith I think is still hurt from that match with Kennedy at the big 10s DeVos down three to2 plus he has riding time against him with 20 seconds left takes a shot but he’s stuffed

Underneath he’s going to have a hard time finishing there it looks like stall call on Murphy as Kennedy forces him out of bounds and wak is going to knock off Kate DeVos by a score of [Applause] 4-2 25 seconds left first period for Patrick Kennedy there is a shot almost to a feet

To back there by Griffith but Sima rolls through gives up the three makes it 55 with 45 5 seconds left some trying to dive in on a shot Griffith coming around looking for he’s got it locked up simma leads six to five with riding time but Griffith try to get the take

Down and does 8 to six Sim’s got to get out to four sudden Victory Kennedy down 3 to one as we go to the second period simma just ran out of gas all over the place this will help him Andrew Spar coming out on number two against

Of all right come on buddy ride here just like you had several yesterday how many yes yes that back 54 seconds to [Applause] [Applause] go ni roll [Applause] [Applause] and well and N four [Applause] two in the third looks like Tak time Center yeah really first and thenot

Starts again here we are same scenario same situation almost our own leg know got beat yesterday on and hit Cru control there you go under hook keep working here keep through the position till the end keep moving the feet into a body lock out ofs again make it four in favor well it

Still doesn’t really matter because I mean he was regardless right [Applause] little mcre attempt there by Murphy we keep the arms down back across two on one back to that underhook again I like these under hooks how we’re forced these underhook situations goes back double under again right on the

Edge out of bounds and they’re going to call Kennedy for pushing out of bounds I mean when I get you in a body lock Mark I’m just going to stand still when I get to the edge cuz I don’t want to get my hips under you to try to throw

You the thing is is is the exact same scenario as it was before when he called the other guy for back and out of bounds yeah maybe he was he wanted to call continuous action last time so he’s just making up for it keep moving your feet Patrick keep moving keep wrestling

Here go back to those underhooks double leg attempt by Murphy we sprawl back out of the way 20 seconds misdirection attempt front headlock we try to get back around behind come up under hook again 10 seconds on the clock overhook into an inside trip action by Murphy and Patrick Kennedy a

Point for riding time is going to win by a score of 5 to3 he is there something thrown there a little extracurricular I think that frustration by um so they going to take a team point away from Campbell Kennedy will win he’ll take on either fasen of NC State or Kramer of Central

Michigan and that one is is not out yet that is on deck on eight we’re going to step out we’ll take another timeout we’ll be back with more from Kansas City the 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championships right after this you’re listening to Hawkeye wrestling from learfield Welcome Back to the nitrogen

Stabilizers draft up theight technology first pick just like the last 46 years that’s what we love about this sport we just don’t know we know it keeps nitrogen in the Corn’s root Zone for eight weeks compare with two weeks for others with the first pick Farmers select opon knite technology from

Cortaba agroscience that’s it I’m going for pretzel the pick is in opton knite technology from corta agroscience with inserve and Instinct NextGen nitrogen stabilizers hit a deer call Premiere Premier Automotive in North Liberty is Eastern Iowa’s most trusted name in auto body repair our Premier reputation is built on providing Superior customer

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Ford Iowa City if you’re looking for a great deal on a new truck or SUV Dey Ford is here for you with model year close out pricing and all remaining new 23 F-150s plus 1.9% financing for 66 months plus $2,000 save thousands on 24 bronos sports with 1.9% for 66 months

Plus $2,000 so when you want a great vehicle and an awesome buying experience Dey Ford is here for you in Iowa City or online at De wow what a huge hit well not as huge as the crap beer selection at local craft seller looking for the largest

Selection of craft beer in the area you’ll find it all at local craft seller on top of their massive selection of craft beer wine and spirits local craft seller also stocks Bratz jerky bacon and more from Edgewood Locker meets C Avenue Northeast and Ceda Rapids just north of

Boyon Road and online at local craft that’s local craft on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer to 202 for NCA Wrestling Championships Center in downtown Kansas City 184b quarterfinals going on top seed Parker kisen just gets a take down against the 25 seed key of Navy the five-seed Pento of Nebraska against the four- seed Munos of Oregon State the three- seed plot of Oklahoma

State taking on the six- seed TR of Penn State and the number seven seed Stewart of Virginia Tech taking on Isaiah Salazar of Minnesota Penn State has 68 and A2 Michigan 43 Iowa 40 A2 Iowa state 38 and A2 Arizona State 37 and A2 found me some sea salt and vinegar

Again yeah they restocked it they must have heard us talk talking about nothing but jalapenos they still have lots of those there win over on mat number eight for Max Mayfield of Northwestern to stay alive Mayfield the number 31 seed is a win away from the round of 12 that’s not

Bad so Mark you said you wanted to uh argue the three-point takedown yep I’ve got some stats here and I’m not arguing with you because I agree with you but Jason Bryant with uh Matt talk online puts together the preview guide every year and one of the things he had

This year was looking at how things have changed with the three-point takedown plus you throw in the three four and fivepoint near fall Falls or the two three and four point near fall Falls and so looking at it there was just under 177,000 matches wrestled last year there was about

16,500 this year so pretty comparable comparison between the two regular decisions last year were almost 60% 58 a half% of matches were decision with 9,929 this year only 47% were decisions at 70 7,778 you look at Major decisions last year there was 2772 this year there was

3212 and then Tech Falls last year there was a, and one this year there was 2,454 and then the big one that you and I have talked about total number of Falls cuz that’s kind of the whole idea for wrestling last year 2,496 this year 2,464 so what has it done yes it’s

Increased the majors and the tech Falls considerably but people still aren’t looking for Falls and like we’ve seen in this tournament there’s been a lot of low-scoring matches that I don’t know if the three-point takedown has necessarily done what they wanted it to do my argue so I guess by by putting all

That in there what’s he trying to say I think he’s just putting the information out there information out there then you do what you want I look at as well of course there’s going to be more majors and more text because they increase the the the opportunity for near Falls for

One you only have to have a four count instead of a five count okay that’s that’s a big deal so and you get four points instead of three points yep so before you only got three points for a five count now you’re getting four points for a four count so that’s

Enormous so then he added an extra point for every takedown so I think he’s making it almost sound like well it’s helped because now we’re scoring more points well of course we’re scoring more points but I don’t think it’s helped like promote more action right we’re not we’re not getting any more

Action we’re just we just get more we’re just awarded more points for the same stuff that we were doing before yeah and then when you throw the neutral danger in now you’re getting even more points yeah so it’s like it’s so much easier to score points now in this sport than it

By far than it ever has been in the history of the sport so of course you’re going to see the amount of major decisions explode the amount of tech Falls Double that’s what’s going to happen but I don’t think you’re seeing more action because of it how many

Matches have we seen at the end of the first period 0 or going into one to one you know in the third period I mean it’s the same thing yep I would almost say okay let me look at some of these matches you know are you

Seeing what is you know some of those early season you go to like a Luther open or you know the de Tronics open you know some of those are you seeing matches there that an Iowa guy or a Penn State guy or a Michigan guy last year

Was winning 8 to1 just missing a major is now this year getting 12 to3 or even 16 to one you know is it you’re seeing that Gap widen in the matches you’re supposed to win but when you’re wrestling head-to-head a top 15 matchup like break it down that way let me see

If you and I are ranked 10 and 15 in the country are we having that action are we seeing more points scored or is it still going to be one to one going to sudden Victory now that’s a bad example because you’d kick the living crap out of me

Even if I was ranked one and you were ranked a million but point being based on where the rankings are so if you and Matt Nelson were wrestling each other Nelly all day he’s a bike rider he’s got his pelaton he’s gonna just he’s gonna wear me

Out Nell I think Nelly it out slick you he would he’s sneaky but yeah that I mean to me that’s where right yes you can look at the entire sample size but some of it is competition you know it’s easy for us to look through even the Iowa guys and okay

We go to the Luther open and we get two Falls and a Tech fall great when we’re wrestling Oki State or Penn State how are we wrestling there and that’s where it really translates differently I think so yes there’s more points has it done what the intended result was I don’t necessarily

Think so no which I mean the thing is to me though is that it’s kind of common sense going into it I don’t know how going into it you think that an extra Point’s going to promote offense I just I wish I had a really good analogy to kind of put it up

Against I just can’t think of one off the top of my head well I was joking when we were coming down I said cuz the we were talking about the NIT and I’m like what you really need to do for the NIT is every basket under 20 fet is

Three points every basket over 20 ft is four points and every free throw is worth two points to me that’s the analogy you’re not changing anything with basketball other than rewarding you for what you’ve done give Caitlyn Clark four points for a logo three instead of a three-pointer

And give her three points when she drives the lane and makes a layup is that going to promote people wanting to score more not necessarily I don’t think I think it’d be fun to watch though if you if you extended the three-pointer range out to like logo

Marks that’s a four-pointer it’d be it’d be exciting to kind of fun to watch actually people try that yeah you know but that’s you know you’re comparing wrestling to basketball it’s notot easier to try a logo Mark 3 or four vers is an actual physical takedown that’s I

Mean it doesn’t really compare it’s like you’re not comparing Apples to Apples there but right I see what you’re saying well you said some sort of a comparison I’m like that’s the closest you can come up with that kind of makes sense I mean yeah it’s a big

Difference but TRX is getting going back to the wrestling here TRX is getting whipped up on N9 to four and about ready to get taken down again kisen on the other hand is killing he’s up 19 to5 Parker kisen of uni 19 to five over the number 25 seed from Navy win for

Salazar Sal it feels like as much as we’re talking about Minnesota it feels like they should be higher in the team score Salazar from Minnesota 1 64 over Stewart junr Tech plot of Oki state is whipping up on true act 12 to4 now and then Munoz and Pinto that’s five

To3 in favor of pinto uh Munoz has got that lead Muno does yeah oh it’s green yep yep you’re right Muno in so Pinto from Nebraska drops down kisen did get the tech fall it looked like 22-6 so that’s actually going to bring Northern Iowa see 17 and seven is 24

They’re going to be tied with Oki state for 11th so they’re knocking on the door again at the top 10 let’s go there and let’s go Oh wrong button not there there and then there see people always ask like how do you kill time on the radio well you

Explain to people what you’re doing on your computer I’m going to click this I’m going to go to this page and you get something on the air without really saying anything so or I’m going to look at this email from work or I’m going to go to my

Bracket over here see how that’s doing compared to everybody else well we don’t have have any Hawkeyes listed yet we got a little ways to go until Zack Glazer is the next one coming up he’ll be taking on Steven little of Little Rock plot does win over

Tra we’re going to step out we’ll take another timeout we’ll be back with more from the 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championships right after this you’re listening to Hawkeye wrestling from learfield if you guess that was the sound of a bag of pioneer brand a series soybeans you guessed right well kind of

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And zero hassle now is the best time to scoop up your new excavator win big this winter call Altorfer at 866 democat or visit Alor that’s 866 democat or Alor on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer back to the 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championships Steven Grace and Mark Ironside working through the quarterfinal round moving day has seen a lot of movement back and forth Penn State remains on top with 68 A2 Michigan 43 Iowa 40 A2 Iowa state 38 A2 and then Arizona State 37 A2 are your top

Five so if you had to guess a you’re eating your jalapeno chips I’ll wait we said we’re going to take turns on who gets to eat their bags of chips [Applause] so on the mats win over there on mat number eight for Cramer of Central Michigan so Kennedy will have the 19 seed

Kramer yet this session so the guys that win on the backside still have another match yet today so Kennedy will have Kramer if he wins that then he would have McKai Lewis in the round of 12 tonight to become an All-American you talk about you got to make your path

Easier stay on that top side if he could have won his first match and then theoretically beat simma Griffith didn’t look great he could have been into the semi-finals or even if he did lose to Griffith again he’s sitting in that round of 12 waiting for somebody to come through the

Backside instead he had to win a tough one last night he has to win two today and then he’s got to take on the number one seed again tonight if he gets through it matches right now on the wrestle backs as they await the 197 quarterfinals mat number one Ryder

Rotsky of Ohio State trailing Nate Dugan of Princeton 3-2 that is in the second period mat number two Danny was of Navy TI up at eight with Tyler aishin of North Carolina that’s in sudden Victory aishin the one who defeated Patrick Kennedy in the first round Matt number

Seven Lane malcheski of Michigan state has a three to nothing lead in the first period over Bennett Bergie of South Dakota State and on mat number eight MJ gation of Iowa State taking on Jackson Turley of ruter that one is scoreless still don’t see Zach Glazier listed soon as the quarterfinals are

Done that wrestleback round is going to start flying through a little bit quicker because they’re going to have all eight mats available for the wrestle back side let’s go Tanner Sloan he’s got this ter lone the number three seed prepping out of Albert Iowa he’s Al

Beret pirate now he’s a jack rabbit of South Dakota State six years senior he’s taken on Dee from Bingington Dee the number six seed de pre not deess Dee yep why is there a z on the it’s why they do that silent how do you know that he’s been

Around and Jason Bryant’s thing do prey pre you see you need like names like iron side just it’s just Grace I always tell the story I was at a um Retreat one time a church thing and there were several names like to pre and it’s like

No it’s actually depr and you know and they get to mine and the guy was kind of like H Grace and I stand up I said uh it’s French it’s gra just when he think he finally had one that was easy that worked out well though because

It kind of was set the tone for how that weekend went it was a lot of fun that we had so there’s Tanner Sloan in on a shot against depre but de pre locked around the chest right there Tanner head to the outside trying to elevate see if he could switch

Off Aaron Brooks of Penn State against Rocky Elum of Missouri against Michael beard of Lehigh and then silus alred of Nebraska against Trent hyay of NC State down there on mat number eight is MJ gayan of uh Iowa State he’s taking on Jackson Turley of Ruckers gay of Iowa

State leads that one three to zero at the end of the first period win down there on mat number eight for Dugan of Princeton over Ryder rotski of Ohio State Dugan will get the win malusi trailing Bergie 3-2 in the first period Tanner Sloan able to off the

Restart after they went out of bounds finish the Tak down take down over there for HDE leg gives him a six to one lead over all red Matt number two tied up at eight in the tie Breakers that’s iishin and was and looks like they are going to ride each other

Out what are they challenging Navy’s going to challenge locked hands kot’s down there throwing it in oh I was going to see down there Brooks going for the fall over Buchanan of Oklahoma he’s got a lot of time on the clock well not a lot 28 seconds but that’s pretty [Applause] tight

Oh now that’s pry tight there’s the fall for [Applause] Brooks so Brooks moves [Applause] on Brooks might be giv um Keegan oul running his money for that hjge award yeah it’s going to be interesting what happens between those two I mean they’re both undefeated they’re both you

Know a lot of Falls throw Kirk fleed in there too I think the other two probably have more falls on the year but yeah I you definitely have to give it to then you start you know cuz I I get a vote in that being a former Haj Award winner and

So then I mean I do my due diligence I don’t just go off of you know a person or a team person that I like or a team I dislike I mean you got to do what’s right and what’s fair to every single kid and I’ll take the

Time and and Brian vanclay from the wi magazine he sends us out all the information and sends us you know the rpi’s everybody and who they wrestled how many texts they had how many Falls they had and I go back through and I study all that stuff and and you uh you

Vote on your top three so it’ll be interesting when I kind of go through there after this is over and sit down and go through who they all wrestled and it’s a tough decision sometimes and it’s based off of the most dominant wrestler yeah and dominance his

Pins and the thing is is but you also have to look at you know their schedule and who has the kind of the tough road now let’s say let’s say it’s pretty close and you and you give it to Brooks because he’s in the Big 10 and his

Schedule’s a little bit tougher but yet at the same time Lou he’s got some awfully awfully good 65 Pounders in the Big 12 you know but at the same time is it really OU’s fault that his schedule was isn’t as strong I mean it’s not his

Fault that he wrestles for I mean and he chose Missouri but right you know um I mean they’re not purposely looking for a week schedule so they can go and get up rack up a bunch of bonus points so it’s kind of tough sometimes Tanner slone a seven to

Nothing lead final seconds of the second period 7 to2 is the lead for hidlay on the final seconds of the second period on mat six Tanner is just so tough on top I want Tanner to make it to the finals again so bad Rocky Elum a three

Nothing lead over beard of Lehigh Brooks is just heads and Above the Rest everybody in that weight class that’s going to be a good interesting match up between um H highley and Tanner Sloan tonight we’re on mat number eight MJ gay a 7 to2 lead for Iowa state mat number seven

Malusi six to3 lead on Bennett Bergie in the third period another Tak down for Tanner Salone he leads 10 to zero now in the third Oak’s mission is to provide exceptional retirement living and health Services through life care a not for-profit Life Plan Community serving

The Iowa City area for 57 years Oak is conveniently located near the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics kinck Stadium Carver Hawkeye Arena and downtown Iowa City proud sponsor of Hawkeye Athletics visit to learn more another proud sponsor of the Hawkeyes is US Cellular they want you to

Make the most of today by choosing game day Traditions first and scrolling later US Cellular built for us like we said moving day to day you get Seven Points Plus any bonus in your wins in the championship side this morning on the backside you only get half a point plus any

Bonus then if you win your second one tonight or today on the backside that’s another half a point plus any bonus man I sit there I look at Iowa scores right now 40 1/2 to 43 so they’re two and 1/2 points out of second place just I just

Keep racking my brain and going back to those matches that are right in the bomm of the grasp of our hands to win with real and uh franic but especially real like he even give us seven points but if he give us both those those 14 points

Like I mean that’s a lot of points Tanner Sloan gets it’s a Tech fall down there look at Tanner he’s a man not a boy Tanner Bennett Bergie comes back with a late taked down to beat Lane malusi SLO will be taking on hyl most likely elim and beard right now is a

Four to nothing lead for Elum gayan got a major decision over there for Iowa State eight so that’s a bonus point for them iow State’s got Feld cemp coming up at 84 too so try need to keep an eye out for that Iowa State right behind us F camp on deck on

One they’ve got a couple of 97 PB matches listed but I think they’re waiting to see after all the heavyweight bouts are done they’ll really open things up but that major decision for gayan in Iowa state is going to be half a point behind the Hawkeyes 40 and a half to

40 Matt number seven quick Tak down and a tilt Chris fola of Cornell going to have an 11 nothing lead look at that 11 nothing in 35 seconds seconds take down four nearfall four nearfall and then he’s going to take him over again got two so it’s 13 to nothing in 45 [Applause]

Seconds Rocky Elum the 12 seed having himself a tournament knocked off the five seed cardinus of Cornell now he’s a minute away from a major decision against the four seed beard of Lehi M number one James Conway of Franklin and Marshall trailing jaquin Anderson of Garner web

4-2 that is going to be a win for jaquin Anderson of Garner web Colton Hawks of Missouri just getting underway against Caleb Hopkins of Campbell Chris Focus still the 13 to nothing lead over Aaron azov of Columbia Gavin Kane of North Carolina against Jaden bulock of Michigan on mat number Eight foka gives the Escape probably going to try to get one more TI down against ezov to get the tech fall oh and then as that knocks him over almost got it almost but focha will get the win emphatically 16 to1 in the first period there comes out Feld Camp it

Looks like down on mat number one taking on Ree heler of Pittsburgh Feld Camp the 17 heler the 15 so folus stays alive for Cornell and he gets a extra point and a half for him it’s going to bring another match to Matt 7 Nicholas steemit of Stanford against Luke Stout of

Princeton 13 seconds left over there for the final 197 quarterfinal 7 to2 is the lead now for Elum but it looks like elim will win and take on Brooks tonight Cannon drops down there beard drops there Dee drops there and all red drops there so if Glazier makes it through

Both of his he would have Dee in the round of 12 tonight your winner Kanas City native [Applause] Rocky so Sim’s at 197 R set heavyweight will be coming out here shortly we’re going to take another time out we’ll be back with more from Kansas City when we return the 2024 NCAA

Wrestling Championships this is Hawkeye wrestling from learfield a bag of corn is well a bag of corn unless it’s a bag of pioneer brand Chrome Seed corn then you’re dealing with the most optimized yield potential agronomic performance and insect protection the Pioneer lineup has to offer a bag that

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Beverages snacks meats and the hard stuff too bourbon tequila Jen and more there really is something for everyone and every occasion at local craft seller stop in today at 7085 C Avenue Northeast in Cedar Rapids just north of Boon Road hit a deer call Premiere Premier Automotive in North Liberty is Eastern

Iowa’s most trusted name in auto body repair our Premier reputation is built on providing Superior customer service accurate estimates and high quality work our experienced staff guarantees your vehicle is restored and back on the road in no time Premier Automotive in North Liberty or online at Premier Auto drive safely but if you hit a deer call Premiere on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer back to Kansas City Missouri the 2024 NCA Wrestling Championships alongside Mark Ironside Steven Gra saying thanks for tuning in hopefully the snow is stopped and it’s warmed up a little bit to start melting it yeah I haven’t heard how the weather’s back home if it’s you know

Give her a look see here that’s what the weather channel apps for right yeah boy it sure sounded nasty going back home or uh at home this morning travel and uh not like that here it was beautiful here this morning I don’t know what it’s like out there now but well it’s saying

50° but really windy right now feels like 43 I got to walk the walk over to the FanFest between sessions I brought my stocking cap today just in case but tomorrow here looks beautiful a high of 53 sunny and only 10 mph winds it’s not bad that’s going to be a

Beautiful day between sessions tomorrow for people to sneak on over to the fan f best swisser Iowa just trying to update here MJ gation or no that’s Feld Camp excuse me Feld camp for Iowa State leads 7 to five in the second period that’s over on mat number one mat

Number two colon Hawks of Missouri leads Hopkins of Campbell 5 to4 steemit of Stanford a three- nothing lead over Stout of Princeton Kane of North Carolina bollock of Michigan tied up at one I don’t have enough service in here to update the weather well according to

My computer chance of rain or snow and 39 this is what Branch but 39 and snow today clouds and 39 tomorrow rain and snow 46 Sunday rain and 62 Monday and then clouds and 41 Tuesday sun and 43 Wednesday sun and 54 Thursday what’s Monday does it say Monday is chance of rain and 62 chance of precept 90% heavyweights getting underway in the quarterfinals top seed Greg Kirk Fleet of Penn State taking on the nine seed Nick Feldman of Ohio State the five-seed Nathan Taylor of leehigh against the four-seed Colton Schultz of Arizona

State the three- seed Wyatt Hendrickson of Air Force taking on the six seed Zack Elum of Missouri the 10 seed Lucas Davidson of Michigan taking on the two- seed Yer bastia of Iowa State we probably see here that Besa Davidson match could be interesting over under situation B’s got a body lock on

Davidson Davidson able to keep that whizzard thrown in though Feld Camp trying to get a fall from a scramble situation he got neutral Danger that’s going to give him an 14 to4 lead so it looks like bonus points for the Cyclones [Applause] again 4 to2 is the win for Jaden Bullock

Of Michigan El’s been putting up some bonus points in this tournament he got a fall earlier too he got fall in his first match F Camp the 17 seed 13 and 10 coming in but he’s having a heck of a tournament Hendrickson takes down Elum leads three to nothing 3 to one is

The lead for bastia over Davidson Colton Schultz trying to finish a shot over on the edge Colton Schultz pulling Taylor from Lehi all the way into the center of the mat now he’s got it up on his shoulder but he couldn’t finish they run out of

Room kirkl Z Z with Feldman that’s a rematch of the Big 10 finals right yep I think Kirkley won that I think 9 to3 let me look it up here quick yes nine to three did I swear I just saw a double stall warning what my I can’t be right

Because they’re in a top and bottom position or maybe he called for someone for stalling telling them both they each have a stall call that could be frost first period comes to an end with no score for Kirk Fleet and Feldman Hendrickson still a three nothing lead bastia the 3-1 lead z0 at

The end of the first period for Schultz and Taylor Schultz Choice from Arizon State he’s going to choose down that Taylor from Lehigh he’s a big boy Garrett jeles of Minnesota trailing six to one in the first period against MaxOut of Pittsburgh it’s a 197 wrestle back Zack Glazer on deck on five so where Hendrick in is wrestling Glazier will come

Out man nice shot right there by btia on davidon bto’s really developed into a nice sized heavyweight yeah how’s this match shaping up between Elum and um Hendrickson got a taked down and rote him out for the first period so he’s got 214 of riding time and a three nothing

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HC Kirk Fleet the escape to start the second period he leads one to nothing Hendrickson lets Elum out makes it three to one now in the second Musta shot Davidson rolls him through he’s got him flattened out trying to reach back and break this grip Davidson Trails three to2 in the second

Period 30 seconds left probably going to hold on for the stalemate and does down there Matt number eight Cole herbus of Penn trailing Andy Smith of Virginia Tech he’s got a leg in trying to get a turn here Smith the one that knocked Zack Glazer out of the championship side of the

Bracket yesterday morning Schulz leads one to nothing on mat number four going to the third period Taylor of Lehigh will take down Musta a 3-2 lead at the end of the second period he’ll start down against Davidson Feldman like you said I think he’s kind of an underrated heavyweight nine seed he’s definitely

Better than that as a younger guy but he’s growing into his body he’s several inches shorter than Kirk Fleet he’s got a good athletic frame on him pastia coming into this tournament 26 and0 Kirkley 17 and0 4 to two now in favor but btia over Davidson they actually wrestled at the

Cliff Kings with basa winning 5 to3 btia leads four to2 right now with a minute 15 to go 50 seconds to go between Taylor and Schultz no score and then Feldman’s in on a shot on kirkle but could not finish he got in deep there that’s one to zero

So a Feldman must have ch go neutral yeah I think so bet they’re wishing they didn’t do that now that’s going to do it Kirk’s going to win that one one to zero Felman drops down Hendrickson a 4 to one lead Schultz and Taylor tied up at one

HRI Joel’s losing 12 to4 now in the second period for Minnesota well we’re going OT over here on map four between Schultz and and Taylor somebody’s going to do something here one to one Schultz almost had that taked down in the first period but really wish he could have got that

Takedown kept him in bounds I haven’t seen Taylor really do anything there’s a shot by Taylor and a Tak down by Schultz just like that he took one shot and then Schultz just capitalized on it so Schultz and Kirk Fleet in the semi-finals tonight going to start rolling through

The these constellation brackets pretty quick like Davidson in on a shot on btia over there 5 seconds left and oh he got it he got it they’re going to challenge it was for sure a taked down it was for sure a taked down wow gives himself a shot at the end and

Makes it happen Hendrickson another taked down he’s going to win 8 to one elim will drop down looks like they’re not going to hold those mats so we’re going to roll straight into Zack Glazier Glazier taking on the number nine seed Steven little of Little Rock Pack 12

Champion two losses on the year one to Steven Buchanan of Oklahoma and he got pinned by cardus of Cornell all right Zack Glazer who’s that down there is that you and I I’m at four yeah it’s velker I think white velker taking on Evan Bachman of Utah Valley call stands taked down for

Davidson it was a taked down it was a takedown I can’t believe Iowa State honestly even wasted up call that so underway for Glazier on mat number five against little of Little Rock well the good news is that keeps Iowa state from jumping past the Hawkeyes the bad news is that puts

Michigan a little bit further ahead of Iowa 4 second minute gone by no score for Glazier looking for Shaw and Novak that is who the winner of this would Wrestle on a hand fighting so far between those two gler gets the hands on him tries to drive through for a shot re-shot attempt into a front headlock by little we Square back up this Little Rock program’s done a great job this is I think their first

Year of actually being able to compete at the in college I think uh second I think is it their second yeah I don’t remember them wrestling they’re having much gu but they Haven yeah they haven’t done a lot but they’re making some noise this year here Neil Aris confence are they in you

Know um who’s the coach Pack 12 Neil arisman they are in the Pack 12 I know that Pat Smith’s down there and helps out in that area actually ran into Pat Smith yesterday introduced me as family as Mike Ironside I didn’t have the heart to correct him and he also introduced me as

A three-time national champion I didn’t have like well if you didn’t call me Mike I would I’d correct that but you know we’ll just let that slide they’re going home like Mike Ironside three-time National there’s no Mike Ironside that’s a three-time champion yep there sure isn’t I bet I got called Mike

Literally probably easy five times yesterday really between just run into people or or at FanFest you how many people come into the ice cream shop and say hey Mark like well I’m Stephen but that’s all right serious yeah I don’t know why I’ve always gotten called

Mike even at Carver Hawk arena in my home arena at Nationals my freshman year I remember I was getting called up to the mat to like Mike Ironside on Deck map five Mike Ironside on Deck I’m like this is my home arena how how how do you not even know my name

Yeah Glazer scoreless at the end of one defers his choice so little will go down I get that sometimes I get called Mike because my older brother is Michael and we look similar that would make sense like if I’d get called Matt I mean

I get it I mean he’s my brother we both have m for his first letter in our names but I get it’s always Mike Quick Escape for little so he leads Glazier one to nothing velker of Northern Iowa up one to nothing in the second period Fernandez of Cornell wrestling

Cory day of bingamon on Matt 8 see they I just don’t know what I don’t want to say what happened to Glazer but I don’t know like the big 10 is St like he just started tensing up and not wrestling like he’s wrestled throughout the season

Like this is not the Zack Glazer we saw come out against Iowa State in a pressure situation and then along with a few other matches this year like he he didn’t really care like hey I’m just going to go out I’m going to wrestle I’m to put up some takedowns right away yeah

He just it’s like ever since we got to the big 10s he’s just he’s kind of I want say he’s lost his offense but he’s he’s tightened up a lot double leg attempt roll through attempt out of bounds head back to the center 45 on the

Clock let’s go Glazer come on man second period 40 seconds let’s muster something up put something together put some combinations together little SNAP A little elbow slide little push by underhook to throw by fake something Matt number eight Bradley Hill out wrestling two he’s taking on the 26 seed Hunter Katka of Virginia

Tech so we got two guys up right now Matt five for Glazier Matt eight for hill hill 220 to go in the first with no score vul’s putting on a good ride right now little gets in deep again on Glazer Glazer keeping that whizzer in no point

Scored as the period came to an end gler down one to zero he’ll start down to begin the third vul’s about ready to win this one on riding time go out of bounds got ride him for another 10 seconds 11 seconds what do you know about this kid

From Virginia Tech anything other than he just took us down on a nice nice sweep single 26 seed he’s been around for a while get to the right page here an Escape right there for vulker or not vulker uh Glazer glazers that ties it up at 1-1 heill gets the Escape so he’s

Down three to one KAC has a red shirt junor third time to the ncaa’s runner up at the acc’s 13- six record coming into the tournament so another very winnable match for us Glazier tied at one gives up another shot attempt and gives up a stall

Call and then gives up another deep shot they roll out of bounds head back to the the center yeah glacier’s just flat-footed like you say just a little tense this tournament wait was it the Big 10 too like that match he lost against was it Smith from Maryland at

The big 10s yeah he he just that’s one I really noticed it and he just not getting to the offense like he had been throughout the season minute to go tied up at one 15 seconds left first period Hill down three to one we got 50 seconds to go

Here there’s I mean there’s a shot by Glazer but it wasn’t a good shot it a from a ways away another same thing from a long ways away just not I mean something like that you hit a shot like that to try to set up another shot those weren’t shots to try and

Score double leg Again by little we throw the whizzer in out of bounds head back to the center Hills going to start down to begin the second period trailing 3 to one and we are just flat out wrestling right now not to lose that’s what we’re that’s exactly what we’re doing right

Now and that’s when you lose matches that’s what happens a lot of times yeah it’s like he just does not want to pull a trigger and have any risk involved another shot right there we’re going to get ding for Stalin shot by little tied up at one going to sudden Victory come on

Glazier you got to stay alive buddy Bradley’s trailing was that 3-1 3-1 over there got 42 seconds riding time against him Glazer snaps reaches for the leg reaches again there Glazer stumbles as he takes a shot and gets taken down punching the mat several times several times Glazer was I mean he was

Fist to that mat I bet he punched that mat 10 times just right there out of frustration but again like you know go if you’re upset like that you’re that upset go back to the beginning of the match what what what’ we do when we had

A situation in our own hands you know do more when the clock’s in your favor I don’t know there’s just something going on mentally there Hill gets the Escape he Trails three to2 he does have 101 riding time against him is that second period yes 45 seconds

Left so Glazier and Rie are both done there’s a nice sweep by Hill but Kaka was able to get the hips back oh tried scrambling out of that and kka comes out with our leg that was just really good heads up russling right there by capka right there he just we

Came up and we just kind of like thought I think we just thought he was just going to come up and square and we just kind of both just kind of stand in the look of each other second we came up just way relaxed out of position and kep

Go was like well if you’re going to do that I’m just going to drop in on this leg and he did and took us down easily right there 20 seconds to go here in the second period we need to really work hard at getting out here caution on keco right

There take down on five for Greece of Navy that is who Hill would wrestle as the winner of that match if he can come back Bradley to his feet 15 seconds left trying to get that hand control but kako bumps him back down and it will be a 6-2 deficit for Bradley

Hill as we go to the third well time to work some magic Bradley Hill Jackson Smith of Maryland gets knocked out does win he’ll intentionally releases Katka to start the third period so he’s down in essence 8-2 because he’s got a minute 24 riding time against him conratulations greats CA sweet another

Shot just taking down at will I mean really taking us down at will K is a 26 seed and we’re a 25 seed but he’s whipping up on us pretty darn good 10 to two right now we’re going to have to be going feet to back we got to try something now got

To get out first bery tesy on deck on seven so we got tesy and Kennedy yep only two guys alive in the wrestle backs right now and then until tonight then we’ll have real woods and uh franic franic as well will join him so out of the tournament for sure

Is RI and Glazier and Glazier and it looks to appear like it’s going to be Hills we’ll have three completely out of the tournament he’ll trying to get hand control from underneath but not going to be able to 29 seconds left as they go out of bounds with 24 on the

Clock and it’s this point that Hill either needs like some sort of a crazy scramble and catch him on his back or get out get an escape go feet to back well it’s pretty tough to do when you first move as your head goes down to the mat [Applause]

Yeah and that’s going to do it Kaka is going to win 11-2 major decision tesk is up on what mat seven he’s on deck so let’s sneak in a quick timeout we’ll be back with more from KC this is Hawkeye wrestling from learfield bananas are only 39 cents a

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Bush bush like beer St Louis Missouri on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer back to the 2024 NCAA wrestling championship Mar IR side more hawkey yet wrestle of this session bres is on deck on M number seven and then Patrick Kennedy will be taking on Alex Kramer of Central Michigan tesy will be taking on the number 25 seed Braden

Basil true freshman out of Tampa Florida wrestles for Army 20 and 11 record coming into the year finished third at the ewas his lone loss at that tournament was to Vito AR roia you tesy coming out here on seven putting his red leg bands on getting ready to go all right

Tesy it’s time to go how do you pronounce that kid’s name basil basil basil yeah it is basil like the like the Herb underway on mat 7even for tesy winner moves on to take on the number four seed shaver of Ruckers in the round of 12 Hawks sitting in fifth place 10 points out of second there head to the inside shot throwing the whizzer inil is really long and

Linky bir comes up under hook out of bounds head back to the [Applause] center Tom BRS Ryan morning star in the corner for Brody tesy tried an ankle pick right off the whistle there but seal stepped away pushes in tries to get a little short drag comes back

Across front headlock switches off to the collar tie RO with that right hand up there stanic the two seed at 125 stays alive two on one now for Basil against Brody tesy Brody pulls his arm out of there changed levels couldn’t get through the arms though I would love

Nothing more than to see Brody get on that allamerican Stand Matt number three who is that Neville and slavski four to two is the lead now for slowski shot right there by Tas basil basil tries rolling we caught him kind of in a scrambled situation kind of like in a cradle almost see if we can work something here only 10 seconds left

To go basil actually caught our leg and now he’s kind of ahead to the outside position trying to look for that neutral danger period will come to an end no score Basil’s Choice he defers tesy will choose down most likely Matt number five Wells of Minnesota against Lona of Virginia Tech

Tesky to his feet hand control out for the Escape did Nebraska win a match today they lost van D in the backside and they had seven in the quarterfinals I don’t think they won any of them well they’re not in the top 10 anymore yeah Iowa’s fifth half a point one and a

Half points behind Iowa State for fourth there’s Brody front headlock trying to get a cradle switches off down to the leg trying to cut off to a double but basil switches back grabs our leg trying to step over us BR hanging on right on the edge of

The mat Basel trying to step over hook our leg now Brody trying to suck that leg in a little bit tighter looking to hip in basil trying to lock this up himself Brody trying to cut his arm across who’s got who there as basil gets

A cradle right on the edge and gets the three-point Tak down before they go out of bounds morning starts is going to challenge that no they’re going to they’re giving it back do it on their own they’re going to look at it on their own Kurt Frost just said no that’s on us

Here you can have your block back H I [Applause] think [Applause] they might have worn no points I don’t know like it might be a it honestly might just be a good no call I don’t know it looked like it was a good cradle and I thought he kept his

Toe in I think they’re going to keep the points no they take it off so now arm going to challenge and they’re going to send it to the third party review yeah third party review upstairs that’s what they’re pointing at well he was pointing upstairs but you say it’s downstairs so

He should be pointing if you’re looking for a place to stay near Iowa City and the University of Iowa high up Regency Corville offers a memorable experience the newly remodeled 288 room Hotel features an on-site Restaurant New Cafe serving Starbucks a beautiful outdoor Terrace and much more high up Regency

Corville is located in the Iowa River Landing district and is within walking distance to unique restaurants luxury retailers and live events at extreme Arena also if you or someone you know support now call or text 988 or chat 988 [Applause] it is windy out there right now 25 M hour here

Just looking at prepping for my walk over there to The Fan Fest 50° so 50° which is a lot better than back home or says it’s 35 feels like 27 no thank you that mcau wrestling over on one against bakis of Ohio State that’d be a

Good match Matt two crook of of Virginia Tech against Edmund of Missouri Matt three Moore of Ruckers against Belton of Oregon State Matt four Vasquez of Arizona State leavs codh hat of Navy Wells of Minnesota gets the late takedown or sudden Victory takedown to take out Lona of Virginia Tech what

Weight is that Lona match 33 33 yep well they confirm no takedown on the cradle for Basil so bro teski Dodges a bullet still leads one to nothing 35 seconds to go second period tusk’s been in on a couple of shots but again this basil good

Scrambler nice if Brody could get like a little slide by or some sort of a go behind well suck here is going to come to an end it’s going to be Basil’s Choice I’m sure he’ll choose down which I don’t know tesy tough on top but he’s going

Down immediately all right tesy but this is again where we cannot give up two we don’t want to really I mean unless we get escaped right away but we don’t want to give up two to our back and then some Asel to his feet we bump him back

Down to a tripod right back to their feet bro picks him up puts him down goes into that claw ride basil to the tripod right time working into Brody tusk’s favor now this would be a big point if he could ride him hops one side hops the

Other trying to pick him up basil on the edge of the mat back into a tripod kale hle wrestling out on mat number eight now against Matthews of pit he’s going to win that match too I firm believer cap ha’s going to win that H’s going to be an All-American he’s got to

Beat real woods to become one oh then he’s not going to be an All-American he’s going to be close to an All-American there’s the Escape for Basil who are tied up at one 34 seconds riding time for haul so real Woods has the winner of that match double leg attempt by tesy

But basil gets the arm down into an underhook still no score between bazakas and Naga down there 45 seconds left in regulation for tesy tied at one Matthews in on a shot against ha on mat number eight 15 seconds left regulation for [Applause] tesy Roy snaps and we’re going to go to sudden

Victory tied up at one how many sudden victory matches we had in this tournament already a lot and the thing is it’s one to one again I don’t has basil even taken a shot I don’t know I mean it’s almost like he’s waiting for Brody to take a

Bad shot and turn that into his own offense I mean there’s a lot of other ways to score than shooting too you know you can score a lot of points from snaps and front headlocks for in that other guy to get out of position make him do something [Applause]

Dumb tesy going to an underhook starting to pick it up getting basil responding a little bit more he’s got to just follow through with something else basil shot shot there by tesy head to the inside he’s got the leg elevated trying to trip him down basil reaching

Back holding our left wrist call kinds of room leg up in the air trying to dump him as you said said and he do dump him and oh my God how did we not score that Stephen tell me like how we had him dead right it’s like we just gave him our

Legs we rant to run him down and basil just I I don’t know how he did it I don’t know how we literally did not score that takedown right there we had him on his butt covering him and it’s like we got high on purpose to to let

Him in our legs and there there’s a stalemate wow my Lord now 40 seconds left bro snaps can’t follow through with the front head loock this basil that knee brace on his right leg he’s got a big old honking knee brace there he’s really hurting there and he can’t see he can’t move

Laterally at all chesky’s got to feel that comes in a double leg gets caught in double unders though basil trying to reach down on a shot now Brody looking for a half a cradle right there on the edge of the mat looking to step around gets around

Behind and stays he lets him roll through grab our ankle but why did we let go of the Cradle we had a cradle just lock it up and put him on his hip and that’s it that’s it’s match over so we’ll go to the mat wrestling oh my Lord

Basil will defer so tesy will start down in the first 30 seconds oh my Lord and G up two to nothing plus he has riding time against bakis tesy up to his feet baso pulls us back almost about ready to get a reversal tesk is and he doeses he does

Get a reversal now keep him down tesy come on somersault through attempt ride tough here tesy keep him down basil hanging on to our ankles we’re barely hanging on to his keep him down keep him down go out of bounds and tesy will take a 3 to one

Lead with 12 seconds riding time very very unconventional way of winning a wrestling match here but they’re going to go neutral so now he’s going to have to come at tesy happening I think because of his knee how soon till the first stall call against Brody yeah we’ll have to watch

That but but Brody has to stay in there stay in there Brody stay in there stay in contct just move your feet snap move circle circle there we do Circle back in and bro tesy oh my gosh I thought he was going to get with his legs right there will

Win by a score of three to one he will stay alive he will wrestle in the round of 12 tonight against shaver of ruers with a chance to become an All-American let’s step out for a timeout we’ll be back with more from Kansas City right after this you’re listening to Hawkeye wrestling from

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Tocom on the hawk Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer back to Kansas City Miss Center ecaa Wrestling Championships one more Hawkeye to wrestle this round to try to make his way into the round of 12 in the form of Patrick Kennedy kenned will be taking on the number 19 seed Alex Kramer of Central Michigan papers papers everywhere which

Paper am I looking for right now Riley what kind of wrestling manager are you she said let me know how tesy does I said 3 to1 tiebreakers and she said tesky winning I’m like yes he won 3 to1 tiebreaker otherwise I would have said he’d lost three to one in

Tiebreakers he’s not winning he won man very unconventional but he did win a reversal in overtime no takedowns so seven and nine that’s nine minutes of wrestling without a taked down yeah there’s down n and a half that probably about nine n and a half well yeah cuz he got some riding in

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Hawkeyes the winner of the that one is who Jared franic will have in the round of 12 tonight either Downey the five seed or blockas the 13 seed just one away from that page yes blockas was the 13 seed that one six to2 right now in favor of

Downey it’s the end of the first Patrick Kennedy on Deck Matt 8 so we could have a couple matchups with un and I tonight yeah Downey and um franic and then real and apple check out the Iowa style apparel retail store located in the strip mall just south of Target on Edgewood Road

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Patrick Kennedy comes out we’ll be back with more right after this you are listening to Hawkeye wrestling from learfield in this week’s marketers report we hear about the importance of local radio from Allison Griffin head of marketing at State Farm iHeart has such a broad broadcast reach that is local

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To learn more about this or any vacation contact Travel Leaders destinations unlimited at du that’s du on the Hawkeye Sports Network this is Iowa Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer back in Kansas City final Hawkeye of this session before we wrap things up we’ll be back on tonight at 7:00 for the semi-finals Dr iwa and Michael calendo will both be wrestling for the Hawkeyes we also will have the round of 12 we know for sure we will have

Tesy we know for sure we’ll have real woods and Jared Franck we hope to have Patrick Kennedy Raji Glazier and Hill have all been knocked out of the the tournament Kennedy on deck on eight that one’s tied up at one in the third period Kennedy’s going to be taking on the

Number 19 seed Alex Kramer from Central Michigan probably one of the last guys in the country that can say that he used to wrestle at Old Dominion before they dropped their program a few years ago 21- s record coming in he won the ma Championship major decision 15 to0 Tech

Fall and a 16 to1 techall it’s a good way to get through your tournament bracket Hunter Garin from Iowa City West highes up on mat number four he’s rling Andrew CIO from Navy cerniglia yeah cerniglia it’s hard to read that I’m trying to read that deal there is not very bright on

There cassic of Penn State up 6 to zero in his match that’s in the second period something’s under review in that match stal call gives a point down there on mat number eight now a shot by love it Downey of un Andi wins 11 to3 by Major so he’ll be taking

On franic tonight so two matchups with you and I tonight Rita one is the lead now for love it over Teague Travis Ryder Downey out of Indianola Iowa went to un and I as really really stepped up and done great things for you and I this year he started surprising people right

Out of the gate yeah people didn’t know who he was where he came from and he’s really done a good job establishing himself throughout the season Here Comes Patrick Kennedy up on mat number eight Kennedy and Kramer the 12 versus the 19 Main Street Sweets has been serving

Great ice cream and food in the heart of Downtown West Branch for nearly 15 years offering great Burgers tenderloins cheese balls and more along with many awesome ice cream treats order online call ahead or stop in to visit Main Street SES owned and operated by my wife

Jessica and me on the web at Main Streets keny underway nice angle pick right out of the gate for Kennedy but no score oh my Lord again like what do we got to do to score a t take down still has the leg trying to cut across finish takedowns at

All Steven we have such a difficult time finishing takedowns there he almost did but see what I’m talking about we should have had that other ankle for sure still has the leg there he finally is able to pull him back dump him down and get the three three nothing lead for Kennedy 45

Seconds gone by now put a good ride on here Patrick there’s a good mat return as Kramer got to his feet slide out of bounds head back to the center at five is Olen of Oki State leads [Applause] 6-2 is going to win 6-2 kak does win with a major decision 13 to

One it’s five olenic wins Patrick still riding tough here krer got to his wheelbarrow position Patrick was on the ankle was able to climb back up above the hips got riding time up over a minute a minute and a half to go in this first period Hunter Garvin a 12-1

Lead on Matt four in the second period so tonight they’re going to take two mats away so we’ll have the two in the middle for the semi-finals I assume like today they’ll hold those with long commercial breaks between each the outer four they’ll do the round of 12 with four matches per

Each weight class and then they’ll do another round of consolations there’s a good chance that entire round of consolations will be done before the semi-finals finish up Kennedy goes out of bounds get back to the center get a fresh start inside of a minute to go first period three

Nothing lead for Kennedy now he’s trying to get the arm up onto the back minute 45 and Counting of riding time trying to get that arm out but Kramer able to get his butt up in the air Patrick gets back behind the arms now drives to the far wrist

Chopping that right arm again looking to flatten him down only got 15 seconds left to go in the first period here he’s riding tough here should be able to ride him out as they go out of bounds 13 seconds left MJ gation of Iowa State out taking

On km of Cal paully it’s on mat number three right down here in front of us Kennedy looks like he will get the right out takes a three nothing lead into the second period winner between Kennedy and Kramer gets top seed McKai Lewis in the round of 12

Tonight Kramer will start down after he wins the toss to begin the second Period a sit out try sucking him back can’t get it so now he just pushes him away gives the Escape which is fine I’m fine with that because we already had two and a half minutes of riding time if we’re not going you know turn him let’s

Go back to our feet where we scored take down the first period period but the thing was is he tried to suck back then he tried coming out front trying to hit like a quick whip over I mean he was wor looking for a fall of some sort it’s not

Like he just cut him right and just let him go but before he did that he tried to get some near Falls tried getting a go behind from a front headlock but they circle out of bounds so walk back to the center minute 29 to go second period Kramer half attempt gets Patrick

Responding sprawls comes back across working an underhook on the left side not very deep with it though soon as he put it there you can see Kramer almost wanting to put that overhook over top of it so that time he snaps into a front headlock trying to Circle keep going with

It steady he just clears out 45 remains second [Applause] period six fish of Michigan State getting beat by Air Force well 15 seconds to go here in the period no taked down in the second period for Patrick but takes the 3-1 lead into the third Kramer has nothing for us

Either Kramer’s choice or no Patrick Cho P choice he’s going to choose down Patrick gets set Kramer covers into a sit out trying to work hand control as his elbow in out for an easy onepoint Escape that makes it 4 to one and he’s got over two minutes of riding

Time let’s go get a major here [Applause] Patrick gayan gets a Tak down challenge brick going to be thrown in on mat number three he’s taken on Kemp of Cal paully minute 20 to go for Kennedy leading four to one plus he has riding time nice snap come on follow through with

That minute to go and it’s almost like he’s in the defensive mode snapping and just clearing shot attempt by Kramer sprawl back into a front headlock L the just move on to the next round right now another shot he Advanced stall warning on Kennedy how do you call Patrick Kenny

For stalling right there I mean he’s not like he’s doing taking a bunch of shots but he’s snapping and he’s moving and you got Kramer who’s taking a bunch of just terrible crappy shots from a long ways away hasn’t even touched a leg yet it just it’s just pathetic how bad the

Refereeing is sometimes are you kidding me another stall call on Kennedy might as well when it doesn’t matter it’s like oh yeah we’ll just throw a ball left and right yeah but when you really need one you deserve one then you don’t get them Kennedy wins 5 to2 to move on to

The round of 12 and a chance to become an All-American later tonight he’ll take on McKai Lewis the number one seed yeah any other thoughts Mark as that half-point win is going to tie us with Iowa State pending what gay does and what Feld Camp

Does well we left as far as the session in general goes we left a lot of points out there today a lot of points we could be sitting a lot higher than what we are but at the same time I guess you can look it in retrospect that it could be a

Lot worse too you know tusk’s won a couple of tight match uh Drake iella won a tight one uh you know I mean if you take away Dr gella’s Win where’s that put us you know now now now we’re looking at 40 34 points and we’re looking like we’re in

Six sixth place seven eighth place eighth place yeah you know it’s just that’s what we said coming in it’s going to be anywhere from 2 through 10 are going to be we needed Glazer to stay alive we really needed Glazer and I don’t know what was

Really wrong with Glazer or what but he just could not find his offense in this tournament he just could not get to the offense and pull the trigger for whatever reason we really needed him to stay in this tournament so we’ve lost RI we’ve lost Glazier and then who else hill

Hill so so we’ve three are down and they need to win one more to stay in so a big night tonight for ooh big night tonight for uh for the other six we have remaining for aella to make it to the finals which I think he can win this match

Tonight and then uh cendo as well cendo who’s cendo guy mess and Brink yeah that one doesn’t look very good just based off of pass scores that one’s not looking too great but Drake AA he could definitely beat Barnett that’s going to be a barn burner of a match and you know

It’s going to be a lot of scrambling rolling around yep um Barnett’s freak he’s just tough he’s a tough stingy wrestler and he finds ways to win he’s a veteran and then uh we got Franck that’s got a big match tonight against uh Downey that’s going to be a tough match

For him to win and then real Woods has kale ha which you know normally I would say that shouldn’t be too tough of a match for Real woods but depends on what real wood shows up you know and it depends on what kale ha shows up too and I can tell you right

Now both those guys down and happle when you’re wrestling someone with a black and gold singlet and there’s really no love loss between the programs they don’t wrestle each other for a reason then they’re going to come out fired up they’re GNA they would love nothing more

Than to beat Iowa just like Tony Ramos and mcneel did at 141 lbs people live for that and you got to know that when you step on the mat and you can’t you just you just want to make sure people stay quiet well let’s uh quiet some people

Down tonight we’ll be on the air at 7 o’ for the semi-finals and the blood round the round of 12 to become all-americans in this year’s NCAA championships Hawks tied for fourth as of now probably going to be sitting in that fifth place spot uh when we come back later tonight so

Until then for Mark Ironside this is Steven grace we’ll talk to you in a few hours this is Hawkeye wrestling from learfield on the Hawkeye sports network from learfield you’ve been listening to Hawkeye wrestling presented by Pioneer Pioneer combines Cutting Edge research with one of the largest local testing

Programs in the industry to help farmers succeed Pioneer what’s next happens here also brought to you by Iowa Corn you might think Iowa just grows corn but the truth is corn grows Iowa brought to you by Iowa’s corn farmers of the Iowa Corn Growers Association and the Iowa Corn

Promotion board Iowa Lottery be a VIP with the Iowa Lottery visit for details and buy hi ve score big savings with a new H ve perks membership the preceding has been a learfield presentation on the Hawkeye Sports Network the bush guide cold and smooth survival skills for a successful stint in The

Great Outdoors pack accordingly Place heavy Essentials near your spine for stability and rough terrain with light items near the Bottom now you may be wondering where does the bush light go in your stomach head for the mountains enjoy responsibly copyright 2024 anheiser bush like beer St Louis Missouri feel planty

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Weather center here’s your Iowa news now weather First Forecast roads will continue to improve as we head through this afternoon and we’ll have clearing Skies this evening with Breezy and chilly conditions temperatures drop down into the teens tonight tomorrow we’ll have some sunshine to start and temperatures will climb into the 30s we

The chance for some snow late tomorrow night into early Sunday with a transition to rain Sunday and Monday that’s your latest iows news now weather First Forecast this report is sponsored by All State some people just know there’s a better way to do things like bundling your home and auto insurance

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