Golf Players

Scottie Scheffler = 2024 Masters Champion for 8 minutes and 10 seconds…

Boy does he make the game look easy… even his competitors Max Homa and Jordan Spieth are impressed. It was awesome getting to see the raw talent of these players in person. The sound is crazy… Definitely feel like Scottie Bugatti is the favorite going into the Masters especially if he performs well in the Houston Open. Great player and an even greater person. Watch as Scottie tears apart some of the most famous courses on tour…

Cutting to looks like a pretty good line here that was absolutely A1 it’s easier to stop sometimes this screen is so firm you can’t stop it into the wind you can that was five iron there’s a little upslope just in front of this pin right there still you can see how much firmer

You can hear that sound oh nice shot a lot of ooze and O and gasps from the crowd that one was Unleashed he’s posing oh that look really good to him that is such a bad break yeah there’s I take a chance on this one scaring the hole the hole oh wow so there’s a little there’s a little pitch mark front of his ball so that’s why he pitched it I

Mean if you go too far left you’ll run through the rough yeah I think being back into the wind today is going to make this t-shot a little bit easier for these guys you don’t have to worry about going through what’s he looking at here yeah this is uh the greatest ball

Striker I think I’ve ever seen so I imagine you just aims right at the pin and tries to fly it one short and then make it so he’s pretty good at times he looks like a robot you know he just hits it exactly where you’re supposed to 45

Ft away Max maybe he just needs to aim away from the hole I think it was far enough away from him to feel like it was an iron shot so he’s I know he’s been struggled a bit with the putting but here it’s Scotty see if he can find this Fairway at the

16th feel pretty good after the birdie on the last yeah looks perfect if the numbers good yeah always is oh what do you know it’s just literally a machine it’s it’s a beautiful thing to watch got to play with him on Sunday at Riv terrific line fabulous it’s amazing to listen

Both spe and hom talk about sheer and how great he is he is hitting a ah perfect what a run this has been five under his last six holes anytime you can work it back into the wind it’s going to come down a little bit softer firmer

Greens guess what line This is on Luke right at It time and time again isn’t it that is driver starting right over the corner should [Applause] carry and it does on a really good line see if he got the right number oh spun back on him a little bit wow Steve just the quintessential ball Striker Scotti Bugatti boy this is a

Beauty left of that second bunker should be enough to cover even into the win no problem a chimney looks like a perfect spot to hit it at need to land softly it does here we go very left to right wi just a touch of help in it the situation doesn’t bother

Scotty Sheffer he thrives on it and another beautiful wed shot it’s like he’s playing golf in a 10 yd wide tunnel guess where this is right in between the Tower and the grand stand right online with the flag stick everything seems comfortable for sheffler and it’s that low bullet right down the

Middle and Scotty shuffler is the king of bill again with one of the Great Performances we’ve ever seen here around difficult Bay [Applause] Hill got to get it going after three straight pars this one ought to be dancing around the hole kind of like that oh it might go in

Unbelievable and Scotty Sheffer coming off his second career Eagle at Saw Grass come onot 4 60 yd Par Four one of the best holes on the golf course you see thatle loation tucked over that little Sher on the T 243 going for a high fade to that back hole location

Want to land at probably eight or 10 steps short of the whole High get it a Chase back there to it terrific shot there going to have a great look uphill left to right putt there from about 12 14 [Applause] ft oh he did it oh he did

Brad oh kind of set now yeah that Fringe slowed him down it’ll stay on the green that’ll be just fine from chipping over there though that’s what he’s trying to do a little right side of the green needs a bounce it gets it that’s perfect it’s

Going to feed left here be whole High by the end of it one of the best we’ve seen all day i w either set the left side of the green look like it was good contact stay there that bunker yeah that’s that little pot bunker we’ve got

A camera planted there for a reason the LI is perfect a very simple shot this is holdable here smiley caught a chunky and it’s rolling out Smiley and it’s going to be a birdie for sheffler to push it to 20 under you know want to go in the other

Direction better than the alternative y it was perfect just kind of dying speed there go after this flag it’ll be interesting to see if he is aggressive here right at it it’s the right line for him to hit in this situation and he’ll have work for a two- putt there

Up bad not bad really good Puck by Scotty Sheffer to get out of here with a three and the Lead and the ball Striker extraordinaire puts it just right at the stick hole h for Scotty sheer who will see if 20 under is good enough saves his best for last


  1. Great vid and highlights!

    He's looking good so far in Houston, but will be tough to catch Finau

    Either way, he should be the favorite heading to Augusta

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