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Brock Lesnar Arrested by Police After Vince McMahon Allegations as Triple H is Upset – WWE News 2024

WWE has had a very up and down last couple of weeks but one thing people are talking about is the current scandal involving Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar is already in big trouble with not just WWE who seem to want nothing to do with him anymore but Brock Lesnar also has to deal with the authorities and rumor has it that things about to get even worse him going forward.

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Things with Brock Lesnar just keep getting worse and worse as now there is a startling update on the situation involving illegal trafficking as it seems his ties to Vince McMahon and the inappropriate and possibly illegal things going on have finally caught up with Brock Lesnar it is alleged that

Vince McMahon enticed Brock Lesnar to sign with the company by offering Brock a female employee of WWE to basically be Brock’s play thing this is obviously the same woman who Vince McMahon was having an affair with and possibly was doing illegal things with and once he brought

Brock Lesnar and his contract into the already sorted situation things went from inappropriate to possibly illegal things are getting so bad right now for Brock Lesnar because the federal government is currently investigating possible trafficking going on inside WWE this is because Vince McMahon offering This Woman This WWE employee to

Brock Lesnar is trafficking and it is illegal Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar got caught now Brock Lesnar reportedly never actually met this woman he was supposed to but there was a snow storm in Canada where Brock lives and he was unable to fly out to meet her but he did

Text with her and Brock is named several times in the lawsuit and now the federal government is coming after Brock Lesnar and many fear that soon he will be arrested and placed in federal prison for the illegal trafficking that was all Vince McMahon’s idea it’s possible that

Brock could cut a deal with the government to testify against Vince McMahon federal agent executed a search warrant at WWE because of the trafficking allegations but Brock has yet to speak out who knows maybe he will say he’s innocent or he will admit to being involved in Vince McMahon’s

Illegal trafficking ring the fact that Brock Lesnar was okay with this woman being included in his contract shows that he was possibly guilty of basically accepting a trafficked woman is Brock guilty is he innocent will he be arrested because of it what are your thoughts leave a comment and give me

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  1. I seriously doubt brock will be arrested for trafficking when he never actually met her. If he really wanted to meet that women he would have met her. This is B.S !

  2. If Brock never slept with her then Vince Did NOT GiVE HER to HIM if Brock was gonna take a flight ✈️ on a airplane to meet the girl then that's more of a relationship thing dummy, who take a flight to meet a hooker no one does who texts back n forth with a hooker NO ONE DoES, I 🤔 u should say Vince mcman hooked the girl up with Brock and that those 2 decided to talk to eachother on iwn free will

  3. I actually went to college with Lesnar & still keep in touch. I saw this shit & called him immediately. To my surprise, He said he wasn't in jail nor had he been arrested. Weird. He really gets angry about stuff like this. So anyways, I sent him this vid & he said he's gonna stop by WrestlingNewsNow INSiDeR's Mom's basement to see what he's talking about.

  4. I knew it ! I never liked that Brock ! seemed bad ! also his manager Paul Heyman too, I can't stand him

  5. It's all bullsh**, the USA dullards have nothing on Brock Lesnar, if anything it's Vince's fault and he should be in jail

  6. You can wish and dream id like or subscribe to your videos but i will not. All you get from me is this comment, you're welcome.

  7. There's nothing in the internet except for a 2001 arrest for steroids but there's a claim against him so idk y yall are hyping something that's not there

  8. nothing will happen to anybody in the wwe sorry but as long as the money keep pouring in and people keep watching they will just sweep things under the rug and make you think they did something. Nobody will be arrested if so they wont' get any trouble or anything else it will be swept under the rug justice don't go after the rich and famous its the american way only the poor go to jail

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