6-time major champ Sir Nick Faldo gives a LIVE lesson!

In this (incredible) video, Sir Nick Faldo gives a collegiate golfer with aspirations to go pro a one-on-one lesson.

Watch closely and see what tricks Sir Nick has up his sleeves that you can apply to YOUR game.

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[Applause] [Applause] We’re going to really nitpick which is kind of important let me show me your grip keep going keep going keep going and then hit It now make it back swing and then come back that’s your feeling oh how about that look at that line you see so that’s when you got to make a decision if I’m going for it you go for it if I’m bailing out I bail out all right guys we’re back with

Another performance golf podcast I’m Eric warno with performance golf we’re here with Sir Nick FDO and today we got a new segment we’ve got a live lesson in studio a couple lessons for you uh we’re gonna call this the falo eye right the eye in the

Sky we’re gonna do a little live lesson uh with Nico Nico’s a college local college player really good player really good swing you’re going to see in a moment we’re going to give you something a little bit different something unique live lessons um but why don’t we Dive

Right In let’s hit some shots and we’ll talk through where you’re at with your game and what you’re struggling with and and we’ll guide them through some yeah see see if we can spot the spot something for you let’s do it so ni what

Club do we have there b uh seven IR why don’t we rip like three or four shots just to get us started and one some questions we rock and roll so Nico when you’re out playing obviously you’ve got a great swing you’re playing in college now when

Things are going perfect what are your M Tendencies any direction or contact issues uh contact issues I tend to hit a bit off the toe well toy yeah to and um I’ve kind of got a two-way miss going on more predominant I would say to the

Right if I get to quick I’ll tend to miss it left so yeah okay so we get some pushes to the right and some hooks to the left yep cool any current swing feels Nico things you’re thinking about or working on your swing um I try to cover the ball a bit

More cuz I tend to I tend to stay back with the upper body yeah so if I can cover the ball and then turn it’s uh it’ll give me a bit more in playe and just bring more stability to the face got it let’s do one

More it’s a pretty good one so Sir Nick as we’re watching Nico hit here obviously you know we’ve all our different feels when we go play but when we watch him hit and he’s got that little overdraw going right on some of the shots what are some feels you would

Have too or some things you might see with him to to lessen some of that hook to the left oh we’re going to really net pick which is kind of important let me show me your grip straight away because that right hand you see it’s very straight through there so I always used

To have a little bit more you know that kind of look it’s a little bit of kink in there cuz you’re like that see if your hand’s there it wants to do this already so it’s quite good to get a little when you g lift it up here

Here see how that go look at it from this angle your hand goes that way try and get it a little bit more it’s like on but then that’s around Hang on we’re not grab it just your right hand if you I see see that’s different see

Look you see now move that down a bit move yeah right now put your left hand on and make him make them work that’s that’s different than that cuz the goal cuz if you’re flipping it that you’ve already started in a little bit of a flip a flippy position I mean that makes

A little bit of difference to better hang on to that angle just a tiny bit when you took it away you just you just pick it aeir it comes up ahead and he wants to almost wants to feel like he goes down and there then set there so

Feel like you scraped the the the grass a little bit more on you kind like yeah so it yeah a little bit of scrape cuz that other one you just pick you just I mean it’s only a little bit but that goes that way a little bit then it goes

So yeah feel like you scrap I used to do a really cool simple drill putting a putting a ball back here right on my right right there now you got to stay on the ground and just gently push push the ball away and then keep going on your

Back swing keep going keep going keep going and then hit it be very conscious when you look at that right hand you want it to sit like that not you see to see the difference I’ve got there and I’ve then got there I took that draw off on that first

Ball okay one so yeah when you so grab grab the club like that each time there you go then that see how that set so put it down there get it where you got to put it there right so it’s in position that’s diff different then now put your

Left hand on without moving there you go that’s different isn’t it so that will feel yeah there you go that’s that’s cool right and then a little bit more scrape takeaways are so important take takeaways have got to be if this bit is perfect then all of this is in syn because you

Know as soon as this does something then this is compensation isn’t it so really concentrate on this chunk grip stance potion if you move away really well because I can promise you when you’re under pressure you want to start away perfectly then this you’ve done this thousands of times then it happens

Automatically yeah that’s and that’s exactly what I would anticipate cnick I bet you you would see this too we like when you get a little under plane during the down swing that sling it right draw it back shot is probably easier and more comfortable but when you try and hit the

Fade you get the push fit yeah so like that little Green Dot in front like this I wonder if you can do the fade again with it starting left of that like how would you get that ball started more left of your start line it probably aim

Left a bit okay yeah yeah he’s kind of down my uh F not really much with the because it’s hard for me to put it on the top right so yeah let’s let’s see one two where you you you do whatever you need to do okay you get it started

Left of that Green Dot still trying to hit the little fit I bet that’s pretty yeah mhm I would I would imagine that’s the shot that you feel like you need to do the most work to hit yeah uhhuh I think when you have a shot pattern going one

Way like if he’s got hook hook hook hook hook where he would feel the opposite to find middle those would be the feels when you go play and you start getting the push hook push hook push hook push hook that should get you back to Center

Even if you don’t fade even if they don’t actually fade right but you feel those feels that just takes the draw off right to find middles M but that start line yeah yeah that start line is Big because you can’t get the ball like when you get under plane like you said and

You get back here and you’re hanging back you’re want to always start the ball right yeah okay so I think if you put your intention on how do I get it even started left you can reverse engineer some of those same fields that’s going to be too far right well

Yeah but it’s all right it’s not bad I’m getting F see when I see when I look at him when I look at him he looks like he’s got a face Wing to me yeah like that is good looks good because it’s the face is always is not going to cross

Over yeah so that you could play with that one all day long and the draw I think you got to do some quite different things I mean your your draw is cuz you drop it and flip it which we don’t want you want a true dra draw yeah don’t you

Want to be able to ro rotate the either go on swing path or rotate your arms yeah but your arms are so used to going this way aren’t you you like you’re more comfortable going through this way I can see by this finish than probably going this

Way yeah i’ would see yeah yeah you should you could try it you’re young yeah so what happened there so what were you trying on that one fade yeah and then that happened okay another little drill just take your dress I used to like doing you know my my new grip right

You can put your hand on your knee push your knee your leg forward right put that there now make it back swing and then come back that’s your feeling oh how about that look at that line you see M now there’s no way that club’s going

To flip is it and then you can then go through your way again through through that way that’s how you like to go through isn’t it y so like you get the club down onto your leg good feeling so he can start on your leg crank it out

And pull it down onto your leg and now look at that there you can make a decision from there to do this or even even to do that but that’s quite a it’s a cool little practice drill again put it on Crank It Up yeah it comes down to here cuz you

There’s your takeaway isn’t it 8:00 now just match it go all the way up put it back down and yeah you match it into there now now imagine you’re going to hear a fade from there J yeah cool or it’s another one let me see if I

Can do it it’s another one I like I used to lay so another one you can think about where you want to finish is really important isn’t it so if your thumb is pointing there it’s you’re going to head a fade agree cuz you’re going to come in

And watch see you’re going to go through like that and the golf ball will fade then you do the opposite so I call that what’s that 2:00 yeah you got a clock face y so there’s your 2:00 and then go the other way you go 10:00 okay so if I get my

Thumb to go rotate as much as I look now point at that tenacle just do it square face point it at 10:00 there’s my one’s my one yard drawer look at that boom so the the secret to that is how you time your body obviously on a fade it can go as

Fast as it likes can’t it body goes as fast as it like and you’re going to finish over there there’s your fade every time and if to draw it the body’s got to go a little slow it’s got to keep moving to get the arms down and then point it the

There look at that there’s your two little simple drawers try that 10 uh 2:00 yeah 2:00 and a 10:00 it’s as easy as that so the fun take your address so I we do we work so much on our back swings so just go from don’t

Even worry about the ball right now go to 2:00 there you go that’s your grace how your body works come back right now go to 10:00 who there you go see how different it feels yeah easy as that it’s a great way of especially with wedges wow it’s so gets a little harder

With longer clubs obviously but wedges this makes a big difference we D is one right so he hasn’t hit many drawers so just let your arms move nice and smoothly just go smooth smoth and point it at 10:00 keep your chest moving that’s the most important thing keep

Your chest moving and point it at 2:00 T there you go look at that boom those are pretty good right now the other important thing is interesting is I think we have a a confidence factor of like my arms I feel very comfortable going that way and if I

Rotate them it scares me a little bit so I’ve got to do a lot of practi ice so back in the day I could do it but now yeah if you So you you’re comfortable so though what you’re comfortable with I mean I went that way Ernie else went

That way I used to stand and watch Ernie go through the ball like this and I’d try it and scare me you know because it’s it’s a completely different sight line as well know when you’re looking in a fade you’re always looking down left sided and you’re working this way and

Sudden you think wow I’ve got to draw it what it’s over there I mean with a driver it’s 40 yards difference so that’s little scary to aim oh boy I got aim over there to finish over there rather than do the oppis yeah I like you

Pull those up pretty quick got do two more and you watch the yardage there’s another another lesson here to hit as a fade hit my 2:00 fade see that’s speed you can go that as fast as you like and that’s carried great oh what did it Cas six

Yeah give me the carry 164 why you right now hit the draw I’ll just show you something I know it’s going to happen right do my 10:00 draw nice bit of speed of the who it gave it a bit too much so that’s when you don’t so I’ll help you

On that one so make sure your chest moves fast so if your chest stops yeah if this startop see it goes whoa now it’s going to go right so still go fast with your right with your buttons on your shirt and end point should be good W yeah so what was

That was 64 and you watch and that will Land look at that at least lme 74 isn’t it yeah so wow so Club different so that’s show that’s that’s another way of learning yardage is cu on the golf course it’s always different isn’t it yeah so you think oh you know this is

Less well I’d go with my fade if there’s a little more I need a bit more go with that draw because you know sometimes it can help you helps you made the decision yeah yeah it gives you more to yeah did you do that in uh austa on 12 what that

On 12 on a on 12 would you do that uh well 12 is tricky yeah because 12 the green is angled and so you have to make it the most important thing AUST is to make one decision and stick with it like if you’re going for the flag go for it but

If you go for the flag when the flag’s on the right and so you can’t then bail out left because you got too much club and if the pin’s on the left and you think oh I’ll go in the middle AG green and then you don’t have enough Club so

That’s when you got to make a decision if I’m going for it you go for it if I’m bailing out I bail out when you get the push hook like I was showing you on here a little under that little fade feeli should should dial things back into

Neutral so the other the other great thing about ball flight is that hit a low f now and we’re still seeing it really low and let’s see if that club make sure we get left of that green you’re going to have a low fade just down left of the

Line and then just fade it over the line that’s what you’re trying to do there you go that look good and see let’s see where that club is on the way down but that’s not over playing anymore there you go that right his hand see that much look come have a look come

See look see so this is another great thing about swing shapes no but you were your club was always inside your hands you watch Club will come right down look see look look bang right in there Bri in your hands there you go got rid of that

All because of shot shape and I love hitting it low because I think low and he hit a low draw for me as well so had nice slow smooth draw not so much to see if you can really sorry really low draw it’s good pretten darn good at the top

Too see that will fix this as well I can see it look it’s fixed it so there it’s fixed yeah sorry it took me so long yeah it’s amazing that it’s a it’s a lovely feeling yeah there you go look at off look that’s what yeah see look that’s what

You so be very careful about I think hitting that high I think you should always mix it around that’s what I you know you hear high low fade draw high low you do it all the time and the body is learning and everything you know and you’re making decisions before you hit

The ball which is great fun you know a low draw and you see it do it low fade high and it it I think it helps keep your body balanced rather into the same thing same time after time yeah if you stand I think you know trying to hit

That big high draw with the driver cont torch your body a certain way and I don’t always think that’s great for iron shots because as you can see irons it’s a little it’s a a different position isn’t it I’m a I’m a huge fan of take your address you got to keep

Your angles here you see MH so when you go now go into a low impact low fate see they stay there yeah it stays in now do do a low draw for me impact low draw agreed slightly different now go for a high draw and watch the diff see look at

That see wa different so just for a while if you can keep your backside in the same place with this game you agree you’re going to hit the ball in the same place soon as your backside moves see what happens your arms can’t stop it can

I with my with my back if this can stay there I can get my arms down in the same place that’s so important isn’t it hit the ball the same soon as this moves whoop it has to change just enough so it makes it e by hitting the

Ball low makes it easier to keep your B but back which keeps your angles yeah got to get a slightly longer Club get your fivewood or something or three wood or whatever you got just hit hit me a hit me a low fade with that okay so

You got to clear and you got to send it along the ground into the right trees great and for a while when you’re hitting Fades and draws Let It Go okay cuz you can always ra it back nothing worse than trying to fade and you pull

It right so I’d rather you over faded it and then go okay that’s too much so just feel it and do a little bit of less and slowly bring it back look look at that you clear see that see what I’m talking see how that stays in the same spot so

Important not under see look there you go look there’s your club and through your hands exactly and that’s like I was saying here see there’s that position here but don’t worry about that we we that’s we fixed it already there you go clear yeah put some spin on the ball and

Bu and off you go or M hit a hit a hit a low hit a low draw as well on same same deal get that so just time the chest and the arms beautiful look there you go it’s just working excellent very good so that’s your only

Experiment is for your low draw you know how fast do the arms go and how fast does the chest go so basically like you did if this if this moves smoothly the arms are got to move smoothly if this arms are going fast the CH the chest

Better move fast yeah so it’s your choice if you’re going to go for a fast one make sure this goes fast so you know but that was spot on again wasn’t it I think it’s interesting lesson lesson learned for me too teaching where I want to go and move stuff around and

Basically the swing looked perfect from just hidden shots like that doing in the fade pattern that’s that I think was remarkable yeah I like that I think that’s a great plan yeah call that call that a rrap every time you get in the hunt and whatever happens is fantastic experience

So don’t listen to the guys go say well you blew it you choked or whatever because you felt something and you learn from it don’t you and you go back and you train a bit more practice a bit more put your yourself in the same situation and you’ve learned from the one before

And I promise you the little light bulb will go oh I remember that I’ve lost tournaments over simply picking the wrong Club when you’re back in that position you go hang on a minute think about this club for just for three more seconds right and you make a better

Decision that’s how you learn I played the wrong chip shot at a time and lost a tourament then you learn you go don’t try that one under pressure and you know after each tournament get your phone and talk to yourself and say I did this

Really well and I didn’t do that so good and you got and it’s on file forever isn’t it so you go hey what was I doing a month ago you can’t remember can you yeah no but you go on your phone and go oh I tried that that really was good you

What you like what felt good why did it feel good oh cuz I did this I was thinking this feeling that and doing this that’s facts isn’t it so then you know well what’s the most important thing to fix always believe you you’re improving every day if you improve 1%

Every day you take that because you suddenly think oh in two years time how good will I be in two years if I just improve 1% every day thank you sure sure sure


  1. Watched him on the range at Royal St George, incredible ability to control ball flight. Class and so knowledgeable

  2. Have been a huge fan of SNF all of my life. This instructional and your interview with him was outstanding.
    Now a big fan of your channel. Stay grounded and keep up the good work.

  3. What a fantastic video..!!! Sir Nick has been my golfing idol since the 90's, Eric C is a very well respected modern coach with such a clear and easy to follow teaching method, the young lad couldn't have been in better hands, he sucked in what Nick was teaching him and applied it to his swing within minutes, the 2 o'clock 10 o'clock thumb finish positions were/are absolute gold, especially combined with the distance control story from the 12th at Augusta.
    All in all a top class top quality video. Bravo Gentlemen bravo. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  4. Absolutely loved this video. Nick Faldo is a legend, he knows so much about the swing. Get him on again !

  5. I just learnt more in 20 minutes than 6 months of hitting balls at the driving range and watching 100s of YouTube videos

  6. Watch Nick grind the intimidating Greg Norman into a mental breakdown at Augusta was one of the most impressive things in sport I’ve ever seen…

  7. This was awesome! Sir Nick is a true legend and really knows golf!
    And for the player also to just knock off every shot like he did, true talent! With the right coaching and mindfullness he can go far!
    Thanks for the video!

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