2024 TITLEIST AVX BALL REVIEW // Does AVX Stand Up To The PRO V’s?

Today Ian is back in the bay to review the 2024 Titleist AVX golf ball. Putting it up against the two mainstays of dependable golf balls in the Pro V1 and the Pro V1x.



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

See the difference in the flight that one yeah that’s when the spin probably to six five yeah 5 seven yeah high fives and like you said rather than that floater it’s more of that penetrating flight you’re getting a little bit more out of it too okay guys welcome back to

The channel so today we are diving into uh topic Michael and golf balls uh from Undisputed undisputedly the number one company in the golf ball Market have for as long as you and I have been on this planet y most people watching this have been on the planet from tight list

We have the AVX golfball this was an off year for Prov and provie one no no new Prov one and Prov 1 x um golf ball for us this year so it is a new version of the AVX definitely it’s tough when new product comes out we always think how

Can you perfect that you’ve played Pro 1X I’ve played prov1x I’ve dabbled an AVX before it’s like how can you make this better there’s a new cover from it um and when it first came out I think you and I tested a long long time ago and it didn’t really spin that great

Around the greens they’ve really improved some uh some technology on the ball so excited to see how it performs against prov1 and prov1x without a doubt I think uh we were talking about this before we sort of uh started recording here that the the sort of AVX name comes

From alternative to the VX golf balls right AVX alternative to VX that is uh basically a description of trying to offer you guys something a little bit different expand the range of performance characteristics within the title’s premium ball range it’s not falling into their sort of budget

Categories that a tour soft might or some other golf balls like that this is this is designed in the premium space along with Prov V1 Pro v1x um it does get some play on tour from time to time do think it’s a misunderstood golf ball and I think that’s partially why I’m I’m

Very sort of eager to do this video because I think some people out there still believe that the golf ball is made for senior golfers um you know they think the softer compression is you know softer compressions for slower swing speeds and you know that gives you more

Of a you know sort of a responsiveness from the golf ball off the face absolute doesn’t do that couldn’t couldn’t be further from the truth so hopefully we get into a little bit that today we can show you some of the differences in spin profile and ultimately height profiles

Some things that will help you guys with your own game okay FZ we’re going to start off with a 50 yard shot uh we’re going to start with prov1 X sounds good Michel yeah very nice very familiar just clean going lovely little action today mhm looks crispy new swing sweet spot of the

Game Michael 50 yards really nice strike that was B slightly uh slightly different launched up spun less does it feel a lot softer than what you Curr ly play yeah definitely that was quite good yeah it might not be the the highest of spin ball on these shots for you but for the

Ball that’s going flatter and looking for a little bit more distance out of a ball yeah I mean still still spins quite quite well well the other there’s lots of people who when they play are trying to take a bit of spin off you know maybe they play in really receptive greens or

Something like that so if you’re trying to to sort of maintain a a particular way of playing the game and and sort of you don’t want to always be dealing with the fact that your G greens are maybe slightly tilted or whatever having a little bit less

Spin is is a good thing yeah there’s definitely less spin there’s no doubt about that for sure yeah definitely is a little bit okay pitching wedge okay for prov1x 130 yard wedge shots mhm let’s see what you got good swing it’s a good swing mhm those two felt identical yeah good

Strike Pro yeah change it up Prov that was well struck it’s a good strike little right but all right AVX all right so from this new ball this is where we should start to see some flight starting to come down obviously the 50 yard shots are are what you flight them

Yeah but this is this should be coming out a little lower yeah this is this is a bit more starting to become more about the aerodynamics M so yeah agreed that sounded right out the middle yeah good sir okay for seven irons prov1x with a mid iron for you is there

Anything you look in particular with golf ball flightwise or control I hate a golf ball that stalls okay it seems to really affect my delivery when I feel like I don’t get enough out the golf ball and have to put more into it yeah yeah like I would rather hit softer

Shots than harder shots so which for these three golf balls would probably Place me in Pro V1 yeah CU X maybe we see is a tendency to spike up if you catch in the wrong part of the head with a little too much Dynamic Loft Pro should just sit just a bit

Below that and then AVX may be a little bit in between between those yeah yeah or no AVX will be the bottom so it might be a little bit too low in spin bring in too many other variables strike yeah nice strike okay F off into pro1 obviously V

1 x is something you game have you g prov1 in the past mhm I say most the last year was prov1 okay kind of came back a little bit I maybe maybe s of Leaning a little bit back the other way was the best one sounded clean yeah

Get a bit more out of it it’s nice interesting Prov V1 is spinning the most yeah but again that when you’re the last couple strikes you’ve hit with this too early on you hit prov1 maybe like you said a little Healy strike um they definitely look like they hang out more

This has that that little nice little draw a little bit more penetrating yeah be interesting to see in a second how much cuz like the delivery obviously plays its part but I don’t see that much separation right now FOC is n VX but I actually not seen that much difference

Between V1 and and X mhm close strike that was striped yeah that was good yeah better strike yeah okay FR as again this AVX ball supposed to be the little bit lower flighting Ball but still has that nice soft you know spin around the greens yeah you expecting to

See this come out in a lower window yeah this one for sure to come out in a lower window than the other two there’s no doubt about that um obviously what we saw though is when you hit it softer you actually get by by having less friction you get higher

Launch lower spin right this one I don’t expect to see the launch go up and the spin go down as much I expect this one to come out maybe even a fraction flatter okay interesting I think that’s where you start to expose the Dynamics of the golf ball

The the compression of the golf ball a little bit it can start to really changes performance okay see if it if it does that see the difference in the flight of that one yeah like that’s when the spin probably to six five yeah 5 seven yeah

High fives and like you said rather than that floater it’s more that penetrating flight you’re getting a little bit more out of it too wasn’t quite as good a little low little lower in the head got away with with it well the spin will sort of mask

Yeah yeah the loss of uh probably ball speed launch came down spin stayed the same actually really pretty good great strike K FR driver test now um again I think this is where we should see kind of that that flight drop a little bit too I think that’s what it’s you know

Meant to be that’s what people want to see lower flight with their with their long you know whether it’s three-wood driver even long iron so be interesting to see how it progresses throughout the golf balls yeah and one thing we have to say to you guys as well because flight indoors simulated and

Flight outdoors and we do see on every one of these tests so you know before we read 100,000 comments you know mention that we know that there could be some variables to this peak height to the curvature of the golf ball outside totally that dimple pattern

Is very unique on the AVX yeah so you know yeah it probably will fly out at a low trajectory Outdoors there there’s no doubt about that so we’re looking at the launch Spin and speed and how comparable they are across the board how that simulates is is down to GC it’s not it’s

Not down to the elements today so you know guys we know that we we get it we’re just trying to give those of you who maybe need a specific spin window speed launch whatever it may be look at that first and then Outdoors how you adjust to that particular height is is

Part of the game anyway so all right see some big dogs that was much better great sign that’s hammered okay V1 Pro V1 yep poofy or not bad no it was pretty good little flatter yeah say B spin yeah 27 500 what did that spin at 21 00 the pro v1x

Yeah Peak height on that’s 107 with prov1x and this guy is 101 a little lower low launch isn’t it yeah 112 NX yeah that was a good hit yeah that’s that’s that’s ball slore there’s not much more to say the only thing is like they’re calling it the lower launching

More penetrating flight but I mean okay I know you that one went out a little to the right side or whatever but Peak height wise and I know it’s indoor but Peak height wise I’d rather you play a pro1 at this rate little knuckle okay good I liked it wellin 200000

Yeah initial Impressions thoughts um I mean taking a peek at some numbers while you’re were hitting it definitely um from what’s advertised for that you know lower penetrating flight and again I know we’re indoors I didn’t see it as much um from AVX being really low

Compared to you know prov1x or prov1 um but still performed for you yeah I think I think for me if if we look across the board at you know keeping tight on the tolerances of what we saw and delivery and and everything else I think Outdoors is when you you obviously there’s a

Significant drop in spin there right those two performed very very similar this one was similar launch got call it exactly the same speed was exactly the same but it did spin a little bit less if we then go into pitch and wedge and we see almost the same thing launching

About you know the same window good speed more com I was more comfortable hitting my number to be honest with that golf ball than I was with uh with the other ones like I can of mention while hitting it I feel more vulnerable when I go with a higher spin ball yeah because

If I miss it which is seen here in the ball speed then you know I drop short of my number um if we go to the seven we’re kind of again in that drops a bit that window obviously quite an interesting dynamic between these two um yeah so a

Little bit more I mean half a degree and a half a degree more in face angle um so there’s a little bit of where maybe the prov1 got that spin from but this is an AVX video but what strikes me is how similar v1x and V1 are in this

Test yeah in this test for yeah quite uh nothing standing out for you to say I need to make the switch or I need to play the only thing I’ll say is you said it earlier you don’t like that floaty iron AVX maybe does have especially on

The pitching wedge for me me definitely had a little bit more go to it more penetrating flight at that like again I probably missed a couple a little bit with the v1x cuz the ball speed is down a little bit and I really did hit those ones very

Strong I I want to be this is more me in term of my yardages than than certainly that is yeah I’m heading to Loft Li machine if I start seeing 67 seven oh thanks uh so again quite quite different the I mean it’s across the board there’s

78 900 RPMs in it uh when we get to the driver I felt like I gave all of them a pretty similar uh pretty similar swing the yeah the the AVX came out the slowest I didn’t feel like I hit it bad at all no I felt like I had it actually

Really pretty good drives um and you can kind of tell that by the standard eviation being really nice and tight yeah launch and Spinner good yeah yeah it was uh it was pretty solid interesting V1 was faster for me than than xross the board that seemed to be

Um the way now obviously the launch conditions going with uh yeah with prov1x but yeah a little bit slower and so if you have seen a AVX video from us in the past you’re probably seeing or hearing from us the same feedback as we have

Said in the past it is a premium feeling golf ball that spins a little bit less outdoors I do think you’ll see a flatter trajectory than you will in a simulator I really I think that’s and I’d love to do this again um on on track man

Outdoors I would I think if we could actually see some flights track that you know get some inter in flights and different wins that would be pretty cool for this test totally but it hangs it hangs in there um it’s premium it’s not you’re not sacrificing anything going to play that

Ball if you’re looking for that little bit flatter trajectory definitely I think I think the moral of the story is it’s a spin story it’s about 7 800 RPMs less Spin and if that’s what you need you have a solution now within the uh the prov1 family totally right you go

With the alternative VX rather than looking for something like a left do or or one of these sort of like really premium options cuz we know and and titles have done actually a phenomenal job in the recent documentary on F yeah and the document was very much based

Around the irons and the journey and the pursuit of fuel well I would almost argue part a bigger not a bigger part a huge part of that is the golf ball yeah you can have that pursuit of fuel in the irons but if you’re playing a left

Ash you’re you’re you’re going to going to lose it a little bit but you can go into AVX into maybe something like a T200 t150 with a bit of T in there the feel is incredible at that point so if feel is is big in there and we know that

It is we you know the the statistics the the the polls the the feedback from you guys is you love F AVX is a phenomenal option yeah uh and then obviously you’ve got your steps in F pro1 would be next prov1x would be next left Dash after

That yeah yeah cool great options within the family it’s an extension of the family guys but it is a similar story we’re looking at a lower spin option within that um premium space from titless the number one golf ball in the game yeah no doubt about it okay guys

Hope you enjoyed this stay tuned for more and we’ll see you again Soon


  1. I remember a few years ago they said they were discontinuing the AVX yet here we are several years later with another new one. Maybe I heard wrong.

  2. Looking for a lower trajectory ball this year as my irons are getting too high and Oklahoma winds are KILLING me ballnamic time

  3. One thing I found testing these balls is that when I play AVX at altitude, I got some "knuckled" spin numbers and so I play Pro V1 at altitude and AVX at sea level. I also switch in higher wind situations. Love the options for Titleist.

  4. Would’ve made a lot of sense to see this compared to left dash. A lot of us are sort of shoe horned into left dash to knock off spin, but as Neil from NLU puts it, hitting a left dash feels like you’re striking a human skull lol

  5. Most golfers like me hit down on the ball with driver and generate to much spin. Switched to AVX last year. I easily gained 10-15 yards as the ball rolls out a bit more. Driving into a headwind I could gain 30 yards. Gamechanger for me

  6. The old AVX was way to soft for me off the putter. Likely mental, but I struggled to putt with it. Prov1 is perfect off the putter, Prov1x is slightly firm. On soft greens the AVX is nice as it basically stops where it hits and doesn't rip back like crazy, but I launch it low, so ProV1x is better overall for my game. Get more spin and launch on irons without sacrificing distance. My course has firm greens and not soft, so proV1x has been my ball past few years. Great to have options.

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